The Howie Carr Radio Network

Isn't Getting Called a Gangster by DeNiro a Compliment? | 5.29.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie gets one of his very special Trump voicemails on the topic of DeNiro's courthouse stunt yesterday.

Broadcast on:
29 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. >> Where the f*ck m-o-o-k-mook? >> You're talking to me, and who the hell are you talking to me? >> Well, I'm the only one here. >> You are gangsters! You are gangsters! >> You are gangsters! >> And then they have a protest of Robert De Niro yesterday, he said, "Foolo, he said, "Broken down fool, standing out there. He got, he got maggot." >> Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. >> And my husband's, and you're going to see how smart he is. >> And here is a day, it's Hirsch, Goldberg, Poland, and still, he is not here with us. >> These charges are rigged. The whole thing is rigged. >> You know she is a witch. She looks like a witch. >> Wait, I'm not a witch. But you are just as one. >> They have something up like this. Did you? >> Just a... No! No! No! No! No! Yes! Yes! I bet! I bet! I bet! I bet! >> Just a wotch! >> Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... [Music] >> Howie Car. >> Welcome to the Howie Car Show. 844, 542, 442, 844, 542, 442. That's the number we're going to be talking about. The trial, probably for the rest of the day on the show. It's... I don't think they're going to get a... I don't think they're going to get a verdict. I'm just looking at the headline now. Judge suggests they work on Cohen and Packer testimony tomorrow. Oh, he's dismissed the jury. Okay. So, it's over for the day. The court resumes at 9.30 tomorrow. We're going to have to adjust the poll question a little bit as we go forward. Taylor, we'll do that during the break. So, they're not going to have a verdict today. And apparently the judge has... the judge has been asked by the jury that they want to re-hear the instructions. And that mind you, as 6.1.7 says, "The instructions are 50 pages long. This is ridiculous. They were not allowed a copy of the instruction." But it's not like this is on the level. I mean, probably they're two lawyers on that jury. And so, they probably went in there and they said, "What is this stuff about four on one charge, four on one charge, and whatever happened to unanimous verdict and beyond a reasonable doubt for all elements of the crime, et cetera, et cetera?" And you don't have to go to law school to know that kind of stuff. And the lawyers were probably, you know, even if they're rapidly anti-Trump. I mean, how do you explain this? This is, again, this is like so many things since Trump went down the escalator. We're in uncharted territory here. And this is not on Trump. This is on the people who hate him. This is on the deep state that's trying to put him in jail and get rid of him just because they don't like the guy. 844-542-42, 844-542-42. And by the way, we've got a lot of great stuff on, Not just the, not just the calitron deal for the weight loss supplement. We've got lots of great reading. Grace has started posting stuff every day. She's got a short video of Jill Biden's nonsense of the day. Emma's got a column about the mayor who's tripped to Italy in which she said she didn't see any of the kind of outdoor dining that she's banned in the north end. That's a good column to read. And then there's my column on, from the Herald this morning on Brian Butt dial Higgins and his nonsensical testimony yesterday in the Karen Reed trial. You know, 508, have you talked about the prosecution going last to the closing arguments? I think I mentioned it yesterday. I've never seen that the prosecution go last. I always have seen the defense goes last. That's the way, I don't know if, I never thought there was a, I didn't know if there was a rule or not. I just had never seen the prosecution go last. But there's a lot of stuff. I'd never seen a jury instructions like what Judge Merkhan apparently did today with the telling them that they didn't need a unanimous verdict. And I, and I still don't know exactly what the charges are. And I don't think any of them know what the charges are. This is, let me just read you one thing. We're going to go, we're going to go right to the calls here in a moment. But I just wanted, this is, this was a very good piece today. For the resistance, the most salient fact about the Manhattan trial is this. It is happening. It is getting done before the election, which is the most important consideration for Democrats who pray that a Trump conviction could change the dynamics of a presidential race in which Trump currently leads Biden. The other cases against Trump are lost, seem lost and legal, never, never land. So this is the Democrats only chance to try Trump to possibly convict them and perhaps even to imprison him before the election in November. I don't, I don't see that as a possibility, but they do want to say he's, and you know, the other thing too, as a, as a texter mentioned this, this could give Biden the excuse he needs to pull out of the debate, which is now less than a month away. It's June 27th and today is what the 29th. So it's less than a month away. And he can't, he can't go into that debate. I got to play that cut one more time. This is from, just from this morning, you got to hear this cut. History lesson from Joe Biden. I promised to access affordable high speed internet because now Internet is just as important as it was in the days of Franklin Roosevelt electricity was generations ago. May we quote you on that, Mr. President? And I just, I just found this one today. Another, another host had this one up in the morning. This is from a Trump's Memorial Day speech. You know, again, you can't catch all of these. Excuse me, Biden's Memorial Day speech, cut 17. These hills around us would be transformed from a former slave plantation into a national shine for those American heroes who died for freedom, who died for us. A national shine. A shoe shine. A shine on a sneaker. Dennis, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Dennis. How are the VIPs in the studio? No, they're having, they're having their lunch from, from Mendoza's in the north end. Mendoza's, I keep calling him Mendoza's Monica's in the north end. Sorry. Listen, with regard to De Niro, it's obvious that without a script, De Niro becomes a lost fumbling deranged soul very quickly. Yes. And I don't think Biden's campaign is paying him enough apparently to memorize his lines. But I read somewhere that they put De Niro out there because of that great actor Ron Jeremy is presently. Oh, stop it. Just stop it. Thanks for the call. Here, here, I love this part where the guy calls him a, a MOOC, cut seven. MOOC, ammo, okay. MOOC. It took me a while to put that together. You know, the first time I ever heard the word MOOC, it was in, I think the first movie, the first big movie De Niro was ever in mean streets in 1973. And here, here it is from 1973. You can't call me a MOOC. I can't. You can't call me punches him in the face. But I mean, what a great insult. You take, you take one of the guys first famous scenes in a movie and you call him that. And this is all, and this is all he could say. This was all De Niro could say in response. Cut eight. Straight up. We're trying to be channeling in this world. You are gangster. You are gangster. Is that an insult to be called a gangster by Robert De Niro on the, on the mean streets of New York? Hey, you know, I, I have visions of FDR googling how to stop the Nazis. But I guess what I wanted to ask is, I guess what I wanted to ask. You know, with these convoluted instructions for the judge, from the judge to that jury, doesn't that sound like rank choice voting? It does. It totally does. You know, and again, rank choice voting. How does it work? All you need to know is that they keep counting the votes until the liberal wins. Until Jared Golden is elected over Bruce Pollack one in Maine or wherever it's going on. First thing I thought of when I heard those instructions, rank choice voting. Yeah, I know. It's, it's just, it's absurd. And it's just so, it's so terribly unfair too. I mean, it's, it's, it's wrong. It's, it's unjust. And I mean, and, and you know, again, it's going to be thrown out eventually. But I mean, the fact that they, that they would let this, this travesty of a mockery of a sham of two mockeries of a sham occur is ridiculous. And the fact that the White House is all in on this, the, you know, he's sworn to uphold the Constitution. He should be Brandon if he were a, you know, if he really believed in anything. If he wasn't the threat to democracy, he would be denouncing this whole thing. Of course, if he, if he were really concerned about democracy, this travesty never would have happened. Thanks. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Experience the ultimate savings of it with my pillows, twenty five dollar extravaganza for a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two pack multi-use my pillows, stylish sandals for both men and women, or a luxurious towel set. All available for an astonishing twenty five dollars each. Yes, you heard it right. Just twenty five dollars per item during my pillows, twenty five dollar extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four pack dish towels. You guessed it. Also at the unbeatable price of twenty five bucks. And making its debut, the premium my pillows with all new keys of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of twenty five dollars. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call eight hundred, six, five, eight, forty nine, sixty five or go to and use promo code Howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over seventy five dollars. That's eight hundred, six, five, eight, forty nine, sixty five or promo code Howie. Elevate your comfort with the my pillow twenty five dollar extravaganza. Don't delay. Go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. Become a Howie Car Show super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from The Howie Car Show. Just enter your name and email at [Music] Raycon just launched their upgraded model of the best selling everyday earbuds. Now you can get the features you know and love, but also active noise cancellation. Ergonomic design and multi point connectivity. Get twenty percent off plus free shipping at That's Since the jury has been sent home for the day, we decided to change the question around a little bit. It's basically the same question. So if you voted for today, go back and vote for something else. Right. Okay, so what's the question and what are the options, Taylor? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is when will the jury in Trump's New York trial finish deliberations? Thursday, Friday, or next week? I'm going to switch my vote to Friday. Forty-three percent say tomorrow, fifty-four percent say Friday and three percent as of right now, so next week. That'll pick up as the time goes on. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, jury resumes at nine thirty tomorrow. Three, three, nine. Nick D says the pecker case is separate and deep-sixing stories isn't illegal. Bad sign they're asking for that, ultimately prosecuting him for influencing an election. Influencing, he paid after the election was over. Hillary Clinton paid a million dollars before the election and she laundered the money through two separate, maybe three cutouts. The DNC, Perkins-COE law firm, and then Fusion GPS, which then hired the sinister foreign national Christopher Steele. This was all done before the election. And again, Cohen testified that Trump did not know that the payment was made to Stormy Daniels. Did he not? I think he did. I think that's what Cohen testified. I know Cohen testified that he took out a home equity loan to get the money because he didn't want his wife knowing that he was paying money to Trump. And then when Trump didn't give him the money, he thought he was owed. He embezzled it from him. By the way, he's also a convicted purger, and he's been disbarred as a lawyer, and he's done time in federal prison. But he's a very credible witness. And Stormy Daniels has filed so many frivolous lawsuits against Trump that she now owes him over $500,000 that's been assessed for filing those frivolous lawsuits to pay for his legal expenses, but she told the jury she would go to jail rather than pay the money. Those are the two main witnesses against them. And Packer, the guy from the National Enquire, testified to things that aren't crimes. 844-542-42-Pete, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Pete. Yeah, hi, Howie. Thanks for taking my call. Sure. Apparently, Robert De Niro has a one word vocabulary, a MOOC, anyways. My home, my home, all my insurances have gone up this year drastically, and I shopped around till Howie wouldn't have it, Howie. My home orders insurance went up almost $300. My vehicle insurance, I'm a safe driver, good credit score, blah, blah, blah. It doesn't matter anymore, Howie. And you know, we all pay in the end, just like the Biden with the college bailouts. Meanwhile, we've got all these illegal aliens running around with no driver's license, no registration, no insurance, nothing. No, you're right. You're right. And they're just saying, "Oh, well, they're having a tough time at school, maybe because they don't speak English, and they're over here illegally." And now they're saying, "Well, and I've been writing about this for over a month, that all these flop houses are squalid, and they're infested with bugs and everything. They're not keeping them very clean." You know? And so, what are we going to do? Move them to the Ritz? You know? I mean, what does the Globe want everybody to do? I mean, there's this very simple solution. They can leave. They can go home. Nobody asked them to come here. I didn't ask them to come here, did you? And nobody asked them to send their kids into these schools and suddenly crash all these public school systems. Thanks for the call. 844-500-4242-7774. Hillary is a Democrat, so she enjoys automatic absolution. Well, I'll tell you what she also enjoys. She enjoys the fact that she can be an election denier, and it doesn't really matter, does it? She can deny whatever she wants, and there is no punishment whatsoever. 844-500-4242-4444-542. I think we have enough of the VIPs are back in here now. We got a -- Trump sent out a true social message last night about Robert De Niro, but, you know, as you know, he likes to phone it in and leave a voicemail for us special because he loves the How We Car show and all of our listeners. So you're going to have a special phone message, VIPs, from President Trump, from his truth social message. Here it is. I never knew how small both mentally and physically wack go former actor Robert De Niro was. Today, De Niro, who suffers from an incurable case of Trump deragement syndrome, commonly known in the medical community as TDS, was met outside of the courthouse with a force far greater than the radical left, MAGA. Robert, whose movies are the streets, and brand have gone way down in value since he entered the political arena at the request of Grunk and Joe Biden. Look so pathetic and sad out there. Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Cuckoo Cuckoo, Joe DiMaggio. Thank you, President Trump, for sending that into us. That means a lot to us. We're going to take some calls when we come back, 844-542. This is -- this is giving a bad name to Marsupials to call this a Kangaroo Court. 844-542-42. I'm How We Car. ♪♪ Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-917 says they won't allow a single jury to ruin this for them. I get the feeling it's 11 on one in that jury room. Like the movie, right? 12 Angry Men back in the day. Merck Ann will instruct them to keep deliberating for a month if necessary. What does he have to lose? He doesn't care. It keeps Trump off the campaign trail. It keeps Trump off the campaign trail, but his numbers keep going up. It's counterintuitive. Somebody was saying today, it's like they decided in 2016 it was a ratings boost to just broadcast live every Trump rally because they figured not only people were watching it, but it would convince them to vote for Hillary. Instead, it did exactly the opposite. And he was elected. So this time, they've gone with law fair, which is not about law. It's just about public perceptions. But again, it seems to be backfiring. And so I think it was Michael Goodwin from the New York Post said the other day on another radio show. He said that their only campaign theme now on the Biden side is, "Yes, Biden's bad, but Trump is worse." But you know, that's not true. We've all seen it. This isn't ancient history. We've all lived it. We all remember when gas was under two bucks a gallon. As I was telling the moonpad, when there was peace around the world, when America was the energy independent, when inflation was under control, when home prices were affordable, when mortgage rates were half or one third of what they are now, we all remember that. And that's all they can say is he's going to be a dictator as they're trying to railroad a guy into prison on non-existent charges. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. By the way, I just saw a story. There's a guy, I don't think he's a starter. Isaiah Bugs, he plays for the Chiefs. He's been accused of animal cruelty in Alabama. He had these two abandoned dogs on his rental property. Pretty horrible story. They had to euthanize one of the dogs and the other ones under care. Who do you think is going to be more roundly criticized in the media? This guy who mistreated his dogs and basically killed one of them. Or Harrison Butker, who came out for Christian American values. It's a rhetorical question, isn't it? We all know. We all know who's going to be taken more heat. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Jim, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jim. Hey, Howie. Hey, I called you a few months ago and I know it doesn't really go together too much earlier on. This is still developing real fast, though. But Chuck E. O'Brien, the guy that De Niro played during the Irishman movie. Wait, did he? I thought he played. I thought he did he play. Didn't he play the the the the Irish gangster from Cleveland? Wasn't Chuck E. O'Brien somebody else? I'm pretty sure he was somebody else. Okay, but the thing is, is she from that movie. Jeff Goldsmith is is one of the I sent you a thing down from Law Fair Media, which is the people that are basically the concept they're using against them. He's the co the co founder of the Law Fair blog telling groups how to use the courts against things to change things. There's a lot of people involved in that, Jim. I'm going to you're you're getting kind of deep into the weeds there with this eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. You know, a lot of the people that were were Perkins Coe, the law firm that laundered the money for the from the Hillary campaign and the DNC that was used to produce the Russian collusion hoax in the steel dossier. And one of the lawyers was actually tried, but of course he beat the rap because, you know, for lying to the FBI, even though it was right on the it was running the cell phones. That he was lying to the FBI. I'm not working for a client. And then they had the billing records, but you know, they had him called, but they wouldn't convict because it was a it was a deep state jury. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two five oh eight. Who does that football player think he is? Dr. Fauci. Yeah. This guy's only killed one dog, allegedly, according to the authorities. Fauci has killed killed thousands of Beagles, as we all know at this point. By the way, did you see that Mitt Romney does not not appreciate being compared to Christie Noem? He said, I love that dog. That dog loved me. I didn't eat that dog either. Oh, he threw he threw Barack under the bus. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Charles, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Charles. How this is without a tapestry of travesty. And to say for a second, this boost in the ratings like with the other generations. Oh, this is the moment where we can sit back and say that this can go apart was assembled in the following simple sequence. Two other courts know for aggressive and unfair traditional practices. They said, don't know. Yep, so did the FEC Federal Elections Commission refused to even treat this as like a technical violation. Yes, sir. And of course, they don't let facts get in the way, because this is what happened when you bought a paper about fools, fool to call Mr. De Niro who isn't washed up, but cleaned up a mess. This is experience with them. And these fools brought in the charges on the statute of limitations that expired for business thing. So now they switch to the storm again as a campaign fraud, which she got paid afterwards. Right. And by the way, the campaign fraud is a federal charge. So this is their, they're charging them on expired federal charges in a state court. None of it, none of it makes any sense. Well, thanks. Hey, Charles, we got, we got some battery problems with our callers today in the phones. Thanks for the call. Is that what it? Change the battery in your smoke detector, Charles. Thanks Charles 844 542 42. R W, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, R W. Hi, Howie. Hi. Yeah, I just wanted to, I wanted to see if I heard this right. I think it was yesterday. De Niro outside the courthouse. Yes. Was he actually wearing a mask? Yes, he was. He wasn't just wearing a mask. He was wearing an N95. Really? Yeah. I mean, you know, if, if I were a judge and someone walked into my court and, you know, and there was like a, you know, a hearing on whether he should be taken into custody, I'd say. Is that a night? Is that an N95? I'm giving you 90 days observation. If it had been just one of those regular stupid blue mask, it would only been 30 days, but an N95 at this point. You deserve, you deserve 90 days. R W, you should see the pictures of the, the, the, the, the protesters and the counter protesters outside the courthouse. You don't need to see who's wearing a red cap or an American flag shirt. All you got to do is see who's wearing a mask and you can tell 100% of the time who they are. R W. Big time. Thank you. Thank you. 844 542 42. People say they come up like later. There's snowbirds like me. They weren't Florida all wanted. They come back and they say. I didn't know. Do you realize there are people still wearing masks here in Massachusetts? Yes, I do. I see them too. You know what else I've seen? Only one. I saw Biden Harris. That wasn't swellsley, of course. 844 542 42. Mark, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mark. Hey, Captain. Long time. Thank you. Watching this judge trying to try in this case is like, was like watching him use an old pinball machine. He's bumping. He's bumping. He's bumping. He's the only one that can tell. Now with a jury instruction, just like he just slid the glass out. He's just using his fingers to punch all the targets to get the score that he wants. Yeah, you know, even like a anti-bev down there in that I'm Judge Canone. I mean, at least she's kind of going through the motions. You know, she's, she's definitely biased towards the prosecution, but sometimes she gets, she throws the defensive bone or tells, tells one of these corrupt cops that he that he has to answer the question. I mean, as far as I mean, I haven't seen any obviously TV. I haven't been in the courtroom, but it looks like he's, he's just 100% in the satchel. He doesn't, he doesn't give a bleep about anything. I mean, but this is, this is his career moment. Nothing really matters after this. You know, he's, he's going to live off this. I mean, Judge Ito, he wanted to keep being a judge. I guess he kept being a judge. I don't think this guy cares about it. This is it. He's like a, he's like a judicial suicide bomber. And his, and his daughters make it all the dough. She's, she can support him from now on. She's making millions off of this. Yep, that's sad. It's, it's, it's ridiculous though, but we knew it. Yeah. Now we knew, we knew it was coming. And, you know, I just, I just, whoever's in there holding out, if they are, if there is somebody holding out, I hope they can hold out. And boy, they would be, they would just be great if they could. But again, I don't know how long, if, if those jury instructions stand, I mean, how could they, how could they win? How, how could Trump get a, get reasonable doubt? If they, if they're not going to allow reasonable doubt, you can't get reasonable doubt. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. The US can't even be bothered to list the crime Trump supposedly committed. Yeah, nobody can tell you what the, what crime he committed. And the judge said it doesn't really matter. Why don't you just say, you know, he, he's, he's orange man bad. You know what to do. It's, it's, it's like a lynch mob in an, in an old Western movie. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Seven, eight, one. De Niro was wearing a mask to protect the crowd from his spittle as he spewed his garbage. Boy, you know, I heard the Mark Simone today on OR was saying, you know, he, he's in New York. And he said, you know, I, I've run into De Niro at some parties. He's, he's a nice enough guy in person, but IQ has got to be like 75, 80 tops. I mean, there are a lot of actors like that, not all of them, but I mean, they're, they're reading other people's lines. And he wasn't, and he wasn't reading other, anybody's lines yesterday. And you could, you could see it. You could hear it. Because he was talking nonsense. I mean, other nonsense. I mean, forget the, the TDS. Trump's gonna, he won't leave office. He's left office. You know, he ever been to the track, Bob, you know, you get the form. You bet on the, on the form. Right. He, he, he's, his form says he leaves office if he quote unquote loses. And he's got to, he's not going to, he's not only going to destroy New York, he's going to destroy the country. And then he's such a nut. He's going to destroy the world. It's not enough to say he's got to destroy the New York or the world or the country. He's got to destroy the world. 844-500-4242. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. ♪♪ Howie Carr is back. ♪♪ 844-500-4242. By the way, you know, don't, don't gangsters call themselves wise guys more often than they call themselves gangsters. I think they do. I mean, why is, why is the neuro calling these people gangsters? Because they're throwing his own lines from his own movies back at him. And he gets so angry, but he's so stupid. They even come back with a proper insult to throw in their faces. What a dope. It is better to remain silent and be thought of fool, as they say, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. Another of those old sayings that is proven true on a daily basis if you keep your eyes open. Bill, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bill. Howie, thanks for taking my call. Sure. Been watching this Trump debacle and I only have one question. Where in the world are our representatives down there? I see maybe a handful on TV once in a while and that's it. They came down and made their point, Bill. A lot of them came down and that appeared. I mean, I don't think at this point it's really necessary for them to be there every day. This guy is our candidate for president. We should be going nuts. I think people are going nuts, aren't they, Bill? I mean, this is kind of a silent protest. I mean, everybody's filing this away. Everybody's watching what's going on. When Trump first started saying, as the shirt I'm wearing says, they're after you. I'm only in the way. It was kind of an abstract argument. But now people can understand it. They see it every night, right? I agree. I pray you're right, Howie. I pray you're right. I think people see what's going on. I think that they get it. There was a guy on Fox today, a young black guy, Jamil Jackson. He was in Philadelphia and they were asking him, you know, would he ever vote for Biden? And cut 20. I don't think there's anything that I can hear to change my mind about voting for Trump so far. I think like so many Democrat voters, we have hundreds of questions that we want to ask Biden because he doesn't give press conferences. He doesn't answer questions from everyday American citizens. And when he does give a speech, he leaves us wanting more questions answered. And I think when I look at the size of Trump's crowd and the Bronx and then when I see the governor of New York calling everyone who attended clowns. When I see what's happening at the border, when I see so many issues pertinent to me, such as maybe school loans, such as the economy about to graduate looking for a job. And so many of my friends are, they're going into being store clerks. They're going into being baristas. The economy isn't just in a place where we can just sit still and just vote for Democrats or we're not black anymore. I think he has a lot to answer for and six months is just not going to cut it. We've had the internet since Franklin Roosevelt. And this is the state of the economy after having this high technology for almost 100 years now. Andrew, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead Andrew. Hey, I hope you're having a good one. You mentioned some of the mass craziness still going on a little while ago and I just had a quick anecdote for you. I think I was outside a market basket or somewhere and I'm walking through the parking lot. And you know how some people they collect like the little rubber docks or this or that or whatever it is and they stack them up in their cars. Yes. Did you not Howie almost six inches tall right there on the dashboard. There's a multi colored stack of the used masks sitting there. They should bring in the hazmat unit. I thought I had to do a double take. I couldn't believe my I was like, you know, the fact that you're keeping them as a collectable. Yeah, I have one mask in the bottom of my bag and you know why I have it because it's got a picture of Gooner my late beloved pug on it. That's the only reason I have it. I still see him though on the ground sometimes. You know, forget about nip bottles. They should have put a five cent deposit on those masks. Thanks for the call on Howie Carr.