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Stephanie Ruhle Thinks You Should Be Happy With Biden's Economy | 5.23.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Stephanie Ruhle can't seem to understand why people don't believe Biden's economy isn't doing well. Then we take some of Former President Trump's speech in the Bronx.

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23 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Shame, shame on that judge. How dare he threaten to not allow Donald Trump to put on a witness because the judge didn't like the way he looked at him. What are you looking at? C'mon, can't you see we're close? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. President Donald Trump, using his time off from court in Manhattan to court voters in the Bronx. President Trump came here to the South Bronx, would you attend the rally? Of course, I would want to meet Trump. I want to shake his hand. He's the only president that I see that can ever make America great again. Should Joe Biden come? Sleepy Joe, Sleepy Joe. Sleepy Joe gotta wake up if you want to come. Who's your captain? Howie Car. What do you think about a big Donald Trump rally in the Bronx? New York City's blue, Brooklyn's blue. No, no, blue. What's in that? Trump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. 844-542-42. The Caron Read trial resumes tomorrow in Datham at 9 o'clock. Supposedly on the witness stand is Brian Higgins, the ATF agent who was there and who had the hats for Caron Read. We're told. So there was no... Turtle Boy was in court today on his case and I don't think much happened. But there was a canton man in the news, cant man in the news. Orthopedic surgeon sentenced to more than one year in prison for health care fraud. You don't say. Dr. O'Lara Wajou, James O'Ladypool, O'Lara Jou, James O'Ladypool. I don't think he knows Jen McCabe. I don't think he knows the McAlbrets. O'Ladapo, I believe it. I knew an O'Ladapo at one point in my life. O'Ladapo, really? O'Ladapo, yes. It was his first name, O'Lara Wajou. I don't think so. He was sentenced today to 16 months in prison. He was one of the largest prescribers of opioids in Massachusetts. He was convicted by a federal grand jury last December of 10 counts of health care fraud. 844-542-42. I saw this story yesterday. It's in the Herald today. Gun rattles city hall counselors. A person with a gun attempted to enter city hall yesterday afternoon, prompting a police investigation and briefly disrupting a city council meeting. So that reminded me of Dapro Neal back more than 40 years ago. He used to carry a gun, as you all know, the pistol packing city councilor at large. He had a 38, police special that he carried. So, Larry de Cara, another city councilor that Dapro didn't like. He was liberal. He was from Harvard. Dapro just didn't like the guy. He was young. And he introduced a resolution to ban firearms from the council floor. And you can imagine what Dapro did. He went crazy. He came into the council and we used to sit on the floor in those days. They report us with the city councilors. We were sitting right behind him. And he goes, I see what this guy from Dorchester has done here. He wants to ban firearms. Let me tell you something. Someday somebody's going to come in here. And then all you birds are going to be damn happy. The old Daps got the equalizer. Birds. Yeah. He used the word birds. That's, that's. I understand the vernacular. So you birds are going to be, are going to be happy that the old Dap is in here. Cause I'm going to protect you. Ollie. Ollie except one. Decara. And here it is all these years later. They, they could have used Dapro at City Hall yesterday. You would have shown them the equalizer. 844, 542, 42. Dapro also said, if you had a lot of money, you were as rich as King Farouk. And he used to seek prowl cars. He was a prowl car guy. And again, like I said, he didn't have a, he didn't have a semi-automatic a 9-millimeter. He had a 38-believe special revolver. Cause it never jammed. He knew the, he knew the rules of the road. Alright. 844, 542, 42. So I think we'll have to talk about the, the, the price, prices and how, and how, how out of control things are. This is a version of let's go brand then. But Stephanie Rule was just out of control the other day. She was on with Austin Goolsby who's like this. He's like one of these, you know, Washington economists who's never had a real job scoop an ice cream, let alone running a company. But he's, he's an expert on, on global finances. And she was talking about how, you know, people just don't realize, she was telling this guy Austin Goolsby how great people have it. And they just don't realize it. Cut too. And now a new report from the Fed shows people are still struggling to cover day-to-day expenses even as inflation has slowed. But some big consumer brands are beginning to take action. Target says it is cutting prices on 5,000 essential items. Things like milk, butter, pet food. Wendy's is now offering a $3 breakfast deal. And rivals like McDonald's are offering new lower priced value meals. Happy days are here again. And so of course then she had to defend Brandon for, for having another student loan deadbeat right off at the expense of all of us who didn't take student loans or who repaid our student loans or who didn't go to college or all of the above, cut one. Let's talk about Joe Biden and this student debt relief, right? We're seeing Republicans push so hard against it saying Joe Biden is buying votes. If he's doing this for college grads, what about all the people who don't go to college? They get nothing. They're left out. Isn't that how politics works? The carried interest loophole only helps the private equity industry. It doesn't help us. Corporate tax cuts only helps corporations. It doesn't help the rest of us. When Donald Trump goes down to Mar-a-Lago and says, "I'm going to lower your taxes." He's lowering the taxes of the richest of the rich people. So this whole, you're buying votes. Isn't this just how politics works, fulfilling campaign promises to certain groups? So Donald Trump or Republicans are letting people keep more of their own money. Joe Biden is taking your money and giving it to somebody else. That's what it amounts to. He's giving your money to pay off debts that somebody else willingly accepted the burden of repaying. $430 billion. That's what he was looking at right offs. But they stopped. The Supreme Court stopped it. So now they're trying to do it in bits and pieces. And so, of course, being the Biden administration, at the same time, they're trying to pay people off. They also set up a new application to get a student loan. They call it FAFSA, and it's all screwed up. It doesn't work. Like everything else in the Biden administration, it doesn't work. So now they want to make marijuana legal. That's their next pander. Proposed reclassifying marijuana is a Schedule III drug, meaning national legalization is coming. This is from Daniel Henninger's column today. It must be more maddening to the White House's the scant political benefit from the multi-trillions in spending. Sorry, investments. It spread across the country through the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the Chips Act and the Misnamed Inflation Reduction Act. In all, the Biden handouts run to about $1.6 trillion. You know, they spent $7.5 million on electric charging stations. You know how many they've got to show for it so far? For $7.5 billion? They've got $7 billion. It came out last week. Well, all the bums are still in the copper, too. Right. They don't, by the way, they're doing away with traffic lights in Oakland, California. They're going back to stop signs because all the traffic lights are non-functioning because they've stolen all the copper out of them. Before we know it, we'll be going back to having cops directing traffic like they used to with the whistles. Only 17%, this is according to Politico, a left-wing sheet. Only 17% of these laws, 1.1 trillion in direct investment, has actually been spent. And he's getting no benefit from all this money. What happened? The corrosive effect of inflation is the short answer, but voters in many polls also cite the economy as their top priority. The more interesting long-term explanation may be that most of the public, including more minority voters than ever, no longer consider federal handouts an adequate substitute for the real economy, which produces, you know, paychecks in a durable personal dignity. This election looks like it's going to overwhelmingly be about the economy. Also, what is the Biden economic argument against Mr. Trump, other than his repeated delusion that he inherited 9% inflation from the former president? Yeah, there is not, there is not. So how are you coping with inflation? I've got this list of people in San Francisco, how they're coping with inflation. And we'll go over, you know what? We're going to go over how bad inflation is in just food products for one thing. Most Americans say we're in a recession. So Harris Paul yesterday. Most Americans say we're in a recession in Blame Biden. Well, who else would they blame? He did it. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. That's Howie Carr, and he's back. Thank you all for being here, I want you to enjoy the rest of your session. Yeah, we're enjoying it big time. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. It's the best dental office I've ever been to. I was there this morning, so was the mailroom manager. We always loved going there and seeing the Houghton's, Dr. Houghton and his wife Stephanie and all the great dental hygienists and everybody else who's there. Now they have two new partners. So you don't have to wait for anything. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashville. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Illinois wants to change what felons are called. Which of these descriptions do you prefer? Offender, justice-impacted individual, returning citizen, ex-con, jailbird, or Ayana Presley's husband? I'm sticking with jailbird. 30% say jailbird, 32% say ex-con, and 20% say Ayana Presley's husband. Jailbird. Dapper word. So this morning, the globe runs this story. They have the most dramatic testimony of the Caronree trial to deal with. They totally ignore it, and they go with this silly trip to Aruba. These women who weren't there on January 29th, who can add nothing to the narrative to the prosecution's case or the defense's case. They said nothing about hoes long to die in snow. But this afternoon they came back, Taylor, and they got a new story up on the website. Dramatic testimony you might have missed at Caronree trial this week. You mean, if you were relying on the globe, you missed that. There was, I mean, I think there was like a cat fight on board of crews over some misunderstanding in Caronree, then apologized and offered to pay for their rooms, that was it. That was it. And that was the whole story in the globe this morning. But they made up for it with dramatic testimony. You might have missed at the Caronree trial. Yeah, if you were relying on the globe, you did miss it. And so then they went over all the stuff that they didn't put in the paper today. But anyway, what to expect on Friday? Witnesses expected in the coming days include Brian Higgins, an ATF agent who was at the Canton Bar and after party home at the home of his friend, Brian Albert. His ass was grabbed by Brian Albert. Right. And then he butt dialed with Brian Albert. So we're going to go from grab ass early in the evening to butt dialing. A lot of butt stuff with these two guys. Reads lawyers citing phone records have said that Brian Higgins had a romantic interest in read. He just like. Are we sure about that? I didn't see him interacting with her at the bar. He was just grab. They were just grabbing one another's asses as they put it. And then they would then they were butt dialing each other. They have also repeatedly showed surveillance footage from the bar inside the bar, engaged in what appears to be a brief interlude of play fight. That's not what they didn't say interlude of play fighting. They said grab ass, I think we probably have that cut in court papers fired filed yesterday. Prosecutors said they had turned over five pages of Higgins medical records to the defense as part of the government's discovery obligations, five pages of medical records. What's that all about? All right. Four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, Trump is just taking the stage now and in the Bronx. Not speaking yet. Okay. Well, we'll greenwoods singing. Yeah. Well, we'll wait. We'll wait a little while Biden's Biden's economy by economics. This is how much the prices have gone up since January of 2021 in food. Just food, forget gasoline, forget utility bills, housing mortgages, the cost of carrying a credit card balance. This is just food. Eggs 50%, beef roast 40%, flour 36%, sugar and substitutes 34.9%, beef steaks 32.6%. Carbonated drinks 32.1%, canned fruits and vegetables 31.6%, salad dressing 31.5%, biscuits, rolls and muffins 31.4%, butter 29.4%, and Stephanie rule is all excited about that target is cutting the price of butter by 20 cents, 20 cents. Wow. That means after that means the price of butter since Brandon became president is only up 25% if you go to target eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, uh, Roswell, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Roswell. Yeah. Okay. Thank you very much. This is Roswell Bob. I'm up and morning in the Hampshire. Hey, listen, I got a question here for you and it's why would Biden be so nice for the Palestinians while alienating the Jewish vote and the same thing with the student loan forgiveness. I mean, he's forgiven all these student loans, but there's a heck of a lot more people who either couldn't afford to go to college or went to college and paid off their loans. So it doesn't seem to me like he's using any brand, but there's something behind that and I can't really put my hand. Yeah. You know what? Roswell, there's a lot about this administration. I can't understand, but I do the same math you do and I still see more Jewish voters across the country than I do Muslim voters. And you know, he's just smacking Jewish voters in the face. He's insulting them and he's insulting everybody who, like you say, paid their own way or didn't go to college or who was in the military and used the GI bill to pay their way. Why? You know, even the lapdogs in the White House press corps yesterday asked KJP, well, you know, if you're going to give $35,000 to these hippie deadbeats, why don't you give $35,000 to electricians or plumbers or any other damn person when we come back, Trump will probably be speaking. We'll take a little bit of his, his peroration from the Bronx and how we go. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. President Trump is addressing the crowd in the Bronx and he just started off with this melancholy recitation about terrible. Everything is in New York, you know, lunatics, pushing his strap hangers onto the railroad tracks and migrants, illegals battling with the cops, he just went over everything that's horrible that's happening. And you must have realized that, you know, he was kind of being a Debbie downer and he goes, don't worry. It's going to get positive. It's going to get positive. So there's, I guess they're still letting the crowd come into the, into the area. But let's, let's take a little bit of it live. The wallman rink in the middle of Central Park, you know, that's all right. Which he built. He built. That had been under construction for more than 10 years. They couldn't get it open. It was a renovation. They couldn't get it done. Maricotch was at his, which ends. They just couldn't get it finished. They couldn't get it built. They couldn't get it open. They wanted to skate before their children turned old. Almost $20 million was spent over a long period of time. It was an embarrassment to the city. Every day they'd be laying the copper pipe and every night that same pipe would be stolen. And then they'd start all over again. Sounds like this charging station. They were stolen. This went on weeks and weeks and months and months. The traffic lights and open. They wore the concrete in small patches in wrong directions and at different heights. And they took their advice from a refrigerator company from Miami where it's 95 degrees out. It was a total mess. They just didn't know what they were doing. And I saw this and I wanted my children to be able to escape before they didn't care about ice skating. I looked down on the rink and I said, "What is going on?" Years and years. I volunteered and I took over the project and did a good job. And when I took it over, I said that if it cost more than $2 million, I would pay for it the entire amount. But it cost far less. The first thing I did was call the Montreal Canadiens Hockey Team in Canada. Right? Doesn't that better than a refrigerator company from Miami? They didn't know what we were talking about. But the Montreal Canadiens knew and they were really nice. I'll never forget how nice they were. And they told me that you don't want to use copper tubing and gas because the gas is very delicate and it leaks. It's very fragile. It just doesn't work. You want to use rubber hose. I said, "I like that. That's a lot cheaper." Water and salt. The salt makes it so the water doesn't freeze. It's called brine. And you're going to put that under the concrete. You're going to pour the concrete over the top. It's going to be great. It's going to work. It's not going to leak. It's cheaper, faster. And it works all the time. And when we opened, there were no leaks. There were no problems whatsoever. Anyway, I started the project, laid the rubber hose, mixed the water and the salt beautifully together. I was down there when they were doing it. I said, "You got to do it right." And covered the entire rink with concrete in four, literally, you had to see the scene. Concrete trucks operated by the Teamsters. Do we have any Teamsters here? Oh. It's the Pope. Well, Mr. Baird, you know what, in the woods. He endorses Trump. I think he's going to actually. But the Teamsters, it's stretching all the way. Watch out for O'Brien. Mr. Kirk. You had trucks stretching all the way from the wallman rink, which was, let's say, at 60th Street, all the way back to Harlem. One contiguous port, it was a day and a half of pouring concrete. One contiguous giant surface, as you know, the rink was completed in just three months for far less than the $2 million projected. The biggest expansion. We'll come back. We just want to, some people haven't heard that story. But it is a great story. I mean, he just, he got something done that the government couldn't get done ever, ever. So it probably still wouldn't be built if it relied on it. 844-542-42 Dan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dan. Hey, Howie. Thanks for taking the call. You know, normally I like to joke around a little, but I'm more serious now. You know, as Trump is picking up the, you know, the more normal human being, just like walking through the streets, through the homeless and the bums and the drug addicts and looking at the degradation of the world that's going on around us. Right. And as they start to swing over to Trump, as you can tell by that crowd, I mean, he's getting really good response in the Bronx, you know, right, the, the Democrats start to panic. Howie, they take up the most weirdest fringe people. It's like, okay, let's, let's legalize the weed. Yeah. You know, let's go off the college, you know, like they were saying, you know, they could, they're trying to buy votes and let's, who else can we find? Let's find people that want to kill Jews. Yeah. Yeah. You know, let's get people that it's like is weird. No, it's, yeah. Yeah. He's got a, Sam Alito's got a revolutionary flag in his yard and that's terrible. But it's okay to wave Palestinian flags up and down, you know, they, all these college campuses when you're chasing Jewish students and beating them up. I know it's, it's total madness, you know, I mean, they're not one of us that, that doesn't, you know, the, the flag upside down just means, you know, distress for America. Yeah. Now, one of us doesn't think we're not distressed, but, but, but the Democrats to get more votes, they're like starting to pander to like thugs and cartel people and pedophiles. It's the weirdest consortium. Like somebody's behind the scenes saying, we're going to have to start getting the pedophile vote. If we want to win, you know, you know, well, it's like that, it's like that, that judicial nominee. We talked about earlier, you know, she, she lets a, a serial rapist six foot two into a woman's prison and now she wants to become a federal judge and she says, she says there's no way he's, he's, she's, the woman, it's a woman and she's female and Ted Cruz asked her, does, does she have male genitalia? Yes, she does. Thanks for the call. Dan. There are 542 42 here's some of the people in San Francisco, how they cope with inflation. This is the Wall Street Journal, Varum Velari, 33 solutions, engineering, whatever the hell that is. I used to have an EV, but I switched to a gas car. That's always cutting down on his expenses. These are people in San Francisco, Dua Dwin Asher, 33 marketing and communications at a nonprofit. It's worse now than it was during the pandemic, at least during COVID. There was a lot of government assistance, but those protections are gone now. Johnny Kahn George, 55, he's a garbage truck driver. I worry about my grandchildren. We used to take three vacations a year. Now we take one. California, they're all in San Francisco is just too expensive. There are taxes on everything. My wife and I are considering moving to Arizona or even Texas. We're Democrats and those are red states, but we're willing to make the sacrifice. I'm not sure we're willing in the red states to have you make the sacrifice and come and destroy the states by voting Democrat. You feel free to come if you want to switch to normal voting. Maggie Bach, 25, marketing and residential real estate. A pack of salmon used to be around $20 to $22. Now it's closer to $30 to $31. I've also noticed that with specific grains, especially quinoa, they're being sold in smaller packages, but the prices have gone up. Yeah, a couple of textures have mentioned similar things. Kevin Hall, independent locksmith. As a locksmith, we've had to raise our prices. It went from $100 an hour a year ago to now 200 bucks an hour. I get therapy cover through Medi-Cal, of course he does. That's Medicaid. He lives in San Francisco. My therapist tells me, "Why don't you go out on a walk?" And I say, "What do you mean walking? I need to work. All I do is work and worry about making money." Bus mail carrier, 53-ment lantern. I can't do a lot of overtime because of my back. I found out about a tumor on my spine. It's okay, but it's still growing. Overtime is where the money is. I'm 53. I've been living paycheck to paycheck since the pandemic. Everything has gone up except wages. As far as I've been alive, this is the worst economy to me. I've made mistakes, but I shouldn't be where I'm at. Well, your last big mistake was voting for Joe Biden for president in 2020, and that's why you are where you're at. 844-542-42. Let's live a little bit of President Trump. The Bronx neighbor, it's in the Bronx. It's on the East River in the Bronx. And we went to court, the city sued, to break my agreement that they had just made. And I had done such a great job for him, and it was accolades everywhere. Golf magazine, all of the big magazines. Oh, this is his golf course. What a great job. They terminated by the way. And I went to court, and I will tell you, I had a very good experience. We had a Supreme Court justice named Deborah James. And I have to give her credit. I didn't know her. Never met her. Deborah James, an African-American woman who came to my defense. We explained it, and the city explained it. They said, we want to determine if there's no reason. And we said what we just said. And she looked at them, and she said, in effect, how dare you? This man came in. He put up his own money. He did an incredible job. You were building it for 29 years. How dare you ask for this to be terminated? How unfair is that? Deborah James, a great Supreme Court justice. That's all I can tell you. And we won the case. And she's saying, thanks for destroying my career in New York City, Mr. President. But it's not easy doing business in New York. I'll tell you. Not easy. So I just appreciated that. I had to tell that story. And as you know, then I renovated Grand Central Terminal. I built the Grand Hyatt Hotel in 42nd Street and Park Avenue. And as part of that-- It's plain for the local crowd. I renovated the beautiful-- 844-542-42. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Howie, good evening. I just was taking a look at NECN News. They do a recap every night of the caron retrial. And I was just watching the repeat from last night. And I'm just confused how the guest attorneys there thought it was a great day for the prosecution yesterday. Because I just don't view it that way. And I'd love to get your take. No, I think they're all in the satchel for the prosecution. I think it's more about Turtle Boy. The Turtle Boy has exposed a lot of corruption in the Massachusetts deep state over the years. And he has been very politically incorrect. And they just want to take him down a notch. And they don't like the people that support Karen Reed and that support Turtle Boy. I think this is a political trial. I mean, in some ways, it's similar to what Trump's undergoing. They didn't come after Karen Reed originally because of her politics. But it's become a battle between the forces of the establishment, whether it's the Globe or NECN or Channel 2 or whatever in Massachusetts, the Democrat Party. They're all demo-- look at Morrissey. Morrissey is going to be 70 years old in August. He has been in the legislature or politics. He started out as a Rep Senator than the DA for 47 years, Tom. He's one of the boys. They've got to protect this guy. I mean, how can you say that they're winning the case? See the world, the way we do. But I'm listening to these attorneys on NECN. I say probably nice people. I wouldn't hire them to represent me for sure if that's how they read the room yesterday. And thank goodness that Karen Reed has resources. And the work that Aidan Carney has done has been pretty remarkable to tell the story. I agree. I agree. The prosecution is back on its heels. So a couple of textors are saying, if this guy Higgins really has a federal profer, a deal with the feds to testify, I mean, why would they be calling him as a witness? I don't understand that either. That's just been speculation. Maybe it's not true that maybe Higgins isn't the guy who has the profer. And why are the medical records suddenly germane to the case? They decided the corrupt Norfolk County District Attorney's Office decided to release the medical records yesterday to the defense. I think it's going to be another interesting day in court. I'll be live tweeting it, Turtle Boy will be live tweeting it. He'll be back with us at 4.30 tomorrow afternoon. And we'll be talking about it, obviously. Thanks for the call, Tom. We'll take more of your calls and listen to more of Donald Trump's speech. I'm Howie Carr. Become a Howie Carr Show super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter. And you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from The Howie Carr Show. Just add to your name and email at [MUSIC PLAYING] The emperor of hate, Howie Carr, is back. My mind is going through them changes. Bruce from the Met says, just a heads up, you will be roasted from pronouncing quinoa as quinoa. Come on. Bruce, doesn't that just make me a man of the people that I don't know what the hell quinoa is? Or quinoa? Who the health cares about quinoa? I think you've been told many times it's quinoa. Many times? Many times during my tenure here. Well, I don't know. The price has gone up too much for me. I don't buy any quinoa. 844-542-42. Let's listen to a little bit of Trump. And Biden can't do it. He doesn't know he's alive. We come in on a high note. You know, see all the stairs here? Stairs, stairs, two of them behind me, one in the middle. When he's finished with his two and a half minute-- do you ever watch the speech? They last for about a minute and a half. When he's finished with his speech, he can never find the stairs. He can never find the stairs. This is in the Bronx. And they're cheering. And when he does, it's not a pretty picture. Thank goodness for Secret Service. They come up and they guide him off. No, this is not what we need. When you see President Xi of China, when you see Kim Jong-un of North Korea, when you see Putin and you see all of these people, they're at the top of their game, whether you like it or not. And they can't believe that this has happened to the United States. We have lost respect all over the world. We were the most respected country in the world four years ago. We were respected more than our country was ever respected four years ago. And now we're being laughed at. We're like a joke. And that's not going to happen. That's not going to happen. We're going to do whatever it takes to fix our roads, bridges and highways. We're going to take back our parks, not just for children, but for everybody. We're going to renovate New York subway system so it no longer looks like Calcutta. It hasn't been cleaned since 1932, but rather it will be the most beautiful transit system anywhere in the world. I don't know if you know it. It's by far the biggest infrastructure, subway infrastructure in the world. And we're going to make it by far the biggest. And now we're going to make it by far the best. We're going to make it by clean. And a lot of it is topical. You know, the expensive work people don't understand because they're not in construction. It's topical work. It's topical. It's built the expensive, the hard, the labor, the money. The big stuff is done. We're going to make it beautiful. We're going to make it good. And most importantly, we're going to let New York's finest do its job, the transit cops do their job. We're going to make it safe. Most importantly. This is a good local speech, though. It really is. And importantly, for-- Everybody understands it, too, nationally. We are going to make life in New York affordable again. It's gotten totally out of control. Well, that's true, too. The minute Crooked Joe Biden shuffles out the door, I will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy, the history of the world. Look, we have the greatest economy in history. Everybody here, will you have a small business, or have you had to stop your game? Give it to him, Mr. Trump. Give it to him. Karen Reed Trial resumes at 9 a.m. tomorrow. I'll be live tweeting. Go to Click on store. Buy the Father's Day special, my book, and a t-shirt.