Turley Talks

Ep. 2583 Biden’s Plot to Manipulate YOUR Body and Well-Being!!

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23 May 2024
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Nationally recognized and licensed naturopathic doctor & educator Dr. Holly Lucille is one today to explain why you don’t need the “quick fix” weight loss shots to regain your health. 

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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to cover. This is Turly Talks. Hey gang, it's me, Dr. Steve. So, you may have seen this, but drug companies are racing to promote their weight loss drugs. That's right, they're miracle drugs to American consumers, right? Well, obviously many are concerned that this is simply treating symptoms, rather than getting to the root of the matter. But drug companies don't seem to care. And I think we all know why. They're prioritizing profits over genuine health. A pattern we've seen time and time again. Even the Biden administration is getting in the way here, making it more difficult for Americans to use natural supplements to take control of their health. But again, why? Why would big government and big pharma team up to put so many restrictions on your health? What's easy? Does that want to keep you sick? Because when you're sick, you're easier to control. And they know natural alternatives are far more affordable, better for you, and actually far more effective for long-term solutions, especially in areas like weight loss. You guys know, after losing 60 pounds myself over the last year and a half, I know that keeping my body healthy from the inside out and naturally really is the only sustainable solution. Joining us today is Dr. Holly Lucille, our sponsor, and one of the nation's leading natural-pathic doctors. You've seen Holly on Dr. Oz, you've seen her on Fox. Dr. Holly works to heal. This is key. The root causes of our health issues. And a lot of times that comes down to our liver health. Her liver health formula burns belly fat. It boosts energy. It transforms the way you look and feel. And she's offering Turley Talkers an amazing discount. Click on that link below to find out more. You won't find this level of health anywhere else. So Dr. Holly, thanks for being with us today. Thank you. I got to correct you. I'm here on behalf of Pure Health Research. So this is all about Pure Health Research, and it's their product, but it's amazing. Oh, that's awesome. Both thank you, Dr. Oz, for that. Of course. I always mess things up in that way. That's for sure. Don't worry. There you go. Well, let's talk about these popular weight loss drugs in the market. It's a little, it is a bit personal for me. Cause like I told, I said at the beginning, I lost 60 pounds completely drug free drug. Right. I had a weight loss coach who like you saw drugs as treating symptoms. Not the real issue here. They're band-aids. So what's, what, why is getting to the root? Well, particularly the root of liver health, the place to start instead. This is a great question. So you're right. I'm the, the, the drug is out there right now on the market for weight loss. It's pretty prolific and people are, they're losing weight, but you wait, you wait just a couple of years. We're going to have an epidemic of even more obesity because, as you said, there's no behavioral changes going on. There's nothing that's going to connect the mind and the heart and choices and such. And so it's an interesting question. What the heck does liver health have to do with your ability to lose weight? Everything. 100% everything. Your liver controls your entire metabolism. And it's a lot of thing. It's, it's people don't realize that your entire metabolism and liver health is so important. And these days it's, people don't understand that their livers are not healthy. The, the liver health foundation, 100 million people have something called fatty liver. Right? And they don't even know that. So you've got fat that's building up, not only around the organ itself, around all the specialized cells, those hepatocytes. And the liver, not only does it control your entire metabolism, it does over 500 different functions a day. Right. And five of those, including controlling your metabolism, they really affect how you look and feel. And so having a healthy liver is, it means having a healthy life. Can we, yeah, let's talk a little bit about that fatty liver. One in three American. That's, that's quite a market, but you know, it's not a market. I want to be a part of the world. Is it, is it reversible? Can you reverse fatty liver? So it's, it's what drives my entire practice. And it always has that your body has this innate ability to heal. And my job as a naturopathic doctor is to perhaps understand what the obstacles are in the way of that process, of your body healing, and then helping to remove those obstacles. So of course it is, it's an optional issue and it is modifiable for sure. And I've seen it happen over and over again in my clinical practice. But the thing that Dr. Steve gets me the most is you know who is a growing demographic in this fatty liver? It's children. And you know, they don't have an alcohol in those sippy cups, but what do they have? They've got high fructose corn syrup, sugar, sucrose, textured, all of the, the ways that sugar is hidden. Sugar is a big culprit outside of alcohol, outside of our environmental toxins, outside of the air that we breathe. That's not so great. The water we drink that steps, you know, not so great sugar big time. And it's affecting those children and it's setting themselves up for a lifetime of health issues. Oh, gosh. Oh, it's, yeah, it's terrible. Well, again, that's one of the reasons why I dropped the 60 pounds. You know, I mean, I had to talk about it. Well, thank you. Well, we'll see if we can keep it on. It's been almost two years now, which is really cool. But, yeah, I mean, having to talk with my doctor, I got the fatty liver diagnosis a few years back. And, you know, I'm in my fifties and I'm just like, you know, it's just, yeah, it's time to just try to take control of my health. I like to say on the channel, you can't take, you're not going to be able to save the country. If you don't first, as it were, save yourself, save your body and so. Yeah, it's kind of like work locally and it can expand globally, right? So it's like, but there you go. Yeah. You stay, you start here. There you go. Yeah. Jordan Peterson, right? Clean your own room first, then try to clean the world. You know, because I kind of feel like if you, if you, if you feel better, you end up doing better, right? I mean, I know myself if I'm under slept. I mean, you know, my, I would, I think in Chinese medicine, they'd probably like liver, uh, chirising or something like that, because traffic is much more annoying to me. And I have, you know, like, I just know, like, I, I might, it's kind of that old adage where, you know, you have a bad day at work or your boss is angry at you. You come home and you kick the dog, right? So it's like, yes, it is definitely, I think when you feel better, when your health is on par, you do better. And that makes the world a better place. Yeah. No, absolutely. I couldn't agree with you more. Let's talk about the, we, we've, uh, we feature liver health formula a number of times on, uh, the channel from Pure Health Research got it right this time. Uh, why do you love working with them? And, and, and tell us about, you know, tell us about what the liver health formula brings to our bodies to revitalize them. Sure. So Pure Health Research, I worked, you know, as a consultant in the natural product industry for over 20 years. Um, why I like working with Pure Health Research, they have high quality nutritional supplements. They're backed by science. Like if you go to their website and you look at a product, there are so many scientific citations that will support each and every ingredient that has been chosen to create the blend in that product. Okay. So they're right here in the United States, they have an FDA clear manufacturing, uh, facility. Um, they care about people. They get this. This is, it's rare. It's out there with some other companies, but you get a whole year to decide if what you purchase, you like 365 days. If you don't send them back, send back the empty bottles. They will, no questions asked, just give you every penny that you paid. Right. And then also they participate in vitamin angels. And that is a nonprofit organization where part of their profits go to help underserved women and children throughout the world. So they're just a, they're a solid company checking all the boxes, doing the right thing and doing the right thing. Right. Oh, I love that. That's not that. That's a, that's a nice motto there. We'll give us an example of like what's their most popular, uh, product. I would say that the liver health formula has sold, I, it's got to be way over 200 million bottles. Um, wow. Yeah. No, sorry. Two million, two million. Did I say a hundred? Probably maybe, but two million. Zero. What's a zero? Right. Well, we wish we could add zeros to like what sometimes our paychecks. That's right. Right. Two million. It's a very popular formula. So just a couple ingredients I'll mention are to choke extracts. Right. So helps reduce those fat deposits thinking about per cumin. So that's the medicinal component of turmeric. Right. So fighting free radicals, beetroot extract. So making sure that you're flushing out those harmful toxins, which your liver is so just purely just place such a, a big role in doing this. And so it's a combination synergistic ingredient formula that basically taps on every single aspect of liver health. Wow. Two caps a day. It's so fascinating the way you're talking about it. So it's literally like, you know, the liver is almost like a micro center for the, for the body's health. If the liver is healthy, it seems like the body itself, generally speaking. I love that you said that because I think we can make a lot of arguments. I mean, a bit a decade ago or so, we would be talking mostly about your adrenal glands. Right. That was the kind of conversation or modern day stress, adrenal fatigue. People would say, my adrenals are burnt out. I do think that the liver health these days, because of our ever increasingly toxic environment and also our compromised choices at times, it's really taking a hit. And so it starts working less efficient across the board and it's a slippery slope into developing other health issues. Yeah. Right. It is, it is, it is, if your liver is working well, you're going to work well and you're going to feel it and you're going to look at two. I mean, your face, anytime, anytime somebody does like, let's just say a cleanse, okay? That's probably a whole nother show. But let's say they take a break from their cheats, right? And they do a cleanse, they're, they're fake, my face changes, my face changes. They're face changes because your liver is so important and it does affect how you look in field, affect your hormone levels. You know, it just, I mean, it affects your cholesterol levels, your energy levels. So super important. Is fatty liver connected with, with belly fat as well? Is belly fat an indicator, generally speaking of especially, I would say stubborn belly fat. If you can't move the needle when it comes to that unfortunate deposition of fat that you have now kind of gained around your belly, no matter what you do, right? So decreasing your caloric intake, increasing your movement, drinking more water, all the right things and it doesn't move, then I got to say, you got to go get a blood test. See if your liver's okay, because it's probable that it's not and that's a contributing factor. Right. So tell us how we can try liver health formula today. Let's, we're, we're, we're a people of action here. We're going to do something, right? We're going to click on the link below. I'm not going to tease all the audience members and go, good luck, enjoy your salary and we'll see you next week. Yeah. Yeah. Right. What people do right now to get to really nip this in the button, get liver And then if you purchase today, you are also going to receive a free bottle of their blood sugar formula, right? So they don't mess around when it comes to naming their products. You get what you see because you know what blood sugar formula is all about, right? It is definitely helping an erratic blood sugar. If somebody is dealing with like an elevated hemoglobin A1c or a fasting glucose or they've got an insulin resistant problem. So that blood sugar formula is going to come free along with your liver health formula. Right. Oh, this is wonderful. So just click on that link below, gang, and you're going to get a free order of the blood sugar formula right along with this liver health formula as well. It's just, it's awesome. Just for you guys. So click on that link below. Don't wait. You're hungry. You've got a full year. Full year. Try it out. Two capsules a day. And then you can send it back if you don't like it, right? There's no risk. There's literally no risk. It's wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. And you guys, they've been with us now, liver health form has been with us, I think a year and a half. Oh, we've got research that's excellent. Yeah, we've got so many awesome responses from our audience for them and how much they love them and how it's revitalized their body, their health. So it's amazing. It's just amazing what you're doing and I can't thank you enough for it. You know, gang, your health really is one of your greatest assets to your family, to your legacy, to your nation. Figure out what life feels like to live with a healthy liver. It's pretty impressive stuff, booster metabolism, get your energy back, live better. Click on the link below or go to It's our special website and try liver health formula. Risk free today and get a special bonus offer just for being one of our faithful listeners. Amazing. Amazing stuff. Thank you so much, Dr. Holly. You're awesome. We'll have you back soon. Okay. Thank you so much. Take care. And congratulations and keep up the good work. Thank you, Dr. Holly. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks Podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five-star review and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. of the world. (upbeat music)