The Howie Carr Radio Network

"It was a joke": Dr. Morens' Laughable Excuse for FOIA, Back Channel Emails | 5.23.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Hunter Biden is in the news. Dr. Morens' recent testimony is raising eyebrows--and not just from Republicans!

Broadcast on:
23 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, stay stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. It's his Thursday, or as we like to call it, Friday Junior. It's raining cats and dogs, but that's okay. We're going to try to bring the sunshine, Jared. That's what we always do. And there's plenty of news out there today. I want to get to Dr. Marin's, this NIH senior advisor to Dr. Fauci. He's been at the NIH for 26 years. And I'm just a little upset that this is my first time getting a glimpse at this fellow. Because he is bringing so much entertainment to my life. I mean, watching him at that committee hearing, even Democrats, or a little taken aback, by how sloppy this guy was. And if you're wondering, well, you know what, I'll hold off because I want to get to a couple of other headlines. A big story today that caught my eye. Because, you know, yeah, sure, I come out here all the time and I tell you, I try to put a fun spin on it, but oftentimes there's bad news. There's bad news to tell you and there's depressing news. But today I got some good news. I'm going to bring a little light to the stories today. This one's out of Portland, and to be fair, Portland and sanity don't tend to go hand in hand. We don't often talk about the people in Portland making good decisions, but there's a first time for everything. And if you haven't seen this news out of the city of roses, I think you'll appreciate it. So on Tuesday, they decided to oust their radical Soros back DA. His name is Mike Schmidt. Now, Mike Schmidt did a great job in helping the city descend further into chaos. That seems to have been on his to-do list, make everything worse. And on that front, mission accomplished. He did a very good job. Whether it was homelessness, whether it was an increase in people using drugs and increasing crime and increase in theft, not pursuing criminals during the summer of love, all of those things were made worse because of Mike Schmidt. He woke policies drastically increased homelessness, drastically increased crime, and he lost to Nathan Vasquez. And this is the part of the story that I think is really, really encouraging as far as where we're going. Because this was DA, so it's a different kind of race. But if you go to, for example, Chicago, where there was- Clarified Texas, wondering if this is Portland, Oregon, not Portland, Maine. Oh, sorry, yes, yes, yes, Portland, Oregon. If you go to Portland, Maine, I would say- I wouldn't describe Portland, Maine in that way. I wouldn't do- I wouldn't be that disrespectful and say that Sanity and Portland, Maine, never go hand in hand. Howie's from Portland. I would get in trouble if I said that. I think we can all agree Portland, Oregon. That's definitely- now we're talking as left as we are here. They're even further to the left in Portland. So, if you look at, for example, Chicago and that mayoral race, you had Lori Lightfoot who had destroyed Chicago in so many ways. She was such a horrible mayor. She was especially horrible during COVID where she decided she could get her haircut because she's the face of Chicago, but nobody else could. I mean, she's a massive hypocrite. She also had quite the temper yelling at her interns, throwing her aides under the bus. Remember that email she sent that was like, "They're shining? I don't have enough free time. I don't have enough free time. Lori Lightfoot needs free time." So, she was crazy and she was incompetent. A lot of people don't mind if you're a jerk as long as you can get the job done. She was a jerk who couldn't get the job done. And so, in Chicago, they decided to go with someone else, which was a big deal. I mean, she was an incumbent mayor in Chicago. That doesn't happen often. But the second that I started to feel like, "Wow, this is good. This is headed in the right direction." You realize that they elected Brandon Johnson, who is arguably more progressive than Lori Lightfoot. Now, the reason I bring that up is because what we have now in Portland, Oregon, is not that same thing. They ousted Mike Schmidt and the guy they elected, Nathan Vasquez, is tough on crime. He's really kind of like a Republican. He's identifying as an independent because I think he knew that if he had the R next to his name, it would make it almost impossible. But he's been a Republican for most of his career. And then at the last minute, he threw in the independent title or description so that maybe he'd have a better shot. And it worked. He beat Mike Schmidt and it wasn't close, Jared. This was not a tight race. He won in what some might call a landslide. 15% margin we're talking about here. This is very, very good news. Whenever a far left, you know, bastion of insanity decides to make the right call. I'm going to applaud it. I'm going to encourage it. And I'm going to tell them, "Keep going. Don't stop with DA. Let's turn Oregon red. Like, don't stop now. Keep going. You're headed. You figured it out. These DA's and their terrible policies are so dangerous for the entire country. And I really do think that it says something that in Portland, Oregon, they're figuring that out. Okay. So that's one story. The other story that caught my eye today involves one of my favorite characters in the whole Biden corruption scheme. And that would be Kevin Morris. Because up until Kevin Morris came into my life, I wasn't aware that there was such a job as Sugar Brother. I had heard of Sugar Daddy. I had even heard of Sugar Mama. But I was not familiar with the term Sugar Brother, which really just means a friend of yours who likes to give you money, or I'm sorry, loan you money and pay your bills. And the reason I bring this up today is because new documents were revealed in this Hunter Biden case. And I'm talking about the IRS case. We are going to, at some point today, talk about the gun charges and how David Weiss is going to use the laptop, which for so many years we were told is disinformation. Don't forget the New York Post got kicked out of Twitter because the laptop couldn't be verified. It had all the earmarks. Well, now it's verified enough that they're going to use it in this case against Hunter Biden. They're also going to bring up all of his lovers, his ex-wife, his sister-in-law/ex-girlfriend, his baby mama, London Roberts. So that whole case is very interesting. But the Kevin Morris case involves the IRS and involves those two whistleblowers. Shapley and Ziegler. And I really was, my curiosity was piqued by this. Shapley and Ziegler revealed that they wanted to look into Kevin Morris because you hear about this guy, this Hollywood lawyer who becomes friends with a politician's son and loans him $6 million and buys 11 of his paintings. And you say to yourself, that could help us in this investigation into this guy's taxes. This guy, Kevin Morris, he could be a missing piece of the puzzle. If only we could drill down on him. And then what happened is that Leslie Wolf, that's an important name in this case. She's the Delaware assistant US attorney. Leslie Wolf turns to the IRS whistleblowers who at the time were just, you know, IRS senior workers. They've been there for a very long time. They were very reliable, you know, they're credible witnesses. They've been there for quite some time. She turns to them and says, "Hey, we went to the CIA today. We met with CIA officials. You can't go near Kevin Morris." You got to lay off the sugar brother. Why would that be? Why would this CIA feel so strongly that Kevin Morris should be off limits in this IRS investigation into Hunter Biden? Hmm. And another question I have for the audience. Which of these two options would you feel? Is, let me rephrase it. Which do you think is setting your money on fire more? Loaning Hunter Biden $6 million or buying 11 of his paintings. If someone said to you, Jared, like, "Okay, here's what you can loan somebody $6 million or you can buy 11 other paintings." You know the $6 million is never going to be repaid. But on the other hand, you've got 11 paintings that are all pretty big. And then you have to find space for, maybe put in some sort of storage facility. At that point, I might just say, "Hey, if I'm in the business of lighting my money on fire, I'd rather just give them the $6 million." Yeah, I agree. I don't need those taking up space. I don't need to try to figure out what I'm going to do. Matter how big my LA mansion is. The concentric ink circles. Imagine looking at those all day. You ever, like, you buy something at an auction and then you're just staring at it like, "What was I thinking? I mean, it was nice at the time I had had a vodka soda. I was feeling charitable. And now I'm stuck with this helmet that's signed by some hockey player I've never heard of." This is way worse. It's like 11 pieces of art. Is he an art aficionado? Was he moved by the paintings? I want to get eyes on these paintings. Because we had heard so often that Hunter made a lot of money off these paintings. Some of them are valued at $500,000. He bought 11 of them. He must really believe in Hunter Biden, the person and the artist. But we're going to talk about that. We're going to talk, obviously, like I said, about the gun cases. Well, I'm less interested in that. Yes, there's pictures of him holding the gun next to his naked butt. Yes, you know, the wives and the sister-in-law/girlfriends and the baby mamas are going to be in court. That is entertaining. But I think the IRS case is where the DOJ is hoping nobody really looks into. And they're wrong on that. There's going to be plenty of people who want to figure out exactly what's happening there. When we come back, though, Dr. David Morenz, who was sending emails back and forth about FOIA ladies and deleting emails and using secret back channels, his overall excuse is very simple. I don't think he consulted with any lawyers, Jared. I'm not getting that vibe that he was prepped for this. I'm getting the vibe that this is a man who has spent his entire career. As I said, I think it's like 26 years he filmed the NIH. He's gone away with everything. And when you get away with everything for so long, it never even occurs to you that you're going to be held accountable. So he shows up with this crazy-looking tie to this subcommittee hearing. And he thinks that the response or the excuse that's going to get him out of trouble is just I was joking. By the way, that was a joke. It was a joke. What about when you said this? Again. You guys ever heard of humor? I was making a joke. I am comic. He just kept going with this. That was a joke. And that was a joke. And that was a joke. Now, it's not really. You know who someone who I don't think is going to find this very amusing? Someone who's not going to find this funny is Rand Paul. Because there were a lot of jokes about Dr. Rand Paul. And I don't think he's going to get any sort of chuckle out of this. I'm enjoying it though. I will say that. We'll play some of this out for you. We'll take your calls. There's so many headlines today. Also, we have a little bit of a follow-up on the testimony from yesterday in the Cairn Read trial. And the reason that we should talk about it is because I will, first of all, I know if we don't, people are going to say, "Well, you didn't talk about the negative things that the witnesses were saying about Cairn Read." So we will cover that. I didn't think it was particularly strong for the prosecution to bring out these two sisters who had a bad experience, bad interaction with Cairn Read on a trip to Aruba. But we'll talk about it. And we'll take your calls. 844-500-4242. It's raining. We're here. We've got lots to get to. We'll take your calls when we come back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. I saw another cut today of AOC. She's very mad that Donald Trump is going to have a rally in the Bronx, that he's going to have some supporters show up for him. She's very mad about this. We played the sound yesterday, Jared, where she was talking about the only reason he's doing this is because he has an ankle bracelet essentially, and he's stuck at this courthouse. She didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I thought it was weird that she was so proud of the fact that they've done this to a candidate, that the Democrats, in cahoots with the DOJ, have weaponized our justice system against a candidate, but that was weird. Then she doubled down. She went on with Chris Hayes and said the same thing. She's going, "Well, everyone in the Bronx is blue, and New York's blue, and it's all blue, and he's going to bust in people for this rally." You know what it sounded like to me? It sounded like Bluenon. She sounded like a conspiracy theorist, and I thought she should be deplatformed from MSNBC. Because disinformation, as Nina Jankowitz once told me, is dangerous. And you can't just be on there spreading your crazy theories about people coming in on buses. Do you hear yourself? You sound insane right now. I'm kidding, of course. I never want AOC to be deplatformed. I want her voice, Jared, to be amplified. I want her to be able to go on any sort of social media she wants and keep spreading, not just keeping the faith, but spreading the faith. Because the more people here of AOC and here what she's saying and understand her message, the better odds I think we have of getting Trump in the White House. Just my gut feeling on it. I will say, speaking of people who I keep hearing from and keep seeing on social media, we do need, as a society, to just stop. Or, you know, not as a society, I'll say, as conservatives, stop amplifying Sonny Hostin on the view. Have you noticed this? She goes viral once a day for saying something ridiculous. And I used to play the cuts and people would say to me, "Stop giving them, you know, air, stop putting them." And I would say, "Well, listen, it's funny. Listen to how dumb they sound." I am at the point now where it's like we can't keep promoting these people. Now you know her latest argument is that Caitlin Clark has reached this level of fame because of pretty privilege. And white privilege. And that if she were a black player, she wouldn't have the same hoop loss surrounding her. I don't know about that. Aside from Sue Bird in the WNBA, every other WNBA superstar I can think of has been black. Lisa Leslie, Candice Parker. Yeah, but those are the only ones I can think of. Yeah, and that's not a race thing. That's a WNBA problem where people start watching the WNBA. Rebecca Lobo, I think, in New York. Terry. She was white. But yeah, I mean, the majority of them, you know, you can't really. I mean, she's good. That's why she's getting all this. No, you sound like a race. And Angel Reese is also, I mean, she's not quite getting the hoopla, but she's doing pretty well for her. She's doing pretty well for herself. Yeah, you know what I find amazing though, is Sonny Hostin at the view you have. I know that many WNBA players. You have, you have all of these different correspondence. Like Whoopi Goldberg is your correspondent if you want to learn about the Holocaust and the fact that, you know, the Holocaust. Whoopi Goldberg is a black woman. Has it harder than the people that were in the Holocaust because they can pretend that they're not Jewish. She can't pretend not to be black. That was the kind of historical wisdom, yeah, she can pretend to be Jewish. The historical wisdom that we got from Whoopi Goldberg. Joy Behar doesn't know who's in NATO. She's talking about Ukraine and Russia and you have to trust her because she's a historian. Sonny Hostin thinks that earthquakes are caused by climate change and doesn't know how to pronounce Cicada Cicada. She doesn't know what she's doing with that. And now she's going to be the person we go to for tips on the WNBA and Caitlin Clark. It's like no one feels like they have to do even a tiny bit of reading. And they just are so confident in their expertise which is based off nothing. Speaking of the view though, I have more on that. We're not going to play any sound, don't worry, but I do have an update. Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back. Cicadas are coming. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show, the number is 844-500-4242. So if you weren't following this story about Dr. David Morens, he was grilled yesterday by lawmakers. It wasn't a hard person to grill though. He made it very easy. He had no sort of defense lined up besides I was just kidding. And even Democrats got in on the fun of just explaining to this man what a disappointment he is and what a liar he is. And so I want to read you just a little bit here and then we'll play some sound. Lawmakers grilled Dr. David Morens, a senior advisor to Dr. Anthony Fauci over his apparent attempts to circumvent FOIA requests during a Wednesday testimony to the House Select Subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. He had an email in 2021 where he appeared to tout his use of backdoor channels to communicate with Fauci. And he said that that was, you know, it was just all jokes. And he also said all these terms like secret back channels and other ones you mentioned were just jokes. Jokes that I made in dealing with Peter Dossack because he was under death threats and very depressed. That's great. Go ahead and make your jokes, Mr. Jokey, joke maker. The last refuge of a scoundrel is not patriotism. It's death threats. When I hear the death threat, I hear death threats as an excuse more than I hear the investigation is ongoing sources and methods. That has become the go-to. We heard it yesterday with Jennifer McCabe during this Karen Reid trial citing harassment. And now we're hearing it with Dr. Morens as to why he had to joke around about deleting emails and, you know, obfuscating FOIA requests and wrote all these mean things about Dr. Rand Paul because Peter Dossack was under a tremendous amount of pressure and was receiving death threats. Oh, so that's why you had to break the law. To cheer up your friend. This was all operation make Peter feel better. I don't know. Maybe you should feel kind of bad if you potentially released the virus. I don't know. Yeah, Peter Dossack. Maybe he should have been a little down on the thumbs at that point. So then after reading another email sent to both Dossack and Fauci in which Morens claimed he deleted all emails to Dossack related to COVID origins. When struck, one of the people on the committee asked him, "Dr. Morens, did you ever delete or attempt to delete a federal record?" He said, "Based on my understanding of what a federal record was, I truly don't think I've ever seen a federal record in 26 years of being at NIH." Why do I doubt that? I highly doubt that you've never seen a federal record in 26 years of being a hack. Color me skeptical on that. But I also love, I love the verbiage. I love the way these people know how to lie. Even when they're so bad at it, there's still certain ways that they know how to be conniving. Like when he said, "Based on my understanding of what a federal record was." So he's trying to pull the, "I just didn't get it. Oh, that was a federal record? That's news to me. I had no idea." He wants to play dumb. And he is dumb, so it adds a little bit of sincerity to the whole charade, but he cannot be that dumb. And then he went on to describe advice he received from Margaret Moore. By the way, Margaret Moore, we have now identified as foil lady. That's what he described her as. This is my favorite sentence in this whole article. It says, "He then went on to describe a device he received from Margaret Moore, an employee at NIH who he described as the foil lady, and claimed she hated Foyas in a 2021 email." I hate to be the one to tell this to Marge, but you're in the wrong line of work. If you are known as the foil lady and you hate Foyas, maybe it's time to move on and try something else. Let's play a little bit of Merens here. This is Dr. Merens being questioned by Marjorie Taylor Greene about the foil lady cut for. We are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns. And if we did, we wouldn't put them in emails. And if we found them, we'd delete them. You wrote on February 24, 2021. You said, "You are right, and I need to be more careful. However, as I mentioned once before I learned from our foil lady here, how to make emails disappear after I am foyed. But before the search starts, so I think we are all safe." Plus, I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail. Dr. Merens, who's your foil lady? Is it Hillary Clinton? Oh, Hillary Clinton wouldn't have been this. Hillary Clinton's like an old school villain, you know? She's calculating. She got her wits about her. These villains are, they're not made of what they used to be. And you know what I would add in here is that if this is a joke, like if he's poking fun at the idea, this is supposed to be sarcasm that he would do any of this, you actually think we'd delete our emails? No, I was joking about the fact that we would delete our emails, wink, wink. These are risky jokes. Like he's taking a giant risk here for comedy's sake. He's a good friend to Peter Dossack. If he's willing to incriminate himself in this fashion and talk about how he would delete emails and use secret back channels, also Peter Dossack could have a good chuckle. That's a good friend right there. That's a friend you wanted on your side, Jared. That's a friend you wanted at. He has your back. Hey, Pete, remember that time I told you I deleted those emails? Ah, that was great. That was great. I mean, good times. That really lifted me up when I was down. That was the thing that helped me get through. Now, this is a Democrat representative from, this is Dr. Quicy Mafimi. And again, a Democrat, but he cannot get his head around just how bad this testimony was going for Dr. David Morens. Can I get cut five? People trying to kill you could maybe do it. And I felt responsible for that. So I just, Peter was very upset and I was upset too. Dr. Morens, what else do you feel responsible for? Pardon? What else do you feel responsible for? I'm sorry, I'm getting this echo here. And I just, let me, said I turn off my microphone. Yeah, you're using my time. Let me ask you, why didn't you report any of this to the ethics office? I don't know. I didn't, I don't even know what our ethics office does, but Peter certainly reported it. The Peter reported it to the... I'm not worried about Peter. I'm talking about you. Peter's not here. I just want to know if you thought this was ethically incorrect or improper, why didn't you report it to the ethics office? What are you referring to as what being ethically improper? Well, you just said you told, you asked him, why was he sending this to one email account when it should have gone to another one? And you asked me whether I thought what he was doing was unethical. But I was doing his unethical. Sir, I think you're going to be haunted by your testimony today. And it's unfortunate, it's all on the record. And it doesn't make a lot of sense to many of us, certainly not to me. And I don't want to carry this on any further, Mr. Chairman. I'm going to yield back any time that I have remaining. I thank you for the opportunity. I'm going to say this. I don't get the sense that Dr. Moran's runs deep enough to be haunted by anything. I don't think there's any. I think he's the kind of guy, Jared. He puts his head on the pillow. He's out like a light. I don't think he's worried about, did I say the wrong thing? Did I do the wrong thing? He is a con man. And even those attempts are getting out of it. Oh, there's an echo. These are the oldest tricks in the book. You got to come to a subcommittee hearing with something better than that. Like, oh, I'm sorry. Did I? I references all the time, but it's something that is really stuck in my memory. My younger brother at the kitchen table with my mom going over the quiz questions for the day. My younger brother has so many strengths, but he was not, you know, academia was not one of them. And my mom would sit with him in the morning and she'd ask him questions for his, his tests that he had to study for. And she would say something like, who was, who was the 16th president in the United States? And my brother would look at her and say, I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Say that one again for me. I didn't hear you. And she would say, who was the 16th president in the United States? And then he would ask the question, question back to her and say, did you say the 16th? Is that what? And my mom felt like this Democrat representative and would say, stop repeating the question. I know you heard the question. Just say you don't know if you don't know. But it's like everyone knows that feeling of dealing with a young person and feeling like you're getting the run around. They're giving you an excuse. They're lying to you. You can feel it. It's so frustrating. And to have this grown man, this old man who's been working in the NIH for 26 years, say he doesn't even know what the ethics department does. He doesn't know what these emails are. He doesn't know. What do you know? Why don't we start there? What do you know, Dr. Morens? And keep in mind, the cherry on top of all of this is that these were the people who were telling all of us what to do, who were telling you to stay home, who were telling your kids to wear masks to school. Oh, I'm sorry. That was after they shut down the schools for two years, who were telling you to go on Zoom for your weddings and zooms for your funerals. These were the same. These were the brilliant minds who made fun of Dr. Ram Paul, who made fun of all of these wonderful doctors who tried to speak out against this insanity. Guys like Dr. David Morens were the masters of the universe. They got to tell everybody what to do for two years and they flippin' loved it. And now you're getting a glimpse into the intelligence, but this is like the Wizard of Oz. You're getting a look at Oz and you're going, wait a minute. I took all of my health guidelines and vaccine recommendations from that guy, from the jokey jokester with the purple and green tie. Why didn't you report this to the ethics department? Ethics representative. I don't know anything about old wooden sailing ships from the Civil War era. Ethics. Ethics. I don't need no stinking ethics. Morens also explained it as a joke. Okay, 'cause this was one of his other big jokes. This was, this was one he really worked on. And in August 27th email in 2020, after NIH awarded $7.5 million in a grant to Eco Health Alliance, Dr. Jokey Jokester Morens. He moonlights as a comic. He wrote to Peter Dossack and he asked, "Do I get a kickback? Too much bleeping money. Do you deserve it all? Let's discuss." So then he's asked to explain that one, Jared, and he says, "That's typical black humor between people like Peter and me and other folks who show up in this email. Typical black humor." So like locker room talk. Something like that. I love this man. I just, I find him to be amazing. And Marjorie Taylor Greene saying, "Is Hillary Clinton your foil?" No, because Hillary Clinton, say what you want about Hillary, but she knew what she was dealing with. She had the bleach bit. She had it lined up on what she was gonna do. She had excuses ready to go. This guy has just, he's a sloppy dude. He's texting about the foil lady told me how to delete all my emails. And if I want, if I wanted to have an email that was, who's gonna cause trouble, I'd just bring it to Dr. Fauci's house or hand it to him in person. One of the people on the committee said, you know, if this was funny, if any of this was laughable, it would be very laughable that you're writing down. You're giving a blueprint to all of the things you're doing wrong. And here is the most frustrating part is nothing will happen to this guy. Unless, unless Dr. Fauci and other people think it would just be easier to make him a fall guy, make him be held accountable for all of their sins. He's just the, he's the dumbest one of the crew, but it doesn't mean he's the only one. This was very, very nefarious. Hey, here's another headline for you, Jared. "Germany warns Netanyahu. It will execute any ICC arrest warrants against him." So speaking of bad punchlines, yeah, that's why I threw it up to you. I didn't know if you're gonna go for it. The international criminal court is looking at an application to... What's Germany going to do with harmonious people? Did they issue a statement on that? No, they, they, they're saving, they're saving their statements for BB Netanyahu. But I like this from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. He said, of course, yes, we abide by the law. Political reported. We follow orders. We're gonna, we're gonna arrest BB if he shows up. I don't, if I had to guess, though, I would say, I don't think BB Netanyahu has any plans to travel to Germany in the near future. Just a hunch. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he had some sort of summer travel plans, which actually brings us to our poll question today. Today's poll question is brought to you by Local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly, so contact him at Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, are you traveling this Memorial Day weekend? Yes, by a car, yes, by a plane, or no staying home? Yes, I am traveling, but it's a little bit of a road trip. It's not far. I'm probably gonna go to, you know, maybe Cape Cod or something like that. Go to the beach, but yeah, not far. So I'll say yes, via car. 9% of the audience says yes, by car. 3% say via plane and 88% are staying home. Well, it's very expensive to travel right now, no matter which way, no matter what method of transportation. And when we come back, we'll explain how the economy, even though it might feel like your net worth hasn't grown a lot, even though it might feel like you're worse off than you were under Donald Trump, I have news for you. You just don't understand it, and Stephanie Roll can explain it to you. 844-500-4242, we'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Dr. Morenz, there's so much to pick apart in that hearing, but a lot of people from what I've been listening to have been very critical of his wardrobe. People do not like the fashion choice, Jared, and you're a bit of a fashion plate. Do you have a POV on this? Because I'm noticing men in particular. They don't like the tie choice, the color, with the dark shirt and the jacket. People have a lot of things to say about the look. What's your take? Yeah, no, this definitely, first of all, looks like the suits off the rack, strike one. The shirt looks like lesser quality, but yeah, the dark gray with the dark blue, and then there's a dark blue stripe in the tie, so it looks like his tie's cut in half. It doesn't look-- The shade of green and the shade of red doesn't work, the design. Yeah, it's all-- I mean, he's a clown, so I guess. It doesn't look neat. No. He looks very disheveled. He looks a bit like an unmade bed. Yeah, it's like shouldn't that suit be like maroon corduroy or something, you know? Ron, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ron. Great, good afternoon. What's going on? So this morning, I was doom-scrolling this morning, as I always do. It's my favorite way to wake up. And so I saw an article by The Hill, and the headline said, "Bye, in the administration, chances funding to eco-health alliance." So what that tells me is that the Democrats are trying to distance themselves from what's going on with the information that's coming out with COVID. Also, Chris Cuomo was talking about this subject as well. Yeah, I saw that on his show he was talking about side effects of the vaccine, which did surprise me, but I think the Cuomo's just want to stay, you know, in the headlines. We'll talk about this distancing, whether or not the White House is getting nervous about all the information that's coming out when we come back. (upbeat music)