Jesse Kelly Show

The Supreme Court is a chokepoint the communist hasn't been able to take

Broadcast on:
23 May 2024
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Judy was boring. Hello. Then, Judy discovered Jumba It's my little escape. Now, Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy, Judy. [MUSIC PLAYING] The Jumba life is for everybody. So go to and play over 100 Casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details. This is a podcast from WOR. In the Jesse Kelly Show, let's have some fun, New York. On a Thursday, the week is almost over, and it's going to be such a great night tonight. Yes, I will update everybody on the physical that I had to have today. We're going to talk about our failing medical institutions. There's a story out there that is a jaw dropper. They are attacking the Supreme Court relentlessly. Why are they doing it? We'll discuss that. We're going to discuss women in the workforce. We're going to discuss the view complaining that Caitlyn Clark is famous, popular, just because she's white. We'll talk about how none of the solutions are actually solutions. I'll get to emails. We're going to get to so much more on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. I first-- well, I should read a few emails probably to start out, so I want to give everyone a heads up. Remember yesterday, in case you're just now joining us, I made the terrible mistake of confiding in you that I had a physical today. One of those over 40 physical-- don't get wrong, I'm fine. I'm fine. It's all good. Blood pressure is good. Everything's good. But it was one of the over 40 physicals. Over 40 physicals, I'm stressing that point. As a dude, there are apparently some added things they do, added procedures they do when you're over 40. I should not have divulged that information, because I showed up today to a bunch of emails like this. Jesse, my doctor called it a complimentary prostate exam. Look on the bright side. You'll be better able to relate to your many listeners in prison. Not very nice. Jesse, I just wanted to extend my condolences for your upcoming exam. It's tougher on tall guys, you know, having to go further and all that. You'll be lifting 10 boxes before you know. It is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving. And don't worry if the voice is a little higher for a few days. The Jessica Kelly remarks won't last. Not nice. Oh, there are many. I'm just going to read one more. Jesse, I'm wondering if you came to work today with a new spring and you're stepping gleam in your eye from your physical examination. Have you eagerly set the date for your next one? And he says I could say his name, his name is Bob. Well, I will have every single one of you cruel people. No, that I remain untainted. Apparently, it's just a blood test now. I guess those are old days, so anyway. Good news for me, bad news if you were in the Navy. Either way, let's tackle the stories of the day. There's a lot, and I mean a lot of meat and potatoes today, but I want to focus on something we've mentioned before, but it's important to take a step back and know what you're seeing, know what we're seeing. Okay, so here's the status right now of American communism when it comes to holding positions of power. They have most of them, right? You know this, I know this. They've grabbed this choke point or that choke point. You're not going to believe this story. We're going to tell you about out of UCLA, medical school and whatnot later, but they keep grabbing these choke points and ruining everything. They grab a choke point, giving them control of power, and they proceed to destroy it. That's how communists have always operated. That's how they're operating in America today. And they've been insanely successful in virtually every field where they've done this, including the legal field. They, the law schools have been so left for so long that it's just been generation after generation, after generation of dirtball commie lawyer, not just being a dirtball commie lawyer. They're moving on to be DAs. They move on to be judges. They move on to these things. And so they've been very successful turning our judicial system against us and turning it into a weapon for them, a protectorate for them, a weapon against us. Okay, so that's kind of the overall arching thing. But they haven't been a hundred percent successful yet. There are still choke points. Some of them critical choke points, they haven't yet been able to grab and hold. There are still parts of the legal system that are not occupied by full blown America, hating communists. And they ran into a few, they've run into a few of those roadblocks with all the Trump trial stuff they were trying. Hey, let's indict him here. Let's indict him there. Let's indict him here. Ha, ha, ha, we got him, we got him, we got him. And it's working very successfully in places like New York City, of course, because New York, from the city level, all the way up to the state level, top to bottom, is completely controlled by communists. Did you know that today that judge Mershan, that judge in Trump's trial, complete communist activist, that there was, it went up to the appeals court in New York. Hey, we need to remove this guy's very biased. And the appeals court in New York said, no, absolutely not, he's on the up and up. Okay, so they've taken New York. Okay, we got that. But judge Eileen Cannon in Florida, she's dealing with the Jack Smith case, she's pointing out the absurdity of all of it. Now, okay, he's just blowing up. Is it, they're running into blocks. They're running into roadblocks. They have not been able to charge through yet, all right? Maybe the biggest one, in fact, not maybe. The biggest communist roadblock right now in any institution that they have is the Supreme Court. I need to stress this point. This is how the communist looks at the Supreme Court. I want you to picture, I want you to picture a city. We're going medieval times, all right? So you have this city and the city is surrounded by not one wall, not two walls, but three walls. And if you breach all three walls, there's only one obstacle left. There's a big moat that circles the city and there's a drawbridge. So you can breach all three walls. You've got to find a way to get across that moat if you want to destroy the city. Communists in the United States of America have destroyed first wall, second wall, and third wall. We are in trouble, I'm not sugar-coating it for you. They have stormed through the walls and they're coming for the city. But they can't quite get there because this freaking drawbridge, the drawbridge is the Supreme Court. You see, it doesn't matter how many comedy judges you put on this court or that court or this appeals court or whatnot. If the Supreme Court, if it's not fully, if it's not run by communists, then once it gets to the Supreme Court, they're going to slap you down. Once again, you penetrated all these walls and then, ah, the Supreme Court stopped us. And it's just been going on for years, even pre-row versus weighed. This has been going on for years. Then, row versus weighed, they got word. Remember, they leaked it. It was never supposed to be leaked. One of the dirty commies on the Supreme Court leaked it. They leaked that they were going to overturn row versus weighed. And what that did is it put that invading army standing at the drawbridge. It put them into a mindless rage. They could not imagine actually being forced away from the drawbridge. All these wins, it's unimaginable for them. So, American communists then decided the Supreme Court, the drawbridge must be one of their main focuses. They must destroy that drawbridge without them taking the Supreme Court. They cannot do everything they want done in this country. They must have it. It's not an option for them. It is the drawbridge. Yeah, you can destroy all the walls of the world and you can take over a lot of things and you can ruin a lot of things and lay siege to the city and you can do all these things without that drawbridge. You cannot complete your revolution. You cannot burn America down without that drawbridge. That's how they looked at it and they've been looking at the Supreme Court that way for years. The election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, there were many great things about Trump's presidency. The regulations of foreign policy, better border policy, things like that. There were some unspeakably awful things about Trump's presidency. The spending, the vaccine, crap, all that stuff. Set all that stuff aside. There's nothing Trump did that was more important than putting good justices, or at least okay justices, on the Supreme Court. We had to have that Trump Hillary Clinton election and we got it. And so Trump gets on there, throws on Kavanaugh, Amy Comey, Barrett. Now the communists are way, way outnumbered. Well, they're not gonna take their ball and go home. This is not that kind of an army. That would be like a GOP army. That's what they would do. Communists don't think in those terms. They're going to find a way. They're trying to find a way to burn down that drawbridge. That's kind of the overall view. Now let's zoom in a little bit and talk a little bit more specifically about what they're doing now and how it's going to work, how it's looking already. Before we get to that, that was a lot to take in. Maybe something that possibly elevated your stress level. Don't worry, don't worry. No matter what, you're still gonna get a good night's sleep tonight. Because you did get your my pillow stuff, right? Your my pillow stuff? Please tell me you've taken advantage of the $25 extravaganza sale. It's not that they have one thing for sale for 25 bucks on my pillow. There's a list. It's a long list. Everyone knows my pillow stuff's the best. Best, even libs will buy my pillow stuff in secret. Everyone knows it's the best. But you gotta pay for the best. So take advantage when the sales come. $25 extravaganza sale. You can get their premium my pillow, the best one ever, the one with the geez of fabric for 25 bucks? Click on the radio listener special square and use the promo code JESSIE and get some my pillow stuff in your house, all right? Or call 800-845-0544. We'll continue on this stuff in a moment. Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. And I need to remind you right now that tomorrow, tomorrow, is an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday. And just like we always do, we will spend all three hours of tomorrow's show answering your questions. Whatever questions you send in right now to, ask me anything. Doesn't have to be political. You know how it works on Friday. We're going to answer all the questions, tell some stories, have some fun. Back to what we were talking about, the Supreme Court. So we just gave a discussion in case you're just now joining us about why American communists are attacking the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court's the final roadblock, the drawbridge, the last thing they have to cross, and they haven't been able to cross it yet. And so once they decide they're going to attack something on the left, they attack it over and over and over and over and over again until that something attacks back with such severity that it backs them away or until they win. You need to understand this as we move forward here, talking about what they're doing when it comes to the Supreme Court, but this applies to everything in your life or my life. If you see the communists attacking something, you will visit fear and pain on them. Legally, I might point out. You will visit fear and pain on them to make them afraid to keep doing it or they will win. There is no third option. You are never, ever, ever, ever going to do anything to negotiate the communist into a position of neutrality that does not exist. There is no such thing as neutral. You will win or he will win. I promise you that. So when it comes to the Supreme Court, there's been no pushback. And it really began when they started going after Kavanaugh and others before road versus way got overturned, because again, it got leaked. And then you remember what happened. Democrats all across the board from AOC to Chuck Schumer started just throwing these verbal bombs out of the Supreme Court. Why? What are they doing? I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. OK, well, what could he mean by that? Why would he even say something like that? Brett Kavanaugh is not elected. He has a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. So what are you going to do? Hurt him? Well, Chuck Schumer was doing what we've talked about many times. He was giving marching orders. He's an elite communist. He was giving marching orders to the street communists, letting them know he wanted something done to those men. So what did he want done? Well, I don't know. I don't even know that he knew. Look, it's not that the communist wants you dead. It's really not that. He may just want you hurt, but he wants you out of his way. He'll kill you if he has to. He'll hurt you if he has to. Or he can get you to quit or join his side. Chuck Schumer knew when he gave speeches like that that there would be some kind of response. Was it a protest? Oh, yeah, they were they were protesting in front of his house. But this particular gentleman from California in assassin with a gun got on a plane and flew back to Brett Kavanaugh's home with the intention of shooting him in the face. Had it not been for a phone call from the guy's sister to law enforcement, he almost undoubtedly would have succeeded depending on how good of a shot he was. Brett Kavanaugh was a breath away from dying because of communist rhetoric in this country. Now that you already knew now dwell on this before we get to what's happening today and what's happening with the Lido and everything else. Did you? Did you see Democrats back off of that kind of rhetoric after Kavanaugh almost got killed? Did you even see them quiet down for even a day? You didn't. Why is that? Because what happened to Brett Kavanaugh is exactly what they wanted to happen. In fact, he may not have died, but in the end, they still consider that a gigantic win. Why? Because Kavanaugh and the rest of the right-wingers on the Supreme Court, they now know. Hey, buddy, today might be your last day if you don't mind your P's and Q's. They love that kind of intimidation. They love it, so they turned it up another 10 notches and they kept going and kept going and kept going. They moved on from Kavanaugh, they moved to Clarence Thomas. If you've been paying attention to the news, which I know you have, I'm more talking to your normie neighbor, but I know you've been paying attention to the news, who did they move on to after Brett Kavanaugh? They tried to have him killed that failed, but at least he was intimidated. Who did they move on to next, Clarence Thomas? Clarence Thomas has been all in the news. Clarence Thomas this, Clarence Thomas should recuse himself. Clarence Thomas, I can't believe Clarence Thomas. Clarence Thomas's wife did this, his wife did what? Clarence Thomas, Clarence Thomas, Clarence Thomas. It's been article after article, speech after speech, speech after speech. From this entity, that entity, Clarence Thomas, Clarence Thomas, Clarence Thomas, finding a target, freezing it, isolating it, and attacking it without end over and over and over again. And if you think this doesn't affect those Supreme Court justices, you are sorely mistaken. Love them or hate them. They're flesh and blood human beings, just like you and me. You have people standing in front of your home trying to kill you. It's going to affect your mental state and might even affect your actions. You might even resign or retire. You might decide this isn't worth it. Now that was what happened to Thomas. Kavanaugh almost gets killed. Thomas gets his reputation destroyed, but they've moved on to yet another. Hang on. ♪ It is the Jesse Kelly show ♪ ♪ On a Thursday ♪ Don't forget if you miss any part of the show. You can download the whole thing on iHeart, Spotify, iTunes. We're talking about what the communists are doing when it comes to the Supreme Court and how it has become the target for them and they will not back away. They are not going to stop. They move right from trying to kill Brett Kavanaugh to trying to destroy Clarence Thomas' reputation. And today the news of the day is this. Well, here's a couple headlines. Congressman Cohen introduces resolution of censure against Justice Alito. What did Justice Samuel Alito do? He flew and it inverted an upside down flag at his home right after January 6th, 2021. What else did he do? This is a headline from the New York Times today. Er, no, wait a minute, yesterday. Another provocative flag was flown at another Alito home. What is this? Oh, provocative flag. You know what the appeal to heaven flag is? You've definitely seen it. You probably don't know what it's called. You ever seen the American flag that has, it's known as the pine tree flag? Should give it away. You know what it looks like, the pine tree flag. It's from the Revolutionary War. It's George Washington. I mean, it's, it's, as American as apple pie. Justice Alito flew that and that was apparently worthy of a multi-page New York Times article attacking him. In fact, today, Representative Hakeem Jeffries, the most powerful Democrat and house of representatives, came out and said this. Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas are totally out of control. These individuals continue to detonate the credibility of the United States Supreme Court. Part of the problem that we confront is that the Supreme Court has chosen to conduct itself as if the judiciary is above the law. In America, no one is above the law. If the Supreme Court does not get its act under control, you can be confident that Democrats in the House of Representatives partnering with Democrats in the United States Senate will act the first opportunity we have to engage in thorough oversight and the consideration of imposing an ethical code of conduct on Supreme Court justices. Obviously, that's not something that's gonna pass today, tomorrow or anytime soon. And honestly, the legislation itself doesn't matter. You know what that legislation would be. It'd be legislation purely aimed. It would be purely used on Republicans. And of course, the low T GOP would probably go along with it, GOP leadership. Well, I mean, we do need to code a conduct, that kind of a thing completely unaware that it would only be used against them. Like it always is. Anyway, so that the law is statement itself doesn't matter. But it shows you how committed they are. And let's just stop for a moment before we move on to other things. I wanna get to emails, medical school. We've got so much to get to, but before we get to that, let's just consider this. We have what, I'm just just off the top of my head. There are many, many more. We have Congressman AOC. We have Big Shot Congressman, like Eame Jeffries. We have Senators, Chuck Schumer. Chuck Schumer is the Senate Majority Leader. Chuck Schumer, you could make the argument? Is more powerful than Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer. We have every single media outlet, CNN, MSNBC, all the media outlets. We have New York Times. There's another one. What was the other one from MSN? Something like, oh yes, MSN has an article out today over and over, think about all the different directions the attacks on the Supreme Court have come from and just the last year. It's important that you and me, going forward, that we always zoom out so we can understand what the enemy is doing and why the enemy is doing it. What you're seeing has nothing to do with Kavanaugh or Clarence Thomas or Alito or anything like that. What you're seeing is a war that has been declared on the Supreme Court by American communists with the intention of either having the justices killed or is so intimidated that they change their minds or so intimidated that they retire. To be honest, the communists don't care which of those three you get as long as they get one of those three because as I said, the Supreme Court in many, many, many, many, many ways is the final drawbridge keeping the enemy hordes back. They know it and they're not going to let it go. Something to keep in mind. We have to zoom out and look at what they're doing. All right? Look, hey, that's the bad news. The good news is we do control the House of Representatives and I think it's pretty fair to say, Mike Johnson's not going to put up with this stuff. - There is an open borders sort of caucus, informal caucus and Democrat party. And they push this, they push this agenda. Yeah, and the reason is Harris, everybody asked me, I've been in 110 cities in 29 states now in the last five and a half months moving around the country, campaigning with our incumbents and candidates everywhere I am, no matter where I am in the country. Everybody says, why? Why would they do this? There's such a catastrophe for the country. Why would the president knowingly allow this? Because they wanted to turn these people into voters. That's plain and they want to change the outcome of the census in six years. It sounds sinister and it is. And they've exacted untold damage on the country. - Remember when Mike Johnson came out and said, there's not going to be any foreign aid garbage bills until America's border gets secure, that he won't be considering any of these foreign aid bills until the border gets secure. And then like five minutes later, he passed the gigantic foreign aid bill without any border security in it. Oh, you do remember, right? - We know what the timetable is. We know the urgency in Ukraine and in Israel. And we are going to stand by Israel, our close ally and dear friend. And we're going to stand for freedom and make sure that Vladimir Putin doesn't march through Europe. These are important responsibilities. A strong America is good for the entire world. Since World War II, really, really, the responsibility for the free world has been shifted onto our shoulders. And we accept that role. We're an exceptional nation. We're the greatest nation on the planet. And we have to act like it. And we have to project to Putin and Xi and Iran and North Korea and anybody else that we will defend freedom. It doesn't mean boots on the ground. We're not the world's policeman, but we're going to do the right thing. And I think the Congress is going to take an important stand here. - Don't worry. I'm sure Mike Johnson has the Supreme Court's back. He's going to crack down on this. I'm sure he's recognized everything we just talked about. I'm sure the GOP and DC, they realize the communist attacks on the Supreme Court are ongoing. They recognize the strategy, and they know that they have to fight back in order to stop it. And I'm sure they're meeting right now to dig into that problem. (laughs) I'm sorry. I couldn't get through that with a straight face. Let's do some emails. Dear, dear Cobra Biden, trench foot survivor, I never got bit by a Cobra. And I never had trench foot. I've had dysentery once. And I did have another parasite, Giardia. That wasn't very fun. And, well, whatever. Earlier this week, you mentioned that you embarrass your sons, or to embarrass your sons, you ask people at restaurants what they're having, and if it's good. As the menu whisperer, wouldn't this be considered cheating? I am also starting to believe breaking news, Jesse. It's just you using different voices to making listeners think you're a real journalist. (laughs) I'm worried this scandal of fraud and gets into seat could have deleterious consequences for the show. Please explain yourself. It's from Kendall. Listen, Kendall. Michael Jordan was the greatest basketball player of all time. He was the greatest basketball player of all time. He still had to practice. Look, I was born with God-given menu whispering skills. There's no question. There's no question that God gave me this gift that I can look at a menu and just know automatically what's the best thing on it. I know this. I know that this is something God gave me, but like all the gifts God gives us, it's our responsibility then to hone these skills. I have to use these skills for the benefit of the whole planet. It's not for me. It's for you that I do this for. And so I have a duty and obligation to improve every single day. I'm not satisfied being the greatest order of food on the planet. I want to be the greatest order of food of all time. Am I already there? Probably, but I want to make sure I get there. Does that make sense? Anyway, let's talk about what Dome said today. There's a lot of race talk coming. Actually, this will be horribly offensive. And then we'll get to these medical institution talks. Before we do that, let's get to this. You know what's really wild? My sons, they're 13 and 15, they obviously know what 9/11 is. They know about the September 11th attacks. They know what it is. But you can tell it didn't have an emotional impact on them because they weren't alive. And that's so wild that I'm now old enough that I went through things that have emotional impacts on me that don't affect my sons. Now, they're not thrilled with it, obviously, but you can tell it doesn't stir something in them the way it does me. So I've had to explain it to them and they get it more now. What it really, really meant. And one of the reasons I love Tunnel to Towers is from the very beginning of all this mess, this war on terror stuff and everything, right after the towers fell, Tunnel to Terror, Tunnel to Towers stepped up and stepped in and started helping families of fallen first responders and fallen gold star families. And I love that they have an education program as well where they're teaching kindergarteners today, about 9/11. $11 a month is what they need. That's all they ask for. T the number two T dot org, go give, we'll be back. (upbeat music) - You're listening to that. - It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Again, reminding you tomorrow's an ass. Dr. Jesse Friday and you did to get your questions emailed in right now to We are gonna have a good time. Now let's talk a little bit about couple ratio issues 'cause that's always spicy. One of the things that I find truly, truly hilarious is watching politicians pander. I've always enjoyed it. And some of them are really good at it. Some of them are really, really bad at it. Once you realize what they're doing, it always kind of makes you cringe. But one of the things that has always gotten me is watching dome, watching Kamala Harris try to do the black thing when, and I don't even know how you would define the black thing, but I know how she defines it. Remember when she got picked for vice president and she decided to start talking about all the rap music she used to listen to, only the rap music she cited wasn't around when she said she was so she just lied. Remember when she talked about smoke and weed? It's like people in a judge watching Democrats try to relate to black people murders me 'cause it's the most overtly racist thing in the world. What are those black people like? Well they smoke weed and listen to rap and drink 40s. Remember when Pete Buttigieg was drinking a 40 out of a brown paper bag to increase his popularity with the black vote? There's video of it. You can watch it to this day. It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. But dome, dome, she's not-- - Lived some, whatever you wanna call it, the black life? - She's a child of privilege. She was pretty hot when she was younger, still not bad, certainly for her age. Pretty hot when she was younger and she used to date famous people. Look at, there's all kinds of video, Montel Williams. There's a video out there. You go look at it, she used to date Montel Williams. She was his arm candy on the red carpet one day. You know that's real? You go look at video of it, I've seen it, it's hilarious. And she, because she's just an insanely ambitious person, moved on from that to dating Willy Brown. And she's lived the life of a high-powered California politician ever since. She's been the AG of California. That is such a big deal. Being the AG of a state is a big boy position. It's huge. She was the AG of the most, the biggest state by a mile, the most important economically by a mile. And then she was a senator from the state. She's lived the most privileged life of private cars and private security and, you know, jets and everything else you could possibly imagine. But she also knows why she's on the ticket. She's on the ticket 'cause she's a woman and she's on the ticket 'cause she's black. That's why Joe Biden picked her. And don't yell at me for that. I mean, you can, I don't give a crap, but Joe Biden said it himself. He even said he's gonna be a woman and a black woman. So that's why she got the job. And she understands she has to play that role. But whatever you see dome, try to relate to the urban black dude, it murdered. - A lot of my work around access to capital has focused on young men of color, black men and black men, knowing that, again, so many entrepreneurs. And it's, you know, it's, when people think black men and small businesses, it's not just a barbershop. - Who thinks that anyway, dome. How revealing was that answer? Is that how you think of black owned businesses? Chris, Michael, be honest, you can be totally honest. When you think of a black entrepreneur, do you think just barbershops? Honestly, David, pop in my head. I mean, I know about the black barbershop. I know it's a big deal, but for her, that experience is totally foreign to her, but she has to act like it's not foreign to her. So she kind of gets this black accent going and starts talking about the barbershop 'cause she watched a nice cute movie one time. (laughs) You know what it's honestly like? It would be like me trying to talk black. I'm not black. I mean, I know a bunch of black people, a bunch of black friends, but I'm not black. I don't know what it's like to be black. But listening to her do it, is the equivalent of listening to me try to do it if I ever try to do it. And they all do it. The Democrats do it the worst. Absolute, shameless pandering. And it always sounds bad. Remember that famous Hillary Clinton hot sauce thing? I think it was black women. I think she was sitting down if I remember. I'd haven't seen the video in ages, but when she was sitting down with those black women at the thing and they asked her something, I'm doing this off the top of my head. I haven't seen it in a long time. They asked her something along the lines. I'm, oh, what do you know about hot sauce? Well, I carry hot sauce in my purse and she tried to do this Southern black woman accent. It killed me and absolutely killed me. Ah, gosh, all right. So I didn't even get to the offensive race stuff, which I will get to in a moment. Before I get to the offensive, well, I guess that may have offended a bunch of people. It probably did. That's normally what I do. Before I get to the other juicy stuff, I do want to do this really quick. Hey, the article I'm going to go over next hour, it's from the free beacon. You can go ahead and prep yourself if you want to get going on it. It's about UCLA and their medical school. It is jaw dropping and eye opening. We need to, you and me both, we need to take as many steps as we can to avoid the doctor's office. And I know I just left the doctor's office this morning. I know I decided to get blood worked on, but I never want to go in one again, unless I need my blood worked on. The things I see about medical, our medical institutions, it's staggering. I seek out natural herbal supplements first. I do not seek them out as a last resort. Well, this medication didn't agree with me. Chalk, C-H-O-Q, they're my first stop. Why? Not as a medication replacement, because Chalk keeps me feeling strong and healthy and like I don't need to go see the doctor. I personally, I take, well, a few different things. I take a male vitality stack from Chalk every day. Chalk lip powder is pretty much an everyday thing. I start my morning off. First thing before I even eat, I drink some Chalk lip powder in a smoothie. And Chad mode is what I take before workouts. But they have a million different natural herbal supplements. promo code Jesse, is how you get access to those, okay? promo code Jesse, okay. So, a lot of people are playing Sunny Hostin's remarks from The View, talking about that white woman basketball player, Caitlyn Clark, she played for Iowa. She's in the WNBA now. I don't know what team, 'cause God knows I would never watch the WNBA. But either way, Sunny Hostin said this. Caitlyn Clark is bringing this money, these sponsorships, we hope, into the league and other players will benefit from it. But I do think that she is more relatable to more people because she's white, because she's attractive. And unfortunately, there still is that stigma of against the LGBTQ+ community. 70% of the WNBA is black. A third of the players are in the LGBTQ+ community. - A third, being real generous there. Either way, let's talk about that. - This has been a podcast from WOR. - I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling The Lucky Land Hotline. 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