Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 84

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22 May 2024
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I'm with Oliph on the fourth line, the last one on the line is key. So we had yesterday on pagan with Baze, Riblezburg Shimon, and he was sort of about 15 lines down, and Ribley Schmopper, Rebiosi, who was the bottom line, the two of them both apparently had gathered problematic Jews giving them over to the Romans, they were forced to do it. In an event, the two of them were very large individuals. Kihavu Mikhli, Rebyschmor, Rebiosi, and Riblezburg Shimon, Bahadi Adadu, when the two of them would get together, Havel Eilibakra, Daturi, Benaihu, a pair of large oxen could go between them, like I guess walk underneath them if they stood belly to belly, their bellies were so big, Velohave, Naga, but who wouldn't even touch them? I'm Ralahu Akimatranisa, there was a particular noble woman, a Gentile woman, who said to them, "You guys are like so enormous, Benaihu, Anam Shalacham. I believe that your children are not actually yours, like how can you possibly have relations with your wives? You guys are huge." Amru, Law, they said back to her, "Well, Shalah'en, Godal, Nisha'lanu, theirs, their stomachs are even bigger than our stomachs. If you think we're enormous, you should see our wives, they're doubly enormous." Well, then says this lady back, Colshekain, like all the more so for sure, like how possibly you're going to impregnate a woman like that. Well, what was their response to this? Fascinating conversation, Ikida Amri, they either said, Haqiyam Rula, that they responded to from the Pasulkin Shafedim, "Ki-kai-ish vu-ra-soi, like a man, is his might," which Rashi first shot is his male organ, is as big as he is, that's how big his male organ is. So don't worry about us. Ikida Amri, alternatively, Haqiyam Rula, they responded to her with the "Ava-do-yekes-es-a-basar" "Love overcomes flesh." Okay. Now, it's interesting that we're responding to her at all. "Kamar wa-sa-lama-lula-doo-ri-la." Why exactly were they responding to her very off-handed, uncalled-for comment, "Vah-hak-se-es-a-n-other-pas-as-a-al-tan-k-sill-ki-val-to-don't-like-answer-back-the-fool-in-is-ridiculousness-or-is-fali?" Well, once you raised the point, though, it was important for them to respond to her. "La-hai-ci-la-as-al-ban-am-so-as-not-to-start-spreading-rum-ers-about-their-children." I'm Rabbi O'Hannan. Now, the following the more of the next five lines says Rabbi O'Hannan. "A-re-de-re-de-re-de-re-de-re-be-schmall-ber-de-be-osy." "His male organ was ke-re-mas-bas-te-te-cha-cav-en, like a canteen that is nine-cav, nine-cav-as-approx-mall-e-a-leader-and-a-half." So imagine, like, a leader-and-a-half bottle of soda, that was the size of his organ. "A-m-a-re-of-papa-re-papa-as-a-re-de-re-be-o-chan-an-a-re-be-o-chan-a-n-a-te-re-mas-bas-cav-as-chmall-e-as-cav-en, which would be, I don't know, 800-mill-leaders. "V'am-re-la-ba-schlace-cha-cav-en," which would be approximately, like, 500-mill-leaders, like, a 16-fluen-ounce bottle of Coca-Cola. "Dou-re-of-papa-gou-fae," his male organ was ke-de-kuri-de-har-panoi, which Rach explains is some sort of basket, which, I think, it holds six cups. So somewhere between, like, from a half-leader bottle of soda, imagine, till about a leader-and-a-half bottle. Now, there are those who want to take this literally. These could have been, I mean, pop was definitely about busser. These men were extremely large individuals. Also, there's others who want to understand this is talking about their drive for tashmish and fitting in very well with the concept as anyone who's greater than their friend has a YH that's greater. You know, there's the greater potential, and these were all great men. "Aam-re-biel-chanan, a'nay-yish-tari-mish-cha-firi-yush-la-im-re-biel-chanan," this is, "I remain from the beautiful ones of Jerusalem." "A'im-an-te-ba-yim-xi-shuf-re-dure-biel-chanan," so the more it says that a person would want to see the beauty of your biel-chanan, apparently nowadays, not around anymore. So, "nasi-khas-de-khas-ba" should bring a silver cup. Now, bring it mib-be-silky from, like, where it's produced, the sorfime factory, the smithy. Like, brand new silver vin-nim-a very shiny, shiny as I'll remember. Vin-nim-al-yay, part-se-de-rumna-sumka, and fill it with red pomegranate seeds, then a-ha-de-alay, and then surround it, calile with, like, a crown, devarda-sumka, lapume-a-sumka, lapume-a-sumka, and the whole rim with these beautiful red roses, vin-noise-fae, and then place it, ben-shim-shul-a-tula, not like directly in the sun, not directly in the shade, but sort of like in between the shade and the sun. Ha-hu-ze-ha-ru-re, that beautiful luster. Main, "shuf-re-dure-biel-chanan" is similar to the beauty of "re-biel-chanan." So, I'm going to ask, really, following memory, you would think "re-biel-chanan" would be in it, but his name's not mentioned, any, the ha-mar-mar, the following teaching. Shufriyidirav Kahanah, Rufkhanah was a beautiful specimen of male human. He, his beauty, and of course this could also very well be on a Rakhni level. It might have been mainly on a Rakhni level, but the Shufriyidir of Kahanah was main, like the the beauty of Raveyavaru, and the Shufriyavaru was main, like a little bit similar to the like a piece of the Shufriyid of the of the beauty of Ya'kavavino, and the Shufriyidir of Ya'kavino was main Shufriyidir Advarishain. Now where's your Biokhanah on the list of Biokhanah was such a beautiful, handsome, fine specimen of male human, v'illur Biokhanah, like Akhashivele. Well, the reason why he's not on that list is because he did not have much facial hair. He didn't have like a big hush of a beard, and part of the Shufri of a man is a beard, and so the Gmanasir Shainir Biokhanah to hadress upon him, literally the glory of his face, which basically a beard, lo havele, he didn't have. And we'll see actually the lack of a beard kind of makes sense for a story coming up at the next story. Ribiokhanah continues the Gmana have, also the Asavah Shah Raitzvila. He used to go and position himself right by the gateway of the mikvah, and he would do that when the ladies were going to mikvah and then coming out. He probably, I would think, was sort of like, you've seen the picture of Chaim Kenievsky, who's got his head in a safer and always thinking. He could be somewhere, but he's always, I think probably Ribiokhan is doing the same thing. Ammar, now why is he sitting there? It's a very unusual place for the god-old daughter, Sid. Well, he figured like this. Qui Salkan, Benois Yistro, Mechilaz Mitzvah. When the Jewish ladies finish doing the Chilaz Mitzvah and they're on their way home to their husbands, Lifka Ubih, let them meet up with me. You know, the concept brought down here, it's been a portion of the Gomorrah, that the, you know, the initial things that a woman after her Chilaziz have a significant impact, and this Gomorrah seems to definitely back up that concept. Let them come out of McVincey, Miki, Heitidil Haveluhu, so that that will be a merit or a sorceress, a gula, you want to say, that they'll, they'll, when they go home to their husbands, and if they become pregnant, they'll have Bonnie, offspring children, Shapiri Kavasi, that are beautiful, handsome, fine specimens of human like me, and Miri Adreisa Kavasi also learned in Torah like me. Now, the Rabbis found that a bit eyebrow raising. I'm really, they said him, the Rabbanan. "Lomistafim are me in Ibisha, aren't you like afraid of Ayan, Hara?" Amrallahu said, when we come back to them, "Ana, I'm Isara de Yaysef Kasyin. I come from the offspring of Yosef whether he was actually like a physical descendant, whether he, the way he lived his life was Yosef like. De loshaltabe, Ayan Ibisha, those who are from the Zara of Yosef, the Ayan Hara doesn't have that type of effect on them. Deksiv, like the Bhasak says, the Anabracious, the Brakhaz Yacomino, he is talking about Yosef, he says, "Ben Porat, Yosef Ben Porat Ale Ayan. A charming son is Joseph, a charming son to the eye." Vamirabha, oh, I'll take Rii, Ale Ayan, Ela Ule Ayan like above the eye, like Yosef's above the Ayan Hara. If you just remember, Kannina, Rama Haha, he says that the Bhasak you understand that concept from is from here. It says also by Yosef at the end of his Brakhava, Yidgul, the right big care of Haaretz, and there'll be like as multiple as the fish in the land. Well, Madh, Agem Shabiyyam, what's the nature of certainly before Jokhusto and cameras and everything, basically like the fish and the sea, Mayim Ahasanaisab, the water covers of Aena in Shulatismem, and you basically can't see them, or the eye, you can't see them. Avzar Isha so to the offspring of Yosef, Aena Ayan Shulatism, so too does the eye not have domain over them. Period. Here's the story that would kind of make sense that Ribyokhanun was a beautiful individual, or also didn't have necessarily the facial hair. Yuma Khad, one day, have a Khasakir Ribyokhanabiyyadunah. He was bathing in the Jordan River. Khazi Rishlakish, now Rishlakish, who my understanding is certainly the vitisis was like one of the star students as a young man, tremendous potential. And then for whatever reason, he went off and became a gangster. And now this is where this event happens. Khazi Rishlakish, Ribyokhust sees this beautiful, gorgeous figure off in the distance, thinking it's a woman, Vishavali Ardenabastrian jumped into the Jordan after to go get her, then realized that she was a he, actually Ribyokhanun. Aamarlay and Ribyokhanun saw that tremendous drive that Rishlakish had, and said, "Hey, like Larry, so you should use that drive for tural learning." Aamarlay says back, Rishlakish Ribyokhanun, "Well, Shufrae Klinoshi, I got to tell you this, your beauty really is, should be for ladies." One interesting conversation, Aamarlay, so says back Ribyokhanun, Ihadris Bach. Now, that's, I think, where Tossus learns that Rishlakish originally was like a star, an illui-type student as a, as a, as a youth, because he's saying, "If you go back to what you originally were," says Ribyokhanun, "I'll make you an offer, I can't refuse. I have no lakhakhust, see this, Shufrae Minai, I'll give you my sister's hand in marriage, and she's more beautiful than I am." Well, Rishlakish found this offer that he couldn't refuse. Khablalay, and he accepted it upon himself. Now, he, he knew what he was getting into, because he was familiar with the, with the situation. He, well, one's been a star student in the schader and maybe even Yushivotan and Paskiv and Yushivotala. Boila Mahadul Asuyimane, so he went back to get his clothes back on after he had jumped to the river below Matsu. And, and like that, the, the heaviness and the, the seriousness of what that means, when he just took upon himself, drained his strength, and he was unable, it was, it was hard for him, Boila Matsu. So what happened, they got together, and Hader Akhre, Vaznay, Ribyokhanan, taught Rishakish, Subkim, and Mishnayas, Vishaviay, and after, I guess, a period of time, he turned him into a Gavirab, a great man. Well, the Rishakish we're familiar with. Yumahad, one day, Havel, and this was, many years, probably, many decades later, Havel, Mifliki Beimidraj, there was a big discussion, a big argument to the base, Medrish. And the issue is, when we know that Calum can become Tommy, they go from raw products, or minerals, or, and they're, in not able to make a couple tomb, and once it becomes the Klee, then it's able to make a couple tomb. So when do these things, a Sayyaf, a sword, saki, knife, piguing, like a dagger, Reimach spear, Magal Yad, a hand sickle, a Magal katsir, a harvesting sickle, those are all things that, I mean, the Grim Reaper is known for his Magal katsir. They're all things that are sort of used in battle, used in war, used by gangsters, Maima, Saimakablan, Tumas, so what stage in the process do they now, able to make a couple tomb, like, when do they consider the weapon? So, well, the answer is Mishazk Marmalaktan, once they're finished processing, then, well, what is the exact moment, but Mishazk Marmalaktan? And apparently, that was a Maclokas. Rabiolchanan said, Andaland Rabiolchanan's name, Mishid, Sarfimikievshan, once they're fired up in the furnace, whereas Reishlokasch, who Andalandanmar, Mishid, Yitzaksekhan bemaim, once they're polished, that shine, that sheen, that puts the fear and terror in the hearts of potential victims, that's when they really become what they are. Ammarle, who says Rabiolchanan to Reishlokasch, well, you should know, because you will list him, lista, ballista, yousa, yada. Now, that can be taken a number of ways. Apparently, Reishlokasch might have been a, insulted by it. Ammarle, and he, Reishlokasch, said back to Rabiolchanan, a very interesting phrase here. He says, Umayyahanisly, Hasamrabi Karole, Haakarebi Karole. What have you, I'm not going to trust the word AHANIS, what have you AHANIS me, over there they called me Rebi, when I was, you know, Chief Gangster, and over here they call me Rebi. Now, the term AHANIS, I believe what Reishlokasch meant, is from the word like, Oyinah, which is like to agree, or to, to, to do bad to someone, like, why, why are you almost, why, why were insulting me? You think maybe that my, my Chuvah was insincere, like I'm doing it only for my own covet. And now, Rabiolchanan, when he heard this, understood it to me, and I'd say maybe he misunderstood it to me. The AHANIS means like, how have you benefited me? Like, what have you ever done for me? They called me Rebi over, they called me Rebi over here. Now, Rabiolchanan misunderstanding what Reishlokasch's intentions were, and what he said, what he said, Armarlei, AHANOi lakh, what do you, what do you know, what have I benefited you? I've been a few. I've been a few. I brought you underneath the wings of the divine. And it seems like there was a real, um, uh, fissure, a real break in that relationship. Holish Date, the Rabiolchanan, Rabiolchanan got very depressed over the whole thing. And actually, Holish Reishlokasch, Reishlokasch actually got physically ill, like, weak, like, sick. Um, Ahsoyah Day, Ka Bakhya, so Reishlokasch's wife, we, we know Rabiolchanan's sister, came and she was crying to her brother, Ahmarlei, she said to her brother, Ahsoyah Shilbani, like, do it for my bani or bani, for my, my children, you know, help me, help my, my, uh, your new, your harusa, my husband get, get better. Ahmarlei, he said, now, the way I understand Mr. Bjokan understood that there was nothing he could really do. And when you have the closest of friends, who means well, and tells the, you know, the relative, there's nothing we can do, I believe that's what he's, he's saying to his sister, Ahsoyah Seimech Aniachia, like, you know, leave your orphans, I will support them, um, which is, uh, using a passekin, Yermia to express that to his sister. Ahsoyah Beishlal Manusi, so she says back to her brother, she says, well, we'll do it for the fact I'm going to be a widow if he, if he dies. Ahmarlei says to her, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, ah, again, I'll take care of your widows, and indeed, Nachnashaydur Shimon Lokish, Reishlokasch, passed away. Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Seishlokasch, Ahmarlei Rabonan, so the rabbis saw that Rabionan wasn't in a good place, so they decided, they got together, they said, "Man, Laisal, Laisal, Lidite, who will go and sort of like settle Rabionan," because he's really not doing so well. Well, they decided in Azal, Rabelazim and Padaz, he should go, well, I believe in the Gomorrah other than Reishlokasch, the one who argues in Rabionan is Rabelazar, so let Rabelazar go, de Mechadnashmaysi, he's got very sharp teachings and abilities to bring up points. So, Azal Yazif Kamei, Rabelazim and Padaz went, sat in the presence of Rabionan, Komil Seishlokasch, and whatever Rabionan would say, Ahmarlei Rabelazim and Padaz, wanting, I guess, to cheer him up, or put him in better spirits, or put him in a better mind frame, would say, "Oh, Tony de messiah lach, well, you got those up right, so that supports you." Well, that didn't really put Rabionan in such a good mood, to actually put him maybe in a worse mood. Ahmar, Rabionan said, "You think you're like Reishlokas, you're trying to like be a Reishlokasch, you're placement, ahat, you." Ahmarlei Rabelazim and Padaz, Kibarlakisha, Barlakisha, I'll tell you what, Kihavu Amina mils, when I would say something, have a makshili, he would ask Esri Varba Kushai, he said, "24 different questions on it, U mafrikna" and I would answer, like, Esri Varba Peruki, 24 answers, and this is the beautiful part, Ummemela Ravhashmaysi, and like, what would come out from that would be absolute clarity in the teaching. Vat Amrasli, and you're telling me, Taimim Isailah, "Oh, Rabionan, this is a price that supports you?" Ahtul Lea Danna to shop your comma, you don't think I'm saying? Well, like I know I'm saying, well, thank you, but you're not helping. Have Kazil Vikaraman, and Rabionan is getting into a pretty bad situation here, he's going, he's tearing his own clothes, Vikha Bakhy, and he's crying out, "Amar, Heikha Barlakisha, Heikha Barlakisha, where are you, son of Lakhish, maybe she's lucky, where are you?" Vahave Katsava, and he was like sort of screaming, maybe I think he was going a little bit insane, Adeshaftate Minai, until he went a little bit insane, and it seemed like he was in such a bad state, and I guess they felt that there was no turning back, so Bower Rabana, Rahmialeh, the Rabana, requested divine mercy, that he should pass away Vannakhnafshin, indeed, he did pass away, which is highly unusual, but in certain circumstances, I guess that is what is called for. Now back to that, which we were dealing with the other day, Rabbi Lesnar Brabshimin, who wasn't sure, and he did that surgery, and took out the basketfuls of fat with the blood vessels in it, and saw that they weren't turning, it wasn't rotting in the sun, this probably took place before that test, because it seems like after that test, he was pretty secure in his feelings, his understanding, and this might even happen afterwards, but either way, I don't know whether it was Shimin, he didn't feel comfortable relying on his das, and therefore, Kabbalah Yussuri, he actually accepted upon himself something that we really don't like to do, he actually requested that he should have horrific physical suffering, and here's a little bit of what happened, but Orton, in the evening, have a maihi lei, she's an empty, they would fold up and put underneath him 60 sort of pieces of material, or gauze pads, or things to soak up the pus and blood that would come out at night from all the sores and cuts and things that he had on let's offer, and in the morning, they would nagdi mitute, they would draw up from underneath him, she's in mishakli's 60 buckets full of dama bhikivi of blood and pus, okay, he's physically in a horrifically painful a makhar, the next morning, avda lei de visu, his wife, Mrs, rebel as rimshimin, made she's in mean a lyfta, 60 different types of rashi says, some sort of like fig dish, maybe she gave them fig newtons, and fig vodka, and boiled figs, and roasted figs, and barbecued figs, and whatever she made for him, va aqalahoo, and he ate the mubari, and he got better. The loha, this shavkale, de visu, and his wife wouldn't let him, lemme ville be mitrasha go to the bay smedrish, kihi hehi de loy, lidcha, lidcha kurabana, so that the rabbanan wouldn't pressure him, put pressure on him, we'll see that some of the rabban were very upset because it was their relatives, that realm of rimshimin was gathering up and giving over to the Roman authorities, either way, but orta, in the evening, it seems like this happened over and over again, in the evening, he would say to the, I guess, speak into the yesurin, akhai virei, I don't know if you took out a guitar, it started strumming to that, but my brothers, my friends, bow, come, it's not from the morning amalahoo, xilumi bhanai, mibne, bitl tai rah, time for you all to leave because it's bitl tara, okay, now, this happened for a number, I don't know, number days, weeks, months, years, I'm not sure, but yumachad, one day, shama de visu, his wife overheard him welcoming these yesurin in the evening, amra leish, you said to him, what, atkamysus, lehoo, elavach, you're bringing this on yourself, you know how expensive it is, all the fancy fig dishes and all of the the 60 blankets every day that we have to throw out, the posh-filled blood-filled keelisa moment, she'll base up, you're wasting all my daddy's money, okay, and I guess she just couldn't handle that, and imra dah, she kind of rebelled, and move back in with her daddy, asla the base, nasha, she went back to her father's house, okay, now, who's gonna take care of, her blazarim shim, and well, anyway, there's a story that there is like a big storm out at sea, and a bunch of the sailors had da vinta shim, that shim should save them, and they did it, bishim, relazarim shim, and miraculously the storm finished, and these are the same sailors who now sleekoo, vassu, hanach, shis in safunai, they were 60 sailors, men of the sea, who came up to land, and ilule, they brought up to him, shis inavti, their vitamin was 60 servants, kinikitu shis in arniki, and they had 60 pouches, of valuables with them, and they sent it to rebelazarim shim, and they made for him, shis in minay, lyfta, 60 different types of fig dishes, v'achalu, and he ate them, and he got better that way, well, yumachad one day, amra la le barta, so mrs, rebelazarim shim, said to her daughter, who's probably also rebelazarim shim, his daughter, and others, their daughter, zili, can you please go, buckibavu can check what your father's doing, mai kavita, you know what he's doing now, asha she went, amra la, well as rebelazarim shim has said, ah, how you doing little girl, and as his daughter, I got a message she'd bring back to mom, zili, go, amra le mai can tell your mother shillanu go to misha lahim, ours, our portion, our portion of taira, the scar of the taira is greater than either misha love from yours, or from your families, karyan asha, and referred this passe to this situation, haisa, this is the famous parakan misha, haisa kanias sai kanias sai kanias sai kanias sai kanias sai kair, they are like the merchants, ships, mimir haa kanias sai kanias sai kair, they are like the merchants, ships, mimir haa kanias sai kanias sai kanias sai kair, they are like the merchants, ships, mimir haa kanias sai kanias sai kanias sai kanias sai kair, they are like the merchants, ships, mimir haa kanias sai kanias sai go to the base medrish, ayasul kamei, so oh look at that, her blazar rishim and back of the base medr, so they brought to him, people brought him shisim minidama, there were married couples, the husband, his wife saw some sort of a colored type of thing during the days that she would be muttered to have relation with their husband, and the husband brought these different types of what look like it could be down, there would be a problem, taira rinhu, and he said all of them were ta'har, which is another way of saying that all of them can go home that night and have relations with their husbands, havi kamir run in the rabbana, so the rabbana were like really like all 60, the amri, and they said saa katayta, les vu qat safiq, not even one of them, not that one of them is tamei, but there's not even one safiq, he could pass in 60 out of 60, are all fine to do their husbands, amr lehu, and obviously rablus rib shimmin, who was aware of the the response here of the other rabbinical figures, said to them, iim kamai sihu, if it's like I say in other words they were all 60 out of 60 were ta'har, you qulam sahara, all of the babies born, not one, all of them will be male children, male babies, v'im love, ta'hein the keva akhas bae nam, and if not, and even if there's like one girl born from them, how you qulam, and even if there's one female amongst them, then i'm wrong, kama, and you know what, i guess nine, ten months later they all had babies in 60 out of 60, how you qulam sahara, v'as sikulu, and they called the v'karish mai bizra, well every one of those babies were called elozar al-shmei, in the honor of rablus rib shimmin, tanya we have a little brissa, goes oh what's the end of the line, amarebi, kama, puri verivia, bitla rishazum Israel, how much procreation did this evil empire, the Romans who had forced rablus rib shimmin to go be sort of like this undercover FBI agent to get the sinners, well he wasn't around to paskin on the married ladies, need issues or questions, and yeah, kia have khanikhanafshu, when rablus rib shimmin was based on his deathbed, he was atthai, amare lalud vissu, he said to his wife, listen, yeah danabidirabhanan de recithi alai, i know that there's quite a few of the rabbis who are angry with me, again he was the one who's going around giving over jews to the roman authorities to either incarcerate or kill, and you know there was probably relatives in there of some of the rabbanan, the loin me aski be shopper, and i know they're not going to deal with me like after death, they won't bury me properly, probably they won't let him be buried next his father, or be shimba yokai. oglin bei lisa'i, please put me up into the attic, right, when i pass away, let me like lay in the, and the attic voloi tid kaliminai, and don't be afraid of me like it'll be all right, amare shimba nakmani, ishtaya lee ee mei, now this is a very interesting messara, usually we have let's say, and amare tells us something or an amare to another, rishtaya lee mei, he says, he was told by the mother of rabbioin asan, who was told the shaylada de visu, none other than the wife of rabbis shim, and the following, lo pachos, mei, tomni, sari, voloi tid fei, mi estan invid tardi, there were no less than 18 no more than 22 shun in years, so somewhere between 18 and 22 years, oglinisei bei lisa, after he passed away, he was basically up in the attic, now normally a regular person would start to decompose, however that did not happen, kihave slikna, and this is what mises, rablos rimshimin says, she says when she would go up to the attic, meinana lee bei masei would look at his hair, kihave mishtamt bei nis aminei, and if one of the hairs would fall out, have a asitama, there'd be that little bit of blood which meant for some miraculous reason, there was still like live blood flowing through his system, or basically he doesn't decompose it. yumachad one day, hazi rihashah, one day when she went up, she noticed a little worm or maggot or some sort of thing like that, tikah nafid mu'une coming out of his ear, now that's usually a sign of something starting to decompose or rot, halash.tai, and she continues and says, and I got like really like depressed or nervous, however is kasai lee bechalma, I was then shown, like in my dream, I guess that night, he came to me amarly, and he said, lo me di hu, don't worry about that, yumachad, I'll tell you why the worm was coming out of my ear, because one day shami busy, lucid discernment, rabana, and I had overheard or heard the degrading statements being made about the particular tama khacham, the lo makhahi kiddeboyli, and I didn't protest as was necessary of me, so I might have even said something but not to the extent that I should have, and that's why the worm was coming out of my ear. kevua su bei trei, and apparently he was kind of here and kind of there, because when two people would have a case to bring to base in Ladina, what would they go? havukaimi habava, they would stand by the door. Ammar milsai, Ammar milsai, and each one of the litigants would, you know, say their piece, nafakala, this voice would come out, mii, lee, say, from the attic. Ammar, yishpoyni atahai, yishpoyni atahzakai. Bob, you are a libel. Jim, you are innocent. Okay, really something. Yumahkad one day, hav ekah minatsya, de visu bahadhi shavavasa. As often happens, neighborly relationship, sometimes it's got a little bit tense, and one day the two of the mrs. Reblazar of Shrimin, who ostensibly had been widowed for approximately two decades, was having an argument with her female neighbor, Amra Law, and her female neighbor said, and this is really terrible, which is said to her, to hey kibalah, shaloyni, tell nafakfura, she should be just like her husband, who was never buried. Now, once the word gets out in that way, Amri Rabanna, Rabanna, the rabbanah, the rabbis, the rabbinical officials said, kli hai, vada love arachara, like, to this extent that people are talking about that they like know that he's dead, but he's in the attic. That's just not Derek Harris, not proper. Ikudamri, alternatively, you know what happened to bring about the next thing that's going to happen. Reblazar Reblazar of Shrimin's father, appeared to the rabbinical authorities in a dream, Amra Law, and he said to them, "Pray dachah, sik shi manei hai, viyyatam, roisim, la havietsli." A beautiful little birdie, one of them is amongst you, and you don't want to, like, bring it to me. Basically, bury my son next to me. So, Azar al-Bana, lassu kibbe, the rabbana went to deal with taking Rabla's rabbishim into the cave, and burying him next to his father, Reblazar of Shrima'i hai. However, Leishavkupene, Akbariyya, people from that place, or people with that name, they wouldn't let the rabbis take him, almost like, I guess, binakkum in the Uman, you can't take binakk from Uman, because certainly the claim won't let it. But, anyway, Leishavkuh, why? Because dachshani to have a nayim, Reblazar of Shrimin, be elisei, all the years that, which seems to be about two decades, Reblazar of Shrimin was sleeping, so to speak, in the anik, lo salaikhayrallamatayu. There was no, like, wild animals that ever attacked in the city, and they attributed that to Reblazar of Shrimin. Okay, so, what are the rabbana going to do? Yumahad, one day, it was mali, yumadikhi, purahave, it was ere vyumkippur, havu, treaty, the binakkbariyya were very preoccupied. They were, I don't know, going to the mikfah, having their sutamafsakas, whatever they were preoccupied with, and the rabbana felt that would be a good time to kind of, like, go and get Reblazar of Shrimin, and bury him. So, Shadrabhan, and they sent to the message of the binabiri, the Askul, Arseh, and they took out his bed, his coffin, they carried him out of Amtuye, and they brought him, lemah arasadavuah, to his father's cave, where he was buried. Problem was, they were going to go bring him in, but the entrance was blocked by a ākna. Askul, they found an ākna, a big serpent, or snake of some sort, dehadrahla lemah arasad, that had, surrounded the caves, surrounded the entrance of the cave, basically won't let them in. Amrulah, and they said to this serpent, that had sort of, like, twisted itself around in circles, and had its mouth and its tail, and wasn't letting them in. Akhna, ākna, oh, serpent, oh, serpent, pisskli, uh, pykhah, uh, or pisskli, pykh, uh, v'kanae s'mani et salaf, if, like, open up your mouth, let us in, and let us bring the sun to his father. Pasekulu, and the serpent opened its mouth for them. Shadrabhi, now that Ra'b al-Azur-Bashim is officially buried. So, Ra'bhi, a very great man, wanted to marry his widow. This, uh, we've, missed Ra'b al-Azur-Bashim, and we've seen so much about it. So, shadrabhi, lem-dabr, bei shtai. He basically sent a message, and he was, uh, proposing marriage to, um, Ra'b al-Azur-Bashim and, uh, widow. Sha'l-kale, uh, she sent back to him, kli-shin ish-shtam-ish-bei, kli-shin-shtam-ish-bei, kli-shtam-ish-bei, kli-shtam-ish-bei, kli-shtam-ish-bei, the vessel that was used by, holiness should be used by something secular, as a pretty, uh, low blow, but she felt that her husband was much greater than Ra'bhi, uh, her deceased husband. Ta-manamrina, and over there, I guess, in her to struggle, there's a slightly different version of what the response was. Um, her response was ba'atar de mari-basa tala-zine, kul-baraya, kul-te tala, in the place where the balabas would hang his weapon, a lowly, like, icky doggy, uh, uh, oh, excuse me, a lowly icky shepherd. Like, that's kulba's, like, coarser, or, like, uncouth, um, uh, kul-te tala would hang his knapsack. Like, she really, uh, was, uh, saying, uh, thank you, but, no, thank you. Still, Ra'bhi persisted. Shalach-la. He sent her another message, and he said, "No, he did be-tara, God-alimani." So, like, true, I understand he's greater than me in tara, a fa-ba maisim, ta-bimigar-alimani, is he greater than me in mais, ta-bim? So, she sent back the following message, sha-la-ha-lay, she sent back, ba-ta-ra, mia, God-alimah-ala-ya-dana. As far as in Torah, like, you say he's greater, okay, fine, then he's definitely greater. However, I can tell you, for sure, but maisim, mia-dana, I know that in maisim, ta-bimi is definitely greater than you, ta-kabala-la-la-ya-suri. He accepted upon himself, you sue him. Um, there is no, uh, greater maisim, ta-bim, than having you sue him brought upon yourself to, uh, for the, uh, benefit of, let's say, the population. Now, what was it in Torah that was, uh, so clear to him that, uh, Rabbi Elisor Beshim was greater than him, uh, Batura mahi? Well, di shihavu yasvi, and this is like, uh, flashback, many years. Uh, when the previous generation of, uh, g'dalim, uh, were sitting in the base medrish, he had Rabbi Shimam Lio, and, uh, Rabbi Shubin, uh, Karah, uh, underlying the two of them, uh, Asaf Salih, they were sitting on the benches in the, around the chairs in the base medrish. Yasvi Kamayon, who was there in the presence of them, sort of like as the students, none of them, Rabbi Shimam, and Rabbi, Ahra, and they were sitting on the ground. However, there was so much back and forth between the makshi, the question they asked. Umu Farki, and they answered, back and forth to medrachamim, the, the, the, the, the Rabana and the Khashulvim, the elders, they said, uh, well, one second, why are these guys on the floor? Amri, uh, they may head on to Shousin, from their waters, do we drink? They haim yakshin al gabekarq, and they're on the floor. So, uh, no, we have to make some, uh, call them the carpenters, we'll make some new chairs. These guys should definitely be sitting up on our level of Dula, who we made for them, Saf Salih, uh, the special benches, Askinu, and they raised them up. They gave them, uh, much greater, um, honorable positions. Amra le henra of Shimam-Gam-Leel. Now, of Shimam-Gam-Leel, uh, said to them, Shimam-Gam-Leel, by the way, is Rabbi's father. He was the previous generation, uh, Nossi before Rabbi. He said, Pray to Akhasei Shubin, eh, hum, I got this beautiful, um, young, uh, uh, this beautiful bird, um, little baby bird, uh, the Atemivakshim, la Avda, heh-mani, and, and you want to, you're requesting that it should be lost for me, and now why be lost? 'Cause, uh, Raj points out on the bottom line, first line, I'm going to take Amra. Shama-Tisha by Anhara, because when you raise someone up to a position of prominence, then they're much more in the public. Anhara can have an effect on them. Well, Akh too, la Rabbi, and they then, uh, you know, put Rabbi back in his previous lower position on, on the floor. Amra, la Henry, Shubin, Karka, and Shubin, Karka, said to the crowd, "Well, one second." So, just because Rabbi still has his father alive, in other words, uh, Roshimam-Gam-Leel, Misha-e-Hil-Lev, and won't be affected by the Ayin-Haro, Misha-Eem-Leel, but somebody who doesn't have a father alive anymore, I guess, for a, uh, Shubinim, Kaya passed away already. Um, he should YAMUS die. So, they lowered him down, also Akh too-Nami, la Rabbi Lozrib Shimim. Now, Rabbi Lozrib Shimim felt he was much greater than Rabbi, and they're just kind of treating him as like, "Hey, if you do this, Rabbi, you got to do it to the other guy." Rabbi Lozrib Shimim, and so Ha'laz-Dite, he got a little bit, uh, upset, depressed, um, Amra, kachashvisu lek havasi, they, they all think that I'm like on the same level as, uh, as Rabbi, but, uh, by the way, a really great man truly knows his level, and I guess he knew his level, and he felt he was much greater than Rabbi. Ado Yuma, well, up until that time, for, uh, a long time, the practice was khehave Amra, Rabbi Milsa, when Rabbi would say something in the basement, I'd just have a Misha-eem-Leel, Blessrib Shimim, and a little bit of Shimimim would say, "Oh, I got a support for Rabbi in this way, a support for Rabbi in that way." Mi-Kanvela, from that point on, though, khehave Amra, Rabbi, uh, when Rabbi would say, "Aishul Ahashi, for one second, I got an objection." You know who would pipe up, none other, that's right, Amra-Leel, Rabbi, Blessrib Shimim, would respond, "Well, kachle kachashkalahashi, this is what your question is going to be, zu'i chuvah sa'cha, and this is what the answer is going to be, hashta, stop bothering us with all of your klutz questions, hashta, he kaftanu chuvose kavileis, you're giving, like, bundles and bundles of questions, shame, banamashk, it aren't really questions." Oh boy, uh, hala shkaitait, the Rabbi, so Rabbi, uh, felt really bad about that, uh, got a little bit, uh, bummed out. Us, Amra-Leela, vu'an, Rabbi Kamin, told his father, who was, uh, Rashimimimim-Leel, what did it happen? Amra-Leel, um, Rashimimim-Leel said to his son, Rabbi, and, and this is actually a great compliment, he said, "Bani, al-gai-ral-lah-ha, like, this, don't take this too seriously, it shouldn't get you upset, shihu, he," Rabbi Shimimim, is an ari-bar ari, "he's a lie in the son of a lion, he's a balazar, Rabbi Shimimim, none of this, his father, Shimayokai, vahata, but you, your greatness is, as an ari, you're a lion, you're almost, like, a totally self-made man, because you're a ben shuwal, you're only, you're the, uh, lion, but you came from a fox, which is much greater, a lion from a lion, you expect the offspring to be a lion, but from a fox, no. Now, it's really amazing that, I mean, he's basically the, not see the Jewish people, he's referring to himself as a, as a, as a fox, "fahinu-dah-mar-reby," and this would go along the lines of what, uh, Rabbi himself had said, "Shleisha-an-vis-son-in-hain, there's three that are very humble, three people, Valu-hain, Abba, Dad, Ubaneb-e-saira, and Yona-san-min-shal, now, what did the three of them, what happened with them, so colon, Rabbi-al-lah-shimimim, and al-gamm-li-al-hoo, I underlined ha-dama, we just saw, he basically called himself a shu-al, which is incredible, that he was the Nasi-Jewish people, and sorry for himself that way. The Bineb-e-saira, who I underlined ha-dama-mar, uh, when the Bineb-e-saira, they were leaders of the Jewish people, Hillel moved, and they realized that Hillel, uh, Haishivu, Baroish, they put him in charge, Uminu-la-nasi-alayin, and put him as the Nasi, which was, uh, a great, uh, humble thing to do, basically, leaders giving up their position to somebody else, and, uh, the Tanakh story by, uh, Yona-san-min-shal, and shal was the king, and, and yet, uh, Yona-san, his son, who, I guess, should have been, the next king, um, de-kam-la-la-dovid, told dovid, who actually became the next king, but, that seem like all the astral, you will, uh, rule and reign over there, uh, Israel, Vani-e-al-e-al-homish, and I'll be like, uh, second in command, and, and that takes a tremendous amount of another when you were, you know, like, the crown prince was supposed to the next be king. So the Gomerus is, as in its eternal skepticism, well, who says, me, my, or its eternal, uh, unsure of what was just presented, Dilma could very well be, not the worst thing that is, but it could be Yona-san-min-shal, you know why he decided to take second in command, because he was smart. de-kaza-de-gar-al-mabasa-dovid, he could see that everyone was following dovid, and, uh, better to be second to the king than first to nobody. Uh, the bebessera also-nami, they also saw de-kazu, de-hilo, uh, de-al-de-shmin-ayu, they realized he was much greater than them. Elor Shimbangam-li-al, vadi-an-visan-have-fer, sure, he was an-an-of-ad-khan.