The Howie Carr Radio Network

DeNiro can't handle a heckler plus America's Dirtiest Cities | 5.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Robert DeNiro battles New York City's car alarm chorus and Grace makes Howie guess which American city is the "dirtiest."

Broadcast on:
28 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. They lied on the road. Who lied on the road? What are you telling me? Those two trailers behind you. They lied on the road? What did you say? You're such a loser. What did you just call him? A loser. What did you say? A loser. What? A loser. What was that? What was that? Stop! Can't even say it! I don't mean to scare you. Don't worry. I'm not gonna do what everyone thinks I'm gonna do. Leave that out. No, no, wait. Maybe I do mean to scare you. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Mr. Narrow said he's not trying to scare you. I just unsuccessfully ran for office. Oh my god. Who cares? Who do you love? Howie Car. This is a disgrace. President Trump has been locked up in that courtroom for six weeks. But guess what? The American people see through this witch on everyday Americans. Not elitists out of touch Hollywood actors like Robert D'Niro. Boom. Roasted. From swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... HowieCar. Robert D'Niro, how can we miss you when you won't go away? I mean, you know, we never see Al Pacino, do we? I mean, he's still alive, isn't he? He doesn't feel the need to go out and make an ass out of himself in front of the state courthouse in Manhattan. Anyway, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Prosecution delivers closing arguments. The defense made the closing arguments as... I thought it was usually the prosecution got to make the closing arguments first and then the defense. But, hey, you know, it's Trump. So, can't have the usual rules, can we? Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. I'm back after taking Memorial Day off. I got a lot of work done and I got my column already written for tomorrow off of the Karen Reid trial. We're into the technical testimony now. And you can sometimes get good stuff, but it's basically going to be boring stuff for a while, I think. But, of course, it's not going to be boring for the rest of the week because they're taking the rest of the week off. It's the hack-a-rama, baby. They're coming back for one day and then they're going to need a four-day, five-day weekend. They'll be back next Monday, though. That's the way it is. They haven't worked. People that I sometimes think, you know, what I've been saying for years now, they haven't worked since COVID. People say, "How is exaggerating?" Am I exaggerating now? You'll see for the next three days. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. This is my favorite cut of the day. We're going to have Turtle Boy with us later on, but I just want to play a couple of these cuts before we switch gears and get into some of the other things. By the way, do you know how stupid the story is about Justice Alito's upside-down flag? The guys from Plattsburgh, New York, the VIPs know about this. It was so absurd that the Washington Post had this story in 2021 and they didn't bother with it. Again, this is the Washington Post that made up the story about the Russian collusion hoax. This is the Washington Post that made up the story about Fred Trump, Donald Trump's father's racist ads when he was running for Mayor of New York. Spoiler alert, he never ran for Mayor of New York. They weren't real ads. This is the Washington Post that said the Russians were trying to hack in to the East Coast electrical grid through Vermont utility. Spoiler alert, it was a guy checking his email. So the Washington Post ran the story about way back about the seven-year-old junkie and won the Pulitzer Prize. And then they said, "Can you bring up the seven-year-old junkie?" And there was no seven-year-old junkie, which is made up like all those other stories I just mentioned. Oh, I forgot too, the Washington Post. That's also the newspaper that made up the story about the Georgia phone call where Donald Trump said, "Find the fraud." Only then they decided to give the Washington Post the actual recording and he didn't say, "Find the fraud." He said, "Nothing like it." So this is the same newspaper that made up all those fake stories. They got a tip about Alito flying the flag upside down and they went and they checked it out and they said, "There's no story here." It was apparently the neighbors were doing something nasty to the Alito's and so his wife put the flag up. He had nothing to do with it and she just put it up very briefly. But then the New York Times decided that they could smear Alito with it so they decided to make a big deal out of it. So then that wasn't enough because some of that didn't catch fire. Somehow the New York Times is saying that someone who's conservative is no good didn't work out. They had to go with the Pine Tree Flag, the Pine Tree Flag, which was designed by the way. It's a radical flag. It was designed by George Washington Secretary. It's the official maritime flag of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. You're with that organization, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Yeah, it's a very radical flag. It flies outside of Alito's summer home in New Jersey sometimes. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. But anyway, here's the defense lawyer for Karen Reid with this guy, Brian Higgins. Now, Brian Higgins, he will take a drink under extreme social pressure. He's been known to get a bad ice cube on occasion. His drink of choice is Jameson and Genja. Genja. Sometimes he needs to have a cocktail because a target of his investigation gets his phone number. So he was asking about getting rid of his phone and you know, he asks him about this, about getting the phone. And this was right around the same time that he got the preservation order from the court saying, you know, don't destroy any evidence. If you've ever been in a nasty trial, civil or criminal, you may have gotten one of these orders, you know, telling it to preserve evidence. And it's really a bad thing to destroy evidence, unless you're from your cop apparently, then it's okay. Because one of the Boston cops who lives in this destroyed his phone right before he or right before contemporaneously, as they say, with the getting the notice to preserve it. So then, the same thing happens with this guy, but I'll Brian Higgins, the ATF agent. He acknowledges that that he threw the phone and the SIM card away. So this is David Yannetti with but they'll also known as grab ass Brian Higgins. Cut four. And you'll agree with me that you took that destroyed SIM card and put it in a trash bag. Did you not. I believe it went in a trash bag. Yes. Well, you use the passive voice. It went in a trash bag. Did it fly out of your hand unexpectedly into a trash bag sir. No sir. No sir. It would have been disposed of with the phone. No, I understand. But are you reluctant to say that you put it in a trash bag sir. Can you answer that? Are you reluctant to say no, your honor. I put it in a trash bag. You know, first time I've heard anyone say that was with Clinton. Remember that during the Lewinsky thing. Mistikes were made. He was setting the pace for other Democrats to follow as we, as we have since found out. So, I'm going to bunch of these to play. But here he is talking about the texts, the text and how he didn't tell anybody else about the text between him and Karen Reed. And he's just kind of stumbling and bumbling around. Boy did he look thirsty. It was like before 10 o'clock in the morning and he already had a thirst so great it would cast a shadow. As they used to say of Brendan Bihan. Cut eight. And whether or not you discussed them with various people. Did you discuss those text messages with anyone. That's one of my knowledge. No, why not. To be honest with you. I mean honest. I'm a personal on a personal level. I kind of keep things to myself. I was a little embarrassed. Wasn't really proud of him. Kind of maybe didn't show me in a good light with respects that I was John's friend. With respect. Respect. Respect. Respect. Cut 11. He's a professional professional. Cut 11. You didn't see anything on the side of the road. Is that correct? Absolutely not. No. And what is it that you would have done had you seen anything or had you seen Mr. O'Keefe on the side of the road on January 20? I spent my whole life between being a firefighter. Working in the profession that I work now. Being a tactical medic. If I had saw John O'Keefe on the side of the road. I would have done something to make a difference. Well, if you had saw him. What if you had seen him. I don't mean to be a stickler for grammar. But, you know, if you're seven years old, I think you know the difference. See saw scene. Don't you? 844. Someone give that man a Jameson and ginger. Double. Hold the ginger. He's a thirsty boy. 844. 542. Father's Day is just around the corner and it's the perfect time to sit dear old dad. Some Omaha Steaks. I got my box on Friday and I cooked up some of those great burgers. I got the tenderloin steak burgers. They were fantastic. I made a pound worth. I got some already just I can microwave them. But they're great. Anytime I've got some caramelized apple tarts. I've got some steak fries. I've got some air chill chicken. It's just fantastic. I'm so happy that I got it. It's going to keep me going for weeks. And if you want to make this a Father's Day for your dad or your uncle or your grandfather or anybody else, the perfect way to do it is to remember your significant male figure with Omaha Steaks. What can you give the man who has everything? You give him an experience. 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Because if there's one thing Omaha Steaks knows, it's the dad's want steak. That's Omaha promo code HOWEAT. Check out to save on exclusive packages starting at just $89 on Howie Car. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You don't want theirs. This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howie Car Radio Network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows and exclusive podcast only features. It's actually not a bad idea. The Howie Car Show is back. Casino book by the Rolling Stones. I love my pillow's products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code HOWEAT at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code HOWEAT for amazing discounts. use code HOWEAT. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should foreign exchange students arrested at anti-Israel protests be deported as Trump suggested? That was another big scoop by The Washington Post. Can you believe it? Trump wants to deport Muslim savages who are in the country on welfare. Do they understand they're helping them? Half the Democrats are in favor of deporting these bastards, especially if they get stopped by them lying down in the street. Of course, they should be deported. They should be deported yesterday. 97% say yes. They should be deported. 97%, I was thinking 98% or 99% get some liberals here in the audience today, apparently. 844, 500, 4242, 844, 500, 4242. Is there anything global warming can't do? You don't global warming is doing now? It's causing air crashes. It is. Pete Buttigieg says so. It must be true. It must be true. Cut 24. The reality is the effects of climate change are already upon us in terms of our transportation. We've seen that in the form of everything from heat waves that shouldn't statistically even be possible, threatening to melt the cables of transit systems in the Pacific Northwest to hurricane seasons becoming more and more extreme. And indications that turbulence is up by about 15%. That means assessing anything and everything that we can do about it. You're in the U.S. Well, in the atmosphere generally, but certainly something that will affect American travelers, whether here or abroad. Now, there are protocols and patterns for things like how pilots who encounter turbulence can notify those who might be coming in the path. But I do think we need to continually reevaluate that in the face of the reality that these things are more frequent and more severe than before. How do they say stuff like that with a straight face? Or do they really believe it? Where did this interview take place because Margaret Brennan said here or in the U.S.? I must say, though, she did ask of one question. There was that story last week that one of these boondoggle Democrat bundling bills was supposed to provide seven and a half billion dollars for charging stations. Seven and a half billion for charging stations, and it's come out that so far they've built seven. That's a good return on investment. That's an even bigger or lesser return on investment than the big dig. Cut 23. Let me ask you about a portion of this that I think does fall under your portfolio, and that's the charging stations, you mentioned. The Federal Highway Administration says only seven or eight charging stations have been produced with a seven and a half billion investment that taxpayers made back in 2021. Why isn't that happening more quickly? So the President's goal is to have half a million chargers up by the end of this decade. Now, in order to do four hundred and ninety-nine dollars into the ground, there's utility work, and this is also really a new category of federal investment. But we've been working with each of the 50 states. Every one of them is getting formula dollars to do this work. And the first handful, again, by 2030, five hundred thousand chargers. They're pointing a GEI coordinator and a sustainability coordinator. They're actually building them. Who needs to actually build stuff? By the way, I had some time this weekend. I looked up those, the majors of all those hippies in Amherst, UMass Amherst, who got arrested. That's my Friday call. You're not going to believe the majors that these people have. One guy is majored in social justice engineering. Does that help you, Philapato? Does that help? These guys can't even build a bike lane. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. We had a lot to get to here today. Six, oh three, blame it all on big turbulence. Five, oh eight, is turbulence also known as wind? Yes, it is. Big wind. Big wind. Big hot air. There's a lot of hot air going on in the discussion of climate change. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Watch out for big wind. That can even strike you on Route 66 on Howie Car. [Music] [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Just talking to some of the VIPs from Hillsborough County in New Hampshire. And I said one of my great honors of speaking of covering trials. There was a murder trial in Manchester. And on the witness questioning list, when they were selecting the jury, the voir dire, they said, "Do you listen to Howie Car's radio show?" I guess that was an automatic challenge. I took it as a compliment. I got a call out of it. Anyway, now it's time for Grace with the News. Yes, Howie. So Robert De Niro showed up outside Trump's trial today. He delivered a cigar ring. He escaped from the nursing home? Yeah, he had a mask on and then he took it off and he started fighting with people who were asked. He had a mask? Yeah, you didn't see that. Oh, I didn't know. He said, "You see him not like that?" Well, Donald Trump Jr. pointed out something that I was also thinking. He was like, "You know, in 2020, Joe Biden had his pick of the litter when it came to celebrities. He had, you know, athletes and the rock and he had all these big stars. And now the only person who will show up at any of these events, he goes to stay dinners. He goes to all this lame stuff. Is Robert De Niro, who by the way is 80 years old? Was he wearing his big boy shoes like he was in the Irishman when he's filming next to Albert, you know? I don't know, but he ended up, well, I think, I don't know what threw him off more. The hecklers are the car alarm. I think the car alarm was really something he was not. That's why how it's like anything else. You do an event outside. You're subject to all of these different factors. Right. That's why you got to have like blinders on, right? He did. On your eyes and on your ears. Just so you concentrate. He didn't seem that committed to the performance. It just felt a little stale. Like he hadn't rehearsed it enough times or something. I think he over rehearsed it. He went full taxi driver in the mirror this morning, absolutely. Yeah, so De Niro was outside the event now. Karl Rove said President Biden's campaign. Travis Bickle would work at age 80 though. I don't think. Do we have the cut of him? Travis Bickle didn't make it to age 80. But that's what I mean though. Can you imagine Travis Bickle driving around at age 80? Why weren't these? I don't want to do these darn dash deliveries. Can we have the cut tailor of when he started going back and forth with the heckler about the January 6th cops behind him? These guys are the true heroes. They stood and put their lives on the line. For these low lives, for Trump. They lied on the road. They lied on the road. Who lied on the road? What are you telling me? Excuse me. They lied on the road? What are you saying? They're traitors. He doesn't know how to handle a heckler. I don't know. I don't even know how to deal with my friend. I don't even know how to deal with him. If I were Martin Scorsese, I would come in and say, "Cut!" They stood there. They didn't have to. We're going to take a break. Well, it's also you have to decide when you're going in. Am I going to interact with the hecklers? Or am I going to ignore the hecklers? You can't go in half way. What'd you say? Huh? What's that? You either have to go in full boat. You know, I know he hates him, but he should see how Trump handled the libertarian convention. That was the way to handle it. Yeah, you act like you can't even hear. You act like the hecklers are there to support you. Right. You pretend you think they're fans. And you give them the needle, like talking about the 3%. Yeah. That was beautiful. Everybody is always going to remember that line about 3% with the libertarian party. Yeah, so you can have your 3% or we can save the country. Yeah, let's play that. Let's play that one. Oh, it's actually, it's a long one. It's a long one. He says that part in the beginning, though. Okay, cut 15. Think of this. First time in U.S. history that a presidential candidate of a rival party will address the convention of a party that is presumably gathering to nominate its own candidate. Now, I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me, and we should win together. See, he waits and lets him boo. I like that. You heard those words. Nominate me or vote. Vote for me. Because the libertarians want to vote for me, and most of them will. And it's very important, because we have to get rid of the worst president in history. And together, we will. And without it, there's a risk that we can have four more years. We won't have a country left. So what is the purpose of the libertarian party getting 3%? What is the reason to take a chance of having this horrible president destroy our country, which he will do in far less than four years. Isn't that going to take four years? That is why I'm committing to you tonight that I will put a libertarian in my cabinet and also libertarians in senior posts. Or you can have a guy who likes drag queens and wants to put more of the dreamers on welfare. They went for that. So I lied. It wasn't in the beginning of the cup, but I like that cut. And I also think it reminded me of what he said to a crowd of black voters at one point where he said, "Why don't you vote for me? Why do you have to lose?" The Democrats haven't been very good thus far, so why don't you just take a chance? And people acted like that was worse than Joe Biden saying they're going to put y'all back in chains. They acted like that was the worst thing in the world. But really, it was a pretty smart comment to make, an observation. Can you imagine Trump getting into that kind of situation that De Niro got in this morning back and forth with this guy yelling? Yeah, no. In Karl Rove, I want to read you this quote. He said, "Stupid mistake by the Biden campaign. They wanted to get what all the cameras were there. They wanted to get their moment in the sun and it was a big mistake." I would have to agree. He said, "It politicized the trial better to have waited." Now, this is also coming on the heels or we're about to see Joe Biden how he already has an address planned for when the verdict comes down, which I also find to be very telling because this is a guy who takes him days to comment on the banks collapsing. That's like us having Biden's obituary ready to go. It takes him days to comment on, it took him 10 days to comment on the anti-Semitism at these college campuses. It takes him weeks sometimes to make statements about other things, but when it comes to Donald Trump and his totally non-political trial, he already has it planned. I don't know if he's at the real White House or the fake White House, the set they have, but he's ready to go. He's ready for his close-up. Maybe he's already recorded it. I know. All 40 jump cuts and all are ready to go. That's what takes him so long. They have to fix all those. Democrats privately concerned Biden campaign is doomed and worried Trump may even win blue states according to a report. Here are some of the quotes in this Politico story. You don't want to be that guy who is on the record saying we're doomed or the campaign's bad or Biden's making mistakes. Nobody wants to be that guy. Another person said, "This isn't, oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president. It's, oh my God, the democracy might end." Which is something Robert De Niro also said today. He said the democracy. Because it ended the last time he was president, right? Yeah. They said the advisor said that it's much easier to show donors the weaknesses of Biden's campaign so while they read it, I can pour a drink. The list of why we could win is so small, I don't even need to keep the list on my phone. I love this. I love the words pervasive sense of fear. Not just a pervasive sense. Anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation. I was thinking, what isn't it metastasized? And then four paragraphs down. The palpable trepidation did morph. The concern has metastasized in recent days. Metastasized and it's morphing and it's pervasive. Yeah, they're all, they're all in a real panic. And they must just be looking at the polls. And also there was a good piece today which I have here from the Wall Street Journal. It's titled, and we've talked about this before, how the unsinkable Kamala Harris, because that's another huge issue. They're now in full panic mode. They're looking at these swing state polls. They're saying he's tanking in all these polls. They want to move him aside and bring in someone else like a Gavin Newsom who has a chance and who could actually capitalize off Trump being stuck in New York City. Joe Biden doesn't even capitalize off it. He's not moving anywhere either. I think they should nominate Buttigieg. Let me finish the job. I'm going to get it up to ten charging stations if you'll give me another term. But I'll need another $20 billion. But the problem is, and this is what William McGurn wrote, he said there is a problem and her name is Kamala Harris, and identity politics gives her an effective veto over any plans to swap out candidates. It's like live by the sword, die by the sword. He wanted Kamala Harris in there so that he could appeal to black voters, so he could appeal to women. And she's going to be his undoing. She is not going to move aside if they want to move him out. She's going to say, no, you guys use me when it was too hard to manage. You knew I was incompetent, and you brought me on anyway. So why are you going to fire me for being incompetent after you knew I was incompetent? Who's going to handle the electric school buses and the Venn diagrams if I'm not here? Like she can't just leave her post as borders are and space are and all the others are as that she is. Another big story howie today. I'm going to let you guess on this. America's dirtiest city is revealed. San Fran. Nope. What is it? I'm going to give you a hint. Mr. Garcia's. Newark. Got bumped. Newark was number one last year, got bumped for Houston. Houston? Yeah. Houston, Texas has the new dubious honor. It stems from terrible air quality, infrastructure woes, and a staggering number of pests invading homes. I did a little deal. One of them is the county executive in Harris County. Have they gotten rid of her yet? New York City, despite its notorious crime, didn't even crack the top ten. It landed in 12th place, and it's not just Houston. Southern City seemed to be a haven for cockroaches. San Antonio, Texas, and Tampa, Florida joined Houston in the top three for cockroaches. I think Washington, D.C. is the capital of cockroaches. If cockroaches aren't your nightmare, steer clear of Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. These cities top ten. What the hell going on? These cities top ten. I know, Mr. Garcia. You guys are going to just have to work harder next year to get back the title of the nastiest city in person. Yeah, they bumped Newark, New Jersey, from the top spot. I wanted to remind everyone that we... Good thing Dutch didn't live to see this. He would really depress him. Mr. Garcia's deceased pit bull. Hey, you, you skilled my sugar daddy in the radio. I wanted to remind everyone, we have a very exciting remote coming up on Friday at Aviva Tratria. It's going to in-hand over. It's going to be a packed house. We are so excited for this remote. I've already got some great guest planned how we were going to be there in person. This is going to be a really fun day. And anyone who spends 20 bucks gets a free copy of Paper Boy, read all about it. One per table. Yes, indeed. We're very excited about that. So call up Aviva Tratria in-hand over, make your reservations, and we will see you there. And I'll be back in a little bit with Hate Mail Monday. And you know what happens with Hate Mail Monday, Grace? The cap? The laser cap. Yeah, I'm excited. Jared says it's the greatest new addition to the Howie Car Show in months, if not years. It's our new friend. Because it's got flashing red lights, and they come out of my skull. I meant to ask you, is it warm? Yes, it's a little bit warm if I leave it on for more than 20 minutes. You feel that it really heat up? Yeah, but I don't think it's had an effect yet. It takes more longer than I've had it on, but it's having a psychological effect. My hair feels like there's more of it. Okay, experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 extravaganza for a limited time dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillow stylish sandals for both men and women or a luxurious six-pack towel set. All available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making it stay new, the premium MyPillow's with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code Howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code Howie. Elevate your comfort with the MyPillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. Howie Car. And he's back. Howie Car. The cheapest bastard around. Red River BBQ, I'm very familiar with it. It's down on the Cape. It's right around the corner from where I live during the summer in the Cape Cod mansion and it's where passion for food meets years of culinary experience. Each dish on their menu is crafted with a level of expertise that can only come from years of dedication to the art of cooking. Born and raised on Cape Cod, owner chef Jeremiah Reardon trained under culinary greats such as Wolfgang Puck and Gray Coons. From the slow smoked beef brisket, I'm getting that to the flavorful pulled pork. Every bite is testament to Red River's commitment to their craft. While supplies last, you can purchase a $50 gift card to Red River BBQ and Harwich Port for just $25. Get yours now at and click store., excuse me. With us now to tell us more about Red River BBQ as owner and chef Jeremiah Reardon and thanks for my own personal corn bread. You know how much I love the corn bread, Jeremiah. My pleasure. Thank you. So tell us about Red River BBQ. So we're just starting out. We're getting into our second year right now. We're going to be going to a seven day schedule starting next week. We've been open six days for the spring. Business has been great. Things have been picking up. Memorial Day weekend was awesome. Yeah, we heard it was across the Cape. Yeah, yeah. There was a lot of people down. I think a lot of people actually stayed till today. There was a fair amount of traffic coming off Cape as well. And we actually have a BBQ competition coming up on June 8th in Harwich at the Community Center for the hometown favorite. Yeah, we won it last year. Hopefully we can hold true this year. But yeah, we're excited. It should be fun. And definitely looking forward to seeing you down on the Cape to summer, how are we? We love being there. You know, you've catered events for us at the mansion. It's just a great place. And you know, tell us, what's the number one seller? No one seller brisket brisket. Yeah, brisket mac and cheese cornbread. Those are the big ones. You know, I would say ribs, you know, it's interesting on holiday weekends. People order more ribs, believe it or not. But like for the rest of the, like during the summer, I would say brisket. We're doing a fair amount of catering now too. We just bought a second food truck. So we'll be at various breweries on the Cape. We'll be at Red River Beach during the summer with one of the trucks. We'll be at Devil's Purse Brewery. We'll be a Cape Cod beer. And we're also available for private events with food trucks too. Yeah, you do a great job with the private events. Thank you. I really know how to do it well. Again, we've used them. The mailroom manager and I for our events. And Red River Barbecue. It's in Harwich Board. It's just a, it's a great place. And you're going to be open seven days a week starting basically now. Yeah, starting today. We're open seven days probably through Columbus Day at a minimum. Yeah. And it's a, it's a, it's a smaller place. So you, but you can, you can, a lot of people order out. Yeah, we do a lot of takeout. That's a big part of our, our business probably about 30% of it. So if you want to have it at home, we, we're, we're, we're pretty good at our takeout game. So, you know, feel. So what's the number of people she'd call if they want to, or, or, or, or should they order online? Actually, we, I would, I would call it's 5084300405. Place an order and we usually have it ready for you in about 15, 20 minutes. Give that number again. 5084300405. It's just a, it's just a great place. Red River, barbecue. And again, the cornbread is fantastic. You, yeah, what, what's the secret of the cornbread? I can't tell you how you have to kill me. It's on me, right? No, I'll make you as much as you like, but, but, you know, there's a little bit of jalapeno in there. I think that might be, might be the secret. But as you like to call it, it's corn cake. It's not really cornbread. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. That's, that's what makes it so special. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right, Jeremiah, it's a fantastic place. Red River, barbecue and Harwich port down on the Cape, mid Cape. And it's a, it's a, if you want to get a $50 gift card to Red River, barbecue for just 25 bucks. You'll be ready for the summer, ready for a good takeout or, or sit in dinner. Go to and click on store, and click on store, Red River, barbecue. Thank you, Jeremiah Reardon. See you soon. All right. Thank you, Howie. Have a great day. I'm Howie Car. (upbeat music)