The Howie Carr Radio Network

Over a Month of Trump Nonsense plus "Mayor Mendoza" has a nice ring to it | 5.29.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie is appalled, audibly so, by the direction this Trump trial is headed. A verdict should come our way later this week, but tune in for the Captain's heated takes on the conflicted Judge Merchan. Then, Jorge Mendoza of Monica's in the North End has a special announcement (or two)! He joins Howie in-studio to share it.

Broadcast on:
29 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. You're talking to me? Who the hell are you talking to me? Well, I'm the only one here. You are gangsters. You are gangsters. And then they have a protest of Robert De Niro yesterday. He's a fool. He's a broken down fool. Standing out there. He got, he got maggot. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. And my husband's, and you're going to see how smart he is. - And here is the day, Hirsch, Goldberg, Poland, and still, he is not here with us, but. - These charges are rigged, the whole thing is rigged. - You know she is a witch. - She looks like a witch. - Wait, time, not a witch. - But you are just as one. - They picked me up like this, did you? - Just a... - No, no, no, no, no. - No, no, no, no. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - I bet, I bet, I bet. - Just got a watch. - Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. - It's. (dramatic music) - Howdy car. - Welcome to the Howdy Car Show. Jury deliberates. 34 charges in the kangaroo court star chamber trial against Donald J. Trump. Ridiculous nonsense. I couldn't believe it this morning when I heard that I read it on Gateway Pundit I think for the first time and I don't really trust that website so I get, huh? What, they must have misheard what's going on, but John Roberts on Fox is a decent report. I'm just gonna read you his tweet. Judge Merkhan just told the jury that they do not need unanimity to convict. I never thought, this is a criminal trial, this isn't a civil case, this is a criminal trial. Never thought I'd be reading those words. Four could agree on one crime, four on a different one, and the other four on another one. He said he would treat four, four, four as a unanimous verdict. - Was this ranked choice verdict? - That's just what somebody said. Is this ranked choice voting or is this all you can eat buffet? Or is this dim sum? It's pretty dim, I'll tell you that. Good Lord. You don't have to have a unanimous verdict? I mean, how long does it take the Supreme Court to jump in on this? You know, I know they have to go through the motions. You know, you let it go through the state courts, you know? But it's, I just, I don't know, it's really pathetic. I mean, it's just, it's just sad what's going on here. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I thought that, you know, that he would get a hung jury, 'cause I just didn't figure that he could get 12 out of 12 with this nonsense that's been going on here for more than a month now. But I mean, if these are the standards, I mean, why even send the jury out? Why not just have a show of hands? You know, people who've been in, who've been in it, who've been in the courtroom say that at least eight of the jurors, you know, are, are, have a Robert De Niro stage, Trump derangement syndrome, you know? So, you know, he's just got a hope for a couple of jurors to hold out, but it, but it doesn't matter if, if, you know, if it's not unanimous, if you're, you know, if you don't even need a majority on any of the charges to convict, I mean, there's 34 different charges. And here you have Hillary Clinton paid people before the election. This is all, this is all about stuff that happened after the election. And this, it's on misdemeanor charges. The statute of limitations expired on. And so they, now they've, they've spun it into this, into these predicate acts, into some kind of re-go conspiracy. And the FEC wouldn't touch this. The Southern District of New York, which is about as a left-wing as you can get, wouldn't touch this case. The previous district attorney wouldn't touch this case in Manhattan. So, so now you have this guy who's bought and paid for by George Soros, weighs 300 pounds. Let's, let's people run a, let's illegal aliens run a muck in the city, not just assaulting civilians, assaulting cops in Times Square, but he's going, he's spending all of his time going after Donald Trump. The lead prosecutor was somebody who used to work for the DNC. The DNC, which paid to create, through Hillary Clinton's campaign, the Steele dossier to fix the 2016 election. I mean, this is, this is horrible. What's going on here? 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 542. There's nothing even remotely amusing about any of this. Your country is dead and somebody should pay. Yeah, I know. I mean, what am I going to do? We're just, we're just waiting here. The prosecution and the Trump team are back in, are back in court right now. So, they've, they've gone back in. I mean, Trump just, Trump walked in with, with his team. So, now they're, I don't know what they're doing. What does this show? The rest of the world says 603 that the U.S. is a third world country. Well, it is a third world country. I mean, this is, this is, this would be embarrassing for, for any of the countries where, that we used to see the video tape of them, you know, grappling and punching each other out in parliament and, you know, someone, someone loses an election or an election is fixed and they have to flee the country because they're about to be arrested. You know, we used to look at that and say, "I'm glad I live in the United States." Now, now we live, now we live in the, in, in the third world. I object, Your Honor. This trial is a travesty. It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham, a mockery of a travesty of two mockery of a sham. That's an understatement. Good Lord. Arden says, "The Nero has gone from raging bull to raging BS." So, that was the headline in the New York Post today. It's, it's, it's just ridiculous. I mean, I thought that the, that in a criminal case, you had to prove every, not just some, but every element of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. We all learned that at an early age, beyond a reasonable doubt. And this is a state prosecution of a federal crime, falsification of business records, the statute of limitations had expired. So, they said, he used it to try to steal the elections. Well, he didn't paste Stormy Daniels until after the election. And didn't Michael Cohen testify that Trump didn't know about the payments? And didn't he testify that he used his own, he got a home equity loan to pay the fine? And then he embezzled the money to repay himself? I mean, do you see a hole or two in this, in this narrative? It's, I mean, this is, this is not supposed to, to happen in, in the United States of America. This is what, this is why the nobles in what 1215 went and they basically held King John hostage because they were tired of being railroaded like this. Now, now here we are, what? 800, 800 plus years later and we're, we're back in the same situation. Eight, eight, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, forty two, eight four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So, they don't have to agree on the crime. So, so you, you could just drag people into court. Now, I don't like that guy. I, I don't like his looks. His eyebrow goes, goes all together here. I'm going to convict him on that. He, he, he should have shaved his eyebrow in the middle. But jury has sent a note at the Trump trial. Do we know what the note is? You know, we've been talking about other things. We, we're not Trump 24/7. Maybe some other shows are, but not this one. And, you know, it's, I, I wish it weren't Trump 24/7. I got a lot of, I got a lot of illegal aliens in the news committing heinous crimes. I got, I got a, I got a mayoral candidate coming in that we're going to have on the show very soon. And, I, I don't know, I don't know. I got a, I got a mayoral candidate coming in that we're going to have on the show very soon. This is justice a la carte. Yeah, it is a la carte. Yeah. I thought you had to order the full dinner in a criminal trial. You know? You don't, you don't get to sub, and you don't get to substitute the dishes either. So the note, the note contains four requests. David Pecker's phone conversation with Donald Trump. David Pecker's testimony not to sign over. And David Pecker testimony on Trump tower meeting and Cohen's meeting at Trump tower. Pecker is the, was the publisher of the National Enquirer. He was a, he was buying these stories. But didn't he say he'd been buying stories for 20 years? Ever since he took over the National Enquirer, he'd been buying the stories? So this was not like some kind of, you know, hit. Good Lord. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We'll be talking about this for most of the day. We'll have various breaks here and there. But this is going to be, yeah, two oh seven. This is really going to screw with Vegas trying to make the odds. Yeah, I mean, you can't make, you can't make odds on this now. I think it's off the board. You know, if they, I mean, this is a, this is, I mean, he's going to, it, it looks to me sadly like he's going to be convicted of something. But they, this, this is a, this is not, I mean, it's, I don't think this is going to like hurt his position in the polls or anything like this. They're just going to try to dust him up some more. But it's, it hasn't been working. I don't think this is going to work anymore. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr. [Music] He's Howie Carr and he's back. I promise to access affordable high speed internet because now internet is just as important as it was in the days of Franklin Roosevelt, electricity was generations ago. That's what he said. That's not A.I. That's, that's lack of A or R.I. It's just lack of I. Lack of B. There's nothing left. Let's hear that one again just in case people missed it. I promise to access affordable high speed internet because now internet is just as important as it was in the days of Franklin Roosevelt, electricity was generations ago. Remember he talked about Franklin Roosevelt going on TV when the depression started. There was, first there was no TV. He was the governor of New York when the depression started. But other than that, it was fine. But that, he looks like a historical genius compared to what he just said. [Laughter] Oh my God. Raycon just launched their upgraded model of the best selling everyday earbuds. Now you get the features you know and love. But also active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi point connectivity. Get 20% off plus free shipping at We had a moon bat who was on the line and he heard that sound cut from Biden and he just fell off the line. That's the truth, right? I'm not making that up. The VIPs can tell you that they see it right up there. I disappeared. I wonder why. Alright Taylor, what's the poll question? What's the result so far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is when will the Jerry and Trump's New York trial finish deliberations? Today, Thursday or Friday? I'm going to vote for Thursday. 38% say Thursday. 48% say Friday. 14% say today. Alright. 844. 542. 42. 844. 542. 42. 42. So we're going to have a guy with us at 3.30. So I brought Grace in a little early. Grace, what do you got? Jill Biden has a new book out and it's about Willow the Cat. And she's doing the media rounds about it. Because there's a lot at stake in this election. So she is putting out a book about the cat at the wedding. The book does. And while she was promoting this book. Has it got a blurb from Commander in Major? No. No? She said, you know I'm an English teacher. I want children to love reading. I want children to know reading is fun. Learning is fun. I want people to know about the White House and the people inside that make it all run. So she put together this book. Is that why you write books, Howie? Reading is fun. I write books for just. Yes. I want that too. That too. I think that's the same reason Jill Biden writes books. I don't think this is about kids learning to read. See, the difference is I have to actually sell books to make money. Joe, for Joe and for most Democrats it's just another money laundering operation. I think after you're done with this and Jula project you should go into children's books. I think you should give it a go. Everybody's writing them. Why not you? Yeah, it could be about Roscoe. Roscoe at the dog house. Yeah. Roscoe's day at the posh pet hotel. Yes. I like that. He sneaks into the presidential suite. He went in the other day and I took him in late after I got back from perfect smiles. And he got there a little later than he usually gets there. He gets there right when it opens usually. It was ten o'clock. There were four French Bulldogs in there. Four. Wow. I've never seen that many in one place. See, it could be about how he feels so out of place. He's not on the upper crust like those French Bulldogs. Yeah. But he has the same kind of nose or lack thereof. Well, it was four on one. Yeah. But he gets along with one of them. But he gets along. Actually, he gets along with most of them. How do you know all this? Do you gather this on the ride home with him? No, they tell me that. They tell me that. They tell me that. No, Roscoe. He's like, they were really giving me a hard time today. Hey, there's a lot. They say, hey, here's Roscoe. He's our friend. He's a good dog. He's a beautiful dog. A talented dog. A talented dog. He's a jolly good fellow. Okay. Well, we have other book news because Hunter Biden's ex, London, because I know you're probably thinking which ex, he has several ex lovers and ex sister-in-laws who are also his lovers. But his ex who he had a child with, London Roberts is writing a tell-all memoir, and it's being published by an RFK junior donor. So someone who's a big donor at RFK. Okay. Yeah. The co-chairman of a super PAC supporting RFK Junior's presidential campaign announced plans on Tuesday to publish a tell-all memoir this summer out of the shadows, my life inside the wild. What would you rather read more a book about by Willow the cat or a book about the strip, the stripper baby mama? Nana. I'm going London Roberts on this one. Me too. Her book is called Out of the Shadows, My Life Inside the Wild World. Out of Hunter Biden. It's a pretty good name. I hope she makes money, Howie. I hope, if I were a publisher, I would take more of a gamble on this than the cat. Absolutely. And she's got, you know, a story to tell and she's had her name run through the mud thanks to these people. And I hope that she, and you know, they came to that agreement, that custody agreement, that involved like, oh, he's going to give Navy a few of his pieces of artwork and, you know, try to have a better relationship with them or whatever. And right there, I thought, ah, I'm not going for that. If I'm London Roberts, I'm saying, I want cash. I don't want your pieces of art. Yeah. Moon bats back. Okay. Charlie, very quickly. You got a minute. Go ahead. Oh, no. Charlie. You want to talk about trial? 2016, I voted for him, but he's good for this country. What year did you vote for him? 2016. Okay. I thought you said 15. Okay. Go ahead. Three years and 11 months to correct my mistake. Okay. The gas prices were too low. Your 401k was doing that with doing too good. The interest rates were too low. You know, you don't like peace in the world? I know. There were a lot of problems with him. There was a lot of problems. Oh, no, I didn't. Yeah. A problem with his phone line. That's number one. Yeah. That Obama phone a year is running low on batteries, you know, which you better get rid of it, like all the cops down in Ken. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios, 844-542, we're going to stick with the trial for most of the day in and out anyway, but the jury is requesting the testimony of the crooked lawyer, purger, embezzler, serial liar, et cetera, Michael Cohen. He's a wonderful human being all the way around and the testimony of David Packer, the former, for that is indeed his name, Packer, the chairman of the former head of the National Enquirer. So this is going to drag on for a while, but we had other stuff planned. And one of the new development today is we knew that George Mendoza was bringing in a lunch for the VIPs from Mendoza's on Richmond Street, Monica's, excuse me, Monica's in the North End. But we didn't know that he was going to declare for mayor in the paper this morning. But so George Mendoza is here and he's, you know, he's in the papers this morning. But you know, you can make your official announcement on broadcast media right now, George, if you'd like. Thank you, Howie. Thank you very much. I'm not happy with what's going on in Boston, setting what is happening to our neighborhoods and to the residents of the city and the tyrannical rule of Michelle Wu. And we have to do something about it. And you know, I've been involved in the North End for many years. I've been a business owner for 30 and I owe a great deal of gratitude to the neighborhood that adopted me when we first came to United States and the city and I want to return the favor to the citizens of Boston, but perhaps offering them service to the constituents instead of serving myself from them, like the mayor is doing right now. Now you know that it's been a long time since an incumbent elected mayor was ousted. It's 1949, I think it was. It's a long time. And so she's got a million four in her bank account, which you know, that's not a lot for a big city, but I have to ask you how much of you got in your campaign account. Very little, very little. But that's not, I don't find that to be the challenge. You know, as an immigrant who came to the United States in 1984 with nothing, I've always been at the front of the battles that allow me to be the person who I am today. So I've fought for my family business over the years. I've been very boisterous about the needs of the North End. And I think that people are going to find that perhaps it's a lot more enlightening to be led by one of the people, for the people, instead of being led by an outsider who serves herself before she serves the people she conned into electing her. So you know, again, I'm going to ask you a question. It's basic. There's 22 wards in the city. Your base is basically two precincts in one ward. That's a small base to get elected city wide, isn't it? It is indeed. But I found through the research that I've done last year helping the legal team that is helping the North End, that the city is plagued with the same issues in all the neighborhoods. And I believe that if we start addressing the common denominator problems that we have, we can then address the problems that affect the other neighborhoods individually. So education is a big deal. Safety in Boston is a big deal, crime is rampant. The way that the city is being maintained, the congestion of the city is a big issue. Bicycle lanes, every way, turning the city into traffic. How about bike lanes? Yeah, bicycle lanes, exactly. Bicycle lanes, every way. That's something that I ride a bike, okay? But I don't think that congestion in the city. First of all, it's not green. It idling cars pollute a lot more than cars that are moving in traffic. So this thing of turning Boston into a 15-minute city when it's convenient, except for the North End. Of course, you don't want to congest the North End, but you want to congest the next to the city, the rest of the city. And also, I believe that unfortunately we have had administration after administration who dedicate themselves to promoting their pet projects for their political careers. I think that Boston has issues that need to be solved. And I don't think that the public service is a place where you boost your career. I've already had a career in business, and I do not need that. I want to be able to help Boston get out of the awful situation we're in. But Josh Kraft, Bob Kraft's son, he's got more money than God. He's fairly well-known in the city. He's like moving around. He's thinking of running. I mean, again, he's going to have all the money if he runs. Absolutely. Absolutely. And all the power to him. I think that the competition is a good thing. I come from a neighborhood with 65 restaurants, and we all compete with each other. And we've done well, and everybody else is doing well, too. So I think that there's nothing wrong with that. It's going to be in line and to have an argument with business people, not just politicians. So if he joins in the race, I would love to debate with him the issues that are affecting the city. I'm in the middle of the road. I'm an independent. I have been affiliated with both parties in the past, and I'm disillusioned by both. And I believe that the conversation in the middle is how you change things, particularly in Boston. Boston was a working-class neighborhood that now has billboards everywhere for luxury living. And look at what's brought us. We have disenfranchised the people who have built Boston in lieu of the conversation between politicians and developers. I think that needs to end. Boston has changed the way it looks. It's no longer a colonial city. It looks like Seattle. There's no affordable housing in Boston for people who come to work every day. That's a good way to put it. Yeah. And again, I think that to have a vibrant city, you need to have a place for everyone. Not just for the elites who want to line their pockets with the hard work of the cities of Boston. The problem, as you know, George, is that most of the people who are nodding their heads listening to you don't live in the city anymore. They've moved out. Who's going to vote for you, ultimately? Well, that's part of the issue that we have in Boston. You know, Boston is a university city. And in the past, it would benefit from the graduation of very bright minds, young minds, and they will come to work in Boston. That's not the case anymore. People are living to go to different states where there's prosperity, where you can afford to live. If you get a job of making $100,000 in Boston tomorrow out of college, you can afford to live there. A small apartment is $3,500 in the city, okay? You can't keep a car in the city, okay? It's very difficult to get out of the city and to get into the city, because it's over congested. We're going from large arteries to a colonial city that is covered with bicycle lanes and bus lanes and hieroglyphics on the streets, or which direction you can go into or not. And that's part of the progressive agenda of the far left Democratic Party that she addresses herself as. So you ran for the city council when Lydia Edwards moved on to the Senate, and you ran as a write-in. You lost to Gigi really, fairly convincingly. I mean, what's going to be different this time out? Well, it wasn't that convincingly. We got 33% of the board in the North, and I think we got 22% across the board. Salty Massey commented to one of my family members that that was unheard of in the history of a writing candidate on 10 days. What I want to bring to the table is a conversation about what needs to be done in Boston and the marriage between City Hall and its citizens. We got to work together to change it, to turn it around, to bring it back to the city that it was and it can be. And it is not a city of political agendas, it's a city of open minds, it's a city of inquiring minds. We have plenty of educational facilities, and it's a city that can prosper. I don't believe that an 8% increase in the budget to fulfill the mayor's pet projects as a stepping board for a political career, for an outsider who comes from the long line of political mob characters from Chicago is going to bring us forward. I don't have a problem with you being from Argentina, but you're calling her an outsider. She was born in Illinois, I believe. Was she not? She was. And you were born in Argentina, but she's the ally. Come on, George. Well, you know, I consider myself, since I came here at the young teenage years, to be adopted by the city of Boston. And as an adopted son of the city of Boston, I owe the city of Boston a huge deal of gratitude. As I do to the north end, the people who embraced my family when we first came with nothing welcomed us with simple jobs that we first took in restaurants and local shops. I learned everything about running a business from my peers in the neighborhood. I've also, I'm a patriot. I love the United States. You've been here a lot longer in Boston than she has, that's one way to put it. Yeah, I've been here longer, but I think I have a different passion for the city, okay? I live the city every day, okay? I live with the good things and I live with the bad things. Where'd your kids go to high school? My kids went to high school Latin Academy first. My son went to the learning prep in Newton. And my daughters finished their education at Arlington Catholic in Arlington, Massachusetts. Not because I didn't believe in the public school system, because I do. I was a big promoter of the Elliot School in the north end. I was the co-chair of the governing council for the school. And I did a ton of work to expand the campus and we had three beautiful buildings. But unfortunately, the agenda of the public school system is awful in grammar school and it gets worse in high school. And at a certain point I realized that when my kids were learning, it was not the values that my family believes in. So we had to pull them out and take them to a place where our values were more, the values of the school were more like ours. Regardless, that's an issue that a lot of people are having. When I first brought with the public... That's why I asked you. Yeah, when I first got involved with the public school system in the north end, with the Elliot School, was because we were trying to have more families in the neighborhood. And there was half-growing families that wanted to plant roots there. And we did that. Many of them have already left the neighborhood because they were so disappointed with the curriculum. Right. Just like during the busing. Nothing's changed, really. Nothing's changed. You get to a certain age and you're out of there because your kids get to a certain age and you're out of there. Where can people go to your website? George Mendoza. We don't have a website yet. We're pulling papers tomorrow for the election, so it's going to be official tomorrow. I am going to be taking 10 days off. I'm getting married next week and I'm going to take a break, so my bride doesn't get too too mad at me. Give Mary to a guy that'll help you out in the campaign, of course. Exactly. But we're going to make a formal announcement after I come back from my 10 days that I'm going to be out for my wedding. But I'm looking forward to having a conversation with the people of Boston and its leaders and making a difference, hopefully. And at the very least, opening people's eyes to what can be done to change things, if anything. George Mendoza, thank you. Good luck in the campaign and thanks for bringing in the food. Give it a hand, VIP. You're going to enjoy your food. Monica's on Richmond Street in the north end. Thank you. Thank you. George. Howie car show returns after this. This hour of The Howie Car Show is brought to you in part by Moby Dicks and Wealthly. For 40 years in counting, they continue to provide the freshest, blasters, fried fish and lobster salad online at Moby' The Emperor of Hate, Howie Car, is back. It's Howie Car's Cheek Baster Deal. Oh yeah. Sounds too good to be true. Oh no, it's real and it's a steal. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie Store for another Howie Car Cheek Baster Deal. Howie Car, the cheapest bastard around. We're back to talking about the trial, but first we have a great cheap bastard deal. It's Calitron, healthy weight loss supplement. It's especially formulated, scientifically proven, collagen protein digestive enzyme complex that aids the body in the repair and building of lean muscle with the industry's highest standards of quality ingredients. Numerous studies have shown the superior ability of ingredients in Calitron that can result in higher metabolism, weight loss and other benefits. It is not a drug, it is not a stimulant, it is not a quick fix, it is not a fad. Calitron has had proven lasting results for over 25 years and it's got to be working if it lasts for 25 years. While supplies last, you can purchase a 30-day supply of Calitron that's a $70 value for just $35, so you can see whether it works for you or not for a little over a buck a day. Go to and click store to order yours right now. With us now to tell us more about Calitron, by the way, Jared Grace has been taking it for a long while. Now, how's it been working for you, Jared, before we talk to Elizabeth Miller? Oh, it's great, I've been on it for over a year actually, almost 14 months now and I've lost weight, I've lost over 12 pounds and I've kept it off and I'm now kind of in a maintenance phase and it's great, it's super easy. All I have to do is take four capsules before I go to bed, I don't have to deny myself any foods, I don't have to cut carbs, I don't have to count calories, I don't have to work out, which is, I don't like working out so that works out for me. You just take it and when you're asleep, you rebuild that lean muscle and it just, you drop the weight like that. After about the first 30 days, that's when you really notice that your waistline has gone down. I lost two inches. Two inches. Two inches and 12 pounds over and that's the nice thing is if you have a lot of weight to lose, it can help you. If you only have a little bit of weight that you want to lose, it can help you do that too. You're not going to crash, it's not going to hurt your body. Yeah. This is with Miller, tell us about Calitron. Well, you know, the big thing I want to just stress to everybody is that number one is not going to be a quick fix. There's no drugs or stimulants that might get worked overnight. Now most people are staying better sleep, less joint pain, more energy, that inch loss around the one month mark after that, you start seeing the steady weight loss, but that's when healthy weight loss looks like where you can maintain it and keep it off even after you get off of the product. So it's safe. So we're talking about a product that's good for you. So it's safe, even if you're on medications, even if you have health conditions, this product is recommended by doctors, taken by doctors. It really is good for you. So I just want to stress that, you know, very good for you. So Jared told us a little bit about how you take it, but why don't you expand on that a little bit Elizabeth? Right. So we've got it in two forms. You can take it in a capsule form, that's the most popular. You can either do four capsules or you can do one scoop of powder into water and that makes it up really well, it's flavorless. So that's a great option too, if you have trouble falling capsules or if you just prefer not to take capsules, the powder is a great option. They both have the same huge 86% success rate. So we're talking about a product that's been proven safe and effective since 1997. I don't know how many other weight loss products out there could say that. The calitron has been helping customers lose weight safely since 1997. Now if people want to read up more on calitron before they order it at the how we car radio store, where can they go to read up on calitron? Yes, you can go to our website, but you can also call us if you want to. If you have questions, we've got real life people right here in America. You also get a dedicated personal calitron consultant when you order, even off the how we car show website. You'll get an a dedicated person who's going to call you if you want, text you, email you. They're going to help you and do everything they can to help you see the results with this awesome product. So our website is If you have questions, you can chat with us online or you can call us 833 toploss, but again, that special is on the how we car website and that's T-O-P-L-O-S-S dot com, And so you can now purchase a 30 day supply of calitron. That's a $70 value for just 35 bucks. It's a good way to see how it works for you if it makes you feel better, if your waistline begins to shrink just a little bit, you'll see whether it works for you or not. This is a great deal and Jared, you would recommend it, correct me? Yeah, I would. Like I said, I like it because it's not denying yourself food. It's not counting calories. It's just losing weight in a healthy way and it's really easy to do. I like it so much that they actually sent me a sample. I actually went on and I bought a deal after that. That's how much I like it, I paid for it. That's the highest compliment there can be, Elizabeth Miller, when you buy the product. Okay, Elizabeth Miller, thanks for being with us, calitron healthy weight loss supplement. You can get a $70 month supply for just 35 bucks, how we car at show dot com.