Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 83

Broadcast on:
21 May 2024
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Pei Gimmelodala found the 5th line, we said we'd pick up here, here we go. Rupyabaraba, who's also circled, that is in concert distinction to Rabbi Lazar, who we had 5 lines from the bottom of the previous Amud. Rupyabaraba says in the name of Rupyab Yohannan, he's coming to address this apparent stira in Rabbi Mayors that we had between the Samishna and our Brissa, it says like this. Shvua Zu is actually a Takarnasakamimi, the Shvua that's being taken is rabbinical decree. Now why would they come along and make this decree that a Shvua can be taken? Shimiya Talimerkin, because if you don't let the person, who was transporting whatever the thing was and broke it, take a Shvua, that's pretty heavy to take a Shvua but you don't let them take a Shvua to get off the hook, Einlukha Adam, Hamavir, Kavis, Lehavirim Makkal namakam. You simply wouldn't have people who would, I don't know how much this job pays really and the liability would be tremendous, so you basically wouldn't have people who would be willing to transport barrels from place to place because the potential for something goes wrong that they won't be able to swear and to get out of it was too great in there for their bonus said, "We'll let a person like that take a Shvua." Hey Kimi Shtava, how exactly is he supposed to take a Shvua, what does he say, Amarava? Shvua Shlaibikavana Shavartiya, the Shvua that they have to take is a Shvua that they didn't purposely break the barrel and that would be good enough. Kavas Rabbi Yuhuda, I put a diamond around Rabbi Yuhuda and a line later, last one line is Rabbalah, so I put a diamond around him and I believe, I think it's word for word, the next eight lines are literally a exact carbon copy of what we had on the bottom five lines of the previous somewhat as well as the first five lines of this somewhat. So same explanation we gave back then, would be over here, Vassa comes along with Rabbi Yuhuda Meimar, Shvua Shvua Nysuskar Yishalim, if somebody is doing it for free, he swears and he's off the hook, a Nysuskar, one who is been hired is getting a wage, then Yishalim he would have to pay Haikadine, Haikadine each one according to their understood previous laws. Vassa comes along, Rabbi Lazar, we diamond the Meimar, he says, "Okay, in, Gomarkrabi Meimar, I understand, I agree there's a tradition that we go like Rabbi Meimar, but I have great difficulties," this is Rabbalah's understanding, Rabbi Meimar, who, Tamiyyah Ani, Yimiyyah Lazar, is Ali Shvua, it's hard for me to understand, I'm amazed that we can make both the Shvua Shvua and the Nysuskar swear. Now, Bishlam, I understand the Shvua and the Shvua and the Shvua, Shvua Shvua, that he wasn't negligent and then he gets off the hook, Kama, Allah Shvua Shvua Shvua Shvua, what exactly as he swearing that he wasn't negligent? Well, kilai pasha nami, even if he wasn't negligent, boy, you slow me. He's kind of even for things less than negligence. Vafilo shaymurekina, even shaymurekina. Nami also, tain aquamakka majran, if he was walking, let's say, down a steep or up a steep incliner decline. However, it was just flat ground shaymurek, makka majran, be able to show shaymurek, is it possible that he would be allowed to take a shua? And allowed to swear that he wasn't negligent? Like, wow, to have the thing break. Vafilo, even a makka majran, even if you want to go back to the case where there wasn't a significant incliner decline, nami, hatea, tain aqua, de lei karaya. Fine, as long as there's no potential witnesses, literally proof. Hei hei karaya, but where you do have proof, literally meaning like witnesses, nasi raya, vipatya, let him bring the witnesses and get off the hook. And if he doesn't, he's not off the hook to sonya, like we have in the following brison, which goes about a line in four words, easy venehuda, underline his name, my mare. He says, "Pasuk, en roe ech fua sashem jia bin shaym," end quote. If nobody saw, then a shua of the Lord shall be between the two of them, the two litigants, ha, yesh, roe, if there was someone who saw, maybe two people who saw, kosher testimony, yaviraya, let him bring the witnesses, vipatya. As in the snake source, and again, I believe, basically word for word, for what we said yesterday. Ha-hu, I put a diamond around this ha-hu, three lines later, a second to last word, is also ha-hu, and we're gonna have a few cases here now. Hu-gaviraya was this one, once his fellow, dahave, ka-ma-veer-kavisa, he was transporting wine, kavisa dahamra, barrels of wine, berystika de makhusin, like the large open area, like the big boulevard, maybe, in the city of makhusin, however, vitavra, he, um, as was carrying it, he broke, the, uh, the barrel broke, but ziza de makhusin, one of these protrusions coming out of the wall, like a beam that was much longer than he needed, I guess, and it protrudes out, is the rish of saravim. Okay, and obviously, uh, he didn't feel that he was, uh, responsible for breaking the barrel asala kami, the case came to rava, I circled rava, amaluhu, he said back, uh, rava that was rishika de makhusin, shrijibayin, shrijibayin, shrijibayin, shrijibayin, if you were the rishika de makhusin, which was, like, a large, and, like, a time square equivalent, there's constantly people there, and therefore, zill, icy, raya, go bring a proof, meaning, like, witnesses, vitavra, they don't be off the hook. Amalayu, oh, really, you have to bring, like, the witnesses, um, amalayu, rava, yo-safe, bray, so, rava, yo-safe, the son of rava, said to him, come on, dad, who are you going like, like, easy, amalayu, answers back rava, that's right, and yes, ke-eci, ustv realan kavas, and we hold like, easy, that's right. Here's another story, hoo-gavra, there was a fellow dhamma leh-havre, he said to his friend, um, zill, za-vin-lana, arba-mea-dani, hamri, uh, go, uh, purchase for me, 400 barrels of wine, what did this guy do, apparently, asala, he went, za-van-lay, and he bought it for him, now, lissa-if asala-kamei, at the end, he came before him, and he told them the following, amalayu, zvini-lak-havre-mea-dani, hamri, purchase for you 400 barrels of wine, and ta-ki-fula-hoo, they basically all went bad, they all went sour, turn into vinegar. Okay, uh, what do we do in this case? Asala-kamei de rava, a circle of rava's name, case again, came before rava, amar, it's either lay to him, or the, um, amaloo who said to them, he says the following, um, really, you got 400 barrels of wine, and 400 barrels of wine, all went bad, arba-mea-dani, hamri, ta-ki-fi, that they all went bad, kala-is-la-la-mils, is such a unusual happening, that there would certainly be a coil, like everyone would know about it, zil aisiraya, so he's saying that the burden of proof is on the middleman, here we'd have to go bring proof, demi-i-kara, what's the proof he has to bring? Ki-mizavnus-la-hoo, that when you bought it originally, like you weren't pulling a quick one, you know, a barrel of wine costs 100 dollars, a barrel of vinegar is 10 dollars, that you didn't buy the barrels of vinegar to start out with, demi-kara ki-mizavnus-la-hoo, when you bought them, hamri-malayu-have, so come and, um, bring testimony that it was full-fledged good wine at the time of Yipater, and then you're off the hook. Hamri-alayu-have-yose-afe-brey, so, rev-yose-afe, the son of Rava says to his father, dad, come on, who are you going like question Markama, Ki-e-c? Um, Amalayu, and says back the father in that right, says Rava back to his son, Ki-e-c, ustri-la-an-kavose, and we, there have been a call establishment, hold like, easy, period. Iskara-friya-bar-yose-afe-be-sikra, s-ra-friya-bar-yose-afe-de-kri-ad in the place called "sikra", um, this is regarding people who schlep or move things, um, they did have contraptions then that would allow one person to move things that could even be, uh, carried only usually by one and a half people or two people, so let's say they use one of these things, now it's also a little bit risky because it's much more likely to break the item being carried, so, honey-didaru, those who, uh, carry and schlep things, bea, agra, um, they're using a agra which Rashi explains to some sort of split type of stick, and they can carry more weight with it, the it-bar, and then, um, fortunately or unfortunately here, but the, uh, the thing that they're transporting breaks, Neshalem Palga, uh, he, the worker, will be responsible to pay for half of those damages. My time, oh, what's the reason? Because the load that you use a bagra, or, uh, the bagra to carry is one that is, um, definitely two people could carry it, but it's more than one person, so sometimes one and a half people, well, it's also three and a half persons, or one person tries to do it, but he's essentially, um, biting off more than he can chew, and maybe, yeah, but maybe, no, maybe, you could carry it, so, since it's Nafesh, Lechad, uh, Zukdr, Lechre, it's more than one person could reasonably carry, but less than two, it's Car of the Inus, on the other hand, it's Car of the Psiah, it's sort of like, I, like, wasn't his fault, but it wasn't, uh, you know, also, it was kind of like total negligence, therefore, in the middle, any pays for half, whereas comma, bedigla, b, I, underline bedigla, digla is another type of contraption that allows a person to carry as much as two people could carry, the thing is it doesn't always work, so if you use the digla to transport somebody's, uh, things, um, Michelle and Kula, who would have to pay the entire damages if damages occur, period, Raba Bar, Bar, Hana, or Raba Bar, Hana, or maybe Raba Bar of Huna, but whoever it was, Tavrule Hanao Shakulayi, Havisa de Khamriyad, a barrel of wine, and he hired people to, uh, transfer it somewhere, to move it, and they broke it, well, what did he do? Shaka Legli Maiwi took their jackets. Also, um, rule the Raba, so they came back and they told, uh, the Raba by, uh, uh, probably Raba, and they said, uh, you know, the Raba Bar of Hanao took her jackets, we want her jackets, we need her jackets. Amr Lei, so Raba Bar of Hanao says to Rabao, you know what, Havluhoo Glee Maiwi gives them their jackets. Amr Lei says back Raba Bar of Hanao, really? Dina Hakei, that's, that's the law, that's, I don't know, it's the law, are you sure that's the law? Amr Lei says back Raba Bar of Hanao in, and here's the understanding, based on the puzzle of Lamontelik with Yerakh Tavim. So that you should go in the way of the good, in other words, as Rashi says, this was Liff Neem, Mishur said then, this was beyond the letter of the law, that's what Raba felt was necessary in this case. Um, Yer Yif Lehoo Glee Maiwi gave them back their jackets. Now, I don't know if they would have done this before, maybe they would have, maybe they wouldn't have, but Amr Lei, the, the movers, the porters, they said, back to him, Ani Ayanan were very poor. Tarkinan Kalayuma, we worked the whole day. Kafinan, we're, we're starving, the Leisan media, we don't have anything. Um, Amr Lei says back the, uh, grand rabbi, uh, Rav, to Raba Bar of Hanao, Zil Havagrayu, you know what, pay them their wages. Now, they were supposed to move a barrel of wine, and they smashed a barrel of wine, and he wasn't even able to take anything of theirs to compensate him partially. Amr Lei so says Raba Bar of Hanao, Tarkinan, really, that's like, that's the law, that's the strict judgment. Amr Lei, in yes it is, because this is the hemschuk of that Pasuk we had, two lines ago of Ora Khasadikim, Tishmoor, and the ways of the righteous thou shall guard. In other words, yes, once again, it's the name of Shuros Hadid, beyond the letter of the law. Adre'la Khasadikra Sohmanin, let us begin. Besso Shamis Baruch, the seventh parak, Hasuikra Sohpailim, some of you hire his workers. Now, hire workers, let's say a daily worker, and, um, the Amr Leihem, afterwards, he says them, after he hired them, Stam, he says, you know what, uh, you guys, you're going to come like 45 minutes early and stay half an hour late. Lahashki Mullahariv, well, can you do that? He's the boss. Well, mukkaim, it depends. A play shinagu, if it's the type of place where the practice is. Shohlulahashki Mullahariv, that none of the workers, daily workers don't get there early, they don't stay late. Anor Shyla Khayfan, the boss cannot force them to do that. Kama, mukkaim, a place, shinagu lazun, yazun, a place where it is the practice that somebody who hires workers feeds them, you got to feed them. Lissapek, matica, yazapek, literally to, um, provide them with their food services, also, uh, like a homos or tsukina, some sort of diper relish, yazapek, you got to do that. Hakole kiminounga deena, the basic rule is you do whatever is normal to do in that place. Period. Misa bei yibiyokanan ben Masya, who I underlined. Shamalabani, he said to his son, hey junior, say you scroll on a pailim, can you go out and hire some workers for us? So, junior went, halak, ubasaklam, mizainis, and he agreed that they would be providing food. Now, he didn't specify what type of food he just said, food. Ok, Shabbat, it's a love, and when he came home to his dad, Amrallah, he told them exactly what happened, and the father said, oh man, beni, my son, afiluimat, tsulyam, if you just promised him, like, food, even if you were to make a lavish, banquet-type meal, like the suzer shleemabishate, like King Solomon, when he was in the height of his glorious reign. Loyatsusideh klevasva, you would not fulfill your complication, he mind? Why? These are Jews. Shane Beneaavra, miyisak, viakk, I've true they're workers, they're slippers, but they're Jewish people, and you would have to have even a fancier meal than that, and therefore I highly recommend, since the father, vibiyokanen Masya, do his son go back to the workers before they start working, el-Ahchli, itsukulum al-Aqah, save him or let him go out and tell them, specifically, what they're getting for their food. Al-manas, that they're going to work on the tradition, shayim alayh, that basically the claim that you have is for food services, as I said, provide el-a-posvikit-iz-bilvah, a little bit of pita or ishthanor, or bread, along with some beans. Kama, I'm sure you can leave a little underline nightmare. Loha yatsar kalaimar, no, that would not be necessary to say, because even if he had just said that he agrees it'll provide mizonos, hakkul kiminagimidina, it follows the custom of the land, whatever is normal, that's what the boss has to do, unless specifically stipulated otherwise. Sizogmora, pita. Like, of course, you go according to the minagimidina. Boss can't tell a worker he hired for the day they asked to show up earlier late. Well, actually, it's not so posh at low. What's the case rather, Sridhwa, detafaluhuagraiyu, as in the typical worker gets a hundred dollars in a day, the boss offered them $120 dollars. Ooh, mao detime, you might have thought to say, amaluhu, that the boss can tell them, yeah, ha, detafai luhuagraikul, that which I'm offering you more than the going wage for what you're going to do. Adaita, I had in mind, I thought it was obvious, that mikkadmisu, mikkadashrisu beha, that you'd get there, you know, earlier, you'd stay later, along with me. Kama. Now, if that was specifically stipulated, that's one thing. However, if it wasn't stipulated, kamashmallan, the hiddish is, dhamrulay, the worker's going to say back to the boss, oh no, we know like the going wage is a hundred bucks a day, and we know you offered us 120, haide tafdulan, adaita, adaita, avdina lakavita, shapir, to we figure that that what you're going to pay us more is because we're going to do extra special good work for you. We're going to do, like, fantastic work. Period. I'm a rishlokish, I circled rishlokish. Rishlokish says, it's a bit of a tricky reading this next line. He says, poel bikkani sausai mishaloy bihtsi also mishal balabaius. If you have a worker, bikkani sausu, when he's going into his house, in other words, he's leaving work at the end of a workday, mishaloy, he has to be mivater, he has to give of his time, if the boss says, stay, you know, a little bit later, even though it's getting dark. Bihtsi also, when he's going out where he's leaving his house, then mishal balabaius, then it's mishal balabaius, which means that he does not need to get there early. Rather, he has to get there when the sun rises, even if the boss asks, he doesn't have to do it. Shenemar, there's a puzzle that indicates that this would be the case because it describes the workday, as we'll see shortly. Tisraq Shemesh, the sun rises, are shining, like the beginning of the day, yay asfoon, and all of the wild scary animals of the night, gather in. They'll know some year buttsun, and they come to their dens, their liars, their caves, their sleeping places, and they crouch down. Yachtsi aedam leftaloy, a person goes out to do his work. Ula abadasa, now he started to go to his work, it was the beginning of the morning. The day Ula abadasa, and does his work aeday, are of until the night or the late evening. Okay, they can ask me a question, though. Why don't you just see what they do in this particular place? What's the Minagamokum, so to speak? Well, you know why? You can't do that because this happens to be a brand new, recently, Began City, but you're Khadasha. Okay, well, every new city that has inhabitants came from somewhere, why don't you see where they came from, and see where the Minagamokum was there? Venneximahecha kaasu, question mark. Well, that's great, however, they come from a bunch of different places. But kutai means they're gathered from different places, somewhere like Beitar, Kiriath Safer, these Raman Beit Shem is huge places, but people are coming from all different places with different Minagamokum. So to say that there is a Minagamokumumum in any of those places, even Yushalayim, Yushalayim has got literally like almost every Kihila in it, and therefore, like in the old days when there was a place, it was a Minagamokum, it's very challenging to say that these days. Ybaisima, alternatively, it's not where they're all gathered, it's just like a regular place, a regular city. Damar-la-hu, it's where the boss hired them, and specifically, those stipulated, Dag-risu-li, Kippo-la-da-raisa, I want you to be hired for me like the Bibles type of worker, which we just described in Taelum, which was from the sun up to sundown. Period. Darzum-zei-rah of Amr-la-tani-r-biyosif, it was Topar-biyosif, my Dixif, how do I understand this is the possibly, quote up above? Here it is again, a little bit more of it. Tasha-i-schok-li-li-la, you, oh Lord, spread out the darkness and make it night, bow-tyr-moi-schok-l-hai-sar-rah, and in it, in the darkness, in the night time, all of the scary, all of the wild animals of the forest, they come and they, the prance around. Okay, let's darshan that. Tasha-i-schok-li-li-la, and those four words, what's they referring to on a drushal level? Zaha-ulum-hasa. Shaddam-la-li-la, it's referring to this world, which is similar tonight, the lack of clarity, a difficulty in always understanding, why things happen when they happen the same at night, especially with no Thomas Edison, it's, you know, bumping into things, hard to see, continues the puzzle, another five words, underline-boi-tyr-moi-schok-l-hai-sar, in it stirs all of the, the animals of the forest. Elur-shayim-shabbai, this is actually referring to the wicked, the evil people, shaddamim, they are equated or similar to, or compared to hya-sheb-e-yar, to the wild animals in the forest. Now the puzzle continues, we'll quote a nice big chunk of it, and then darshan it, phrased by phrase. Tiz-ra-ch-sham-eshi-yasif-un-ve-e-l-moi-na-sam-yur-batsut. Now, let's darshan it, colon. Tiz-ra-ch-sham-eshi, I underlined, tiz-ra-ch-sham-eshi, the sun then rises, which, if we talked about the night being, eulum-hasa, the sun rising would be the clarity, which comes along with olam-ha-ba, and that's referring to who's the sun going to be shining, for so to speak, for the sadikim, the righteous. Yayasif-un will be gathered in, I underlined, the gathered in, well who's going to be gathered in, the rish-sham, and where they gathered into, to gehenim, the wicked, to purgatory. I underlined, next to you, where's the elm-ha-e-na-sam-yur-batsut, and in their dens, do they crouch down and hang out? In the kakul-tada, this is referring back to the sadikim, it says they're in plural, doesn't say they're all hanging out in the same place, they're almost, they're like, their private domicile in the eulum-ha-ms is created by each sadik, depending on the actions and the challenges, and basically every single thing that he did in his life. In the kakul-tada, if it's sadik, and there's no such thing, you don't have any sadik, shaym-la-e-mud-dur, if you equate it, each one has exactly what they deserve based on the situation that they were in. I underlined, Yat-sa-dim-la-fa-loi, man goes out to do his job. Now, we're already in the eulum-ha-bas, this is referring to, man is referring to the sadikim, yat-sa-dikim, what's their job in the eulum-em-es? The kabelskaran, to receive the reward. And finally, ula-a-veid-a-soy-a-de-are-vein, only those two words. Now, this is somebody who his work was up until the evening, meaning not he lived 70 years that he was really good, and the last 10 years he was a bad guy, rather he has to continue in his good ways until the end. Be-misha-ish-ly-ma-ba-id-a-de-al-soy completed his work, so to speak, in this world, a-de-are-vein-till, the nighttime until the very end. Period. And we now have a very famous, interesting, um-kum-ra. Robles Rupshimin, I circle his name, he's actually a tana, he's actually the son of Rupshimin, you know, hi, the story of Rupshimin, hi, going into the cave with his son, this was the Robles Rupshimin. He was once a-ish-hach-hach-la-whoo par-haguna. He found one of these undercover policemen, FBI guys, undercover agents, and that person worked for the government, and that person's job was to catch thieves. So Robles Rupshimin ran into this par-hach-hach-hach-guna. De-cat-huff is gone, when he was hopping people, taking people as thieves, and giving them over to the authorities. Amar-la-and-Rupshimin said to him, basically, like, "How do you know who to get? Like, how do you know who's guilty or not?" And I'm assuming there was some sort of quota that they had to bring us or other people in. So, "Hey, the-hach-hach-hoo, how are you able to prevail over this scenario?" Don't we know that thieves are very tricky, and are like Lavke, K'vossam, and Celi, aren't they compared to the wild animals that receive, like the puzzle we just had above? Boitiermoyes-koh-hysa-yar. Ika, the army, alternatively, the version two of this story is that the verse that Rupshimin mentioned to this Gentile undercover agent was Mihai-krah from this pasto-kha-mala-hai. He said to him, "Yaraf-the-mystar-kah-ar-yay-be-su-kah-he-he-he-he-hides, like ambushes in the bushwax, in the hiding places like a lion in his lyre." Dilma, and bottom line, this is the question of Lavke-huffshimin has for this guy, well, do you really know that you're getting the guilty people? Dilma-shat-less-sadiki, maybe you're taking people who are really righteous, the Shofkis-Rishi, and you're leaving aside, the ones who are really wicked. Amar-lai-so-says, this fellow backdrop as Rupshimin, I don't really realize it's an answer. He says, "Well, like, what do you recommend, Rabbi, oh, my other? What am I supposed to do? Like, I don't have a choice. Harmana-demalka, who it's like the orders of the king." Amar-lai, so he said to him, Rupshimin suggested that this is how he should go about his investigative work of who the real criminals are. Ta-kum, agmeri-hejitavir, I will show you all to teach you how to do your job. A little bit, Arbash-shai-lihanusa, go into the local diner, and they did not have supermarkets, like a local, rather small town and any town, and they have the place where people go to eat, and go at around, let's say, 1045 in the morning. Arbash-shai is four hours into the day, 10, 10, 30 a.m. on our clocks, but it could be a store, but I think it's where people would eat and drink a little diner. Kihazas-enishtikas-shan-se-kamra, if you see some guy who's, you know, drinking his wine, Vikhan-nok, Vikhan-nok, Vikhan-nok, and he's holding on to the cup, Vikhan-name, and he sort of dozing off, and it's like only 10 in the morning. Shai-lih-lih-lih-lih-lih-vate, that's the type of person you want to ask about. Iit-sur-mirabana-noo, if you find out that he's a kylo guy, yeshiva guy, he's an up-and-coming tourist scholar. Vinayman, he's dozing off. Well, you know why? Akdumi-kadam-ligursay, that's because he got up really early in the morning, and he's been going over his tour learning, and that's why he's dozing off. Iit-lih-lih, if he's a daily worker, well, we're just talking about the daily workers, that they have to get up like at sunrise, and he's been like, schlapping for four or four and a half hours. Kadam, he got up early, Kadam-ligursay. Vinayman is doing his work. Viavita-tay-balelya, if his work is at night, and Rashi explains that people don't hear him doing any work at night, you know why? Because maybe he's doing something that doesn't make much noise. Redou-dey-rud did. Maybe he's a metal puller to take a piece of metal like copper iron and pull it into a small string or thread like thing is a job, and you want to hear it. The elo, and if none of those alibis applied to the person in question is dozing off in the morning, ganvahu-vetafsay, a thief and you should grab them. Okay, that was the recommendation that Robles Verchiman gave to this fellow. Well, like any good recommendation, sometimes other people hear about it. You know who heard about it? The authorities heard about it. Shtam-am-ligursay-malka, the authorities heard about this. Amru, and they said, the following great line, Karina de Grissa, Ihu-la have parvanka, the reader of the letter, the one who's reading the letter, let him be the one who is the Pony Express boy, who also delivers it. In other words, welcome Robles Verchiman to his new job. Asu-ha they brought in Robles Verchiman, and his new job was to be the undercover guy who was going to catch the bad guys. If it got tough, it's ganvivazul, and he was catching bad guys, and thieves didn't go in along. Now, these thieves he was catching, giving over to the authorities, I believe were Gentile authorities, were Jews, fellow Jews, and that caused a more than one raised eyebrow. Shtam-lig, a colleague of his sent to him, and I circled Robles Verchoo up in Karka, another great tana. He referred to Robles Verchiman what he was doing as chlamen spinyayin, you vinegar the offspring of wine. You know, the wine is something that is very valuable and precious and you're you've gone bad. Anmatayata maisa amai shalaykainu, how long are you going to give over the nation of our God to be executed? Seems like he was giving over people, and they were almost were executing some of them. Shalachle, so what response does Robles Verchiman send? Now, we must remember these people were great people, not you and me, and not even anything we can necessarily relate to, but you do have people of tremendous insight into others and their motivations and the things they say, whether truth or not, I have to assume, and I'm going to say when I was over Shtam-lig was definitely one of those, even with that, Robles Verchoo said like how can you do this? So, Shalachle, in explanation of what he was doing, Robles Verchiman sent back to Robles Verchoo up in Karka, Kaisimani makhalamina kharam. I'm like clearing the vineyard out of its thorns, which is, I guess I play off the possekin, Yishaya. Shalachle, so he sent back, Rabbi Shubin Karka, that's wonderful, but that's not your job, that's the Rabanna Shalam's job, it's not human beings' job to get rid of the Rishayim in this world. Yavubala kharam, in the way he says, is let the vineyard owner come via chalas kaitzav, and he'll take care of his own thorns. Kama, Yumachad one day, paga beehuhu kaives. I guess the word got out of the Shubin Karka had some strong words and referred to the Greater Blessed Robles Verchiman as vinegar, the son of wine. One day, paga beehuhu kaives, he met up with some laundry guy, Kariye, and the laundry guy. Now it's one thing if your colleague in scholarship calls you a name, it's another thing if some nobody does, and this guy refers to him as Koma's been yai'an. Amar, so Robles Verchiman thinks to himself. Mmm. Mideh klatsav kulehai, this guy, that's a tremendous, let's put a call, you know, a huge spiritual leader of the Jewish people, a vinegar, the son of wine. Shmami no rashiya, who it must be, I'm going to have to conclude that that guy is a Russia. Amalui, so he called over the sentries or the Roman officers, and he said, "Tafsu, grab that guy." Tafsu, and they grabbed him. Now, it seems like at a point shortly afterwards, he either calmed down, thought about it differently, and maybe that was enough for that guy, that he was seized, the buzzer did not contact, after he literally, like, settled his mind. Also, Bastrai Lefruke, he went to, I guess, wherever the local lock-up was, to tell them to let the guy go below Matsu. He wasn't able to, because it seems like maybe that person was taken out to be killed. Kari'alei, and he referred to this scenario as being one that the Kova's basically should have kept his big mouth shut. Shimer people, the Shino, a person who guards his mouth and tongue. Shimer meets Sarsnaft Shrei, guards himself from the challenging situations that he might face. Zakfuhu, and they had hung this guy, they hanged him, they basically killed him by hanging. Robozirib Shemin, as secure and confident as he was in his approach, seems like he had an emotional reaction to that. Kamsute, Zakfuhu, he was there right underneath, like, the hanging body, Vakabakhli, and he was crying, like, an intense emotional sort of burst of expression. Amrulei, now there's some other people there also, and they said to him, they said Robozirib Shemin, Rebe, don't get too worked up over this. Al-Yayraba Inecha, this fellow and his son are bad people. Shuhubani, Balu, they had relations with Anara Masa, somebody else's fiance, who was 12, 12 and a half, Biyomaki Purim, Han-Yom Kippur itself. Wow, that's eye-opening and interestingly enough, you know what the punishment for that is? None other than Skila, and we know that when somebody is skilled at Skila, they get hanged. That's exactly what happened, in this case, and therefore the response of Rebe's Rebe-Shemin was, he knew how to open him up, he put his hand on his inner, his belly area, Amr, and he said, "Sisubani, mei, sisu." My inner, specifically, he's probably referring to the chlaias, which are yawatsos, the kidneys, or whatever that represents, gives the advice to a person, the common sense, the insight. So, he says, "Rejoy, so, inner, rejoice, mas fakas, shilakam kakas," the things you weren't 100% sure about, turn out that that's the case, fakas, shilakam, things that you are sure about a lakskamkam, all the more so. Muhl taqani bacham, I'm pretty confident, regarding you, my belly and inner chain, removative lakskam. Now, when you pass away, maggots and worms will not rule over you. Basically, your body is so holy because of your soul that's directing the body that you won't decompose. Vafilu hahi, even though that's the, even so says the kamara, he still wasn't like 100% settled. Lomi yasva diete didn't have a completely settled perspective on this issue. So, he was going to do a test, quite an interesting test. What did he do? Aske yuhu, sama de shinsa. They gave him to drink a medication that made him numb, some sort of like anesthesia. Vailula, base of the shishin, they brought him into the operating room, literally the, the room of marble, marble, meaning like marble walls, which you can easily disinfect the carola craze, and they cut open his belly. Now, by the way, he was a very large man and a very large man, not because of muscle, maybe muscle also, but had enormous amounts of fat. Ha'vumafkimine, this might have been like the first liposuction type of surgery. They, they removed from him, decouli, decouli de ta'vra, basketfuls and basketfuls of fat. What did they do with it? Oh, my sibis shinsa. They put it in the sun batamos vav. It was like the middle of July, or August, very hot. Below, miss righi, and it, it didn't go bad, it didn't rot. So, the most is a one second. If you have pure fat, it also doesn't often rot. It might get like liquidy, but coltarba, nami lyceria, etc. That might be true. However, coltarba lyceria, however, the veins and the, the blood and the, the, like the red parts that would come out, the shurikis, sumki, the red veins, mestriach would definitely go out. It would definitely go off. They would start to get spoiled. They'd start to get like maggots and worms. Ha'vra, however, here, in this case, a'vakafthi ika, shurikis, sumki, even though the, there were these sort of the bloody-type streaks that were there in the buckets of fat, and they were put out in the sun all day in the middle of August. Low, mestriach, they didn't go bad. They didn't spoil the karyanafshe. And, in conclusion, I guess, Ra'vlezzarba shimmin referred to Pasek. This Pasek says an idea of describing what had happened. Pasek, sorry. Yishko and libetach, even my flesh, shall Yishko and shall, like, securely rest, libetach forever. Okay. After we showed Ravielsi, we showed Ravielsi, he had a very similar type of case, mata kiyama. So the other day, he had the same thing where the authorities thought he was the right man for the job, and he had to go and, you know, give in Jewish criminals. Paga Beyliao, and he was made up by none other than, I believe, this is like Eliao as in Eliao Anovi. So it's one thing that's out Kojvus. This Eliao says to him, Amrlei Admatats, Amrlei, Shala Elaikinu, La Hariga, which I guess would be similar, maybe there's Ribh Shubankarka, but how, how long are you going to keep giving over the, uh, our Lord's people to be executed? Amrlei, Mayavid. So the response of Ribhishwambra, Rabielsi, Eliao, was like, "What am I supposed to do? Harman in a malkul?" It's like the king's orders. I got of all the king's orders. Amrlei, interesting response here, Eliao says back to him, "Well, don't say there's nothing to do, Avuch Araklaasya At Araklilutke." Your father, the famous Ribhiosi, actually, once had to, because of circumstances, run away and flee for a significant period of time to Asia, I recommend you, you should Araklilutke. You should run away for the time being, skip town, make yourself like a tree and leaf to Lutkea. Adkhan.