The Howie Carr Radio Network

Reviewing and Recapping Brian Higgin's Testimony | 5.24.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

We end the show going through the strange testimony of Brian Higgins, and callers let us know what they think of the testimony.

Broadcast on:
24 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. What do you think about him being here? I think it's great. I think it's dope and what I know. I've been down on this for a long time. I've seen a lot of things. It's the first time a president has actually came to the hood. More of a saint of South Bronx. The hood hood. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. AOC says if you're not a Democrat, you don't belong here in the Bronx. What do you say? Get me the AOC! Vote high ass out! Who do you love? Howie Car. Would you please state your name? My name is Brian Higgins. The defendant kissed me. Not like a friend. The defendant responded, it was a pack anyway. I kissed Kerry and gay Jeff too. Don't give me that. You've been spokhing with everybody. Snuffy, nail, leo, little mall with the gimpy leg, cheeks, bony five, flip. I could go on forever, baby. Rump swabs, hacks and moon baths beware. It's... Howie Car. Who is gay Jeff? Did he reach for a woman instead of a bear? That makes him and can't. That makes you gay. 844-500. 207 says of course it was a heated discussion with a flame swallower. All right. I think we're going to do some stuff on the trial, the care and read trial. It's just too weird and too strange. Definitely took a turn today. It did. It did. And again, they produced all this dirt and gossip. All these text messages back and forth between the angry woman Karen Reed and this drunk ATF agent, Brian Higgins weighs about 300 pounds. Dumb as a rock. Dumb as a rock too. He went to the academy and he learned all these phrases like contemporaneously and some in substance and during the pendency of this case. But then he can't even use the verbs properly. Did you ever drink with Brian Elbert? I have drunk with him. No, you drank with him. I have drunk. He said drank. He got somehow got it confused. I haven't got my notes in front of me here. He messed up a bunch of things. 844-500-42. So I'm just looking at... So he's basically out at ATF. Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. And again, as I said in my column, which is already posted, you can see it at, or you can see it at the Boston Herald. It's up in both places. Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. He's putting the A back into ATF. And so he was asked if he was still employed by ATF after his, apparently his... I mean, this is pretty disgraceful what he was doing. Cut 23. Are you currently still at ATF? Am I employed by ATF? Correct. Yes, I am. A special agent. Yes. What is your current bill at your assignment? Objection. Is that something you're bringing to discuss? I'm assigned to division operations at this time. Okay, what does that mean? That's... You've taken out of the field? Was I taken out of the field? Yes. Are you no longer in the field? Objection, your remote strike. Sustained, what's the name? Sustained. This could be considered exculpatory for Karen Reed, so it's going to be excluded. That's the way we have to do it. And then it turns out that he went to the FBI office, I guess, in Chelsea, and got somebody to extract, quote unquote, extract the data. And that's against the regulations. And that may be what the profra is all about, but that was the end of the day, so we didn't find out for sure. But I guess he's going to be back on the witness stand on Tuesday when they resume. But this guy is a sleuth tailor. He knows the differences between all the glassware and all the bars in Keaton and stuff. He does. When I worked in Kennebungport, I knew the differences between the colony glasses and the forefathers or no nanthem or a shaman. You know why? Because I washed the glasses at the colony. I got always spotted colony glass. But I don't think he washes the glasses at these places. I wonder how he knows the difference. Cut three. With reference to the waterfall and/or C. F. McCarthy, what if any observations did you make of it? Well, that it wasn't from the waterfall. And what made you say that? Well, she walked in with it and took it out of her coat. But it wasn't consistent with the type of glasses that the waterfall had. And so let me just ask one further question in regards to that. So when you say it wasn't consistent, what was it about it? They made it inconsistent with glasses from the waterfall. I believe it was a tall glass and kind of bubbles on the side of it, so to speak, like the design. I think he spends a lot of time in these bars. 844-542-42. Playcut 17. He's reading the texts. Oh boy, that's scary. You haven't seen a picture of this guy yet. You know, your opinion of Karen Reid's, if not her taste in men, at least her eyesight. She's got to do something. She was hitting this guy with dagger eyes. But in a way, it's her own fault for texting this stuff out. You know, you can't, you're better off dealing with people at any level on the phone. Because later on, they were asking this tosspot butt dial Higgins if he remembered any phone calls. He was making phone calls incessantly all day long at the Canton police station after John O'Keefe's body was discovered. He said, "I have no recollection of that call. I have no recollection." If you've been texting, he wouldn't have been able to say, "I have no recollection," right? It's the modern version of never, never right when you can speak, never speak when you can nod. And don't ever text anything unless you want to see it on court TV one day. If you don't want to see it on the front page of the Boston newspapers, Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Well, isn't that what the old speaker used to say? I don't ruck the conversation. You know, this reads like a Bernie Sanders, you know, early porn movie. This is crazy. I've never -- what is it about Massachusetts that we get in all these crazy stories? I mean, I can't even keep up with this. I mean, this is definitely not a hallmark station movie. This is made for television. This is crazy. Yeah, no, it definitely is. But it's going to have to -- it's going to take a lot of writing to put this together as a mini series. You know, one of these -- because there's so much here, you know? I don't know how it just keeps going on and on and on. I mean, what is it about the FBI and the ATF? They're up to the next -- CIA, too. Don't forget the CIA stopping the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware from interviewing Hunter Biden's money guy, his sugar brother. They stopped that. You know? I don't know. Like I said, this is just -- I've never seen anything like this ever. I mean, if it's not our politicians, it's stuff like this. And we wonder why this country is so crazy. Have a good one, Alex. Thanks for the call, Mike. This is -- I mean, it is just this soap opera game. So he's usually a Jameson guy, right? But so he goes over to John O'Keefe's house. And John O'Keefe is the guardian of his niece and his nephew. His sister and his brother-in-law are dead. So he -- they're all getting hammered, absolutely bleep-faced. And so the kid is playing -- he's playing games with the nephews -- with the nephew. And listen to this, cut 13. All right, I see John. Was it necessary to introduce Hennessey Exo? Was I really playing video games? Yeah, that would have been me. So he doesn't remember playing video games with the nephew. There were several occasions where he had been with them and he had to ask questions about what happened the night before. But we think that after -- I mean, that's fine if you're in college. But these people are in their mid-40s to mid-50s, you know? Right, and this guy -- this is a go on in Canton, and he's moved to West Roxbury. I mean, so he's got to go on 128, doesn't he? Or to get to West Roxbury from Canton? I don't care if it's 2 in the morning. It's pretty dangerous to be out there, to hammered. And he obviously was. Texts continue, cut 14. I said, please tell me I didn't break your nephew's video game. If I did, I'll replace it. Did I throw a controller or some sh*t? Then there was that first magic kiss. And he kept calling her the defendant. That was the other thing. Like Brian Albert, these guys are, you know, cops, quote unquote cops. So they know -- they learned that the academy -- they always call the defendant, the defendant, because that'll remind the jury that they're in the dock. Jen McCabe did the same thing when she could remember to call her the defendant. Right. Yeah, they were -- they loved -- we loved John and Karen. Or, excuse me, we loved John and the defendant, right? Cut 15. As you were going out, again, I'm sorry, what happened? The defendant kissed me. Not like a friend. Yes, like a romantic. That's the way I interpreted it. How many friends does he have kissing him? Not like a friend. Does gage you have to kiss him? 844-542-42, we will take some calls when we come back. The defendant's after this. The emperor of hate, how he car, is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration for May only save $1,000 off their new PFE Hair Restoration procedure and listen to my Meet the Expert podcast with the doctors. Go to or call 1-800-208-HARE. That's 1-800-208-HAIR. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's been the most unlikely statement said during the Karen Read trial. I bruised my knuckles breaking a fall. Chloe, the dog, has been rehomed. It was a butt dial. Forensic data is a narrative, not the truth. John O'Keefe was our dear friend, or I don't recall. I'm voting for I broke the fall with my knuckles. 23% say knuckles, 33% say a butt dial, and 17% say either forensic data or I don't recall. 844-542-42. Cut 4. At this point in time on this date, did you have Ms. Read's cell phone information? I did not. At the time that you were at the waterfall. No. You recall sending a text or -- oh, I'm sorry. Can you repeat that question again? At this time, I know we've jumped around a couple of days, but at this time that you were at the waterfall on the 28th or the 29th, did you have Ms. Read's content? Yes, I did. Okay. And at some points over the course of the evening, while you were at the waterfall, did you send a text to Ms. Read? I did. And do you recall what the substance of that text was? I think it was something like, um, well -- And do you recall, as far as that text message, why you would send that to me? To be honest with you, it was -- I guess you could view it as a flirty text. At to be honest with you. Whatever they say honest, you know, he sent her a flirty text. 844-542-42. Steve, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Steve. Howie, two things. First of all, if someone gets convicted -- let's say Read gets convicted -- I'm wondering if John O'Keefe's family has a wrongful death suit against these bars. I mean, they're supposed to exercise reasonable care that they're -- Forget it, Steve. It's can't -- Nothing. Come on. First of all, she's not going to get convicted. Do you think there's -- don't you think there's, like, reasonable doubt in -- every morning before the first break? Right. No, I do. But if someone gets convicted, these bars seem to have acted in an extremely irresponsible way. Yeah, but you're not from camp, Steve. You know, I mean, this is just life in -- life in camp. This is the way they -- I mean, this is the way they operate. You know, not somebody once says driving hammered in a blizzard. That's in the ATATF manual, training manual. You know? I mean, it's kind of up to them, isn't it? Yeah, these people are in their 50s, 40s and 50s. And this is the way they behave, and they're doing it with their kids. That's what's weird. That's even weirder. And they call them their children, too. It's not like they're -- these are, like, first graders. I mean, a lot of these kids are close to 30 years old. Thanks for the call, Steve. 844-542-4239. What's the significance of the dog being re-home? They had a vicious dog in the house named Chloe. And the dog had bitten a lot of people. And when O'Keefe's body was found, there were all these lacerations on his arm. And they weren't made by a -- by an SUV, obviously. And he -- plus, he had two layers of clothing on him at the time when his body was found. So the speculation is that the dog had some -- Chloe had somehow done it. And the dog disappeared immediately after the incident. When -- when Jen McCabe came running up at 630 into the room, the dog had apparently supposedly been sleeping with the -- with the Brian Albert and his wife. And -- but there was no dog. The dog was gone. Someone took the dog away in the middle of the night, apparently. So that's the -- that's the significance of that. 844-542-42. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. [ Music ] >> Yes. I remember Ruben, the pastor, Ruben. He was my temporary pastor. He knew her. He -- he passed to me for a month. He -- I remember him. He always -- I would remember in the Bronx. And by the pastor in Newark for one month and helping now. >> This is Ruben Diaz? >> Yes. Pastor, yes. >> Oh, so you know him, huh? You know the guy? >> I know -- I know him very well. And also, I -- I help him for a campaign for R.W. Shambaugh to print some archer. >> R.W. Shambaugh, that's a name out of the past for me. I used to listen to him on W.W.V.A. He was great. >> Yes. >> He was a -- he was a radio preacher. He was -- he was -- he was a fantastic entertainer. >> Yes. Yes. And I remember him. And also, I help -- I don't know if you remember G.D. Alvila. >> No. >> He was a Spanish preacher. >> No. >> And by R.W. Shambaugh was great. >> Yeah. >> He's great. >> I love the guy. He came -- he once came to Boston and I went to see him. Not because I believed anything he was saying, but just because I wanted to see the show. And he was damn good. He used to work for AA Allen until God took AA Allen away. >> I'm the rosest of the liver. I'm how I car. >> Live from the Matthew's brother's studio. >> George Jones, right? >> Gary Stewart. >> Gary Stewart. I'm sorry. Gary Stewart. He also sang "The girls all look prettier at closing time." "Your place or mine?" He had some great tones. >> So this is Brian Higgins explaining what he drinks. Cut one. >> And you had some drinks at the hillside, is that correct? >> I did. >> And you recall what you drank that night? >> Usually what I drank all the time, Jamison and Ginger. >> Jamison and Ginger. Not Ginger, Ginger. Cut 26. >> On January 28th, you drove your Jeep Wrangler to the hillside bar to meet up with Brian. >> I did. >> You said you drank three to four whiskey sodas at the hillside. Is that right? >> It would be Jamison and Ginger. Not whiskey soda. >> My mistake. Jamison and Ginger. Jamison is an Irish whiskey. >> It is. >> And Ginger is ginger ale? >> Yes. >> Okay. >> What a dope. Is he proud that he drinks Jamison and Ginger's? >> He's going to get a season desist letter for it. Please stop mentioning us. >> Yes, the correct thing. Whiskey and soda. Technically, I think it's accurate what he said. >> I'm surprised. I pulled all the cuts. I'm surprised you haven't mentioned how many times this guy ate just during the afternoon in the evening. >> Yeah, let's look at that. Okay, let's go cut five. >> As far as the ride back is concerned. >> This is from New York at the funeral. >> Drive from New York City back to Massachusetts about how long a drive was that? >> So typically it'd be a, I'd say like a four hour ride depending on traffic. This was longer and I would also factor in the fact that we stopped in eight on the way back. So he stopped in eight on the way back. Okay. So then he gets, he gets back to cut six. >> And once you got to the hillside, how long were you there and how long was Mr. Albert there? >> So I had something to eat. I had something to drink. >> Then you left, you went over to Fairview, but they only had beer and you wanted a Jamison and a ginger. >> So you went to the police station and then what happened after you went to the police station for this mysterious late night, you're hammered. So of course you naturally went to the police station for a while to drive some cars around. Then what happened, cut nine? >> But I think I did what I typically do after being out having a couple of drinks. I had something else to eat and I believe I might have had another couple of drinks and either late on the couch or late on my bed. And typically I would fall asleep if I was on the couch and wake up and go into the bedroom. I don't know which, what location I was in at that point. >> He would fall asleep. >> The whole neighborhood knows that I'm home drunk again. >> Jack, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Jack. >> Hey, Howie, I sold that dog to her. >> Chloe? >> Oh, yeah. >> Really? >> That dog is a black and tan female shepherd about, she's exactly five years old right now. >> Wait, I thought they said they got the dog in Texas, Jack? >> No, I don't think so. I mean, how many people from Canton name a female German shepherd Chloe? That's too much of a coincidence. And I just pull the record, I went through my files the other night and I don't think she gave me the right name, Howie, to be honest with you. She showed up with her daughter or she said she was her daughter and I asked her specifically. >> She had a daughter. >> She said she was her daughter and her daughter used to send me text messages and everything. So she's biting my shoes and my laces because when I specifically asked her, what are you going to use the dog for? She said protection. And I said, because it was a high-drive litter. And it was all shirts and two, shirts and three, which is basically police and war lines. And I said, well, this is the dog for you. I says, because somebody knocks on your door at 10 o'clock at night, you're not going to have a chance to get out of bed. The dog is going to go through the door and bite them. And she said, that's exactly what I want. And my dogs are all big. My females go 85, 90. My males go 125 pounds. Naturally town, the dog's beautiful dogs, German shepherd dogs. But anyways, when I said, how many dogs? I said, that's going to be my dog. And then, you know, and I said, that's going to be her. And let me tell you something, how that dog is quite capable of biting through winter attire. I don't care if he's going on a long-term shirt. No, but what I'm saying is, though, the guy had on two layers of clothes when they found his body out in the snow, and he had those cuts, those fresh cuts underneath him. No, it's not. My dogs got 35 pounds, over 3,000 pounds of pressure per square inch in their jaw. They can take a small turtle and crush their shell. You're talking a lion or an alligator to do that. No, that dog had nothing to do with that. All right. No way. And my shepherd's are about as tough as they come. Let me tell you. Thanks for the call, Jack. 844-542. Jack may think that. I'm not sure. I don't think Chloe was a purebred anyway. Chloe was one of these dogs. They call them German Shepherd mix. That means it's kind of a mutt. Who knows what the other half was. I'm pretty sure that they said they got the dog in Texas, too. Yeah. 844-542-542. 508 says, "Everyone in Massachusetts talks like that. You are making fun of everyone." I'm not. Ginger? I don't say ginger. I don't say ginger. I say ginger. By the way, someone's asking me, too, have I seen the picture of Colin Albert, the kid. He said under oath that he'd never been in a fight. In Turtle Boy a couple of days ago, at, posted a photo of him in a fight, a video -- excuse me, a video. It's not clear, though. I don't know if that's him. It doesn't look. You know what? It's not much of a fight, either, is it? Whoever it is gets his clock cleaned in that few seconds by that. The ginger Avenger. That's what we think of that. It's a kid with red hair. What did Turtle Boy got? The Ninja? The Ninja, the Ninja. I call him the ginger Avenger. I think he called him that, as well. 844-542-542-542 sounds like he left after 15 minutes and went to the PD thinking that would be an alibi. All right. This is Nicole Albert testifying about Chloe. We had one. We had a dog. And what type of dog was it? She's a German Shepherd mix. Mix. And how long had you had the dog at that point in the mix? About six years, I believe. And similar time frame. All sort of when you got the dog, how you got the dog, or where you got the dog from? We got the dog from a shelter in Texas. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. If there is a German Shepherd in Canton named Chloe, that poor dog has got quite a burden to carry. 844-542-542. Bob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bob. Hey, how are you not part of the hackorama, huh? You're here on a Friday, close to seven o'clock. I am. What's going on, Nate? I am. It's unreal. It's unreal. I filed my column, though. I filed my column for Sunday for tomorrow, so I'm not working tomorrow. So I got it. And I got Monday off, I must say, so that's it. Howie, that's a Saturday. They all get the Saturday. I just wanted to comment on, it permeates not just at the local level, but it also goes right up to Trump. And there's this hackorama, there's this underbelly that just is everywhere. It's infectious, it's everywhere, and what do you do to get rid of it? It's almost untouchable. What will you need to do? We need to expose these people, whoever are behind what goes on, whether at this level or at the national level, there is an underbelly, there is something going on, and nobody know it. If you're loyal to the underbelly, they will protect you. Well look what's going on in Kenton, at the death of Superior Courthouse, Bob. That's an example, isn't it? Exactly. And that's what my point is, is that it doesn't matter whether it's at the local level or at the national. It's there. It is there. And so how do you address that? And that's one of the biggest problems that any war-abiding citizen has. You don't have a chance if you're convicted, but these people are just, they run ragged over the system. And if they're being held by the hand all the way through it, even the judge, a lot of the time, sustains, sustains, sustains, sustains, it's just, it's absolutely incredible. How far this case has gone without it, without it being thrown out of court? It's a disgrace. It is. I agree. It's just, you know, it should never have gotten this far. I mean, once they found that Google search at 227 hoes long to die in cold, I mean, they should have, I mean, if you're going to go after somebody, go after the people that were doing that, go after the people who destroyed their phones, go after the people who've been lying or apparently lying under oath. Thanks for the call, Bob, 844-542-42, Rocky, here next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rocky. Howie, thanks for taking my call. Listen, I just want to ask you something, a little off the topic, but the Supreme Court said that plugs can't forgive all these student loans. Yes. He is doing it anyway and bragging about it and bragging about it. So why do we, why do we have a constitution if there's nothing we can do? I, you know, that's, that's a question I can't answer, Rocky. I mean, that's the question everybody's asking themselves though, isn't it? Yeah, but I mean, what's the sense of, I mean, they're trying to, they're trying to frame, they're trying to frame Trump in all these different jurisdictions for, for crimes that weren't crimes and that he didn't commit and yet, and yet Joe Biden can walk around and just brag about defying an order from the US Supreme Court. Just like all these, uh, all these knucklehead cops in, uh, can't drive around drunk, nothing happens to them. Thanks for the call, Rocky, 844-542-42, and again, uh, if you were looking for a Father's Day gift early that we got a great one, uh, go to, click on store. You can get Paper Boy, read all about it, my book, and, uh, for their usual price, and if you order it now, you will get a free T-shirt, a free T-shirt, uh, just, it's a mystery T-shirt. It could be, uh, this one I'm wearing now, make gas cheap again. It could be cheaper to deport and support Trump, Bunk shot T-shirt, uh, get, go woke, go broke. Let's go brand that it could be any of these T-shirts. Just put down the size, you'll get down to one of those T-shirts, uh, for free along with your book,, click on store, I'm HowieCar. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what, there is? This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the HowieCar Radio Network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows. So let's go back to, uh, Brian Higgins. The Hungry Higgins, also known as Bethel Brian, cut 18. "Defendant starts off and says, 'Do you like me?' Question mark, I responded, 'Yes, clearly.' Defendant said, 'Come over my house.' Come on, my house, my house, come on, come on, my house, my house, come on, come on, my house, and my house, I'm gonna give you big sand dates and grapes and dates and– Rosemary Clooney? From Chan? Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Then there's the, the hillside is a lot like the cheers bar, isn't it? Cut 20. I responded, 'I thought you were happy in this, I thought you were in this happy relationship.' Defendant responded, 'Everyone is happy at the hillside.' You know why 'cause everyone knows your name, and everyone knows the drink that you want, 'cause everybody wants the same drink, a shot of fireball, eight four, four, five hundred see what you think is the smoking gun lie in this sound cut. Ken. I had seen Troopa bukeneck on a number of occasions at the local gym. I had seen him one side at I had seen him one time at the hillside. I think he might have been with his child after sporting event. I think I bought I said hello I bought him a drink. He said he saw him at the gym. How often do you think Brian Higgins gets to the gym? I think there was some enhancement going on in those those PKTF days. You mean before he got put in the operations division operation? Yeah both both he and Brian Albert looked artificially inflated. So this is that here's another rather I go well I guess this is a tech so it's not true but Karen Reid wasn't paying much attention if she believed this cut 16. The defendant said why do you think that I responded because this is so out of left field. Where did these failings come from? The defendant responded I just think you're like me. Yeah I like to eat six or seven meals a day. He sounds like King Kong tractor. I'm sorry man. I don't mean to make fun of it. Where are these feelings come from? Ungawa. We have strange feeling in tummy. Cut 22. That's me if there was any kissing and sexual relationship anything at all between yourself and the defendant. Absolutely not in referring to my at my residence when she stopped by it was just I was very uncomfortable and this is an uncomfortable situation. I just a weird vibe. That's that's it. It was a weird vibe. Yeah just the men grabbing my ass. Again this the guy he and he and Ryan Elber were playing by their own words grab ass at the waterfall and then they had a butt dial and before the butt dial he went he went took his Jeep out and was plowing he was plowing the lawn and that was just a smart ass move so he went from grab ass to smart ass to butt dial. I'm getting a weird vibe just from recalling all these these things that have been set under oath here. Okay check out my column at how we car show dot com or you could check it out at the Boston Herald Boston Herald dot com and I'm gonna be off Monday but I will be back on Tuesday and we will be back covering the the Caron Reed murder trial. Everyone is happy at the hillside.