The Howie Carr Radio Network

Mayorkas Thinks Biden Admin Has Done "Extraordinary Job" On Illegal Immigration | 5.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace and callers discuss the debate, the border and Dr. Jill's new book about Willow the Cat.

Broadcast on:
29 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. You know, I always try to be a little bit nicer to Dr. Jill. And I am to Joe Biden or Kamala Harris because she's the first lady and I don't know what it is, but part of me always feels caddy or mean if I go after her. But I really need to lose that. I really need to lose that. Yeah, I feel very much like Willow the Cat when I go after Dr. Jill. Because she's becoming one of the most insufferable people that gets a platform. And I thought her appearance on GMA was like a one off. I don't know why. I know how these book tours work. They know that whatever they have to pay Dr. Jill, these book publishing houses, they know they're not going to make it back. Because the Bidens never sell books. You can slap their name on whatever you want. They're not going to get the asses in the seats as far as the readers go. People don't want to read about that. People will read Miranda Devine's book about a Biden when it involves crack pipes and diamonds and, you know, sitting in a bathtub and all these photos and, you know, disgusting stuff like that. But they don't want to read about Joe or Jill's fictionalized version of events and they certainly don't want to read about the one remaining animal left at the White House for now. There's still, there's still a few months left, Willow. So don't get too comfortable. They could still give you the boot before November. But I thought it was a one off. Now I'm reading that she was on the view today. And are you ready for this sentence? You want to talk about someone with little self awareness. The gall of this woman to say this with a straight face. She's talking about the debates. And she says, oh, we have this? Oh, my God. Cut 14, please. No, they've built that in where they're going to turn off those mics so that somebody can't ramble. Sorry. No, no, no. That's not that I don't think that's the cut I was thinking of. We're OK. Got 22. Let's play. Well, I happen to believe it's really important more than ever to have a debate with guardrails. What is the strategy that the president has going into this? Any tips you'd have for a debate that we could pull off where we could actually hear our candidates? No, they've built that in where they're going to turn off those mics so that somebody can't ramble or scream at somebody, you know, not that my husband would be the one doing that. And so that's already been negotiated. And, you know, I think that American people deserve a debate because you need to see your choices. You need to see Trump and you need to see the president and you need to see the differences. And my husband's, and you're going to see how smart he is and the experience he has. And then you'll see somebody who, like you're saying, I'm going to use Joy's words. I can't put a sentence together and everything is beautiful and it's wonderful. It's tremendous. Yeah, it's tremendous. So I think you deserve the American people deserve to see the two men who are running for this office because your choice is going to be clear. Oh, yeah, I don't understand how someone can have so little self-awareness. Yeah, it's going to be clear as KJP and Joe Biden have been telling us now for three and a half years. It's going to be perfectly clear, very clear. Let me be clear. The delusion of this person, of this wretched woman to accuse Trump of not being able to put a sentence together. And I know she was using Joy's words, but I think she can take credit for it to say that in a public... I understand she says that behind closed doors. She hates Trump. You know, they're all bitter twisted. But to say that on TV, after your husband has been falling asleep at things and has been, you know, talking to dead people while on the stage at events and literally... Not literally like the student loan debt is crushing people KJP style. I'm talking literally he cannot get out a coherent sentence and you're going to sit there and make fun of Trump and say he can't put a sentence together. That is how dumb Jill Biden, this spoiled power hungry, horrible wife. That's how dumb she thinks the voters are. And I will give her this. The crowd with the view, you've got them. They're as dumb as they come. So congrats on that. The women you're surrounding yourself, Sarah Haynes, she's like the conservative one saying, "How can we get a debate where, you know, Sarah Haynes and Alyssa Farah Griffin or whatever their names are?" Those are the conservatives on the view. Sunny host and Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, the far left radicals. You can pull something over on them. It's not a heavy lift. Sunny host and thought the eclipse was due to climate change. Joy Behar is no idea what she's talking about on any given day. Whoopi Goldberg thinks she would have had it harder during the Holocaust or she thinks she has it harder as a black woman than Jews had it during the Holocaust because they can at least pretend not to be Jews. It was something along those lines. So you're not dealing with Brainiac. So if you want to tell them that, "Oh, Donald Trump doesn't know how to put a sentence together, my husband's going to look so smart up there." Maybe you get away with it. But it's not just the audience. It goes out on TV. There's this thing called TV. Not the Victrola, as your husband refers to. It's a TV and everyone can see it. And nobody actually watches it on the TV, but people do eventually see it on the Internet. And it's insulting. It's insulting that you think that we're all so out to lunch that we don't notice that your husband is being wheeled around like weekend at Bernie's. And I've tried to be delicate or I've tried to talk about it in the nicest way I possibly can, but I think I'm at the end of my rope with that, Jared, because this isn't sane. She's going to accuse somebody else of not knowing how to put a sentence together. Jill Biden, do you not see what you're talking? Again, I refer to this a lot, but it's the best example of a lack of self-awareness I have, George with the toupee. I don't want to date her. She's bald. You're bald. It's like, you want to talk about not being able to talk? You're married to Joe Biden. Are you kidding me? You know I'm going to have to drop right now. I haven't used this in a very long time, Jared. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. This is nuts. Every day Joe Biden says something that either gets us into a war or makes people extremely uncomfortable. He talks about marrying a woman with a lot of sisters, so he's always somebody who's going to love you. It's also super creepy because Hunter Biden started dating his sister-in-law after his brother died. Everything this guy says is very weird. On a good day, Joe Biden is weird and creepy. On a bad day, he just doesn't make any sense. Or if you want to flip those, I'm not sure. You know, I genuinely, I do not wish harm or bad things about people. I think it's nothing good comes of it. I cannot wait, I will say, to see the karmic response whip these degenerates in such a massive way. However, whenever it happens. Politically. Yes. You got to watch yourself. No, I'm with you. I can't, I can't anymore. Like, I loathe these people. She is just, I loathe these people. Let's have her talk about being an English teacher. Can I get cut 13? Well, you know, I'm an English teacher and I want children to love reading. And I want children to know that reading is fun, learning is fun. And I want, you know, people to know about the White House and the people inside that make it all run because there are almost a hundred people there. And they dedicate their lives to making the White House run. And I, and I want in a bigger sense, in a, in a, in a more, in a more important sense. I want to make some more money. That's part of this too. I really want to make more money. So I, I drew up a couple of cartoons of a cat. We're going to try to sell this as a book so that I can get one more payday before my husband inevitably loses this election. God willing. That's what it is. She's not writing a book about Willow the cat because she wants people to understand the White House from a cat's POV. And by the way, she's not the only one writing a book. RFK Junior donor is going to publish Hunter Biden's Exes Tell All Memoir. That's right. The co-chairman of a super PAC supporting RFK Junior's presidential bid announced his company plans to publish a book by a woman who had a child with Hunter Biden. That would be London Roberts. She said out of the shadows, my life inside the wild world of Hunter Biden. I children love the books. Now this is a book I can get behind. This is a book that I think they might make back their payments on. Whatever you're paying her up front, you might have a chance of making it back. Hunter is probably going to be dumb enough to sue her for some type of pay up, like some type of royalties. For using his name in this book. Yeah, or he'll say that part of it really embarrassed me when he's already written the most embarrassing things about himself. He wrote his own memoir as an attempt, I think, to kind of get him make it as though these things that he was admitting to weren't terrible because I already wrote it in my book. I already talked about the gun and the drugs and all these things. I wrote it down in a book. What he didn't realize is, yeah, if you give people a blueprint to all of your crimes that doesn't absolve you of your crimes, it just means that people don't have to do as much work to figure them out. Like you gave us a roadmap and we followed it. We followed the directions. And so London Roberts is writing this book. I'm very excited. She's an Arkansas woman who had a child with Hunter Biden. And I know at one point he wanted to pay less in child support. That's how dumb he is. He was like, you know, making all this money of these $500,000 piece pieces of crap art. And he's still arrogant enough where he says, let's take the private plane to Arkansas so that I can fight paying child support to the daughter that I don't acknowledge. The judge wasn't super happy about that. A lot of people had an issue with it. Well, turns out that they came to an agreement. I don't know. Like he agreed to give the daughter Navy a piece of his artwork or a few pieces of art and also try to have some sort of relationship with her. I don't know where they're out with that, but I'm glad that London Roberts is going to cash in in some form. She deserves it. She's been through the wringer. These people have made enough money at a certain point, as Barack Obama once said, you've made enough money. But I don't think that that certain point applies yet to London Roberts. I say go for it, girl. Make that money. 844-542-42. Peter, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Peter? Hello, I would like to remind you when your listeners of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the witch trial that they had and all the mob reminded me of Trump's arrangement syndrome. You know what? This is not going to go well with the audience. I've never seen Monty Python. Have you, Jay? It's been a while since I watched the Holy Grail, but I think I know what he's talking about. So you can confirm, Peter? Yeah, it's definitely, yeah. Okay. Thank you, Peter. Thank you for the tip. Maybe I will watch it. I was a theater kid, so that was kind of something that everybody referred to. I would always go, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love that scene, but never actually watched it. Maybe that's some weekend viewing for me. We'll be right back. We've got a lot more to get to. We'll talk about Mayorkas on CBS, the latest lie he's pushing, and also we've got tons more sound to get to. You're not going to want to go anywhere. We'll take more of your calls. 844-542-42. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. [Music] Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. We are on Verdict Watch 2024. Although I do have some other news, I was thinking of trying to trick people and saying, "Guys, guess what? The charges have been dropped." Again, Scotty Scheffler, but I didn't want to do that. You can't, Jared, when you have a platform, you can't abuse it, and you can't get people's hopes up like that. But Scotty Scheffler's charges were dropped, and so that's good news for the golfer. Seems like a huge, I want to say misunderstanding, but also seems like the cops that were pulling him over and getting dragged by his car, according to them, that they were on a bit of a power trip, and that if everyone had just calmed down a little bit, taking a deep breath, he wouldn't have ended up behind bars with a mug shop. But that's just an update for you in the golf world. Now, and did you notice, Jared, my golf-colored shirt today for people in the rumble camp? I did notice that. I have kept this private for a while. I have started taking golf lessons once a week. It's a little bit of a, it's a group golf lesson, so it's not too much pressure. But I like it. I like it. I am getting the ball off the ground into the air, which is really cool. I just find that with the golfing thing, it's a lot of remembering everything at once. Like, when you remember one part of it, you forget the other part, and so they'll say, "Oh, you got to thud the ground," and then I thud the ground. They say, "Oh, but you didn't follow through. Oh, but then, oh, you follow through, but you forget to thud the ground." There's just, it's very mental. But when you get it, you feel like, "Oh, I could be professional. This could be my life." But then you lose it again. Did I sum it up pretty well? I think that's the game. I guess I don't play golf, so. We got to get you out there on the links, man. I'll change your life. Not a golfer. Not a golf guy. That's okay. That's okay. We only need one for this show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houten in Nashua. Call 1-844-Perfect-Smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what do you think will be the Trump hush money verdict? Conviction, acquittal or hung jury? I'm going to say hung jury. 62% of the audience believes it will be a hung jury. 24% for conviction and 14% for acquittal. Let's play the hairy end quote. This is from CNN. He's explaining. He's using one of those touch screens. He's explaining what voters care about and how far down these Trump trials are on voters issues list. Can I get cut 10? News junkies might be paying really close attention to what's going on. The fact is most Americans don't really care that much. So closely following news about economy inflation, that's number one at 65%. Look at immigration, 52%, election legitimacy, 49%, abortion, 47%, all the way down on this list of issues tested by the Ipsos knowledge panel is Trump's court cases at 42%, significantly less than economy inflation. The fact is, John, when we're looking at these numbers, what we see is Americans minds aren't changing, and a big reason why Americans minds aren't changing is that this particular point, John, they are tuned out of the conversation. Yeah, I was just thinking to myself, and Jared, you made this point a few weeks ago where when things are going great, you don't mind, for example, the more far left radicals and their pet projects with the environment and that's all well and good when things are going well. When things aren't going well and you find out, "Oh, we're spending $5 billion on these EV charging stations and none of them have been built," you don't have as long a rope for it, you don't have as much patience or tolerance for it. And I think this is the same thing. People can't entertain all of this salacious Stormy Daniels, Trump trial, soap opera, circus, kangaroo court drama because they're focused on all of the disasters that have been brought to them courtesy of Joe Biden and this White House. And so they just don't have time, they can't do it all at once, so they got to pick one. Do I care about the things that are actually impacting me or do I care about this highly politicized kangaroo court? And they've chosen to care about their own issues, and I applaud them for that. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. So I teased this a while ago, but what else is new? This is what we do here. We tease things and we wait. And we wait. But we have come to the time to play this cut from Mayorkas. He was on CBS and he was talking about what a great job he's done as the head of the HHS. And this is pretty unbelievable because you don't have to even see the video. I mean, you can. There's plenty of video that Bill Malugian collects and Fox collects and other places have. You can go to You can look at the stats. You can look at the numbers. You can look at the Chinese nationals and how the percentage of people coming over has broken every record, even from last year. But you don't have to do that. You can just listen to Mayorkas and know that he is lying. You don't even have to see all this evidence. You can just tell that he's lying to you because that is clearly at this point what he does. So let me first have and I'm going to reverse this order, Jared. This is cut six, please. This is Alejandro Mayorkas. That is false. If we take a look at migration, not just at our southern border, but in context, the level of migration throughout the hemisphere is unprecedented and throughout the world. It's the greatest level of displacement of migration since World War II. I think there are about 73 million displaced people in the world. The reasons why people leave their countries of origin are those with which we are quite familiar. Extraordinary poverty, violence, extreme weather events, corruption, suppression by authoritarian regimes. You know what I noticed about Mayorkas and I'm sorry I said HHS. I'm in DHS. But something I noticed about Mayorkas is that he in the same way as Pete Buttigieg is one of these classic figures where he can tell you all of the problems, but he has no solutions. Like Jared, if you were an alien, you came down from Earth and you heard this guy talking about these problems, you would think he had nothing to do with the solution. You would just go, "Oh, he's here to tell the person in charge all of the issues that have been piling up over the last three and a half years." Unbeknownst to you, what's the alien, I don't know, some alien. I'm not into the alien jargon like Jared. But unbeknownst to said alien, this man has actually been overseeing all of these problems with no solutions in sight. But you would think that he just discovered them all. He's like poverty, you know, extreme weather events. By the way, all the things he's listing, they're not new things. There's nothing new here. Like authoritarian regimes, corruption, poverty, all of these root causes that Kamala Harris, the borders are when she's not in charge of the school buses. When she's not focusing on women's reproductive rights or the craters on the moon, she's handling the root causes of immigration, illegal immigration. And all of these things they list are just problems that have existed throughout civilizations for a very long time. But they act like, "Oh no, this is a unique thing that we're dealing with, and that's why we've done nothing to stop the overflow of millions of unvetted people." Not all of whom, but some of whom include terrorists, very dangerous people, rapists, criminals. And they're truly trying to create a narrative where all of these factors are something that only they have dealt with. And that's the reason why they can't get it under control. I've had news for my orcas. You know who else dealt with the border that was facing a severe flood of people because of corruption and authoritarian regimes and poverty and violence and extreme weather events? Donald J. Trump. And before him, Barack Obama. And it goes on and on and on. Everybody's dealt with this. It's not new. And the same people like Alejandro Mayorkas, like Pete Buttigieg, like Kamala Harris, like Joe Biden, who criticized every single thing Trump did. Everything he did was wrong. He's separating the babies from the mamas. That was Elizabeth Warren. They all were T-shirts. They all cried. AOC got in her white jumpsuit with the red lipstick, hired a photographer, went down to the parking lot and took a bunch of sobbing photographs. They all, I can hear Taylor doing his dinner always. They all made such a stink about everything Trump was doing wrong. They didn't care that they had no solutions. And now they've been in charge for three and a half years and we're supposed to hear all of these issues and pretend that it's something new and pretend that these people didn't claim to have all these issues. They didn't claim to have all of the ways to fix it. Like, I thought you wanted the job because you were going to do better than the guy before you. That clearly is not happening. So stop giving us excuses. Now I want to play cut six because one of the points that was brought up by this reporter, her name is Camilo Montoya Galvez. She's a CBS News immigration and politics reporter. One of the issues that was brought up was that the Biden administration at one point was encouraging people to cross the border. This is cut six. We have done an extraordinary job to deal with an unprecedented level of migration, Camilo. The reality is that some people do indeed try to game the system. That does not speak to everyone whom we encounter, but there is an element of it. And we deal with it accordingly. And importantly, the bipartisan legislation that failed today for the second time would have equipped us with more tools to deal with those individuals who seek to game the system. You know, I'm really sick of hearing how unprecedented it all is. Like, we're dealing with an unprecedented... The reason it's unprecedented is because you've let it get unprecedented. You've let it get this far. You've encouraged it. You sent out the message. And just like all these world leaders pay attention to Joe Biden and all of the broken promises and every move he makes on the world stage, you can... You can guarantee that coyotes, that illegal aliens, that people who want to cross over are paying attention to what an administration does and how they behave. And that's the reason you're dealing with this unprecedented surge. You're not a victim of circumstance. This didn't just happen to you. Like, oh, it's bad luck. What a coincidence that you guys took over and all of a sudden these giant numbers. Do you know what could have perhaps affected the amount of people coming over the border? This flashback from Joe Biden on the debate stage, this is cut eight. I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border. All those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. We're a nation that says if you want to flee and you're fleeing oppression, you should come. So, do you think that had anything to do with all of the unprecedented number of people that are coming over the border? Or is that our fault too? Did Republicans make Joe Biden say that on the debate stage? Did Republicans force him to encourage people to come over here to surge the border? I don't think so. And I just, I'm so sick of hearing the excuses and the reiteration of the issues. We already know what the issues are. We already know there's a massive problem. You were the ones who said you could fix it and you haven't. You've made it significantly worse. And so, what's the explanation behind that? And also, what's your plan going forward? So, you say this, you've done an extraordinary job. This is what you'd consider. And I just want all the voters out there to take note of that. This is what they consider to be an A+ job on the border. So, if your school, if your child's school has been taken over so that illegal aliens could use it for a gym, for a place to sleep, if your community center, Roxbury has been taken over and turned into a migrant shelter, you know, if your community has been affected in some way and your tax dollars have gone to this and you don't like it, keep in mind that this administration gives themselves an A. If they were to grade themselves, they think they've done an extraordinary job with this. So, what does that tell you about the next four years? Doesn't seem like they think there's any areas they need to improve one. If you said to me how was the show today and I said extraordinary, it's kind of high praise. I would say the next day, we just try to do the same exact thing. So, you're about to vote these people in. Mayorkas, all these incompetent jerks who whine and whine and whine about how everything's unfair and they get back treatment from the press. They've gotten the most wet kisses from any media of any administration ever. And they've overseen the most disasters. And they don't plan on slowing down. If they get another chance at this for four more years and you think this is bad, we'll wait till you see what goes after extraordinary. This is extraordinary. Wait till we get to the second term. Then we're going to hit super-califragilistic XBL-adocious. And I don't know how much of that we can even bear. I got one more thing for you. And in Avaro, I was kind of bummed out. I didn't get to this the other day. She was on with CNN and she was explaining. She was on a Jim Acosta show, which I think is just a weekend show. So, this is a little bit older. But she was explaining why some Latinos are supporting Trump. And if you haven't been following the demographic shift here, a lot of Latino voters are coming out for Trump. A lot of black voters are coming out for Trump. And that's what it's looking like at least. And as I make a point of mentioning, he doesn't have to take a giant slice. Of that demographic. He just needs a little bit to really change the landscape of this election. And it looks like he's going to do that. He's also done a lot better with black voters and with minority voters than previous Republican candidates. So, things are looking good in that sense. But now they bring on Anna Navarro, who's oftentimes on the view, also a conservative. The same kind of conservative is, say, Bill Crystal or James Comey. And she's on CNN, and this is what she had to say about Latino supporting Trump cut five. Jim, and this is the truth. And you and I know this as Latinos. There are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them. And who think being anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more American, pass as whatever, and that's a very stupid attitude to have. A few things. One is she's conflating being anti-immigrant with being anti-legal immigrant. And there's a big, big difference. There's no problem with someone who came here legally having an issue with people coming here illegally. In fact, it makes more sense to people who came here legally and went through the whole process, which I've heard from plenty of people who have come into this country legally that it is not cheap and it is not easy. So I would say that if anyone's going to have an acute issue with people cutting the line or doing it in an illegal way, it would be the people who went through the whole rigamole role in the first place. That's number one. And number two, trying to shame people for not voting the same way you do. And taking a racist dig at people who think differently than you do and somehow implying that it means they're less than or they're trying to be more American. I'd actually argue that the people who vote based off their... based off what's important to them and not based off their identity politics, like Anna Navarro must, are more secure in their identity. I think people who vote with their minds, with their kitchen table issues, with their lifestyles in mind, with their safety in mind, I would say that those people who are not conforming to societal pressure or to what Anna Navarro and her elitist friends think they should be are more secure with their identities. And last time I checked, if you're a Latino voter in this country, you are an American. So what is this idea of they're trying to be more American? So if you vote Democrat, you're... I guess we'd have to take it like this. If you're a Latino voter and you vote Democrat in the eyes of Anna Navarro, you're more American than if you vote for Donald Trump. If you vote for Trump, you're trying to be more American, but you're not. But if you vote Democrat, then you actually are more American. I just thought you were either American or not American. I didn't know there were different degrees of it, according to CNN. This is news to me. Interesting information. Spring means more flowers in sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens. Finally, you're looking forward to opening your windows to let that fresh air in your home or in your car, but you don't want the sneezing to start. This is also a great product. We've been talking about allergies, which is very much an issue right now for people. But it's also great for cooking, because if you are cooking up something in your kitchen, whether it's pizza, chicken, rice, and you make it delicious meals, and then afterwards, that smell lingers. I have a pretty small kitchen, so things tend to linger after the fact. I turn on my thunderstorm. It clears out that smell. It clears out that odor. Plus, it's doing other things as well. It's not just getting rid of odors. It's getting rid of allergens and pollutants. It's killing a lot of different birds with one stone. And the great part about the three pack is you can put one down your basement. Just keep that one running. It gets rid of the musty basement smells. You can keep one in your kitchen, as I just said, destroys those kitchen odors. So whatever you want to cook up, if it's fish, if it's beef, you can enjoy it, and then you can get rid of the stench. And you can also keep one in your office. So if you have allergens, pollutants, and you're not able to open the windows in your office, we have windows like that here. There's no way to open them. We keep the thunderstorms running. It keeps the air fresh and pure and clean, and it makes us all feel good. And it's just a really great device. Plus, it's quiet. It's easy to use. It doesn't take up any floor space. Plug it into the side of the wall, and you don't have to worry about it. Go to to get your hands on the three pack today. That's, use code GRACE and the number three to get your three pack. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Get the three pack. Don't forget the code GRACE3. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. I would say, in listening to the charges from the judges, as you know, very conflicted, and corrupt, because of the confliction, very, very corrupt. Mother Teresa could not be these charges. What do I hear when you make it your fault? No more believe in Mother Teresa. If you missed that, the reporter said, "Do you think of yourself as more holy than Mother Teresa?" I don't think that's what Trump was getting at. But joining me now is Howie Carr. Howie, would you agree with Trump's description of what's going on that even Mother Teresa wouldn't get a fair shake at this? You know, I read at first that they had said that Judge Murcan said that they could find him, guilty of one thing, four could find him, guilty of another thing, and four could find him, guilty of a third thing, and that would be unanimous. I've never heard of such a thing. That's not even like a, that's like beyond Liberia or Pakistan. You know, that's like a, that's beyond a Woody Allen movie. Yeah, people were calling up and explaining it to me as I was trying to explain it to people, and we were all so confused, and one guy said, "I don't know, it's just, it's really stupid." And I thought, that's, it's like trying to explain a card game to someone who has no interest. We're making up the rules as we go. No, it's like trying to explain a card game where all the cards have been marked. Yeah. And, you know, so there's no, there's no point in playing. Right, and so now we have these juries, the jurors, they're deliberating. We don't have anything today. When do you think we'll get something out of it? I don't know. You never know what the jury... Could take weeks. I don't know. I mean, I, I was thinking it would be good for him with a hung jury because, you know, he couldn't get 12 juries, but I mean, if they're going to just, like, basically disregard the verdict. Did you see that one story? You sent it to me, actually, about the juror who's been sympathetic. Yeah. And, and it's just because the only reason they think this is because he's been making eyes with Donald Trump, or he nods along sometimes in the defense and making their case. Right. What do you make of that? I don't, I don't know. You don't want to. I just, I just never know how to read any of this stuff, but I mean, that, that charge is kind of, you know, frightening. Really, it is. I mean, and again, what you have to think of is, like, I'm wearing the t-shirt today, you know, for the Father's Day special, you know, they're not, they're not, they're after you. I'm just in the way. I mean, this is, this is the only t-shirt. I think I'm going to leave this t-shirt on all day. I think you should. And how he's got a full house of VIPs today. And he's got a great show plan. Plus, a special guest is joining us during Grace's News. You do not want to miss it. And don't forget that we're going to be at the handover Aviva Tritree on Friday. Friday. We're so excited for that show. See you tomorrow. (upbeat music)