The Howie Carr Radio Network

BOMBSHELL: NIH Advisor Admits to Dodging FOIAs and Deleting Emails | 5.22.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace and Scott Hounsell break down the bombshell reports about an NIH advisor who admitted to deleting emails and dodging FOIAs.

Broadcast on:
22 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. You know what we should do for a little bit of Wednesday fun? Let's do a journalism in the news, Jared. It's been so long. I don't utilize the sound drops like I used to. I'm trying to get back to it. I'm trying to find new ones. Let's do a little bit of journalism in the news. [MUSIC] Very fake, Jason. I see a lot of excellent journalism being done. Give me the press. I'm not sure, to be honest. How can you ask a question when you don't know the press? He said the journalists make up stories and make up sources. As a journalist, I don't really like being the story here. Very fake. Many of your competitors had to change the reporting that they had to apologize, or they had to correct. This is a golden age of journalism in a lot of ways. We survived it! We survived it! What flavor did you get? News de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de- Alright, now you might be asking yourself, you know, Grace teased a little bit of ratings news from CNN, have things improved at all of our go-to spots for fake news. No, they have not. CNN has actually just posted the lowest rated week in primetime since 1991. So it's not just the Biden administration that's always breaking records and like setting new records. It's also, he's having this contagious effect with, you know, everything he goes near. Now, CNN ratings challenge CNN hit rock bottom with primetime viewers and the most covered demographic by advertisers. And the cable channel drew just 83,000 viewers aged 25 to 54. That's the demo that most people care about when they're, you know, buying advertisements and things like that. And I brought this up to someone in the office that you all know, how we car. And I said, you know, it's weird to me because at this point, I'm not an expert on a lot of things, but you know how I always say that on this show? I'm like, "Hey, I'm not a legal expert. I'm not a this expert. I'm not a that expert." I am a mainstream media expert. I'm not proud of it. I don't think it comes in handy all that much. But I know CNN. I know MSNBC. I know the ladies on the view. I know if you play me somebody's voice who's obnoxious and who has a bad take, I can probably tell you who it is without having to see their face. And I think that MSNBC is a lot harder to take. Like Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, they're out of their minds. They're talking, Lawrence O'Donnell yesterday was talking about how technically or in his opinion, Michael Cohen didn't steal. He was trying to rebalance a bonus that he thought he deserved from the Trump organization. So he just casually pocketed $30,000 and never paid it back. That's the kind of stuff you get on MSNBC. So I just said to Howie, he said, "It surprises me that CNN is always getting slammed for their low ratings when I would think MSNBC would be worse." Because say what you want about CNN, occasionally we play a cut from CNN to actually hear what's in it. And I'll give you an example. Scott Jennings, who's pretty good on there. He's a conservative commentator. Guaranteed, when we play his cut, he's usually going at it with someone who's lost their minds. But we also play Ellie Honig. Yeah, as well as to say most of all we play is Ellie Honig. Ellie Honig, who's pretty good, they're legal analysts. I'm not going to say he's better or worse than Jeffrey Tubin. I'll let you all decide. He doesn't wear pants, so he gets landlocked. He does have the pants factor, which I hope he puts that on his resume because it has to be why he was able to edge out Jeffrey Tubin. They're like, "Jeffery, the whole Zoom thing, we're going to bring in Ellie." So Ellie Honig, and also recently we played Anderson Cooper because he gave an honest take on Michael Cohen's disastrous testimony. But I said that to Ellie, I said it's weird to me that more people would want to watch MSNBC because I never play their cuts unless I'm making fun of what they're saying. There's never anything on there that to me is remotely worth actually considering. And how he said, "Yeah, but he brought up a good point. And I'm not going to use his comparison. I'll use a different one." But it's like, if you're going to go there, if you are someone who hates Donald Trump, you might as well go high test. There's no point. It's like when... Right, the more zealot types who hate Donald Trump will go to MSNBC for that. It's like when someone says you do want to go get an ice cream and then you go to a place and they have frozen yogurt and they have ice cream. And it's like, if I'm going to cheat on my diet or if I'm going to go for it, I'm going to go for it. I'm going to get the real ice cream. I'm not going to get this knock off version. I'm not going to get the yogurt pretending to be ice cream. And that's the part of the problem with CNN is they still want to pretend that they're down the middle or like that they're serious journalists. No one actually believes it, but for the people who want their anchors to zealously hate Donald Trump, they don't scratch that itch enough. So they go to MSNBC. So that's just an update for you on CNN's little ratings. I thought it was worth noting. And so we'll keep an eye on that. We'll keep an eye on that. If now that they've hit rock bottom, that's the part of the issue I have to. Whenever they describe it as rock bottom, I'm like says who? Just since 1991 doesn't mean they can't go lower. Don't, don't write them off just like that. You think that this is, that they've bottomed out and they can only climb up now? I'm not so sure. Okay, now we do have a huge story I want to get to. It's actually reminding me a lot of this story about Karen Reed in this whole case involves a lot of deleting of things. Let me read right from this New York Post because this story did just break. So I'm kind of getting my head around it as well. Explosive emails show top NIH advisor deleted records use secret back channels to help Fauci evade COVID transparency. Did he Google house long to evade COVID transparency and then deleted it later? How long should you distance from somebody in front of you in line at Duncan? How long should we pretend that these distancing measures mean anything whatsoever? It's as a top advisor at the NIH, the National Institute of Health, deleted records critical to uncovering the origins of COVID-19 and used a secret back channel. Is it? It's not that secret. Not secret enough, apparently. To help Dr. Anthony Fauci and a federal grantee that funded gain of function research in Wuhan, China evade transparency. Now, NIH senior advisor Dr. David Morenz improperly conducted official government business from his private email account. So it's giving Hillary Clinton tendencies here. Perhaps he was emailing his fellow doctors and scientists about yoga and wedding planning? And solicited help from the NIH's Freedom of Information Act office to dodge record requests according to emails revealed in a memo by the House Select Subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. Yeah, and I just saw Rand Paul, I think, was on Fox talking about this right now. This is a big story. This is the email that he wrote in February 2020, February 24, 2021. I learned from our FOIA lady. Right away, I love this email. Dr. Fauci lady. Oh, I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIAed. But before the search starts, how long to make emails disappear in the snow? This is like posting on your Facebook wall when you think you're searching. Yeah. Yeah. This is giving off that type of vibe from this guy. Did you ever do that? I knew somebody who did that. There was a piece of gossip. I had a friend who did that. Yeah. There was a piece of gossip and he wanted to look at the person's page and he accidentally just posted it on his status and I was like, "Oh, God." Yeah, I had a friend who was searching for somebody but posted her name. Yeah, it's so bad. It is so bad. Okay, so he says, "I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIAed. But before the search starts, plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail." You know what have also been great? All these things you're doing is if you didn't write it down in another email explaining everything you did. You dummy. What was the subject line of the email? Re, cover up. Per our conversation about covering up and deleting all those emails. Here's another email just so we don't lose track of it. He says, "I ask you both that nothing gets sent to me except to my Gmail." He emphasized in November of 2021. In an email to Dr. Peter Dasek, maybe we should have Scott Hounselan, depending on how big, I think this is a big story. The 35-page memo by subcommittee majority staff also suggests Fauci. Participated in a conspiracy amongst the highest levels of the agency to hide and potentially destroy official records regarding the origins of COVID. Does anyone doubt that? What? The guy from the candles? No. The guy who stitched onto my pillow might not be honest. The guy who doesn't have to go to mathjared because he knows... My own personal ethics in life are, I think, enough to keep me going on the right path. My own ability to delete my own emails has kept me on the right path. There is no worry about Fauci's advisor who wrote in an email. There is no worry about Fauci's. I can either send stuff to Tony on his private Gmail or hand it to him at work or at his house. He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble. Again, they're writing them on this stuff in emails. So, you know what? I beg to differ. Dare I say none of you are that smart? Like, you might be book smart, but that's it. You're writing how smart you all are and how you're never going to get caught in emails to one another. That tells me all that I need to know. We are all smart enough. He's still sticking with the smart thing. We are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns. That is false. Dude. Wait, this is... What was this doctor's name? We need to say his name again. Marens. Marens. Dr. Marens. I hope I'm saying it, right? You know how... Whenever there's a normal pronunciation, Jared, I always put a twist. How was it spelled? M-O-R-E-N-S. Yeah, marens, probably. You want to say... It could be marens, but it's probably marens. Okay, we're going to go marens for now, in case anyone knows what's different. This email is so beautiful, I might have to frame this. We are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns. And if we did, we wouldn't put them in emails, and if we found them, we'd delete them. Read a June 2020 email. Marens sent just two months after EcoHealth's Wuhan grant was initially suspended. If I had to bet... Now he's talking about Tony Fauci. Tony Fauci. Saint Anthony Fauci. So this is Marens' email about Tony Fauci. And Fauci at the time was concerned over the grant, the EcoHealth grant. This is what he says. "If I had to bet, I would guess that beneath Tony's macho I am not worried reaction, he really is concerned." Alarmingly, the NIH advisor may have also received a kickback for his assistance to the disgraced Manhattan-based EcoHealth Alliance, which funded experiments on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology between 2014 and 2021. Many of the emails between Marens and Dossack privileged EcoHealth with inside information about the status of its more than $4 million NIH grant. That project, okay, okay, okay, we'll go into this. You know, I gotta get a... I gotta get counsel on this. I'll put in a call during the break. I can handle things up smart! This is a beautiful email. We're all smart enough to know never to have smoking guns. And if we did, we wouldn't put them in emails. I can handle things up smart! Except for this email that I'm writing right now. Sweet, lordy, lordy! This is again, I know I keep doing this, and I'm sorry if it's like you guys don't need a boost of confidence from the balloon head on the radio, but I'm gonna give you one anyway. If you're ever feeling like you don't deserve something, or if you're ever feeling imposter syndrome, or like, I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough at my job. Everybody's smarter than me. No, they're not, okay? Even the people whose job it is to seem smart, and wear white lab coats, and tell you what to do, and tell you about the process of the elimination of the bio, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, six feet to slow this spread. Those people are all idiots, obviously. They don't know enough not to put things in an email about smoking guns. So don't feel bad. That's just my message for the day. There's no evidence in yourself. There's no way you're as stupid as these people. We'll be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2 a Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. I know this is going to be shocking, but we learned that Dr. Fauci has been lying to us. The three scientists agreed that this was dangerous research. Two out of the three absolutely said it was gain of function. The third said it was dangerous research and should have gone before a committee. When Dr. Fauci said, "Oh, we've reviewed this, and the experts have looked at this and said it's not gain of function." Even that wasn't true. Yeah, that was a flashback of Rand Paul. That's from last August. Who's mentioned in a lot of these emails, Jared, between Marin's and Dossup, and they're not nice. They're not very respectful emails. They were smart enough to write it all down. That's how smart these guys are. The masters of the universe, the people who shut down businesses, or I'm sorry, who advised the president, who advised people to shut down their businesses. They didn't shut them down themselves. The people who controlled so much of your lives for like two years. Fauci outji. This is some of the messages back and forth, okay? Because if you think, "Oh, they're just stupid talking about smoking guns. They're just morons." It's not just that. They're also freaks. All right, so this is one of the emails from Marin's. Beverage is always good. He's sending this to Dossuk, okay? Beverage is always good and best delivered by a blonde nymphomaniac, if you can manage that. Actually, at my age, I'll take a brunette, even a redhead, any hair at all. Another shows him in Dossuk mocking Rampal for having been told to get bleeped by someone who called into a town hall of men. Obviously, one doesn't condone this base level of public discourse, but I find myself curiously buoyed by it after his months of continued attacks. They mocked proponents of the lab leak theory, including Senators Ron Johnson and Rampal as nutters and conspiracy theorists in their email correspondence. "He probably doesn't know bleep himself as he clearly failed anatomy and all the other med school subjects," Marin's replied, referencing Paul's work as a doctor. Marin's who worked for Fauci from 1998 to 2022, so I'm sure Fauci really doesn't know this guy at all. He won't recall working with Marin's. Produced more than 30,000 pages of emails and other documents to the subcommittee in response to subpoenas and has been interviewed twice by panel members. And yes, to answer your question, we will be talking to Scott Hounsel at 2.30, because no one deserves more of a victory lap than Scott Hounsel, who, by the way, you want to talk onerous Foyas. This guy has been filing Foyas and getting rebuffed from these same masters of the universe for years now. And so he was my first call. I said, "Can you come on to discuss this? I want to talk about Marin's. I want to talk about these emails. I want to talk about Rand Paul, who, when you think of someone who should feel vindicated since COVID, he's like top five on the list, maybe top three. This guy was derided as a complete lunatic. He was kicked off YouTube. He was clearly made fun of, you know, in high society, in these back-channel secret emails between all these people, and it's all because he was right. It's all because he wanted the American people to know the truth. And that's how he was rewarded by being disgraced and dismissed by these jerks. And I actually think jerks is letting them off easy. I think this is way more nefarious. These are like evil. These are Dr. Vels, they're like Lex Luthor's in their lab coats and they're sitting there. Don't worry. We're so smart. We would never let a smoking gun hide in our emails. If we did, we would just delete them. Send. It was in a folder on your desktop that said, "COVID is our fault, delete these." It's inside the computer. Scott Hounsel from Red State, coming up next. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. We had a collaboration with some Chinese scientists. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Grilly show. Yeah, that's a favorite of ours. That's a favorite sound cut. And we might be using it a lot more in the future based off this latest news. The New York Post obtained some of these explosive emails that show top NIH advisor. His name is Dr. David Merens and it shows that he was deleting records and he used secret back channels to help Fauci evade COVID transparency. But the part of this that I want to highlight is that oftentimes when you're dealing with the problem of having very sensitive, classified, however you want to describe it, information on these emails, is you'll have a situation like Hillary Clinton where she can say, "Well, I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to use my private email." And I was just talking about yoga and wedding, planning for my daughter Chelsea. Even though we all know it's BS, there's still a level of lying that you can't really say, "Well, no, there was something more nefarious there." She managed to cover her tracks to a degree. The crazy part about this is that they're writing out in the emails that we're using these other channels so that we do not have it on the email that it's supposed to be on so that when people inevitably FOIA this for more information, they will not be able to retrieve it, which I'm sure is the same reason why every corrupt hack since the beginning of time has done these back channels and not followed protocol about keeping classified information on the appropriate emails, but at least they don't write down that that's what they're doing. Does that make sense, Jared? Did any of that just make sense? Like at least they have a modicum of intelligence to know that they shouldn't write down what they're trying to do, how deceitful and dishonest and corrupt they're trying to be. You don't give a blueprint unless you're like Andrew Cuomo and you want to let everyone know all of the things you did during COVID to make sure that people died in nursing homes. Most people don't write up a blueprint of their crimes or of their misdeeds. One thing is now to talk about this, someone who's not only very familiar with Dr. Fauci, very familiar with everything to do with COVID and these shutdowns and the Wuhan lab and gain a function, but even more importantly to this story, Scott Hounsel is very familiar with Foyas because he's filed a bunch of them and he's been rebuffed plenty of times. Scott, before we get into this story about Dr. David Morin's for people who don't know what goes into a FOIA, what are they typically used for and in your experience when you filed them? Why have they been rebuffed? So, Foyas are used and they have them in various phases or any of the rest of it. They have federal Foyas and then most states have a public records request thing. Because government records are all public records, you can request them from any state or government agency. And in this particular case that I have been filing my most recent Foyas, it was regarding the COVID origins information. I was getting one to get regarding communications between the people at the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance regarding the funding they were doing at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Those Foyas were flat out ignored. I have not received anything to date. They've broken the law. End of story. Yeah. And you know what, Scott, here's my question for you. It was like you obviously knew that they didn't want to give you this information because they didn't want to be honest with you. There was no transparency involved. But were you shocked to see it written out in these emails? One of the emails I'm looking at from Dr. David Moran, who, again, is an NIH senior advisor, he worked under Dr. Fauci, I think, from like 1998 to 2022, did I have that correct? Very, very familiar with Dr. Fauci. He wrote in an email, "I learned from our Foya lady here how to make emails disappear after I am Foya, but before the search starts." Plus, I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail. There's a chance, Scott, that he saw a Foya that you had put in, and then he just decided to start deleting things. But they very well have been from the Foyas that I submitted in 2021. You know, the fact remains is simply this, is that any government employee, their communications, and as part of their government duties are public record. And if they make the effort to bypass that legal requirement, that is, make it impossible for someone to see what they have been doing with their communications, is an effort to avoid the law, avoid legal repercussions for what actions they may be taking. And in this particular case, why, and this is the question that needs to come when he is questioned before Congress in the coming weeks, is why would you take that action? Why would you avoid Foyas and make this information impossible for someone to get a hold of if you had done nothing wrong? What are you hiding? Yeah, you know, Scott, when I've had you on in the past, and if anyone wants to, you can go back and listen to those interviews, I don't want to say, I knew you were on to something, but I never thought I would see it written out this clearly. I'm really stunned by this. I mean, one of the emails says, we are all smart enough, again, this is Marin, who seems to be the real dunce of the group. He seems to be the one who's going to bring everybody down. He goes, we are all smart enough to know, to never have smoking guns. And if we did, we wouldn't put them in emails, and if we found them, we'd delete them. I mean, this is so in your face at this point, I don't know how, at least Marin, he's going to have to take the fall for this, I would assume. At this point, he's admitted to violating federal law. So the whole point is, is that the DOJ should probably place him under arrest tomorrow. You know, that they should show up at his front porch, drag him out, and his underwear out in front of his house at 6 a.m. and place him under arrest, and let him know that he has violated federal law. And I got news for you that if he's now, remember, as you said, he forwarded these emails to his Gmail account. In other words, he did the Hillary Clinton route of private email server, you know, of, well, it's on my own private email. Are they government communications? That's government property. So now you're stealing federal government property. At this point, there's so many levels of laws being broken that it eventually is going to come out. And I think that we are now starting to see it. I mean, with, with the Eco-Off Alliance's funding getting annihilated last week, no more funding for Eco-Off Alliance. With the testimony that we saw from, from Dothic where it was, he was found to be a liar numerous times throughout the, the, the testimony that he gave. It is now starting to, everyone is now starting to realize that the, the situation with the NIH, the NIAID, and the Eco-Off Alliance is, is something to be looked at, that there is the potential that this was lab created and that this ended up killing millions around the globe. Yeah. And the other email that I wanted to, to read here, he says, there is no worry about Foyas. I can either send stuff to Tony on his, meaning Dr. Fauci, on his private email or Gmail or hand it to him at work or at his house. He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble. So that's your answer right there, Scott. He doesn't want people sending him stuff that could cause trouble. If you had to guess what that stuff would be, what would cause trouble for Dr. Fauci in his government email? Well, we do know from, from other Foyas that were other places got and we ended up seeing it. Are they a doctor out of the Scripps Institute in San Diego by the name of Christian Anderson? Dr. Christian Anderson emailed Fauci in the days before the initial outbreak here in the United States stating that he had reviewed the genomic makeup of SARS-CoV-2 and found it to be genetically modified. Fauci then told Christian Anderson, "No more via email. We'll talk about this on the phone because phone calls are not recorded on a large widespread basis at the NIH." So Christian Anderson got on the phone with him and I'm sure Fauci talked him off that talking point. And then never again did Christian Anderson bring up the fact that it is, that it was potentially genetically modified. So, again, Fauci is no idiot here. Fauci knew what he was covering his butt. I've talked about this a hundred times previously. Fauci has never been at the forefront of any other outbreak until this one. What about this one made him become the poster boy of science? And then we come to find out that it was all garbage, all trash to begin with. Yeah. And, you know, we've talked about this before, Scott, and I've talked about this with you, you know, just in phone calls about how we can't get over Dr. Fauci's God complex, but it seems like this is not just Dr. Fauci. A lot of these people, they're egos and that is always what I find amusing because I think about this with the Hunter Biden investigations. It's like the hubris of people to think they can write all this down in email. So Dr. Fauci might have a God complex, but to your point, he knows how to cover his ass a little bit. Like he's been around long enough that he knows, "All right, I've got to pick up the phone. I've got to put it in email." It's really dangerous when you get people who have superiority complexes like Dr. Moran's, but he's too dumb to know that he shouldn't put it down in writing. It comes down to the fact that it's almost bragging about the fact that they know how to get away with it. The point that I just made a few minutes ago is if you are doing nothing wrong, if the actions you are taking are within the scope of your job, that you are doing everything according to the law that is required for you to do your job by, why are you hiding communications from the general public? Why are you taking these steps to email Dr. Fauci on his personal account? I would imagine at some point, especially in the coming months, that there'll be a congressional subpoena to Google for Fauci's personal emails. I don't think it'll be honored, but I think they'll at least make that effort to get his personal emails, to get Moran's personal emails. I think that they'll be looking to see if this was an effort to skirt federal law from Moran's own statements. That's exactly what it appears to be. Do you feel vindicated, Scott, as someone who was on top of the gain of function conversation before a lot of us had ever heard of it, do you feel like things are starting to finally come to the surface? A lot of your reporting is probably, I would assume, getting more attention now for people who otherwise were kind of dismissive of it? I think that vindication is a term that I think is for someone that would consider themselves a journalist. I am a guy that was passionate about a topic and did some research. I was not a quote-unquote journalist, but the long and short of it is that I'm glad that the truth is finally making its way out. As you've heard me couch statements previously, I've never said 1,000 percent this came from the lab. I've always said we have never accurately or adequately investigated this. There has not been enough credence or looked and put into this. The vindication that I will have at some point is in the actual investigation into the origins of COVID, absent the influence of Fauci and Dossack and those that have something to lose and in this case everything to lose. If it did come out that the United States government funded in a function research in China that created a virus that killed millions of people worldwide, why is Fauci not in prison? It's a very good question. Everybody listen to me right now and I say you should follow Scott Hounsel on Twitter. It's @HounSizzle. Make sure you go there. He's a contributor at Red State. He also co-hosts their VIP Gold Show. He's a friend of the Grace Curly show and he's been on here since the beginning really and I'm so excited that we're finally getting some more updates on this and something I want to discuss later is the Rand Paul thing because that was a big mistake from Dr. Fauci. He made it very personal with Rand Paul, tried to embarrass Rand Paul. He tried to dunk on Rand Paul and a lot of people might have let this go but for him now, for Rand Paul, he's not letting this go. He's like, you want to question my credibility and my integrity and you're as corrupt as the day is long, we're going to see this thing out. Thank you, Scott Hounsel. I do appreciate it. We'll talk to you soon. Again, follow him on Twitter @HounSizzle and make sure if any of your friends miss that interview, send them the podcast later on. Father's Day is right around the corner and I have a way that you can give your dad such a great gift but also treat yourself. This is a great part of it. It's a two for one. It's not just dad who's going to have a great Father's Day. You're also going to have one with Omaha Steaks. They can have a delicious steak, maybe a delicious cheeseburger, hot dog. You can try a little bit of everything with the Omaha Steaks package and I really think for dads, something they love is the simplicity, Jared. There's something very nice and simple about a delicious steak on the grill. They don't need things to get fancy. They don't need things to get complicated. They just want to relax. Maybe turn the golf on, get the grill going and have a delicious, juicy Omaha steak. There's nothing better. Father's Day is the biggest steak eating day of the year as it should be, as it should be. Don't be the guy who gets your dad the scrap meat because everybody got the good stuff. No, get him the good stuff now. Go to all my steaks, get this Father's Day special, get your dad what he wants. He wants this. He doesn't want to tie. He wants steak as he should and it's really fun because you get the whole box delivered. You know that, yes, Father's Day is covered, you can all dig in and cook up these delicious steaks, but you're also going to have stuff for the next couple of weeks. You're going to get so many great products, such quality meat, whether it's, you know, whether you want chicken or steak or they have fish as well. There's so many options and you can get this all delivered. Dad doesn't have to go to the grocery store. You don't have to go to the grocery store and you're getting so much delicious stuff in a box delivered to dad's front door. He's going to be thrilled. He's going to know that you thought of him and everybody wins. It's such a great deal. Now here's the key though. When you go to Omaha, I want you to use the promo code GRACE, okay? Go to Omaha You're going to get this exclusive savings. You're going to shop for the unforgettable gifts that are guaranteed to make dad's day, but I want to make sure that when you go there, you use promo code GRACE. That's Omaha Use promo code GRACE to check out and tell your dad, I said happy Father's Day. We'll be right back. This is Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question, which you still have time to vote in, you've got about five minutes. So go to It's brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. How he's going to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton this week? So call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit Jared's on the board. Jared, what's the poll question and what do we got for the results? Today's poll question is, who's having the worst month? Alvin Bragg, the quote unquote Mick Alberts, Fanny Willis, Jack Smith, the FBI, or Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden's having a rough month. The House Committee voted to release... That's kind of a standing headline. Yeah, it's been a couple rough months for him. They decided to release evidence that Hunter Biden indisputably lied under oath to Congress, but I'm still going with Alvin Bragg. Alvin Bragg still on the lead at 38%, 30% for the Mick Alberts, 12% for Hunter, eight each for Jack Smith, if indeed that is his name and the FBI, and 4% for Fanny Willis. All right. Now, Howie Carr joins me now and we were discussing, I know you're going to get into the Karen Read trial today. You're going to talk about Dr. Fauci and the emails and all that good stuff. But I wanted you to share your analogy for CNN. I said, Howie, I'm surprised that CNN does worse than MSNBC because I would think based off watching it that MSNBC would be worse. I find I find their programming to be horrid, but you had a good reason for that. No, I said MSNBC, if you have a Trump derangement syndrome, you're a Trump derangement syndrome Maholic. MSNBC is 190 proof grain alcohol. CNN is 86 proof with a splash. Yeah, you want the strong stuff. You want to really go for it. Yeah. You don't want who wants near beer when you can get into your pale ale, but it says they posted the lowest rated week in prime time since 1991 and in the article, it won't be the lowest for long. That's what I said in the article. It keeps saying they hit rock bottom and I'm like, says who like you underestimate them. Things are just getting worse. Their programming is not getting any better. Yeah. We come back to the alcoholic thing, you know, they haven't hit rock bottom. They're far from rock bottom far from it. Howie, you've got a lot planned today. I don't want anyone to miss it. He's going to be talking to turtle boy at 430. Is that right? Yep. 430 with turtle boy and so much to get you with this explosive emails from Dr. Marens to Dr. Fauci and others. So you guys do not want to miss that. And also don't forget to book your reservation to Aviva Trita Hanover from May 31st for my birthday remote. We'll be back tomorrow, everyone. Have a great night. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)