The Fumblerooski Podcast

Save Yourself -Ep 275 The Fumblerooski Podcast

Broadcast on:
28 May 2024
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Jamar Chase and T Higgins are not present at OTAs and quarterbacks are on the hot seat going into the 2024 NFL season. I'm Adam Wright. This is the Fumleruski podcast. It may not have always showed it in the stat sheet, but you can see him making throws when he needs to make the throws. Back to back games where he has three touchdowns. Someone's got to get that six or seven spot. He's an elite wide receiver at the rookie. Truly a loose, loose scenario for both sides. Welcome to the Fumleruski podcast by Power Radiate and Secret Weapon Consulting. I'm Adam Wright with CJ Madeeros. We have a lot to talk about. So Jamar Chase and T Higgins, as I mentioned before the show started, have not been present at practice and we're going to go over a couple of quarterbacks who we believe are, we believe patience is wearing thin with the organization they are with, certain quarterbacks. There's actually a lot more than you may think if you really take a deep dive into it, especially if this season doesn't go very well for them. But we're going to lead off with Jamar Chase and T Higgins. So most people already know that Jamar Chase and T Higgins are getting close to free agency. Their rookie deals are almost up and they are at a point where they either want to get a massive extension or they want out. T Higgins at this point has requested a trade. However, he did say that he will play in 2024 if he doesn't get a deal and Jamar Chase hasn't said much, but I think him not being at OTAs, I know they're optional. Everyone says, oh, they're optional. They don't need to show up to these. Most players do show up to these. It's not the fact that they are optional. You don't have to go. Most players end up going. So it ends up being kind of notable when players don't go. So I just think that part gets so confused sometimes. Yes, we know they're optional. Relax. But it doesn't mean that it isn't notable that they aren't showing up to these because most players end up going. So it's something to point out. Jamar Chase and T Higgins most notably are not there. In the same way that last week, we commented on Justin Jefferson and CDLAM not being on at their practices, and it's not a coincidence that these players, all four of them, are due for big deals eventually. One way or another. So here Jamar Chase and T Higgins. Now, the angle we're going to take with this is a little different than just the wide receiving position in general. We already talked about that last week. And I think there is something to be said about it because I think T Higgins and Justin Jefferson will end up being paid before Chase and Higgins. So that's going to that will boost their asking prices a lot, especially for Jamar Chase. The thing is, I want to look at the Bengals in this because it's not just Jamar Chase and T Higgins who are having financial issues. There is also Trey Hendrickson, who is requested to trade as well because he wants another big deal. And the Bengals are right in the middle of their championship contention window. They went to back to back champ AFC championships a couple of years ago. This year, the only reason they weren't in contention is because their starting quarterback got hurt. So their window is shrinking very fast, and it's getting worse by these players who are requesting trades or asking for big money. But CJ, what are your thoughts here? The Bengals have mismanaged this situation and it's horrifying to watch and I'll tell you why. See Adam and I were talking off camera and Adam mentioned and I'm going to reiterate that they just kept taking the can down the road. This is a serious issue and you have left it to the last possible minute to the point where now Trey Hendrickson, the best player on your defense, needs a deal. We haven't talked about him yet, but he's worth noting how it factors into the Bengals money equation as well. T Higgins, you gave him the tag, you know, kicked the can down the road. But then there's Jamar Chase, who is one of the better receivers in the game, granted he needs to stay healthy, but when he's on the field, he's top five, there's not really too, too much of a debate. And you have all these guys that now need deals and just looking at their cap situation, I hate to tell you this Bengals fans, but I don't see a world where you resign all of them. Now Hendrickson, he is the best player on your defense and Jamar Chase is one of the better receivers in the league. So just doing some basic math here, you would think that T Higgins is the odd man now. I think that's what it's going to have to be. Because if you try to pay all of them, if somehow you were able to maneuver that, then I'm sorry, you've put yourself into the depths of capital. Yeah. And especially for Chase, you know, I remember talking about the, like how receivers factor in an offense, you should you pay them versus the quarterback and we beat top that to death. But there is something about the market that we need to bring up there. The clock is ticking in more ways than one because on the flip side, over to Minnesota and down in Dallas, Justin Jefferson and CD lamb also need new deals and it's kind of like a game of hot potatoes, all right, the burdens on you, nope, now it's on you, who's going to have to sign first because somebody, one of these three teams is going to blink first. And in a way, you want to blink first because whoever signs first, the asking price of the remaining two will increase. So for the Bengals, especially with Chase, you need to get a deal done sooner rather than later because of either Jefferson or lamb, yet their deal first, Chase's numbers, or at least the numbers that he wants will increase. And that is just the fact. Now, as for how you deal with Higgins, I hate to tell you this, I don't know. You can't trade him because the time of you getting like a late first early second rounder, that's gone because now obviously, you know, like we don't really know where these teams are going to end up in the trap because, you know, season hasn't started yet, obviously. And you're, and you have no leverage because he's a career number two who wants to be paid like a one. I know Adam's more bullish on him than I am, but I'm not debating what he is. What there is to debate about is what he wants. He wants to be paid like a one. He's on an expiring deal. And when you combine these together, I hate to tell you this, but since he has no leverage, the time of you getting a first or even like a high second, those days are gone. You've weighed, and like Adam said, off camera, you have waited too long. So it might, and especially if you want Hendrickson, who's like a top ten edge rusher on the defense as well, it might be who you would just bite the bullet and settle for something over nothing because if you think that T Higgins won't walk in free agency, you are incorrect. Yeah, I do believe that T Higgins is the odd man out. You have your wide receiver one in Jamar Chase. And I think having two wide receiver ones is a luxury. It's not a need. It's the same way the Chiefs handled this past off season with their two corners. Having two top corners is a luxury. So between, they already had Trent McDuffie, who's under contract for a few years. And luxurious need is a one, but he's going to ask for a lot of money. And you still needed to pay Chris Jones. Between the two, you chose Chris Jones because Trent McDuffie is still a top corner and you don't need two number ones. You have Jamar Chase, T Higgins, he's still a one. I still have high respect for him and I would love him as a New England patriot. But the Bengals do not need two. Take Jamar Chase and then go get yourself a wide receiver two and you'll be just fine, especially if you continue to improve that offensive line. It means the need for that offensive talent in the skill position players will be a lot less because Joe Burrell will have more time to throw. So I think that's the big, I think that's the bigger thing to look at there. But I also think Trey Hendrickson, they should try to keep him. They definitely should try to keep. They need to keep at least two of the three. I think you and I can both agree on that. In fact, we agree on everything I'm noticing on this. Jamar Chase is a must keep, you can't just let him, you can't let him walk in free agency. What I will also say is the asking price is going to become a problem. Because Jamar, whether both of Justin Jefferson and CD Lam get paid this off season, that's one thing. But even if one of them gets paid, we know it's going to be a lot of money. We're looking at possibly very close to, if not at quarterback level money. And Jamar Chase is going to look at that and say, I'm at the same level as these guys. Give me that too, or else I'm leaving, or I'll demand a trade. And what are the Bengals going to do about it? T Higgins also wants out too. They can't let both of these guys go. Jamar Chase has all of the leverage, and they're going to have to overpay for Jamar Chase, and that may leave some, that's something to look at because that may leave very little money for Trey Hendrickson to get paid. So the Bengals are in a tough spot, and it sucks that they did this to themselves because they looked like one of the best teams with one of the brightest futures in the league. And the fact that they have kicked the can, that they have procrastinated this whole thing so long to the point where you can't trade T Higgins for anything. So the point where Jamar Chase is about to ask for a ton of money, more than he would have gotten if you looked at it earlier, Trey Hendrickson already has asked to be out, and you just paid Joe Burrow a ton of money. What are you going to do here? I'm very curious as to see how the situation plays out for Cincinnati because they're going to lose at least one or two players here. Yeah, you're right. And honestly, I don't see a scenario where they lose all three. Oh, definitely not. However, I just want to say if it does happen, then I don't remember the name of their GM, but he needs to be flung into Lake Erie. But that, I mean, now that I think about it, I do see a scenario where they're only going to keep one because you mentioned it, like the longer they wait on Chase, the more is asking price will skyrocket, and that will leave you less money for Hendrickson. Who, like we said, was not going to, he was also unhappy. Yeah, he requested a trade, so he is unhappy. Yeah, and I don't want to encourage their procrastination, but the only saving grace is that it's just OTAs, we say, oh, it's always a big deal and they don't show up, but still, you at least have some amount of time. But if training camp starts and Higgins or Chase, or maybe both, aren't there, then it's like a complete, no, that's a six alarm fire because if neither of them are there by actual training camp, then you're officially cooked. Yeah, yeah, this is going to be interesting to see how it pans out. I think Joe R. Chase is a slam dunk. He's going to be on the team, whether he's being, it's with him being paid 30 million a year, or with him settling for any sort of deal, he'll be there. He's going to be on the team. My question is T. Higgins and Trey Hendrickson, and I think between the two, Trey Hendrickson is one to stay, not T. Higgins. He's going to be in a very different uniform next season. Yeah. And the Bengals did this to themselves again, and I go a step further because you remember back in the day, then the draft, where they ended up getting Chase in 2021, where they said you could go with the luxury in Chase, or you could go up in a sewer, they were at a crossroads there and they chose Chase. So it's clear that the Bengals value flash, and I'm not going to speculate. However, a small part of me could see a reality where they pay Higgins and Chase and tell Hendrickson to get lost. Ooh. That's a interesting one. Yeah, because it's that moment in time, made it very clear if the Bengals value flash. Maybe not substance, but they value flash. And think about it, is it really out of the realm of possibility? Because you got to keep burrow happy. Well, how of the, let's look at, why don't we look at the Chiefs though? So they, so the Chiefs, they overpaid their quarterback, the guy who has the flash. They managed to keep Travis Kelsey around. They had to trade away Tyree Kale, but they've kind of cheaped out at the offensive line. And they've been just fine. Because they're actually like drafting well with the O line though, because Creed Humphrey and Trey Smith were slam dongs. The only thing is like tackle. And you know, guys, I remember they paid an ungodly amount of money to Joe Tuny as well. They did. And by the way, even though he's not good, you need to look at Johan Taylor's contract because it's horrifying. Well, yeah, well, like that's what I'm saying. The tackle position is arguably the most important position on the, on the offensive line. And they haven't been doing well there, but they've been fine. Like they, I wouldn't say that they have bad tackle play. It's, it's very, what's the, what's the way I would call it sloppy, but they're keeping their quarterback upright. And they're, they're kind of doing the bare minimum there and they're making it work. Well, you have to remember it's also my homes. I love burrow, but he's not a Mahomes. He's not Mahomes. Yeah. Yeah. Well, if we look at Joe Burrow on that top tier of being top three in the league, he's got to make it work with what he has. Jamar Chase and T Higgins have been a luxury. I strongly believe he can do well with only one of them there. I do believe that, but they need to stop. They've been working on that offensive line, but at what point are they going to actually improve it? Like, like is, as in results, not just personnel, they've brought in Lyle Collins. They've managed to do their best to keep Jonah Williams happy. They brought in Orlando Brown, Brown Jr. Wow. I'm probably missing a couple of names. Ted Carris was there. They just signed Trump Brown, they just drafted them down and the first round. Amarius Mims, they're doing all these things, but I'm very, I'm clueless as to why this offensive line has been so bad because maybe you could say the personnel was good, but not great. They're underperforming. Even if they're underperforming, they should be better than they are. There's something off there. They should be much better. Like at least be average. If you're average and it's an underperforming offensive line, fine, cool, not good. I don't love that, but at least you're probably going to win a Super Bowl with that. At least you're keeping Joe Burrow on his feet, but they're playing like whether one of the worst offensive lines in the league year in, year out. At what point do you look at their offensive line coach and say, maybe it's your, you who's the problem. If we have Orlando Brown Jr, Lyle Collins, Jonah Williams, Ted Carris, like, how are you not making that work? Alex Capo? That's actually a really good offensive line person, Ellen. You are managing to make it look like one of the worst. Something's off there, but there's, I mean, like I said, the Bengals have a lot of problems there. And I think they're very lucky that they still have the talent to win a Super Bowl. Maybe they can go out for one last dance and then they could figure out their financial issues, but we'll see. Their line does look better though. Amarius Mims and Trent Brown, Trent Brown being your swing tackle, Amarius Mims being your left tackle, that could, that has some potential there or maybe right. That has some potential and maybe it gets better to the point where Burrow doesn't need all of these elite weapons. Maybe he could just be like Patrick Mahomes and just have his Travis Kelsey, which would be in his case, Jamar Chase, the rest of the passing course sucks and then he's able to make it work. We'll see. But he doesn't look good over there. What's up? There's one thing though that you mentioned I do want to build on before I move on to the next segment. Yeah. Quickly though. Yeah. You mentioned about, hey, if they get their one last dance Super Bowl, then you figure it out. Yeah. That's bad for them because if they win the Super Bowl, hey, look, we're both Pat's fans. We saw what happened when you have a good player in contract here who wins the Super Bowl. They bolt for the door because as soon as a player gets their ring, they prioritize money and they will leave. So I would definitely say they win the Super Bowl. You can officially kiss Hendrickson and Higgins. Goodbye. Chase, you can at least resign, but I don't know. We'll see. Right. Okay. So we're going to move on quarterbacks. There are a lot of them where if they underperform this year, there are no excuses left. They may lose their jobs and we are going to get into all of that next. This is the Fumblerooski podcast. It may not have always showed it in the stats sheet, but you can see him making throws when he needs to make the throws back to back games where he has three touchdowns. Someone's got to get that six or seven spot. He's an elite wide receiver as a rookie. We can lose loose scenario for both sides. Welcome back to the Fumblerooski podcast, Adam Wright, CJ Medeiros, quarterback's in the hot seat for 2024. Let's just hit the ground running here. I'm going to name, let's name off a few that are some of the more obvious ones, Russell Wilson, Daniel Jones, Derek, Derek Carr, three players who they got their deals. They're in a situation where they've either had a lot of chances to prove it like Daniel Jones and Russell Wilson or they have good situations like Russell Wilson or Derek Carr that should be playing better. I would think that these are slam dunks. There should be no arguments here whatsoever. Giants fans hate Daniel Jones. You know you're bad when your own fan base wants you out. But I understand them keeping them around for this year. I do. And I'll tell you why. He just got handed a massive deal. Imagine if they traded him away right after that deal. Any other player who's looking to get re-signed with the giants or looking to sign there, they're going to look at that and they're going to say, well, I could sign this deal and you could ditch me right after. Like there's no security there. So I do understand why they're keeping Daniel Jones for another year. They put themselves in this position. But once you do, you cannot just sit there and say, well, now you're out. If you commit to that deal, you have to commit to it. You can't because you have to worry about what other players think of you or players on your team think of you. Russell Wilson, that's an interesting one. This guy, at some point, we're going to stop, I mean, I feel like we've already stopped looking at this guy as a star quarterback, a true franchise Super Bowl winner. This would just, if he plays bad now, this would just be the nails in the coffin form. He may, I genuinely believe he will never find another starting job if he has another bad year. Yeah. No, you're right. You're right. The thing with Russell Wilson is that he's only on a one-year deal with the Steelers. And let's just say he hasn't performed up to snuff. Well, I got some news for you. They have a little guy named Justin Fields right behind him and Fields, who's a former first-rounder itching to play again, is breathing down Wilson's neck. So the margin of error for Russell Wilson admittedly is not great. Yeah. Next, next is Derek Carr. That should be an obvious one. He's on his second team. He hasn't done really anything since 2016, nothing to lead you to believe he can win you a Super Bowl. That year is literally a flash in the pan. I do miss 2016 Derek Carr with a Mario Cooler. That was a fun year with Michael Crabtree and back when the last time Latavius Murray was in RB1. Yeah. I miss him. That too does wonder though, would he have stayed at that level with another flash in a pan if he didn't get hurt? The world may never know. However, the thing with Derek Carr is that I just, I don't know what to make of the Saints because when I look at the Saints themselves, do you know what I see? Remember the Indianapolis Colts when Andrew Luck retired? That's how I view the Saints. They're too scared to suck out right. So they're going to continually settle for mediocrity, which is why they keep carrying the can down the road in terms of cap space and I was like, oh my God, Mickey Loomis is the cap wizard. It's like, oh my God, what do they get out of it? They're not winning. So I just, the Saints are set to be at best at tip top mediocre for a very long time. And they just keep cycling through like all these like not starting caliber quarterbacks after Breeze left and only when they stop using all these bridge quarterbacks to build a bridge to nowhere is when they can actually step forward. Yeah. Okay. Let's move to some legitimate picks that could actually, that could actually have some bearing on it. Let's go to yours. I know you liked Dak Prescott as, as one who could be in some hot water. That's right. So Dak Prescott, I know what you're thinking, oh, but he was in the MVP conversation last year. Oh, but his numbers are really good and I'll grade you that. Those are both very valid arguments, but his numbers at the end of the day, they're empty calorie because sure I could pull out the, oh, he's ringless. Where's the hardware argument? But I like to go a step further. Dak Prescott has never been to an NFC championship game. To my knowledge. Yeah, he never has. No. Yeah. NFC championship. Yeah. That's right. Never made it past the second round. I think his two playoff wins all time. That's right. And if you're the Cowboys, you are, remember the 90s? They were kicking ass and taking names. This once proud organization is settling for mediocrity and I said that when they hired Mike McCarthy and I'll say it now that they are going to keep Dak. So the thing is, the biggest factor in all of this is that Dak Prescott has won more year on his deal and it's just. Can you say to yourself, look in the mirror and say to yourself, Dak Prescott is worth being paid like a top five quarterback because anybody with a functioning brain would tell you, no, he is not top five, nor should he be paid like one. He is not worth what he is asking and especially when you have actual top five talent at their positions for Dallas and CD lamb and Michael Parsons, it's becoming blatantly obvious that they should take precedent. And I know Adam and I have talked about before, you know, when you pay a non top 10 or a non top five quarterback like their top five about how you kind of set yourself up for failure. If you're Dallas, why don't you do that for yourselves? I usually don't, to yourselves and I usually don't advocate for this, but it might be time to just roll the dice and look elsewhere. Well the only issue that I have is that Dak Prescott is probably going to have another good year. They didn't have enough of a change in talent so that we can believe that Dak's going to have a bad year. He's going to be good again. He still has CD lamb. He still has Brandon cooks and the offensive line looks fine still. There's nothing that I've seen to believe that Dak Prescott is going to have a down year and because of that, the Cowboys are going to be roped into giving him that money. And I know you might be, you've made, you have been perfectly clear about, I'm looking past the stats and your take. But if you do look past the stats, again, I looked, I look at this the same way I looked at the Giants when I said that I understand them keeping Daniel Jones. Is that in the same way that after you pay them, you can't get rid of them, before you pay them or decide not to after them having a career year, that's another thing that could get some blowback to because Dak Prescott, he is what he is. I get it. But he has played his ass off over there. He has a good head on his shoulders. He puts up good stats. He has some problems when it matters most. But it's going to be hard to just say goodbye to Dak Prescott for the Cowboys because that's going to face some major blowback around the league. If you let a quarterback who's been loyal to your organization, his entire career there, he's played his ass off and they just say, yeah, you're out, goodbye. I understand it from a logical standpoint, but look at it how the rest of the league is going to look at it. They're going to say, well, you're not loyal to your players, so why would I want to go to your, why would I want to go to your team? If I'm just going to be traded away or let walk if I have these, have a career year. So it's a lot more difficult than you might think. My pick, I'll give you this one. And I'm skeptical of him for the same reasons that I was skeptical of Dak Prescott to a tongue of a loa. This guy before Tyree kill was on the team was a decent average, not great quarterback. He still isn't great, but he's been putting up good numbers ever since Tyree kill joined the team. You have Tyree kill Jalen Waddle and now you added Odell Beckham Jr to play in the slot. They may not see much, but the fact that you have him as your third option and he can still kind of play and play in the slot too. That is a combination where if you have any sort of, I think he's going to have a good year, but I want to see a playoff run out of this guy. I don't think he's capable of it. That's the issue. And again, like we're looking at Dak Prescott to a tongue of a loa, we were, we're about to touch on Kirk Cousins, three quarterbacks who are putting up the type of numbers that would get money, but we know damn well that looking, giving it the eye test, they are not worth that money, but it becomes hard to just let go of them for their own reasons. So yeah, I don't think too, I think too has a great chance to throw for 30 plus touchdown passes in the same way that Joe Burrell has that chance, but we know that those two are not equals at all. One's capable of winning the Super Bowl. The other isn't. One has gone on at deep runs. He did it back to back years. The two years he was healthy, Joe Burrell to a tongue of a loa hasn't even sniffed it yet. Yeah. Yeah. And another thing that we need to remember about to us, just the unclutchness of him. It's that he's quite literally a fair weather quarterback when he's in the sunny confines of Hard Rock Stadium, he's playing lights out, but when there literally comes actual January football where it's cold, he shrivels up. And beyond that, over the last two years where he's been paired with head coach Mike McDaniel, do me a favor and look at his record against teams above 500. I believe he is one and six and the one team he beat were the very fraudulent on the road Dallas Cowboys. So he can he bullies around weak teams, but once again, it's all, and I've said, it's not the dolphins before. All flash no substance because when Toa actually has to play quarterback and you take away his gimmicks and his tricks, he is at best average. He is a Polymedian Nick Mullins. I mean, he just chucks it all over. I mean, you could just tell he throws go routes to say, see, look, I have an arm, but he doesn't. Because I could set my watch to Tyree Kill and Jalen Wattle, you know, just trying to circle around and actually like backtrack to the duck that he's thrown. And it's just he can't, it's not even doesn't have an arms, I have that he can't play in bad weather. It's just that he can't beat good teams. He genuinely can. And he will not win you a Super Bowl. It is becoming blatantly obvious that he is a shell being propped up by talent. And we know this because when you compare how we play before Tyree Kill got there and after, it's quite literally night and day. And when Tyree Kill was not on the field, he reverts back to his old self, even with Jalen Wattle. Yeah. And speaking of players who get cropped up by talent, I think Kirk Cousins is right there too. And Kirk Cousins has played, just look at the talent, the offensive talent and credit to the Vikings for getting him this talent. You want to make sure you're taking care of your quarterbacks. But looking at looking at the talent that he has had throughout his Vikings career, Justin Jefferson, Stefan Diggs, Adam Thiel and Jordan Addison, TJ Hawkins, and Dalvin Cook. Do I need to say anything more? Right. Yeah, sure. You know, Alexander Madison for those few games where he was because he was all right. He was a good backup running back. He was a solid change of pace. And whenever they had had a bad match up, right, either way, look at that talent that he's had throughout his career. And you're still questioning on whether or not he can win a Super Bowl? Why? Why? That shouldn't like this. That's the dumbest question I've ever heard. It's Kirk Cousins. I do not believe is capable of winning a Super Bowl. I didn't like how the Falcons overpaid for him. I thought they should have gone in for a quarterback, which they did anyways, stupid dumbasses. But in the same off season, that's just another conversation to be had. But four years, 180 million, you can say all you want about the Pennics pick. I think I hate the Cousins contract even more. And I think that's why I don't care that much. I think it was a stupid pick. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate the pick as much as anyone else because at least they have somebody who they can believe can win a championship in that quarterback room. They have somebody. They shouldn't have given that Cousins contract. I agree there. But if your goal is winning a championship, why do you have two starting caliber quarterbacks on your roster? Now I don't think like we're the question banner says quarterbacks in the hot seat, Cousins is not on the hot seat. He was again, like we just said with Daniel Jones, he was just given this deal. So even if he sucks, they're not going to just say, okay, it's Pennics's turn. No, they're not. They won't do that. They're going to give Cousins at least another year if he sucks this year. Next year, we can have this conversation on this segment going into 2025 and say, yeah, Cousins sucked last year. If he sucks again, you have Pennics, he's getting older. You don't want him to. He's already 24 Pennics. That's what they don't tell you. If he's there, if he's there any longer on the bench, then why are you drafting this kid? By the time he's ready to start, he'll his career, his prime years will already almost be over. So yeah, I actually liked the Pennics pick a lot more than the Cousins contract, which is why I don't hate it as much. I still hate it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not defending the Atlanta Falcons for their stupidity. I'm just saying that I like the idea of drafting the quarterback more than paying the average quarterback, if that makes sense. Yeah, I hear you, I do, but is Cousins on the hot seat? No, not this year, but just consider one thing. He signed a four year, like $180 million deal, was it? Yes. So just hear me out. Can you see him actually starting and playing in all those four years? To be perfectly frank, I can't. And that's why I think it's fair to include him in the hot seat thing, because especially if he sucks this year, he'll still be the starter next year, but there's a very real chance he plays like a year and a half if he sucks. But if he doesn't, then it's fine, but even if he plays lights out and even perhaps wins a playoff game within the next two years, I still don't see him playing all four years in Atlanta, because by the time this contracts up, Penn X is going to be 28. Yeah, that is a, that is a possibility. But another reason why I don't think he's in the hot seat this year, he's 35, but he's a quarterback. So quarterbacks have a longer shelf life than most other, if not all, positions on the fields, so there's something to look at there. But before, real quick, before we get to that part, before we end the show, I have one more that I think, I have more, one more that I think is, it's a hot take, but if you think about it, it kind of makes sense. Feel like I know where you're going. Yeah, Trevor Lawrence has played not quite up to snuff since drafted number one overall. He's up for a big contract and they're working on getting a deal done. But I think there's a reason why it hasn't happened yet. Like has he really wowed? I thought that would happen this past year. You can say that their offensive coordinator was bad, but I feel like a truly great quarterback can overcome that. Yeah, so like you said, I will grant you this man hasn't had the easiest trajectory in the NFL. He had to deal with a dumpster fire that was urban Myers professional coaching career. He also had to, and he also currently has to deal with the offensively challenged offensive coordinator, press tailor. But I will grant you that and you know, I we all know that as OC and I understand that's not lost on me. But look at who he has on his roster right now, Travis ETN, Christian Kirk, first round pick Brian Thomas Jr. and Evan Ingram and the dude they got from Buffalo gave Davis. And even last year, he still had, he still have Zay Jones and he had Calvin Ridley. So what's it going to take because he's shown flashes and now that he's a little banged up because he only got hurt last year, didn't he? Yeah, because I know he's banged up. So now that you have a little bit of an injury to worry about, hopefully doesn't become a full on injury history, but a variable could. We'll never know for sure. But when you compile that with his, how much talent does he need? I know that press tailor is more of a hindrance than a help, but come on, you would know that if he's, you know, like a top tier guy, because just as an example, look at Justin Herbert, he played with, oh, that weirdo there Brandon Staley and a pretty terrible offensive coordinator as well, and yet we can safely say that he is top 10. So I might have him top five, I mean, at least statistically. So what's Lawrence's excuse? Yeah, statistically, Justin Herbert can is pretty good, but there's, there's still something wrong there. And I don't believe that Justin Herbert deserves to not have all the blame. They're coaching has been bad, but their offensive talent has been not lacking at all. Like you have Keenan Allen and Mike Williams and Austin Echler. It's like, what are you doing, man? So yeah, Trevor Lawrence, when has he really literally legitimately proven that he was the guy? I think he had that he had half of last season, I mean, 2022, not 23, he had the last half of that season where we felt that he was finally hitting his stride. After that, he reverted right back to what he was before that run. And that was with Calvin Ridley added to the mix. So if he struggles again this year and you, it's not like, yes, you lost Calvin Ridley, but it's not and Zay Jones, but it's not like you didn't replace those players. You drafted Brian Thomas Jr., who is one of the top prospects at the wide receiver position in this draft. And you also got Gabe Davis to replace Zay Jones. And you still have Evan Ingram and you have a pretty good offensive line. Offensive line has been one of the bright spots of the Jaguars over the past few years. So I feel like even if you have press Taylor, who's become one of the most hated men in Jacksonville, you should still be able to somewhat overcome that. I'm not saying you need to win a Super Bowl with it. But at least do something, figure something out, go to the playoffs, man. Win 12 games in the regular season. Do something like the, some of the truly great quarterbacks or the quarterbacks who overcome the team's deficiencies, at least a few of them. If you only have your offensive coordinator, which is an important weakness, if you have a weakness at that spot, it's, it's bad. If you, if that's your only spot, you should at least show us something. So that's something that, that's just something to look at for this Jaguars team coming into this year. But that is all the scheduled content we have for today. Do you have anything else before we end the show tonight? Yeah. I just want to correct myself real quick. He only missed one game last year. So disregard said about injuries, which just actually makes his whole thing even worse. Yeah. I remember that ankle spray in which it looked like he was, it did not, he didn't look like the same guy right after that, but he didn't look great before that. Either. Even when that team was winning, I think they were what, 82, eight and three. And they just didn't agree. But that's what I'm saying. Even when they were winning, they didn't look right. Yeah. Like something just seemed off there. They were winning games, but they were so, their offense looked so pedestrian for the amount of, for the amount of talent they had. They were a little way, they were a little too dink and dunk for my taste. So just something seemed weird there. All right. Well, that'll do it for us tonight. Thank you for listening to us. We have new episodes out on Tuesdays at 7.30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and Fridays at five. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. We have all our episodes available on Spotify, Spreaker, Apple podcast, iHeartRadio, Google podcast and so much more. 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