The Howie Carr Radio Network

A Degree in "Collective Memory" & the Chump Line | 5.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Today's Chump Line features plenty of Karen Read case fodder. Then, Howie shares the majors, concentrations, and other disciplines of a handful of NYU students.

Broadcast on:
28 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. What did you say? You're such a loser. What did you just call him? A loser. What did you say? A loser. What? Okay, stop that loser. Stop! Can't even say it! I don't mean to scare you. Don't worry. Let me do. Everyone thinks I'm gonna do. Look out! No, no, wait. Maybe I do mean to scare you. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Mr. Narrow said he's not trying to scare you. I just unsuccessfully ran for office. Oh, my God. Who cares? Who do you love? Howie-Car. This is a disgrace. President Trump has been locked up in that courtroom for six weeks. But guess what? The American people see through this witch hunt everyday Americans. Not elitists out of touch Hollywood actors like Robert De Niro. Boom. Roasted. Rump swabs. Hacks and moon baths beware. It's... Howie-Car. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. See, there's a difference between being on the stage and on the silver screen. You know, I mean, if you're in the theater or you're on live TV or anything live, you know how to handle the heckler. You learn quickly. You learn from experience. I don't think Robert De Niro's ever had to handle hecklers before, you know? No one gets near one of those sound stages that he's on. You know, a grade A Hollywood production, or it was in the day before he got to be 80 years old. Time marches on. So he couldn't take the heckling. I must say it was pretty funny, though. So they're taking a break in New York. And then the arguments will resume. I mean, how long does it take to make an argument? There was no crime. Okay? I mean, it could be boils down to the Trump's defense team. There was no crime here. And the witnesses were liars and convicted felons and/or they owed Trump hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's the argument, right? The prosecution argument is we have no case, but he's Donald Trump. It would really help the party. It would help the narrative if you'd convict them. I mean, what more do you need to say? How does that -- why does it have to go on until the night? 844-542. 42. Time now for the Trump line. Hey, Hally, I didn't know that ATF stood for Alcohol, Thirsty, and Fat. Alcohol, Thirsty, Fibs, or should I say Fabrications? One of Eric Swallow's nicknames is also Big Win. By the way, did you see it looks like Biden fell asleep on Memorial Day? His eyes were resting during some of the orations. Today's Trump line is brought to you by Local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at That's This declaration day, we remember my alcobasi, who was eaten by cannibals on the German D-Day attack on Pearl Harbor. I still remember the funeral. They played a song for on a trumpet, and they called it Taps, which was short for tapioca, which was what the cannibals have for dessert. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, he's going to deliver a really impassioned speech about law and order when Trump's convicted, if Trump is convicted. Howie, I had a SIM card once in my phone, somehow it jumped out and ended up in an army barracks dumpster. I know, you know, wherever you have your cell phone, keep one hand on it, or put a weight on it. You know, you don't need paperweights anymore, you need cell phoneweights. Just got to put it on, or it's going to just jump up and it could go anywhere. Just ask, uh, butt dial Brian Higgins. And on Memorial Day in Papua New Guinea, folks pause to give thanks for Uncle Bozy Finnequin. Oh, stop it. Stop it. Robert De Niro is a Hollywood A-list celebrity. And we all know what that A stands for. In this case, it's not alcohol. In Higgins case, it's alcohol. In this case, well, I need not say no more. Yeah, the last thing you heard from Robert De Niro was stop the car alarm. Stop the car alarm. Travis Beckler would have known what to do. You know, who else would have known what to do? Jimmy the Gent Burke, the guy he played in Goodfellas. Biden invite any cannibals from Indonesia to the White House over the Memorial Day weekends? Wow, this is a bigger theme than I would have thought it would be, you know? I mean, it's not, it's not cannibal day, it's Memorial Day. Welcome to the Kenton Verizon store. May I interest you in a unlimited butt dialing plan? You know, you've heard of jumping beans here at the Kenton cell phone store. We have, we have Mexican jumping cell phones. They just jump around. Lovey, I can't believe that Hall of Fame center fielder Phil Walton has died. He breached the Boston Celtic generation divide from Phil Russell to Larry McHale and Kevin Byrne. Since I am a major sports fan, I'll be in the front row when they raise his number to the rafters at Foxborough Garden. I saw Walton lose the national championship game to NC State. I think it was in the semi-finals actually. They played in Greensboro, North Carolina. I got, I knew a mark, a guy from Marquette and he traded me a ticket for a place to stay. He was just one of my coworkers in Maine. And that was David Thompson and Tommy Burles in the seven four center beat, beat Bill Walton in the state of North Carolina. It was a big upset. He was a senior, but that was a very memorable game for me. James and me, Ginger, what kind of a snob are these people, real swampy eighties? We drink Jack Daniels mixed with Moxie. That's kind of funny, but I don't think it's true. I don't know. I never got the whole Moxie thing myself. You know, my aunt Mabel would bring it home sometimes. Hot one. Have some Moxie. Mmm, no thanks. Where's the tap water, Uncle? Uncle Ray. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Car. You chump. Alright, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Car Show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time each weekday. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message is 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like there are second brand new Chumpline, every day we have one, it is called Chopped Chumps. And it's posted every evening around 7 o'clock Eastern time. You can get the second Chumpline of the day. Chopped Chumps wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Chopped Chumps. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly, contact him at Welcome to the Kenton Verizon store. May I interest you in a unlimited butt dialing plan? And the Celebrite forensic data at our store, it doesn't really matter. It's 100% elsewhere, but not in Kenton, Massachusetts. With Father's Day just around the corner, what do you give the man who has everything? Easy. You give him an experience he will never forget. You give him Omaha Steaks because a world-class dad deserves a world-class steak. It's better than a mug, it's better than a tie, it's better than just about anything else. When he sees that box at the front door or in the driveway, he will be very happy, he'll be all set to get through a large part of the summer. The Father's Day experts at Omaha Steaks have made it easy to put a smile on the big guy's face this summer with hand-selected gift packages starting at just $89. Just go to and use promo code Howie at checkout for an additional discount when you shop gourmet gift packages for Father's Day. You can get the gourmet gift packages, you can just shop, they've got all kinds of cuts of steak, usually the stuff you only find at fine upscale restaurants or at butcher shops. They've got everything and they've got all sorts of side dishes, great potatoes, baked stuffed potatoes, they've got steak fries that was in my last packet. They've got all kinds of poultry, hot dogs, fish, everything at Omaha Steaks. The possibilities are endless. Endless flavor, endless variety, endless value. Truly they have perfected more than steak and your dad is guaranteed to love every bite. Pick from premium proteins like the juicy pork chops, extremely lean, air chilled chicken, extremely lean, beefy burgers, they're the best. Go to and use promo code Howie to get an exclusive savings. Shop for unforgettable yuffs that are guaranteed to make dad's day. Because if there is one thing that Omaha Steaks knows, it's the dad's want steak, dad's want steak. That's promo code Howie at checkout to save on exclusive packages starting at just $89. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr. Howie Carr is back. I know, I know I said the Nero played Jimmy, the gent Burke in Goodfellas. And I knew someone would correct me and say, "Don't you mean Jimmy Conway?" That was the name in the movie was Conway because they tried, they were just trying to buy rights. And I guess Burke was, Jimmy Burke was his name and he was holding out for a higher price. So they said, "We don't need it, we'll just call you Jimmy Conway." But it was Jimmy the gent Burke. And he had two sons, Jesse James Burke and Frank James Burke. And one of them went to law school up here and the other one got shot in a drug deal in New York. So that's my Robert DeNiro story of the day. That was a great movie, Goodfellas. Some people say it was better than the Godfather. I think I might vote for it. If you put it down as a choice between Goodfellas and the Godfather. 844-500 or the Godfather II. I'm funny how. I mean funny like I'm a clown, I abuse you. I make you laugh. What do you mean funny? Funny how, how am I funny? Now that guy was actually born in Cambridge. Not Joe Pesci, but the guy he played. He was a Cambridge guy. I don't know how the hell he ended up down in Queens. And they beat up by Jimmy Breslin one time. Jimmy Breslin used to drink at that bar in Howard Beach and they got mad at him and beat him up. A lot of stories about those days. And I think DeNiro, I don't know if he ever knew him. He was a good actor, but I don't think he's like a big intellect. You get that feeling? I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code "howie" at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code "howie" for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should foreign exchange students arrested at anti-Israel protests be deported as Trump suggested? You bet! 98% say yes. And again, the Washington Post wrote that story as if it was a shocking, shocking thing to say. How dare he wanted to deport these wonderful people that run around shouting death to the Jews and death to America and lying down on mass half. And in Columbus Circle, in New York, et cetera, et cetera. 508 Casino, best of them all. Casino was good, but I don't think it was in the same league with good ones. Yeah, I don't think Casino should have been as long as it was. No. No. Goodfellows flies by whenever you watch it. Casino does not. Oh, goodfellows is just an amazing movie. 844-542-42. John, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, John. Hey, Howie, did you hear what happened in Beverly the other night? You know, I heard, but you know, the thing is, John, there's no, there's no audio or video of it. So, I mean, are we sure what he said or didn't say? It's pretty clear. I don't think he's denying it. I think it's pretty clear from the people that are there. All their stories gel with one another that he went off on a rant. You know, stating his conservative values and his conservative views about a number of different issues. And he was supposed to be a Q&A about the movie jobs. Right. So, what are your thoughts on that? I mean, I don't know. I mean, you know, I've never been a big Richard Dreyfus fan. I know he ran into a tree once on Long Island on a summer evening when I think he'd had a few Jameson and Genjas. So, maybe he got into it again. And they said he was wearing a dress at the very beginning. You know, and then he took the dress off and I think he was just goofing on people. He's old. And again, I mean, he's like the Nero in that he's an actor. You know, I'm not really putting actors down per se, but they read other people's lines. You know? I mean, you don't have to be a major intellect to be an actor, do you? I mean, he's given up acting and he's very much into getting young people more involved in civics and understanding the history of the nation. Yeah. I got no problems with that. Do you, John? I mean, I don't know if he said something. Well, no, it's a double standard then. It's okay for an actor to get up and spew forth conservative values. But if one gets up and speaks liberal values, then they should just shut up. Right. And, you know, as I said before, when the Dixie chips did it, shut up and sink. But it's okay if it's a conservative. Right. No, I'm hearing. Well, you know, he should have said there's a time and a place for everything. John, I think you're trying to bait me into, you know, really defending him. But there's a time and a place for everything. And this time and a place was just for reminiscing about the old days and, you know, making a great, you know, blockbuster of a movie and he didn't do it. And so he offended these people, these swells that brought him in. And, you know, it's not, it's not something I'm going to lose a lot of sleep over. Let me put it that way, John. Thanks for the call. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Just wondered if you heard that Robert De Narrow owns a restaurant that crocus Moscow placed at terrorist attack in Russia where they burnt the place. His restaurant, he owned one in that. I don't know that. I don't know anything about that. 844-542-4271, Goodfellows, maybe the best casting job ever in cinema with the possible exception of a civil action. Well, I'm glad you put in that caveat, Emptor. Yes, that's, that's very true. It's, yeah, with Bronx Tale was a good movie. I didn't even see Bronx Tale. 844-542-444-542-444-542-442-4. Let's play some more of the, I don't think, no, we don't have time for it. When we come back, we're going to place a couple of the, the narrow cuts, especially the guy heckling him. And then we've got Caroline Levitt. I'm, I'm so proud of her. She, she did a great job responding to, to, to De Narrow and the rest of the, the witch hunt that's going on in New York. And we got a lot of, we got a lot of sound cuts. And by the way, did you know that Joe Biden was thinking of going to the Naval Academy until he found out that Joe Bellino was there? Joe Bellino graduated in 1960 and he was in high school in 1961, but he was worried about having to compete against Joe Bellino. Okay, I'm Howie Carr. I can't remember crazier times in my lifetime. Now more than ever expect the unexpected with ReadyWise. Always be prepared. At ReadyWise, their mission is to bring peace of mind to their consumers by offering high-quality food and gear at a reasonable price. ReadyWise relentlessly pursues solutions to help you be prepared. Go to Intercode Howie20 at checkout and receive 20% off your purchase. Or call 895 Ready to speak with an actual person. That's Oh, no Grace, your birthday again already? What do you want to do? I want to go to Aviva Tracharia. Which one? How about Hanover, one of their newest locations? Great. I'll even give a free copy of my new book, Paper Boy. Read all about it. To any listener who spends 20 bucks at Aviva Tracharia in Hanover while we're there. Friday, May 31st, from noon to six. Make your reservations today at Or call 978-692-9050. It's my favorite remote of the year, and I can't wait to see everyone. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. One of the great scenes in Goodfellows is when the helicopter is following him around. When they had the initiation at Guild Street in Medford the Mafia initiation, they had helicopters following them. Up from Providence. Those guys came in and thought, I think there was a helicopter following them. Are you insane? No, they weren't insane. They were helicopters following them. One of the guys brought a date, brought a female to the initiation. She sat downstairs and watched cartoons or something on TV while they were having their little initiation. 844-542-42. Eddie, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Eddie. Yeah, how are we? I don't know if you've said that. I don't know what's meant to be off the fell's way. But, you know, back in the theater district, right, when I was hanging around there in the mid-90s, didn't work there, right? Rissy Dreyfus was doing a play in town. And let me tell you, he was old school. Wotta cash on him. Bought rounds to everybody at the bar. Was a stand-up gentleman. Politics was like really conservative. But, yeah, Dreyfus, you know, cast-carrying man. That's right. Yeah, you know, Eddie, he was, I saw some quotes from him today in the paper and he was saying that he just wants, he wants people to kids to learn how great the country is because otherwise they're just going to lose the country and the best society that has ever been in the world. And I wanna play this cut. This was some guy who went out and talked to NYU graduates. NYU, they had a lot of these riots and disturbances. They get quite the education for 90 grand a year. I think it may even cost more than Harvard. But this runs about a minute 30. But these are the NYU grads talking about what they've learned in their years and what's ridiculously called higher education. Cut 14. My name is Jacob and my concentration is Environmental Science and Sustainable Business. Hi, my name is Lex and my concentration is the Performance of Cell. Hi, I'm Gabrielle and my concentration is Creative Direction Production and they're just through the arts performance and written work. Hi, my name is Karina Gemis and my concentration is in Journalism and Latin American Studies with an emphasis in human rights, collective memory and political violence. Hi, my name is Stephanie Lee and I studied the Sociology and Environmental Communication. Hi, my name is Reed and I study Music Business and Gender Studies. Hi, my name is Dominique and I study Carapolitics with a minor in Disability Studies. My name is Elliot Wright and my concentration is Art as a Social Mechanism. Hi, I'm Georgia and my concentration is Dramatic Writing and Theatrical Adaptation. My name is Noah Loiacano and my concentration is Equilibrium or Negotiated Paratons. Hi, my name is Henry Gomez and my concentration is titled Queering and Decolonizing Theater Practice. Hi, my name is Maya and my concentration is Journalism, Postcolonial Studies and Psychoanalysis. Hi, I'm Eloise. I'm graduating with a concentration in Philosophy of Science and Theater. Eloise, do you live with the problem? My name is Eloise and my concentration is General Digital Mind which is surrounded on Criminology and Applied Psychology. Hi, my name is Juliana. My concentration is International Business and Fashion through Sustainable Development. Man, and I thought I was getting a big scoop when I was going over all those LinkedIn profiles of those UMass filthy hippies that got lugged last two weeks ago. Are they saying concentration because the word major is too militaristic? It's got to be yet? I mean, that's just what I was thinking. What other reason can there be? But what about concentration? What about camp? Concentration camp? I'd rather be a major than in a concentration camp. Good Lord. Now, equilibrium and negotiated paradox. That's what he said. I wonder what he prefers. When he has to go out into the real world, is he going to specialize in negotiated paradox or equilibrium? By the way, what is care studies? When I was a kid, they used to have TV ads for care packages that you would send, like five bucks, and you could send a family, a starving family in Europe or somewhere, or Asia to a package of food, and it was a care package. Now we have care studies. And how about collective memory? How do you have to memorize anything before the exam and collective memory? 508, not one of them could identify a Phillips screwdriver. 508, that's what we're here for. They don't need to know what a Phillips screwdriver is. That's what their cell phones are for. Hi, my name is Susie, and I'll be taking your fast food order. I have a degree. One of these women, not that there's anything wrong with working in a sub shop, but one of the arrested women had been working, going to school at UMass and working in the hippie sub shop on campus for seven years. That's a long time. How long does it take to get a degree in negotiated paradox? I had to go get my list. I wrote everything down. I just haven't had time yet to do a column. I'm going to do it for Friday. 8, 4, 5, Professor X says, "Make it stop." 508. My name is Robert De Niro, and my concentration is, "I know you are, so am I." Why didn't they announce their pronouns at the beginning of the video? Yeah, I saw one of the women that got arrested, and there was mainly women that got arrested too. One of them, her pronouns were they. A woman's pronouns are they. I don't get that. And by the way, did you see the alleged brain tree stabber? He has not mentally fit for trial. Do you see that guy? He stabbed these four girls, three sisters, two twins, and an older one. One of their friends, the mom drops them off at the theater. This guy comes in, and apparently he's changing his name. He's starting to wear dresses and doing his nails and all that kind of stuff. He had stabbed his roommate down in Connecticut named Bruce, who had a great poodle named Lily. Lily also sleeps with the fishes. It was a horrible thing. I mean, they were non-life threatening, but he stabbed these four kids, these four girls at the theater, at the brain tree AMC. And then he goes down to Plymouth, and he stabs two more people. And he's from Martha's Vineyard. He's got a black Porsche. And apparently attacked his father in April, and they let him go. Stop me if you've heard this one before. I mean, how many people did he have to stab before? Eight, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Justin from Boyle's Body Works says that's why the Cosano household has a no BS degree policy. Man, Justin, I feel so lucky that my kids all got, they went to liberal arts schools, but they all got real jobs now. I'm very fortunate. Can you imagine if one of your kids, one of the women that was arrested, she was a graduate student in African studies, and she was studying the Praxis. Do you know what Praxis are, P-R-A-X-E-S? Is this the tribe that other woman from earlier in the show came to be of? I'm going to have to look it up. She was studying the Praxis between blackism and womanism. Womanism. That was a new one on me too. There's so many words that I don't know. I feel fortunate that I lived in Happy Valley when it was the Pioneer Valley. There aren't too many pioneers in the Pioneer Valley, though, now I can tell you that for a fact. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, Howie. My problem with Robert De Narrow is not that he's doing all this liberal nonsense, but basically he hasn't made a good movie since I meet the parents, you know, twenty-five years ago. He's a mailing an in as an actor for a long, long time. I think he should shut up and focus on acting and try and make a good movie for a change. Honestly, Mike, how many good roles are there for an 80-year-old guy? Well, he can get the pick of the litter. He still got the name. He doesn't try anymore, in my opinion. No, he really had... When was the last movie he really tried in? Those Foker movies. He wasn't really trying in those movies. He was playing Robert De Narrow. He just rehasses old characters and so forth. I mean, he was so good in his time, The Howie. He was. He was. I remember his first big movie, I think, was Mean Streets. You know, he was just some street thug in Greenwich Village and, you know, they had this fight in the bar and everybody was just running. It was just funny stuff. It was like a low-budget movie. You could just see he was going places. He was great, you know, but you know, he stayed too long at the fair. How come he can't get a job at judging one of those talent shows, you know? What do they call those shows? I think you have to have a personality to do that. That's true. You got a point there. Eight, four, four, five. Thanks for the call, Mike. Seven, eight, one. If these graduates get their loans forgiven, people will go out of their minds. Aren't you already going out of your minds? I mean, these are the people who are getting, are getting the, getting the student loan, quote unquote, forgiveness. I call it debt cancellation is what it is. Nine, seven, eight, car. Of course, he's deemed insane. You can't take all of the hormones from the other sex, cross sex hormones and expect to be normal. I, but they say that, you know, his neighbors in Connecticut, before he killed Bruce and Lily, the poodle said that, said that most of the time he was a guy. He only occasionally presented, I love that word, presented as a woman. Ron, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ron. Hi, Holly. Hi. Yeah. Yeah. Hudson, New Hampshire. Yeah. I was just curious on this. I just want your interlude. As far as Robert De Niro. Yes. As far as he goes, I mean, he was a great actor. Did you ever see the, the movie, the hand that rocked the cradle? No. Oh, Holly, watch it. It is so defiant on his whole world. But why is he back in Biden? Is Biden or Hunter? Did they give him $100,000 through that? No, he's, he's insane. Ron, I mean, listen, just listen to what he's saying here. Cut for. I hope this new ad campaign, campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives. This is not a threat. This is a reality. And that's why I've joined the Biden Harris campaign because the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanity is to vote for Joe Biden for president. Really? We don't have a choice. He's crazier than this stabber in brain tree. He's, he's out of his mind. He needs 90 days observation in Bridgewater. Listen, listen to this one. Cut three. I don't mean to scare you. No, no, wait. Maybe I do mean to scare you. If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. What? And elections, forget about it. That's over. That's done. If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. You know that. He left before? He left before. What does that mean? I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving. I'm dictated for life. Is that horn connected to a BS detector? And when he, when he just goes totally over the top, the horn starts going again. You may have heard me talk about Raycon's everyday earbuds before and thought, wait, the same audio quality I expect from the big guys, but at half the price, that sounds pretty good. But if you haven't pulled a trigger on a pair of Raycon's yet, now is the time to check them out because they just launched their upgraded model of the best selling everyday earbuds. Here are mine. I take them with me wherever I go. With Raycon's upgraded everyday earbuds, you can see them right on social media, right in my right hand. Now you also get active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi-point connectivity that lets you pair with two devices at once, available in a variety of vibrant new colors to complement any and all skin tones. These are blue for my eyes, which aren't blue, but it works nicely. It complements me perfectly. So you can also have all these amazing great qualities that are already in there in addition to the new noise cancellation and the multi-point connectivity. They've got the gel tips optimized for cozy custom fit. They've got three customizable sound styles and awareness modes, so you don't have to worry about running up against something or having someone sneak up behind you like a car. You can always know where you are with your Raycon everyday earbuds. They are fantastic. They are weatherproof, and they are sweat resistant, so you don't have to worry when the weather starts to get a little warmer. Bobby De Niro could use those today to drown out that car. You know what? He really did need some noise cancellation everyday earbuds. He sure did, Taylor. You're right about that. Seriously, if you've been wanting to check out Raycon, especially if you want to get somebody for graduation or for Father's Day, there is truly no better time than right now. You're going to ask yourself later why you didn't check them out sooner, or the person you give them to is going to ask why you didn't get them for him sooner. Raycon offers a 30-day happiness guarantee, so what are you waiting for? Go to today to get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right. You'll get 20% off and free shipping at That's I'm Howie Car. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call it a dog. Howie still finds time to write three columns a week. Oh wow. Read his latest at ♪♪♪ He's Howie Car. After the break, at the top of the hour, I'm going to play the whole back and forth with the guy who's screaming at him when he gets to this. What a fool the Nero was for taking it, you know? And they should have had the place scouted out better, especially if your speaker isn't dope, like Robert the Nero obviously is. But here he is just screaming, cut five. On January 6th, while Republican lawmakers despicably tried to keep the loser Trump, the loser Trump in the White House, and Trump-inspired insurrectionists stormed the Capitol's grave men and women from law enforcement put their lives on the line to defend this country. Our democracy. They are the true heroes. He's reading. She's cute. He's like one of the great actors and he's reading his lines. That's the first thing they teach you, isn't it, in acting school? I thought, Monique, you're next with Howie Car, go ahead Monique. You know, so effective, what constitutes effective communication fascinates me, and I'm just trying to understand how helpful it's going to be to have a rich, insulated Hollywood type yell at 80% of the country that we should ignore the, you know, the bad impact of the policies of the past three years out of the White House. Well, he's not impacted by any of this, but he's yelling at us and we're supposed to ignore all of that for support. I mean, I don't even know what. Yeah, and he's saying that Trump is the end of democracy. This guy runs around bragging that he's defying the Supreme Court. He's not enforcing the immigration laws. What up? He's a fool. I'm Howie Car.