The Howie Carr Radio Network

Raging Bull-[expletive deleted] | 5.28.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

CAMEO ALERT! Bobby DeNiro is stumping for Joe Biden. Take a listen to the angry A-Lister as he rails against Trump outside the former President's trial.

Broadcast on:
28 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show and happy, happy Tuesday to you. Thank you for joining us. We've got a great program prepared for you today. We have updates on the Karen Read trial. Brian Higgins, the ATF agent, did finish up his testimony today. A lot of updates on his cell phone and the reason that he threw it in a dumpster. I would say the excuse for why he threw the cell phone in a dumpster is on par with the Colin Albert. I used my fist to break my fall on the driveway excuse. It's like they're all in a competition of who can sound the most ridiculous. We will get to that, but I actually want to start today with Trump in Manhattan. His lawyers are giving their closing argument today. And we also got a closing argument from an unexpected guest. You talking to me? You talking to me? Robert De Niro, Hollywood actor, and Trump deranged. I'm going to say one thing, Trump. That's what he's really more well known for now because he's not really cranking out any great movies. I know he did the Irishman. I didn't have this strength to sit through. It's like three hours. Once I don't think any movie needs to be, and I will grant you there are exceptions. And you could text them in and I would say, "Yes, I will give you that." But for the most part, I don't think a movie needs to be longer than 90 minutes. I think anything beyond that, you are really asking a lot from the audience. And Robert De Niro shows up today, Octogenarian, who hates Donald Trump. And it was a convincing performance by De Niro. He didn't convince me that Trump did anything wrong or that this entire case is based on an actual crime. No one's been able to convince me that Alvin Bragg's performance has been the biggest flop on that front. But what he did convince me of is that Joe Biden is even more desperate than I originally thought. So I saw this headline this morning way before it was way before Robert De Niro showed up. And he really showed up like a cowboy from a Western. You know, nothing says tough guy like wearing the mask and strolling up to a press conference with very few people around and talking and then fighting with people in the crowd. But I saw this headline about how the January 6th officers were going to campaign for Joe Biden. And I thought to myself, things are looking rough for the Biden campaign. And Jared, I do want to take, not a victory lap, but I do want to take credit because at the White House Correspondence Dinner, I noticed that there was, you know, at the end of the Daily Mail, they'll show all the celebrities who show up. And some years you get big-time celebs, especially if it's Joe Biden. He's had big, big celebrities there. And Robert De Niro was the only celebrity, I don't even know if he was there, if he was a state dinner. But it was really, it was a lot of delisters. It was like reality, TV stars, some journalists, obviously it's their nerd prom, but there wasn't a lot of heavy hitters. And then I heard he was going to do a fundraiser with George Clooney and Juliet Roberts. But for the most part, I was like, where is the star power? The rock won't really endorse him. A Charlemagne that God was on the view, he won't endorse Joe Biden. And so I see this headline about the January 6th officers are going to campaign for Joe Biden. And I'm thinking, that's the best you got? Was Adam Kinsinger not available? Was Liz Cheney not around? And again, we can talk about all of the reasons why trotting Robert De Niro out there was a bad idea. But I want to first say that this bizarre rant from Robert De Niro, and we will play the sound. Which he usually has the decency to save these things for elitist Hollywood award shows, which none of us are watching. And we appreciate that. We appreciate that he keeps it to that bubble of his sycophants. You don't need to bring it outside the bubble. I don't like turning on Fox News and seeing Robert De Niro. If I want to see Robert De Niro, I like to be in charge of where it is. I like to say, meet the parents, the godfather. That's, I'm prepared to see Robert De Niro. I don't like a sudden surprise appearance from him, a cameo of sorts outside a Manhattan courtroom. I didn't ask for that. Now, shows up at this thing, at this Trump trial outside in Manhattan, it really only further demonstrates that this entire circus is nothing more than that. It's nothing more than a political hit job by President Joe Biden on Donald Trump. Stephen Miller, not Stephen Miller from the Trump campaign, but Stephen Miller on from the spectator. He wrote on Twitter, if the Biden campaign didn't want to give the impression that this trial is all about 2024, what would they be doing differently? Because this to me, dragging out a washed up Hollywood actor to scream at the press about democracy has to be, you know what it is? It's sad. I'm not mad about it. It was entertaining. It was an easy open for me, but there is something sad about it. And on a side note, there's not one younger person to bring out. Like the whole, one of the biggest criticisms of Joe Biden's campaign is how old he is and how low energy he is. De Niro is 80 years old. So now we have one 80 year old who has played a lot of tough guys on TV, on the big screen, so he thinks he's a tough guy, defending another 81 year old who's played a lot of tough guys in the fictionalized story of his own life. And it's a becomes like the Mandelbaum. They're all these old guys. Biden's going to drag Trump behind the gym and beat him up to, De Niro's going to punch him in the mouth and after they finish up beating orange man bad, then they're going to tell us that they wore onions on their belt. It's just a terrible move to bring out all these oldies. Like Nancy Pelosi wasn't available. Now Caroline Levitt talked afterwards, she did a great job and she was talking to the press and she made a good point that De Niro is not in touch with the actual problems that Americans care about. And furthermore, it's usually conservatives who are painted as old and the old white guys. That was always the big criticism lobbed at us. But this time around Biden can only seem to get his fellow ancient white cranky grandpas yelling at the clouds to take their masks off for nine minutes and rant about democracy. Where are the A-listers? Where are the young people? When in doubt, bring in the washed up Trump-arranged actor? I thought I recognized you. I gave you a plate of corn muffins back in 1947 to paint my chicken coop and you never did it. And there's another part of this conversation that we need to have and that's about democracy. But first, let's play a cut of De Niro. This was him today, big performance outside Trump's courtroom. Did you get the sense, Jared, that he prepared for this? A good actor always prepares. He had a script in front of him or I would assume notes for a script. Like he was looking down at something. But I don't know if it was the car alarm that upstaged him or if it was the hecklers, which were fantastic. That's always the risk of doing something outside. This was kind of more like, I think, a first table read than a performance. It's the same reason why I tend to eat inside versus outside. You can't control the elements. You can't control the sounds. You can't control the stage. And his stage was disrupted. Let's have De Niro the first cut cut for, please. I don't mean to scare you. No, no, wait. Maybe I do mean to scare you. If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. And elections, forget about it. That's over. That's done. If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. Wait, pause it for a sec. Can we, can we do that again? Rub, Bobby, with a little bit more feeling this time. That was a little hollow. By the way, the script sucks. Whoever wrote the script, bring it back to the drawing board. I'm not believing it. I need to feel that you feel this way. Listen up from the beginning, Jared. I mean, you guys know I'm a Thespian. I'm not here to criticize Robert De Niro, one of the greats. But this doesn't seem like a performance or a role that he's really passionate enough to take on. It seems like he's just, he's phoning it in, as they say. Take a listen. I don't mean to scare you. No, no, wait, maybe I do mean to scare you. If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. And elections, forget about it. That's over. That's done. If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. You know what they should have done? They should have given him a character to come out as. An actor needs to know their character before they deliver. They give him a motivation. And they need a motivation exactly, Jared. He took the words right out of my mouth. They need a motivation. Why am I delivering this speech? What's happened prior? What did I have for breakfast this morning? What kind of outfit am I wearing? Those are all the things that lead to a great performance. Robert knows this. I found this invisible jacket, though he would have real jacket. Yeah, hold the cup of coffees if there's actual coffee in it. Put some weight to it. This is just reading the lines. Your heart's not in it, my good sir. You're not going to get any awards for this. And then it brings me to another problem I have with this word democracy, which really has become meaningless to me. Remember how we used to talk about when someone calls you a racist, and you're like, "But why?" You're racist. And you just know that the argument is so thin. If that's what they have to revert back to, you're a racist. They can't explain why you're a racist. They don't like your political opinion. So they have to say you're a racist in order to make it clear that you're bad. They're good. And, you know, they win the argument by that. And a lot of people now, they don't feel impacted by that accusation. Like if someone calls up the challenges, "You're a racist, Grace. I know I'm not a racist." So it doesn't bother me if you have to use that as your go-to, as your backup plan. Just call someone a racist. Calling someone a racist now has the same impact as talking about a threat to democracy. When I hear those words, Jared, I immediately shut down. It's like white noise to me. It's the Charlie Brown teachers. If you're just making sounds, you're just making sounds, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, a threat to democracy. He will take over. He will never leave. Why? Why? You just say sounds. There are sounds. Why do you think that? That would be my follow-up question. What makes you believe that he's going to destroy democracy? What does that mean to you? Expound on that. Elaborate. Tell us more. Because they don't have any more. They just want to scare people. And he opened with that. You know, "I want to scare you." Now, a better performance. I don't mean to scare you. No, no, wait. Maybe I do. I also always just forget about it. Forget about it. Come on. Give it a little bit of bam, bam. Forget about it. Like give us something, dude. This is what we've come to expect. This is nuts. Let's also have Cut Five. Again, it comes back to Trump. He's obsessed with Trump. That's why he's there. Cut Five, please. On January 6th, while Republican lawmakers despicably tried to keep the loser Trump, the loser Trump in the White House, and Trump-inspired insurrectionists stormed the Capitol, brave men and women from law enforcement put their lives on the line to defend this country. Our democracy. They are the true heroes. I love that horn. If someone purposely set off that horn, that alarm to disrupt that speech, brilliant, brilliant. Put that person at the head of the Trump campaign, because that was a smart move. He worked through it, Jared. He persevered. Nevertheless, as Elizabeth Warren would say, he persevered. Or he persisted. But it definitely threw him off. Just a vision of Caroline Levitt throwing soccer balls in random cars hoping one of them goes off. We have sound from Caroline. She did a great job as well. And we have more De Niro. I want to take your calls on this, though. What do you make of this fear-mongering campaign? What do you make of this move to bring out De Niro? To me, it's like the last gasp of a desperate campaign. And I've been reading that. I've been reading in Politico. I've been reading all these reports. You know, the Palace intrigue. You guys know that's my bread and butter. I love that stuff. About how desperate the campaign is. They're in full panic mode. They don't know what they're going to do. And I took out with a real grain of salt. I'm like, we don't know that. These people are all arrogant. They probably think they're going to find a way, you know, either to cancel the election or hit the panic button. But seeing De Niro out there today, seeing him hobble up there with his mask, I was like, yeah, they are pretty panicked. This is a Hail Mary if I've ever seen him. It's a Hail Bobby. And I don't think it's going to work. We'll take your calls 844-500-4242. A lot of fun ahead of us. So tune in, call in. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. ♪♪ This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪♪ On January 6th, while Republican lawmakers this pickably tried to keep the loser Trump, the loser Trump. ♪♪ You know nothing about anything, frankly. You're a loser. And the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in a motion picture goes to... The Car Alarm! Congratulations, come on up. I don't even think I made that up. I think I saw that today on Twitter, so I can't take credit. But I would say out of those two performances, the Car Alarm was top-notch. And Robert De Niro was kind of lackluster. And I love... They hit the beat absolutely correctly when it came in. It really did. It came in, Jared, with a purpose. You know, you have to have a purpose. And I want to say this, because I think this is another conversation we can have. It's just, you know, we're heading into summer. We can have a little fun here. I am very much able to separate politics from art. And if I like an actor and I don't like their politics, I still am able to enjoy their stuff. And that bothers people. Sometimes I'll say, "Oh, I like this. Do you know how he feels about Trump?" I can't live my life that way, everyone. I have to enjoy things, okay? So I have to enjoy good movies. I have to enjoy good TV. And a lot of those people happen to be liberal. I like Robert De Niro's movies. I really do. And I think that could be fun, Jared. What's your favorite De Niro? He's in the news today. I would say it goes, "Godfather, good fellas and casino I could be." Probably good fellas, then casino, then for me, which is very, one of my favorites, meet the parents. I love Robert De Niro and meet the parents. I loved that role. I love the cat. Oh, yes, you damn well will. That cat's been like a brother to you. There's so many great lines in that movie. Let's go to Lisa. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Lisa. Hi, Grace. I just -- I agree with you. I can't stand to find out the politics of the people who play in movies that I love, like the Matt Damon's and the athletes. I just -- I can't hear it. I'm like, whenever I try to read it or see it, I just turn my hat or plug my ears. But De Niro and Brontsdale, although it was a very small role for the size of the movie, is so fitting that Trump was just in the Bronx. So he's got to come out and do his, like, tough guy in New York. But my ears are bad recently. But did I hear in the background, we want Trump? I thought I heard a chant from a crowd that said we want Trump. Yes. So, Lisa, you're not crazy. And you're definitely not crazy. You're a Grace Curly Show listener, which means you're perfectly sane. But you did hear that. And there was a lot of people outside who were heckling Robert De Niro. And actually, Jared, what did you tell me today? I said, Jared, pull all that De Niro stuff. And you said, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, not going to happen. Yeah, there was a lot that I couldn't pull because there was no way to beep. The chants that were going on underneath and behind him. And usually when it comes to De Niro talking politics, we're bleeping out De Niro. Because he's the one who loves to say "bleep Trump" at award shows. In this case, there was a lot of bleep Joe Biden's in the background, which was a problem. I'm going to say one thing. [bleep] Trump. He loves to do that at award shows. He then went back and forth with a guy who says the January 6 cops behind him lied under oath. And then he went on to say they lied for the person that was yelling at him. We'll play all this when we come back. I want to give De Niro enough time. I want to really soak in this performance before I come out with my final review. 844-542-42. The big story here, though, beyond De Niro is the fact that the closing arguments are today. There has been no explanation of the underlying crime. And Judge Juan Merchant is telling the jury that that's okay. They don't have to agree on what the underlying crime is. They just have to come out with a verdict. And take a wild guess what you think Juan Merchant hopes the verdict is. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. I had no idea you could milk a cat. Oh, yeah. You can milk anything with nipples. See, my husband would probably say good fellas or the godfather. He thinks that meet the parents. I think it's funny seeing all the things go wrong for Ben Stiller. But some people think it's too anxiety ridden. You're just watching this guy's life implode before you. 844-500-4242. I could do three hours on Robert De Niro movies because he's in so many. And they used to be so good. Taylor told me at one point I think that the Irishman wasn't terrible, that it was actually pretty good. But now what he is reduced to is shilling for Joe Biden, like going to this press conference. It's the only way to save our humanity, Grace. Is that what we're doing now? I get confused between saving humanity, saving democracy, saving the climate. There's so much saving to do and so little time. So much saving to do with people who can't get out of their own way. Now, as we're talking about this, I want to talk about the political story that's describing the Dems in a full blown freak out. What do you like better? Freak out or panic? Freak out is good. Yeah, I like it too. I like the headline. I'm going to read a little bit why. Of course it has to do with saving democracy. And the fact that they're convinced that we're never going to have elections after this. This is the last. That seems to be one of the talking points that was sent out everywhere from the White House Correspondents' dinner to the mainstream media to all the talking heads at MSNBC is let's keep implying that if we don't elect Joe Biden, there won't be any more elections. Not sure who that's going to work for, but they're really loving the hyperbole. And they're at a point now where they've exaggerated so much in the past that they're kind of left just doing the same thing that Joe Biden does, which is like, "I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I mean it this time. There's really going to be no more elections." And so... I don't mean to scare you. No, wait. Maybe I do mean to scare you. I love that line. Really? That's the most we could get, huh? No more feeling to it than that. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how do you think freaked out Democrats will handle their election prospects? Run Joe Biden and hope for the best. Replace Joe Biden or try to cancel/postpone the election. Yeah, the last option, I think, is more of a COVID-esque emergency that requires them to shut things down or do these elections in a different way than we would be typically used to. I don't think they can... There's a really well thought out piece in the Wall Street Journal. It's titled The Unsinkable Kamala Harris. It basically details how she's in such a powerful position because by being a diversity pick, by being someone who was chosen because of identity politics and because of her skin color and because of her gender, she's in the driver's seat because they can't get rid of her without creating a massive headache and angering a lot of different demographics. And so as bad as Joe Biden's doing, and the last poll I saw actually was seven swing states that he's tanking in, as bad as he is, they have to dance around this pretty carefully because they can't get rid of Joe Biden without a plan to also get rid of Kamala Harris. I'm speaking... And I just don't think, well, one, as this piece points out in the Wall Street Journal, the Biden family is not even close to being ready to step away from this. If anything, their grip on this power is getting... They're a white knuckling this bad boy at this point. Like, he is desperate for this power and so is Jill. She's right there with him. But even if that weren't the case, even if Joe was opened to potentially, you know, stepping aside, that still leaves us with Mamala. And Mamala polls even worse than Joe. And unless there's some scenario where Michelle Obama decides that she does want to run, and even that Jared, even that would cause a bit of a headache because it's like, okay, so you guys didn't like Kamala Harris so you think you can just replace her with another black woman? Even that has its pitfalls. So I don't know what this situation would be. I'm still betting on the fact that they fingers crossed, they go with Joe, they hope for the best. 37% believe they will run Joe Biden and hope for the best. That's in the lead. 36% for try to cancel slash postpone the election. And 27% think they will replace Joe Biden. So very close poll question. I'm interested in hearing from the callers on this. We are open to your ideas and I'm very unsure of how this is going to go. If the reports I'm reading are true about this full blown freak out. Now I do want to say this, the Biden team is chomping at the bit because we were just talking about how bringing out Robert De Niro really does to me at least highlight how desperate they are. I think this was a horrible, horrible move. And who was the person who put out on social media today? Oh, you know who was? It was Rick Renell. He said something like this administration is such a disaster. I absolutely love it. It is really fun to watch. Every day you're thinking, what would be the worst move they could make? And they do just that. So they bring out Robert De Niro. And on top of that, we heard a few days ago that when this verdict comes out, so they're doing the closing arguments today, probably be deliberating tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a verdict by the end of the week. When this verdict comes out on Donald Trump, Joe Biden already has a statement or an appearance planned to remark on this. He already has an address scheduled on the calendar. It will not on the calendar, but he plans on making one right afterwards. And what I find amazing about that is, well, let me ask you this, Jared, do you think that the way they're acting, bringing out De Niro, scheduling this appearance, waiting, chomping at the bit for the verdict? Do you think they already are assuming the verdict is going to go their way and that Trump's going to be guilty? Like, do you think it's written on the wall for them at this point? Yeah, absolutely. Because my, I had a friend call me up today and said, I think they all know which direction this is going by sending out De Niro. And I was thinking, I'm not so sure. Like, I'm still on of the mindset that with what a disaster this trial has been from Michael Cohen to Stormy Daniels to Michael Cohen admitting to a crime, we keep saying, where's the crime? Where's the crime? Well, Michael Cohen told us a whole different crime, but he certainly found a crime for Alvin Bragg to actually prosecute. And Jonathan Turley was writing about this today, and let me just read you a tiny bit from his column about what a sham this entire thing is. He says Trump's lawyers are defending a former president who was charged under a state misdemeanor, which died years ago under the statute of limitations. Now, it was zapped back to life into the form of roughly three dozen felonies by claiming that bookkeeping violations were committed to hide another crime. That's already a stretch, Jared. But what is the second crime? They're claiming that all these bookkeeping things and all this, it was all in an attempt to hide some big mystery crime, but they can't tell us what that mystery crime is. And even legal analysts, even, I'm adding this in, this isn't Jonathan Turley, taking a little artistic license, even great minds, like Jeffrey Toobin can't figure out what is being alleged in Bragg's indictment. I don't know if Jeffrey Toobin has commented on it. I just always bring him up when I see the words legal analyst. Judge, damn, Jeffrey Toobin. Judge Merchant has ruled that the jury does not have to agree on what the crime is. The jury has been given little information on these crimes, and Merchant has denied a legal expert who could have shown them that there was no federal election violation. So he's sending them in there. The instructions, as I read them, I'm translating them, are basically just find Trump guilty. It doesn't matter what you find him guilty of. It doesn't matter if you understand what you're looking at. It doesn't matter that there's no underlining crime pinning this whole thing together. Just find him guilty. And so the Biden team thinks they're going to get a guilty verdict, and they're chomping at the bit for this old man, this old fool, to make an address in response to Trump's verdict. Which again, they scoff at the idea that this case is centered around the testimony of a serial perjurer in a porn star where there is no underlining crime to begin with. And yet the president, now here's something that just dawned on me today. The president who waited one year to visit East Palestine. The president who took him 10 days to address the mayhem and anti-Semitism on college campuses. Remember how long it took him when the banks were collapsing to come out? He went up before 9 a.m. And then Jensen, he's like, he got up and put his pants on at 11.30. Everyone stand up and give him a round of applause. It takes him a long time to comment on, say, the slaughtering of Jews. It takes some real, you know, pensive thought and they've got a really drum up energy to get him out there to condemn anything horrible happening in the country to make a comment about, say, Lake and Riley's murder. All that stuff doesn't move him, Jared. He might stay in the basement for days in that case. But he already has it ready to go that when the verdict comes down, he's going to address the American people. If that does not tell you this man's priorities, his priorities are Donald Trump and commenting on anything Donald Trump does. Donald Trump is creating, like he is the narrative. He is dominating the news cycle. Joe Biden does not care about the economy. He does not care about inflation. He does not care about the open border. He does not care about violent crime. He does not care about you. He does not care about the hostages being held in Israel. American hostages being held. I'm sorry, in Gaza. He does not care about the Israeli hostages. He does not care about any of that. He cannot make time for any of that. If your town was affected by a natural disaster, if your town was affected by a train derailment, if your town was affected by a fire, if your, oh, here's another example. If your husband was killed in the line of duty, if your husband was shot in the head, if he's a police officer and you have a young baby, he does not care about you. But when it comes to commenting on what he thinks is going to be a guilty verdict and he thinks he can take a smug victory lap and make a political statement to the United States of America, you bet your ass. He's going to mark that in his calendar. You bet your bottom dollar. He's going to find time to do that. It's disgraceful. It really is. Loser Trump, the loser Trump. Rob, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Rob? Grace. What about the hostages? Where are our American hostages? And all these people that were at a concert, they're in captivity. They're being tortured if they're still alive. And they don't talk about it. They don't tell you what day is it, what they're going through. And there's kids on these campuses protesting about these stupid little things they don't know nothing about. And we have people in captivity that have been tortured. It's horrible. It is absolutely horrendous, Rob. And you're right. If this were Donald Trump and he were president right now, we would know the names of all of those hostages. That would be a chiron on every single news station, 24/7. How many days have the Americans been held hostage? How many days have the Israelis been held hostage? It would be a little ticker at the bottom of the screen. You don't hear anything about it. You don't hear anything about Joe Biden and how he's betraying our ally Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East. In order to woo the very people you were just talking about, in order to woo the I Hate America voters on these college campuses, the spoiled brats who are getting their degrees and I hate Jews at Harvard University. And you're paying for it. Isn't that the best part? It's not just that you're seeing all of this anti-Semitism, all of this hatred, all of this incompetence. It's also the fact that you're funding it. It's enough to drive you crazy. Thank you for the call, Rob. We'll keep talking about it here. We will not stop talking about the hostages, so don't worry about that. As far as Joe Biden goes, like I said, he has different priorities. It takes him a very long time to summon up any interest in talking about Americans who are being screwed over or Americans who are being held hostage or Americans who are being taken advantage of. But if he wants to come out and do a little tap dance, because he thinks that Donald Trump is going to get a guilty verdict, then he'll move heaven and earth. Spring means more flowers in the sunshine. You can see that today. It's a beautiful spring day. But what I notice, Jared, is I get in the car, I start using the windshield wipers, clear up the windshield, and I get, I can see on the side, this kind of string of pollen, this yellow pollen that's collecting on the sides of my windshield. It's so bad this year. Everybody in the office is noticing it. I talk to the mail-or-manager every day. She has bad allergies anyway. This year, she said, it's amped up to another level. Jared, you also suffer from allergies. I do, yeah, this has been a very bad year for allergies for everybody. And if you already have them, yeah, it's even worse. But you can help yourself with the pure thunderstorm, air purifier, because what it does is it ionizes the air and eliminates those allergens and pollutants. I've mentioned it before. If you get sinus headaches, which are almost like migraines, I've used it to help me with that. I go into a room, I just plug it in and turn it on, and within about 20 minutes, I'm doing a lot better. I can see better, and I just, you know, it really helps you out in that way because it eliminates those allergens and pollutants in the air the same way it does with odors and, you know, unpleasant aromas from kitchens, pets, you name it. Yeah, and it's small. It doesn't take up any floor space. It doesn't require, you know, a giant setup or anything like that. You plug it into the wall, you turn it on, it's going to start working. I'm a big fan of things that are low maintenance, low lift, but make a big difference in your everyday life. And this thunderstorm, and actually these thunderstorms, because you're going to get three of them, are definitely part of that, where you don't have to worry a lot. You don't have to do a lot, but they're going to work. They're going to make your air cleaner and more pure, and you're going to love it. So say hello to spring goodbye to allergens. Get the three pack today. Go to Use code grace in the number three. That's Use code grace in the number three to get the three pack special. We'll be right back. Follow grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. Let's hear De Niro going at it with a heckler. At least he can take on the hecklers. I always give people credit where credit is due. Joe Biden can't handle the hecklers. Let's see how De Niro does. I shouldn't speak before I actually hear it. So let's take a six. These guys are the true heroes. They stood and put their lives on the line. For these low lives, for Trump. They lied on the road. They lied on the road. Who lied on the road? What are you telling me? Excuse me? Those two traitors behind you. They lied on the road? That's right. What are you saying? They're traitors. They're traitors. I don't know. I don't even know how to deal with you, my friend. I don't even know how to deal with you. They stood there. They didn't have to. And there were other ones in there who probably were in with them a little bit too. And they found a way to get around. Not these guys. They stood there and fought. For us. For you. For you. They weren't fighting for you. No? They fought for you, buddy. You're able to stand right here now. Oh, God. This is so sad. The car horn. I mean, the car alarm really just adds such a difference. I don't know who's directing this piece, but really well done. Bravo. It really just kind of adds this layer of pathetic-ness to the whole thing. You know what I love? And I'm going to have Jared pull this because typically I just reference this. But if you don't know it, you have to hear it. When Michael Scott in the office takes the pizza guy hostage and then the pizza guy keeps calling him a loser. And Dwight says, "What did you call him?" A loser. "What did you call him?" A loser. And finally, Michael Scott has to say, "Stop having him repeat it." Like, Robert De Niro keeps having the guy repeat it. Who's a traitor? He's a traitor? What? What? A meltdown. We'll be right back.