Jesse Kelly Show

Ask Dr. Jesse Friday

Broadcast on:
25 May 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino calm I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Go incidents. I think not everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere even at 30,000 feet So sign up now at Chumba Casino calm to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba Casino calm and live the Chumba life No purchase necessary Questions on everything from the south after the Civil War Where do we move if we have to leave the country to many other things, but let's Let's begin actually here Dear historical oracle Why did the American South have so much trouble with reconstruction after the Civil War? Was this the failure of our politicians post Civil War or just the inevitable consequences of losing a war? His name is Michael. Okay, so a lot of people The schools don't focus a lot on reconstruction Do keep something in mind that schools and the history they teach in schools Even when it's not communist gobbledygook very often teachers don't have time To give you the depth of knowledge on any one historical subject They're gonna give you a couple high points if you're interested look more into it yourself So I understand the reasons and look America has this really weird thing about the Civil War To this day. It's just kind of a programmed response in people all they know about the Civil War is North good South bad That's all they know which is ridiculous. It's insane. It's a crazy Complicated affair with angels and demons on both sides It was an awful thing but a fascinating period of time, but nobody teaches about reconstruction I shouldn't say nobody very very few schools will dig into Reconstruction I'm and I'm not gonna dig into it a bunch here But I will just say that the South remember remember this The South had virtually no chance to win the Civil War That's why they didn't declare war Remember that the South did not invade the North the North have made it South The South did not declare war because they didn't have the logistical ability to even win a war I think it was New York if I leave it's New York alone Had five times the economy of the entire South. That's New York alone The North was where all the industry was. It's where the major ports were. It's where everything came The South the South was farmland. That's what the South was the South had farmland There was farms all over the place and yes, obviously slaves all over the place now Part of the reason the South took so long to patch things up after the Civil War is that the war was fought in the South And I understand about Lee's Invasion of Pennsylvania and Gettysburg and I get all that I'm not saying there weren't any battles up North but the vast majority of the Civil War was not fought in the North it was fought in the South and Wars gobble up and destroy Everything you destroy all the infrastructure all the logistics you you kill how many men This is one of the things I'm sure there probably been books written about it Or if not a nice long paper would probably be interesting you kids may be looking for an interesting topic in school Here's a general topic that would be interesting How does a war any war? How does losing an Entire generation of young men How does it negatively affect a country going forward and how long does it take a country? To put itself back together again after that. There are people out there today good point Chris In France who say France has still not recovered from World War one World War one a hundred years ago and they say France You lose that high of a percentage of your young men when you Expand that out to what it means for families and children's in the children's children and the economy and that How does that hurt a night hurt a nation? How does what happened in the South and the North? How does it hurt a nation? Well, it's brutal and Remember nobody in the United States of America Was flush with cash after the Civil War because wars are expensive the North was not flush with cash either And this is back when the United States of America had a non-suicidal fiscal policy So you don't you don't go to Congress do we have to understand how insane how we do things today is? You don't go to Congress back then and just propose blowing some trillion dollar bill That had that does not happen. It could not happen. You couldn't print money You couldn't just go print money. That wasn't unbacked We had sound money in a system in place that required Sound money. Yeah, Chris. That's a good point about the fire Chris brought up the story I brought up before I won't go into all the details of it But you wouldn't know how crazy things are think about the federal budget and all the money and everywhere it goes now Goes everywhere. They're constantly passing bills. You're funding turtle farts in Mississippi And you of course a bunch of gay stuff in California. You're funding things in Niger You're funding things in China taxpayer money here taxpayer money. They're just money money money money money everywhere Well in this country There was once a terrible terrible fire, I believe it was in Georgetown in Georgetown and at the mere suggestion that the federal government Contribute to putting out the fire There was almost anarchy in the streets. That's not your money. You can't just take our money and put out So what that's our money. Where do you think you are? It shows you where we are now, right? So the it's not as if there were gobs of money think about it if you're in the South after the Civil War You are a farm-based society One of the main drivers of that farming was the slaves you used to have Well now you have them still because so many of the slaves stayed on their plantation But now you have to pay them so now your costs have gone up the logistics have gone crazy Your entire way of life has been ripped up in rebuilt There's not just a finger snapping way to put all that back together again. I find I probably picked this question because I find the subject so fascinating. I find the concept of rebuilding at all Afterwars to be fascinating when I watch World War II stuff, and I know this is really nerdy I know I'm an old nerd I realized that but when I watch like World War II World War one stuff and you're looking at video footage you see something like Dres them in Germany Where we firebombed and we have a huge firestorm, but pick your city it could be anywhere pick your city And you're looking at Stalin grad, and it's just all bombed at buildings and rubble, and there's nothing left I Always think every time I think How long did it take to clean all that up? Who cleaned it up How long did it take to put it all back together? You know we we like to somehow imagine in our head that there's just this magical 10 million man army full of Construction crews to come in and clean up all that brick and mortar, and we'll have you a new building up in a month Bob But that's not true Everyone's broke so many of the men are dead Reconstructing anything after a war is a nightmare and the South was in a bad situation And it's why so many people today when people try to relitigate all this civil war stuff tear down that Gravity of the statue, which is really really pathetic they miss They miss all the efforts that took place after the Civil War after the Civil War there were obviously there was tons of hard feelings There were so many people on the northern side who wanted so many people in the south to be strong up gallows treason you rebelled Trees and that kind of thing and what the country eventually settled on was hey This was terrible we can try to get our pound of flesh after the fact or We can come together Agree that that whole thing was bad We're gonna give you a hand out and you a hand out and let's extend a hand to each other and hey Let's agree that Ulysses S Grant was a war hero and Robert E. Lee was a war hero And we're all just gonna kind of move on these weren't things that were done just willy nilly these things were done Because how do you put Humpty Dumpty back together again when you're all shooting each other in the face in mass? That is a very very difficult thing to do. That's what the country did and so look The south went through a lot of it after World War after the Civil War and you can argue You certainly can argue That they still haven't recovered Look you go drive through parts of the south. I remember last time I was in the Florida panhandle I was driving through the panhandle and It was crazy. I was driving down this road. I remember it like it was just say it was me and wife We were going somewhere. I forget where we were going. We're driving just this two-lane road down the Florida panhandle and We would come across on our right or on our left this Stunning plantation right off the road gorgeous beautiful fence beautiful gate I don't even know how many thousands of acres just Barnes house It was gorgeous and then the second you got off the plantation thing Boom it was a poor black neighborhood Run down homes homes without windows Mobile homes black people laying around in the and the yard It was very clearly it was very very rough and then right when you left that little black neighborhood same road Boom plantation gorgeous plantation leave that poor black neighborhood boom plantation It's still put everything back together again. It takes time All right, it is the Jesse Kelly show admitting to you that I don't have any idea what they're saying in that song Kiva if you're safe, that's how you get enough I'm pretty sure I have that last part down, but the rest of it no idea what they're saying whatsoever But I kind of mow the words along and I act like I do pretty much exactly like you're doing now Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show comm also remember what I said on Wednesday Chris Go ahead and write this one down Joe Biden's gonna be on the ballot in a while. All right the death Taxes and the GOP grabbing their ankles every time they have a chance at a win Those are the only three guarantees in life Joe Biden's gonna be on the ballot in Ohio after all that's not who we are. Don't you love that line? That's not who we are and Ohio governor Mike DeWine from yesterday Senate has passed several bills that would remedy this situation However, the House of Representatives has failed to do this The legislature had session yesterday and again failed to take any action This is simply unacceptable Ohio is running out of time To get Joe Biden the sitting president of the United States on the ballot this fall Failing to do so is simply not acceptable only the GOP Democrats launch effort after effort to get Trump removed off the ballot Joe Biden screws up totally on his own Mrs. The deadline of even beyond the Ohio ballot and the Ohio Republican governor calls an emergency session to bail him out That's just the most GOP thing ever Jesse I've been firmly convinced that we are looking at an OJ jury in a Trump New York case Do you think the Trump rally there will influence the jury to acquit even though they know they were chosen to convict him? I do you cannot be cynical enough in the world today said you can I can use his name his name is Fred Honestly, I've never really cared about the New York trial and this is why I always assumed he was going to be convicted There's always a chance you get one good juror on there and they blow this whole case out of the water Which they should it's garbage. I always assumed he would be convicted and I never cared Because the New York trial and I'm not I'm not dismissing it It does matter that they're using the law against Trump the New York trial was never the one that was gonna send him to prison The Georgia case was the one that was gonna send him to prison and the DC case was the one that was definitely gonna send him to prison The DC case has now been delayed until after the election So if Trump wins the election, he's gonna blow that whole case up and they won't have to worry about that Go back to only having to worry about the Georgia case Which may not happen because Fannie Willis had an affair and blew a bunch of taxpayer money So look it caught some serious breaks and it's wonderful. I Wouldn't stress that look there's enough to worry about going on right now even in the campaign season in the country Don't sit and stress this Trump New York trial. He's not gonna go to prison What they've done to him is evil what they've done to him financially criminally is evil It's very very evil, but don't don't let that weigh you down tears. Dr. Steel Sambraro If you had plenty of money and needed to leave America forever with your family, where would you go? My choice is Romania. Why I don't know, but like you I make spontaneous decisions without much thought and stick with them It's not very nice Where would I go? Well, I haven't I haven't been that very many nice to that many nice places in the world I you know, I just haven't I've been to Mexico, Canada can't go to Canada anymore Mexico the thought of Mexico was appealing to me I Love Mexico, and I realize all the problems they have down there, but I love Mexican people I've always I'm just always had a lot of Mexican friends. I love Mexican music. I love Mexican food I love Mexican beer Mexican beaches. I hear I've never been but I heard the Mexican mountains are gorgeous supposed to be some wonderful fishing down there Maybe Mexico. I thought maybe that's kind of a cop-out answer. I will tell you I Was a little blown away at how beautiful Germany was now you can't go to Germany because it's it's going full Calmy faster than we're going full-car me Chris You might want to stay away from Germany pout what I'm just saying you never know either way When we went there it's the only time we've ever been we went there at Christmas time. I'm from Montana I'm used to beauty, you know, I grew up in Montana Utah Colorado Denver Salt Lake City I grew up in the Rocky Mountains beautiful mountains and so I know beauty at least nature-wise I know beauty after all. I know me what Chris. Anyway, no, I know what beautiful terrain looks like Georgia Germany was Gorgeous absolutely gorgeous not Russia Chris gosh. Why Russia? I don't want to live in that dump I'm not living in a dictatorship screw Russia, and I'm somebody who actually I'm fascinated by Russian history And I'm so I'm fascinated by Russian people. I know a few Russians crazy people. They're all crazy, and I love them for that I'm just not living under a system under a dictator. I'm not I'm not gonna do that what Chris what? 4,000 miles away from Moscow buddy, they're Russians. That's nothing for them. Okay, that's an afternoon They do that on the weekend pal these people are crazy. Hey Jesse. I Recently discovered your show. I watch it religiously. It's a ray of sunshine in a very dark world You talk about getting involved in elections to kick out do nothing in Republicans I couldn't agree more my question is since us elections have been totally compromised and corrupted as evidence in 2020 What makes you think they would be legitimate going forward? His name is John. Let's talk about that elections are stolen So why don't we get involved? Let's talk about that. Yeah, you ever think like that? It is Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and ask dr. Jesse Friday. Don't worry You can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm. All right, so let's talk about this concept got emailed in and he said hey I talk about getting involved in elections and so on and so forth But they stole the 2020 election elections are compromised. Okay, so let's let's clear a couple things here one America is not Washington DC America is not Washington DC and the future of our success or failure Will not be determined by whether or not we control the White House. Yes. I want us to control the White House. I do It helps. I want them out Saving the country or losing the country is not something that will be decided in November Because saving the country is a process not an event There will be a million battles to fight We will lose a bunch. We will win a bunch in the end. Let's hope we're victorious All right, so because America is not DC. We have to separate elections Every election is not a presidential election if you believe That they cheated in any way in the 2020 election. I agree with you I agree with you all the way in fact I could point to about a million different ways We talked about it all the time on the show even if you don't believe in you know things that I don't necessarily buy into hacked Voting machines and stuff like that The what the FBI did with Facebook alone burying the hunter Biden laptop story. That's cheating in an election That's malfeasance. That's election interference. That's cheating. That's wrong They use the federal government to campaign for Joe Biden. You can't do that. That's cheating in an election. They did cheat but Remember presidential elections are not gubernatorial elections. They're not they're not mayoral elections They're not school board elections And so let me say something that a lot of people are going to find while the offensive on the right and I don't give a crap Every election stolen. So I'm not getting involved is a lie and a cop-out and it's an excuse for you to be a lazy bum That's what it is You can believe presidential elections are stolen and can be stolen. Frankly. I agree with you a hundred percent Every election isn't stolen. You're just too lazy to get off your butt and go get involved We just had a City Council elections here in my town. We're at fact here in Texas. We've got school board elections coming up this year We will win or lose those elections based on the work we put in right now Are we running for office? Are we helping the people running for office? Are we donating money? Are we knocking on doors? Are we turning people out? No one's gonna hack the voting machines? We're not gonna blame China or the Democrat party or George Soros or anything like that Those elections will be determined by who gets up off their butt and digs in versus who sits on their butt as of right now We get outworked in every single election cycle and that's why we lose critical ones That's why abortion is enshrined in the Constitution now in the red state of Ohio It's why we lose school board races in blood red areas. It's not cuz they cheat It's because they work and we don't and the right has had a laziness apathy problem forever and this every election Stolen crap has only made that problem ten times worse, and this is from someone who believes elections are stolen And I'm telling you right now the idea that every election is stolen I swear at this point in time. I am convinced it was created by the communists and Exported to the right just to create voter apathy on the right. You understand Do you get? That we had two Republican senators from the state of Georgia Just like five minutes ago Both of the senators from the state of Georgia were Republican We controlled the Senate because we had two Republican senators from the state of Georgia Then the 2020 election happened and we told everyone I wouldn't even bother voting elections are stolen and The right state home because of that idea and now we have two Democrats from the state of Georgia Representing it in a Republican governor by the way, so they managed to steal the Senate seats But they forgot about the governor's mansion. I think not Yes, Democrats cheat in elections. They always have they always will it's not even arguable That's why the Democrat party platform is that you shouldn't have to show ID There's only one reason you wouldn't want people to show ID. It's because you want to cheat There's only one reason you would want more mail-in balloting balloting. It's because you want to cheat. I admit I Acknowledge Democrats cheat Democrats cheat Democrats cheat, but your local GOP rep is still in office not because he cheated in the election your local rhino rep It's because you and me have not put in enough work to bounce him out in the primary That's why he's there your local school boards full of commies And it's not because they hacked the voting machine It's because we didn't care enough to get up off the couch and get involved in the Dagon election You can believe they cheat in presidential elections, and I'll follow this up with this one They might cheat in the next presidential election and the one we have coming in fact, they probably will Maybe they will They're not going to cheat in every election and if you believe they did cheat in overt ways in the last one as in you think they waited Until they saw Trump was leading and then they went and found enough ballots That's why all the Biden ballots came in at 2 a.m And it put him over the top and actually that is what I believe if you believe that as I do Okay, fine But they're not doing that in your area It is a cop-out and it's it's an excuse to give up and be lazy That's what it is the right has not cared enough We have lost this country not because of election cheating But because the people who want to destroy it have wanted to destroy it more than we wanted to save it and fix it That's the truth Get involved in your election. All right, dear menu whisper. What is your opinion on taco trucks? Personally, I love them, but I have a process on picking them I try not to go to the fancy looking ones I try to find the average looking one and judge by the line of people. I have never had bad tacos in this process Does this make me a bad taco whisper? His name is Kate. Listen, Kate You don't have to dance around things if you're at a taco truck. You look for Mexicans Okay, if there are Mexicans at the taco truck, you're about to eat well here in Texas We know this well. There are two places to get elite Mexican food in Texas outside of restaurants gas stations and taco trucks if you're not in Texas You'll laugh at the gas station part the best Mexican food you can find is oftentimes in some rundown gas station What they'll do is they'll lease out a little kitchen portion of it hire a couple Mexican women in there And they're just churning out tacos and dark dance and what Chris and Garnet I'll start and gilets and things like that all day long best sitting in the world the breakfast taco place I go to all the time has three Mexican women working there They not only know my name by now. They know my phone number when I call they say ha say you're Kelly We'll get them ready and they have those tacos waiting for me when I show up and I love those women And your taco truck the best taco truck in my area It's right by the gas station where you can and I kid you not you walk in this gas station Which I did one time they have a display up at the front where you can buy switch blades Do rags and plain white t-shirts? I'm not making this up the most ghettoed out trash in the world and you look out at the taco truck Which is a walking food safety violation and the taco truck has about ten Mexicans standing in line You go stand in that line gringo because you're about to eat good Are you gonna have some lower intestinal problems afterwards probably but you're about to eat really really good Don't forget about that Look, if you want to eat good Mexican food You're gonna have to take some chances, all right good Mexican food comes with risk Everything great cut you want to climb out Everest? You're gonna get cold. You want to eat good Mexican food You might get food poisoning it comes with the territory Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday I need to remind you again that we will be here on Monday I'm off the rest of the week next week. I'm taking vacation, but we will be here on Monday doing a Memorial Day show It will be radically different than every other show. There will be no politics zero zip-zilch The entire thing is dedicated to honoring the fallen will be telling their stories We'll be reading their names if you've emailed names of fallen whether it's in training or combat or or whatnot We will try to get to as many names as humanly possible I can't I used to be able to guarantee that I would read every name. I am sorry that the show ended up The show ended up getting a lot bigger than we ever thought they would that it would get and I may not get to every name You don't want to sit here and listen to me read names for three hours I'm gonna get to as many names and as many stories and as much as possible But it's gonna be honoring the fallen on Monday if you have a name or something feel free to email it Jesse at Jesse Kelly show comm will go over everything we can and it's That's a we've always felt obligated to do a show that day to honor the fallen So that will be a different show and then when I get back following week back to our regularly scheduled programming now This Tedros dork this Chinese puppet that runs the World Health Organization He's out there talking about our food systems, and I'm not gonna spend long on this because I want to get to the emails I didn't get to but I just want to remind you That climate change communism Is communism's final form? It's its most evil form It's the most evil genocidal ideology and the history of mankind Because once you decide that human beings themselves and their activities their food They're everything once you decide humans are poison then the inevitable conclusion is You need to kill a bunch of human beings That's the basics. That's the essence of climate change communism Remember that when they talk about your food systems like this our food systems are harming the health of people and planet food systems contribute to over 30% of greenhouse gas emissions and Account for almost one third. I need to clarify producer Michael just asked why I called him Chinese I should have clarified. It's not because he's Chinese He's the head of the World Health Organization because the dirty Chinese commies wanted him as head of the World Health Organization That's what I meant when I said Chinese puppet. I didn't mean he was Chinese Michael. I know nationalities I'm pretty Anyway back to the back to this guy our food systems are harming the health of people and planet food systems contribute to over 30% of greenhouse gas emissions and Account for almost one third of the global burden of disease Transforming food systems is therefore essential But this guy's English sucks. I can't even understand half of what he's shifting towards healthier diversified and more plant-based diets If food systems delivered healthy diets for all We could save eight million lives per year WHO is committed to supporting countries to develop and implement policies to improve diets and find climate change I can't take that anymore. I feel like I'm in the phone with customer service. Just know he's trying to eliminate meat They are attacking our food systems. They've been attacking our food systems And they've been more successful than you or I realize don't believe me talk to a cattle farmer Talk to a guy who runs beef you'll believe me after you do that and now Headlines we didn't get to you This subject of this one is stealing your material Shogun Well, I'm in a private chat for politics with communists and right-wingers like us I'm taking your advice because I steal your material to drive the commies in the group crazy They go insane when I use your material against them I take all your arguments and wisdom and take full credit for it. Keep up the fantastic work. You make my day every day I love the show your loyal fan Janet. You always steal whatever you want of mine There's no limit to what you can accomplish in life if you're willing to take credit for other people's work dear dick Chaney of paintball. I've been wanting to get back into more history books instead of only fantasy football articles Gosh, I miss fantasy football. Can you name five u.s. History books every man should read in his lifetime? I'm currently working through bloodlands from your recommendation. It's brutal, but very eye-opening Thanks for the suggestion his name is Bradley. I look I don't tell people a list a definitive list of history books It hears why I tell you what I'm reading. I tell you whether I love it or not But I don't know what history you like everyone loves history It's just a matter of whether or not you've discovered the kind of history you like or not yet You might like art history. You might be a medieval history guy an ancient times history guy Maybe you're fascinated with Persia or Rome or maybe you're World War two Or maybe everyone likes something different everyone likes something different and that's fine You have to find the kind of history that works for you And then you dig in there the one guidance. I will given is this it's not that there aren't any new history books that are written that are good guys like Hampton sides Hampton sides whatever he writes is awesome, and he's very much alive and still writing it you read anything Hampton sides writes it buy it I do and I don't know him. It's like he's a friend. He's just writes great books, but If you stick with older stuff You'll get better stuff, and I don't mean you have to read something from the 1800s. He doth protest too much I'm not talking about that just Maybe the 1970s 80s 50s It's somewhere back there if you start dabbling in quote history books that are written in the 2000s It might be okay. I'm not saying there aren't good ones It might be pretty rough. I have heard that the anti-communist manifesto is particularly wonderful What Chris and I've heard that you can still purchase it at Jesse Kelly book comm Jesse you always say defund communist agencies But last week you kept saying end social security is now priority number one on the debt. Sometimes I wonder Actually, I don't wonder the truth is that people hear what they want to hear I never said ending social security security was number one on the debt list. I said everything must go Everything in order to save the United States of America We are going to have to figure out how to cut back on all of this stuff. All right now With a smile on your face enjoy your memorial day weekend take a moment on monday remember the fallen remember It's not veterans day and i'll see you there With the lucky land sluts you can get lucky just about anywhere It's your captain speaking. Yeah, we've got clear runway and the weather's fine But we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick So I suggest you sit back keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky Say for free at Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary void. We're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply See website for details