The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy Reacts to McCabe's Harassment Accusations Plus Google Search Testimony | 5.22.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

The Karen Read trial is not slowing down. Aidan Kearney calls in to break down the latest testimony. Plus, CNN's latest ratings have Grace wondering which of the mainstream networks is the worst of the worst.

Broadcast on:
22 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show, another day of the Karen Reed trial is underway. And it was a big day because although Jennifer McCabe's been on the stand for a few days now, this was the first day that the Google search was brought up and she did respond to it. And I've mentioned this before, but there have been a lot of parts of this case, and I know Turtle Boy who were about to talk to you would probably disagree with me, that have peaked the general public's curiosity about this group, what happened that night on January 29, 2022, the German Shepherd that didn't seem to make a lot of noise, that was rehomed, a lot of inconsistencies in the timelines, a lot of inappropriate conflicts of interest between people investigating the case and people involved in the case. But a lot of that stuff, at least for me, I could file under coincidence or incompetence or bizarre, but not necessarily a sign of a huge cover-up. But what I really did find myself going back to, the one thing I couldn't explain away was the Google search, and that was a huge part of the trial today that is still ongoing. And currently it's Kerry Roberts who's testifying, we'll talk about that in a second. But the Google search was brought up and I want to play this cross-examination by Alan Jackson because there's two cuts here and then we'll get Turtle Boy's reaction. Let's start with Jen McCabe testifying that she made, because there were a few different Google searches all along the lines of how long does it take to die in the cold, some of them misspelled. But she admitted to two of them, can I have cut five please? That morning I don't remember specifically what I Googled, but I do know what you've put out to the social media. How about this? Hoss long to die in cold. Does that sound familiar? Yeah, it's been everywhere. Why does that sound so familiar? Because you've put it out in social media. Well, I haven't put anything out in social media because I don't personally have social media. I'm sorry, Turtle Boy didn't. So if the world happens to know it, that's not on me, is it? I guess not. I guess not. Hoss long to die in cold is what you put in to the Google search, right? If you say so. Is there a reason that you don't want to admit to that? Absolutely not. It's a simple question, right? No reason. So say it. What Google search did you use? Action. Sustained. All right, now I want to play the next cut. And I hope Turtle Boy's not getting frustrated here, but let's go to the next cut because the way he set this up was really interesting. I was watching on YouTube, okay? And he's showing on a spreadsheet the different Google searches. And from the perspective of people looking at this PowerPoint, all you could see was the Google search has made it like 623, 624. And so not that it matters to the jury, but this is just kind of a note. On the YouTube chat, people are going crazy and people are typing in, "Oh my God, where is the 2 AM Google search?" Basically starting to think, "We have been sold something that's not true. Maybe this is all a giant conspiracy theory." People are starting to freak out going, "Oh, wait a second." So she actually only Googled these things at 623. Alan Jackson then says to the person in charge of the prompter, "Can you scroll up?" And all of a sudden, in a very dramatic fashion, you see the 227 Google search. So can I have cut six, please? What does that Google search say? How long to die in cold? Now, you indicate that you did that, you made that search at 623 AM, correct? Correct. And then you indicated that you did it again thereafter at 624, correct? Correct. At 624, you misspelled the phrase and you spelled it as follows, "How long did I die in C-I-K-D?" Correct. Correct. Now you claim that those two searches were at 623 and 624 AM, respected. Correct? Action. Praise it differently. Sure. You've indicated, under direct examination, that these two searches were at 623 and 624 AM, right? I don't know if I gave exact times, but I said it was in the morning and Karen had asked me to do it. And you, exactly. You claim that you searched because Karen was screaming at you and yelling at you, Google hypothermia, and you Googled, "How long does it take for a person to die?" I'm sorry, she said something like, "How long does it take for a person to die in hypothermia?" And you Google searched it at 623 and 624. Is that right? Again, I'm not sure about the exact times. I'm just at it after Karen asked me to do it. Do we have when he scrolls up to the 220? I want to get that in. And you see the time when you scroll up, right? According to that, the celebrate data. You see this first search that says, "Hoss along to die and hold?" I do. What's that time? You've got the, um, it's right over at 2.27. AM or PM? AM. Ms. McCabe, you made that search at 2.27 AM because you knew that John O'Keefe was outside and your sister's lawn dying in the cold, didn't you? Absolutely not. I did not make that search at that time. No. All right, now joining us and I do apologize to her to avoid, but I mean, I had to play that. It's pretty unbelievable stuff. I want your take, before we get into you being mentioned, and we are going to talk about that, give me your take on the way that Alan Jackson set that up because it was very dramatic there. And I think there was a real purposeful tactic to kind of keep that from the audience for a while until, or not the audience, but the jurors, for a while. And then to say, scroll up and we finally got to see the 2.27. What did you make of the way he went about this? Were you satisfied with the Google search line of questioning? Oh, yeah. It was meticulous. It was a work of art that he had there. And keep in mind, the jury supposedly all 17 of them are here in this for the first time. So, you know, they see this up on the screen. She had previously testified that she did it at 6.20, whatever. And, you know, she did do it at 6.20, whatever. But that's the thing that they hide behind. Nobody disputes the 6.24 search. But she also did it at 2.27. And it's right up there on Selbright, which is the industry standards for this stuff. It's undeniable. And this is yet another witness who has been confronted with forensic data from a phone. So, like, the life 360 data and the calls between Higgins and Alberta 222 and all this other stuff. And the calls between Jen and Nicole at 6.07 and 6.08 that were answered. Undeniable forensic data on paper that they just look at and they say, nope, I didn't do that. I find it hard to believe that the jury is believing these people over forensic data. I mean, so it's a top cell on their part. Yeah, I was wondering that, and I was actually texting a friend of mine while it was happening. And I was saying, it's hard to claim, you know, cherry pick the data that you want to say is accurate. And then look at another one and say, no, that one wasn't me. And I was kind of wondering, Turtle Boy, if he should have at that point asked her what could have happened. Like, did someone take your phone? Do you think someone else had access to it and googled this? Because in my mind, I'm thinking that's the only other logical explanation of she didn't googled herself. Well, she's going to hide behind. They're going to come up with this mumbo jumbo about cash files and WALs and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And they're going to try to bore you to death and word salad you to death and just try to confuse the jury into thinking, well, maybe this is a mistake. They had some nonsense about like, you know, she had a previous window open for ozone basketball or some garbage like that. And then it's just nonsense. It's all a lie. It's all deception. And nobody's going to believe that because I've never heard in the history of law and order a case in which Google searches are somehow inadmissible. When I was back when I was in jail, back in my jail days, I was in there with a guy named Brian Walsh, who's probably going to spend the rest of his life in prison because he Googled some really stupid things after chopping up his wife. And it's like, wait till he finds out that you can just say, oh, Google searches aren't real. Because that's basically what the commonwealth is saying here. Yeah, that's a good point. I'm speaking with Aiden Carney, aka Turtle Boy. Your name was mentioned. People just heard that in the cut. Jen McCabe, and she's not the first person on the stands to reference this harassment that her and her family have been dealing with. They blame you. They blame the people who follow your blog. They blame the people who do support. Karen Reed. I wanted to give you the opportunity to respond to that. Oh, my God. It's just such nonsense. This is a distraction. These people murdered John O'Keefe, they plotted to kill him. They lured him to that house. They beat the crap out of him. They threw him on the front lawn. They Googled how long to die in cold. And what did we do, as Alan Jackson pointed out today? When did this alleged harassment start? Last May of 2023, after it became public knowledge about what these people did. It's not harassment. It's peaceful protesting. It's rallying. It's people coming together and saying, we're not going to allow a corrupt government to cover for these people who, quite clearly, the evidence shows murdered a police officer. We're not going to stand for it. And that's not harassment. They can sit up there and they can cry about it and whine about it with their fake tears and their fake tears for John O'Keefe. But we know that the United States of America, and we have an absolute right to protest people who do this, to innocent people like John O'Keefe and Karen Reed. Turtle, what I want to ask you about Carrie Roberts because I'll be honest, you know, I think at this point, I have a semi-good handle on the characters involved in this, the main figures. I'm not as familiar with her. She's on the stand now. And I wanted you to first take us back here because I know there was something of note involving the shoes that happened today, taking the shoes off. You said that broke the case wide open in your opinion. But first, can you let the audience know about who Carrie Roberts is, why she's on the stand today. What's her connection to all these people? So Carrie Roberts is a friend of John's from back in the brain through days. They went to high school together. And in all honesty, she strikes me as one of the only people in this whole side of the aisle and that side of the aisle. That actually seemed to care about John O'Keefe and who's shutting genuine tears for him. But she seems like she's just an easily duped and easily manipulated friend of John's. And on that morning, Karen called her and she met up with her and Jim McCabe, three of them. And they went out searching for John. And they ended up finding him there at the house. And she's on the 911 call. And she's in the videos and stuff like that. And she has basically been manipulated by Jim McCabe, just like Jim McCabe manipulated John's family, police officers, and others at the scene. To believe that no, Karen did this. And she didn't carry here all the time. And Carrie seems to believe this. And I think a lot of these people just don't want to come to terms with the fact that something so heinous could happen inside that house. That people that John was supposed to trust and liken and be friends with could do something like this. It's easier just to believe the Karen Reed theory, which is like that the angry ex-girlfriend hit the gas pedal. Now, now, what was the thing about the taking of the shoes off? Can you lay that out for us? Yeah, it's typical Adam Lally up there. He's got nothing of substance to ask these people because none of them saw anything. He doesn't have any bombshells. They've been telling us bombshells are coming to terms. They got nothing. And so what do they do? They distract with stupid questions about like, did you take your shoes off when you went inside the house? Because John liked a clean house and you liked it when you took your shoes off. And Carrie Roberts and Jim McCabe took their shoes off and Karen Reed didn't. So I guess that means she killed them. I mean, that's literally some of the best things they have to offer. Yeah, that seems to be, what else does it matter? Unless he's just asking these questions to bore the jury to death, which might happen, which might actually be their plan because they have no plan to convict Karen Reed. So they're just going to bore these poor people to death. Now, Turbo, I know you're not in the courtroom because when they're-- Oh, I am? Oh, you are today? I am for Carrie Roberts. Oh, you are for Carrie Roberts. I have to leave, yeah, so yeah, I have to leave whenever these "witnesses" I allegedly intimidated are testifying. I can't be in there because I might get them to tell the truth. So you weren't in there yesterday with Jen McCabe and the reason I bring that up is because I was listening to you for people who don't know Turtle Boys on with Howie around 4.30 every day. I was listening to you on my way home yesterday and you said you were talking with Howie about this tactic of Jen McCabe's to kind of look at the jury. I've seen other people, other witnesses do this in other cases. A friend of mine brought up Amber Heard did this a law in that high profile trial with Johnny Depp. How do you think that's playing? Have you heard from anyone who's in the courtroom when Jen McCabe is testifying? Is that playing well with the jury? And what's just your opinion from watching it? No, I mean, I'm watching her do it because she thinks she can scan anyone. It's what she's done this entire time with John's family, with Carrie Roberts, with all these people. She's tricked him. This jury is not stupid, though. These are intelligent-looking people, smart-looking people. And for what I've heard from Jessica Machado is that the jury doesn't seem to be buying it based on their facial reactions. She's looking at them, trying to, see, look at me. I'm a regular suburban sucker mom. I couldn't possibly do something so heinous and they're just not buying it because she comes across aggressive and she comes across as a liar. I think this is going to be one of the quickest acquittals in the history of murder trials. Now, Aidan Carney, I got one more question for you. A lot of people have been waiting for this day about the Google search. What is next on your list of things you want to see asked or, you know, who you want to see on the stand? Is there anything left that you're still going, "Ah, I need to hear that line of questioning before, you know, I'm satisfied." Or was that really the last big bombshell to tackle? Three big people. Michael Proctor, Scordy Bello, the medical examiner, and Brian Higgins. Brian Higgins allegedly signed a federal proper offering, you know, assistance to the government in exchange for favorable treatment. Scordy Bello is the one who needs to be grilled about how she came to the conclusion that John doesn't have the fence of wounds on him, that he was hit by a car. And Michael Proctor, of course, the architect of all of this, none of this could happen if he was not the lead detective on this case. He is going to get skewered by the defense. So we definitely have some great witnesses coming up. If this trial is probably going to go to the 4th of July at this rate. They're taking a sweet time. They have no court here tomorrow because I have court tomorrow. Can you believe that? It's going to be the same afternoon and she is in the morning. They won't have us on the same day because we bring a crowd and they don't like that. So they're canceling tomorrow's court day for a little old me. Turtle boy, we thank you for your time. Aidan Carney, give people your info if they want to follow this case, if they want to follow your Twitter, if they want to check in the afternoon when you post a blog. Yeah, it's or @doctorturtleboy on Twitter. Thank you very much, sir. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls on this. Don't go anywhere. It's Grace Curly Show. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Okay, the reason you deleted that 227 a.m. call because you realized that if you were caught googling how long it takes for a person's time to hold three and a half hours when John's body is found, that would incriminate you. Jackson. The objection sustained. Did you delete that search because you knew that you would be implicated in John O'Keefe's death if that search was found on your phone? Jackson. Could you answer that please? I did not delete that search. I never made that search at 223. I never would have left John O'Keefe out in the cold to die because he was my friend that I loved. I'm not trying to be fresh here, but I do not understand how she gets out of that one. Unless she says someone took my phone at 227, someone was in the house, took my phone, which is possible. All these people seem to be very close, so maybe somebody had access to her phone. Besides blaming somebody else in the house, I don't get how you can just say I didn't make that search. I made the other ones, but the one at 227 that kind of links me to all this, I didn't make that. And if they're going to, maybe they'll bring up an expert of this forensic data who can say that these things happen or sometimes there's a glitch in the system that just makes your phone Google something. But otherwise, and I'm going to repeat this because I don't want it to be taken the wrong way. I'm not saying that to be flipping. I really just don't get how, as someone who's such a key witness here, how she's going to get out of that. Yeah. I thought they'd have something more prepared, I guess, than just I didn't make that one. I made the other ones, but not that one. I mean, they had to know that was coming. I mean, she said just familiar with everything that quote, unquote, turtle boy put out there to make it look like she Gould or whatever. I'm sure she was dreading this day. Yeah. So she had to be aware that this was a, there was some mention if of a 227 AM search, how long to die in this. No, you'd think she would have been prepared for that. And, you know, Jackson brought up a great point though. He's like, so all right, so there was, why does a search at 624, which you've admitted to making? Why does that match the exact phrasing of a search at 227 that you didn't make? Like, how does that work? It's a crazy coincidence or just a crazy happen sense. I don't know. And you know what the other part of it too is, is that the way he did it, where he really just focused on the 623, 624, and then was like, you know what? Scroll up. It was drama. It was courtroom drama. And I think it would play well with the jury. Be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us. I'm glad we had Turtle Boy's reaction to the harassment accusations by Jennifer McCabe and by other people who are witnesses in this trial, because that does seem to be a strategy. And I'm not saying it's not genuine. I'm not saying that their lives haven't been turned upside down. I don't think there's any arguing this case has caught on like wildfire, not just in New England, but across the country. But it does seem to be a strategy as far as eliciting sympathy for these witnesses and trying to paint a narrative that they have just been brought into this. And here's my issue with that. First of all, let me say, and I know I don't have to say this, but I always like to, I never want anyone to be harassed or intimidated. And I think that people having an interest in this case and wanting to uncover the truth should not go into the territory of ever making anyone feel unsafe. And that's a problem we have in general in our society where people always have to take things to the next level. It's like not enough just to be interested. People have to, you know, amp it up. But what I will say is wanting to know the truth and pointing out inconsistencies and also inappropriate, inappropriate behavior by the family where this body was found on their lawn and the investigators of this case and the DA. That is not something that just saying, Oh, well, I feel harassed is going to wash away. Like two things can be true. There can be unhinged people who get way too caught up in this and take it to a whole different level. And, you know, some of the things she was describing today, which I'm not sure how relevant it was to what Jackson was asking. But some of the things she was describing are terrible and people shouldn't do those things. People shouldn't, you know, write disgusting things about her family or graphic things. But two things can be true at the same time. That can be very bad and people can get way out of hand. And also there can be a lot of parts of this case that were not handled properly. And the people can question and people can have concerns about. Including the fact that there was a Google search about how long did I in the snow at 2.27 a.m. and then later at 6.23 a.m. That to me has nothing to do with the rolling rally that went by their house. The rolling rally does not negate the Google search. And I find this in a lot of different, not just cases, but in a lot of different intellectual arguments we have. About politics or about issues about societal issues is that there's a go to to say, well, I feel bullied. I feel harassed. I feel attacked. And I'm not saying that doesn't happen. But it also then makes the people who are asking questions feel like, oh, I have to stop. I have to stop asking questions because I'm being a bully or I'm harassing someone. When really, Karen Reed deserves to have as much defense as anybody else. She deserves to have a fair trial. If she's being accused of murdering... Does that count as harassment? Yeah, if she's being accused of murdering her boyfriend, then if I were in that situation, then I'd hope everybody would be curious about it and asking questions. I wouldn't want anybody to, like I said, cross that line. But I would hope that people would have invested interest in getting to the truth. 844-542-42. Okay, I want to switch gears here. Like I said, you'll get Turtle Boy again at 4.30 with Howie. So I think we've covered a lot of what's going on today. Carrie Roberts is on the stand. If we get any news on that front, we will let you know. I did want to go back to a different trial, though. Not the hush money trial. I want to go back to one of my favorite trials, Jared. It's actually one I miss. I look back on it fondly. And that was Fanny Willis and Nathan Wade. Or as I like to call it, those are my cabin years. They're cruising together anymore. They say they're broken up. I say they're on a break. I am still holding out hope. We'll get to that in just a sec. But let's do the poll question first. It's brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1A44 a Perfect Smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is having the worst month. Alvin Bragg, the quote unquote McAlberts. Fanny Willis, Jack Smith, the FBI, or Hunter Biden. I'm going to say Alvin Bragg and really Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchant. Everyone who was amped up on this hush money case, Lawrence O'Donnell, Michael Cohen, everyone involved in this scam is having a very bad month. Because as ridiculous as it seemed from the outset, I remember Jonathan Turley said something like, "I knew it was weak, but I still thought in the back of my mind they were going to have something." Like they were going to show up and with some piece of evidence, some smoking gun where we could all go, "Well, I guess it actually was a little bit thicker. There was something meatier to it than we first thought." And no, it actually turned out to be even thinner gruell than people first imagined. So I'm going to say Alvin Bragg. 45% of the audience agrees with you that Alvin Bragg is having the worst month. 23% say the McAlberts. 11% for Hunter Biden, 10% for the FBI, 7% for Jack Smith, and 4% for Fanny Willis. Okay, now speaking of Fanny, take a load off everybody. We're going to talk about Fanny Willis here because Fanny Willis, believe it or not, and I actually can believe it, because just because you get caught being a liar or having tons of cash in your house or hiring your lover to be the lead prosecutor in a case, even though he really has no experience in law of that nature, that doesn't mean that you're not going to get reelected. That doesn't mean you're not going to find yourself victorious yet again when it comes to being elected the district attorney in Georgia, and that's what happened for Fanny Willis. So this is from Yahoo News. It says that her victory speech occurred after she actually had a sweeping victory. She in the primary. She defeated Democrat attorney Christina Weismith. Willis shared her vision in her victory speech on Tuesday night, and she said that no one is above or beneath the law. Now, I would actually argue that she is above the law, because this whole thing, Judge Scott McAfee's decision to split the baby, essentially, and say you can stay on this case, even though you have exhibited clear poor judgment, and you did this knowing it was a conflict of interest, going on cruises with the person you hired to be special prosecutor, paying him more than the other prosecutors who actually had experience in this line of work, and she still got off Scott Free, and she's probably going to be reelected. So I would say in that case, someone is above the law. It's Fanny Willis, and someone from what I've gathered over the last few years is beneath the law, and that person is Donald Trump, because no one has had their life, Jared, gone over with a fine-tooth comb like the former president. He's had Mar-a-Lago raided. He's had every check he's ever written, brought under a microscope, every relationship he's ever had, dissected, and torn to pieces. So yeah, I would say there is someone beneath the law, and that is Donald Trump. But I did want to give everyone a little bit of information on Fanny Willis' victory, only because she was so excited about it. Can I get cut sex, Jared? I am just so humbled and so grateful to the citizens of whole county who made this possible. Tonight, they delivered a strong and a powerful message. They want a district attorney that believes everyone deserves to be safe, and everyone is entitled to some dignity. And it's a message that's built in the law, but there is no one above the law in this country, nor is there anyone beneath it. Now, keep in mind, as Yahoo points out, she's currently under investigation by Republicans in both chambers of the U.S. Congress and two commissions in the Georgia state legislature. And she's not above the law, she's not beneath the law, but she is under a lot of investigation. And, you know, I was told, actually, that if you're under investigation, I think by someone on the view that that just automatically means you're guilty. I don't abide by that logic, but there are definitely plenty of reasons that Fanny Willis should not be about to be reelected as district attorney in Georgia. Now, what I want to also mention here, what I found particularly amusing, is that she ended the speech by saying, "We are going to celebrate. We're going to party the day drinking gregus in case anybody wonder." We know she loves gregus. That's her drink of choice. It's not wine, despite what you might have thought. Based off her trips to wineries with Nathan Wade, it's actually gregus. So that's an update for you on that front. And then we have AOC, who's in New York. And she was asked about Trump and the visits he's making. As I said, there's something really powerful about how Trump is not just going to rallies and red stage, which we all, you know, would have expected ahead of this election. Because he's stuck in New York, he's making the most of it. He's going to Harlem to go to Bodega's. He's going to construction sites in Manhattan. And AOC gave away the game when she talked about this. Can I get cut for, please, Jared? And by the way, he's doing it in the South Bronx not to make a point, but because he's got court. And the man practically has the legal version of an ankle bracelet around him, and he can't leave the five boroughs because he always has to be in court. And so it is truly an embarrassment to him. And I am looking forward to the response of everyday Bronx sites talking about how they feel about him coming to their back. I would love to hear how they feel about you. That's something I'd be curious about. Can we get some men on the street interviews to see how people in the Bronx feel about AOC or Jamal Bowman? I know that he represents some of that district as well. But the interesting part about this, Jared, is that it's from the same people, the far left progressives who are constantly fearful of Trump being a dictator and Trump's answering people and Trump killing democracy. He's just going to take democracy. He's going to take a hammer to it. And then he's also going to take a hammer to the Constitution, and he's just going to tear everything to shreds, and it's going to be a banana republic and all these things. And then at the same time, they turn around and they admit, they openly admit to this law fair that we have an ankle bracelet on him so that he can't campaign to run for President of the United States. And all I could think about was how when Tucker Carlson was kicked off the air, AOC, yet again, like she's out of all of the people on the left, she puts in the least effort to hide her true agenda. And there's something about it in a twisted way I do respect. But remember when she said this after Tucker Carlson, Carlson got kicked off the air. She said this cut five. Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News. Couldn't have happened to a better guy. What I will say, though, is while I'm very glad that the person that is arguably responsible for some of the largest driving some of the most amounts of death threats and violent threats, not just to my office, but to plenty of people across the country. I also kind of feel like I'm like waiting for the cutscene at the end of a Marvel movie after all the credits have rolled. And then you see like the villains like hand reemerge out to grip over like the end of a building or something. But deep platforming works and it is important. And, um, there you go. And like, there you go. Like, like, like, like, like, like, like. I just want to point out that if you can't debate someone, if your intellectual arguments can't withstand a conversation with someone, and that person will be able to poke too many holes in it, then you want them deep platformed and you want them silenced and you want them censored. Because otherwise, if you feel like someone else has a stupid argument, you're more than happy to have everyone hear it. Like, expose, expose yourself. If you're a moron, if you're a puppet of Putin, Tucker Carlson, expose yourself. Go on your platform and you'll be so dumb and so dangerous that nobody will watch you. But that's not what happened. A lot of people watched Tucker Carlson. A lot of people liked what he had to say. AOC couldn't stand that. And the reason I play that flashback is because the same thing is happening with Donald Trump. If you are so much better than him, if he is so moronic, if he's such a bumbling fool, if America was in such bad shape when he was president for four years, then let him campaign. Let him go around the country and remind everyone of what a horrible job he did for four years. And your guy, Joe Biden, who you love and then you love his son, Hunter, you stand up for his misogynistic son, Hunter Biden, if your guy is so great, then let Donald Trump go around the country and he will expose all of his own flaws. He will remind people of what a crappy job he did. But that's not what's going to happen. So what do you do? Deep platform. Put the ankle bracelet on him. Keep him in the courthouse. Don't let him go anywhere. They're afraid. They're afraid. That's the part of it that cracks me up. It's the fear. They want to talk tough, but they rely on these tactics because they can't win the game. So they have to implement all these new rules. They got to pay off the refs. They can't actually win based off talent or ideas or persuasion. So they have to just put the fix in. They have to tilt the scale in their favor. And it's so obvious. She's out there bragging to the cameras that Trump has an ankle bracelet on and that he can't go around and campaign. And these are from the same people that want you to know at every single turn that he's the dictator, right? That he's the authoritarian. That he's the dangerous one. When we come back, we'll take more of your calls. But you know, Father's Day is right around the corner. Father's Day is just so wonderful. It's so great to celebrate Dad and there's no better way to celebrate Dad than by grilling him up one of his favorites. Whether it's a steak, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken. There's so many delicious treats at Omaha Steaks. And I want you guys to get your hands on it. This summer they've got hand selected gift packages starting at just $89. Go to Omaha and use promo code GRACE at checkout for an additional discount when you shop gourmet gift packages for Father's Day. With Omaha Steaks, the possibilities are endless. Endless flavor, endless variety and endless value. I know I'll be grilling up some -- I'll let somebody else grill them up because you guys know that's not my forte. But I know that I'm going to make sure my Dad has some delicious steaks on Father's Day and Jared, as the resident father in the studio, let me know. What are you cooking up? I think I am going to do some of the bacon rap fillet. Delish. Yes. And the other great part about this is, yes, it's a great gift for Dad, but it's also a great way to stock up on this stuff for summer. Because you're not going to be able to get through it all on Father's Day. You can put some away for another Friday night this summer or a week night when you get home and you're a little stressed out. It's so great to have all of these at the ready. And for just $89 for this quality, you can't beat it. Dad doesn't have to go to the grocery store. Dad doesn't have to go out, period. He can enjoy a juicy, delicious steak and you can cook it up in your own backyard. So go to Don't forget to use promo code GRACE or else you're not going to get all the great deals. Go to Use that promo code GRACE and get Dad something he's going to love. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. We really appreciate it. There's horrifying new footage of some of the teenagers that Hamas took hostage on October 7th and it's been released reading this now from Red State. Israel has released footage taken by members of Hamas showing them taunting and abusing five teenagers taken during the October 7th attack. Several of the victims are visibly injured and bleeding. Hamas fighters and others can be heard shouting and suggesting names. Suggesting they intend to rape the women. It says the footage below is disgusting and disturbing as necessary as I believe it is for people to see who Hamas is with their own eyes. The viewer discretion is advised. Yeah, it's a really, really horrific video. And a lot of people have just been posting it and captioning it in obviously in different ways, but the same message of this is what a lot of these young people are supporting. And yeah, some of them, I'm sure they have no idea, like they don't actually understand that when you are rooting for the eradication of the Jewish state and you are supporting Hamas, this is what you're supporting. All of these feminists who have said nothing about October 7th, all these Hollywood stars who claim to be such righteous supporters of women, but say nothing about these women. But that's no excuse. It's like ignorance of the law is not an excuse, you know, ignorance of what you're actually supporting does not give you a pass when it comes to this horrible hypocrisy we're seeing in this country as far as our response to this brutality. We'll be right back. We've got updates on Dr. Fauci, updates on Hunter Biden and ratings news from CNN. Don't go anywhere.