The Left Wing Back Podcast

Terence 'Sambo' McNaughton chats: The need for Hurling structure change - Empathy for Carlow - Worries for promotion of the game

Hurling legend Terence 'Sambo' McNaughton joins us for a fantastic discussion this week. We also look at the Carlow Footballers clash with Wicklow & much more

An icon of Hurling, 'Sambo' outlines his concerns over insufficient promotion of the game. He gives us great perspective and some of the challenges and also insight on how to improve things. 

The conversation is broad based and one of the best Podcasts we have ever recorded.

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1h 20m
Broadcast on:
28 May 2024
Audio Format:

Hurling legend Terence 'Sambo' McNaughton joins us for a fantastic discussion this week. We also look at the Carlow Footballers clash with Wicklow & much more

An icon of Hurling, 'Sambo' outlines his concerns over insufficient promotion of the game. He gives us great perspective and some of the challenges and also insight on how to improve things. 

The conversation is broad based and one of the best Podcasts we have ever recorded.

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the left thing by podcast is brought to you an association with property partners bogey corded sports, Talbot Carlo, Poiton motors, art spas, PFT travel, paddle horn photography, morning's cinematography and railway limiters. Yes, so welcome along to the left wingback podcast and lots to discuss this week. And with a special guest, the course is a big sample. McNaughton joins us on the show to discuss Carlo and Entrum at the weekend, joined as ever by Kevin Regan and a lot to discuss. I was supposed to kick it off. Big sample, the last time I saw you was on a beach in the Algarve. It was about 15, my last family holiday. Puckenballs, my father, my brother. And I think a ball got loose anyway. You might have plucked it from the sky. And we got talking anyway. It was Cushendall was mentioned, because obviously accents were exchanged. And I think with that said, a big sample country. And I think you turned around and said to him, I am big sample. And it went from there. I suppose the great thing is, no matter where you are from on the island, if you're Irish and you're abroad and you know, when it comes to Gaelic Games, it's great to suppose meet friends from all over the country. And obviously we lots to discuss with the big game this weekend. But we met up, we went for a couple of drinks together, a couple of underage drinks from my perspective. But yeah, we enjoyed ourselves. And I think you've been heading to the Algarve ever since. Yeah, it's a good spot. I've been going to the Algarve now, but to have a house out there now, but 19, 20 years now, it's a good spot now. It takes a lot of boxes, short fleet, usually the weather is good. And the Portuguese people are as friendly as any I've met in the world. And it's handy. And really all you're looking for is somewhere to have a cool beer and peace and weather and tell out. But now we take the fire stick and watch the GA in the house and everything now. So we don't need the pub anymore. I always need the pubs and lots to discuss after, after the weekend I suppose. From your perspective, we'll start with you towns. Just at the game at the weekend, congratulations, first of all. Where was it one and last from your perspective from looking in? I thought we looked good from the goal. I thought we ran out. We cried the ball well, and we were defensive. We were running out. These were causing problems like and not there. And we kind of stopped it halfway through the second half to it, going again. But we dealt with your big men really well. We kind of seemed to be going direct to get the ball in the hand of the big man out there and we talked about that well. But I thought we looked really dangerous whenever we were running out. I thought our pace up from causes problems, to be honest. That's how it looked from my side as well, it's interesting very that Sam was kind of loyal to that. I mean, we're not naive now. We all know that the opposition targets each other's big men. But like, I've watched Andrew a few times this year and I've been very impressed with the direct lane running. James McNaughton, I think a particular center forward. And for me, looking in, the influence of Kevin McDonald has been massive from our point of view. A lot of the time he's been kind of situated as a loose man and he's making play. Now, the other day, either way, I don't know, was by design or by default, but he spent a lot of time having to run the other way. I thought that was a big impact on the game, Sambo. Yeah, I thought that we had to get at this. The art time was to get his turn and going towards your own goals. But that's how the new defender wants to be doing that. And to be further, the other guys, the James McNaughton, Nathan, L.A., Sean, people have gotten probably especially know their pace either. When they get a run on you, they're hard to stop. Like, the art pace here and they cover the ground very fast. And it's kind of the modern game now that they need that pace and you need that forward lane moving. And we definitely, when we were wrecking through the half-pipe lane, we were causing all sorts of hassle for you. Yeah. Do you know what I'm wondering, and again, I don't know whether it's by design or by default, two things. Did Andrew go and squeeze the poke out so that Kevin McDonald, who wasn't free, would be the first thing. But the second thing I noticed was the position of column coning in there to goal. So like a lot of time, if you're playing one or two in there, it'd probably be on the edge of the small part of the underground, make or run sideways. Columns spent a lot of time on the end line just to the left of the six-yard box. And that one was diagonal over towards the dressing rooms was where Andrew were playing in to end the first half. So that seemed to do two things. Now, again, I don't know whether this is the designer default. The Crossfield ball was there for the runner. But a lot of the time you would have found a wing back, whether it was seven or 12 on that side, ghosting up on the blind side. And I think a couple of your goals came from that wing. I mean, it looked quite, it looked coordinated. I don't know if it was that coordinated. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's had the government's been using this while, like, to be fair, once you are half Platt Smith thing, whoever is the ball, come up, even Harry Burke, come up that wing and score the point once that Crossfield ball, it gives Kobe that space to run into and when he has that space, it can cause move defenders problems. Like, because once he gets a ball in the hand, he's nippy and, and then the support coming through from the half forward line again, kicking the ball off. No, he's to won the ball. Maybe enough, if he can't turn his man, then there's that support coming through from my three half forward line. And that's where all the problems coming from. Yeah, I was thinking, it was a little bit too worried that I wasn't just buying, by sheer luck. And, and also, I mean, a lot of the time that the ball was on Sambo for direct delivery, but you run it so well, you didn't really need to go direct, like. Yeah. Well, the difference in the two teams is we don't have that, the economy cameras put in, I think I'm right and saying Connor's first starting to hit the express man and Connor'd be a big enough man, but we took him out and we don't have the same ball one about this, Carter would have, Carter was some big man, good hands on him. And, like, I'm, I said, you're 17, I'm not sure who, I meant to get a program out of the arm. Are you, are you balling? Was it the left hand? Yeah, there were casting some grip balls. We don't seem to have that, that out and out ball one in the air about they were, we, our assets, earth strength, there's get the ball in the space and we have the guys can cover the ground and cause facts problems in that way. He's just basically have to pay to your strengths. Like, Carter was playing to the earth strength and we were trying to play to ours and, but earth strength was creating the goals. Like, goals won matches and, like, there was even a couple of more answers for goals that we hadn't been more realistic. Yeah, there was, I mean, and look at, I think from a car low point of view, as I said, my Donald has been free for large sports in the year, but the other thing they've done is they'll, you'll find that the defense goes kind of a little bizarre and a little bit more compact. Now, I thought there's a lot of guys passing runners off the other day and we looked a little bit at sea when Andrew did run at us, like, and he punished us. Yeah, well, like, James McNaughton and people that once they get a run on you, as that ball breaks from, and they get that run, they're hard to stop. You know, like, I need a defender and I didn't find it hard to stop James when he's going, like, James is very patient and good at carrying the ball. And to be fair to him, he takes people out well, he used to ball really well. James was a big problem. He was going deep into mid sea, picking up balls and giving them out. And then he was coming through for the ball, coming off the full forward line. The half forward line, the ball was one in the full forward line, and they were supplying the runners coming through. And that's hard to defend against when that one of works. I really, those are really these, I suppose, and that sort of game plan doesn't come to fruition overnight. Like, that takes time and when it breaks down, it can go horribly wrong. Oh, yeah. Their schemes is broke down and not there and it's gone horribly wrong too for us, but it worked. And somebody thank God for us, like, and out there, but, you know, Carl, I definitely feel for Carl and back down again. I don't see how that, I know we'll probably speak about this, but I don't see how that addresses the hard and like, there has to be some other way to do this. Just, just on that, because we spoke with it last week, a sample on the podcast, building up to the game. And for Carlo and Antrum to be in that position, you know, going into the game at the weekend, what other way do you think the GA can look at this? I mean, there shouldn't been that much pressure in my view. And I think in a lot of people's view, and that, you know, for there to be so much writing on one game, you know, I think it's definitely unfair, and not just, just, but both sides going into the game, but, you know, back. Yeah, it seems like it's not only Carlo and Antrum, I would put Lish and Westmeath and Kerry and not level two because in my whole career, my whole time playing on the corner, and managing, and after that, Antrum would come for a few years and compete, and then there would lose a few players and jump back again. If Antrum had a one down chance, there are a few guys who don't want to have them under America next year, and there's not that, you know, like, for, for Antrum, it's like, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm worried that the same with Carlo now, the fact that they're up in Lame McCarthy, playing that level, doing so well, enjoying it, kind of, it kind of, it kind of feels from a players' point of view to give up. This, we, that's, we're tough and four, five, six, eight, eight, nine, they give that up to one of the few of McDonough again, it's not really that incentive for them, but the amount of the future, if you've been honest about it, and, and I would worry that players, maybe the, given that commitment and seeing no return, that it was, you'll get a few players that maybe retire, a few would head off traveling or something like that, or going forward in America or something. And then the whole thing, December, it's, then you're back down again, and that, yeah, and that happens with Carrie, Westmeath, Antrum, leash, all through one will come and do really well, and the drip, like, really, there's nothing between the legs of Antrum, Carlo, Westmeath, leash in out there, going forward. And we, we've all dominated for a period of time, amongst each other, but it's at the next level above us where we have to try and, and get to and stay at, and for teams like Antrum and Carlo, and the teams they've talked about, it's a conveyor belt is a problem, I find it's just getting into where, whether there was a system where you put all them teams together, and Lancer, and they're in Lancer, and two teams come out of a group, and we'll show them the Lancer every year or something like that. I don't know something like that needs to be done, but we need to be, sorry. No, you're all right. No, I just want to comment on the party, if you don't mind just for a second, because Sam was touched on something that I was going to raise myself, and I had the same fears, which is the turnover of players as a result of this, which should not go unnoticed. I mean, it's, it wouldn't have been unusual for Jack Kavanaugh and Richard Cordy to maybe hang up the horrors after the weekend, regardless, because of where they're at, for their saloundering the same boat, that it was a possibility. But all of a sudden, you have real talk of a possibility of a Paul Dale, a John Michael Nolan, a Connor Lawler, and who replaces these guys? I mean, the first two we're talking about are guys that played in Lancer minor horror final, and I think Sam was hit the nail on the head. If you look at where awfully or when they went down, and they went down twice, I mean, you see how hard it is to go up, and this is my point. People say, "Asher, look, the the monster team that goes down the coast right way, will they?" I wonder, would you find if they did go down, would they do the same as what Sam was talking about? I think they would. They might go off on the holiday, they might be like, "Look, I'm going to give this a year." And then you kind of start losing guys bit by bit over a period of time. And it has the collateral effect, and we cannot afford replacing the more natural. I think you've hit the nail on the head, Sam, more, to be honest. Yeah. Well, the likes of the cork, it's not like the cork of so much strength and depth, so much problem and temporary, and at least they have a conveyor belt coming all the time, and there's always that chance that says that there's something in the cork team a good sponsor of cars. It's fair. There's not the same reward, once you hold in the jumet donna or that there for Antamor Cardo and that there. And for a young married man, it's maybe on a filmsite, or it doesn't have a boss that's Jay friendly, and they tend to time off, and you're asking to go to Jim maybe two, three nights a week and three pizza stations this time of year. And the commitment level now, I don't know, kind of level is getting, it's getting too much I think, but there's too much that I know for a time there during the year, like, Paddy Barker can see his house from back to back here, and named McManus is in this house all the time. I know what they're doing, like, it's crazy stuff, like, it's the come up on the level and you know, they have to put their lives in hold, even their social life, their careers, they're like, it's getting a massive and for you, for you to be down to the jumet donna and do that, you're asking enough a lot, you know what I mean? It's easier to walk away from that situation, if your boss is not Jay friendly or your wife's giving you a hard time because you're two young kids at home and you're leaving the house three, four, six nights a week, or whatever it is, like, if it comes, you ask yourself that question a lot easier when you're in the jumet donna, if you know what I'm trying to say here, maybe I'm not expecting it right, but it's easier to walk away when you're down to that level, and it is, when you're to lay on the carte level, because everybody wants to play against the corks with your canis, the experts, the donna, you know, these teams, it's more, it's more like, as a supporter, I want to go and see go away and call it in part until Kenny and that there, like, you know, it's more attractive to the fans to go and see that, like even Cardo throw him through Kenny this year, you know, it's not absolutely brilliant, like, you know, we'll give the same thing if Cardo drew you with after him next year in the jumet donna, no, you wouldn't, you wouldn't do the same if about it, or interest about it, or press coverage about it, and young fans love it, and that's the problem. Heading into the weekend, lads, heading into the weekend, Antrim and Carla had registered, you know, they were on the board in terms of, you know, points in the round robin, Tipperary, for example, in Munster, you know, should there be a playoff, should there be a playoff between the, the lenster team and the Munster, the bottom of Munster, and, you know, because, you know, Kerry come up, for example, where they're going into Munster, you know, if Kerry got to the, I think the, the Nantrim play Kerry in there, the jumet donna find a couple of seasons ago. Yeah. And there's a monster going away, there was talks that him going into lenster, and it was talk a few years ago that they'd have to win a playoff against the bottom of him in Munster, the same year as a lenster winner will go straight into the lenster championship. I mean, there's no fairness to this whatsoever. Samuel, I'll let you answer Barry's question anyway, you're the, you're the expert here, not me. No, I'm not an expert. I, I don't know, but like, let's be honest, why is capillary, or I had an optimum cardel, then, and it probably will remain show on the, there's serious structure, re-change and the game of horror, but, but Kerry is a team I've been so far. Kerry don't seem to get any like and progression and out there, and there's good, important people in Kerry, like, Cardo, where I'm from in the Wilson. Like, if I was him, I'd be screaming from the top of the roof. Like, you know, Kerry has to, Kerry has to get their game in the sum here too, like, and somehow it has to be structured and not there, but like, I don't, I can understand the really recent thing, but like, for Cardo to come up one year and to step back down again, it's, it's so destroying. Like, I've been there, I've, I've been that soldier, like, I wore that t-shirt, like, it's, and it's hard to keep going. It really is a momentum and, and then, you know, different things happen and things fall apart and you go to the water for a couple of years and you manage to consume, you get a bit of earth again, and you come again, and that's your, your effect is going on. It's going on my whole life, like, what, what Cardo, what dumped them, what was weak, what leash, you know, what Kerry, the Kerry just jumps and orders that, you know, but it's just that, that when we lose a knee, McManus and people like that and are, say, a James McNaughton or a Curly Broke to go to, we don't replace the lake, we're like, you know, there's not, there's not a given replacement for that quality. Do you know what I mean? And, and we don't have the numbers, and it's, it's back to our numbers game, so there has to be some system where maybe we all got a plot and the top two teams come out and then to answer them, play, play a quarter final and answer or something like that. I don't know. The smarter men, we kind of solve this, but I think we have to keep trying, we have to keep, keep trying ideas on how to promote harden and these kinds because that's a lot easier to promote harden was to relation than to go to a football, kind of where there is none. Do you know what I mean? We did see a variation over Barry and Zambo about nine, ten years ago, where they had a lens around Robin, I remember playing Andrew Minnis and I thought it was pretty good at the time. Now, then I suppose the question remains, what would the John with on a couple? Could the John with on a cup be that later on Robin you're talking about? Is there a window at the player that wonder before we go into a knockout scenario? I'm not so sure, but it definitely seems like a valuable and a fair option to stop the audio effect. Okay, you still pretend to send teams largely, but you'll be afforded an opportunity on Maris and you won't have to, you know what I mean, like there is, there is something to it to think. I suppose, I think the common denominator here across the conversation is you don't want to see any relegation for anyone. Look, obviously, that was what was at stake at the weekend, Carla, last interim one and interim deserved to be playing the McCarty Hurland next year. Westmeade, for example, last year, we saw the result they got against Wexford and this year they're not making the John McDonough final. So I think the fall off, you're talking about panels and players and going abroad, etc. And it's not the same appeal with the John McDonough. I think that whole point, I think, is fantastic. The question is, how quickly can the GSA solve it? Will it be next season? We have to wait for three years and you know, what will have that done? This is a golden era, Kevin and Carla Hurland. We were just speaking about it last week. You know, the players that have come true now and looking at the underage setup, maybe we might not have the same success in a couple of years time. So, for these players to be at their peak now, should they be playing the McCarty Hurland next year? It's two years, three years. Is that too late? Yeah, we'll look at, after again the reded ensemble would have saw this as well. Maybe it's a more familiar sight to someone than it is to us, right? But what I'm talking about is the kids staying behind looking for autographs and bearing in mind, you know, to go to three hours is the trek the other day that a lot of these parents made. And here are the kids who are still looking for autographs. Their team has been in McCarty and it's been a trend throughout the whole thing. I'm sure it's similar from an answer point of view. But that momentum is now lost for us by going back down. And that's a very, very important point and sample notice. Like, you're always trying to bring on the next generation and, you know, develop them, keep the interest going in the game. And there is such competition now definitely down in Carla among sports that we have to be doing our best to market it. And that is the perfect opportunity for us. And, you know, that's where the fear would be. And just to add to that as well, to bring some way in on this, like, I mean, chatting to a couple of the Carla players, the Armstrong guys were almost apologetic today going over to those guys because they know what it's like. They've been there. They've been in this position. And largely, I think they know the whole thing kind of stings a little bit. I think if this is, okay, Antrim of tradition, I think Antrim were probably a little bit more popular in the media, maybe than Carla might be. But just say awfully, for example, there is a gratitude or a gravitation, not a gratitude towards awfully. The thing is, it is for Wexford. And until something inevitably kind of starts happening to them, it seems like nobody really wants to listen. Now, maybe that's just a Carla small mind, small man syndrome. I don't know. But do you think there is a bit of a disparity sample in that we're saying one thing and we're doing another and trying to promote the whole goddamn thing? Well, yes, that's just a whole different podcast you're giving them to now. There's no small man on this podcast. Anyway, Kevin, that's for sure. Can I make a phone call to book me all our own tickets before it's saying anything else? After answering that question, I'm going to get to make it. No, I have a great to make goal a long time and a economic stop-ragger. Nothing's really changed in my life. I've made a debut for Antrim in '81 and played it 10 years. We did a couple of our days in the song because of the second half. We brought back the Ulster title down into the team. We did a bit of life, but the reason Antrim players were apologetic, I know it was a negative match and a couple of lessons in that there. But that's what you want. You want a better fight than that there. But there's no hurting man and Arden wants to see Carla again. Because that's no good for the game, no good for anybody. And the more teams that are eating at the top table, the better the game has. And the more chance... We have guys here named with Manas Paliberg and my own club here. And the kids now, they want to be named with Manas. They want to be Paliberg. They see them because I want to take my granddaughter up to see T.G. a rate claim. You want to see these teams coming to Belfast on a regular basis. That's where you build heroes and that's where the next generation comes from. That guy is standing in the autographs. It's going to hurt for Carla some day. I'll bet with some of them young fellas or young girls on that pitch on Saturday will wear the Carla jersey. Because their fathers fit the American plant and seeds in the sea, the seed and the momentum are not there. That's how we all got up. We all... I grew up watching Chonghia Bryan and Jared Henderson and people like that and watching. I want to be forced to all earn 78 and a bit of a Datsun 120 white. And that's true story from... And that's before the motorway. Whenever it took you about five hours to get to Dublin from Cushing Dog, I was in the bit. The brothers popped me in the bit. And that's the true story because all I wanted to do was play harden because somebody planted a seed and we took all these matches and had seen these people that you thought were gods and blah blah. And that's what it's all about. And the TA really, really need to do something again or they need to promote it because I'm not sure. I think if there's something like only 17 won all earns or something, 32, or some statistic with that. And if you go down through the years that we took the Kenny and Cork out of it and temporary and everything, they're going to win. He's going to... Let me go going for five in a row and let me seem to have their act together here to stay and not there. But it's... I know you're telling Ricardo, but I think there's a lane from Dublin to Galway and then in north of it, they couldn't give them monkeys. I don't know what happens. And that's no disrespect to Jersey and you're in the same problem. But it hopefully does the best room overview because it's one and all earned. And the only way to get respect in the GE, I think, if you want to know as a player, we always felt that you never really get an respect unless you've got an all earned your clock. I'm not there. And maybe awfully, awfully can come again. They're under 20s there. And of course, you need to encourage them. We'd love to see you awfully by the club table. But we need to... We need the Cardinals, the Amperms, the West Meters that keep to say it, they need a structure where they can be exposed to higher levels or regular basis. Whatever that is, we've tried different things out here. But for Ricardo to go back down, is Jim Horner no good, then Cardinal no good. And I can promise you here now, Cardinal will find it hard next year to won the Zuma Da. You're talking about it. Just sample. You're talking about the young kids and signing autographs and exposure to young people to the game, right? And looking up to your heroes, etc. How did the interim people feel about the coverage that they got from a TV perspective? Whether that be true TV or to GA go, etc. How do you think... How has that gone down in interim this season? Because in Carlo, we got one game shown and that wasn't even shown in RT, it was shown on GA go. So when you're talking about exposing the game to a younger audience, etc. How have the interim people felt about the TV coverage this year? Well, we're so used to it. We're so used to not being shown and not there. It's second nature, it turns minority. Like the BBC, we have nice and broad covers here that are nowhere small population on them. But the problem is that they don't show the games because they'll say that no, the BBC is a challenging program. We'll show all the other football teams who are not there. And that draws by crowds and not there. The club park has to take charge here and try and Belfast, your term with Carlo, the club that that grounds and that matches in the yesterday hasn't had a minor team in 14 years. You know, St. John's, you know, Ross, like Belfast has won one championship in 40 years. You know, Belfast is a sleeping giant if we've got our structures right and developed that there or, but I just think there's so much wasted money because of ticking boxes, people tick boxes. And if you get through the grape tree, people in your own county and out there, there's people out there who do anything in out there, but the club park just don't seem to, I know it's probably a money thing and viewing figures and all this here. Like, Carlo and Antrim is not going to draw a big audience. Let's be honest, boys. And from a G, but the G, you should make enough point. They're promoting that game. It should be shown in every pub in Antrim and every pub in Carlo that every kid can see it or something, like every house, you know, and I think maybe that's coming down the line, but it's total snobbery for the top though. But it always is. It always has been like, like, we, we're not, we have the greatest product in the world here. I know people are going to out here, he goes again and so forth and snobs not there. But that is the greatest game in the world. Like, when that one hardens kid at that level and that speeds enough, even some of this game to watch tears with none, to watch your man catching the balls and all that. It's a joy to watch like them. Kids love it now, but I don't know why with this great product, that it's only dominating by so, that with so many kind is that you're going to pick other than water for monster, you know, it's very strong. It's weak nearly everywhere else. It always has to come into the lancer and not to present the lancer, not there. But how are they not buying in a drum year and year, like, to get these games shown to kids and get more kids at games and promote the thing in a way like, like, invite primary schools, you know, have a, like, Carlos development squad, see them not playing out in Saturday, everyone on, everyone on in Saturday morning. That should be near compulsory. I'm almost playing, Clark, Clark bring their development squad up and play anthem in the common, you know, the day before, the day after or something. There should be, there's ways to do this, which spend money better than what's been done. And I know, like, like, I've talked to, to far as to be attains and not there. And it just basically comes down to viewing figures and not there. And they'll mix them. If the J go, if there was, if there was no J go, you wouldn't see any matches. You'd only see the ones that are at the issue. And to me, it's a good thing. And it's all it is. What is it? One 38 game. I'll pay, I'll pay, I'll pay at least amount. My problem is a fucking Wi-Fi in the hands out of the ship. No, no, because we're surrounded by mountains here. Just to come in. I think there's a couple of very interesting points that, that you have made there. The Wi-Fi is definitely a humorous one. I mean, and it's one that can be a problem in almost nationwide times, I think. But, like, you look us down. Nuri is a problem with Harlan. You look at Carlo. Carlo Town is a problem with Harlan. You look at Antrum. Belfast is a problem with Harlan. Israeli great scientific evidence to suggest that Harlan is poor. Like, why is Harlan so poor in what those urban areas do you think? I mean, Carlo Town, we're a stronghold at one stage. Choice. In our county. Like, is it too much choice? And if it is choice, why do you gravitation? I don't know. I mean, it's a million-dollar question, I think, Sambo, is it? Well, I can only speak to my own example why the problem is in Belfast. We have coaches who've been at the schools, paid by Antrum and also a council. But there's no club school length because you walk into a primary school and first law is where that's growing. There's maybe, say, there's 20 boys in it. Take an example, 20 boys in it. There might be 98 clubs in that class. Place for that one place for that one place for that. Instead of breaking Belfast about the five areas and every kid plays for a street league out of that area where West Belfast plays Blue or Falls or something like that there. And there's no way to do this. We're not reinventing the wing here. The game of Harlan was hard to coach. It's hard to coach when you walk into a class because I worked for Sporta night for two and a half years. And to go into a class and take a week out into the helmet in our head, we're here. It's hard. It's easy to go and coach get a football. It's easy to coach soccer. You just bring a bag of balls and Harlan's a far more dedication. But I can tell you that whenever you see a child, whenever a child goes left a ball and takes it and strikes it up a thing, the smile in their face, you know you have them, you're planting that seed and it's just a matter of reputation, reputation. And it can be done that we're not asking people to dig dreams or something. We're asking to play the greatest sport in the world. And that's what we have. We have a brand new product. It's more enjoyable to play Harlan, to watch Harlan than any other sport in the world. And I advise to know that I am a brave moist out there. But I will defend Harlan against any sport in the world. If you should, I have brought Americans. I brought Australians that never still seen a game and that they're always around there and amazed behind everybody's amazing part. We've all done it. We've all took our cousin from America or something to the game and they go, wow, wow, you know screaming and shit. No, thanks everybody's getting killed in one of sport. If you could milk that and sell that in America, it would worth a fortune. But we have a good product. It's not been utilized. It's not been literally. And I was on to the MCU's committee and cool park and out there and it's just a particular life out of me and I'm sure there's a room in Kaysman Park or there was a room where there must have been 50 projects where people come in and say we need to do this and we'll do this and we'll do that. And nothing ever changes. Can you tell me one thing this happened in the past 10 years in Carlo or anywhere that has changed the landscape of the game of Harlan? We're a director of Kaysman Park to help it early. Can you name one thing? Can you name one thing? No, but then I've got to ask you why? Why would the constellings of this sport not be? It should be nearly cool parts number one priority. What do you call it? It's it's our heritage. It's the sport nest goes on. They're in charge of this game. This game 11 died by the people that make these decisions. They have to protect this game and they can and you say choice. Yeah, of course you choice. I use this given like solvers, you know, choice. McDonald's sell the most hamburgers in the world. It doesn't mean they're the fucking best. Do you know what I mean? Like, oh, that's brilliant. I have to come back to the BBC thing because I just had a check again to be sure. I was almost certain Harlan had a clean run of the day on Sunday that there was no football being played, which I think is very interesting when you come back to it. Like, I don't know what the rights arrangement is with the BBC were privy a bit more to the RT and GA goal and down down here like whatever. But surely there there was an opportunity and probably a missed opportunity from the BBC's point of view past week to showcase. So when you think of the great Harlan areas, not just an answer, but across Ulster in their catchment area, Sambo. I may be right in saying this in my lifetime. I'm coming sexually. I don't think the BBC ever showed up in their lives. Even the order and hurting things like that. And I don't think there's ever been a heart of my shown on the BBC. I can't mind. Maybe there is somewhere down the line, but I don't mind one. Like, we have a big games before going through the years where it's totally ignored and not there. But that's maybe back in my day with probably for a whole different reason than it is now. I feel like the GA is still like even this morning there. Like, that company's so fast. There's pipe bombs left that they're getting out there. And there might be a reason why they don't show it or something. You know, I don't know. I don't know. It's about my previous. But I don't think the BBC has ever shown an also team ever. They probably avoid a lot of criticism, you know. Yeah, because it all goes straight. But that's why I keep bringing them up. Like, I'm from in the north of the company, like, you know, BBC, like, I pay my TV license here. Like, you know, I pay my taxes here. Am I not entitled to see me county or the same as everybody else? Like, and the, the, the Madonna is half. No, but you think it raised me mental. You can bet your life on the Madonna hobby game. And if you ever notice the hobby game, there's always one man walking in the far side with dog. Nobody's ever at these games. Look, look, you'll see all hobby games. You'll see club hobby games. And you can give them all a lift in the money that goes towards Sambo. Sambo, just, just, just on that, right? And you're saying about the BBC have never showed an interim horror. Yeah, we guess what? We're living in Carroll on the RT, RT have never shown a Carroll match and I'm approaching Turkey tree. So, I mean, GA go, I think has has, you know, it is a good, it is a good platform for sure. But we were even to say in last week that, you know, for example, we don't get an off topic, right? We're talking about Limrix, you're talking about Tipperaries, you're talking about, and I'm not, I don't mean to be banging the same drum here, but the kids, the crowds at the Monster Championship gets, and we all know the crowds that they get, but, but it's the, it's the counties that you mentioned, the caros, the Westmeeds, their, their, you know, Kevin mentioned downs, for example, Derry leash, those counties, the games should be shown on some sort of platform that we've access to. So, you know, you mentioned, for example, the, the, the, the, the, the Monster Championship and the viewing figures and, and it comes down to figures. Look, we get that. And but for me, for five lengths to check, we, we know how much Carroll, you know, what they went through in this group of players to get up to Lima character this year, they played five games in the round robin and one of the games was, was, was shown in any sort of platform. And that was the Kolkini game on GA go. And there was a foregone conclusion, according to the pundits, don't mean to sound negative, don't mean to put it, I just think that needs to change and bring the Joe McDonough games on, on, on, on, onto the GA go platform as well. Invest in the thing that needs to go into that a little bit more, a lot more than what we have seen. And that's my frustration at the moment. Yeah. I couldn't get the game on Saturday. I'm sorry on Sunday because I was working. I didn't get to, I didn't get to see the game. And I got a couple of minutes on the Sunday game. And I am a Carroll Hardin fan, have been on my life and go to the game and I can. Yeah, but I agree with you 100%. But it has to be both from, it has to be like, we all, we all appreciate the virtue of a TV for us. No, we're the club games during the year and different games. Like, you said earlier on, if we change, we'll take two, three years. If the GA want to change it, we did have a structure next year and a TV setup where everybody can get to see whatever games they want. And that there, if there's a wall there. Hopefully the new Hardin committee will come up with something that, I have great faith in startup boards. I generally do. I've met him quite a few times. I believe, I believe he will, I believe, well, hand in heart and I hope the God I'm right. I believe if there's ever anybody going to do something for a Hardin, it'll be ours. And I'm here. I hope he hears this. I hope I have a pressure on, I hope somebody takes out headline and classes in an overflow part or something, because I'm finding, I'm just doing something for the game of Hardin because I, I worry for it in certain areas. I do worry for it, worry for it big time. And I don't want, I don't want me to kind of do the back down into the film at Donner, the Christian Ring and that there, even though it is a great conversation, hard to one and that there. I want the young, the Grand Coach and the number of teams out here, they need to go and see the top teams in Ireland and that's what we all do. We, we have no problem and cushion dog and in the car driving the service to watch a monster friend or go and see it, see them, play them. And when you watch them and when you get a chance that they come champions, it just adds to, it adds to the whole occasion that I run them. And that's what we need in us. And if we're ever going to get up along with the doubles and the waxford who are just above us, that's what we need to do. We need to expose this on regular basis as much as we can. And the more kids see it, the more kids will develop the game, the more kids will be. And we produce maybe another Neil McManus or another blah blah and we keep coming and we build a conveyor about so that we can keep going and keep going and keep going. And that's, that's how the team grows. That's how, that's how anything grows. If, if whoever was in charge of ordering his past 100 years, if you were paying them a wage, you would buck and sack them in the morning. Wouldn't he? No, a third job is to remove the game on and the past 100 years. On this past? You would, you would say here, come here, talking about a sub, you'd give them their P45 and say here, go and find another job. Playing the simple. And, Jason Sambo, I'll tell you, we could talk to you for hours and forever. And I told you 20 minutes and we've kept you 45, so look, I'm just, I'm just conscious of that. I'm really, really enjoyed the chat and look, it was nice for you and to see each other once more after your last visit and maybe you'll meet in the area and say again this one stage some more. I want to clear something up with the new way I bought the first 10 year old at times. That never happened. I never bought a 15 year old event. Barry, tell the truth before you leave us. I don't want to pump you in a way. I didn't lose any lessons for that. Yeah, no, we'll sign off on that. We'll give the whole point. If you're ever on the lens, thank you very much, Sambo. Thank you very much for 100% we'll take you up on a Sambo, and thank you very much for joining us here. All right. No problem. Have a good 10 boys. Cheers. Thanks, Sambo. Thanks a million. Really appreciate it. And we're going to stick with it here for a moment because we have a bit to get through. What do you call it? All I can say is what a man, like if you could inject 10 percent of what Sambo has in terms of horror and passion into the powers of be, wow, our game would look a lot different, I think, wouldn't it? Yes, he's an absolute gent, and with a great time over in Alba Fera, Kevin, and his passion for the game, obviously you can see it there in the interview. It was great to speak to him and look forward to maybe a couple of points on him up and cushioned all some point in time. Yes, the game itself, Kevin. A couple of points maybe we didn't touch upon with Big Sambo there on the stream, but the first thing was the start of Carolo got because we spoke about it last week in the Wexford game, and we complimented Wexford. It was one way, whatever to miss, whatever to avoid. Similar in this game, Carolo had a great start to the match, and accuracy, I think, had to be commended in the first half, went down, went obviously in and half to him a point down. But from a first half perspective, I don't think it could have went much better apart from the cheap goals conceded. Absolutely, you hit the nail on the head. We hurled exceptionally well. We worked the scores really well, long range, and even getting the ball in around the injury where James Dyle was stationed. Let's believe James Dyle went for an extra after the Wexford game last week. Probably had no right to be playing. Got it strapped up to the hills along with John Michael, and in the first half in particular, Dyle was our standout performer. It was basically pull everyone else out, leave them one to one, and feed them. And when we fed them, like we give him the lemons, he was making the lemonade. That's the reality of it. Could we have got a bit more ball into him? Maybe. I'm not so sure. There was one particular ball in the first half, and I have to point this out. It was so stand out, which, not just because of the score that Dyle took, but the pass from Brian Tracy. Brian Tracy must be on his own 21. He looked up, Dyle made their own from the far-powered telegram, the edge of the power telegram. Brian zipped it, ceiling heist. I'd say it was no more than eight or four, eight or nine, four high. The whole way down the field, hopped once in front of the dial, into the hand, over the shoulder, bang, 60 hours out. It was an incredible score. We were caught with soccer points goals. That's the reality of it. And you know, I had a feeling I had to reaffirm this with Sambo, that station and Conan just to the left of the power telegram, and even the left channel open, wasn't by accident. And if you go back through the small few highlights that we got, that's where they got their goals from a lot of the time. We were at 6s and 7s. They were soccer punches, Bowser. We were the better team in the first half. I wonder if anyone's any different. We were the better team, we scored 15 times. We outscored them. Yeah. In many respects, we at least deserved to go in level. We should have been a few points off. But by the same token, I'm sure more of their opportunities, they took the goals and we were sloppy. So on the balance of player, look, maybe it was fair. But look, obviously, the crucial moment came on this rock a half time. And for me, this was completely avoidable. Like, James Dial wins are free. I wouldn't be critical of James Dial here. I mean, you see teams doing it the whole time where you might get the ones for championship face pump as it's known, or different things. And you know, he's just went into the Antrim player for my agency. The Antrim player hit the deck like a sack of sports, right? So that's what led to bodies three, four, five, six, and seven coming in. And for me, it was very, very little in it. Instinctively, I start a video on it half time. And that might sound whatever. But I just had a horn something might happen, I guess, you know, how, how would you handle it? I thought it was an interesting thing to capture from a media point of view. And stress was that chickens came home conversely, there was an instance. From the video that you, you took, right? I mean, from what I'm seeing there, yellow was harsh, alone, or red, and to single someone out, especially in a melee like that, when the game is, you know, the half is effectively over, just just calm it down, and it's good off the field. Great game in the first half. But you know, to single Chris out like he did, incredible. Probably, and this is not being biased, probably the worst referee in the decision I've seen in a long, long, long time. It was a poor call. And the elephant neuron needs to be addressed. The reason I say it was avoidable, isn't really because of James Dial, like, James Dial didn't know that most foreigners don't do it, we're back when you win a free off, in my view. The reason that this, that halting flared up, I think, was because there was torture of 40 seconds of pushing and solving, and the referee took his time and throwing in the ball. Like, a lot of time, I don't have an exact stopwatch figure on about a lot of time, too much time. And as soon as he showed the ball, literally the ball had barely left his hand, he blew for half time. And that's when, in actual fact, to get the proper sequence of events, it was very little over-scoful, when James Dial won the free. There was a bit of energy barriers, his man hit the ground, and he was going over-turning it because it is, right? But the real-scoful and chemozzle didn't actually start until the half-time whistle. And that came as a result of approximately 30 or 40 seconds of an official home and home about whether to throw in the ball or not. I don't know what he was doing, to be honest. The ball had barely left his hand, the whistle was blown, and ended up holding kicked off. Completely and utterly avoidable. And if you look at Lee Omegoff's article, he made a great point. He didn't actually name the official. But he said, going back in time, an official at one stage would never give a throw a ball because it would lead to a flare-up. He would rather give it free and give it incorrectly than give a throw a ball. So I think that's almost like, it's not far off as big a fail and as the actual decision to send them off. Why would you do that? You're actually just encouraging a flare-up. And then to wait, as you say, until he comes back onto the field, like Carlo Komodetone on the first, I could see the referee and his officials waiting for the teams to come back out. They couldn't, I'd said they couldn't wait to get them out. I'd said they couldn't wait to show out a bit of authority. That's how it looked like to me anyway. And all it comes over, the curly finger comes across a straight right card for knowledge. So what do you think that'll be? It's almost petual from an official, like, it's almost petual. Well, just before you come in on that, there's more to the story now. The answer on players didn't come out in a couple of minutes later. So you're standing there on the sideline and you're thinking to yourself, right, he's at least going to even this up shortly, like, and he didn't give a red card to an answer on player. And this is where the whole thing is just last on me. As poor as it would have been, Torang's not making a right, but it certainly would have meant a little bit more bearable today. Yeah, well, the bottom line is I'm listening on radio. Couldn't make it to the match, as I said, I was working at the weekend. We didn't find out till 10 minutes, 10 minutes before, full time, that actually was down to it. We're working into that, but just listening to the match, and I didn't want to. It was a big car, basically, on 10 minutes to go. Correct. That could be spoken with as well, but look, it wasn't on TV, it wasn't on GAGO, so I'm depending on my ears. Now, just on the first half, looking at the actual game, or listening to the game, it sounded to me, and the carol should have been ahead at half time and weren't. It also sounded like we hit very little whites. Big Sambo spoke about the area and the ability in this carol team. We know that already. You speak about Kuketi from an aerial perspective. Carlo, these players, we spoke about Marty Kavanagh, James Dialle, Chris Nolan, their ability in the air, Patti Bowlin, the hand of God, as you mentioned. We know what that is like. We weren't in command of that first half. We should have been in at half time ahead. As you said, we were the best team in the first half. Second half, Chris said enough. That's obviously a big turn-up point, but early in the second half, Carlo shot a couple of bad whites. If you actually look, it really, that's six points at the end, and we actually performed probably well in the second half, considering that we were at the 14 men. The crochet period was the 15 or 20 minutes after half time. I think the red car really unsettled us genuinely. I think it ruffled our feathers all together, and we looked a little bit disjointed, a little bit disorientated, and I'm trying to give it to us in that particular period from what I could see. Now, look, later on, we did get back level, and we kept putting torturally pints, and then we got another soccer punch goal. But I just think our heads went for a period of time after that sending off. We didn't focus on what we were supposed to be doing. If I'm honest with you, while you will be irated on the sideline, I think some of our supporters didn't do us any favors in what they were, the line they were going down. I mean, in one particular point, the linesman is getting abused on the halfway line over something that the umpires saw, and they're telling the linesman he saw it. They conditioned out through the linesman's eyes. I know you'd be frustrated, but what happens is when you start roaring at the officials like that, it creeps into the players, next thing they're feeling hard on by, and next thing it might even affect their focus. And don't think for a second that doesn't, you're that close to the action, is it was like old school McGrath Parr. We should have been roaring in encouraging these lads, stick to the game, stick to the horland, stick to the process. Instead, for 20 minutes, we absolutely give it to the referee. Well, not, not we, a small cohort did. And I don't think that helped our cause. If you are getting abused in the sideline and you're refereeing, you're going to give that team a free. I don't think you are. You won't hear it and crawl apart because it's so many people. You'll hear it in Corrigan Parr, where there's a few diehards. So I will be critical of, and I have to say, a very small cohort of Karla supporters who spent more time lambasting the referee and his officials than they did support in the team, which is a problem. I think it might affect her then. Bottom line is we lost our focus, whether it was the sideline roaring in the supporters, as you said, a small cohort, or whether it was the players themselves losing focus from seeing their lead card, maybe a combination of both. They could have been doing the losing in the game. We did not get back right until that last quarter. Well, we lost the second half by five points, basically. So I don't think that's a bad performance considering you're in Corrigan Parr, you're playing Antrim, relegation, the losing side gets relegated. And you should be probably winning that first half based on what I'm listening to. But I suppose in terms of the way the game finished up, Kev, there was frustration. Were you speaking to any of the players afterwards? What was the general feeling from the players in relation to that scenario? They're absolutely in bits over. They were going to look at it from my point of view, and I think I shared the sentiments of everyone. I just went around and told all of them that you're incredibly proud of them. The days that they've given us this year from a media and from a supporters point of view, be proud of yourself. Do not let your head be down because we're proud as a county of the efforts. They go out every day and are as honest as the day is long. They give bang for their book, they deliver time after time, they're under supported. They're the good few fans there today. They're the same fans. We've gained a few ones. It's great to see. But there's so many people there. Okay, Antrim, whatever. But in Dr. Colin Parr, that the lads deserve to have there more than what they did get, which is very disappointing. You're asking me a question about how they reacted. Yeah, they were good. I mean, you know, I touched on it earlier. It's quite likely that it could be the last time we see Jack Kavanaugh, it could be the last time we see Richie Corey, possibly John Michael Nolan, possibly Horace Lawder, possibly Paul Lyle. There might be a couple of more. I'm leaving out, enters the Ungra cohort and we're going to travel the next year. I'm so happy Sambo brought it up. That wasn't just me fearing it. It is a realistic thing that's going on. Like, I was looking at Jack Kavanaugh's body language. And again, I hear it going over to an interview. So I didn't ask any of him apart from the Captain Kevin McDonald. And even at that, I was his girlfriend Vanessa, who I actually said, look, I can't contact to tap on the shoulder to ask him. She goes, are you getting for you? I know I has to. What a gent. Like, and up the mountains bowser there, Monday night then, as well, going to poke for it, 24 hours after it. Like, what a guy like, you know? But, you know, I think, judging by Jack Kavanaugh's tweet as well, you know, he didn't spare James Owens in the tweet, I didn't strike me as the mark of something that somebody would do that was standing and coming back next year, if that makes sense. And it's devastating from that point of view. Like, it makes their decision a bit harder if they're in the immacurity again next year. It makes it a lot easier and older than John Madonna. I'm not trying to retire. I just have that fear of Bowser. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. No, it's a disappointing result. And we've kind of, you know, the first half of the show covered a lot of it, you know, TV coverage, referee, indecisions, smaller counties, et cetera, et cetera. We're not going to keep, you know, going on about it. But it's probably, yes, one thing bowser is probably like, I don't know, because he even called it a blast. But it's one of the few, or possibly one of the first blots on Tom Malali's copy book. And like, he's an incredible CV that he didn't keep car at all. And we didn't win the league this year. And I'm not trying to, that's not me taking away from Tom Malali. But I'm just speaking, in fact, that everywhere else he's gone, he's achieved. And we won a John Madonna club with him. He wouldn't have, like, for a second, I believe, taught that we were going to go down. I know it was higher ambitions. There was pre-lin quarterfinals in mind. There was third place targeted. It's, it's disappointing for him and for all the lads that we are now where we are. But I do think that has been an issue. And I don't lay all blame on management over that. But could we have done more as a management team to make sure that we have a bit more debt? Who knows? I'll put it out there for the bit and let the people decide. But what I will say is that that management team has given us serious joy. They have gone, I want to join with on the cup. They've had us competitive in four or five lengths of championship games, four out of five. And we got a result of a lifetime. So you have to give your, your due to them. And I'm not trying to be critical. I just want to put out a balance comment on what the feeling and the ground kind of is. So look, that's where we are. It's, it's a shame. Should we be, should, should we be taking no for an answer in terms of Lee McCarty-Harlin next year? It's a genuine question because we heard from Sam Bo, he reckons that restructure is really the Jake and can actually happen quite quickly if, if, if the demand for it is there. There is the demand for, for a restructure here and for next season. And Westmead are the perfect example. You know, getting the savage result last year against Wexford. We got a savage result against Kolkendi this year. We spoke about that, you know, we performed very, very well and we were very competitive against Dublin, very competitive against Galway. Wexford, a bit of a hangover, perhaps, and you know, things didn't go our way. And Wexford were excellent on the day. And again, at the weekend, you know, that turning point, I think Carol would have won the match personally if, if Krista is on the field. So, so look, it's all ifs and buts, but again, coming back to the main question is, should we be taking no for an answer? Should, Carol should be playing the McCarty-Harlin next year, shouldn't we? Look, I believe we should be making as much money as possible about it anyway. If we don't, too well, we'll be trying can't we'll look. I mean, I think, I think, I think all of the, all of the counties in the same position should be buying in that room. And I do believe, like, I mean, you know, Carol and Andrew historically have co-lumps of each other, their arrivals, but there is a genuine empathy and respect there. And they did not want to see us go down the other day and I'm more not to see us, me going down last year, or whatever. But to me, the only hope that we have really of real changes, if we've often not went to John with the Cup, because awfully, our oil, there's a gravitation towards them. If they don't win a at least go up, they might be a little bit more amazed and they might play to our advantage. Over recent weeks, they've got their under 20s, fair play to them. They don't unbelievable things, they're an unbelievable team. Now, we'll just have a curious point that I'd like to make though. I don't know what the attendance figures were for the John with the Cup final last year when awfully played Carol. I wouldn't think they were over 10,000, right? Now, even take if there was no truth into us and put awfully in the 70% ticket allocation category. You were there, I wasn't. Maybe they didn't have 70% of the crowd. But if they did, just saying Terry, that's six or seven. They did. They definitely had that. Right. If they had 7,000 and Nolan Park is able to face, I don't know what the actual capacity in Nolan Park is. There's a lot more people looking for tickets for this under 20 final than what was that last year's under, what was that last year's John with on a Cup final. I wonder what the same amount of people go to the John with on a Cup final from awfully next week. Is it just because their county is in a tier one? Under edge final, that's all of a sudden attractive and they need to be supported. Or is it not cool to go and support them when it's a tier two John with on a Cup final? If that's the case, well, should we not be seeing 10 or 15,000 awfully supporters and crawl apart? The same as we might see in Nolan Park and crying over venues and stuff. Well, let's look. I want to be careful with General Eliza, but I think that that awfully hurling support can be. You spoke about small man syndrome. You know, they almost think they're better than the air. Someone said that in the podcast about our Mac a couple of weeks ago when it comes to football, but certainly from an awfully perspective. I mean, where were they in the John Mac donna final? Certainly wasn't the same population. You mentioned 70% of the fans of Croc Park were awfully supporters, but they certainly didn't have 70% of less than 10,000, I would say 10,000 has been kind. I know all of a sudden you have this unbelievable demand because you're in a tier one final. Maybe you can say whatever you like, but there has to be something too that I'd like. On the other side of it as well is just not about coverage. They'll have got more coverage this year on RT when it comes to the obviously during the John Mac donna final. We want the John Mac donna final to be shown on TV, but you know, in terms of RT and you know, exposing the younger audience to the sport and awfully unleash will have got more RT coverage than Carola this year who won the John Mac donna last year and more actually playing in the Lima character this year. Your fact was correct earlier. I'd just like to add to it because I think you left out RT have never shown us in a Lee McCarty game. I think you would say that never shown us in the hurling game and fairness that did show the John was on the cold final last year, because it was a record. There was that the game, so it wasn't. Yeah, they haven't showed us on in a Lima character game to my knowledge and my memory and you go back and we'll chat to Lee on the golf and maybe all these guys ask them if they ever seen Carol in a tier one championship game on TV live in full commentary. Okay, right, that's we've kind of got through it out there. But finally, positives from the match and maybe younger players coming through that you're looking forward to see and develop next year whether that be in John Mac or Lee McCarty maybe in the news and by thinking that there is going to be a structure. We should be making noise about it, but positives from the weekend and young players to look forward to go into the next year. Yeah, well, look, I guess I've just met a point about we all need to work together. Look, maybe that's hypocritical on my behalf and I hold me hand up for it, but I do believe unless they're making the noise, they won't be real change. I think there's actually a story that you might have as well from even a family member's point of view or something that was said before that game last year. And this is the type of snob around talking about. That probably deserves to go on record. Yeah, it's one walking up Jones's road of seven, the family were on the way up and and we were told we don't get there too often, which is which is true. But, you know, we got, we were certainly played more Lee McCarty hurlum this year than the new file. Yeah. Almost been there since 1998 when the last one was. Can I put it back on record? Look, it is super to see awfully at an underage level competing at the, you know, I'm getting to finals, absolutely. And, you know, even, even from a minor perspective, Nolan Park, a couple of seasons ago, Tipperary, that was heartbreak. There's no doubt about that. And you'd like to see them. I'd like to see them when it out, you know, especially even from a lesser perspective. But just on the whole picture and I think it's because they won't all Ireland, because they won't all Ireland's awfully. And you mentioned the television was in black and white, but there is definitely from a media perspective, there's only more on the likes of awfully and wicksford than your carlos, your leashes, your west maids and entrums. And I think that's, I think that's very much unfair because, you know, it's, it's not, it's not those counties where there is a big, you know, Harlan, what's the word I'm looking for? There's a limerick, your limerick, your limerick, your coxure, Tipperary's, and your Kilkenny's. There'll always be, that is a very, very strong sport in those particular counties. It's, it's, it's, it's the counties that we've just mentioned that we're looking to develop the game in. They're the counties that really the support of the media on a national level, on a mainstream level. And, and also, you know, smaller podcasts, which are now taken material and posted as their own. Yeah, I have to say I disappointed to adapt it already as well. And even look just to go back to it, I have to just reaffirm this. I do hope awfully under twenties when I think they're a fine side. And I love the fact that they're supporters all well. I genuinely do love that. That's great. It is great for the game. But, but, but, for more point to do with selfishly, I hope Lee Schwinn, the gentleman on the fine. I want awfully twenties to win dollar. And I want Lee Schwinn, the John Mack final, because all of a sudden, awfully twenties go up. I was looking at this. That's not good. Now, unless our flagship team is the American. It's a very interesting point. It's a very, very interesting point you make that. I mean, it gives us hope. No, well, apart from giving hope, I mean, if, you know, if Lee Schwinn, the John Mack final, and you have, you know, this, this, this absolute superstar, awfully underage team coming up, you know, from not just within awfully, but, but people are going to start looking at this and saying, should these young guys be introduced to Joe Mackra? Should they be introduced to Lee McCarthy? You know, what, what are you wasting by yourself? You know, interesting. Yeah. I think, I think, I think from a Caroline Herlin perspective, and even all the great work you've done on this podcast came over the last couple of years, I think, I thank you to the players and I thank you for the journey that they've brought us on. And it's not the end. And I think it's probably fitting to say that because they've given us great joy to be up there competing to be, to be, you know, in coming down the home stretch for Kilkenny, you know, to be coming down the home stretch with Dublin, with Galway, and Trump, obviously, we, we, I think we would have won the game personally if, if we're not reduced to 14 minutes, you know, that's the big turning point there. Congratulations, Antrim. And I suppose we're on to Wicca now, and on to Gaelic football, give a word on the championship game this weekend. It's still we're dying, I think, for the current management. Yeah. And look, here, here I am, maybe as a hypocrite as well, I've given an hour and wherever it is to, to Holland, and I'm just coming on to football now. And I mean, that's an extraordinary circumstance. This is not always there on the left wing back. It's just the nature of how do we can fall at the impact it has on us as a county, and what we can do to it to change it, like the footballers are in a different position at the moment. And a very important position, too, in its own rate, I might add. But the big topical issue this week is this whole relegation thing. And obviously, we had to address it and give a bit more time. And when you have someone like Sam Ball and I knocked and went in the wings to command your podcast, you know, he deserves the dear time as well, because he's the same as me and you and everyone else. In terms of how they view the horror. So the footballers, we did give a little bit of air time to the footballers, I should say, last week. I think if people haven't checked out last week's podcast, maybe trickle back there and look at the force or listen to the force half hour, but anyway, where we did speak a little bit about Caron and Wicklow. So obviously, we now know that the venue is part of the park on Saturday. And in many respects, I think the addition to last week's podcast has to be around the venue. I mean, it's a topical issue. I think it doubles up with London and Limerick. I suspect, even if it is a double header, that part of the park will largely be a ghost town on Saturday. I think the attendance figures have have proven that, but a talent and cope and Sam will go here and ever. When you see 11,000 out at a doubling game, you know, there's a bit of an issue there somewhere. Now, in spite of that, I do hope people go out and support the footballers on Saturday. And that's just not a political thing to say. I think, you know, we had a good discussion about it last week. They have put in two good performances in the talent and cope. They haven't got a result in the second round. You know, they came back from the brink and got a result against me. It deserved to be given the support to Sam, as the horrors do, in getting them into the knock-off stages of this competition. And when it's Wicklow, there's an extra edge to it, like, I don't know. I mean, I want to change my opinion on whether I think they can do it or not. That's their last week's episode of people want to go back and listen to it. But all of a sudden, now, the focus shifts to them. It is the only show in town, sadly, with the horrors gone out of it. And, you know, there's an opportunity here to keep the momentum going, because even though we lost it a day, I don't, I think we still have momentum as a counter. We've gained a lot of support. We've gained a lot of love, maybe not enough nationally. But maybe it's somewhat out kind of inflakes itself onto the footballers, which I believe it did, and you believe it did, for the leash game bowser. Well, maybe there is something to be got over this. I don't know. Did you think Carol Horizon was a take a couple of years ago? When Carol at the best, when both both odds are firing, like... There was a small answer. It has to rub off on you. I mean, we meet these people every day. Like, as you would, I've famously said before, they're among us. So, like, you know, it does sift. It does sift through, and it does have an opportunity. What do you want to see the most from this team at the weekend? I mean, what do you want to see in parallel practice? I'll tell you what I want. Can I come in first of all? Because what I absolutely hate is to ship beatings like we got in the first round. We spoke with this last week. Four years in the row, we've shipped four big beatings in the first round of the Linseter championship. Last year, obviously, you mentioned when the quick round comes in, and this carrot team performed last year in the talented cup, got a nice result, and seemed to be building a little bit of momentum. But the big thing that I want to see is for us defensively to be a lot more sound. And I think we saw, like, obviously, for a man or a defensive set up and invited us on and, you know, probably picked our pocket and went on to win the match one, 13, 13 points, and Dr. Golan back. What I love to see was that we didn't ship two or three goals, that we didn't, you know, concede. We didn't go into, you know, we didn't go beyond 20 in terms of points conceded. And, you know, that's something I just, I mean, if Carol play, if Carol play defensively and lose by one or two points, I actually don't mind that if we give it a good count of ourselves, but we Carol come out and, you know, play a poor football and actually get a hiding. That's, I mentioned the word pride last week. I just want to see Carol competing this weekend against Wicklow. I want to see them beat them, obviously. But please don't go out this weekend and, you know, ship two, three, four goals and get a good beat when he, when he, when he, when he needs to restore pride. Yeah, look, I think you've actually hit on the topic of consistency, which has often rare to totally hit with the foot waters in that it'd be inconsistent. And we spoke about it, it's bought an advantage on that and the hindrance, I think, that they are flakey, like that they're surprising when you're unexpected and they break your heart when you expect them to do well. So just to touch on last week, again, and it's an interesting point, Jimmy, I would have question marks over whether Carol conceded less out of her own not going to say intuition, but by their own setup or was it a boy part of the health money setup? So from an hour parking, you're going to miss that killer selves. Yeah. So I, I would question that because we can see a two, 17 against least at the end of the day. We also score two, 17, but we can see the two, 17, which is an awful lot. And there's not every day we're going to go and hit that. We, it's very seldom actually that we hit two, 17, if you look at our results over the past couple of years. So I think the question mark that needs to be answered is whether we can be consistent out. Can we put a term performance in that puts us in a position to win again? I think that will be progress from, certainly from my point of view with this particular bullet over this year. Um, Lee, our weak law against leash, leash went defensive from anecdotal reports, because they had shipped two, 17, and weak law got defensive because they had shipped a heavy beat for mana. So our both sides then going to maybe withdraw and set off again. Or will they fall into the whole thing? Well, you know what, we don't really need to set off against you. Like they could possibly be in very similar mindsets going into this one. You know what I mean? There's going to be no on your team. I think you could be looking at it. I don't think about this particular regime as it tends to turn into a shooter and we lose the shooter and we get a, we get badly spanked. It's, it's a fairly reasonable point. I, I can't disagree with you on that. It's a thing where do we always fancy ourselves to outscore? Are we that goal where we can outscore? Um, I don't know. I'd have question marks over it. I think on the weekend, you'll see something like either 9/8 or you'll see 2/17 to 1/16. I don't think you'll see much of an in-between. And maybe have you wrong. It's happened to go through times before. Last week, we mentioned, you know, the strengths and discard teams seem to be, you know, the way we're working the ball, you know, our pace and attack, etc. And obviously we, we're, we're, we're from an asset and office and inviting the sound. There's not as, there's not very much space to run into, you know what I mean? So we have to work the ball and work the ball to the shooter. But I just wonder if we did retreat and we did, you know, play with maybe a little bit more of a defensive shape and invited Wicklow on. Can we hit them on the counter attack and work the ball at pace into space and, and just use the, use the space to run into, you know, would actually work to more, would that work in more of our favor? And obviously, you know, drawn freeze, darafoli out of the hands. There's very few where lengths are actually better than dara. I have to be able to, you know, to, you know, you give a, you give a free away in a dangerous area. He's a, you know, he's a, he's a, he's a big shooting zone, darafoli. And that could be a key to us. Would have, would have, would have viewed the weekend at the Paranal Park. But I'd just like to see us play with a little bit more defensive structure. And don't be afraid to invite Wicklow on to us and hit them on the counter attack. You know, invite them into contact, turn over the ball and then use our strength, our strengths, which is the pace. Mikey Bambrick's, you know, Jamie Clark for, you know, serious pace in that wing back line. And then you look obviously up top, Patty McDonald. And we have shooters in the team as well. And with dara, obviously, Russ Dunphy. So that's the way I'd like to see us play this weekend. And I'm looking forward to it. We can do that by the way as well. Your spot on, you know, a very good point in the first half against Legion, the league on horrendous night, we sat in and we went five points in our score up a lot of time from eight or counter attacks or being given the kick out, which, you know, one by, by designer default, which is my famous term. Maybe I'll put that over the headstone. It means that you have to work the ball from one end of the field builder. Whether you take a short kick out or whether you turn it over on your on 21 from open play, it's all about moving the ball quickly to get down to the far side to work his core. So you have a lot of merit in what you're saying. We do have the capability to do that. We can do that. How are we when we have to go the other way? This is where the question mark is, you see, you know, but I think there is a game of genuine intrigue. I know, while the what you call the attendances might not be favorable. Maybe that's a come out for this. I don't think the venue does any favors. We got a lot of feedback on Hackestown and the recommendation last week. So we did it was hilarious. And also we the Wexford support for getting touched, saying a few in relation to the TV's been a black and white the last time we were in all Ireland. But yeah, we built fast Brendan as well just back to the heartland saying the car over the dirtiest Harland team in the whole elite McCarty. We didn't appreciate that one, Kev. Yeah, well, that's just that's just not true. That's just that's fake news. And look, I wasn't I wasn't having them said I did it down to it or I don't know who he is to look. I mean, everyone knows that the left wing back is is my platform. I don't know who Brendan Belfast is unless it's his surname. But, you know, at least you bring up maybe you get a lot of fake names propping up on social media. Yeah, I look, he does a lot of things. He's a park room director, I believe, according to his boy, he doesn't have a surname. But anyway, look, we'll go into that. And I wasn't having the boys being taught down like that or they're not that like, my great cars that they get in the championship, they didn't get the whole athlete Chris got one under the day. Our disciplinary record has been very good this year in the championship. So, I mean, if you're going to make a point, this was make it make it factually best. Couple of things probably before we finish up, of course, the Comoggy side was out at the weekend. They lost out if you're Kenny down in Callan. The aid of a stiff breeze in the second half, they didn't capitalize on Kenny one, I think relatively easy in the end. They're out again, I believe this weekend against me now just for people to check out the Carla Comoggy Festival page in relation to the fixture and check out the Carla GA website as well, relation to figures. They changed so much that we can give them out here. Our podcast might go for a day or two after we record it. So, Carla GA. And of course, check ourselves out at The Division One football league finally just like to touch on it for a moment, very raffilly beat on Auckland, that one, 116, 211, I believe it was in the end. Raffilly, as you mentioned last week, have a couple of boys back from the county that obviously we chose our services for their own reasons, the Dara Corns and the Josh Moors and all that. James Dowland was phenomenal for all Auckland, you know, chem away on the Lewis and Side, but I don't know, was it one five or something that he got from play? You know, according to the report, it was quite interesting, you know, I think our headline was something like raffilly ruled roost and roost and the rules. And obviously, you know, a couple of those rules are maramoys. They might go home who wrote the article when they hear one in particular, but the attack and mark was one rule that they really got benefit. I think they got three points from that and they got three fisted points. Now, the latter is the one that will give where the author, because he's always banging the drum about not liking fisted points, put it in the rules and it wasn't written to take away from their performance. It was just, you know, I suppose an interesting thing that six points that are totally came from, rules that are maramoyed rules, but they seem to be the better team. I think all Auckland were chasing it for periods, and at least there was a Division I football league final played this year. It was non-played last year, but I'm not quite sure we wanted to go into that one today, do we? No, I think we've covered a lot of, we could have spoke with Sambo for another hour if he probably was available to give it another hour. We just had to get through, Kevin, the episode. That's the thing. I'd say he would have stayed gone. I was kind of just when they said 20 minutes, and this is all on this podcast, a tends to go on, but maybe they enjoyed the chat and they wanted to do it. Absolutely, gentlemen. I remember, as I said, met him over on Halder's in Alba Fair on the beach. He ended up having a puck around with him and the fatter and himself ended up schooling a few points, and lots of stories told, and he actually didn't value us up to Cushion Doll. That never actually happened, which maybe we'll do that going forward. Listen, a big thanks as well to our partners on the left-wing back podcast, Albert Carroll. You know where to go, of course. If you want to say Jim membership, if you want to say any events, et cetera, Albert Carroll, brilliant hotel inside. Maurice Ballomorphy, of course, previously the hilltop, and Shane is putting on a good spread, and he was speaking to him earlier on. Kev, he was mentioned, maybe perhaps, maybe a little bit of a preview, looking ahead to the Harlan or football championships, maybe down in the hilltop. The last time we were in the hilltop together, or Maurice Ballomorphy, it didn't end so well, so maybe that could be down the tracks. Art Spaz, obviously, fantastic partner of ours. Cora Sports, if you need some Jim Geer, Kev, you've been, I think you've been trialling to somebody Geer, have you? Yeah, and gone out to a triple Xl now, that's the only problem. Yeah, and you're taking us to the rest of the partners. Yeah, sure. Looked about Harlan photography. He's been very good to us as well, with photos. The use of that, He's some superb shots there, and he's out in rain here in the state, or snow taking him, and look, he's given us access to the photos for our website, which is a huge head. He's a passionate card, a Harlan man, and a passionate card, a GM, and so we're obviously grateful for him letting us use the photos. And tomorrow, as well, she's been very good to us in that regard as well. Real wheel and limit it, the premier waste management service in Carla for quite some time. PFT travel, they're doing great work on their website. They'll bring you, Andrew, you want in the country. They're doing a lot on the tourism side, I think, at the minute. Fair pay time, Jeff, if you want to go to the match of course, somewhere they'll bring you to that as well, or Bingo, wherever it is. Poiton Mortar's fantastic used car dealership on the O'Brien Road, and property partners Boogie, Tommy Boogie, was on the podcast, actually, about a month ago. Well known in Carla GSR, because he's over to my inner team to go out to Lensor final, on R&B titles, you stick to the seniors. Check out all our client sponsors. Barry, a pleasure as always. Thanks, million. This new look after yourself, talk to you soon.