The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trump Met with Boos at Libertarian Convention, but Where is Biden? | 5.27.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace broadcasts LIVE this Memorial Day to bring you the latest news from over the weekend. President Trump accepted the invitation to speak at the 2024 Libertarian Convention, a toss-up for an unpredictable group. When Trump got booed, he snapped back. Tune in for the audio clips to hear him go after the party of 3%.

Broadcast on:
27 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome to the Grace Curly Show. We are live today, May 27th on this Memorial Day. Thank you so much for joining us. We hope you had a restful, peaceful weekend and you're looking forward to today's show. We have the lines open 844, 542, 42. I wanted to start today by remembering, we do this every Memorial Day and it's so important remembering all of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms that we enjoy today and every day. And that oftentimes we, you know, I shouldn't say we because I can't speak for everybody else. I'll say oftentimes I take for granted, not because I think I'm an ungrateful monster or anything like that. I don't think I'm a nasty person, at least I hope not. But because like so many people my age, I don't know anything else. This is all I've ever known is this freedom. And it's important to use this day as a chance to reflect, to understand how much blood was shed, how many sons and daughters and husbands and fathers and cousins and friends were killed in action and in service to our nation and how incredibly lucky we are to call this place home. And most importantly, how none of this American life is a given. You know, President, former President Ronald Reagan said about freedom. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same. Or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. So I would like to thank the people who fought for and protected that freedom and forfeited their lives to hand it on to the next generation. We will be covering several different topics today, everything from the Trump hush money trial to electric vehicles to Israel and Hamas to Joe Biden's commencement addresses. Everything in between you name it, we've got it covered. But I wanted to let anyone out there who's listening know that the lines are open if you want to remember and honor someone who died in service to our country. If you want to tell their story or even just mention their name, we would love to help you in that endeavor to remember and to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The number is eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. And I was reading today a story in the Federalist and it was by John A. Lucas. And he's talking about Memorial Day, what it means to him, you know, how we should all take a moment to reflect and people are right that it does become, you know, Kamala Harris. I think it was like three years ago said have a good long weekend. That's for a lot of people, unfortunately, what it has become synonymous with. They just think of grilling and barbecuing and there's nothing wrong with that. But you should take some time to reflect and you should, especially if you have children, take some time to explain to them how much was sacrificed and forfeited for them to have the lives that they have. And what John Lucas does is he talks about the purpose of Memorial Day and then he gives people a way to actually, because you hear that a lot, you're like, Oh, it's, it's important to reflect. Take a minute and think about. And that's, that's great. But for some of us who may not have someone in particular in mind who we're thinking of in that moment, it's easy to hear that and then just keep moving on with your day. He actually offers up a way to do that. And he says, set aside 30 minutes to visit the wall of faces. It includes photos and memorials of all those killed in Vietnam. He said, pick a date, perhaps your birthday, a wedding anniversary or college graduation, then look at the men who died on that date throughout the years of the Vietnam War. So I did that today. I typed in my birthday just to see. And I was amazed. First of all, it's, you see all these faces from all over the country. Then I wanted to narrow it down just a little bit. And I came across Lance Corporal Peter Robert Adams, born on October, I'm sorry, born on August 16th, 1949, died May 31st, 1969 from Dorchester, Massachusetts, part of the Marine Corps. And there's so many stories like this, and you can read all of the comments from nephews and nieces and relatives and friends and people who are just expressing their gratitude. And it really does put a face to this reflection and it makes it feel, I don't know, you feel so humbled just to look at all of these faces and think about how many people came before you and gave so much. And John Lucas writes about one person in particular, his name is Garnie Burleson. He was a farm boy from North Carolina. He is not famous. You will not read about him anywhere other than here. He was killed in action on January 28th, 1971 in Vietnam. He was only 20 years old. And he tells the story of this young man. But one part of this that I thought was that really moved me is he said, when you're reading these stories, reflect on the things that these people forfeited, almost all of them would now be in their 70s or their 80s. They missed out on 50 to 60 years worth of joy and laughter, sorrow and tears, everything that makes up a life. And when I was reading about that and reflecting on this, I thought, that's a really nice way for people to reflect and to be able to see some faces and learn some stories they might not otherwise learn. So I would encourage everyone to visit the wall of faces online. And you can type in any date, type in today, type in your wedding anniversary, and just find out more about the people who gave so much, 844-542. And another part of this that is worth discussing as well was also from the Federalists. They have a lot of great pieces today about Memorial Day and it comes from Amelia Cohen. And she wrote something that stuck out to me about what people are fighting for. Because yes, they're fighting for our freedoms. But when you really think about it, when you really think about people who are in battle, people who are really faced with their imminent death, it's an amazing concept that people go forward anyway, that so many people don't cower away from whatever they're afraid of. And her point is, a soldier, it is said, fights not because he hates who is in front of him, but because he loves who is behind him. Those we commemorate on Memorial Day fought for mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and all those they hold dear. They fought for our liberty and land. They made this sacrifice because they believe America is worth fighting for. What other country in the world shares the same values and principles as America? America is the last best hope for man on earth. There is nowhere to escape, which is why we must protect and preserve this great nation. Remember our fallen heroes, honor those who answered the call, and most importantly, teach our children the value of freedom. So I have these all posted today on my recommended reading. I really encourage you guys to check it out. And I've told this story before, but it always stuck out to me. My dad used to say, whenever I was in a situation where I felt like if I had a really hard professor or, you know, if I was just in a situation where I was feeling, "Oh God, this is bothering me." My dad would use this expression, he would say, "It's like the Russian army. Train hard, fight easy." In other words, like, you're training right now. By the time you get out of school, by the time you end up, wherever, everything's going to be a lot easier because you trained hard. And I remember being in an Uber, and it was me and my mom and my dad were going somewhere, and there was an Uber driver, and he was from Russia. And my dad said to him, "I always tell my daughter, it's like the Russian army, train hard, fight easy." And the Uber driver said, "Yeah, yeah, but it's different here." He said something like that, and we were all kind of like, "Oh God, where is this going?" We didn't know what he was going to say. And he said, "Yeah, for Americans though, when you guys fight, you're fighting for something bigger." He said, "You're not fighting because someone told you you had to. You're fighting because of an idea of protecting the people who come after you." And he said, "So when you guys fight, it's totally different." And I'll never forget that, I thought, sometimes, especially in this job, I sit behind a microphone, and it's easy for me to go, the whole world's going to hell on a hand, everything is going down. And then I look at these young men and women who are still signing up, who are still fighting for all of us, for this place, for this experiment. And I think, who am I to say that? There are people out there who are so brave, who are so courageous, who give so much. And if they still believe that it's worth the ultimate sacrifice, then the least we can do on a day like today is remember them. Remember those people. 844-542-42. Like I said, I would be happy to take your calls. And if you have someone you want to remember, please just let us know, and we'd be happy to do that. 844-542-42. We actually have some people who are already on the lines who want to talk about this. We'll go to your calls when we come back. Spring means more flowers in sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens. Finally, you're looking forward to opening your windows to let that fresh air in your home or in your car, but you don't want the sneezing to start. Luckily, the Eden Pure thunderstorm is here. It can eliminate any pollutants or allergens floating around in the air. And with the three-pack special, you don't have to move your thunderstorm from spot to spot. Put one in your house, put one in your car, put one in your office. It's also great in the kitchen if you like to cook, and then the smell's kind of linger afterwards. You plug in the thunderstorm. And I'm actually, Jared, I'm going to hold it up for people because sometimes when people ask me about this, they think it's going to take up a lot of floor space. They say like, "Oh, I don't know if I'm going to have room for it." I have to remind them, it's the size of a phone charger. You plug it into the wall. There's no cords involved here. You're plugging it in. You're setting and forgetting. You don't have to worry about it, but it works really quickly. Yeah, it ionizes the air, which creates a super oxygen, and that's what eliminates those allergens and pollutants and eliminates the odors. And we actually, yesterday, went over to my parents for a little get together, and going way back, somebody, one of my relatives was saying they wanted to try the thunderstorm, and I was going to let them borrow one of mine. Well, I ended up not seeing them, but he said, "Hey, you know what? I went ahead. I bit the bullet. I got the thunderstorm. I used it for my cat box. It's fantastic. It gets the job done." So it gets rid of any unwanted odor that you have, and it also helps with your allergies. It's a no-brainer. And hopefully that relative of yours got the 3-pack, because that is such a great deal right now. And here's how I want you guys to get your hands on it. Be like Jared's relative. Go to, and then use code GRACE3. That's Use code GRACE in the number 3. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Get the 3-pack today. Whether you've got cats and you want to get rid of the smells from your animals, or if you cook a lot, or if you just want to clear out any allergens. This is the product for you, and the 3-pack is a great way to save. So go to Don't forget the code GRACE3. We'll be right back with your calls. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. [music] Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly, so contact him at local silver Jared, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you think libertarians will vote for Trump? Yes, they want to stop Biden, or no, they want that 3%. Oh, for people who don't know, Trump gave a speech at the Washington Hilton for the Libertarian Convention. He was met with booze, which CNN and other networks are thrilled about. I keep seeing headline after headline. Trump booed after he tried to woo libertarian voters. You know what the key to me in that sentence is, Jared, tried. There's a lot to be said for trying. Is the other guy trying to do anything except for bore the graduates at West Point? Is the other? He's shaming black people for not blindly voting for him, Grace. Come on, how else are you supposed to campaign? Yeah, he's trying to pander to everyone. Well, what about just trying to run a campaign? What about trying to win over voters? Isn't that what elections used to be about? Isn't this kind of a little old school mentality here? Oh, I'm going to go speak to people who don't necessarily agree with me and try to make my case? That seems like a pretty good idea to me. What is Biden trying to do besides get the last scoop of ice cream at every parlor in America? A whole lot of nothing. At least I hate to reference. I know I'm already using up my quotes, my quote quota for the day, but what about the man in the arena? Isn't there something to be said for giving it an old college try? I'm going to say, yeah, I liked his pitch. We can play it. Let's play it first. Maybe this will change people's minds and then we'll go to the callers. This is cut one. Think of this first time in US history that a presidential candidate of a rival party will address the convention of a party that is presumably gathering to nominate its own candidate. Now I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me and we should win together. You heard those words. Nominate me or vote. Vote for me. Because the libertarians want to vote for me and most of them will. And it's very important because we have to get rid of the worst president in history. And together we will. And without it, there's a risk that we can have four more years. We won't have a country left. So what is the purpose of the libertarian party getting three percent? What is the reason to take a chance of having this horrible president destroy our country, which he will do in far less than four years and not going to take four years. I'm going to say yes. I think the libertarians are going to vote for Trump. I know that let's keep in mind the libertarians who are at the libertarian convention. Those are the hardcore libertarians. Okay. Those are those are the people who really want. What's his name? Chase Oliver too. Those are the people who think he could make a comeback and take the whole thing. So obviously it's a little bit of a rough crowd. But yeah, I think libertarians will hear that and say, you know what? Maybe he's right. I mean, but yes, we're actually dead even. It's been close all morning that the polls have been up, but we are dead even right now. 50% to 50% yes or no. And I know I sound like I'm just drinking the Trump Kool-Aid. Sue me. But I do think that going to these places showing that you're not afraid to be around people who might not be your cup of tea and make your case is really, especially when you're contrasting it with Joe Biden. I keep referencing the split screen analogy that Jonathan Turley made, but it really stuck with me. Everything Trump's doing is a side by side next to Joe Biden, which is a whole lot of nothing. So it would be very frustrating. It is frustrating to see Trump tied up in all these hush money trials in New York City. But I think it would be more frustrating if he was going up against someone who's really utilizing the fact that he was had an ankle bracelet on, as AOC said, and was going all around the country taking advantage of the fact that their opponent was stuck in court. Biden's not really doing that. Biden's doing the bare minimum. So to see Trump, who is all tied up by this law fair, by the weaponized DOJ, by his political opponent, still going to these events and still making headlines everywhere he goes, I think it's all a win for Trump. One more quote I'm going to throw in. I don't know why I'm feeling so quoted today. Something about this Memorial Day has me referencing all these quotes. 90% of life is just showing up. He showed up. And you know what reminds me of Jared is even when I was a producer for Howie Show and we would book Rachel Rollins, for example. Rachel Rollins, who Howie disagrees with on a lot of things politically, but every person here, when we'd have to pick up the phone and put her on, we'd have to give her. Even if we didn't say it out loud, something in our souls gave her a little bit of kudos, a little hat tip for having the kahones to call into a show where she was probably going to get roasted. Marty Walsh is another example. Marty Walsh showed up here in studio to take on Howie. He didn't go well for him. He was pretty much handled by Howie. There was, it wasn't a battle of wits by any means. One side wits, one side came unarmed, but I'll tell you to this day, I think about that moment and I say, I got to give him credit. He showed up and that goes a long way with people. Even the people booing in that audience, at least they're booing somebody. If somebody, if Joe Biden, they want it to boo him, they just have to boo an empty podium. 844, 540, 242, maybe you agree, maybe you disagree. That's okay. You can always call in and we'll, we'll discuss it, we'll debate it. But yeah, I think when the libertarians put their heads on their pillow at night, they have to really consider what's worth it. Do we want that 3% or do we want to save the country? We'll be right back. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for listening today. We are live on this Memorial Day and we are taking your calls 844, 540, 242. We have a lot of sound from Buttigieg with Margaret Brennan on CBS Face The Nation. We have Joe Biden at the West Point commencement address and we have Rashida Tyeep, who for once in my life, I think I agree with Rashida Tyeep. Not for the reasons that you might think, but we'll get to that as well. But first, let's go to the callers here, Ron, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Ron? Hey, Grace, how are you? Can you hear me? Good. Yeah, you sound great. Hey, I wanted to use Trump's visit to the libertarians as a metaphor. We do these Trump standouts on the bridges here and most people don't react, but other people that do react, it's mostly positive, but we do get a lot of negative reaction as you can imagine. But here's the thing, we don't need all the votes. We just need most of the votes. So like you said, it just doesn't bother me that Trump went into the libertarians and he got booed there by the hard cores. They are more aligned with us politically, however, there's some things that made me rather be an independent and a libertarian, like the legalization of every narcotic under the sun and unrestricted abortions. And I'll just leave it at that. Yeah, I think when I look at the libertarian mentality, and this is nothing to do with the issues that are for them, you know, the top of the list, which we can talk about if people want to, but when it comes to voting and the strategy they use, it seems to me that they are, they are the expression don't let perfect be the enemy of good personified. Like they, they always let perfect and what they see is perfect to be the enemy of good rather than choosing the better option of the two, they will vote for Chase Oliver, who has no shot. And that's okay. That's part of living in this country, you have every right to do that. But I think Trump's showing up, and this is what the Republican strategist on CNN said, Trump's showing up places where Biden is not going to go, that's if he gets a couple of votes, fine, but it's great publicity. He's, you know, he's not afraid to talk to people. And think about the difference in the way Biden is shielded versus Trump. Biden has, for example, he has a speech in front of, let's say, 10 people, and they're all told to chant four more years. And during that speech with the 10 train seals chanting four more years, he manages to read the teleprompter wrong and the whole thing goes off the rails. That's not hypothetical. That's something that actually happened. And so they have gone out of their way, the minions that work for Joe Biden to avoid him having any interaction with anyone who disagrees with him. They've tried to put him in the safest situations possible. Even that event with, was it Stephen Colbert and Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were Clinton, Obama and Biden all popped out from the, from the concert floor, like they were the Backstreet Boys or something, they had to raise the ticket prices. They had to vet every person attending that because they didn't want any of the anti-Israel protesters to show up. Now the problem I have with that is not that you want to control things and keep people from getting rowdy, but that they know he doesn't believe enough in his positions to defend them. They know that he doesn't understand why he stands for what he does. He doesn't understand why he's making the choices or his team is making the choices that they're making. And they get that if he is confronted by someone who disagrees with him, he will get angry, he will get defensive and sometimes he'll even just capitulate to what that person wants. He was at a fancy fundraiser and one anti-Israel protester gave him a hard time and the rest of the crowd was on his side. This was, this was a while ago, it was right after October 7th. The rest of the crowd was on his side. He had the crowd. He had the audience and he still started bending the knee to that one protester who was giving him flack. So the idea of showing up to a hostile crowd, knowing you're going to get booed out of there and doing it anyway is, to me, it's good prep. It's good prep and it's good. It's a good way to show people you're not afraid. Take a listen to Singleton. This is the Republican strategist on CNN. This is cut two. Look, I think going to the libertarian convention was smart. According to Gallup, they represent 17-20% of the American electorate. Maybe you shave off 8% of them, that can make a difference in a very, very tight presidential race. Regardless of the reasons, we're going to the Bronx, it's important. No one should be presumptive to assume that people of color are going to just vote one way purely because they're black or because they're Hispanic. That seems to be the case for my Democratic friends and I think it's why a lot of people of color are looking at Joe Biden and they're realizing that my life is not better. When I go to the grocery store, things are expensive. The infrastructure in my surrounding community has not improved and when I think about the future for my children, they're still in dilapidated schools where the education system is deplorable. That's the Democratic message in my perspective and so to have a Republican show up whether he's being booed, gee, rev the case may be, he's showing up to places where Joe Biden is not and I think that's going to make a difference. Yeah. Isn't it worth a shot? That's how I would feel, especially if you're so limited in where you can go and someone says, hey, they're having this big convention and it's over the weekend and you're available for it. Isn't it worth a try? Why not try? What could go wrong? They don't like you anyway. You show up, they boo you and maybe someone there has their mind changed. That's all you need. Yeah. I mean, go back to the American Revolution. So like, okay, you're the Continental Army. You have certain rules of warfare that you want to abide by to beat the British. But you know what? It's a big country and you're not necessarily going to be able to do it by yourself. Yeah, you may not like the gorillas and the militia people and the, you know, using tactics that you don't like. But guess what? You've got to win a war. So you reach out to them. You send somebody to them, hey, listen, join up with us because we're all in this together. It's the same principle. It's changing hearts and minds and people forget that there used to be a time where a lot of these presidential elections came down to the power of persuasion, making your case to the American people. That seems like a thing of the past year, like that we're all pooping that like it's so yesterday, man, you're living in a past, man, showing up to conventions, trying to tell people why you'd be a better option for them. That used to be how these things were done and I miss it. And I go back to that article in Newsweek that said with everything that's going on right now, not just in this country, but around the world, the American people need to have a very traditional election. They need to see two people campaign and lay out what their plan is going forward and what they're going to do for this country and how they're going to bring back some normalcy that we've lost and defend their records. This is a very unique election. We have two men who have four years to show us. And what do you have to show for their four years? How is it treated you? How is it treated your family? And so anytime I can hear more from these candidates, I don't care if it's a warm, curated choreographed event. I would prefer it to be a little rowdy because that's when you're going to see what kind of stuff they're made of. And I love how Trump is just going into the lion's den everywhere he goes. And in some places like we saw in the South Bronx, it works out and he receives a welcome that I don't think he even expected. And in some places you go in and it's hot and people aren't going to be happy. But you're going in. You're not sitting in the basement. And it's proof of what we are at, where politicians spied in those people. The Massachusetts, like the whole structure, they don't care what the people want. They have their agenda. They're going to do it anyway. Look at what's going on in your community. A bunch of communities in Massachusetts with this MBTA project that everybody says no to and they're like, okay, well, we're just going to do it anyway. You know, we're going to see new packs, you know, it was voted down how many times, but they keep coming back. Well, we're just going to do it anyway and we're going to beat you down and do what we want anyway. So they don't care about convincing people of their message because they figure we're going to get power. We're going to do it anyway. So screw the voter. Yeah. And also there's this mindset and it reminds me of Governor Kathy Hochl and her response to that rally in the South Bronx where she called those people clowns who showed up. And it's this idea of we don't have to make a case to people. You're in New York. You're a Democrat. You have to vote for Joe Biden. It's the same thing he said to was a charlemie in the God. If you don't vote for me, then you ain't black. It is this mentality that they don't have to earn any of these votes that they just deserve it by being a Democrat by having a D next to their name. They are entitled to these votes and they are not. And what Trump said to the libertarians reminds me of what he said. I think it was, I think it was 2016, I want to say, he said to black voters, what do you got to lose? What do you got to lose? And that was considered at the time before we heard Joe Biden's, you know, crazy, crazy comments. Like the reaction to Donald Trump saying to black voters, what do you got to lose was so much more everyone was so much more offended than they were when Joe Biden said poor kids are just as smart as white kids, or when Kathy Hochl said kids in the Bronx don't know what the word computer means. Like the reaction of Trump just being honest with voters and saying, Hey, might as well take a shot on me. Why not? What you would have thought Jared, he had said a racial slur when he was at that event. And he's basically saying the same thing to the libertarians. Like, Hey, if you really want that 3% and that's going to help you sleep at night and you think that's worth tossing the country away for, then fine. But if not, take a chance on me to his, wait, it's his favorite band, Abba, dig a chance on me. That should be a great song for him to play at the rallies. I got to get a word in. I got him. I don't like to utilize my text line with Caroline Lovett. I don't want to overdo it. I like to use it for only really good ideas like that one. That's going to rise to a text. Um, Hey, when we come back, I want to, I'll give you guys a little bit of a sneak peek of the Joe Biden commencement address at West Point. You know, I'm not even, no, I'll save it, but you know what I do want to say, Jared, why does everything have to come back to his life? You are there to celebrate the graduates. Why do we have to know of your obscure, strange, uncomfortable connection to what you think is their institution? Like, do you know what I'm saying? Why do you have to go into your brain and say, how can I connect myself? You have to, you don't have to connect yourself to it. Nobody's asking you to do that. Nobody has you under the hot lights and is saying, Hey, tell us a story that's going to make us realize that you're actually more connected to West Point than we might have originally thought. Nobody wants that. It's not about you. He really thinks he's like the graduate of these things. Like he's, he's, he's the valedictorian and he's talking about his four years at West Point. Nobody needs to hear about your football days, nobody, but he, he keeps doing it anyway. We'll be right back. We'll talk about that. You know, Jared, we were delivered a fresh batch of Omaha stakes, not just Omaha stakes. We got burgers. We got hot dogs. So many delicious things. And this weekend, I was so excited. I brought the burgers to my family. We grilled them, you know, cheeseburgers, all the toppings, deliciousness, tomatoes, pickles, mustard, and every single person was remarking on just the quality because sometimes in the summer, you get used to going to the store at the grocery store. You get the frozen patties, you stick them in the freezer. You don't think, you know, you're like, everyone's happy to be here. Everyone's happy to summer day. Nobody cares about the quality of the meat. Then you step it up a notch and you, you get your dad, for example, for father's day, some Omaha stake burgers or some Omaha stakes or some hot dogs from Omaha stakes. And you're going to notice that everyone's even more delighted to be there because they're eating something delicious and juicy and tender. And the great part is you get this for dad, you get this awesome package of all this stuff for dad for him to eat and you deliver it right to his door. You save money with the great deal, Omaha use promo code grace to check out. So you're going to get the additional discount and dad is going to feel so loved. You remembered him. You made the day about him. Jared, I'm just picturing this. You are at your house father's day and Omaha stakes delivery shows up at your door. What's your answer? It doesn't get any better. Say, this is fantastic. And I think my almost two year olds on for ordering it for me and you say, how did you enter promo code grace to check out? It's like you must be listening to the show. I didn't know your language was there yet. No, it is. It's the perfect gift. Look, dads, one, you have to eat, two, you want to eat quality and dads love steak. It's just it's out there. Father's Day is the biggest steak eating day of the year. Don't get lesser quality steak and you really can taste the difference, especially, especially with the chicken from Omaha stakes is it's not just steaks and burgers. They have all different kinds of meat. The chicken is out of this world. Like you don't understand what chicken is supposed to taste like until you've had Omaha stakes chicken. We also shouldn't mention here the juicy pork chops because we did a poll question on Friday about people's favorite go to grill and there is a pork shop community out there in the Grace Curly Foundation for the Fourth of July. Yeah. So make sure you get on this. Okay. Go to Omaha use promo code grace. And when I say like an exclusive package, you're getting great deals, I'm talking about starting at just $89. So these are really unbelievable prices for the amount of food you're going to get and also for the quality. Those are two very important things to Omaha stakes. They want to give you a lot of bang for your buck and they want to give you excellent quality steak, chicken, hot dogs, whatever it is you want. So go to Omaha Please don't forget to use promo code grace for the Father's Day special. I really appreciate it and I want to hear what you're cooking up for dad. Happy Father's Day. I know it's a little while's away, but it's not too early to get on top of this will be right back with more the Grace Curly show. You're listening to the Grace Curly show. I never thought that this is where I'd settle down. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show is Memorial Day. We are here, we are live and we are taking your calls on this very important day. Let's go to Peter. You're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Peter? Good afternoon. Did you read on the wire? I did. I read it this weekend, Peter, and I thought it was incredible. What a great poem. You're right. It's too long to be to read on the show, but I encourage everyone to check it out and I actually have some other things on the docket to read today. If anyone out there is like Peter and has a suggestion, please text it in at 617-213-1066. And Peter, I wanted to follow up and ask you if you have anything that you watch on Memorial Day because I've been reading a lot about different movies, different miniseries that people like to go back to, and I was curious if you have any recommendations for that. Sorry, all I watch is Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty, Rick and Morty. That is a worthy watch. I'm right there with you. Thank you, Peter, for the call and have a great Memorial Day and a reflective one and we appreciate it. Let's go to Bill. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Bill? Hey, Grace. I'm a retired pastor now, but I was pastoring when one of our young men from our church was killed by an IED and Iraq. And I can't tell you what it's like to be waiting at the house for the father to come home from work who has no idea what all the cars are at his house. And to have to tell him what happened to his son. But that was my backdrop here. I did something yesterday. I haven't done ever. I don't believe since Biden's been in office. I put on his commencement speech to West Point. And my mind was blown. I mean, not surprised because I listened to you guys all the time and I hear his cuts, but what I was pleased about was the applause, when there was applause, was so perfunctory and so tepid and the loudest applause that he received and I'm not kidding if you saw it was when he finished. And you know, he started talking about the Ukraine and at one point he stopped and he said, well, I probably shouldn't get into it. I get too excited because he totally lost his way. And then he comes back and he said something about the symbolization of the Ukraine. And I just sat there thinking those poor men who are entering the military and this is their commander in chief went into national embarrassment. Yeah, really well said, Bill, we have some of those sounds and Symbolization. You're right. He at one point he told them you can clap for that. I mean, at least he didn't call them stupid bastards or stupid idiots or whatever the old thing was that he used to say, but I want to go back to Bill's first point about a father finding out that his son has died in war because I was talking with a friend earlier today about having a guest on who just a private citizen who I know lost his son and something that he told me or that he told the person that I was talking to about having him on. He said, you know, I would love to come on, but I know that I'll get too emotional because it hasn't eased with time. It just gets harder and harder every single year. And I think that's something to remember. People oftentimes think like time heals all wounds, but that's one wound. That time is not going to fix or heal. And so I appreciate it, Bill. Thank you for the call. Thank you to everyone who's listening. On this Memorial Day. We'll be right back. We'll play some of that Biden commencement address at West Point. Don't go anywhere. [MUSIC PLAYING]