Jesse Kelly Show

What Are the Democrats Doing About the Border?

Broadcast on:
23 May 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino calm I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Go incidents. I think not everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere even at 30,000 feet So sign up now at Chumba Casino calm to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba Casino calm and live the Chumba life This is a podcast from W. Oh Let's have some fun, New York on a Wednesday You have made it you have crested the hump of the weekend you're there on the home stretch now And here's what we have on tap for tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show Fanny Willis won her primary She's celebrating. We're gonna talk about why these things happen. We're gonna talk about the apathetic voting public Why do ugly things still happen in blue cities in red states? There is an illegal in New York Watching some complaints about the treatment here some Ukraine Russia talk a bunch of money talk emails all that and so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show first I need to do something and I need to clarify I'm gonna put the all you know, I don't love disclaimers But every now and then they're necessary I need to put a disclaimer out there before I go into what I'm about to go into Life is too short for fear Life is too short to hide under your bed for any reason and be afraid This is the only life you have it's the only one you're ever gonna have you're not gonna come back one day I Was talking about well, I was talking to my wife about Taking the boys to this place we were thinking about going on one of the details of it It's a country that's got some unrest there And we wanted to go there and do some things and I was talking to her about it And I was actually the one that said are we sure I mean we sure were comfortable with that and she said you can't live your life in fear So before I go into what I'm about to go into I just want to make sure I drive this point home What I'm about to say might rattle you a little bit Certainly rattles me when I dwell on it too long But I don't want you to hold back on anything in life or not do anything You know, you can't live your life that way just like we always talked about during covid You can't live your life that way take your stupid mask off go play with your friends go live your life If you get sick pray your way through it and try to just you know get get by but that's how life has to be so Let's let's dig into this because this is Obviously, it's in the news today. There are a few different things in the news and I have some things some addendums to add to it first Corinne diversity hire she was being pressed pretty hard today on Illegal immigration and you know that she went into standard stuff a nation I've ever access to lawful immigration pathways while expediting access to work authorization for those who are eligible The president is clear about where he stands. He believes we are a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws Tell you what that whole nation of immigrants thing We're about to have a long talk on that after I'm done here So let's just go ahead and circle back to that one Mayorkas said something today before I get to what he said. I want to drop two little tidbits in your lap Bill malusion is a great reporter Fox News reporter. He's a great reporter Diligent about covering what's happening at the border. He's always down there always interviewing always filming always putting things out he had this little tidbit on Where these people come from listen to this and then I have another one you probably haven't heard you guys from what country Pakistan Pakistan India India, we put you Turkey. Yeah, Turkey India where you guys from to Turkey Turkey Turkey where you guys from China China? Ecuador where you guys from? India India India Sagar Baba India India India India India India India India all India India Iran Iran Iran, why'd you come? No freedom. No freedom. Yes, Iran Iran is Pinterest contrary Iran China India India India Iran China Pakistan, okay Here's another little tidbit. This is not my my reporting I want to make sure I give her credit for it Britney mayor is one of the independent journalists. She's out of California. She's wonderful. She's all over this stuff was talking to Britney and The Chinese males military age males who are coming here there's a hub and San Diego where the illegals gather and then the illegals are Wished away to all parts of the country from San Diego. They go to New York. They go to Texas They go to Wyoming. They go to Florida. They go to everywhere But there's a hub where they gather these illegals and they whisk them away, but at this hub There is a different system for the Chinese You see the Chinese all males military age They don't hop on the same catch all buses and planes that everyone from Ecuador and India and Pakistan hop on Chinese people show up. We don't know who they are But Chinese people show up separately to gather the young military age Chinese males into their vehicles and Take them into the United States of America So that's Concerning no and then I heard this testimony today From Alejandro, my orchus. It's a little long. I'll probably let it run. Who knows it's me I'll probably interrupt it at some point in time But there's something he won't say here And I'll be honest. It's on my mind And do you think we are safe with how porous the border has become? Are we safer now than we were before 9/11 I Would say three things Anneal one I'm incredibly proud of the men and women of the United States border patrol That risk their lives every day Okay, he's filibustering. He knows that's what they do They try to answer questions like this so they don't ever have to get to the nitty-gritty of it Are we saying number one? number number two are screening and vetting capabilities are stronger than they ever have been and Three the reality is Neil that we and not just the United States alone But Western countries are in a heightened threat environment, especially After the October 7th terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel that is only Elevated the threat environment in Western countries and that is why we are as vigilant as we are 24/7 in keeping our country safe Okay, just pause on that. We're actually gonna circle back to that Chris just dug this one up. I'd forgotten about this good work Chris in October of 2023 this was Martha McCallum. Here she was border patrol sources telling Fox News that dozens and in some cases Hundreds of migrants from the countries of Iran Syria Pakistan Afghanistan Russia and China have been caught trying to use this very porous border to our south In order to illegally get into the United States over the course of a couple of weeks this month So a hundred and fifty-one individuals on the terror watch list which you know began after 9/11 they created this list to keep track of certain individuals that they're very concerned about a 151 of them have made their way across the border and that's more than the total of the previous six years combined Okay, now Let's play this Mayorkas one again, and I want you to listen with this ear We have Bill Mulujin on the border and he's not the only one doing this talking about people coming from everywhere Iran Pakistan We know there are people on the terror watch list who are coming here We know things again courtesy of Brittany Mayors reporting We know that the Chinese people are getting with other Chinese people they're not going through the normal systems and they're being whisked away and Now we have Alejandro Mayorkas being pressed many many times About the safety and he very clearly won't answer the question. So I want you to listen again and listen with this ear Tomorrow you wake up. I wake up. God forbid God forbid tomorrow we wake up and there's some Awful thing that has happened in the country user imagination. We've all seen terror attacks We all know what they look like any one of a certain age remembers towers coming down in New York City of this awful awful Everyone remembers what that's like so pick it pick your terrorist attack. We wake up tomorrow morning Our eyeballs pop out of our head because something awful has happened What will happen after that? It's the same thing that happened after 9/11 What will happen after the next major terrorist thing or foreign adversary thing? What will happen is the American people will be sad the American people will be outraged and people in Government people in charge will be blamed Because there will be so much outrage from the public there will be congressional hearings Senate hearings There are going to be investigations just like after 9/11 remember that hey Did you drop the ball here who dropped the ball there? He talked to him. How could you not know that these guys came through the Canadian border? Who dropped remember it was endless. It was endless. How could this happen? How could this happen? and at these hearings these this testimony people have to give in the wake of something like that People have their old comments and actions played back for them We're gonna listen to this may orchus thing with a different ear again in just a moment before we do that. Let's do this Let's make sure we're not living with pain Just I'm talking about the every day aches and pains that just kind of negatively affect your life Remember when my back was out a couple weeks ago. I was in a terrible mood I'm sure my shows were angrier. I know I was in a bad mood around the house everything it hurts sucks relief factors there to make your life better to Help your body's natural response to dealing with pain your back hurts your neck hurts your muscles your joints your hands your feet Take relief factor every day Take it for three weeks Probably won't even take that long Tell me how your pain feels Call 1-800 the number four relief or go to relief All right All right now, let's listen to may orchus again. Hang on Jessie Kelly show on a Wednesday. I hope they don't forget you can email us and you should emails We love your emails love hate death threats asked dr. Jessie questions for Friday, and I need to start adding this little disclaimer on there on Monday Monday is Memorial Day We do not take it off. I actually will be off the rest of the week. I'm on vacation next week But not Monday. We never have taken Memorial Day off and God willing we never will we will be here doing three hours of Honoring the fallen there will be no politics. It'll be honoring the fallen It'll be all kinds of history and war and battle stuff and if you have a friend slash relative Somebody whose name you want read on Memorial Day on the show Email that as well Preferably with some sort of a link because otherwise we have to try to track down the reality of it Then because then we're honoring, you know, Sergeant IP freely and we look stupid on the air So give us some give us a little help, but if you want to name something read Email it Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm back to what we were talking about I Heard may orchus being interviewed by Neil Cavuto and The reason it jumped out to me is not just the open board or not the people on the terror Watchlist not to everything else What Alejandro Mayork is sounds like in this interview to me? He sounds like a man who doesn't want the wrong thing on videotape He's the head of DHS if God forbid we wake up tomorrow morning, and there's another horrific terrorist attack somewhere No matter what he is going to be public enemy numero Uno, and he's going to get dragged in front of every hearing you can possibly imagine. How could you let this happen? What did you do? What did you do? And during this interview he sounds like a man who doesn't feel like having Comments like we're good to go things aren't that bad? He sounds like a man who assumes something bad is coming and doesn't want his comments thrown back in his face That's why he bends over backwards to avoid a very direct question Do you think we are safe with the help horse the border has become are we safer now than we were? before 9/11 I Would say three things a Neil one? I'm incredibly proud of the men and women of the United States Board of Patrol that risk their lives every day No, I'm sure you are, but are we safe are we safe for one? number number two are Screening and vetting capabilities are stronger than they ever have been and Three the reality is Neil that we and not just the United States alone But Western countries are in a heightened threat environment, especially after the October 7th terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel that is only Elevated the threat environment in Western countries and that is why we are as vigilant as we are 24/7 in keeping our country safe Sounds a little different when you listen like that doesn't it? Does that sound like a man? Who is? Diligently trying to keep America safe or does that sound like a man? Who's trying to be a little? Proactive on covering his rear end for what he worries is coming. Hey, look internationally. It's bad everywhere Certainly not on October 7th. It's scary. I don't know he sounds like a man who's aware that we might have ourselves a problem here a big big big problem here now Chris asked during that second time where we just played Mayorkus Chris said well, why not stop it? Why he doesn't sound interested in digging in and stopping it and whatnot and I realize it was a rhetorical question, but Here's the truth. You know it, and I know it. We do not have a government occupied by people who are trying to do their duty to America or do their duty at all or have any strain of patriotism or whatnot You me if we were ever put in charge of DHS, we may screw something up We probably would we'd make mistakes as human beings all do But you would do your best to protect this country, wouldn't you? And if something happened under your watch, you would feel sick You'd probably resign and disgrace that you had failed at your job and something had happened But Alejandro Mayorkus doesn't share your values and Alejandro Mayorkus understands completely He is not put in charge. He was not put in charge of DHS to protect the country in fact It's exactly the opposite the communists put another communist in charge of DHS because his job his job is Not to protect America. That's what you want his job to be His job is to destroy America Alejandro Mayorkus Anyone who's done any digging in what the Democrats have done at the border Alejandro Mayorkus is Notitating the illegal immigration invasion of the United States of America. He is paying for it He is covering up what they're doing. He's flying people from foreign nations in mass into this country The difference is you think Alejandro Mayorkus should be protecting the country He thinks he's supposed to destroy the country and now we have ourselves quite a pickle, don't we? and that brings us back to well jobs The job you think they should have versus the job they think they should have this brings us to Alvin Bragg Fanny Willis and others and we'll come back to that notion of immigrant stuff Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday I'll hope that if you miss any part of the show you can download the whole thing on I hard spotify iTunes don't forget to subscribe and leave a five star rating in a review Discussing how handsome I am let's let's go back to kind of what we were talking about we're switching gears Just a little bit the the job we think they have the job. They should have Versus the job. They think they have it's really really critical in fact. It's Everything not just in politics in life in Relationships in business in everything. It's critical to Understand people's motivations. It's the most critical thing in the world if you are maybe you're on the dating scene right now You're out there looking for a man looking for a woman and you take some dime out on a date some dude sweeps you off your feet and takes you to Red Lobster before they go out of business and you sit down and What are your motivations? Versus what are their motivations? Let's say, you know, you think he's cute. I do you think she's cute? Let's say you are Wanting to settle down one day not that night. Of course. You're looking for somebody You can marry stay married to Raise babies with make babies with that's what you're looking for If they are just Kind of shopping around Looking to have fun for a couple hours on a Friday night over some cheddar bay biscuits Well, that's something you need to determine immediately What are your motivations versus my motivations? Do our motivations align with each other? The reason the right struggles so mightily to understand the communist's mentality is the communist Mentality is the polar opposite of the normal Anti-communist mentality and the normal person on the right can't seem to grasp that at all You see this like with Alvin Bragg in New York We've talked about this so much this ridiculous Trump show trial going on in New York City and honestly even Normie lawyers admit that this it's insane. It's crazy. It's the dumbest case ever. It's absurd And so what you see on the right is people laughing at the absurdity pointing out the absurdity Wow Alvin Bragg looks dumb. This case is ridiculous. This care the Alvin Bragg what an idiot Are you so stupid Alvin Bragg isn't in this to look good to you? Alvin Bragg was not elected. He wasn't backed by George Soros and elected by the communists in New York City to look good to you He's not interested in looking like a prosecutor who upholds the law He's not he's not worried about looking stupid Alvin Bragg understands as a Communist if he wants to rise in America's Communist Party the Democrat Party That he must do things to earn that promotion He's interested in a place at the Central Committee table. That's what he wants Alvin Bragg wants to be a high-ranking communist. Maybe that's governor or governor of New York one day Maybe it's president of the country Maybe it's senator or something like that and therefore Alvin Bragg understands He must do certain things. He needs pelts on the wall that will get him advanced So he can one day sit on that central committee his motivations and your motivations aren't even And they're not even the same world. I don't understand it Why won't he lock these criminals up this violent crime lock these criminals up Alvin Bragg what's them on the street? Alvin Bragg once women raped in New York City He wants people murdered that's so hard for normal people to accept But unless and until you accept it everything you see will confuse you. I don't understand why would I why don't you understand? I understand perfectly well How many headlines we sat here and read? convicted sex offender let out on jail with no bail assaults woman in Central Park I Can how could he do this didn't he know that guy of course he knew do I let him go? Course he knew it's what he wanted him to do Why is he going after trump this trials ridiculous? going after Trump It's exactly how you get promoted an America's Communist Party Don't believe me you see what happened in Georgia last night with Fannie Willis. So Fannie Willis she may She may have equaled Alvin Bragg in the ridiculousness of the case she was going to bring against Donald Trump She was bringing Donald Trump up on Rico charges you you charge the Gambino family with Rico charges She was bringing Donald Trump up on Rico charges and you should know if we got the wrong jury and we very well may have in Fulton County Donald Trump that was what was going to send him to prison before the election because of the way Georgia's elections or trials work Your appeals process is in prison pal the second day say guilty bit prison Trump is going to run for office from state prison, but the whole thing blows up on her Why does it blow up on her because beyond being a nutball dirty communist. She's apparently Emrifically corrupt she was having an affair with the guy she appointed to actually Prosecute Trump there are all kinds of financial Transactions that are ugly It's very obvious to anyone paying attention that Fannie Willis got the taxpayer Checkbook of Fulton County, Georgia and had herself a real good time So this is not only a dirtball communist who brought a ridiculous case against the former president of the United States of America She's been publicly embarrassed and humiliated by scandal Ugly scandals were the worst scandals in the last year politically Fannie Willis She was in a primary Against a Democrat obviously is a primary Fannie Willis won Got up last night talked about the gray goose baby. So ladies and gentlemen Tonight every now and then you get to stop and smell the roses and tonight We're gonna stop and smell these roses. We are going to celebrate We're on a party the DA drinking gray goose in case anybody DA drinking gray goose, whoo How could this happen? Oh in case you thought it was a nail-biter Fannie Willis God 87 percent of the vote How could that be? Don't the don't the Democrats in Fulton County? Don't they understand that she's she's violating the rule of law Don't the Democrats in Fulton County understand that she's using her position as district attorney of Fulton County, Georgia And she's attacking the former president in an unjust way. Don't Democrats understand Don't Democrats understand how bad it looks to have a district attorney Who's mired and scanned when financial problems and affairs and don't Democrats understand? No Democrats understand perfectly well It's you who doesn't understand Democrats are all communists now I Know I know but your uncle was in the Union and I understand that I understand that I'm talking about today The year 2024 if you are a Democrat you vote Democrat you support Democrat You are either an open communist or you enable and support them you allow them power. That's what you are You're an America-hating dirty communist. That's what you are Democrats they ran to the polls to return Fannie Willis to her position because in their mind Fannie Willis is doing her job perfectly perfectly Why are they are they confused? They're not confused The voters in New York City and Manhattan who sent Alvin Bragg into the DA's office They're not confused at all You're the one who's confused Until you accept who and what you're dealing with you can never deal with these people as I have said many many many times before We're dealing with an entirely different species and the nice Normy nursery rhyme conservatives on the right are struggling with this concept and it's killing us Killing us that's a fact Now we'll get back to this nation of immigrants talk in just a moment. That's just it's the low T GOP thinking man That's why they all need a male vitality stack Every one of them it should come it should no matter what your office is if you hold office as a republican in the country It should come with an automatic subscription to chalk in fact the national republican party Should be the one purchasing it just get all of them a subscription that way 20 percent increasing your testosterone in 90 days With natural herbal supplements. We might actually get some Courage I know that's crazy, but we might get some real courage every now and then if we could get our d levels up Look The country is drowning in estrogen. We drink it. It's in our waters. It's from all of birth control in the waters It's in our water. It's in our plastics. We shower in estrogen Unless you're doing something to fight back against that you're not going to make it C H O Q dot com promo code jesse gets you a huge discount on subscriptions So get a subscription chuck dot com promo code jesse We'll be back truth It's the jesse kelly show on a I almost called it a friday on a wednesday. You can email the show jesse at jesse kelly show dot com We're going to come back to this notion of immigrants line here in just a second I have to talk about something that is it's hitting the airwaves and Look I'm not trying to be a cynic America needs a dad America has so many moms this feminized country. It's all moms now America needs a dad You know, you know why you need a dad Because when you show up fat when you gain a bunch of weight it's happened to me before Gain a bunch of weight and show up at your house fat Your mom will look you in the eye and tell you you look so handsome Look at you. You are so handsome. You've never looked better and your dad will look at you and say you disgusting tuba goo What are you what's wrong with you? Get your fat butt in the gym put the donuts down You need that guy in your life I have a dad like that. It's been great It's he has bailed me out of more jams in my life because of that then I can possibly count And that's my job to be America's daddy. So I'm here to tell you how it is I saw the headline today. It's all over the place about Joe Biden Being removed from the ballot in Ohio. I won't go into all the stupid technical details They miss the deadline whatever officially As it stands right now Joe Biden will not be on the ballot in Ohio And I see so many people on the right Cheering. Whoo Joe Biden. Haha. What an idiot Joe Biden. I mean, yes, he is an idiot and he sucks but Pull up a chair that dad has to talk to you pull up a chair. Come on. Come on. I'm sorry. Hey son. Sit down. Please son sit down Do you do you honestly think The GOP is going to hold strong in Ohio Over a technicality and keep Joe Biden off the ballot Now seriously, I feel like I'm talking to one of my sons after they screwed up Please, please tell me that's not something you actually think The GOP motto. Don't you remember what the GOP motto is? This isn't the hill to die on. It's the GOP motto And it's what they stand for that's not who we are I can already see the nursery rhyme conservatives lining up Wow, I mean we have to do things the right way now don't get me wrong If the shoe was on the other foot Democrats wouldn't even consider allowing Trump on the ballot or some GOP on the ballot In fact, they be dancing naked in the streets. Whoo. Too bad. So sad. You're off the ballot, but the GOP You you really? genuinely think the GOP is going to hold strong and keep Joe Biden off the ballot No, seriously, if you think that Please reach out to the show I have a bridge in san francisco. It is for sale and for a low price Outstanding price. I will sell you that bridge in fact I've got some motion front property in arizona great george straight song by the way I have some motion front property in arizona. I would love to sell you as well seriously You don't think that right? Hey christ go ahead and write this one down Joe biden is going to be on the ballot in a while all right the death Taxes and the gop grabbing their ankles every time they have a chance at a win Those are the only three guarantees in life Joe biden is going to be on the ballot in ohio after all that's not who we are Don't you love that line? That's not who we are Honestly, chris, you know we could have done me you michael. We could have put our heads together If I thought of this before the show, we wouldn't do it except you end up getting boring But we could have taken three hours And just played various low t gop clips, you know what chris actually grabbed the mic johnson when we keep playing That's just the most recent example, but oh gosh there are a million I don't mean to just pick on mike johnson is virtually every republican mike johnson mike johnson The speaker of the house is confronted with the question about the special counsel jac smith The department of justice is currently taking your tax payer money And using it for an unjust prosecution against the former president of the united states of america They're actually bragging out there that he can't campaign the way he wants here was a way He's doing it in the south grounds not to make a point But because he's got court and the man practically has the legal version of an ankle bracelet around him And he can't leave the five boroughs because he always has to be in court democrats are out there celebrating the kangaroo court system And mike johnson was asked about it and he pointed out how bad it was And then said no i'm not going to defund it has been a tradition for 25 years with regard to defunding jac smith look i think that there's been a terrible Um dereliction of duty with regard to the special counsel and how that the how the whole system has been abused How that they've engaged in lawfare against president trump? I mean all of these things are to me self-evident truths, but um That's not something you wave a wand and just eliminate the special counsel as a provision It's been part of the law, you know the tradition and the law here says for 25 years So are you prepared then to stick this into appropriations bills to defund the special counsel? no oh my gosh you want me to You want to do something to stop the communists? i'm not gonna I'm not gonna do anything i'm a republican I will point out When they're doing things that are bad I will point out their hypocrisy that is basically my main profession as a republican I'll i'll use lines like you know, don't you love these lines. That's all the gop is Could you imagine if the rules were reversed Could you imagine if we did this just the ultimate like you think that gop Is you think they're gonna keep joe biden's name off the ballot in one of the most critical swing states in the country? Stop stop stop my sides hurt. I can't I can't stop I'm just dying here. All right. Let's move on joe biden's gonna be on the ballot in a while. Sorry Don't get your hopes up. Sorry. We had to have this talk mommy will make you feel better Daddy had to step in real quick. Okay. All right. Now. Let's get to this notion of immigrants talk This has been a podcast from wor Hello, it is ryan And we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes Counting your steps, you know all the mundane stuff That is why i'm such a big fan of chumba casino chumba casino has all your favorite social casino style games You can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses. That's your bright new day low actually a lot So sign up now at chumba casino dot com. That's chumba casino dot com No purchase necessary. P.W., reviewed by law, in terms of conditions 18 plus.