The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aged Actors, Aged Presidents, and Aged Beef: Meet the Experts Teaser | 5.29.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie's topics range from aged actors (Robert DeNiro), to a slew of Biden cuts, to the great grilling tips he learned from Todd Simon of Omaha Steaks.

Broadcast on:
29 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. >> Do you ever [BLEEP] m-o-o-k! >> You're talking to me, then who the hell are you talking to me? >> Well, I'm the only one here. >> You are gangsters, you are gangsters, you are gangsters! >> And then they have a protest of Robert De Niro yesterday, he said fool, he said broken down fool. >> Standing out there, he got, he got maggot. >> Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. >> And my husband's, and you're going to see how smart he is. >> And here is the day, it's Hirsch, Goldberg, Poland, and still, he is not here with us. >> These charges are rigged, the whole thing is rigged. >> You know she is a witch, she looks like a witch, not a witch, not a witch, but you are just as one. I've been working on that end, Jullo, Bayoni Project, and one word I never ran across, MOOC. I think that's more of a New York word than a Boston word, kind of like button man. That's what they call a hit man in New York, button man. Larry Bayoni would always talk, crack him out on the sidewalk. We're going to crack him out there. But MOOC, what a great word, brought it back and it's from his first big movie anyway, Mean Streets. What an insult. I don't even know though if the Negro was so dumb after watching that, my conclusion. I don't even know if he got it. The guy was giving him a double elbow, using a slur and a slur from his own movie that he had used a half century ago, 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, 42. How was the spread from Monicus, from George Mendoza? He's bringing something new every week. Last week it was lasagna and the week before cannolis and a bunch of great stuff and this week it was tenderloin. It was so good, it was so good there's none left for me, but that's okay. That's all right. I got my Omaha stakes from the weekend that I made. 844, 542, 42, Paul, your next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Paul. Hey, how are you? Sure, I remember I called about a month or two ago. We were talking about a place where they can house migrants down the Cape and I said, "Chatham is bars" and so, but that's not why I'm calling. I was calling because, you know, every day I think about this, we all get these emails that donate to the Trump campaign and, you know, I get all excited because they want to get a bumper sticker or a flag. Or just whatever and I get to the point where I'm ready to check out and whatever. But then I think to myself, well, who's watching me like is my boss because it's a work computer, you know, are they watching me or? So I'm always cognizant of that and that's why I call because you mentioned that earlier in the show. Yeah. So I just want to get your thoughts on that. I don't know. I mean, I'm my own employer so I don't have to worry about it, but I don't blame you for being concerned. I mean, but how woke is your employer, Paul? Well, I don't know how woke they are, but I just never know, like, just to even donate five bucks to get a bumper sticker, I'm thinking like, Jesus, like, who's watching me here? Like, you know, so you get so paranoid about that and like, you know, there's a guy around the corner from me who flies this huge massive Trump flag and I'm thinking, well, where do you get that from? And he doesn't seem too concerned. Whatever happened to those Trump stores they used to have? Are they still around? The Trump stores? Remember those? And remember the guy crashed into it in 2020? This nut? There was one up in sale in New Hampshire at the Let's Go Brandon store that was right on 28. Yeah. And I think it's closed down now. Yeah. I think there were some there were some down in Plymouth County for, you know, towards the Cape. I don't know. I mean, how about your wife? I mean, I hear this, what kind of ridiculous conversation is this? I mean, this is this is the sort of the the after effects of persecuting Donald Trump and trying to put him in prison for for no crime is the it's to get people like like us thinking that that they can come after us. And again, that's the that's it. You know, it's it's like, you know, they it's like the old days with the with the mob. If they put a beating on somebody for not paying something, everybody else would, you know, come up with the the big for the for the week, right? I mean, you know, a beaten goes a long way. And that's what they're that's what they're doing here. It's this, this is not protecting democracy. This is protecting mob rule. That's what they're doing. Thanks, Paul. I appreciate it. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I got some Biden cuts. I got to play here. I'm going to start off with the history lesson. We played it earlier, but we've we've got a lot of good cuts to get to here this, the the if you haven't heard this one, you know, you didn't read about this in the history books. I tell you that cut five promised made the promise kept a promise to access affordable high speed internet because now internet is just as important as it was in the days of Franklin Roosevelt electricity was generations ago. We're delivering now because no child should have to do their homework in McDonald's when things are shut down. And, you know, I mean, that's a double slam on him now because what I just got a poll question. It's in it's in how he's homework. I think 78% of the people at a poll said that a that fast food is now a luxury item. So you can't you can't even afford to get a go to McDonald's for your kids, your kids internet, you know, what did Bonnie and Clyde do back in the day when they wanted to check out where the where the cops were tracking them to John Dillinger, did he use the internet to find out which which banks have gone out of business so that he wouldn't hit the closed bank they're spending a lot of money on that closed down bridge and the bridge that the the barge crashed into in Baltimore, you're not going to believe how much money they're spending on that bridge cut 70 and we're going to go to the $60,000,000 bridge in Baltimore. How much money is 60,000,000 I've heard of gazillion but I don't think I've ever heard of as a zillion dollars outside of a comic book. This house must cost a zillion dollars, no, no, but the bridge cost it's a big bridge, man, all those steel spans got a big built big enough so the barge can go under it's cost big money. How much is it going to cost again? I didn't get that Mr. President cut 17. We're going to build a $60,000,000 bridge in Baltimore. I hope that's going on the morning minute for the Monday morning minute, both of those have got to go on for the for the best of the week. Okay, maybe you don't know what he did when he was a kid. At 18 and so I got involved as a kid in the civil rights movement because the Philadelphia has known this, at least the older ones do. Delaware was the only city in the nation, Wilmington, the only city in America occupied by the military for nine months after Dr. King was assassinated. He got involved in as a kid in the civil rights movement. That's an interesting story to tell. You know what? That's an interesting story to tell once. It's such a good story that a few minutes later, got 20. Like I said, in 1969, I got involved deeply in the civil rights movement in '19. Those of you who are Pennsylvania's know that Delaware used to be a slave state in the southern state, and it's that attitude. I mean, for real, we have the eighth largest black population, as a percent population, many state in the nation. One of the things that amazed me was how the community stepped up when you gave it a shot. Tell was that mean? Okay, now here's something that the fact checker should get involved in, but they're not going to. Cut 16. We all remember Trump is the same guy, at least Berthism, the Berthism why I guess Barack. How many times do we have to go over this story? Over and over again, we have to just go over these stories. The Berther scandal began when he was trying to sell his book, and he put on his sell sheet or his publisher, somebody put on his sell sheet, and he didn't do anything about it. It was just saying that he was born in Kenya, and so then they were doing oppo research on him. Real oppo research, Clinton, Hillary Clinton, when she did real oppo research, rather than, it's a lot easier when you just sit down and make up a story like the Russian collusion hoax, but they went and they got the sheet. Sid Blumenthal, Sid de Vicious, Sid Vicious, as he was called, he used to be in Boston, and he put it out there, and it was his own sheet saying he was born in Kenya, so Sid Vicious put it out for the Clinton campaign, and Trump did not, he just picked it up from the Democrats. It's like the Willie Horton thing in 1988. George Bush used that against Mike Dukakis. Yeah, because he saw a TV ad that Al Gore put out. God, 844-542-42, we'll take a break, and then we'll come back, and we've got more cuts to play, and we'll take more of your calls, 844-542-844-542, a lot of stuff here tonight. I'm Howie Kar Show, we'll be right back. The Howie Kar Show is back. It's from Cream, but it's a big song in Goodfellas, right? Probably the greatest, in my opinion, the greatest Robert De Niro movie. I mean, some would argue Goodfellas, I mean, Godfather too, but I don't know, I'm going to go with Goodfellas, but he's far from his former self, isn't he? He was probably always that way, we just didn't make too many public appearances live. Raycon just launched their upgraded model of the best-selling everyday earbuds. Now you can get the features you know and love, but also active noise cancellation, ergonomic design, and multi-point connectivity. Get 20% off plus free shipping at Taylor, what's the poll question, what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is when will the Jerry and Trump's New York trial finish deliberations? Thursday, Friday, or next week? Friday. 50% say Friday, 34% say Thursday, 16% say next week. Alright, 844-542-42, Denise, you're next with Howie Kar, go ahead, Denise. Hi, how are we, I'm a first-time follower. Thank you. I'm calling a response to your conversation about the Trump sword. Yes. There is one Easton and it's been there on Washington Street on 1.38, it's been there for a while and that is still open. Yeah, someone told me too, there's another one in Bellingham as well. Yeah. And maybe there's one in here, someone looked it up on the internet and said there was one in handsome, but it says it's temporarily closed, usually when they say they temporarily closed, that means temporarily, forever, but I don't know, maybe it'll come back, I don't know. But what does it tell you when, you know, you don't have to worry about going online to buy weed, but you do have to be concerned about going online to buy a Trump hat or a flag. That's pretty pitiful, isn't it? Thanks for the call, Denise. I appreciate it. We'll see you in the next five or four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, will your next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Will. Hey there, Howie. Yeah, these Trump trials today, obviously are election interference and really the lawyers should be aggressive. And I don't know, maybe there's a possibility of counter-suings from where along the line. Yeah. The only court we have moved, the court of public opinion. No, I think that's the only, that's, I think that's the only place to get them. No, they, they're not going to get, they're not going to get sued for anything. And, and again, they're not going to be impeached. Just like, you know, I think Zeldin said during the campaign in New York in 2022, Congressman Lee Zeldin, he said, the first thing he was going to do was get rid of, get rid of Alvin Bragg. All this could have been avoided if he were the governor. I mean, just like in Florida, the governor of DeSantis got rid of the, the, the prosecutors, the DeAs in, in, in Hillsborough County, I think, or Tampa, wherever Tampa is and Orlando, which is, I think, is Orange County. He got rid of him. He just said, get out of here. He got rid of the election registrar in Broward County, who was trying to throw the elections every time. You know, it was count and count and count. He got, he just got rid of him. I mean, that's what you got to do. You, you know, and Trump's got to go in there. If he gets in, he's, he's just got to go in there and just try to clear out as many as they can. That's why they're trying to expand all these so-called civil service protections. They're just trying to have all these people burrow into the deep state. They get, none of them ever going to get jobs again. They're all like those NYU people we were playing with, with their concentrations in, in, you know, memory loss or whatever the, I don't even remember what they were. I got all this, I got to write up this column for, for Friday in the Herald with all the UMass concentrations. It's the same BS 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. So let's, let's pay a couple more Biden cuts here. Cut 11. New data shows, 40% cut in the gap between home appraisals and majority white communities versus those of color, communities of color. You know, the same exact builder on that, on either side of 95, build the same houses. If it's a black community, it's lowered the value from the very day it's built. Can we quote you on that, Mr. President, it's the white homes, you know how much they're worth? A billion dollars cut 12. Well, never forget, lying around and that's him, him lying around, actually. And lying about how serious the pandemic was. You said if we took the vaccine, you wouldn't get COVID was, was that lying around? That was a, that was a lot of lying around. You said it was an epidemic of the unvaccinated. Was that lying around? You said there were no vaccines until you became president. You took the vaccine before you became president. Was that lying around? I could just do this off the top of my head and the so can you. Lord, cut 15. Now he's running again and it's clearly unhinged. He calls his directions to storm the capital, patriots, patriots, if re-elected he wants to pardon, quote, every one of them. Let me ask you, what do you think he would have done on January 6th if black Americans had stormed, think about this, what do you think would have happened if black Americans had stormed the capital, I don't think he'd be talking about pardons. Who's the guy who's gotten the longest sentence? The guy that was in Baltimore. Remember the guy from the Proud Boys, the Cuban American, who's black by the way? I think he's going to be number one on the list, 22 years and he didn't even set foot in the capital. Can I give me a fact checker and aisle five, no, did no fact checkers today, they all phoned in sick and how we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. President Trump spoke today when he was leaving the court after they released the jury for the day. His comments ran less than two minutes long, here they are. I mean, what is very unfair is that I'm not campaigning in this room all day long from morning to night in the Biden witch hunt, take a look at where the people come from, it's a Biden witch hunt, it's weaponization. So it seems that there are a lot of witnesses, a lot of people that they could have called that they didn't call. Now they didn't call them obviously because they would have been very mad witnesses for them. But I don't look at the listen because of the gay court, I won't go down into individual names. But you have a lot of big players, very big players that would have solved their problem or actually would have given us the win. We already have the win. We had a fair judge, in this case would have been over a long time ago. Never would have been. A lot of key witnesses were not called, look at your list, look at the players, and you know who I'm talking about, you can take five or six out of them, why didn't they call those witnesses? They didn't call them because they would have been on our side. And it's a shame. And in particular one witness who's now suffering gravely because of what's happened, because of the viciousness of these thugs, the vicious people what they've done to that person. And you know who I'm talking about. And they didn't call them the witness, they didn't call anybody as a witness. And all these people they could have called and solved the problem. The other thing, the confusion is, nobody knows what the crime is, because there's no crime. Nobody knows what the crime is, the D agent named the crime. They don't know what the crime is, that's what the problem is. It's a disgrace, this thing would be ended immediately, the judge ought to end it and save this reputation. Thank you very much. I don't know who he's talking about, I should, I'm sure, but I'm not sure. I do know that he wanted to call a couple of defense witnesses, like somebody from the FEC, the Federal Elections Commission, who was going to testify that nobody's ever been charged with anything like this, and most you get a fine. You know Hillary Clinton was paying, again, paying over a million dollars, laundering money to pay for this thing. And she got a hundred thousand dollar fine, either the committee, the Democrat National Committee or her campaign. I think it added up to $108,000 in all. But there was never any talk of any criminal violations, even though they, I mean, that's election interference, isn't it? They tried to get that story out before the election that he was Putin's puppet, and there was no truth to it. She hired Russians to come up with that story. I mean, this is projection, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. See if Taylor, see if there's something on, if the US attorney had a briefing today on the care and read case, somebody says that they had some briefing on it. See if it's on channel 25, maybe, status of federal involvement in care and read case remains confidential. Yeah, I think they keep talking about, they're not allowed to mention it for the jury, you know, because the jury's supposed to be, you know, virgin when it comes to media coverage. But yesterday I told you, when you were under oath at that other proceeding under oath at a proceeding, what proceeding might that be where you're called under oath? That sounds kind of serious for when you were talking to the other party. I hope it wasn't one of those parties that the water fall. Those things tend to turn out badly. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, time now for a geography lesson from Joe Biden. Cut nineteen. My dad moved us back down to where he had been raised, and he was raised in Baltimore, and then he moved to his father. And we moved down to Claymont, Delaware, where was he raised in Baltimore? Was he raised in Delaware, or was he raised in Baltimore from here? He's very confused about where he comes from. Cut two. Twenty, twenty throughout my career, and a lot of Philadelphia's noticed because I got so much help when I was running for the Senate in Delaware from Philly. He was running for the Senate from Delaware, from Philadelphia. Do they not have any residency requirements? I think you're supposed to re-register if you move, and it's one thing to move in around in the state, but he moved, okay, all right. Wasn't his mother Philadelphia in 1956? That is true. Can I hear that? Yeah. I don't have that. Yeah. Yeah. My mother lived in, my mother lived in Scranton until she was 1954. She lived to a very, very elderly age. She lived longer than Methuselah. She bought Methuselah in the outhouse. My mom didn't live in Scranton since she was 1954. She moved to the retirement community when she turned 1955. Now let's have some economics lessons. Biden's given away money, as always. Cut six. Bill, we've already passed. We've told a lot of pocket costs for the seniors beginning next year at $2,000 a year total, including cancer drugs across 10, 12, $14,000 a year, you're paying no more than $2,000 a year, excluding including. The money starts to add up though, doesn't it? How much does it add up to Biden? Cut 17. And we're rebuilding the $60,000,000-brushing-ball mark. Cut seven. Senator Republicans blocked the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act, but didn't stop me from signing the historic executive order requiring key elements of that bill for federal enforcement. That is bending choke holes, greatly restricting no-knock warrants, creating databases for police misconduct, and so much more. But we're still, and we did know the support of George Bush's family, we're going to finally get it all done. He did it with the support of the George Bush family. I didn't know George - who was there? Jeb? Please clap, please clap. Cut 14. That's why I'm proud to have the most diverse administration history, attached into the full talents of our country, and it starts at the top of the vice president. A memorial day, I probably stood with a black man. That's bragging? You stood with a black man? Okay, all right. Cut four. A promise made and a promise kept. A promise reached start to reconnect black and brown and overlooked neighborhoods, cut off by highways in the '60s, and decades of disinvestment is the consequence of it, including here in Philly, where we're changed that with the recovery item, what they - right now, you see all the construction going on in the highways around here. Huh? Cut nine. Now, let's talk about Trump's maga lies. I don't have an hour, but we'll get us heard. Trump's case cut if we're sending all the pandemic relief checks. Cut it. Takes, cut it. It takes. Show it in, and I suffer depression. Oh boy, cut three. Black voters place enormous faith in me. I've tried to do my best honor that trust, staying true to the values set that we share. It got me involved as a kid in the first place. That's why he stood with a black man on a memorial day. All right, in four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, I just - I don't know if - I don't think they have any - I don't think they have any tape of this, but this is from Ted Daniel. He's the channel 25 reporter who's covering the care and read trial. Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, Josh Levy declined to provide the status of his office's involvement in the high-profile care and read murder case when asked by 25 reporters, Ted Daniel - Daniel Wednesday. We don't comment on whether or not we have open investigation. I know there's been a lot of reporting, but we have a duty to abide by our guidelines. He was in a roundtable discussion with Ted Daniel and other Boston area reporters who cover federal court. Levy's office has turned over 3,074 pages from the federal probe of Reid's arrest and prosecution, including testimony from witnesses in law enforcement provided to a federal grand jury and findings from third-party experts. In pre-trial hearings, Reid's defense said the federal investigation found inconsistencies and conflicts that should lead to the dismissal of her second-degree murder case. And again, you know, they've - the prosecution has never disputed anything that the defense has said about this federal investigation, about what they found. And the only - the only time they've disputed is when the ATF agent said he didn't tell the feds something about his factory reset, so-called, whatever the hell that is. Just like - just like Jen McCabe last week said that the state police lied about her witness statement and a couple of the Kenton cops lied about their - you know, they - all these - those weird things happen, you know, like the forensic data on the phones is no good in Kenton. It doesn't - it's good everywhere else in the world, but not in Kent. Nothing happens. Or - or the cops - the cops who are their friends, they are cops in many cases. They lie about them. On the - on the witness stand, they - they can't remember how many drinks they had. They do remember they had a round of fireballs, though, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, seven, eight, one. Can we get a moonbat collar to complain you were picking on Joe too much? Actually, I'm getting a couple of comments from textors who are - regularly listen to the show, but I - I think I'm going with the majority opinion here. You don't - you don't get a - a memory of the old days of FDR on the internet, you know? Or a $60 zillion bridge, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. There was a - I'm going to tell you about it, when we come back, I tweet - I tweeted it out earlier in the day. You know, the trial of the Johns who patronized all those high-end hookers in - in Cambridge and Watertown and then in Northern Virginia, they are now saying that they can't release the names of the Johns because Turtle Boy would destroy them. Everybody's always blaming me for everything. Is there anything Turtle Boy can't do? I'm going to read you the exact quotes. They are - they're amazing. The power of this guy, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, I'm Howie Car. Think about what you'd think about. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to Police Plotter Facts Friday every Friday at 530. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howie Car Show store. He's Howie Car and he's back. All right, we have a new episode of Meet the Experts available to stream right now. This week I spoke with Todd Simon, the fifth generation owner of Omaha Steaks. Todd spoke with me about the origins of the family business in 1917. The state of the steak industry today, they're not going to run out, despite the shortages you read about it in the headlines, and even gave me some great grilling tips that I'm sure you can put to use this summer as well. Take a listen. I still don't know what it means to age beef. How does that improve the product? Aging is an old world process that's really all but forgotten today. We hold the beef at a constant temperature, just above freezing, that allows the natural enzymes of the beef to start the process of breaking down some of the tissue in the beef, which makes the beef more tender without the need to use a machine. And it also imparts a deep, rich flavor that one used to be a custom of defining at the best steak houses, but it's really pretty much hard to find today. I keep reading these headlines, the national cattle herders, the smallest it's been since 1951, that there could be a beef shortages. What is going on? The beef business is a cyclical business, and ranchers will come in and out of the business or make their herds larger or smaller based on the current economics. There are hundreds of thousands of head of cattle on feed in this country. There's plenty of beef out there. One of the great things that we do at Omaha Steaks, we have an expert buying team that's constantly in touch with our suppliers, and we're able to buy in advance the fulfill our demands. Sometimes I like to order a type of steak that I can't get just on a weekly visit to the supermarket. And the great thing about Omaha Steaks is you have some of these steaks. You're right in that we have a whole variety of other kinds of steaks to suit specific recipes or specific tastes. Each one having its own characteristic. The hanger steak is a classic French steak super tender, got a very interesting flavor. We encourage people who are adventurous about steaks to go to and to try out some of these unusual cuts because you might find a new favorite in there. Todd Simon, thanks for being with us. I hope you get a nice package from your kids this Father's Day from your own company. Well, thanks for having me, and I think you really hit on it, which is this year for Father's Day, dad wants an experience of spending time with family and friends, and there's no better way to do that than with Omaha Steaks. Thank you, Todd Simon. I think I'm going to have a brisket burger from the burger perfection flight. Yeah, I had some porterhouse steaks, burgers, steak burgers. Meet the experts with how we car featuring this week's expert Todd Simon of Omaha Steaks. Make sure to listen for a podcast exclusive offer from Omaha Steaks. That's a special offer just for the podcast. And on Apple podcasts, Spotify, how we car show dot com or wherever you get your how we car show podcast, and he did have some good tips on grilling mistakes, which we're all going to start doing now eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. So they're, you know, we all we all knew that they were never going to release the names of these well-heeled John's, right, except under their total duress and they're trying to release them in Virginia. The Soros DA is holding it up down there, even though the Republican AG wants to release the names down there, but they're never going to get them out in Middlesex County. But so they're, they're, they're trying to still, they're still going to court to stop it. And this is from the, this is from the globe today. I tweeted this out if you can see it at how we car show about the turtle boy, an attorney representing an alleged buyer, also known as a John, cited the media circus around the ongoing murder trial against Karen Reed, a man's field woman accused of killing her Boston police officer boyfriend, John O'Keefe and Canton two years ago, attorney Kevin J. Mahoney arguing on behalf of an unnamed client pointed to quote, vigilante, vigilante journalist in quotes, bloggers in the Reed case who have quote, "rigged from a repugnant fetid cesspool to vilify those who they target for retribution and abuse." Is there anything you can't do? If this court allows the clerk magistrates order to stand, it is onto this apocalyptic media hellscape that the accused will be pitched.