The Howie Carr Radio Network

Will Biden's Student Loan Buy Out Pay Off? | 5.22.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Biden's betting it all on student loan cancellation. But will it pay off? Also, new information is coming out about the FBI's raid on Mar-a-lago raid.

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22 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store". Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, they stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. It is Wednesday, May 22nd. It is a gorgeous day here in New England and we have a lot of news to cover. Per usual. Nothing new there. Something that broke yesterday after I was actually done with the show was an update on the Mar-a-Lago raid. And that was that the FBI was prepared to use deadly force against Donald J. Trump and his security detail. Inset raid at Mar-a-Lago. Remember the raid where they took all those beautiful photos? They drew chalk around the documents. They put little ketchup fingerprints on all of the documents in the bathroom of Mar-a-Lago. I'm kidding, of course, but it was very choreographed. It seemed very curated. I can go with some sort of vogue photo shoot, like Annie Leibowitz was on the set of that Mar-a-Lago raid. It was handled very differently, which of course we will get to than the Joe Biden raids. There were multiple raids because, and they weren't really raids. They were just knock, knock, hey, do you mind if we come in and look around? Because don't forget that the word, what was the word Jared that was constantly used when we were describing Joe Biden's document scandal? It was constantly used by the National Archives and it was constantly used by the FBI. And it was constantly used by the Biden administration. Cooperation. Cooperation. That's the word of the day. Joe Biden was cooperative. And that's important to know because that's why they didn't have to do this drastic, unprecedented raid on his residence. They save that for Orange Man Bad, who was also cooperative, but it didn't count because it was coming from him. And his cooperation just isn't the same. And so there's kind of two schools of thought coming out on this from the right. Obviously the left school of thought is, yes, this is necessary. He's the most dangerous man in the world. Every single thing we do should be with deadly force in mind. We should always be prepared to use deadly force against Donald J. Trump if you're Joy Behar, for example. But on the right, there's two different schools of thought here. And one of them, the first one being that people are rightfully shocked and horrified that the FBI felt it needed to be prepared to use deadly force against a former president and his secret service detail. But there's another reaction from conservatives. And believe it or not, plenty of lawyers whose opinions I really do trust, including a lawyer who's very involved in defending the J six insurrectionists or as Joe Biden likes to call them, erectionists. And that opinion is that this is standard language for an FBI operation. This lawyer, for example, said he's read this hundreds of times over his career that if you're doing an FBI operation, if you're doing any sort of raid, this has to be in there. That's just the language they use. And so I was reading that and I was kind of like, yeah, well, I guess maybe it is a nothing burger because if it's just what they have to put in, then what else are they going to do. And then I read a headline from Susie Moore from Red State. And her headline summed it up with, yes, the Mar-a-Lago raid was extraordinary, but the deadly force language in the ops order was not. And so again, I'm sitting there and saying, maybe am I missing something like what makes this a big deal? And then it dawns on me and it's like, it's not the fact that the language is standard. It's not the fact that they put this in every FBI raid. It is again kind of going to Susie Moore's point, the fact that there was a raid to begin with. Like, yes, it is normal, I guess, to use this language if you're dealing with a drug kingpin. You know, if you're dealing with someone running a human trafficking organization, if you're dealing with violent people, then yes, maybe you need to use this language, maybe the FBI needs to be prepared. But if you're dealing with a former president who is not violent, who has actually been in communication with the National Archives about these documents, this is extremely concerning. And I think that that took me a minute because you get so used to things where, you know, you start to move the goalposts, where it's like, well, yeah, well, what are they supposed to use an FBI raid, so they're going to have to use that language. It's the fact that there was an FBI raid in the first place that we all need to focus on here. The fact that one president got an FBI raid, where they were ready to use deadly force, and the other president got to walk people around his garage and say, where am I? They go through a room. Man. Really cool. They don't drive it down and drive by them. That's one president, and the other president, his residence gets raided by FBI agents. And by the way, another part of this that I think is important to note here is that the FBI didn't want to raid Trump's house. And actually, there's a report here, and Molly Hemingway, who, you know, I just mentioned that there's a lot of lawyers who I trust who are saying, and this actually isn't that big a deal. Molly Hemingway is also a source that I go to for a lot of these things. She is great when it comes to the deep state, the FBI, and she tweeted out this important part of the story. It says, two senior FBI officials who would be in charge of leading the search resisted the plan as too combative and proposed instead to seek Trump's permission to search his property, according to four people who spoke on the condition of, you know what, being anonymous, as always. But there were two senior FBI officials who warned Merrick Garland, who warned the AG. "This is too much. This is not normal. We should not be doing this." And that advice was discarded. And that's another theme with this Biden administration. There are occasionally people with a modicum of sanity amongst the madness who say, "Excuse me. I don't know if we need to show up in Palm Beach and raid this guy's house for these documents. We might just want to ask him. We might just want to call him and see if we can get permission to show up. But that's not what they wanted. That wouldn't create the right visual. That wouldn't create the right momentum." Well, that's what they thought at the time. It's as since backfired. But I think that when you look at this, and someone who laid this out really well with Senator Eric Schmidt from Missouri, and he was on with Laura Ingraham, let me get a little bit of this, Jared, because there's no point in talking about it. And this is the amazing part of the story with so many of these stories. It would be ridiculous if it was just happening to Trump. When you have the contrast, when you're able to put it next to the fact that we have examples of how they treated Joe Biden months later, it becomes a different level of ludicrous. It's like, so not only are you treating this guy so poorly in such an unprecedented fashion, but then we have the example of how you would treat someone if you were acting like normal human beings, and we can put them right next to each other. It's not like, oh, the only example we have of this happened 100 years ago, and times were different. No, they both mishandled documents. And just in case anyone forgot, Jack Smith, who's investigating Trump's mishandling the documents, which we've already been told so much worse than Joe Biden's, like, you know, Joe Biden mishandled documents. But Trump mishandled documents, and that's a big difference. Guess what Jack Smith's accused of doing mishandling flippin documents? Dear, I say that this is just a problem with all of these people. Should we raid Jack Smith's house? I don't think so. I don't think that would be a good idea. Should we raid the FBI? You know what, no, I'm gonna, I'm gonna use caution here and say, no, we should not. Seems extreme, but it's okay to do it with Trump. Take a listen to Eric Schmidt. This is a cut three, please. Okay, a new court filing unsealed today, Senator. This just in provided a behind the scenes look at how federal agents prepared for and executed the raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence. That was back in August of '22, including deadly force being within the missions guidelines. Senator, they were actually thinking of using deadly force, or it's on the table that might be necessary at Mar-a-Lago. Really? Yeah, if you ever needed any more evidence about the two tiers of justice, you compared this authorization of deadly force for the former president versus essentially the kid gloves they put on for Joe Biden who had classified materials from his senate days in a garage where 100 Biden shares who's, you know, compromised by foreign governments, right? They treated these very differently. This is just sort of like the explanation. Well, it's not just that. Senator, they gave a heads up to the, or the lawyer was allowed to go, the White House lawyer was allowed to go to the garage and kind of check out the lay of the land first, right? Isn't that how it went down? Oh yeah, there was no nicety that was overlooked when it came to the Biden administration. You know, they really rolled out the red carpet for this guy, and what was Joe Biden's response to that? Why are you keeping these documents in his garage? He was offended by the question. Forget, you know, saying, "Oh, forget the fact that there wasn't a raid into his garage." "Make my day, pal." He actually looked at Peter Dusien and said, "It is where I keep my Corvette. Like, how dare you question the security of my garage? My Corvette's in there. You son of a bitch." That's my Corvette in there. Those documents were more secure than you'll ever be in your life. And so it's not just that there's two systems of justice. We know that. But now I'm noticing this push from people to say, "This is standard language." Yeah, but none of this is standard. We are, we've passed the Rubicon of things being standard. Once you invade Mar-a-Lago, I don't care what falls under a standard FBI raid. There shouldn't have been a raid in the first place. You could treat Trump the same way you treat Biden. Now, of course, it would be easier to handle the Trump situation in the Biden administration because he has his documents everywhere. Joe Biden's got him like above a steakhouse and the think tank and the garage and the library from his time as a senator, from his time as a VP. So I understand that in that sense, maybe you figure a raid's easier because it's all in one spot. It's all in one location. But there was no reason to treat Trump like this. And so don't fall for that. Oh, you know, it's standard language. Yeah, it's standard language. But it's also a standard practice of dealing with dangerous violent people, not former presidents. Now, now that I got that off my chest, you know what we got to talk about today. Today in Dedham, it was the day. Oh, actually, I should tie it up with one more thing. Closing statements, closing arguments in the Hushmani trial will be on Tuesday. Mark your calendars. Everyone needs to have like a court TV calendar at this point for the different trials that we're keeping track of, which brings me to Dedham today. Jen McCabe took the stand. I believe this is her third day. So on Friday, she was on the stand. Monday, court was recessed. Tuesday, she was on the stand and then today. But up until today, we hadn't heard anything but the Google search. Now. I want to say they made a bit of headway yesterday. The lawyers questioning cross-examining Jennifer McCabe. They focused a lot on the butt dialing. How he said Canton, Massachusetts, the butt dialing capital of the world. They focused a little bit on trooper proctor. Some of the mistakes that he made when transcribing Jen McCabe's responses. She had no problem. I really, he wasn't alone. Yeah, yeah, there was a lot of mistakes. Mistakes were made. But today was the big day, the Google day. And I go back to this because I'm trying to see if I have time here. You know what? I'm trying to get better about giving myself time. I don't want to rush through anything. We're going to save this second chunk. We're going to go to the how long to die in the snow or how long to die in the cold searches when we come back. We'll take your calls in the meantime. It's eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. If you want to talk about the Karen retrial, if you want to talk about the Mar-a-Lago raid, the use of deadly force, the FBI agents who said, I don't think this is a good idea. Maybe we should try something else. And their advice was not, was not adhered to. Which is again, I go back to like the Afghanistan withdrawal. Occasionally there are people who give intel or who have been around the block who say, this is not the proper way to do things. And it seems like this administration is so full of ego driven narcissistic morons that they push through it anyway. They don't care. They think they're, you know, untouchable. It's like, just do it. Don't we don't want to hear, you know, why this is not something that's typically done. Just do it. It will make us feel good. We want to see a raid on Mar-a-Lago. We don't care about any of the details. We don't care how dangerous it is. We don't care that now we're allowing the FBI to potentially use deadly force against a former president in his secret service. Do it anyway. We'll be right back eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Don't go anywhere. Follow Grace on Twitter at G underscore Curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. One of the textures took the words right out of my mouth. There's been all these headlines today about how Biden has announced another round of student death handouts. You know, student, I don't care what kind of euphemism you choose to use, like whichever one's going to make you feel better. I am a student loan forgiveness type Jared. That's the one I like to go for. Some people like student loan cancellation, student loan relief. I prefer forgiveness. I think that really it makes Joe Biden feel like he's the Monsignor or something, you know, he's offering all this forgiveness to people. And so he has this new round coming out 7.7 billion dollars in student debt handouts for 160 K borrowers, which seems low to me. Like 7 billion dollars and you're only relieving debt for 160,000 borrowers. But you know, I wasn't a math major. So maybe it does make sense. But one of the textures said student loan relief, a.k.a. buying votes. And I wrote that down. It says, because there was a headline on Fox that said Biden says he will never stop trying to cancel debt. He will never stop even Jared. I hope that means even if he doesn't win the presidency, that's still going to be something that he, you know, he's at. He's in Nantucket for his Thanksgiving break and he's still pounding those cobblestone streets trying to cancel debt. But I crossed out by never going to stop trying to cancel debt by Biden never going to stop trying to buy votes. Yeah, I don't doubt that. Why would he stop? That's the only thing he has left is maybe buying votes. You're not going to stop now crunch time. I think that might be a miscalculation, though. I mean, clearly, clearly, the people who get their loans forgiven in this situation won't necessarily vote for Joe Biden. A lot of them are probably in the pro Hamas crowd. They're generally not grateful about anything. And they're kind of deadbeats. You can't trust them. Yeah, you know what it is. You're, they can't trust these people that actually come out and vote for Joe Biden. Because of, I mean, again, and no shame on anybody who takes this if it's offered to you. Absolutely. It's the right fiscal thing to do it. Absolutely. Absolutely take it. However, it's a character issue at that point. These are not people of integrity character who are going to vote for this guy just because. Well, you know, there's no loyalty there. I want to go back to something you just said because, and we all know people like this. I'm going to give an example. Okay. It's like, you do something nice for somebody. Everyone has a different length of time that it gets them. Like Jared, maybe I do something nice for you. I say, Hey, Jared, I brought you an Adona. And maybe it makes your day and you can't get over it for a week. Some people, you do something nice for them. And it's like two seconds later, they're back to their old selves again. They're back to be in miserable. It didn't get you a lot. These people, it's the same thing. It's like, yeah, you're only as good as what you've done for them lately. And by lately, I mean within the last five minutes. So if you've canceled their student loan debts in, what are we in now, May, and then it gets to November and they don't feel like you've done enough when it comes to freeing Palestine, whatever the hell that means, then they're probably, they've got a short, short memory when it comes to the good deeds, the forgiveness, the loan repayments of Joe Biden. I agree with Jared. I don't think it gets you very far. Plus, they don't view this as a favor to them. They view this as something to which they're entitled that they shouldn't have to pay loans to begin with. Yeah, they're going to be like, Oh, wow, he did this for me. I'm going to vote for his. Oh, he finally did the right thing. Good. I hate Israel. I'm still not voting for him. Yeah, they're going to get the email. Hey, it's Joe Biden. I just canceled all your student loan debt and they're going to reply back about damn time. Now do something about beating Netanyahu. XOXO, not voting for you. We'll be right back. We're going to Jen McCabe and we're going to do the poll question. So don't go anywhere. 844-542 42, it's Wednesday and it's the Grace Curly Show. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. I was talking to Melissa today at Perfect Smiles. They are really the best. They're so nice and they're so accommodating and they're going to make sure that you get the smile that you've always dreamed of. So don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. You want to go to Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua, New Hampshire, call 1-844 a Perfect Smiles or visit Perfect Jared Diglio, the genius behind the poll question today. Tell us what the poll question is and tell us your inspiration, sir. All right. Well, today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who's having the worst month? And I was just thinking about everybody that has gone to Trump or everybody that's been a defendant in a local court case. And it's not going so well for those people. So who out of these people is having the worst month right now? So far, and it's still, you know, we've still got a couple days left here. I haven't even modeled it yet. Alvin Bragg, quote, unquote, the Mick Alberts, as Turtleboy calls them. Fanny Willis, Jack Smith, the FBI, or Hunter Biden. I think Hunter Biden internally has bad months, but I don't want to... Michael Cohen's having a pretty bad month. Oh, I forget about Michael Cohen. Yeah, again, I put him in the eternally bad month camp. I got 12 of those a year. You know what, though? It's hard. I'm going to say, because I know a lot of people, some people are focusing on this local trial, but I'm going to say Alvin Bragg, because this case has been a disaster from start to finish. Even for people, we talked to Brett Tolman yesterday, former U.S. Attorney, and for people who have been pre-convinced that Trump was going to have a hard time in New York with his jury, now it's starting to swing where a lot of legal experts are thinking that because of how poorly this was handled, because of how this should have never gotten as far as it did, and it only did because of Alvin Bragg's open vendetta against getting Donald Trump, that Trump actually might get acquitted, which would be really a nail in the coffin for Alvin Bragg's career, illustrious career. So I'm going to go bragg on this. 44% of the audience agrees with you. Alvin Bragg is having the worst month. 27% say the McAlberts, 8% each for the FBI and Hunter Biden, 6% for Jack Smith, if that indeed is his real name, and 5% for Fannie Willis. Yeah, Jack Smith's having a bad month because the judge who's overseeing this mishandling of the documents case is very disappointed in him. It read like a parent when you've crashed the car or something. It was like, I'm very disappointed in the way this case has been going. And we know that it got pushed back because there's been so many issues with the way everything's been filed. It's been very sloppy. And so that's a problem. But when you're when you're overseeing a case about mishandling documents and then you're accused of mishandling documents, I mean, if there was a clown nose available, I think he would have to put it on. Now, this is your day, Jared, because 925 said Jared nailed it. They are entitled to that forgiveness 617 that Esquire this week. 617 says, so Joe is borrowing billions asking 350 million Americans to pay the loan. So he gets 110,000 people to vote for him. Maybe, but that's a big, you know, it's a very expensive gamble for Joe for all of us. We're partaking in this game of roulette. Like, this is a very expensive bet to place that Oh, I'm going to pay off all the student loan debt. And these people will vote for me. And as Jared said, these people that we're talking about these young radical progressives, these squad, these aspiring squad members. You know what else they don't like, Jared? They don't like Joe Biden. They don't like his stance with Israel. And I keep trying to tell them he's way more pro Iran, pro Hamas, pro all of these terrorist organizations. He's way more pro that than you're giving him credit for. He is on your side. I know it doesn't seem like it because he has a hard time verbalizing it. And optically, he has to pretend to semi still have BB Netanyahu's back. But rest assured, he's way more in your camp than he is pro Israel. But with all that being said, they don't like Joe Biden. They don't like his stance on Israel. But you know what they really don't like? They don't like being told what to do. And so you can't turn around and say he paid off your student loan debt. You should really you owe him this. You should show up and vote for him. That doesn't work well with this crew. They tend to rebel when they're told this is what you're supposed to do. This is what you should do. So yeah, as 617 said, he's borrowing billions of dollars. And I'm borrowing spending billions of dollars. And he's asking for this, you know, 110 plus people, 110,000 plus people to vote for him. But whether or not they will remains to be seen. And there was a part of this story that jumped out to me because I'm reading it. It was from the New York Post. Actually, you know what it was taken from Fox Business because it's all Murdochs. So sometimes they borrow each other stories. It's at another 160,000 borrowers and their families will get some much needed relief thanks to the continued efforts of the Biden Harris administration to fix the broken student loan system. That was the under secretary of education who said that. We congratulate those borrowers on their due forgiveness and we will continue to work to deliver relief to others. So as you just pointed out, this isn't something where they're going to be thankful or appreciative of Joe Biden. This is like, you know, it's about damn time. Thanks. But you know, you were supposed to do this. This was, this was the plan. This is what we're owed. Yeah, I mean, do forgiveness. It makes sense. You know, I was rebalancing my mortgage last night and I have decided that I need to do forgiveness on my rebalanced mortgage. Yeah, we get to bring in. Let's work on that. We get to bring in Michael Cohen. We talk all the time about these different business opportunities that we want to take up. Consulting, political strategizing, you know, all of these things that I think could be really fruitful, really financially Jared. Really, really successful for us. And one of them would be rebalancing. Like, forget being an entrepreneur. You know, people say that I'm an entrepreneur. Oh, or Joe Biden says, oh, I made all my money with my books. No, no, no. Next time someone says to me, where do you make your money from? I'm going to say rebalancing. I do a lot of rebalancing of funds. That's the Michael Cohen way. So now Joe Biden's doing some rebalancing with all of our money. And I love this line too. It says the Biden administration has taken several actions to clear student debt. I would add something into that sentence. The Biden administration has taken several unconstitutional actions to clear student debt. The Supreme Court has made it abundantly clear that this does not pass constitutional muster by any stretch of the imagination. But when the Supreme Court rules against Joe Biden and he wants to do something, he disregards the Supreme Court. When they rule against something that he likes, it's settled law. You have to abide by their decision. Just one of the double standards. Add that to the double standard. You can file it right under the Mar-a-Lago raid. 844-500-4242. Joe, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Joe? Good afternoon, Grace. Thanks for taking my call. I think you're underestimating the amount of people that might be thankful for this absolute handout to people that might not even need it. Now, not only do you encapsulate maybe a potential spouse when you release someone's debt forgiveness for a college, you also got a couple of parents that might have cosigned for this loan that they're paying off because their kids can't get a job off the couch. So this might corral in maybe half a million votes, as opposed to maybe just 160 that might be happened. And it's disgusting because you've got people earning, what, 30 grand a year, 35 grand a year. It's going to be helping people pay off up to $200,000 college loan. I mean, that's absolutely ridiculous. Yeah, I want to add something in, though, because it's been very murky to me, and I'm sure per usual the clarity or the lack of clarity is the point. But I'm not really certain of how this goes down. Like, they keep announcing all of this relief that you have to apply for. And then they keep setting these dates, Jared, in the future. I am not convinced that I don't think anyone would be convinced until they actually see their student loan erased. But as far as whether or not this stuff's going to stand up, I don't really know. Because just because he says something and says, "Oh, we are pushing forward. We're announcing $7.7 billion of student debt relief." That doesn't mean it actually happens. It still has to, you know, they have to put together the plan. They have to have all these people apply online. That's number one. But number two about what you just said about how I'm underestimating the thankfulness of people. Now, by the way, the borrowers here, they have until June 30th to apply to consolidate, Jared. So if they have until June 30th to apply, this is still pretty far out. Because then once they apply, all of the applications have to be considered. There's going to be lots of back and forth. So I think this is just like a continued push towards November. But here's what I will say to that last caller. Let's just pretend that the government works really quickly, okay? And they figure all this out and they start hitting the cancel button on all these student loans. And that last caller, Joe, his point was people are going to be thankful. Parents will be thankful. They don't have to pay it. I would argue that people might be able to do two things at the same time. People might be able to say, I'm glad that I got in under the under the gun there and that my student loan debt is relieved. But also, I'm going to vote for Trump so that now the world can get back to normal. Like, why not take both, Jared? Why not say, Hey, this is what I would do. Hey, my student loan debt got canceled. That's awesome. And now maybe the future of the country won't be so unsure if I vote for Donald Trump. Maybe things will get better. Maybe the border will get closed. Maybe inflation will go down. Maybe normalcy, actual normalcy, not like, Oh, no more mean tweets. I'm talking, you know, no more wars breaking out. That's my standard of normalcy. Maybe we can get some normalcy back. Like, why not take the money for the cancellation of the relief or whatever you want to call it, take the handout and then still turn around and say, Thanks for this. But I'm still not voting for you. Like, why do we put that past people? You don't think there's parents out there who are going to say to their kids, Hey, make sure you apply for that student loan debt and also make sure you vote for Donald Trump because we want to get the student loan debt canceled. And then we want to bring in someone who knows what they're doing. I also kind of want to see the fine print and the final form on this because there really is nothing. There are no free handouts. The government never does anything for free. So I want to know within this, if you apply for this, you get your loans forgiven. What's the government's cut on the interest of these loans that you have to pay them? It's going to be like a Scientology contract. Like you agree to it, but then they put you on the Green New Deal cruise ship and you have to do like 10 years of that at sea. If you're not clear by 2029, forget it. But the other part of this too, Jared, that we're talking about as far as people wanting, because then I think, well, what if they keep dangling the carrot and say, you know, if you vote for us again, you'll get more of this. But at a certain point, as Americans, people must have to start thinking about the future. I hate to sound dramatic. I don't mean to sound like the women on the view, but the future of the country and the example I'll give is when it was Biden versus Trump in 2020. I remember a lot of people would say to me when I would say, I'm really nervous about the election. A lot of people would say to me, well, it's going to be great for you either way. Because if Trump wins, you know, that's great, you know, and you love Trump. And if he doesn't win, you'll have so much material. And I will say this, I kind of downplayed that at the time. I didn't realize how much material we were going to have for the next four years. So I will admit that the material has been the silver lining. Every single day here, it's very, very easy for us to put together a show, because there's so much stupidity that is constantly oozing out of the pores of this administration. But I remember I would look at people, and specifically my sister. She said, well, you know, if Trump loses, you'll have a lot of material. And I said, I'm not really worried about my show's material as much as, and I'm not saying this because I'm some sort of great person. But I said, I want everyone to do well. I want a good country for you, for your friends, for the young people who are starting up for people who are trying to start families and buy houses and be safe and live in a flourishing country. Like, I'm not thinking about material, like I'm some sort of stand-up comedian. Yeah, we'll find stuff to talk about. Yeah, we'll be okay. And this is crazy, longtime radio listeners will understand this, that, you know, talk radio politics has always been part of it. But prior to 2016, it was not really politics other than Rush. Like other talk shows that Glenn Beck has brought this point up too. I don't want to talk about Trump 24/7, but it's what's going on, and we have to. So we would have been okay. We would have found material. Right. And I just think at a certain point in this conversation. Yeah, you might get, you know, your student loan to cancel. You might get this. You might get that. But when do you start looking at the options and saying, but I also want the country to survive? And I don't know if we can survive another four years of Joe Biden. I'm not saying that to sound like a crazy person on MSNBC. I'm saying that because I genuinely don't know. I don't know how you survive with an open border with, you know, rampant crime with rampant inflation. Just let with a president who gets out there and says things like a minor incursion that starts a war in Ukraine. I mean, this, we've been the amount of destruction he's brought on in four years, and it's just increasing as time goes on. Like he's able to do a lot more damage in shorter amounts of time now. And four more years of it. I don't know. It scares me. And so if you're thinking about voting for Biden so that you can help us with material, I'm going to tell you right now. Don't worry about us. We'll be okay. We'll be heroes in the situation. Vote for Trump. Save the country instead. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls 844-542. We do have turtle boy joining us at 105. So if you're mad, we haven't gone to the Gen McCabe stuff. Don't worry. We still have a lot of time to talk about it. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. If you ever miss any of our interviews, you can always get them wherever you check out your podcasts. For example, Brett Tolman was on yesterday. That podcast is posted. We'll have Turtle Boy, Aidan Carney joining us at 105. So do not fret. If you don't catch it in your car or at your desk, you can always listen to it later. Leslie, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Leslie? Hi, Grace. I'm 75, and I put two girls through college, and they were up to. And then I saved a lot of money for my grandfants with 529 accounts. I don't think these kids today should be getting their tuition paid off. Nobody should. They take out these loans and they go to school. Then they get out of school. My girlfriend started. She went to a very spent of school. She has a degree in French art history. She works at Starbucks. I don't want to pay the tuition loans for these pimped puke kids today. The majority of them are nothing but lazy, too lazy to go get a job. If you can't afford your college tuition in my day, you went to school part-time and you worked. These pimped little pukes go to college, run up the bill, and then they expect everybody else to pay for it. And I'm really sorry, but that's the way I feel. Leslie, you know what the crazy part is? AOC when she was on late night, I think with Stephen Colbert bragging about one of the rounds. There's been so many rounds now of the student loan forgiveness from the Biden administration. And she was on late night talking about how excited she was about this. And she was listing off some of the things that these young people who had been saddled with this unfair debt that they took on willingly could do now that their student loans were going to be relieved. One of the things she mentioned, go back to school. That was her idea. You just got all the student loan debt relieved so that you could get a degree in French art history. Hey, I'm a theater major, so they're no judgment boy. You get your degree in. But then her idea, her follow up is now go back to school and get another degree that you're not going to be able to use for anything and rack up more debt. And in a couple of years, we'll relieve that debt after you start whining about that. It is crazy. Yeah, it's like the guy who was a quadruple bypass and all of a sudden, "Hey, I got new arteries. Let me get some more cheeseburgers. I can just start over." Yeah, it's like a clean slate, tabula rasa. We will start over and we will rack up the debt yet again. And I understand exactly what you mean and another article that I read that I thought put this really well. I'll try to find it. I think it was Tom Cotton who said that these schools should have some skin in the game. Like if you think these degrees are going to equal such success for these students, then you back up the loans. If they're going to all be so brilliant in making all this money, you back it up. Turn a boy coming to next. This is Toby from Cape Gun Works. The Second Amendment is so important. Just like all other rights, the best way to keep any of our amendments alive is to come down and experience your right to keep in bare arms. Come into Cape Gun Works, try a range experience package or rent a gun on our wall and see if firearms are right for you. We have private lessons and date night every Friday. All of these activities don't require a gun license. Come into Cape Gun Works or go to and give us a shot.