The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read Updates, MA Residents Leaving for Red States and More | 5.23.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace goes over the testimony that followed Jen McCabe's Google search bombshell. Other topics include people leaving MA, Hunter Biden and more.

Broadcast on:
23 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. [Music] Welcome back everyone. Usually at two o'clock I'll do a quick perusal of the headline. Didn't see if there's anything that I want to get in before the show ends. And wow, I was just on the New York Post. There's actually a lot of news out there. The Supreme Court has upheld a South Carolina congressional map in wind for a GOP finding no bias against black voters. This is from New York Post. It says the Supreme Court upheld South Carolina's congressional map on Thursday, ruling that legitimate partisan aspirations rather than nefarious racial motives animated the district drawing process. Believe it or not. So it was not racism, racism, racism. Now, Jared, I'm going to let the dealer have the choice here. Do you think this is going to elicit calls to pack the Supreme Court or to abolish the Supreme Court? From the women on the view. Wow. You got a 50/50 shot. Tough. I think I'm going to go with abolish, especially given the nefarious Samuel Alito and all of his recent troubling behaviors. Yeah, let's talk about that. I don't even know what this is or what this is about. I don't think most conservatives with jobs who, you know, have something to do every day or maybe families that they care about. Sometimes I just throw the baby out with the bathwater. No, but what I was going to say is I don't think anyone knows as much about, for example, the QAnon. What was it, the QAnon shaman, that's his name? Or the J6 manifestos or, you know, I don't think anyone knows as much about QAnon as the people who claim to hate QAnon. I don't think I ever would have known anything about these flags, the meaning of the flags, the flags upside down. That's a sign to the J6 supporters. I was reading this story about Samuel Alito. I'm like, I don't even know what any of this code language means. It's the same thing as when people do the AOK sign and everyone's like, that's a sign of white supremacy. How does everyone know all these things? I'm starting to think that the blue and on people and the QAnon people are all on the same messaging boards because they know all these things that normal people don't pay attention to. And they have time to dissect all of it. And how it's secretly a code message to the guy with the horns who put his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk and they were sending, Alito was sending his signal when he put the flag upside down to the people who stormed the Capitol. It's like, does anyone have other stuff to worry about? We're worried about how people are flying flags now at their homes? Multiple stories about this? I'll tell you something I am worried about. I'm not going to worry about Samuel Alito's flags today. Sorry, Justice Alito, maybe some other day. Here's a story that did catch my attention. There's actually two. The first one being the U.S. Border Patrol has lost 25% of its agents during the Biden presidency. Shockingly enough, people don't want to sign up to defend a border when they will not have any support when they actually try to defend the border. And they don't want to, they don't want to work a job where they're meant to defend the border when they're going to be accused of whipping Haitian migrants when they're just merely on a horse and holding on to the reins. It's the craziest thing. They don't want to be demonized by the president and the vice president and every other liberal in America if they are seen as making some sort of mistake, even if it is fake news and then never have the opportunity to get their reputations back or receive an apology from the people who tried to vilify them. It's the craziest concept that flagrant bullpucky agents are leaving the Border Patrol, but it is true. It is true. Just over 4,200 Border Patrol agents have left the federal agency between October 2020 and April 2024. What do you think it could be? What is the common theme between October 2020 and April 2024? I don't know. I just, I'm not going to be able to figure this one out. Must be MAGA people. Oh, it must be. And how's this? Speaking of people fleeing and saying no thanks, Massachusetts risks losing $1 billion as wealthy flea for lower tax states. The funny part about this is that yesterday I was doing a little digging for TweetBe on Elizabeth Warren because there was a really interesting piece in the Wall Street Journal by James Freeman about how Elizabeth Warren's gone after everyone. Like she basically goes through her daily life and she puts the word big in front of things and she thinks, "Okay, can I attack that company?" So she'll see, she'll go to the gas station, not that she fills up her own car, but okay, big gas. Okay, who else do we got? Big grocery stores. Okay, what's in front of me, a Snickers bar, big lamp, big chair. And she just goes. And the story in the Wall Street Journal was now she's attacking big sandwich, like sandwich ingredients and grocery stores and food stuffs. That's tasty, meaty, turkey-filled, cold-cut combo. Yeah, it's like she has the wheel from Wheel of Fortune. She just spins it and sees which, which business should I go after today? And every business, by the way, in her mind, there's a monopoly-looking person, like the Mr. Peanut with the mustache and he's twirling it, he's got his top hat, and he's just looking to take down the little guy and really stick it to you. Put the screws to you. And so I was on her Twitter to find this tweet about big grocery. And yeah, that's so little glimpse into my exciting life. I'm going through Elizabeth Warren's tweets. And one of the tweets she was talking about the millionaire's tax in Massachusetts and how much money they've already raised from it is taken from it. And she's bragging about it. Like isn't this, this is what happens when you tax the rich. This is, you know, we have so much money now because we're taxing all of these rich people. You know what else happens when you start taxing people who are making money? They start leaving. They start going to other places. Massachusetts is in danger of losing nearly a billion dollars. It says since 2013 migration out of Massachusetts has seen an alarming eleven hundred percent increase to more than 39,000 people according to BU. If the trend continues, more than 96,000 residents making a total of 19.2 billion dollars in adjusted gross income will leave the state by 2030. 2030 is going to be a huge year. I mean, everything's happening that year. People are going to be leaving Massachusetts. People are going to be getting all these electric vehicles. I think the world at that point has been ended for two years. Plus we're all dead now because of what was that thing that killed us all, net neutrality. So we're already all zombies. But the zombies are going to be wiped off the planet by 2030 because of the end of the world. And on top of that, people are leaving the state of Massachusetts. Could things get any worse? That'll be the future historians will look upon that as the launching point of New Earth. It says residents cited a number of reasons. High tax burden expensive housing. These zeros are in that number. Healthcare costs. Widespread remote work policies have also made it easier for residents to pack up and leave. And yeah, people are choosing Florida and New Hampshire. We've had people call up before and explain their reasons for moving. And a lot of it does come down to it's just too expensive to live here. It's too expensive to live here. And then when you couple that with the fact that, and I say this as someone who loves New England, and I love all my listeners, the weather is tough. The weather in New England, Jared, you always attribute your youthful glow to the fact that you didn't have to endure so many winters. Yeah, 13 years of the winters here. It does take a lot out of you. I'd be lying if I said it didn't. And it's also, you know what it is for me at this point as I get older? It's the fact that it's so unpredictable. Like I just don't know. The weekend, for example, can be crappy. And then you get into work on Monday and it's 80 degrees and sunny. And at that point, what good does it do you? You know, I don't want it to be beautiful out when I'm at work. So there's that element too. But I definitely think the Elizabeth Warrens, who have so proudly been beating their drums about taxing, just pay your fair share. She's a big one on that. Just pay your fair share and get me a beer. Well, people are done. They're leaving. Let's go to Adam. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Adam. Hi, Grace. I have a question for you. I don't think you've covered this subject before, but I would love to see a drug test before the presidential debates for Biden and also for Trump. I don't think Biden was going to be able to hold up for 90 minutes or whatever the heck it is without them sort of cover or drugs in his system. And I think that's something I would love to find out. I'll just make a mandatory thing. I think you just pass a law saying you have to take a drug test. And it has to be open to the public to know what it is. Yes. There's no transfer anymore. You know me, Adam. I'm an eternal optimist. That's never going to happen. Joe Biden would never agree to a drug test. They would never make him take a drug test. He would not pass a drug test. I don't think either. But Donald Trump did suggest it. He said it at a GOP dinner. He said, I'm going to ask him to take a drug test. I hope that Trump doesn't, you know, go back to the drawing board on these debates over a drug test because I don't think it will look good for Trump if at this point he starts getting into the details. He's agreed to the debate. That should just be the end of it. Just get him on the stage and debate him. Like he, I have a lot of confidence that Trump with plenty of prep, which we know he has, he does these things every single day, he will be able to destroy Joe Biden on the debate stage. And with all of these polls that we're reading, I mean, the latest poll I read, Biden garnered 48% support to Trump's 47 in a Quinnipiac University national poll of registered voters. That was released yesterday. This is from the New York Post. Last month, the survey found Trump and Biden in a flat-footed tie. And we're seeing in a lot of these swing states that people are pulling ahead for Donald Trump. So he has the ability to end Joe Biden's campaign at these debates, and I think he should. And I don't think the drug test should be the reason that he doesn't go along with it. I just think that then we all know what the narrative will be. Donald Trump chickened out because he was too afraid, he was too afraid to debate the dynamic and sharp and Socratic Joe Biden on the stage. So he had to be a coward and hide. It's ridiculous, but that's what they'll go with. 844-542-42. Lisa, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Lisa? Hey, Grace, how are you? Good. I think that Trump should do a UFC type of thing, where he doesn't back down from any of Biden's requests. He just gets this totally killer name, like Donald, the Terminator Trump, or something. Something like Psycho and mean, and he's like, "Yeah, I'll think whatever you got. Just keep them coming. Keep them coming. I'll just keep taking them." You know what Lisa just, what you just said, which is something I meant to mention here, is that, and someone told me this earlier today and I thought, "Well, that's a good idea." As far as the drug test goes, Trump should still take a drug test. I don't think he should back out if Joe Biden doesn't want to take one, but he should take his own and just say, "I have this," and if, you know, at least you guys know that I'm not on anything when I go into this debate. I can't let you know if Biden's on anything, he's too afraid to take one, but I'm not afraid to take one, so here's mine. What I think would be plenty for people. We all know the reason Joe Biden's not going to take one. Spring means more flowers than sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens. Finally, you're looking forward to opening your windows. You know, Jared, today when I was driving in on my windshield, you know, when you push things from side to side with windshield wipers, I could see the pollen on the side of the windshield. It was all clumped up together. This has been, as far as allergies go, every person I know, even people who have never had or struggled with pollen before, they're struggling with it now. They're going, "My nose is runny, I wake up, my eyes are watery," and I keep suggesting to people, "Take advantage of the thunderstorm." This is the time to take advantage of it when you want to open your windows, you want to bring in this fresh air, you want to enjoy what we're just talking about. The weather in New England is fleeting. This is the time to soak it in, and if you're worried about the allergens, if you're worried about the pollutants, you plug in your thunderstorm and it eliminates those worries so that you can enjoy the New England weather for all that it is without the downsides, without the tissues, without the sneeze attacks. Yeah, and yesterday was, I don't know where you're located, not youth, but the people listening, but up in the North Shore, it was ridiculously hot yesterday. So we opened the windows because we're not going to turn on the AC just yet for one day. We turn on the windows, turn on the fans, and that was blowing all the air and everything. The pollen was coming in, but we don't have to worry about it because we have the ionized air from the Ian Pure Thunderstorm, which eliminated those allergens and pollutants as they were on their way in. And the three-pack special is such a great deal. I want my listeners to get their hands on it, and here's how. Go to, use code GRACE3. That's, use code GRACE and the number three, so it's GRACE and the number three. Say hello to spring, say goodbye to allergens, and get the three-pack today. Don't forget the code GRACE3 when you go to We'll be right back. The GRACE Curly Show will be right back. Today's poll question, which is brought to you by local Silver Mint, stacked it up. Located in Ware, New Hampshire, Silver Dave will work with you directly, so contact him at local silver Jared, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is are you traveling this Memorial Day weekend? Yes, via car, yes, via plane, or no staying home? We did ask the green room, and everyone thinks that you say it weird. I stand firm on my convictions. Yeah, you're really doubling down, I feel like you're saying it even more strength than you did in the beginning. I'm going to go with yes, via car. Yes, via care is at 9% via via plane at 3%, and no staying home at 88%. Do you think people are staying home, Jared, for reasons like it's expensive to travel, or do you think it's just maybe the weather here is not great, and people are just going to stay home? I think generally the cost of going someplace, especially gas, and the hassle. What are you having it? Taylor, ask me if I say Viagra instead of via, or if I say Pancho via, instead of Pancho Vila. Taylor is a troublemaker today, okay? He's causing trouble. Speaking of troublemakers, Jared, Dr. Morens, I do want to go back to this in the last segment because he is the gift that keeps on giving. Every cut I see of this man, he has worked at the NIH for like 26 years. I don't know how long he's been working as a comedian, but I would say that he can give up the side gig of trying to be funny. He's funny, but it's not intentional. This whole thing is amusing because of how dumb he is, but I wouldn't have suggested this as a tactic. I'm funny how. I mean funny like I'm a clown. I have used you. I make you laugh. What do you mean funny? Funny how? How am I funny? And we will get to how funny Dr. Morens is, but I wanted to mention here on the Karen Read case. Yesterday they bring in two sisters who know John O'Keefe, or new John O'Keefe, their family friends with them, Laura and Marietta Sullivan, and they went to a ruba with John O'Keefe and Karen Read, and they basically explained that Karen Read was acting jealous on the trip. She was angry. She was fighting with John O'Keefe. She fought with Marietta because she had thought that John had made out with Marietta, or you know, had acted inappropriately with him, and they go into this back and forth. The trip ends with Karen apologizing to Marietta for jumping to conclusion. She asks if she can pay for part of her hotel room. She Marietta declines, and although she does accept the apology, and so this was all an attempt by the prosecution to set up this narrative that John and Karen had a troubled relationship and they were fighting, there's a big difference between a jealous girlfriend who verbally accoss people for what she thinks is, you know, trying to take her man versus someone who's so angry and hates their boyfriend so much that they intentionally hit him with a car. And to me, that feels like a giant leap. And this whole case is about suspending your disbelief, but for me, that just doesn't make any sense. It's such thin gruel, especially which I don't think helped Jared. It's thin gruel on its own, but coming off of the bombshell of hustle on to die in cold from the Jennifer McCabe testimony, which was also yesterday, to follow it up with these two sisters who I'm not disparaging the two sisters because I'm sure that there was this conflict when they were in Aruba, I just don't think it should be used as any sort of evidence or proof that Karen Reed had these kind of evil intentions to hit John O'Keefe with her car. I mean, you can fight with your boyfriend or your spouse without wanting to kill them. I mean, were the sisters there at the house or did they talk to the police or the empties at any time when all of this occurred? Because if not, then there's no relevance, or beyond character witnesses at this point. I don't disagree. We'll be right back. I want to talk about, I want to talk about what a good boy or Jared Gileo was going to be someday. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. I wanted to read a piece from Sean Fleetwood, just a couple of lines from it, and I'm surprised it's not going more viral, but I have to imagine the sound wasn't awesome, but the story itself is important, it says Pentagon admits Biden's Gaza peer stunt is a total failure. So Biden and the rest of the left here in the United States of America has been obsessed with this idea of sending aid to Gaza. And the issue with that is not that Republicans are heartless or not that pro-Israel, because not all Republicans are pro-Israel, but not that all people who are pro-Israel are heartless or don't think that there's innocent people who need aid. It's that it's always hijacked by the terrorists that run Gaza, and that's nothing new. You don't have to be a student of what's going on right now to know that this is a ongoing occurrence. It keeps happening. We keep sending things there, and Hamas keeps taking it. And now we find out from a Tuesday press conference, General Patrick Ryder told reporters that none of the 569 metric tons of food and supplies delivered into Gaza via or via, depending on how Jared's feeling via the port, have been distributed to Gaza residents by non-governmental organizations. None of the 500, I'm going to repeat that, for Infosys, none of the 569 metric tons of food and supplies have been distributed to Gaza residents. And I actually, I heard today, I was listening to the Morning Wire podcast, and they said that there's been enough aid delivered that every Palestinian could have, every resident in Gaza, could be eating 3,000 plus calories a day if it was distributed to the people that actually need it, but it's not. And you know, Jared, there were a lot of critics of this who made this exact point when it was happening. Yeah, there were some red flags when it came to Hamas as it turns out. Yeah, mainly that they're in control of the area and that they're Hamas. Those were the two biggest red flags. This supports completion last Thursday, some trucks operated by non-governmental organizations tasked with delivering the aid to another staging area have been ransacked by looters. The New York Post reported, the Associated Press separately reported that just five of 16 trucks operated by the United Nations World Food Program met their intended destination during aid delivery runs on Saturday. So it's a train wreck, it's a train wreck, and nobody except for everyone with a brain could have seen that coming 844, 542, you know, we were discussing Joe Biden. He had a press conference today. It looked like it was very brief, Jared, and every time I looked up, he was looking at the president of Kenya and giving him the floor. He was, you would never know that this was the man who's in charge of the free world. He's constantly looking at everyone else as like his point person, you take that one, you go ahead. But he seems to be in a particularly nasty mood as of late. And we noticed that yesterday when he was asked by a reporter, when's the next time you're going to visit Africa? And God forbid he just answer with an honest response and tell the reporter something. He prefers to get into a bit of a back and forth. He likes this dynamic of what I think in his mind, he considers this sparring with the press. It doesn't translate though. So he says back to the reporter, when do you plan on visiting Africa? And the reporter's like, when do I plan on visiting Africa? Yeah, when do you plan on, I'm not visiting Africa. And that is the kind of conversation we have now come to expect between the president and the press. But I think I figured out why he's so angry. It took me a little bit of time. Some people say it's because he's in cognitive decline. Some people say because he's losing in all these polls. Some people say because his son Hunter is dealing with all these different trials, which by the way, the tax trial has been moved back by about 70 plus days because it was going to bump up too close to the gun trial. So that's an update on Hunter for you. But all of that is stressing by note, but I think this latest bit of news could be the worst of it. This classic ice cream flavor is on the outs. The die hard fans are devastated. Here's the scoop. No one's melting for this classic ice cream flavor anymore. Chocolate chip ice cream once a freezer staple could soon become obsolete. I want to double dip waffle cone with chocolate vanilla chocolate chip. It didn't even crack the top five flavors by consumers falling to eighth place in a list of America's favorite ice cream. Two years ago, chocolate chip ranked fifth among consumers, but incredibly low in sales signaling a national souring for the scoop. Now my question for you, Jared, he even destroys ice cream, I was just going to say, do you think that Joe Biden's love of chocolate chip was the nail in the coffin? Do you think you know how sometimes like if you watch V, sometimes Selena Myers wants to go and endorse a candidate and she's such box office poison that they say, no, I don't want you to endorse me. Is that the Joe Biden effect that he says, I love chocolate chip. And people are like, I can't even something ordering this anymore. That's power, man. That I mean, yeah, that's part of it. Also again, and I took some heat for saying this, it's somewhat of a pedestrian flavor of ice cream and there have become more options, more exotic options that people would be more into different mixings of flavors as opposed to an old staple, shall we say, like chocolate chip ice cream is so good. And if my mom heard you speaking like this right now, she might not ever listen to our show again. Brigham's chocolate chip ice cream for my mom is the goat. Brigham's coffee ice cream is awesome too. But you have a weird, you have to admit you have weird flavor preferences. You're very into flavors that I would never go near like when we get a box of chocolate in here, you like the ones that are raspberry filled. I do. Yeah, I do like the fruits, even even though jelly raspberry chocolate is decent, but I'm not a big chocolate guy. So that. Yeah. So that's, yeah, we shouldn't be taking your advice on it. Except filled chocolate. So that's the bomb. Now I want to mention here because that's not the only bad news for the Biden camp, Hunter Biden's infamous laptop will be used as evidence in this gun case. We've really taken what an arc, what a storyline this laptop has had. It's gone from like, you can't talk about it or else you'll get banned on Twitter to David Weiss, the special counsel, plans on using it as evidence against the president's son. Talk about a comeback. The laptop is the real winner in 2024. This laptop must feel so vindicated like you all thought I was a joke. Look at me now. It's a special counsel David Weiss's team made clear that it intends to use data from the notorious hard drive as evidence against the now 54 year old, the defendant's laptop is real. It will be introduced as a trial exhibit. And it sounds like I just said Israel as it is real, not Israel. The defendant's laptop is real and it contains significant evidence of the defendant's guilt. Prosecutor Derek Hines wrote in a scathing filing on Wednesday. He also noted that the prosecutors plan to use information from Hunter Biden's iCloud data that came from two separate and independent sources, his iPad and his iPhone X are. You know what? I think really does sum up so many of Joe of Hunter Biden's issues. Too much screen time put down the tablets and the pads, you know, put down the screens, go outside all of the photos he was taking on that laptop. The one that I keep seeing is the gun pressed up against his pale thigh. Too many photos, too many videos, too many emails, shut the laptop, go outside, get a scoop of ice cream and all of this could have been avoided. He loves his screens. Prosecutors are planning to use that data in their pursuit of three charges against Hunter Biden related to a legal possession of a firearm while addicted to illicit drugs. Now I mentioned before that the other case, the case of Hunter Biden's taxes actually is a lot more interesting. To me, I prefer that case. I think that's the case that that that really intangles a lot of the corruption of the Biden family influence peddling scheme. And so that's why I don't think you see as much about it in the news. The mainstream media would rather you look at the gun case than the IRS case, but this is from power line says yesterday, the houseways means committee released more than 100 pages of newly obtained evidence provided by Shapley and Ziegler. Those were the two IRS whistleblowers. The document suggests that Hunter Biden lied in his testimony before the committee this past February. Imagine that Hunter Biden lying, but the more interesting part, which Miranda divine talked about in the New York post is the fact that the CIA felt compelled to tell Lisa. I'm sorry, Leslie Wolf, who is the Delaware assistant U S attorney that she had to inform those IRS agents investigating Hunter Biden's taxes that they couldn't go near Kevin Morris, AKA the sugar brother that Kevin Morris could not be looked into. And when these IRS whistleblowers were Shapley specifically was interested in figuring out why, like, why can't we look into Kevin Morris, keep in mind, they've been investigating Hunter for a long time. They're trying to actually not trying to get to the bottom of it, like all those Democrats said about the Russia hoax where it really just means we're trying to make up more stuff. We're trying to keep this thing going. This was really trying to figure out what the issues were trying to figure out how Hunter Biden was evading his taxes and what other illegal activity he was up to. And these IRS whistleblowers, they were not trying to become heroes. As you can see, that's not what happened. So if they were trying to do it, talk about a failure. They just really felt as though they had to come forward and tell the truth about how biased and corrupt this investigation was. So when Shapley asks, why can't we look into Kevin Morris? Why is he off limits? He was never briefed on that. He never received that information. Kevin Morris, if you're not familiar, if you haven't been following, he's Hunter's very, very, very good friend. Most of us are not lucky enough to have a friend like Kevin Morris in our lives who at the drop of a hat will give you $6 million on loan and also buy 11 of your motel paintings for upwards of like $500,000. Imagine that you ask your friend, hey, can I have a wedding I'm going to? Can I borrow that dress? You were to this? You think you have a good friend. What about if you started making crappy artwork and selling it for $500,000? And your friend said, hey, I like the looks of that. I'll take 11. Do you think you can recreate those concentric circles that you just spit out from a straw? Can you recreate that 11 times because I'd buy all of them? I mean, you know, like if your friend has an Etsy shop, you like to help them out by buying something here and there, that's, that's quite the buy, that's quite the purchase. Your friend's running a half marathon. You donate 50 bucks. You think you're doing a good thing? Please. You are no Kevin Morris. I'll tell you that right now. And just circling back, as Jen Psaki might say, one more time for everyone. I think Jared, because of how much I enjoyed this cut and how much text it, how many texts it drummed up on the text line, we have to play this KJP. People are really loving KJP's latest guess. They're literally loving. People are literally being crushed by how funny this cut is. KJP was asked by Peter Alexander from, is he NBC, Peter Alexander? Asked about the Biden administration relieving, canceling all of this student loan debt. And I'm sure she thought that Peter was going to ask her a nice question because he's NBC. Like what does Joe Biden say to people? I'm trying to think of what they would, what a nice question about this would be. What does Joe Biden say to people who feel as though he saved them by relieving their student loan debt? But instead he asked, what about the people who didn't take out student loan debt? How are you going to repay those people for making the right decision? And she was very confused by that question. And then she came up with an answer that was wonderful. Take a listen. Just to put a fine point on it right now for the 4.7 billion Americans who have received this debt relief, the average, as you said at the start of this visit was $35,000 their relief has been for. So I guess why don't those individuals who didn't receive $35,000 in debt cancellation deserve a $35,000 check from other Americans for what other means they would want to use it? You're talking about the... People who didn't go to college so they're not getting debt released, the $35,000 that they don't get because they didn't go. We're talking about folks who are in debt who are literally being crushed. They're literally being crushed because they took, you know, they took financially. Okay. Is that okay with you? Okay. I know. But crushed financially. And so they're trying to get their lives back on track, right? I love how she thinks that she can be sassy to that person who's correcting her. Keep in mind, she's a spokesperson. She's the mouthpiece for the president. Her job, her job is to be able to communicate things to the media. Keep that in mind. Isn't that amazing? It's not like her job, Jared, behind the scenes is something totally different. And this is just something that she occasionally has to do and get through. And she can say, listen, this isn't really, you know, my strong suit. I prefer to be back there doing XYZ. This is it. Like what she's doing when she gets up there and makes no sentences as people are literally being crushed by student loan debt. That is what she's preparing for all day long, according to the people at the White House. Like she preps for four hours to come up with that bravo bravo. Keep it up eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We will be joined by how we car after the break. We're listening to the Grace Curly show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly show, how, you know, you never really know when you're doing a show, what's going to hit with people. But here in KJP, say that people are literally being crushed by their student loan debt. And then she was corrected by a different reporter who said they're not literally being crushed by it. She said, well, not, well, financially, is that good enough for you? I mean, it does words do matter. Literally is really, really overdone, although I thought Alan Jackson used the word properly yesterday when he said, you're literally telling me you can't remember hoes long to die in cold. Literally, that's your testimony under oath. If it's used properly, it's perfect. If it's used improperly, that's where you have an issue. Let's talk about Alan Jackson. Let's talk about this case. You mentioned how he, to me, that the Boston Globe really focused on these sisters yesterday. I thought putting up the sisters after Jennifer McCabe was a bad move. Yeah. But I said, why would you lead with the sisters when you have this dynamite testimony that everybody who's been paying attention was anticipating for days? And they didn't even mention hoes long to die in cold. And some of the commenters said, are you trying to make the story go away by writing about nonsense? Yeah, but the other part that I don't get is they know that the herald's going to write about it. Right. The herald just gets to reap all the benefits of putting up a story. And it's huge. It's huge. Even the stupid music of FM music stations are talking about this story. Because it has all the elements that people are interested in, you know, there's a lot to this. Yeah. And the reason it's not in session today is because Turtle Boy is in the courtroom fighting off his own charges. We'll be back on it tomorrow though. Definitely. Hey everybody, Howie Carr's coming up next. Don't forget to make your reservation for the Aviva Trettree in Hanover for next week. (upbeat music)