Turley Talks

Ep. 2591 Bill Gates FREAKS OUT as WHO Pandemic Treaty COLLAPSES!!!

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29 May 2024
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Officials at the World Health Organization have egg all over their faces as their planned pandemic treaty has officially collapsed! We’re going to see the latest on the imploding worldwide treaty, and precisely why the days of the WHO look like they are finally coming to an end!


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  • “Gates spent millions of dollars lobbying governments to oppose efforts to waive intellectual property rights over the vaccines, which guaranteed massive amounts of profits for Big Pharma.”
  • “According to the AP, member states ran into a number of disagreements about implementing the treaty requirements, and after 2 ½ years of negotiations, WHO officials are openly admitting that the treaty has basically failed, as it should have!”


[02:43] The WHO’s pandemic treaty and Bill Gates’ contribution to all of this

[05:14] The latest development on the said pandemic treaty

[08:35] On a changing world that’s leaving de fact world governments like WEF and WHO behind



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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turley. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges, and together learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turley Talks. Officials at the World Health Organization have egged all over their faces as their planned pandemic treaty has officially collapsed. We're going to see the latest in the imploding worldwide treaty, and precisely why the days at the WHO look like they are finally coming to an end. Hey gang, it's me, Dr. Steve, your Patreon professor. Here to help you stay sane in these insane times, so make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button. Also, if you're a regular to this channel, then you'll know that I am absolutely passionate about gold. I love gold. And guess what? So the central banks. It's one of the chief reasons why the price of gold is skyrocketing. Do your own research. You'll quickly find out that central banks around the world have started to gobble up gold. That's why the price of gold is expected to continue to climb, because when all is said and done, more and more nations are turning back to the timeless value of gold and silver. So that's why we have as one of our wonderful friends and sponsors the amazing company Goldco, because they're patriots just like us who want to help you and guide you into how to get into precious metals completely tax-free and penalty-free. They're really amazing, and I simply could not possibly recommend a company more. In fact, if you click on that link below right now, you can get your very own absolutely free gold and silver kits, an amazing free resource that shows you step-by-step how to get into precious metals, even if your money's still in a retirement account, like an IRA or a 401k. And just to show you how awesome the patriots at Goldco are, the best part is you may actually already qualify to get up to $10,000 in free silver. I told you the best, so what are you waiting for? Get in on the action by clicking on that link below or going to and get your free gold and silver kit gang it promises to be a life-changer. We've got an amazing development with regard to the World Health Organization's planned pandemic treaty. Now, we've been covering this treaty for the last several weeks, if you've been following along with us, then you'll know it's being called the World Pandemic Agreement. It's the latest initiative that's coming out of the World Health Organization, the WHO, and it's being touted by the officials pushing it as an effort to draw up rules around who does what in the event of another worldwide pandemic. But the major concern here involves what's called Article 13a in the Pandemic Treaty. And here's what the article states quote, "State parties recognize the WHO is the guiding and the coordinating authority of international public health response during public health emergency of international concern and undertake to follow the WHO's recommendations in their international public health response." So obviously here the concern is that member nations, nations that signed this treaty will end up more or less surrendering their national sovereignty and how best to respond to a pandemic. If God forbid, another pandemic happened, it would now be the unelected bureaucrats over the WHO who would decide the rules and the protocols for dealing with the pandemic. Moreover, the treaty includes things like the right of the WHO to not only mandate vaccines and vaccine procedures, but also who can access all kinds of alternative antiviral drugs, as well as even mandate what can be publicly said, the information that could be allowed to be disseminated regarding the vaccines and the drugs. So this is where particularly Bill Gates' contribution and all of this comes in. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the most powerful and largest organizations in the world. Gates spent millions of dollars lobbying governments to oppose efforts to waive intellectual property rights over the vaccines, which guaranteed massive profits for big pharma. And the Gates Foundation, along with similar organizations, have collectively donated $1.4 billion to the WHO since 2020 and another 170 million specifically for COVID-related programs since 2020. This, according to report by Politico. So Gates has been at the forefront of all these efforts at streamlining the medical immediate responses to another global pandemic. Well, I am ecstatic to report that the WHO's pandemic treaty has officially collapsed. In the words of Deborah Heine writing for America Greatness, the treaty is, quote, "crashed and burned." The announcement of its crashing and burning comes on the heels of the WHO assembly. That's happening right now as we speak from May 27th to June 1st, where member nations are convening to discuss ideas to improve global readiness for future pandemics. But implementing a formal WHO treaty appears to now officially be off the table. In the weeks leading up to this assembly, there were, of course, a number of demonstrations all over the world opposing the treaty. Here we see tens of thousands of protesters that came out in the Shinjuku area of Tokyo. Protested WHO treaty. Japanese media reported that it was absolutely stunning in terms of the number of demonstrators that came out all over Japan, from the southernmost island of Okinawa to the northernmost island of Hokkaido. And as you can see, the turnout was huge, tens of thousands of people. In Europe, streets were filled up with thousands of protesters like this demonstration in Austria denouncing the pandemic treaty as an assault on their national sovereignty. Even here in the United States, the Louisiana Senate unanimously, yes, you heard that right, unanimously passed a bill that would prevent any measures mandated by the WHO from being implemented on Louisiana citizens. In fact, the worldwide uprising against the treaty was so massive that the WHO backed down from their more draconian rules. Instead, WHO officials proposed that they could make the treaty non-binding, which means that the countries that sign it will still keep their national sovereignty rather than hand it over to a bunch of unelected WHO bureaucrats. And that controversial Article 13a that appeared to mandate the loss of national sovereignty in dealing with the pandemic, they got rid of it. The latest draft of this treaty completely erased Article 13a from its constitution, and WHO officials even backed down from their insistence on censoring what the WHO considers "misinformation." But as you found out, as things stand, none of those concessions were able to save an already imploding treaty. According to the AP, member states ran into a number of disagreements about implementing the treaty requirements, and after two and a half years in negotiations, WHO officials are openly admitting that the treaty has basically failed, as it should have. I mean, when you have even the Japanese rising up and saying no to this treaty, I mean, you know it's bad. And so it's officially gone. It's history. Now, of course, they're going to try to bring it back. They're going to try to resurrect it during the course of this week, all gathering together for the assembly. So we need to be vigilant here. But as things stand, chalk up round one to the good guys. We not only got the WHO to backtrack on a number of its more controversial measures, but our pressure ended up collapsing the whole thing in the end to boot. It was a magnificent example of what happens when patriots all over the world band together. And that really is key here. We've talked about this a number of times on this channel, but it bears repeating in the wake of this treaty collapse. Several months back, the New York Times ran a piece about the other nefarious world organization, the WF, right? The World Economic Forum formally, right? Formally headed by Klaus Schwab, who's now resigned. The Times basically admitted that the days of the WF are indeed coming to an end. And this is simply because the world is changing, and it's changing in ways that threaten to bring to an end the very existence of the WF itself. And I would argue with that, the WHO. The WF, like the New York Times is arguing, is losing its relevance. It's losing its influence. It's power to direct and dictate political and economic life around the world. And this is largely because more and more populations are deliberately turning away from globalism and globalist structures and goals, and are instead embracing nationalism, populism, and traditionalism. As many of you know, it's not just the WHO that's provoking mass protest around the world, right? The European farmers protest continues to this day to surge throughout the continent in protest against the WF, and their rules, regulations, and trade deals that are adversely affecting their livelihood and their ability to farm. The protests of a mass in Brussels, the seat of the EU, where numerous tractors and trucks have sealed off streets closing off the European headquarters in order to pressure the EU's agricultural ministers to back off from these more draconian environmental regulations, and guess what? They won. They did it. A major European Union plan to impose more radical climate restrictions on these farmers has officially been dropped. Again, just like what we're seeing with the WHO. But this is precisely what the New York Times piece is getting at. The world is changing. And it's changing in ways that are leaving what are de facto world governments like the WF and the WHO behind. There was a time when these world government organizations were able to far more effectively institute their agenda. No question. But those days are over. The demons and Davos, the warlocks of the WHO, they have yet to get the memo, but make no mistake, they will. Their days have come to an end, just like this worldwide pandemic treaty. Here's your opportunity to tell big tech tyrants where they can stick it. Click on that link below and download our brand new Cancel Proof Turley Talks app. And you can sign our special declaration of restoration. That's our petition to big tech that declares a new day is dawn. They are no longer in control and we are taking our nation back. We've already got over a thousand signatures of courageous patriots and yours is next. Click on that link below or go to right now. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five star review and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [Music] You