Jesse Kelly Show

Immigration Issues

Broadcast on:
25 May 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino calm I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Go incidents. I think not everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere even at 30,000 feet So sign up now at Chumba Casino calm to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba Casino calm and live the Chumba life No, but it's necessary Let's have some fun New York on a Friday It is an ask doctor Jesse Friday in all my goodness I'm so unreasonably excited for the show tonight because man all over the place and it's gonna be a real good time first look I'm just gonna tell you right now. It's just you and me talking. All right You're gonna have to sit through a little Jesse was right segment right off the top. All right, then don't worry I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna be that obnoxious about it. All right. I'm gonna try in the interest in the interest of Memorial Day weekend Which we're all heading into I am going to try my hardest to be humble about the fact that I called Another one. So the Oracle will be very humble in just a moment before we get to that Let me tell you what else we have on tap just a couple little things the normies They're out there saying things like how did I not see this happening? Let's talk about that because we all awaken at our own pace. Why didn't you see? Why didn't I see this stuff happening this this communist takeover? Why didn't we see it coming earlier? Forcing your kids to do things like playing musical instruments. We'll talk about the elites What's their plan to protect themselves if they keep filling up the country with the illegals? Got some 30-year-old dime doesn't know how to meet dudes. How did the American South? Why did it take them so long to recover after the Civil War? Oh that where I would move if America collapsed and oh I'm gonna get into this ATF stuff all that and so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show now You know I have to do it. I'm obligated to do it. Oh, oh before actually before I get obnoxious Let me again remind you on Monday. I know everyone's off I know everyone's gone and I know virtually every radio show in the country TV show. They'll be off They'll be guests hosts and whatnot We will be here and we will be here live. It's Memorial Day. I'm actually taking the entire week off next week I'm going on vacation, but not on Memorial Day We have always and we'll always do a Memorial Day show and that's you know some act of God happens Or I get sick or something like that and it will not be political It will be three hours of honoring the fallen and on that note Let me add this like I do every single year consider this a gentle reminder in the most gentle way I can possibly present things Memorial Day is not Veterans Day It's not even first responder day It's it's not that I Understand the desire the heart to be polite and to honor You know everybody who serves in the military it cops and firefighters and I understand Your heart is in the right place when you say things like hey Jesse. I know money's Memorial Day The thank you for your service. I have Veterans Day Memorial Day is sacred It is a day exclusively for those who gave their lives in combat and The families they leave behind It is not my day. I lived There's nobody alive outside of a family member of someone who died who you can properly thank on Memorial Day That doesn't mean you have to sit around crying all day have fun. Enjoy your hot dogs. The fallen would want you to do so Please I'm asking everybody do not water down Memorial Day with your politeness I just want to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day and honor the fallen and who are our veterans and the cops and firefighters and in every but the first responders and Teachers and I want to thank my plumber too. No, no, no the fallen They deserve so much more than a day, right? I Think about it all the time guys, I knew and guys I never knew and I think about everything They gave up to fight for this country They gave up Honestly, if you want to talk about survivors guilt to be honest with you. I have it. I'm 42 years old. I Have a wife two kids I Have a job I have a car that runs my tires are a little bald. I admit that whatever and you know You never know what life's gonna bring but probably have grandkids one day Lord willing to I'll be bouncing them on my lap teaching them how to shoot guns The guys who never came home Don't ever get that They gave it all up and they deserve their own special day Monday Memorial Day is about the fallen, okay? Only about the fallen don't water it down with your politeness. All right All right now let's get obnoxious for a minute So just a recap. Maybe you missed the news Maybe you missed a couple shows from earlier this week, but so let me just set this up first of all Let's do remember that Democrats Tried so hard to forcibly remove Donald Trump's name off of the ballot That it got all the way to the Supreme Court who felt the need to do a rush job Judgment on it because Democrats were pressing the issue so hard Democrats on their own after Trump had legally qualified to be on the ballot everywhere Democrats tried to have him removed from the ballot So he couldn't be elected president of the United States of America the issue went all the way to the Supreme Court a hundred percent Democrat operation, okay, just I'm gonna remind you of that now. Let's go to Ohio. What happened in Ohio? well the Biden campaign is It's headed up by Joe Biden so so you have a pretty good idea of how efficient that campaign must run and when Joe Biden's running it So Joe Biden's campaign somehow someway Completely on their own. I cannot stress this enough completely on their own with no Republican malfeasance No Republican ops. No Republican anything the Democrats Joe Biden campaign Missed a critical deadline. They should have known about in the I don't know if we're still calling Ohio a swing state I guess we can for our purposes is pretty red now But in the once critical swing state of Ohio, they missed a deadline and Joe Biden's name Would not be on the ballot. This was announced. I think it was Wednesday. They said oh my gosh He missed a deadline by the law His name is no longer on the ballot And I watched every single person on the right that day laugh and celebrate Now Joe Biden screwed ah-ha. This is so great. Look what happened to Joe Biden And do you do you remember what daddy Jesse came on that night and said? In case you don't remember don't worry. I had the guys pull it It was a little bit longer and more condescending than this if you can imagine, but here's the end of this Hey Chris go ahead and write this one down Joe Biden's gonna be on the ballot in a while. All right, the death Taxes and the GOP grabbing their ankles every time they have a chance at a win Those are the only three guarantees in life Joe Biden's gonna be on the ballot in Ohio after all. That's not who we are. Don't you love that line? That's not who we are Yeah, so yesterday Ohio governor Mike DeWine came out in Response to the fact. Oh, do I do I need to remind you that Senator White House out of Ohio? Because Ohio is a pretty red state now He's in bad trouble of losing his seat and if Joe Biden's name was not on the ballot the presidential ballot It would really hurt White House's chances of getting reelected in Ohio So we not only may have picked up the presidency, but a critical Senate seat Ohio Republican governor Mike DeWine came out yesterday and said This Senate has passed several bills that would remedy this situation However, the House of Representatives has failed to do this The legislature had session yesterday and again failed to take any action This is simply unacceptable Ohio is running out of time To get Joe Biden the sitting president of the United States on the ballot this fall Failing to do so is simply not acceptable I'm going to do I'm actually not going to do What you think I'm gonna do what I normally would do here and what I honestly I'm tempted to do But I'm not gonna do it. I'm not going to destroy Mike DeWine. I already hate Mike DeWine I don't need any more help to I hated Mike DeWine to before this for all his COVID tyrant stuff So I'm not gonna destroy Mike DeWine. I'm actually not even going to destroy the low T GOP Although I could and I'm tempted to do so. I really I genuinely tempted to do so, but we do that enough It's Friday. I'm in a great mood today. So I'm going to take I'm gonna take a different tactic this time We're gonna come at this from a little bit of a different angle. Why does this always happen? Why do the communists fight to win and the GOP gives them a win every time? Why does it work that way? There are a bunch of different reasons, but there's one we need to talk about that's kind of different We'll do that in just a moment. It is the Jesse Kelly show I just want to thank Jewish producer Chris for playing Linda Ronstadt who he insulted don't think I don't think we've all forgotten about you Yes, you did insult Chris. Don't think anyone's let that go by the way Chris insults Linda Ronstadt who is an American legend and has a Wonderful voice anyway setting that aside We're having we're gonna have a talk for a second and it's a different kind of a talk than we normally do of course Ohio Joe Biden's not on the ballot. Ohio's GOP did exactly what I told you they were gonna do They're going to scramble to hand a victory back to Democrats Ben over backwards trying to get Trump off the ballot to get all the way to the Supreme Court Joe Biden actually is off the ballot courtesy of only his own screw-ups and the GOP is going to clean up his spilled milk for him Now we're gonna set aside the uni party talk. We usually have we're actually gonna set aside the low T GOP talk We usually have although all those things are applicable in this case We're gonna come at this from a different angle in angle that I think might help some of the normies out there Maybe you're a norm. Maybe you're a norma. Yeah, one of the people who you're just kind of getting interested involved in politics a little confused Why you're seeing what you're seeing? Why are things happening the way they're happening? So let's talk about this. There's a social media post actually by a guy billionaire dude a bill acumen is his name. I don't know him. I don't know him from Adam I do know he's a billionaire former lefty when he watched all the pro-homos stuff He's since kind of come over to the right-hand side and either way This is what he said on a social media post it wasn't in response to this it was in response to this Nutball judge who thinks dudes should be able to shower with women whatever, but this is what he said he said What has happened to America? When did our judges lose all of their judgment? How is it that the far left-wing ideologies have overtaken basic common sense in judgment? And this is how he finishes it and maybe this hits you. I'll tell you it hit me for at one point in my life He said, how did this happen? How did I not see this happening? How did I not see this happening? How did this happen? How did I not see this happening? So if you are one of those norms or normas or you know one Let me let me speak to you and about you for a moment But I want to give you some grace, and I want you to give yourself some grace. I was so naive I didn't know look I've been naive a million times in my life. I'm sure I'm still naive about some things. I Was naive I didn't know I didn't know I didn't always know Democrats were communists trying to burn down the country I didn't know I had an awakening over a period of years. I didn't know How did I not see this happening? Well normalcy normalcy We want to return to normalcy. We want things to be Normal if you ever said those words have you ever heard those words that agreed with them? Of course you have I just want things to get back to normal. Why is everything weird? I want things to be normal well Where the confusion lies is what we're facing there's that's one point of the confusion So there's two points of confusion normies go through the first one is What exactly they're facing what we're up against and more importantly and we'll get into both these things here And then we'll get on to other asked dr. Jesse questions What does it take to fix it? What does it take to stop it? So first of all and then we're gonna make this real short because you already know this you listen to the Jesse Kelly show You're not dealing with Democrats. Please stop with that. Yes. I know your uncle might be a Democrat a southern Democrat He's bro life. He goes to church, but he's kind of a union guy. So we wrote it's Democrat I'm not talking about him I'm talking about the people who control the Democrat party the media Hollywood the education system in the federal government These are not Democrats. These are communists. These are cultural Marxists They don't have they don't have just kind of a different view on how to fix things That's one of the most naive things you could never say or believe well I mean, we all want the border secure. We just have different views on how to do it. No, we don't We don't set up with that grow up with that. No, we don't we don't have kind of different views about it I want a wall a thousand foot high a moat machine gun nests in a minefield And I want people on the border to be turned away at gunpoint Because I believe if that happens one time then the they'll go tell the others and people will stop coming to destroy my country That's what I want. This is what they now more than ever. We're short of workers We have a population that is not Reproducing it on its own with the same level that it used to the only way we're gonna have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants the dreamers and All of them because our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here We don't want the same things I Want my country to be strong and prosperous. I want you and more importantly I want your children and my children to be safe and free. I want our border secure I want our dollar to be strong. I want to pay less than six dollars for a pound of burger I want a normal country just like you want a normal strong Wonderful country the communists who are destroying it want exactly the opposite They've written this down a million times They've been caught on tape saying things like this every now And then you'll get one of the younger radicals in the Biden White House or Pelosi's office or or one of these calming Up ball activists who will just come right out and say America sucks. I hate it death to America burn it down We don't just have different versions of how we want to solve problems. I want to solve problems They want to cause them. So let's that's the what? Okay, we're let's set aside the the first thing I said there were two things that Normie doesn't understand. He doesn't understand what he's facing But more importantly, he doesn't understand what it takes to fix it and So how did this happen? How did I not see this happening? Let's talk about that and what it takes to fix it next It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and ask dr. Jesse Friday Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show comm we are live here I'm gonna get I will get to the ATF stuff. There's a bunch of that stuff I actually want to tackle after I get through this first question and we're gonna get the other ass dr. Jesse stuff, but we're talking about in case you're just joining us Normies norms out there. They're having an awakening slowly, but surely they're having an awakening some of them Maybe you are one of them waking up looking around. How did everything get so crazy? What happened? Why can't we return to? Normal I want normalcy. What about normal normal? What are the norms? We need norms back what happened to the norms? Okay, so let's talk about it first as I said there are two things they don't get they don't get what they're facing This is a critical step. I don't mean to gloss over it I just what other stuff I want to get to and I want to focus on step two But if you don't accomplish step one then step two doesn't matter Unless you accept that you share a country with people who are trying to burn it down if that's too far for you That's over the top. It's it then you will be constantly be confused and shocked Whenever maybe this is you or maybe you know people like this. I can you believe what we're doing? I'm shocked at what we're doing. If you've ever said that you don't get it yet. I'm never shocked Not never shocked every time I see one of these people doing something. I'm like yeah Pretty much what I would do if I was trying to burn down the country. All right, so that's step one forget about that Understand what you're dealing with but step two What does it take to fix it? So picture this picture this My household just making about mine my household Tomorrow morning Saturday morning. I think by the grace of God. I Believe we don't have any practices. Oh wait a minute. No the boys do have a freaking practice at 9 a.m Okay, so before the boys practice at 9 a.m. It's eight o'clock Me wife kids were up We're in the kitchen. We have a house not some fancy things just a house We're in our kitchen I'm making some eggs the wife's making some other homemade bread stuff or whatever talk with the boys joking doing life Front door gets kicked in 50 bikers come storming in the house They start looting the place They're hitting us They're stuff and jewelry and TVs and in the car. They're just trashing the place stealing everything they can okay So what happened we had a situation that was normal that was as it should be and now Some very very evil people. There are evil people evil is real some very evil people have decided They are going to take advantage of this situation that is normal and they're gonna use it to their advantage And they're gonna storm in and they're gonna blow up the normal seat of it now in that exact moment my very human Instinct inclination would be on top of everything else the anger the whatever on top of everything else What do I want in that moment? What do I want? I? Want it to go back to normal? We were just we were just having scrambled eggs and the wife had some of her homemade sourdough bread And we had the bacon on and we were laughing with the boys We had to say in a prayer before meal and it was so normal a second ago, and now it's not normal I want to go back to normal You you want to go back to normal you want to go back to being able to watch Friday night TV with your kids without seeing a Tranny on the next Gillette commercial You want to go back to living in a country where democrats and republicans may have different views on how to secure the border But at least one party doesn't want to open it You want to go back to a country where you can afford eggs you want normal? I'm in my house the bikers are here. They're stealing my stuff. I want normal but How do I get normal? How do I get back to normal? I'm there The bikers are there Wife's there crying getting hit kids are getting beat up our stuff's getting stolen I also want to return to normal Do I return to normal by ignoring the bikers? Sitting down at the counter and just eating my eggs Oh, honey. Don't worry about those guys. No biggie Is that how I return to normal? Well, no now Because the situation has become abnormal not my fault not your fault You didn't do this to your country, but because the situation has become abnormal Now, I'm going to have to do some abnormal things in order to get back to normal I can't normal my way back to normal once the enemy has decided to make it abnormal I can't nice the bikers out of my house You can't nice this communist filth out of your country You must now do things you never had to do before You have to act in certain ways that you never had to act before Almost undoubtedly you're going to have to do things that make you uncomfortable Things you don't want to do maybe you're even saying to yourself right now But I shouldn't have to blank fill in the blank whatever it is You ever said things like that? I sure I I sure have in my life. I shouldn't have to blank And let me just level with you right here You're right. You shouldn't have to become an activist To try to salvage the united states of america You shouldn't have to share a country with these friggin demons. You shouldn't have to I know But you do suck it up. That's life I The reason people like mike dawine in the gop So often fail is no matter how insane Abnormal ravenous the dirty communists become in this country They simply can't fathom the abnormality of it and they just want to act normal and they just believe if they just act normal then then the other guys will act normal And and I think the last year Democrats have tried to remove trump from the ballad and assassinate bret kavanagh and the ohio governor is a Gast that joe biden's own screw up might keep him off the ballad Several bills that would remedy this situation However, the house of representatives has failed to do this The legislature had session yesterday And again failed to take any action This is simply unacceptably You can't normal your way back to normal It doesn't work that way It doesn't work that way The bikers are in the house They're stealing your stuff. You didn't want that. I didn't want that. I didn't choose this situation Nevertheless, this is the situation. We have been handled now that the bikers in the house are in the house I need to i need to go shoot them. I need to call the cops Grab a knife. I have to i have to do things. I wasn't doing five minutes earlier five minutes earlier I was having scrambled eggs and bacon and sourdough bread and loving on the kids and harassing my wife Now i'm shooting people and calling the cops. I didn't want this situation I didn't ask for this. You didn't ask for this But one thing we cannot do we can't normal the bikers out of the house It doesn't work that way. They're in the house. They're trashing the house Now we have to dig in. How did this happen? How did I not see this happening? It happened because the people who hate the country were more committed to burning it down Than the people who love the country were committed to preventing them from doing so We convinced ourselves forever that we were just kind of sharing a country Oh, we all put our pants on the same way We all kind of want the same things we all kind of we convinced ourselves of that for so long Despite all the evidence to the contrary because we just wanted to be normal But life ain't normal And we're not dealing with normal people We're dealing with people who have to be defeated And we can't do that normally So kindly gop Please please Find your guts. I'm begging you too We we can't norm you our way out of this. All right All right, all right, you know what as long as i'm doing king sineck Let's talk about this this trump bronx thing that's that's a lot of people are talking about right now trump Big rally and the bronx bump bunch of people are like i love trouble i'm a democrat but i'm bone form and again it has It has the right Well, you know what we'll talk in a moment It is the jessie kelly show on a friday and ask doctor jessie friday And i'm going to get to so many things like teaching your kids to play music like i know anything about that Sometimes looking to meet some people out there How are the how do the elites expect to protect themselves? Now that they're flooding the country with all the barbarians all that we're going to get to the atf stuff next hour In fact, i'm going to try to get to that 10 minutes from now I want to get that done so that we can go back to having fun But i just as long as i'm being cynic jessie i just want to do this really quickly And i'm not trying to pour cool water over the whole thing but trump is stuck in new york city right now With this trial he wants to be campaigning in swing states, but he's stuck in new york city and he's making the most of it He's having rallies there. Hey, we're going down to the bronx we're meeting people What else are you gonna do right and trumps and trumps a new york guy? Anyway, so he's gonna have to naturally get along with people in new york cities but a new york guy forever He's mr. New york. He always has been so he's having this rally in the bronx and And cnn and all these people they're going down to this trump rally And they're talking to people and they're talking to democrats who are gonna vote trump and and black people who are gonna vote trump and Immigrants who are gonna vote trump and well, here's some of the cnn What was the crowd like and what kind of response did he get? Well, certainly a bigger and proud than i think democrats would like to see particularly given this is one of the Colleges in the entire country now one of the things that was interesting to me is that the trump campaigns said that they're going to micro target To get people from the community to come to this rally I wasn't sure what to expect i've got to a lot of these rallies across the country and there are often people who travel hundreds and miles Is he Donald trump and they're not necessarily part of the community? however One of the things that i found was that there were a lot of people here that were actually from the bronx Okay, now Before i go cynic jesse. I do want to say this That is a good thing and a good sign It is a good thing That people are out there That people who don't normally vote republican or don't normally vote against democrats. They're showing up at trump rallies I'm a democrat i'm voting for trump. I'm an immigrant i'm voting for trump I'm this or that that is that is a good thing. It shows an awakening It shows an increase in support. It does. It's a good thing. Let me let me clarify clarify that but The right as we've talked about many many many many many times The right doesn't necessarily know what winning is We we take little losses And we consider them to be wins Instead of going out and seeking out wins we've lost for so long The culture's only gone left the economy's only gone left and everything's gone left for so long That we don't truly understand what winning is it's like the uh trump mugshot in georgia By the grace of god that case blew up because fanny willis can't keep her clothes on But they were going to send Donald trump to state prison in georgia and the right spent an entire day celebrating because his mugshot looked cool We don't know what winning actually is The communists will take our guy our nominee and they'll throw chains on him and throw a mugshot on the internet and we'll celebrate because it looks good That's not winning It's not winning at all. That's losing while looking cool. That's not winning People are saying well this guy in the Bronx or this guy in the Bronx and the Bronx loves Donald trump Okay, well, that's fine. I'm glad you found some people in the Bronx who like Donald trump. That's not surprising but Donald trump isn't going to win new york He's not going to win new york city Anyone who says things like that to you as an idiot or a liar these things are not going to happen We still have the president Well, I should say the former president of the united states of america and maybe the next president of the united states of america He is still trapped with a bogus trial in new york city. He is physically trapped in new york city He's unable to go out and campaign In the swing states that will decide the election new york ain't decide nothing Neither is my state. Neither is texas. I i can guarantee you cross my heart and hope to die I know how texas is going to go this november and i know where new york's going to go this november They have managed to trap the republican nominee for president in new york And the right is pretending as if well he can win it while i trump my win new york look at these crowds Oh gosh, please gag me with that He needs to be in swing states and he knows it And he can't get out It's not a win It is not a win that you tracked down a couple thousand people in the Bronx Who found out that they like donald trump and hate joe biden and don't get me wrong. I'm glad they're there And i'm glad he's doing the rally. It's the only thing he can do He asked the campaign somehow good for him and good for all those people for showing up But these are not wins and this is not power Who's who is the rep from the Bronx again? AOC is her name AOC Sales to re-election now Every single time But we will we'll mash up some video and of this guy on the Bronx and that guy in the Bronx I ain't democrat some vote in trump now. We're like we would take him back to Bronx But that's not power. Do any of those people actually show up and vote Do any of those people become activists? Are they out there registering voters knocking on doors get out the vote effort donating money? Are they putting in the work? No I've said this before and this is from me who has encouraged you many times and i'm encouraging you now to go to rallies Go to a trump rally. I don't like trump. I don't care. Go to a trump rally. His people are wonderful. You'll love the people Go to a go to a gun rights event Go to a gun show go get out and go to these things So I I like the fact that these rallies exist But rallies are not political power and rallies do not translate into political power And I don't care how many thousands of people show up on one day in the Bronx To wave a mega flag and celebrate Donald trump. That sounds really good. What are you going to do from there? What are you going to do from there? rallies are not politics They're not get out the vote They're not registering voters They're not running for office. They're not working for candidates I promise you whether trump wins or loses in november a five thousand person rally in the Bronx will mean Nothing in the end not a thing So yes feel good about it. That's fine Can we stop pretending losses or wins? Please please No, we're moving on from that. We're going to trash the atf Which is one of my favorite things to do in the world and then we're going to get into all these ask doctor jesse questions It is ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist pumper a woohoo, a hand clap or a highfiver I kind of like to high-five But if you want to hone in on those winning moves check out chumba casino at chumba casino dot com choose from hundreds of social casino style games For your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses So don't wait start having the most fun ever at chumba casino dot com No purchase necessary, E.D.W., report prohibited by law. See terms and conditions, 18 plus.