The Howie Carr Radio Network

To Shake Or Not To Shake That Is The Question For Trump | 5.22.24 - The Howie Carr Hour 4

A caller brought up the question if Trump should shake Biden's hand at the debate. Maybe it'll lower Biden in the polls if he's seen shaking Trump's hand.

Broadcast on:
22 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. She didn't say he was an illegitimate, well, you tell me exactly what she said. If he knows he's an illegitimate president. But wait! There's more! As I've been telling candidates who have come to see me, you can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you. Okay. I mean, she conceded the election. I know that he knows that this wasn't on the level. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. As you know, very early in my tenure, I pointed the first Chief Diversity Inclusion Officer. What in the hell's diversity? Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era. Who's your captain, Howie Car? After I signed the pack act into war. What'd you say? After I signed the pack act like... From swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware, it's... [Music] Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. So, I want to read these last three illegal alien attack stories that are being suppressed by the mainstream media very quickly. Illegal alien who was supposed to be deported seven years ago allegedly attacked pregnant teen. Again, Palm Beach. This is Palm Beach County. Amadar Guerrero is charged with domestic battery by strangulation and also faces a single count of sexual battery on a 16-year-old victim by someone 24 years of older or older. An issue to... an order to deport him had been issued in May of 2017, but that never happened. Stop me if you've heard that one before. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. This is in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. A Columbia national was apprehended by ICE, is wanted in his home country for aggravated homicide was released into the U.S. last year. Thank you, Joe. Thank you, Joe Biden. He was arrested in Columbia in 2014, charged with aggravated homicide, convicted and since the 17 years in prison. He was apprehended near San Louis, San Louis, Arizona in November of last year. He was issued a notice to appear before an immigration judge. Ah, he was just doing time for murder. Why would we want to hold a nice young man like that? He could add a lot to our welfare roles. Illegal alien accused of sexually assaulting two girls had a visa that expired in 2021. This is a Mexican. Living in Sturgis. Sturgis. Where is Sturgis? He came to the country on a temporary work visa. He worked very temporarily, I'm going to guess, before he went on welfare. His visa expired in December 2021, and he remained in the U.S. illegally. South Dakota. South Dakota. Great. 844-542-42. So, maybe Nikki Haley is getting the same reports that I did that it's down to two people. Doug Burgum and Tim Scott to be the vice presidential running mate for Donald Trump and she thought, I'm better than those two. How the hell can I get beat out by somebody from South Carolina? Didn't I appoint him to the U.S. Senate? When the men quit, and he's going to be the vice, not me. Yeah, but Nikki, you said a lot of really terrible things about Donald Trump. And he rescued you from being governor, and you were running out of steam as governor, and he made you the UN ambassador, and you stabbed him in the back. But she said, you know what though, I got a shot at this. If Burgum and Scott are the only people, hold my beer. Exactly. So she handed her Bud Light to somebody, and this is what she said. Who do you think would do a better job in the White House, Joe Biden or Donald Trump? As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who's going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border, no more excuses, a president who would support capitalism and freedom, a president who understands we need less debt, not more debt. Let's go, our way young. Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I've made that clear many, many times. Yes. But Biden has been a catastrophe. So I will be voting for Trump. Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me, and not assume that they're just going to be with him. And I genuinely hope he does that. I genuinely hope he picks me. I think she killed herself just when the guy asked her the question and she waited seven seconds. Let's hear the question again. I just want to count how long she paused before she answered. Here we go. I put my priorities. No, no, we need the big -- yeah, okay. Okay, he's getting it. He's getting it. We'll have it here in a second. You have about the Republican Party. And I couldn't help but think of two names when I heard you deliver that speech. Joe Biden and Donald Trump. So on these issues, these national security critical issues that you've described today, who do you think would do a better job in the White House, in the White House? One, two, three, four. As a voter. You're a very gracious counter. It was more like six seconds probably. Yeah, right. I gave her. She's the champ. You know, you can't count the champ out with a fast count. You've got to give her like 12, 13. All right, 844-542-42. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. You there? Yeah, I'm here. Hello? Go ahead. I want to ask a question. The judge in New York, nobody can take him out to bring court or some different judge. It's a state court. It's a state court, Mr. Garcia. You know, he's elected by the people. I mean, you know, they elect judges in New York. So, I mean, he's just a clubhouse guy, but he's an elected judge. It's ridiculous. The problem is the prosecutor, though. Why are they prosecuting this case? If it ain't legit, you must acquit. That's my new, I stole that from Alan Dershowitz. Why is the Supreme Court, why is the purpose to be a Supreme Court to protect the United States, right? Yeah, but you know, they usually say you have to, you know, when you get convicted in a state court, you say that they say you have to go through all the state levels before you can appeal it into the federal system. And then usually they don't touch it anyway. You know, it's really unfortunate. Hey, Mr. Garcia, I want to ask you about Menendez. I mean, we knew about the gold bars, but did you have any clue that he had $450,000 in cash in addition to the $150,000 in gold bars? Wow, yes. I want to ask a question. Why? Why? I don't know why, because you know, if he tell everybody the corruption, everybody going down, and that's why you're not taking him out. Well, that's why Quayar, I mean, Quayar said that. I mean, I don't know why Menendez doesn't say that. Quayar said, I was just doing what everybody else was doing, you know? And I think, you know, I know, you know, that's what you got to say when you're indicted and you're pleading not guilty, but there's an element of truth to that. You know, they all get rich, don't they? And you know, it's okay to get rich if you do something, but if you're just, you know, peddling influence like the Bidens, I mean, I don't think that's proper, Mr. Garcia. Thanks for the call. I want to ask you a question. I want to ask you a question. I want to ask you a question. One question. Why all the illegal common here? We don't have no factory, no job. Why allow them to come here? It's only Burger King and 99 Cent Store. Why, we don't have no factory. You know that. Why allow them to come here? Well, you know, there was a line, a famous line in the 1930s novel, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck and the, the Joeids. They're coming out from the Dust Bowl, Oklahoma to California. They asked one of the Joeids out in California. Why did you come here? And Paul Joeid says, we heard there was work. Mr. Garcia, I'm going to say the illegal aliens are coming here. They heard there was no work. Thanks for the call, Mr. Garcia. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr will be right back. The Howie Carr Show is back. Try not to let it, what I'm about to tell you, destroy your faith in the integrity of the illegal alien community in Connecticut and Massachusetts. 8 facing charges after Waterbury Cock Fighting Ring bust. A guy from Brockton's laughing about this. They probably brought these cocks down from Brockton. Oh, excuse me, they have dog fighting in Brockton. Jaime Martinez and Jeline Mejia, Jesus. Those are the two Connecticut people that are arrested. The ones from Massachusetts are named Tyshali Avilas, Daniel Lazado, Nelson Cruz, Emmanuel Guterres, Haifintores, Juan Rejan, and Juan Rosario. Arrested for cock fighting. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, Attorneys of Law, to see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed that restore hyper wellness. It's not for the faint of heart. Go to Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is some say Trump is down to two potential picks for Vice President. Who would you prefer? Governor Doug Burgum or Senator Tim Scott? I'd prefer either of them to Nikki Haley, but I'm going to vote for Tim Scott. 69% say Tim Scott, 31% for Doug Burgum. All right. 844-542-42. 844-542-42. Dan, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Dan. Howie. Yes. Everything free in America, isn't that what you used to say? Yes. Actually, it's from West Side Story. It was back 60 plus, 65 years. Tim, why not come to America? They heard there was no work. It's been fun. They want to get it for free. Right. Right. You know, how'd you like to go on an all you can eat free vacation to a foreign country, and if you commit a crime, nothing happens to you. Yeah. It's an amazing thing. And all the residents, the natives of the country are working two, three jobs, so that they're health insurance. They're getting crushed by health insurance, dental insurance. They can't afford to buy a house and you're living large in a motel. That's what they want. It's like the state troopers with a no show job. I look down in Florida. I see the vocal and bias is alcohol. It's anonymous. It's a book. The difference is occasionally they send a mass state trooper to prison. They never send any of these people to prison. Thanks for the call, Dan. Nancy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Nancy. Hi, Howie. Hi. I'm a long time listener. I just got a question about the debate. Yes. If the debate is going to happen, I think it's tradition to shake hands. Is Donald Trump, do you think, required to shake hands with someone who took a hit out on him and his family? Well, you're talking about the Palm Beach thing, the Mar-a-Lago? Yeah. He'll shake hands with him. You know, the thing is, they're saying now, though, that there may be various complications. You know, Biden's people are getting cold feet because they realize, even though the expectations couldn't be any lower, that he's not going to be able to handle it. You know what they say, the Trump people, you know what they really want? Nancy, they know they're not going to get the drug test, but you know what they really want? No earpiece. Because that saves him a lot of days. You know, when he says something really ridiculous and then like five seconds later, there's like a pause like Nikki Haley had before. Nikki Haley had before answering the question, and then he comes up with the right answer. And he's obviously someone screaming in his ear, telling him what to say. If he didn't have a hand, someone telling him what to say, whoever it is, it's not going to be KJP or Kamala, that's for sure. You think that Trump would shake Biden's hand at the outset? Yeah, I think he would, wouldn't he? I'd take the line that he would not. You don't think so? No. No? The VIPs don't, they don't seem to think he would. I don't know, I think he would. I think it's just, you know... How about without him? He did not attend the inauguration. There's been nothing but victory all between them. Well, you know, Biden has targeted him with how many different trials? No, he doesn't deserve a handshake. I think he would just do it just for... He would, I think he would lose a lot of respect from his supporters if he shook Biden's hand. I wouldn't think less of him for it myself. I just would say that's one of these things you have to do. It's like, you know, when you're in these debates in Congress, you have to call AOC, you know, the gentle woman from New York or something like that, or my distinguished colleague from New York. You know, you have to... The certain things you have to say. I don't think it's... I don't know. It's an interesting question though, should he? Would he shake his hand? I don't know. 844, 500, 42, 42. What happened to JD Vance? I thought he was a solid VP candidate for Trump. I would prefer JD Vance to any of these people we've discussed. But again, I'm just going by what I've heard. You know, those were the two that he's talking about right now. And again, there's still, I think, two months to the convention. So anything could happen. But those are the two frontrunners right now, Bergham and Tim Scott. And the person who initially said this said he's talked to a lot of people about it. Because again, sometimes Trump tells people different things. You know, like any politician does. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. We'll play a few more cuts from Jen McCarthy. Jen McCarthy, I'm sorry. My mistake, my mistake. 919, need someone at the debate to scramble or jam the airwaves inside the studio. That's why they're doing it at CNN. CNN is a secure location, an undisclosed secure location. We'll be right back. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 917, Biden would lose more votes for shaking hands with Trump than Trump. You know what? That is absolutely correct. I think the Biden people are more insane than the Trump people are. I just look at it myself as a, I'd say a typical Trump voter. I don't care. You know? 844, 500, 42, 42. You know, someone says he should, Trump should shake hands with Biden. And then, you know, hold a hand and then look, pull the earpiece out. You know, there was, there was a big gang leader in Chicago named Dean, Dean O'Banyan. He was, he had a flower shop and these guys walked in and they, one of them shook hands with them. And they as, so he, his right hand was stuck and the other three pulled out guns and shot him. This wouldn't be one of those. You just pull, you just want to pull the earpiece out, right? Look folks, look what I found. It's not a bad idea actually. 844, 500, 42. People think this should be the poll question tomorrow. I don't know. We'll, we'll think about it. By the way, there's good news tonight. Harvard's governing board has overruled the faculty and has barred 13 students who participated in the pro-Nazi encampment from receiving the grace. Yeah, well that only 13. I mean, I assume some of them were underclassmen or graduate students or whatever, but they, they stopped 13. They wanted to do it for only two. You know, I guess probably people were throwing fire bombs or something, but that's good. I'm glad they're doing that. It's a start anyway. And, you know, I know, I know I don't have the same taste as many people, but I just discovered what I'm going to be doing tonight for entertainment. You know, the GBH lays off 31 employees, suspends production of three TV shows. You know how many comments they've got on the Globe message board? 231. Wow. Wow. It's going to make for some good, funny reading. I'll go to sleep happy tonight. I can't believe it. What am I going to do now that they've gotten rid of? Whatever the show is that I watch. Meanwhile, remember that, remember that crazy thing during the New Hampshire primary and someone sent out the robo calls mimicking President Joe Biden's voice? The value of voting democratic on our votes count. It's important that you say to your vote for the November election. Don't need your help in electing Democrats up and down the ticket. Voting this Tuesday only enables the Republicans in their quest to elect Donald Trump again. I was going, who would put that out? Which side would be putting that out? Well, it was a guy named Steve Kramer. The robo calls went out to people across New Hampshire in January on the day of the first in the nation primary. Kramer, a political consultant, claimed in an interview with WMUR that he only sent the calls to drive home the need for more regulation of AI. He said the investigators wanted to come after him if they did. They should bring it. They brought it. They brought it. He's facing criminal charges, five counts, five indictments, bribing, intimidation and suppression. Wow. Let's go on a little overboard though, isn't it? Don't they always? 844-542-42. Ron, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ron. Howie. Yes. I love your show. Thank you. We're in Brockton down in the nerves. We're in Brockton. We don't fight dogs. We fight with gloves. Do you have a hair? I have an egg. Brock is in the arnold. Yes, I have. Okay. That's what we fight with. Those guys aren't walking through that door any time soon. Yeah, those guys aren't walking through that door. However, Hydro is walking through that door. An atomic dog. All right. I love your show. Thank you, Ron. The guy from Brockton is laughing, so I know I didn't go too far. 844-542. Let's see here. Martha, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Martha. Oh, hi, Howie. You know, about the earpiece, if there is going to be, if there, if it turns out there is a debate, I see that we can expect the, like, the, the, then it's having a state of, state of the criminal arts in going on, and I think that, like, they might have maybe a remote earpiece that undetectable, like, maybe they, like, they'll put a chip in his brain. A chip? Yeah, and then they could communicate with him. You know what, if they have a chip in his brain, it's not working. You know? It's kind of like they put satellites up in space. Martha, and sooner or later they just, they just run out of steam. You know? Yeah. Oh, okay. I, I, I hope, hope that happens. I hope you run out of steam for a while. Thanks for the call, Martha. 844-500-781 is the view canceled. There's someone who watches as much TV as I do. The view, I don't think the view is on WGBH, and I'm going to keep calling it WGBH. You know? It's, it's my, it's my statement of solidarity with the, the laid off 4%. The 31 people at the, at the WGBH. If they, if they lay off the W, then they, they shouldn't, they shouldn't be, lay it off the 31 people. 844-500-4242, Jack, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jack. Hey, Howie. How you doing? Good. I just wanted to, what's that? I think, I think Trump should take Biden's hand. Pull him in real close and look him right in the eye. So he does, I'm here no matter what you try to do. I'm still here and I'm not doing anywhere. Yeah. Yeah. I would, I, I don't know. I'd rather have him go for the year, you know? Just try to, especially if it's got, maybe you don't have to like pull it out of the year, just, you know, if it's behind the year, if there's like a, you know, a, a wire, just pull the wire and just do something like that. And I don't, I don't, I don't think the, I don't think he's got a chip. Like I said, if he does, it's the funk. We saw that yesterday in Nashua. Thanks for the call, Jack. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, Howie. Thanks for taking my call. Thank you. To the, to the poll question, you know, I mean, to the VP, to me, we get Trump really elected to be the most important guy he could pick or growl. I mean, we want to keep the Republican party going. He doesn't do anything. You know, I have to knock out the next runner. So he's really got to pick the right one. Yeah. Well, that's what I mean. I mean, I, you know, I, I just want him to pick someone who's, I, first of all, he's got to get elected. And then the second thing is he's got to make sure that it's someone who's not, you know, going to be on the other side. And, and you know, you can say that, you know, maybe Tim Scott is a little on the weak knee side or a moderate side. And he, you know, he votes for Ukraine aid. He does what McConnell tells him to do, et cetera, et cetera. But he's not nearly as much of a snake as Nikki Haley. I don't think, do you? Oh, absolutely not. No. She's just the worst. Thank gosh. You have bumped out. Yeah. I mean, you would have been the, you know, the next big mistake. And then this is, and this is the fact that she's trying to weasel her way back into his good graces. It just shows what kind of a, a backstabber she is. You know, she took all that money from all the never trumpers. She took tens of millions of dollars. But, and, and, you know, now she says, oh, okay, that's good. That's good. Thanks for the, thanks for the call, Mike. Yeah. Three, three, nine says Biden has a chip all right in his brain, a potato chip. Nine, seven, eight, that's why Biden stares into space. He's trying to concentrate on what is being piped into his earpiece. Yeah. All right. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So again, Jen McCabe, this is, there's some good stuff in here today. It, in the, in the cross examination. And Alan Jackson just ended it very, I thought he did a really good job with the cross examination. He just got her, got her on the record on the two, twenty seven Google search. And then he just didn't keep beating, beating the dead horse. I did a mic drop. Yeah. It was perfect. Yeah. Because I was still listening throughout the rest of the day. But I couldn't get my mind off of that testimony. No. None of that mattered to me. And that's possibly how the jury was feeling as well. Yeah. I, I think they were. And, and the fact that, you know, what are the, what are the reporters who was inside at the time tweeted up at the, of the, of the 17 jurors and alternates, seven of them wrote that down in the, in the notebook. And that's, that's big, you know, because even in the most, most thrilling trials, not everybody's paying attention all the time. So I think, I think, you know, whatever, I, that, that's what I used as the lead from my column tomorrow. The trial's over. I mean, it was pretty much, you know, a, a, a foregone conclusion that she was going to get off. But now I think it's, it's definitely over. So let's, let's play the, let's play the, let's play the, let's play the cut where she, where the, we played this cut before, but cut 12, she's a, she, he says you, you acknowledge that there's the two searches at 623 and 624. These are all being shown on the screen. There's forensic data printed out. Right. And these are the, she acknowledges that she made the, the, the Google searches that don't hurt her case. But the one that, that basically ties her to being involved in his death at 227, she says she didn't do cut 12. You acknowledge that she made the search at 623, don't you? In the morning, I did. Yes. And she made the search at 624. Multiple times in the morning. Yes. Of the three searches that show up that were all found on your phone, the one that you disavowed is the one that took place at 227 a.m. which would implicate you and exonerate my client. Correct. Traction. Sustained. Can I ask you differently, Mr. Jackson? Of those three searches, there was only one now completed. Is that right? Correct. That was the one at 227 a.m. Correct? I wouldn't even know how to go in and delete. Right. That's what I asked you. The one according to the Celebrate Report that was deleted, the one at 227 a.m. Correct. Correct. You would agree that that's awfully convenient for you, Mr. Jackson. Sustained. Oh, I have your own opinion. Okay. Mr. Lilly? Yeah. That's it. But here's more with Alan Jackson, the defense attorney with Jen McCabe, talking about the leading, the 227 search. She said she doesn't know how to delete, but she deleted the one that implicates her. Well, her husband is also an IT specialist, right? Yeah. So even if she didn't know, I would imagine he would. But they loved him. They loved him. Listen to this. Cut 11. Mr. K, the reason you deleted that 227 a.m. call, because you realized that if you were caught googling, how long it takes for a person to die in the hole, three and a half hours before John's body is found, that would incriminate you, wouldn't it? Jackson. The objection sustained. Did you delete that search because you knew that you would be implicated in John O'Keefe's death if that search was found on your phone? Jackson. Can you answer that, please? I did not delete that search. I never made that search at 2 23. I never would have left John O'Keefe out in the cold to die because he was my friend that I loved. You notice she said 2 23. She didn't say she deleted something at 2 27. You were not asked if you deleted anything at 2 23, 2 3. You were asked if you deleted something at 2 27 and don't flash that jack-o-lantern grin at the jury again, 844, 542, and am I being unkind, I'm Howie Carr. Listen to the Howie Carr Show from anywhere. Jackson. What's the story is this? Go to and click listen to start streaming Howie Live in crystal clear high definition. I'm whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. 844, 542, 42, Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. You know howie? Yeah. Howie? Yeah. Yeah, you know. I heard you talking about Tim Scott and Doug Bergham. Look, I got to tell you, this is going to be a lot closer than what everybody thinks. Now, Trump may have a big lead in this wing state, but I tell you, these Senate races and these House races are going to be real close. And for us to pull anybody out of the Senate or out of the House to be the DP, I think, is crazy. Well, but, you know, that's the thing with Scott. I mean, you know, he's not up for reelection. He doesn't lose his seat. And you got the McMaster's as the governor. He's a good solid conservative. If Scott becomes the VP, I mean, he'll appoint another Republican just like Nikki Haley appointed Scott when the demand decided to quit. Yeah, but we got to look for who's going to be able to look. They're going to tie Trump's hands up so hard, even if he wins, he'll be lucky if he gets two good years. So we're going to have somebody to follow up in 2028 that could do it easier. And I don't see that happening with Tim Scott. I really don't. You know, I just, you know, it's, I just try to take it one day at a time. You know, I want to, I want to get Biden out of there and Kamala Harris out of there. We got to get them out, you know, that's, that's the first thing. And, you know, we'll worry, worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Let's worry about right now, right now. That's all. I don't know. I just, I understand what you're saying that, you know, you can't, you can't have somebody in there who's like a total Trojan horse, but I don't think he's a, I don't think he's a total Trojan horse. I think he just may not be like as strong as, as like, you know, I want someone to punch back. That's what people like about JD Vance. That's what they like about V-Vake, you know, that they, that they won't, they don't take any grief. Yeah. Crews and the, and the Santas are two more than don't. Thanks for the call, Mike. 844-542-42. So, you know, we have, we've been having turtle boy on a lot of people have gotten to like his stuff. Today was the first day he, he was mentioned and Jen McCabe is, is trying to, she's saying that, you know, she's a victim of circumstances, they say. And, and it's, and it's all the fault of the defense team and you know who cut five. That morning, I don't remember specifically what I Googled, but I do know what you've put out to the social media. How about this? Hossed long to die in cold. Does that sound familiar? Yeah, it's been everywhere. Why does that sound so familiar? Because you've put it out in social media. Well, I haven't put anything out in social media because I don't personally have social media. I'm sorry, turtle boy dance. So, if the world happens to know it, that's not what it is. I guess not. I guess not. Hossed long to die in cold is what you put in to the Google search, right? If you say so. Is there a reason that you don't want to admit to that? Absolutely not. It's a simple question, right? No reason. So, say it. What Google search did you use? Traction. Sustained. Hossed long to die in cold. 227 AM. Who did that? To Honest Jen McCabe. Honest McCabe. 844-542-42. tomorrow. Somehow we go.