Sheep Get Sheared

The Path to True Freedom for Men

Broadcast on:
28 May 2024
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My friends, if you don't accept that you are alone and that life sucks and that reality is very disappointing, then you're going to be so unfortunately disappointed and life's going to suck even more for you than if you would breeze the fact that you expected. I wasn't planning on doing it, reason being not because I didn't want to, because I'm feeling sick number one, but having family over number two, and number three, I mean number three is not more personal business, but many, but my friends had a realization moment along and go, and it made me realize myself, no, I gotta do it, you know why? How many needs to hear this, why many needs to hear this, I don't know if it's one of those amazing couple supporters I have who are fantastic by the way, or if it's somebody who's never listened before and even to hear this, maybe, I don't know, all I know is somebody needs to hear this, and that's why I'm not going to show videos though, and I'm going to be able to just a short, put on encouragement, definitely. My friends, these men we gotta accept, what it is, disappointing, you know, I could sit here and tell you that, oh, don't worry, stuff gets better, no, that doesn't always get better, no, honestly, you know, I'm getting into one of those and I have this everyone's still, listen to me for any longer than any, you know, last couple months, you'll know this to be true, but I go through these ups and downs, ever since I, I filled a story earlier this week, actually, I was in a mental hospital for 28 days a couple years ago, I was still in the military and that was when I hit rock bottom, and every once in a while those old feelings tend to come back, why? Because reality is not disappointing, you know, it's easy for guys on the side of the internet, talk about all these 304s, be trippin', you know, and I get it, they are, they totally are. Let me tell you something right now, if all you're focusing on is women, sorry man, but you're doing your life wrong, women will always be there, they're always at the end of the finish line, for those of you who are actually willing to put in the work and do something with your life and not just sit around doing not doing Jack, my friends, I was talking to one of my best friends, and he told me that I'm one of my friends so I'm going for you. He's been out of work, he wants a girlfriend, he can't find one, and he's been down on his luck, he's not having a good time, and I thought to myself, how many dudes are in that position right now? How many men, show of hands, have been down now, they've been down bad, and they wish that somebody was there to help them, they wish that somebody was there to bail them out, there was a woman there to help build with them, women don't want to build anymore, they won't tell me ever did that back in the day when they had no choice, but today, you can do whatever they want, then go on the internet, make millions of dollars, and parlay it into real estate, but a thing on Twitter today, talking about how black, I think it's like 20/40, black rock and only fan skisers will own like 69% of the market in real estate. I think I'm making it up, I wish I was. My friends, we need to really realize that life sucks, and once we accept that life sucks, it gets easy. Once we accept the fact that reality is harsh, unforgiving, and then at the end of the day, it's not going to get better for us, we just have to deal with it, we have to adapt to it. What I preach this message, especially around the church, is the church is disappointing, the church is always going to tell men to man up, and the women can get away with whatever the hell they want, because women don't like human beings, no, they're closer to angels in the minds of these trucks, and so we've got to get used to that. You know how they get used to the fact that most men are gums and simps, and they're going to side with women, and they're never going to see what you're side, ever, no matter how much sense you make, no matter how many times you try to explain it rationally, they won't listen to you. They won't think you're crazy, they won't listen to you, the women will gaslight you in thinking that you're crazy, even though you can see it with your eyes, and don't even get me started on the economy, the economy sucks, before a long AI is going to take over everything except for the very small majority of jobs, and you're going to be stuck with nothing. I hope I'm wrong about that, truthfully I do, but I guarantee you I'm not, and my friends look, we need to understand that reality is harsh on forgiving, and the minute that we accept it, we move on, we get it, we don't just sit there and play the "oh, oh, my life sucks, just not fear, bye bye" it gets better, because once you accept that, you can move different, operate differently, and once you do that, your life will be better, because then you'll understand that I can't, I'm not going to fall in love with a woman, because love doesn't exist the way that I've been told it exists, the contract, the chaotic relationship, but as long as you're benefiting her, who benefit you, states that are to enforce that contract and hold you accountable, because you're most likely going to make most money. Look, I understand this isn't, I don't want to hear it, probably, it's probably a very tough pill to swallow, I had to fan that, but guess what, this is reality, and it's very disappointing, as Thanos said in my own, my favorite villains of all time, he said that reality is often disappointing, but now reality can be whatever he wanted, because he had the realities. You don't have a reality stone, what do you have to do, you got to deal with the fact that life sucks, you're not going to get what you want, what the normies have told you that you're going to get, I'm not going to get it, or you're going to work your whole life to get a fraction of what they've told you, and once you get that, it's not going to be all that you think it's going to be, there's a quote I think by Jim Carrey, where he says, "I wish everybody would get everything they ever wanted, just to prove how empty it is." If there wasn't anything with anybody, give or achieve something, and then you're like, "Well, okay." I'll go on the next thing, I guess, my friends, that's exactly what I'm talking about, I'm talking low, because I don't want to yell, my yell, it's going to, I don't want to yell right now, because I feel like it's going to derail the whole conversation. Once you embrace the fact that you're alone in this life, yeah, you might have some close friends and that's fantastic, but once you stop playing the game with them, once you stop playing poker with them, once you stop hanging out at their house, once you stop being a good luck char, good time, Charlie, those times are going to start to decline. Before you know it, you're going to be alone, and before, and if you don't faster this before you're on your own, completely, whether you're in high school, you're just out of high school, you're in college, or you're getting out of college, I'm here to tell you, everybody out here, well, almost without exception is trying to get you, and once you accept that, you can move forward, you can adapt, you can move differently, operate differently, that's why I don't advocate for marriage, because especially in Western countries, the whole thing is set up against you, and it's not going to help you, and once you accept that, you can move differently, and coach Reg Adams, where you can go to the junior college, you can have transactional relationships as long as you're not breaking the law, you can have girlfriends but not have long term ones, have multiple, I don't care what you do, you can do whatever you want, that's the beauty of it, but understand the love, the desire to have everything for nothing or to do as little as possible and get the most money, five dozen work that way, and it never will, and the more you try to force life to look like that, the more insane you're going to feel, the more you're going to drive yourself crazy, except the fact that you're going to work super hard, you're probably going to have to depend on yourself more than anybody else by a long shot, you might as well get to know yourself and care about yourself a little bit, invest in yourself, and you're not going to have a love child unless you want to risk child support, alimony, you name it, or abuse claims or anything else, and that's just the unfortunate realities that we're living in, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, some of you are living through this right now and you told me as much. My friends, the one thing I've learned in this life is you have to be on your own team, you have to make sure that you are advocating for yourself, because there's an old saying that I really like, I think it was Confucius who said it, I could be wrong, but he said it, if I'm not for myself, who will be, but if I'm only for myself, then who am I, powerful words, isn't it? My friends, if you don't accept that you are alone and that life sucks and that reality is very disappointing, then you're going to be so unfortunately disappointed and life's going to suck even more for you than if you would brace the fact that you expected, because maybe you might be surprised and it might not be that bad. But you have to accept this reality, you're going to have to work really hard for things you get, no one's going to hand you something, nothing is free, anytime you ever hear that something is free, you know they're conning you, or they're stupid, or both. My friends, I encourage you to work really hard, I encourage you to embrace the fact that life sucks and maybe it doesn't suck for you, maybe you're a lucky person, you're the exception, you're not the norm, but I'm encouraging you today, probably the darkest means possible, to focus on the things you can control, focus on the areas of your life that you want to improve on, and do those things, focus on the things you can control and things you can't control, either fix it or get over it, stop worrying about things you can't do anything about, that's only going to drive you crazy. My friends, I know I said this at the beginning of the show, but I really felt in my soul that somebody needed to hear this today, or maybe it was me, maybe I needed to say this today, because let me tell you something, if you ever show your belly to somebody, most likely they're going to shove a knife at it, they're going to shaft you, they're going to pull a bruise on you, just be aware of that, my friends, I'm not saying this so that you can be bitter in her or call me bitter in her or anything else, I'm saying this because as men, we have to stop being vulnerable, we need to be resilient strong men who tell other men this truth, that nobody is on your team as a man, and everybody is competing with you, everybody is out to get you, and you get nothing for free, and I really hope that this encourages you, just like dark humor, people find funny, I hope that this dark truth helps encourage you, the control of things you can control, focus on the things that are in your direct area of influence, and then those things are what matter in your life, your family, your close friends, the things you've built, that's what matters, not the stuff you can't control women, politics, so you can't control those things, hand control is you, your reaction, and the people you surround yourself with, my friends, I think I'll leave it there, I think I'm getting repetitive at this particular point, but the only thing you want to share, you want to chime in, you want to add anything to the conversation I'd love to do that, let me know which, if there are any topics any of you are really affected by, I know that this is an election year cycle that's coming up, a lot of propaganda is being put out there about Ukraine, Israel, the, um, George Floyd stuff, all this is very interesting and a lot of it's very controversial, so if there's anything, whether it's that, whether it's women, whether it's whatever, you want to more of this, I'm happy to do it, my friends, please let me know what you think, what matters to you and what you want to hear more of, because I have stuff in the pipeline, but I'm always interested to be here what matters to you, my loyal audience, and the people who are part of this community, my friends who take care of yourselves, I hope this encouraged you and didn't depress you too much, I wasn't my intention, but you take care of yourselves, I'm outta here. [music] (dramatic music)