The Howie Carr Radio Network

KJP Thinks People Are "Literally" Being Crushed By Student Loan Debt | 5.23.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Biden is trying to buy his way into a second term. Plus, Taylor talks highways, animals and McDonalds in Woke or Joke.

Broadcast on:
23 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. The President, Joe Biden, is going to hold a press conference. The Kyron on Fox says amid concerns over gaps. I would say amid concerns over everything. But the weird part of this is, is that he was asked some questions by a reporter when he was with the President of Kenya. And they weren't antagonistic questions by any means. Like he's with the President of Kenya. And he was asked by a reporter, when are you going to Africa, sir? And Biden responds back when you want to go. And the reporter, this is like something on who's on first or something. When you want to go, Biden says, when you want to go. The reporter says, when do I want to go? Biden says we're headed, we're heading today, Africa and shuffles inside. And I think, I think that he has this need to be snippy with the reporters because he's very angry at this point. This is the point we're at with his cognitive client where he's used to be, he'd get angry sometimes if he felt like people were being mean to him. Or, you know, the debate is going to be awesome. I would, I would agree with that. But now it's just anger all the time. Like someone says, when do you plan on visiting Africa and you're the President of the United States and you're with the President of Kenya. And you lash out at that person. Like imagine if they asked him about Hunter, what kind of response will we get then? His thin skin is somehow getting thinner. And then the reporter, I do think this was pretty funny. The reporter then asked him if he would go in, if he was planning on going before January. Which at that point, now I enter, he's giving you the needle at that point if he's saying before January. And Biden shot back that he was going to go in February after he was reelected. Which obviously remains to be seen. Now yesterday we talked a lot about the Biden administration's latest round of student loan relief forgiveness cancellation. 7.7 billion dollars is what they're willing to spend and what you're willing to spend apparently, even if it's unbeknownst to you. And Stephanie Roll was explaining this because some people think that Joe Biden is just trying to buy votes. This is a real, you know, Hail Mary attempt to get people to stay on his side. And when you think about just the sheer amount of money that has been spent on that front in an effort to keep voters happy or to entice people to vote for him, it's pretty amazing. The Wall Street Journal had a piece, Joe Biden's 2024 election bribes. And they wrote all about this. They wrote about his college gambit and how it's failing. They wrote about his latest attempt to reclassify marijuana and make it legal nationwide in hopes of, again, winning over some voters. And a statistic in here I found very interesting is remember all of the investments that Joe Biden made on our behalf, the inflation reduction act, the bipartisan infrastructure bill. Which I think they're interchangeable. Those names, the chips act and all of this. There's trillions of dollars in spending. Do you know how much of that money has actually been spent? For example, they had $1.1 trillion in direct investments. They've spent 17% of that money. And we've talked about this before in relation to the charging stations that they had all of this money earmarked for charging stations because electric vehicles are the cars of the future. And they haven't built any of them yet. So they have all this money they're supposed to spend. And I don't know if it's incompetence or laziness or a little bit of both, but that's not working either. Now, the Wall Street Journal thinks that this kind of election bribery is on a never before seen scale. And it also thinks that a lot for a lot of voters, these federal handouts are no longer an adequate substitution for a real economy. And that kind of goes into what we were talking about yesterday, where people are starting to say to themselves, "Yeah, I'll take the handout, but in the future, I would like for things to just go back to normal. I would like it to not be this high inflation. I would like gas prices to go down." Those are some things that I preferred. So while I thank you for the freebie, while I thank you for canceling my student loan debt, I don't really want this to continue on the path that it's on. Now, I did want to play, first we'll play Stephanie Roll, and then we'll play Peter Alexander, who is questioning KJP. But this is Stephanie Roll's explanation. This is the same woman who doesn't think you understand how great the economy is. This is cut one. Let's talk about Joe Biden and this student debt relief, right? We're saying Republicans push so hard against it, saying Joe Biden is buying votes. If he's doing this for college grads, what about all the people who don't go to college? They get nothing. They're left out. Isn't that how politics works? The carried interest loophole only helps the private equity industry. It doesn't help us. Corporate tax cuts only helps corporations. It doesn't help the rest of us. When Donald Trump goes down to Mar-a-Lago and says, "I'm going to lower your taxes," he's lowering the taxes of the richest of the rich people. So this whole, you're buying votes, isn't this just how politics works? Fulfilling campaign promises to certain groups. I have a few things to add to that. When Donald Trump was giving regular people tax cuts, wasn't that what Nancy Pelosi called "crumbs"? So I do believe he was helping more than just the rich and famous. But the other part of this that I would disagree with this is this idea that people are mad that he's not helping them. I think, for example, the people who go to work every day and see these gas prices, and they're frustrated, but they're not angry that Joe Biden is trying to buy these votes from other people. They're angry that it comes at their expense. They're angry that they're going to, at some point, eventually be paying the price for all of this forgiveness. It's not free. Someone's got to pick up the tab, and the people who keep picking up the tab are angry about it. So no, it's not that it's, you know, atypical for a politician to be trying to buy votes or spend money or spend our money. But I think what's happening is there's a certain segment of the population who feels that they're getting screwed yet again for doing the right thing. And also, and I've heard this from Bill Maher, and I think he's on to something as well, this idea that, yeah, people are frustrated about the economy. And Stephanie Roll and others, they can't understand it. I saw an article in Axios that said, you know, the economy's good. People just don't get it or something like that. And that is a theme with them, is that we just don't understand how great the economy is. But I wonder what is going to actually be the biggest motivator for people because the James Carvel explanation of it's the economy stupid does tend to play in politics. But Bill Maher was saying people are going to vote for Trump because they hate the far left radicalism that they're seeing. They hate the fact that their kids come home from school and say, I want to transition to being a boy and you can't say anything about it. They don't like this push, this ideology to infuse this into every part of their lives. And I was thinking, Jared, what do you, and this is a question for the callers, what do you think actually has more impact on people? Is it the cultural things of people saying, I don't like where the country's headed. I don't like the wokeness. I don't like, for example, and here's just one example, I don't like how in Illinois they want to change it from calling someone an offender to calling someone a justice impacted. That's the latest, you know, the person who controls the language controls the masses. That is coming out of Illinois where you can't call someone an offender if they commit a crime. You have to call them justice impacted. So is that doing it for people or is it their wallets, their net worth? I mean, the Wall Street Journal piece, the graph that showed people's net worth under Donald Trump versus Joe Biden was hard to argue with. So I don't know which one it is. I think that yes, there are a lot of people who are just tired of the insane culture wars, but I think the ultimate deciding factor will be, will be the economy. I mean, you can rail against the crazy left all you want to, but you have to feed your family. You have to go to work. You have to, you know, you have to do that. You have to, you know, you want to talk about crushing debt, KJP, literally crushing debt, KJP. It's such a good cut. It really is. We have that. If you want to talk about that, talk about the, I don't know what the number is at now. The last number I saw is that under Joe Biden, the average American household net worth has gone down $7,000, which means you have lost $7,000 per year in purchasing power, in bill paying power, in, you know, being able to afford kids sports power, you know, just being able to entertain yourself, like you've lost $7,000 worth of money. So basically, you've been robbed $7,000 a year under Joe Biden. I think that for people is going to be like, you know what, hey, enough is enough, man. I get taxed when I'm paid, I get taxed when I buy stuff, I get paid, I get taxed when I buy a car, and then I get taxed on registering the car, I get taxed on driving the car, I get taxed on filling up the car. Yeah, but don't you think those people are also thinking they built three charging stations in my state? I mean, that's huge for years. That's definitely huge. They're really, they're very pro-solar panel, and like I could get a little bit of a, you know, a break on that if I wanted to. Don't you think that that part of it does come into play for people? No, no, not at all. I think it's all the economy, and I've brought this up before too, with the, you know what, I can afford to entertain people who care about fake climate change if I'm doing well financially and I'm in a comfortable place. Yeah, I can, I can entertain or laugh about, yeah, you're, you're, you're stupid little pet projects and worries, like not now, like everybody's in survival mode. Now the hamsters in Pakistan and, you know, being researched for gender studies, now that's getting on my nerves before I thought, let them have their fun. Now you've pushed it too far. Let's play the KJP cut though, because Peter Alexander, and I, I really like Peter Alexander. Mostly from that back and forth he had with Donald Trump where Donald Trump told him he was fake news and he put his hand on his chest and he looked so shocked and he looked at the camera. He was so surprised that Trump was calling him out. He actually had a good moment, a little bit of accidental journalism. Peter Alexander questioning KJP about the student loan relief, essentially transferring one person's debt because they decided to get a degree at a fancy college or as Bill Mark called it a bleep bleep factory and transferring it to another person who didn't decide to do that, who made actual, who made the right choices for their life and for their family. They're going to be burdened with this debt. Can I have cut too? Just to put a fine point on it right now for the 4.7 billion Americans who have received this debt relief, the averages you said at the start of this visit was $35,000 their relief has been for. So I guess why don't those individuals who didn't receive $35,000 in debt cancellation deserve a $35,000 check from other Americans for what other means they would want to use it? You're talking about the- People who didn't go to college so they're not getting debt released, the $35,000 that they don't get because they didn't go. We're talking about folks who are in debt who are literally being crushed, literally being crushed because they took, you know, they took financially, okay, is that okay with you? Okay, but I know, but crushed financially and so they're trying to get their lives back on track, right? I love how she's going to be the one who's being sassy when you said it twice. It's not like you said it once and the other reporter in the room didn't let you get away with it. You said it twice. You emphasized literally being crushed. Add that to the list of things that KJP does not know what it means is literally. Put that under Nordstrom pipeline, noble peace prize. Good God. She's the spokesperson for Joe Biden. This is all the Peter principle. We just surround Joe Biden with people who are somehow more incompetent than he is than maybe he'll look better by contrast. I don't know. That's just the only thing I can, I can guess father's day is around the corner and you want to treat your dad like a king. Give him Omaha stakes. This is a really, really great gift for father's day because your dad doesn't have to go to the grocery store, which is a gift in and of itself. He's going to have awesome stuff to cook up. We just got some Omaha stakes delivered here to the studio. Yes, Jared, I know that it was addressed to me. I will be sharing it with you. Excellent. So do not worry. I know you want your hot dogs. I appreciate it. And everything from Omaha stakes is great. I mean, I'm a huge fan of the red meat. I'm a huge fan of burgers and steaks, but there's so much for everyone. You know, if your dad's a fish guy or a chicken guy or a hot dog guy like Jared, you can put it all on the grill. Everybody can enjoy some and then you'll have tons left over for, you know, another summer night where you don't want to go out to the grocery store. You don't know what you want to cook. You just throw on something on the grill and you haven't made. Plus, Jared, something I want to let people know about because Father's Day is coming up. This is a great gift. Your dad's going to be blown away by the quality of this meat. It is all top notch quality. Yeah. You know, I've said it too, but it's been proven that it's the Father's Day is the number one steak eating day of the year. So you don't want your dad to be stuck with the leftovers, the lousy supermarket previously frozen beef or some type of weird, like mostly watery looking steak. No, get him the quality. That's what he wants. Dad loves. Dad's love steak and dad's love quality. They literally love steak and Omaha Steaks is the best quality meats you're going to get anywhere. Yes, go to Omaha literally and use promo code grace to get an exclusive savings shop for unforgettable gifts that are guaranteed to make dad's day. Again, go to Omaha Please don't forget to use promo code grace and please tell us how you guys cooked it up on Father's Day. We want to know and we will be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. I love all the people texting in about a student loan debt, and by the way, we'll take your calls on this. Well, we have Walker Joker 130. We'll come back to it later. But people are texting and like, why do we have to forgive the entire student loan? Why not just half of it? You know, why don't people they can't even pay for half of their student loans? What didn't you hear from KJP, like how, how many times does she have to say people are literally being crushed by this? The student loan debt is showing up like the Kool-Aid man bursting through people's walls and crushing them to death. What don't you get 781? I'm not going to sit here and explain it to you. Bunch of dummies, God. And the other part too is like, my question is why can't the schools back up these loans forget the government, have the school to these massive endowments. You're the ones teaching all these young kids. You're so confident that you're sending all these wonderful, capable people into the world after they graduate, then you back up the loans. You have a little bit of skin in the game. If you want to encourage people to get degrees that are not going to pay off and you're going to allow them to take out $300,000 in debt, then you should be responsible for it. Maybe besides the people who aren't doing the decisions should be responsible for it. And the crazy part about that cut is that when Peter Alexander brings it up, it's like it's the first time she's ever hearing that argument. I sometimes don't do this on the show because I feel like we've talked about it a lot. The idea that someone who went to a trade school and never took out any debt is going to be responsible for someone who got a degree in interpretive dance from Brown and now they're being saddled with their debt. KJP is flummoxed by this. She's like, "What do you mean people who didn't take out these loans?" I wonder if she's ever met anyone who didn't go to school, who didn't go to college and take out massive, massive loans. It's like a brand new concept to her. What do you mean people don't go to school and they don't irresponsibly take out massive loans and then make everyone else pay for it? Who are these people you speak of? Today's poll question is brought to you by Local Silver Mint. Located in Ware, New Hampshire, Silver Day will work with you directly, so contact him at Jared Diglio is on the board, Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is are you traveling this Memorial Day weekend? Yes, via car, yes, via plane, or no staying home? Yes, via car. I say via and you're a Viya guy, but I'm going to go with yours. I'm going to say yes, via car. 9% say via via car, 3% say via via plane, and 8% say no staying home. It's usually a pretty busy travel day, but not for gracecurly show listeners. And by the way, if you are staying home and you don't feel like going anywhere on Monday, we will be live, so don't you worry about it. And we are a week away from the Aviva Trateria remote in Hanover for my birthday. So call up the Aviva in Hanover and make your reservations, won't be a joke up next. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show, 844-542-42. We got a couple lines still available if you want to join us for Woke or Joke, which is brought to you by Aviva Trateria, a gift card to Aviva Trateria is the perfect gift for any occasion. You can pick one up at any of their locations to find the one nearest you. Go to Aviva and also don't forget to book your reservations to the Hanover remote out of Aviva Trateria next Friday, my birthday. People are saying it's my birthday. People want to celebrate. They can go to Aviva They walked in. They said this is a beautiful restaurant. I thought it was an Italian restaurant and I said, wow, this looks like an Italian restaurant. That's all I got. Yeah. So make sure you pick your reservations today. I think it's going to be one of our best remotes ever plus. We say bolognese. Some people say bolognese. I say bolognese. If you spend $20, you'll get a copy of Paper Boy, one per table. That's another incentive to go and it's the birthday remote. So we always have cake. All righty, everyone, it is time to play a woker joke. Hit it, Jared. Everything woke turns to sh*t, okay? I started a joke. Take care, wokers. The word woke means looser. All right, you guys know how this works. Taylor is going to read you a headline. Joe Biden is holding a press conference right now with a president of Kenya. Somebody said to Joe Kenya, he said probably. You get it? By the way, that was a joke. Thank you. Thank you. That's made that up. Yeah, he was very testy today when he was asked if he plans on visiting Africa. That was yesterday. Yeah. Why did he act like there was a trick question? He always does that. Like, that's his way of deflecting. It's really immature. It's kind of like- Did he play that cut already? No, should we? It's too long to play because it- The audio is not great. Yeah, it's not great audio, but a reporter says, "Mr. President, when are you going to Africa?" He goes, "When do you want to go?" That's what I mean. It's like, "When do I want to go?" He's, "Yeah, when are we going?" He reminds me of, "I know I am, but I know you are, but what am I?" Like, all his responses are, "No, you are, no, you are," and it's like, "Well, we're just asking you a question. No one's trying to trick you, man." Right. Man. Okay, let's get to the collars now. Let's start with, we've got a lot of Tonys on the line. So let's start with Tony, your first up today. Are you ready for your headline? Tony. I'm ready. All right, Tony, here's your headline. "George Floyd biopic Daddy changed the world in the works." That is woke. It is woke. They're making a movie. Not a joke. Not a joke. What do you mean you don't counterfeit that movie? What's the over-under that this movie actually gets made? Joe Biden referenced George Floyd at the recent commencement speech he gave, which did not get great reviews. A lot of people actually, during that speech at Morehouse, turned their back to Joe Biden. How many? I don't know. I saw a video where one guy did, but I heard there were... I heard there were more, but you're right, I only saw a video of that one guy. He got all the credit. So this is a family-authorized George Floyd biopic titled Daddy Changed the World, which is reportedly what Gianna Floyd told Joe Biden when he met with the family or her talk to the family after George Floyd's death. Gregory Anderson of Stomp the Yard fame will write the screenplay for the movie, which will capture the life of the man who's murder in 2020 sparked a global racial reckoning. And murder is a variety's word, not mine, and fueled the movement against police brutality. I wonder if they will also reflect the poorer aspects of George Floyd's life, of which there were many. Yeah, I tend to doubt it. Let's go to Peter. You're up next on Woker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Peter? Ready. All right, Peter, here is your headline. Oakland swaps traffic lights for stop signs as people are stealing them for copper. I'll say that's a joke. Not a joke. Wow. It's true. Not a joke. Not a joke. California, there's an intersection where the traffic lights keep breaking because people are breaking into the lights and the wiring and stealing the copper wires. So they have temporary stop signs at that intersection right now. It's at the corner of East 12th Street and 16th Avenue, the theft of copper and power from the infrastructure that powered the lights in the past. That's why the stop signs are there. I'm going to fix the light at least a few times, but once they fix it, normally within a week or so, it goes out again. I'm going to say something here. A lot of the theft that we hear about today involves people taking trash bags and just going into stores and just kind of ransacking the aisles. Whenever I hear of people going above and beyond, you have to get to somehow get up to the traffic light, find the copper wires, take them out. There's a little bit of effort involved in that. Well, they're not climbing the traffic light, Grace. They're not climbing on top. There's a ground box usually. Still, you got to break into it, right? There's usually a panel that's very poorly secured. It still feels to me like a little bit more effort than the typical things that we're seeing. You know, it's like when people used to steal quarters and stuff out of vending machines. A little bit. You put in a little bit of elbow, Grace is all I'm saying. It's a little more brazen, I mean, it's at an intersection that requires a traffic light, so there's usually always somebody around. Yeah, and you're really causing a headache for the people who have to replace that because you've been in a traffic light when it's not working. People don't know what to do. There's no law and order. People don't know how to, "Oh, you go, I go, you go, I go." People just lose their mind. It becomes a banana republic. There is a form to which you're supposed to proceed by, you know, right of way. In a perfect world. In a perfect world. Do you know how many people, not to go off on a tangent road? No, please do, sir. But do you know how many people I see just, if they miss their exit on the highway, they just stop on the highway? Wait, what? If they miss their exit on a highway, you're driving on a highway, then somebody else misses their exit. They will stop reverse on the highway. Have you never seen this? Jared, have you? No, I've never seen this. One of my days off that I had recently, I was driving up to Boston and I was in the high speed travel lane. There was no other traffic. There was no stop and go. My lane came to a dead stop. I'm in the high speed lane all the way over to the left. Somebody in front of the car in front of me stopped because they missed their exit, came to a dead stop in high speed and cut across the other three lanes to get on their exit. Nearly caused a pileup. Did you stop and then reverse and then follow them so you could yell at them? No, no. It was my day off. I didn't want it to enjoy it. Yeah, that's pretty well. That's going to waste his day off yelling on another car. Come on. No, I was off duty. Ed, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? Yes, I am. All right, Ed, here is your headline, highlights magazine drops, spot the difference puzzle feature as it may promote discriminatory behavior. Oh, God, I remember that magazine when I was a kid, I'm going to say joke. It is a joke. Very good. Not a joke. No. I love it. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. I love spot the difference. That was probably my-- you flipped to that, right? Oh, yeah, I don't-- Just skip everything else. Was there other things in there? Reading things? Yeah. No, thanks. Yeah, I love that. I loved iSpy. I love the iSpy books. iSpy was a little much for me, a little-- there's a lot to look at, which was the point. I get it. I was more of a Where's Waldo guy. Loved Where's Waldo? I loved all those books because there was not a lot of reading involved. Just looking. Just pictures. Just pictures. Well, iSpy is-- it was a good way to pass the time in the car if you had a sibling, right? And you say, "I spy something blank," and then they look for it. Yeah. That's the-- Getting into your memory lane here, your childhood. I spy someone who missed their eggs. Get 'em! Eddie, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. You ready for your headline, Eddie? Oh, hi, Grace. Thanks, Jerry. Great to get on. Hey, I've seen people back up on the highway plenty of time. I'm going to med for the exit. It's ridiculous. And in the I spy with the two crows, right, one was black, one was white. No, that's-- That's spy versus spy, for me. Spy versus spy. That's right. That's it. I love that book. I really love that. Okay, Eddie. Here's your headline. All right, Eddie. Here's your headline. Biden campaigned to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters. Whoa. It is woke. A meme. Not a joke. Not a joke. That's so easy. That wasn't easy. What happened? This is a job posting on daybook. The campaign is looking to hire a partner to manage the campaign's internet content, including memes. Does that mean they don't like the memes, or they want more memes? They want more memes. They're not connecting with the young voters Gen Z, so they want more memes. Which Gen Z, they've really complicated memes, I feel. Memes have evolved a lot since they've come out. It used to be just a picture with text. That was a meme. What is it now? Is it not still that? It's still that, but there's different levels, I think, and-- Yeah, some of it, you know what Taylor, I'm going to agree with you on this, because it's not just memes, but it's all of the jokes on the internet. You have to know another joke. There's inside. Yeah, you have to really be in on a trend to get it. There's layers. Sometimes they'll show me stuff. I'm like, I don't understand what I'm looking at. It used to be just like a facial reaction, and then some text, like that moment when you realize blank, and there was somebody's face on there. But now it's somebody you're supposed to recognize, and understand what situation they've recently been in, and then there's words that are associated with that. It's too much. I don't get it. It's gotten out of hand. Mike, you're up next. Get up. My lawn. Are you ready for your headline, Mike? Hi, Grace. Yep. I'm ready. Lay it on me. Mike, here's your headline. Peacock TV to air, queer planet documentary on gay, bisexual, and trans animals. Yeah. Woke. Yeah, it's woke. I'm sorry. Not a joke. I mean, not a joke. Get it right. I'm still sorry that that's what is a trans animal? That's a good question. Transitioning from female to male, male to female? I don't know. I don't know. Otherwise, I think trans animal is the way to go for the abbreviation on that one. How do animals communicate that they wish to transition? I identify as blank. Are they talking now? I don't know. Maybe they're memes. I have no idea. Tony, you're up next on the Grace Corley show. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? Hi, it's your name, Grace. All right, Tony, here is your headline, Bill proposing change from offender to justice-impacted individual advances to governor's desk. Badly, that's woke. It is. Yes, it is. Yeah. Not a joke. Not a joke. This is in Illinois. He who controls the language controls the masses. State lawmakers have passed a bill that have signed into law by governor JB Pritzker will change the term offender in state law to justice-impacted individual. I was reading about this in Red State, and the point that I really kind of glommed onto was the idea of this is very disrespectful to the people who are impacted by the offender. If you're a criminal and you cause harm, sometimes death to somebody, and then you get to be called a justice-impacted individual, I don't know, it doesn't seem fair. So would a victim be, I don't. Adjusted impacted, a justice-impacted impacted individual? Impacty. The impactor, if they're pressing charges. Impacting your justice on this individual. Oh, we each have our own justice now. I guess. I thought it was equal justice under the law, Grace. I don't know. This is a meme. I'm so confused. That's exactly the point, everything they do is to confuse. They always add more syllables to whatever they change. Yeah, and actually on Red State, I think this was Bob Hoag wrote, "This story may seem insignificant and the word change might strike one as laughable. However, it's anything but funny. The constant leftist attacks on our language have been a success if you're a Democrat. That's something I get a lot of criticism for, Taylor, and rightfully so, is that I end up seeing these words and without realizing it." You know how you pointed out in Variety, you said that was there for his or not mine. You do sometimes, through osmosis, just through hearing the terminology that the left comes up with, without realizing sometimes you'll start implementing those words. You know who's really good at editorializing as they read? Howie? Howie Carr. Yeah. Slips up once in a while, but it's very few and far between. You have to stay on guard because the language is important. You've got to be vigilant. So we didn't end up getting to the headline I gave you. No. Would you like this story? I kind of think I would like to hear it because it was my contribution to Walker. It was. I didn't get to it. And Taylor said, "Oh, are you going to use this headline?" And he said, "No, that's too easy to tell that it's fake." And then I said, "It's not fake. It's real. It's a true story. I got them." All right, Grace, here's your headline. McDonald's adds sad option to replace Happy Meal Smile. This is. This is. This is true. Yeah, she gave me this story. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Week, good Lord. I know. I just, I feel like you're actually trivializing people's mental health by. Seriously. By thinking that, "Oh, the box is a sad face like me. Now I feel better." More like Handy Cap Awareness Day, are they giving out wheelchairs and crutches to people saying, "Have fun?" It's just, it's very insensitive. Teams. In an attempt to be sensitive, they appear insensitive. Sometimes McDonald says, "A Happy Meal is actually a sad meal." I feel like that's probably more often than people think. I don't find, when I'm at McDonald's, "Ah, sometimes I'm happy." But sometimes it is like, "Oh, it's been a long day." DMZ reported Wednesday that the UK Division of the Company is emphasizing mental health from May 13th through 19th with a major rebrand of their iconic Happy Meal dropping, and in the UK it's an "happy" meal, mate. You know what? I think we're helping the box. Having, you know, just this learning where they don't have to sit in the McDonald's parking lot to get access with their mom and dad to get access to the internet to do their work. You're sitting in the McDonald's parking lot with your sad meal. Double whammy. Mm-hmm. You know, Wi-Fi at home. I do not like this at all. I actually steal the toy from the kid. I say to McDonald's. I say to McDonald's. Bad idea. Bad idea. Taylor Cormier, thank you very much for your time, sir. We appreciate it. And we will be right back after the break. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. A lot of people, I've never seen this happen before, where people are using the text line to come to Taylor's defense that does not happen ever. But today, people are saying, "Taylor's absolutely right." They see that quite often. People stopping on the highway because they miss their exit and putting the car in reverse. This has to be a sign of some sort of narcissism where you think you're so important that God forbid you just get off at the exit and have to kind of reroute. You can just back it up. If anyone is going to do that, it would be me because I'm always trying to save time, miss an exit. But I would never do that. It's so dangerous, Jared. I think you're giving people a lose of that too much credit. No, they're two-dimensional thinkers. They need to get point A to point B. And the idea that I could go up an exit, turn around and come back. It doesn't occur to them. And they get paralyzed in the moment. Oh, no. The only option I have is not there. So let me completely screw up everything. If you miss your exit, that's your punishment. You have to get off at the next exit and add time to your final destination. We'll be right back.