The Howie Carr Radio Network

Who Shall be Trump's VP? | 5.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie's regular callers weigh in on President Trump's anxiously awaited vice presidential pick. Could it be someone closer to center like Tulsi Gabbard? Will it be a screamer like Marjorie Taylor Greene or a mouse like Doug Burgum?

Broadcast on:
28 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. They lied on the road. Who lied on the road? What are you telling me? Those two trailers are behind you. They lied on the road? What do you say? It's your sister loser. What did you just call him? A loser. What did you say? A loser. What? Okay, stop. Stop! Can't even say it! I don't mean to scare you. Don't worry. I'm looking to do. Everyone thinks I'm going to do. Please don't! No, no, wait. Maybe I do mean to scare you. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Mr. Narrow said he's not trying to scare you. I just unsuccessfully ran for office. Oh, my God. Who cares? Who do you love? Howie Car? This is a disgrace. President Trump has been locked up in that courtroom for six weeks, but guess what? The American people see through this witch hunt every day, Americans. Not elitists out of touch Hollywood actors like Robert De Niro. Both roasted rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. Caroline, if you're listening, rather than call him out of touch, I think it would be even more insulting to call him over the hill. I think I would bother him a little more. But anyway, we're going to play the whole Caroline Levitt cut. But first I want to play this back and forth with the guy who says, so he's got these two J6 cops behind him. That one guy, he's like, this is his new career. He's like Lieutenant Colonel Vindman. You know, that's his only claim to fame for the rest of his life. That he was the quote unquote whistleblower, and this guy supposedly, you know, risked his life on January 6th, then. And it's... or Cassidy Hutchinson. She heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend that he tried to grab the steering wheel of the beast. All these people, Johnny... talk about Johnny one, though. It's... they got one moment in life, and it's not even a real moment. It's fake news. All of it's fake news. So he's got this... he's got these two January 6 cops behind him. You know, they're... it's like he's accompanied by Audie Murphy and Sergeant York, you know? The two biggest heroes in American history. And so the guy starts giving him the needle. Just... just the guy off the street. A modern Travis Bickle. You might say, only he's not armed. He's not insane, but he's just giving the needle and the... the... the needle can't take it. He... he... he falls up like a morning glory. Cut six. These guys are the true heroes. They stood and put their lives on the line. For these low lives. For Trump. They lied on the road. They lied on the road. Who lied on the road? He's repeating... Excuse me? Those two trailers behind you. They lied on the road? That's right. What do you say? No, it's repeated twice. They're... they're trainers. They've repeated that now. You gotta... I don't know. I don't even know how to deal with you, my friend. You... no kidding. I don't even know how to deal with you. They stood there. They didn't have to. And there were other ones in there who probably were in with them a little bit too. And they found a way to get around. Not these guys. They stood there and fought. For us. For you. They fought? For you. They weren't fighting for you. No? No. They fought for you, buddy. You're able to stand right here now. You don't like Trump. They're not trying to frame you. They're trying to frame Trump. It's okay if they frame Trump. Don't you get it? God. What a dope. 978 says they keep claiming Trump won't leave office if he's elected. He left when he believed he won. Why the hell wouldn't he leave after he's elected and served his two terms? These people have completely lost it. I know. That's the thing. I mean, you don't have to be 100% of the politics like most of us are to see that this guy's lost his mind. 844-542-42. We're going to take a lot of calls this hour, but I do want to play the Caroline Levitt. This is, she went, she just went, she was really on fire with this. Cut 10. What you just heard from is a desperate and failing and pathetic campaign who knows that they are losing. Joe Biden's sending his campaign outside of this criminal courthouse, it is a full blown concession that this trial is a witch hunt that comes from the top, comes from Joe Biden, using a far left district attorney in this city, Alvin Bragg. This case would have been laughed out of any other courtroom in America. Legal scholars on both sides of the aisle, even liberal legal scholars agree. There is no crime. There is no case. But Joe Biden knew he could use Alvin Bragg, who is sitting in that courthouse today, wasting away the tax dollars of the hardworking people of this city to go after Joe Biden's political opposition. And the man overseeing this case is a corrupt and highly partisan and crooked judge who is highly conflicted for reasons that President Trump can't even talk about because this judge imposed an unconstitutional gag order on the former president of the United States and the leading front runner in this election. I think she's probably reading it, but she does a lot better job of reading it than the Nero does. She was not reading. She wasn't reading? Okay. Of course, on the other hand, she's 60 years younger than De Niro. So maybe that has something to do with it as well. So here she continues here, cut 11. This is a disgrace. President Trump has been locked up in that courtroom for six weeks. But guess what? The American people see through this witch hunt in this scam. And that's why President Trump continues to rise in the polls. That's why he pulls a crowd of more than 25,000 in the deep blue Bronx. That's why he pulls a crowd of more than 100,000 in deep blue New Jersey. Everywhere he goes, everyday Americans, not a leadist out of touch Hollywood actors like Robert De Niro, who have no idea the real problems that people in this city and across this country are facing. President Trump is backed by the hardworking men and women of this country. And I could not help but laugh when Joe Biden spoke first and it actually came out here and said accused President Trump of being the threat to democracy. Joe Biden is the real threat to democracy. He is weaponizing our justice system. Look at all of you. This is a communist show trial. There are real problems in America and you are all out here covering this because Joe Biden is weak. He's pathetic. He's a threat to democracy, not only with this weaponization of our justice system, but with his wide open border invasion that is allowing a mass invasion of illegal people into this country, terrorists, criminals, our economies and shambles. We are heading towards World War three. Those are the issues real Americans care about. That is why President Trump is going to win this election and ultimately he will be vindicated of this sham crooked trial because he has the truth on his side and he is an innocent man. All they do, all they do is talk about this trial. Like, you know, there's no one talking about what happened in the marine base in Quantico. There's no one talking about what happened at Fort Bragg, excuse me, Fort Liberty, with the major and those Chechens being on his property and taking pictures of his kids. No one's talking about any of that. No one's talking about the open borders. No one's talking about the insanity, all the crimes that are being committed by the illegal aliens. No one's talking about this transgender insanity that's going on and what's happening like the four little girls being stabbed in brain tree or the two people in Plymouth being stabbed or the guy being killed in Connecticut. No one's talking about any of this stuff, this craziness. No one's talking about the 30% inflation since he was elected president. The high interest rates, kids can't buy homes anymore. 844-542-4207, these people in the ultimate election deniers, they are now denying that there'll be any more elections if Trump gets elected. They're calling him an election denier and they're all, they are the election deniers. Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, all those people, they're still in Congress that voted against us certifying the election results in 2017 after Trump won. Some of them voted against certifying the election returns in 2001 and 2005 after George W. Bush won. Some of those same guys have voted two and three times, they're deniers. 844-542-42, Steve, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Steve. Howie, I got two things real quick. That was an insurrectionist. Why didn't he say, "Go, attack, it's time, it's now or never." No, he didn't say that. And the other thing is, instead of my life, he used to do a kid with Donald Trump pressing that horn and giving the finger every time Trump had to do a saying something. It would be hilarious. That's not happening. Not just because Saturday Night Live is on vacation for the summer. You know that's not happening, but it would be pretty funny. But again, Trump knows how to handle himself. He can deliver a speech to any audience, whether it's the NRA or a Christian evangelical group or just our street rally in the Bronx or to the hostile convention of libertarians. He can deal with this stuff. It's not just Biden, look at De Niro. De Niro is his big supporter and he can't handle a hostile crowd. Look at the two squad members, Omar, Ilhan Omar, and the Corey Bush. They don't even know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. You see that yesterday? I mean, how bad is that? How ignorant can you possibly be? I know that's a rhetorical question with these people, but I mean, you know, I've said it before, to graduate high school in this state, you used to have to pass a course in American history. I didn't think that was particularly onerous. You know? Was it? I don't think you have to do that anymore. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, we'll take some more calls. We still got some Brandon cuts from his illustrious career at the Naval Academy. Boy. Sort of. Or so he says. Spring is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm, Air Purifier III pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code Howie III. He uses them in both his home and his office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henschian has won in every room at the Nosset Beach Inn in East Orleans. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. 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That's code HOWE3. I'm HOWE Car. HOWE Car. We'll be right back. How we car is back. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code HOWE3 at from pillows, towels, slippers, and even their geeze and dream sheets. Go to and use code HOWE3 for amazing discounts. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should foreign exchange students arrested at anti-Israel protests be deported, as Trump suggested? Yes. 98 percent say yes. A steady 98 percent. Some of the textures wanted to port the other 2 percent of the people who work at steady, even though most of them are probably American citizens. Nah, I'm not in favor of that. What are you thinking of? Why do you want them around if they hate the country? The words of Merle Haggard, if you don't love it, leave it. Let this song that I'm singing be a warning. When you're running down my country, Haas, you're walking on the fight inside of me. Merle Haggard. All right. 844-542-428-444-542. Did you know that Joe Biden could have gone to Annapolis? Did you know that? Yes, you probably did. But here he said it again on Saturday. Cut 18. I was appointed by the fellow I ran against when I was 29 years old. I was appointed to the Naval Academy. I was one of 10. I wanted to play football. And today I was supposed to go down with the interview. A classmate of mine, who was also one of the 10, appointed to be chosen from. Appointed. His name Steve Dunney came to pick me up. And I had found out two days earlier, they had a quarterback named Roger Strawberry and a half-back named Joe Bellino. I said, "Oh, I'm not going there." They were four years old too, by the way, so they never played together. Not a joke. Not a joke. Not a joke. What a joke is one of the VIPs said. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two. Rita, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rita. Oh, hi. Howie. I want to say that, you know, the likes of Robert De Niro, Joy Behar, those folks, you know, what I would usually call them is what Bugs Bunny would call them. They're real marooned, and, you know, if I ran into Robert De Niro saying that stuff about, "Oh, he'll never leave office." You know what I would say? I would say, "Oh, well, that would be actually helping us a lot. We'd be better off if we didn't." You know what I mean? Like, he's really out of his mind, like you said. He's got to be committed or something. I don't know. Yeah, it's projection. I mean, I never even used that word projection in terms of, you know, people projecting their own vices or their own party's criminal enterprises onto the other party or another person, but that's all it's been since 2016. You know, I mean, Hillary tried to steal the election with the steel dossier, which was Russian disinformation, and then she accused Trump of trying to steal the election with the Russians. After she's paying Russians, or paying people on Russian, Igor Danchenko, and a guy who was on a Russian payroll, which was Charles Chuck Dolan, drunk driver from Massachusetts, I mean, who are they kidding here? Who are they kidding? And then they make up all these stories. Trump is involved in disinformation, and then they give themselves Pulitzer Prizes for disinformation. They shut people down. They've set up COVID. They let COVID run a mock and they cover up their connections to all of the research. And then when you try to point it out, they cancel you and say you're engaged in disinformation and everything that was said. Everything that was said that got people canceled, turns out to be true. And everything they said turns out to be disinformation, including the, well, including everything, actually. 844-542-661 was waiting for De Niro to yell Biden as a contender. He's a contender. He could have been a, that's Marlon Brando's line. He could have been a contender. You know, another line that he could use from Wizard of Oz, if I only had a brain. That's Biden's line. That could be De Niro's line, too, come to think of it. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, Howie. Hey, I would have liked to heard someone in New York ask, uh, asked an arrow who he holds accountable for his grandson's fentanyl overdose, along with 100,000 other kids who died that year. Was it my orchis? Was it Harris? Or was it Biden? Because it sure as heck wasn't Trump. They, they get away. They get away with so much, Mike. They get away with, uh, any, anything they, uh, anything they want. I mean, that's the thing. That's why they get careless. That's why they get sloppy. Because there's, there's never any, uh, any, uh, blowback on what they say. Thanks for the call, Mike. 844-500-4242-844-542-442. We'll be right back on Howie Carr. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242-603, dust off the old Billy Bulger line. To a battle of wets, Robert De Niro comes unarmed. [LAUGH] Yes, I think so. 978, I love Trump, but he shoots himself in the foot repeatedly. He should have left his original Memorial Day message about our fallen, but he couldn't help himself. Hours later, he tied Memorial Day to his legal issues. It's frustrating when he does this. Unforce the errors. Yeah, I mean, he should, maybe shouldn't have, but I mean, they, you know, the people who are after him, they are scum. You know? I mean, truth is the ultimate defense. That's what they taught us in college. And, uh, you know, I don't, I don't, do you blame him for being frustrated? I mean, being in that courthouse every day, and it is ridiculous what, what they've been doing to him. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. Uh, David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Howie, uh, uh, De Niro's standing there with the two Capitol Hill tour guides, opposite tattoo and opposite plot tour. Tour guides, that's, that's not quite fair, but I like it. Yeah, they were giving the streaming guy a tour of the Capitol. There's De Niro standing there, calling out Trump like he's a dictator. As Biden is, uh, canceling sued loans, he has no constitutional right to do it. Right. And like a dictator. And try to railroad, and try to railroad his opponent into prison on charges that nobody can explain. Exactly. De Niro's next movie should be Pinocchio, because he's a lying liar. He's got, he's just, he's not a tough guy at all. Not at all. No, he's, he's, he's not. And he's just, I don't know. He's lost his mind. That's all. He's, he's insane. And, uh, it's, it's unfortunate when someone loses their mind. Thanks for the call. Uh, Will, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Will. Hey, Howie. I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend with your family, et cetera. I did. Oh, that's great. You know, there's never Trumpers and always Trumpers. Yeah. I've kind of always figured myself being somewhere in between. Uh, but I'm worried about Trump and his inner circle. They seem somewhat disconnected to even maybe downright defiant. Uh, you know, these primary campaigns against the likes of Matt Bresindale, who's America first and Bob Goode today, he's come out, uh, uh, primary. Well, it didn't Bob Goode vote to it. Didn't Bob Goode vote to impeach him, though? Will, isn't that what it's all about? This is all about Trump and his vendetta, but Bob Goode came out in support of him and showed up in New York and spoke about the catastrophe that's going on in New York right now. But I'm very worried about Trump's VP pick. Let me know what you think. I thought about this and, uh, you know, it's more important this election than any other before. You know, equally, equally as important as having LBJ inserted into JFK's, uh, administration. Uh, you know, we don't want anybody on the other side thinking they can do the unthinkable and get to the candidate that they really want. I would really like to see a vivic or a, or a pulsi in there so that there's no danger of, uh, Well, I mean, there was a, there was actually a great story in the, uh, the Washington examiners magazine about Tulsi Gabbard and her true, her true record. I mean, she's a very attractive looking woman and I enjoyed having her on the air a couple of months ago. But, uh, she's got kind of a very left wing background and she was, she was on the Bernie Sanders steering committee in 2016. And, you know, I know she was, uh, you know, trashed by Hillary Clinton and they called her a Russian agent just like they called Trump. But she's, she's learned a lot, but I don't, I don't know that she's really trustworthy. And if you were, you know, the, the, uh, the old line about Brutus with Julius Caesar, the lean and hungry look, I mean, if you, if, do you think Trump wants a guy that's that ambitious behind him? I mean, I know he's only got the one term and once he, if he's elected, that's it. He doesn't have to worry about it, but I mean, I don't know. I'd rather have a team play. I don't do you think Vivek is a team player? The vague. I do. I think he's really shown his colors. And I think more importantly, he's the only true outsider in, in the game. And he's got skin in the game. And I think if we insert somebody like a Tim Scott or, or a Nikki Haley God forbid. Nick, she ain't in it. She's not in the mix for sure. Well, he came out on a video and said that she's going to be on his team in some form. He came out and said it. Right. Well, I mean, I don't, but I don't think, you know, you get to, I think you get to maybe, you know, you know, give him a sucker punch or backstab him once, but she's done it repeatedly over and over again. I heard last week, I made it a poll question that I heard that he's telling people. And again, it doesn't, doesn't necessarily mean he's not going to change his mind or he's not keeping it even closer to the vest, but he said it was between Bergham, the governor of North Dakota, who's been acting as a surrogate and Tim Scott. And Tim Scott's the one who apparently, according to the polls would bring him more, more, more votes than anybody else. But, well, I mean, I don't, I don't know that Tim Scott seems seems a little bit weak. And I don't know, Bergham very well, but he sure didn't make much of an impact on the presidential field. But isn't the important thing to win the election? I mean, we've got to, you know, let's, let's worry about, you know, what happens later down the road. The first thing, the job one is getting rid of Biden, isn't it? Absolutely is. But Tim Scott worries me with the CBDCs and the promises that Trump just made about CBDCs and big pharma money and more wars. We don't want that. Tim Scott's a rhino as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, yeah, that's hard to argue that point. You know, McConnell yells jump and he says how high? I mean, he's always voting with McConnell. That's a, that's a very bad sign. But on the other hand, I just want to get Biden out. We have to get Biden out. It's like he told the Libertarian Convention, you got to get this guy out. There's a, some British guy said there's a lot of ruin in a great country. I, you know, that's true, but we're running through, we're running through that ruin pretty fast. There's only so much any country can take. 508, Donald's, Donald's, Donald's. I like Donald's, but again, apparently these got skeletons in the closet, you know, that they could, they could use against him. And you don't want that either. You know, you, you, you got to be going back to Shakespeare. You got to be pure than Caesar's wife. Steve, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Steve. Howie, I don't want some kind of screamer, firebrand, Marjorie Taylor Greene or Vivek Rama Swami to run with Trump. We need some calmness up there in the White House. I know you're going to say everybody who isn't a screamer is a filthy rhino, but we need somebody up there who is not. Well, I mean, you know, you don't have, you don't have, you don't have, you don't think Marjorie Taylor Greene is really in the mix, do you? Come on. No, but we got so many people in the Republican Party who are such firebrands that they turn the average American off. And we don't want to turn the average American off. Who is the average American? Steve, who is the average American to you? Do you think the average American is really happy about 30% inflation in the last three years? Are they, are they happy about endless wars? Are they happy about the high gas prices, unaffordable houses, interest rates out of control, illegal aliens swamping the schools and the welfare system? No, they don't want that, but they don't want someone in the White House who is a, what is it, you know, a bull in a China shop. They want a little calmness up here. Would you say, wait a second, Steve, would you say that Biden through his handlers has been acting like a bull in a China shop? He's been violating every constitutional norm there is. I don't even know what a constitutional norm is, how we, by the way. Well, you're the one who used it, aren't you? I never use the term constitutional norm. I don't know what a norm is. But I'd like, you know, at least Biden in the White House has got a cabinet and an administration that's not a revolving door and you never know who's going to be walking out or walking out. It's like a sheltered workshop, though. Would you hire any of those people in that cabinet to do anything for you? At least, you know, I hate to say it. Well, come on, just get, tell me one person in that cabinet who's worth a damn. At least Biden has hired. Well, you can't name one of them. That's any damn good. They're all netwits. Howie, howie, I would really like to say, and now my mind, who is the woman who ran against Trump in the primary? Nikki Haley? Yeah, Nikki Haley came out, endorsed Trump even after all the crap that she took from him. After all the crash, she gave it back in spades. They were trading blows right and left. If that was a prize fight, that would have been one of the all-time great matches, the way they were going at each other. And by the way, he gave her the job as the UN ambassador, and then she quit on him after January 6th, because she thought it was a good career move. Then she went down to Mar-a-Lago and told him she wouldn't run against him because she loved him, and then she ran against him. And then she took all that money from the Never Trumpers, the Club for Growth and the Koch brothers and all that. And she said she was going to stay in it to the end, and that he could never win. And now she's come groveling back to him. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Howie, listen, politics, people go back and forth all the time. Look at Ted Cruz and Trump on the campaign trail. They were carrying each other's wives apart. You know what the thing is? The thing is, they kind of agree on the issues. I'm not sure Nikki Haley agrees. You know, I thought Vivek had a good take on her, which was she was just running to get on all these directorships, like at Raytheon and all these companies. They were going to pay her $300,000 a year for going to two or three meetings in sunny places for shady people. Howie, we need some calmness in the White House, and I think Nikki Haley would be a good pick. I think Tim Scott would be a good pick, and just because they're not screamers doesn't mean they're rhinos. I would take Tim Scott over Nikki Haley any day of the week. Tim Scott, at least, is loyal. Nikki Haley, again, I wouldn't turn my back on her. Thanks for the call, Steve. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Adding your two cents is easier than ever. Call Howie at 844-542-42, or text the word Howie, followed by your message to 617-213-1066. This hour of The Howie Carr Show is brought to you in part by the 110 Grill. Next time you need private dining, think of the 110 Grill. With 40 locations in the Northeast, you are sure to find one near you. Go to and click on private dining. The Howie Carr Show is back. 9A0 says Tim Scott sucks, and Burgum has to pay people to like him. That's a good description of Burgum, I think. J.D. Vance, DeSantis, or Rand Paul. I would go for any of those guys, but DeSantis, I think there's still some bad blood there between those two guys. DeSantis, I don't blame DeSantis for running. Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you. That's all there is to it. This wasn't his year. Rand Paul, he's good. Or J.D. Vance. J.D. Vance is, I like J.D. Vance, actually. I didn't think I would like the guy, but he's shown me a lot. He doesn't take any crap. That's what I want is people who don't take crap. 844-542-617, what Steve from Cambridge is saying is he doesn't want a bull in a China shop. He doesn't want Trump. He hates Trump. We already went through the Mike Pence experience, and how did that work out for Trump? No thanks. Stay away from Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Burgum. They will infiltrate and stab Trump in the back. He must learn from his mistakes. Vivek, Vivek, Vivek. He will bury Kamala in a debate. He will be groomed for the next four years. And if something happens, he can step in and implement his policies. I don't know. Bruce from the Met says, Steve's the liberal. I know why you put him on. I was just telling him the VIPs. He stirs the pot. That's why I put him on. And Bruce from the Met knows that. But I hate hearing his 100% liberal voice. 844-542-42. If he could name one person in Biden's cabinet who's worth the pot that he bleeps in. But there isn't one. They're all terrible. Terrible. And most of them are very stupid. Merigarland is somewhat crafty, but he's a snake in the grass. And really, when you think about it, is he that smart? He screwed up the whole Hunter Biden thing. That's why Joe Biden hates him now. He couldn't even do the corrupt thing, right? And now Hunter's got two trials. 844-542-42. Brian, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Brian. Hey, Howie. I'm just wondering if my VIP tech would be David Webb. I'm telling you, I'm looking at 12 years out now. He had a must of be paid. David Webb. Who's David Webb? I'm sorry. Who is it? Yeah, you know who he is. You know who he is. Show host on Cirica. No, I got VIPs here. Nobody knows who this guy is. But thanks for the call, Brian. George, I'm sorry. Name recognition kind of low for that guy. George, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, George. Hey, Howie, how well respect your work and an honor to speak to your influential audience. I'd like to make my case for Sarah Huckabee Sanders. You don't have to convey. I think she would be an excellent choice. She's got young kids, though. Do you think she would do it with young kids? You know, yeah, I think she's great. She's Trump needs kids, needs women. She's loyal. Trump values loyalty. She's courageous. She's well-spoken. She knows the media. She's an experienced executive. It's governor of Arkansas. She could, I mean, she could always come. She won't take any crap either. She's learned. She's learned. She took so much, so many beatings and so many unfair beatings. Yeah, you know what? She would be really good, but I don't think she's in the mix. I don't know. That's the feeling I get. Thanks for the call, George. Marianne, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Marianne. Hi, Howie. Thanks for taking my call. I just wanted to ask you what you thought of Byron Donald. I kind of like the guy, but I've been told by people that he may have some skeletons in the closet that could be used against him. It wouldn't take a lot of work to dust him up. That's so disappointed because he just comes across with a really strong presence. Trump needs the vice president. We'll solidify his win. Yeah, no, I agree. I agree. Someone from North Carolina just said Mark Robinson, the lieutenant governor of North Carolina. But again, he's running for governor. They need to get the governorship of North Carolina back. They haven't had it for like eight years or 12 years. It's a purple state going red again, going back to red. They can really put it into a lot of the nonsense because he could be the governor Cooper. He's a real nitwit. He vetoed a lot of stuff the Republicans did in the legislature. They need a Republican in Raleigh. We'll keep talking about this as we go on. I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]