The Howie Carr Radio Network

Dr. Jill on GMA Brags About "Steady" Joe and Warns Of Trump "Chaos" | 5.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

The Bidens love to write books. Plus, Judge Merchan's jury instructions are confusing.

Broadcast on:
29 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Jared, get the sound ready because you know what we're currently on. We're on VerdictWatch 2024. Yes, that's right. The jury is deliberating. And we will keep you posted on it. I think it could take days, it could take weeks. I don't know. I do tend to find these juries are pretty speedy. They don't milk it for a very long time. They're probably dying to get out of there and do some googling, you know, and figure out what they've been looking at for the last couple of weeks. So, in the summertime, I'm sure they all want to be out of there for the weekend. I'm thinking by tomorrow. I think today would be a bit of a stretch. I could be wrong. We will keep you posted. Besides the texture point of the merchant basically told them, "Hey, whatever you decide, I'm going to find them guilty." Yeah, so this is more of just a procedural thing. Just come up with something. Do you want another day of catered lunch or do you want to throw the orange man in jail? We will keep watching this. I did want to give people a little bit of a Boston story here. Jake Novak, I think wants to join the show to talk about this later, so I'm going to set that up during the next break. Boston Democratic mayor. And, Jared, you heard who's running for mayor, right? Who's going to run against mayor Wu? I did not. I'll give you a hint. He brings in food here. Or he has been for the last couple of weeks. George Mendoza. Oh, wow, okay. Yeah, he announced that. Very exciting news. Boston Democratic mayor says criminals should not be prosecuted for theft, because, of course, gang registries should be abolished. That ought to help things here in Boston. Boston mayor Michelle Wu advocated a soft on crime agenda by pushing to abolish the gang registry and arguing that criminal behavior, such as theft, should not be prosecuted. Theft is one of those things that I think people who haven't had things stolen from them or haven't witnessed that or haven't, you know, owned a business where they've watched items get just taken and then have no recourse. It might not seem like a big deal when you're zoomed out, but when it's happening to you, it does seem like something that should be prosecuted. Prior to being elected mayor, Wu filled out the 2021 Boston mayoral candidate questionnaire from Progressive Massachusetts. And according to its website, the group intends to transform Massachusetts into a bold laboratory for progressive state initiatives. I don't think there's really any transformation necessary. I feel like we're already there. The experiment has been complete. In the document, Wu outlined her most progressive commitments, including her support for non citizens voting in Boston's local elections. Boston mayor Michelle Wu calls to shutter the Boston police gang database. The mayor was asked, do you support shuttering the Boston police gang database? She answered, yes. She was asked whether she supported a do not prosecute list enacted by the former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachel Rollins. An act of the policy memo identifying more than a dozen charges. She said she should be declined for prosecution. Funny thing about Michelle Wu is she has what I like to call the build de Blasio effect. And it's not when I say build de Blasio, it's not something that's only available to mayors because there are some politicians who have this ability. I'm trying to think of someone else who I could use as an example. But what the build de Blasio effect is, is that you do such a terrible job that you manage to bring in people who dislike you who are just across the political spectrum. And the reason I've come to find this out is because when mayor Michelle Wu threw that non whites party, no whites allowed. We don't want to be a part of your crowd. She said no whites at this Christmas party. Only people of color. When she threw that, I was able to ask her some questions and it was my first time ever Jim Eagle doing that little bit of journalism on the streets. I did not enjoy it, but it got me the most hits and the most attention I've ever received. But I didn't like the prospect of going up to someone and actually having to talk to them face to face and ask them questions wasn't for me. But all that to say, people came up to me and reached out to me who are not Trump supporters who are not Fox News viewers who are not how car listeners who are not Grace Curly fans. They just were mayor Wu haters. They did not like mayor Wu. I'm talking to people who are liberal Democrats who said, Hey, great job with that mayor Wu thing. So she has that effect on people or she's doing such a crappy job where it's not just Republicans who dislike her. And this bit of news does not shock me. Do you support the Suffolk County district attorney's office? Do not prosecute list and expanded approach dealing with such low level offenses? Yes or no. Yes, we responded. She also promised to advocate for reallocating some of the police budgets towards other city priorities as mayor. So this was obviously old and we don't know how much of it she actually, you know, brought into her administration. But the fact that anyone thinks that's a good idea that people shouldn't be prosecuted for theft is beyond me. I know it's something that gets talked about a lot. But if you don't stop people for small crimes, then they graduate to bigger crimes. Like if there's no accountability, if there's, if there's no punishment for these, what are considered low level crimes, then what do you continue on doing? If you don't have a moment where you get straightened out or you have to take stock of your life and you just keep doing these things and nothing happens, you're just going to go to bigger and worse offenses. And I think in the minds of liberals, it must be, well, if we stop prosecuting people for theft, then we can say that there's been less theft or that there's been less crime. When in reality, you've just changed the parameters. You've just moved the goal post. People are still doing the same stuff. They're just not being charged with anything. Rich, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Rich. Hey, Grace. I just wanted to throw it real quick. I heard you say a bit that you were talking about the Chum Trial and talked about how you told you to even take a hung jury. I just heard on Fox a minute of just a bit ago that Judge Michonne, this crooked guy, he threw that out and he told the jury that they don't have to agree on all accounts. And he'll still take whatever they come up with. Yeah, I read that too about the 4-4-4 situation, but I don't know if that means what we think it means. Let me find this recent tweet from Jonathan Turley. Merchant just delivered the coup de gras instruction. He said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices. Thus, this means that they could split 4-4-4 and he will still treat them as unanimous. Let me see if I can explain what I think this means. They can, the original crime here that was a misdemeanor that's being trumped up is being trumped up because of a secondary crime that no one has been really able to explain. Like in other words, the first crime, the bookkeeping crime, the statute of limitations has run out on that. But in order to bring it back to life, to take the paddles and bring it back to us, they have this secondary crime. That is the question mark though. That secondary crime is clouded in mystery. We're not really sure what it is. So I think what he's actually saying there is you can all have a different idea. The secondary crime is in the eye of the beholder. You can all have a different idea of what that crime is. You don't have to all agree on one crime. But I don't think he's saying that if you think not guilty and you think guilty, then that doesn't matter. He's just saying if you all think guilty, but you have a different idea of what the crime is he's guilty of, I will still accept the guilty verdict. That's how I'm reading it. I am not a lawyer like Jared DiGlio. He's getting dangerously close to the mic. Do you want to correct me, sir? Do you want to correct my legal analysis? I think you're correct. I think what he is saying in those instructions is I do not need 12 unanimous votes on every single count for this crime. But if there are three crimes, there's 34 counts, charges or whatever, but it's basically the three crimes. I don't need all of you to agree on all of the crimes. I just need an equal amount of you to agree on each crime, in which case I will call that unanimous. These are some weird math, man. They're like, "Come up this pie. Try and make something happen." Countless people on Twitter have pointed out how many rights and liberties and constitutional guaranteed amendments this violates. I mean, it's insane. Yeah, it is insane, but it makes sense because it's all in the effort to get Trump and they will do that no matter what. 844-542-42. I'm just trying to get my head around this 444. I missed the old days when it was guilty, not guilty. Now we have this judge who's like bending himself into a pretzel to make sure that these jurors give him the results that he clearly wants. You know what this actually sounds like to me? This sounds like way back when the NHL was starting their playoffs, like then in 1920s or whatever. Whoever scored the most goals in the series over three games won. It doesn't matter how many games they won. It was a total goals series, and that's kind of what this sounds like to me. It's like we're going to play three games, you know, okay, it's like NBA Finals Celtics, and let's say they're going to play the Mavericks. Okay, we're going to play seven games. Whoever scores the most total points in those games is the championship. Yeah, it's like ranked towards voting. So the Celtics can win four games out of the seven, but we're going to play all seven. And whoever scores the most points in those games, regardless of how many games they win, is going to be the champion. You know, this is reminding me of when you're in college and you're at like a house party or something, everyone's having a good time. And then someone's like, let's play a card game. You're like, all right, you've had a couple beers, and you're like, okay, let's play a card game. And then someone starts to try to explain it to you. And it's like 12, 30. And they're like, so you're going to have this one. And then if all the cards add up to 32, then you pick another, but you can't look at the card that you already have. You got to keep that card. And then I keep a card that we flip it at the same time. Then you put your hand in the card, and then whoever has only odd cards wins. And you're sitting there going, I just want to drink my Michelobe in peace. I was just having a nice conversation with someone, and this sound. Unless the president tells you to eat a whole tomato. Yeah. And then you got to walk around the party with the beer box all on your head. Like, no, this is stupid. I don't want to play this game anymore. That's what I would say to Juan Merchant. I would say, can you just, like, why are we all here? You don't even know what the crime is. How about, hey, here's an idea. If I'm one of the jurors, I would go, here's an idea. Can we vote on whether or not Michael Cohen committed a crime? Because his case seems like a lot more easy to digest. His is a lot more clear cut. A lot more black and white situation going on with the Michael Cohen in bezeling, rebalancing his bonus. Could we just take that one instead? Because first of all, it seems like what he did was worse. And second of all, it seems like we all understood what he did. How about a Swaparoo? Is it too late for that? It doesn't seem like they're following any particular set of rules. So I don't see why not. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls on this. We're keeping track of verdict watch. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. We'll be right back. Hi. It's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2 a Tuesday. Tuesday's at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Hout in Nashua. Call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit You know, Jared, if the poll question wasn't doing so well today, I would say switch it up to what's Robert De Niro's best movie. Because that's always an interesting conversation. I had a lot of people yesterday telling me they would not give another dime to a Robert De Niro movie. I'm like, you don't have to. A lot of them are just on the TV guide. You don't have to go into the theater and pay 20 bucks to go see one of his movies. But I'm always going to watch The Godfather. I'm always going to watch Goodfellas if it's on. Does that make me a bad Republican? Maybe. You just got maggot. So what is the poll question that has nothing to do with Bobby De Niro or as Trump calls him, whacko? What does the poll question have to do with today? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what do you think will be the Trump hush money verdict? Conviction, acquittal, or hung jury? It's been almost two hours. Jared was hating on this little ticker at the bottom of the Fox News channel. Still am hating. I like it. It gives me a sense of time, Jared, of how long it's been. I like knowing how long the jurors have been deliberating. I'm going to say hung jury because of the one juror who only has eyes for Trump. 61% of the audience agrees with you. They say hung jury. 24% think this will end in a conviction. 15% for acquittal. Can I get either a little bit of these eyes are crying or a little bit of hungry eyes? I'm going to let dealers choice there, but I would like that at some point today, Jared. Kevin, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Kevin? Hey, Grace, how are you? Yeah, what's going on? The 444 thing is for the secondary crimes because I believe the primary crime is falsifying business records. Right. And it has to be linked to a secondary crime that they haven't named up until today, I guess. One of them is in election interference. The other one is tax evasion, I forget what the third one is. Yeah. Split even on those things that it's a good enough for unanimous to the corrupt one. Right. But Kevin, do I have this right? I agree with you on the 444 and any of the three choices will be accepted. But they it's still it's not a question of. They can come back and some people can say I don't think he was guilty and some people can say I think he was guilty. It does have to be a guilty verdict on one of the crimes on one of. The whole thing is the banana republic show trial. That's what I mean. That's what I mean. I feel I feel a little bit of guilt that I can't explain this better to the audience. Not that you guys need me to explain anything to you, but I feel better. I feel bad about it because it's my job to be able to take these things and try to bring it to you in some way. But this one is just it's a bit of a mess. Like I said to Jared, it's like when I'm trying when someone's trying to explain a car game to me that I already have no interest in learning and then I'm sitting there and my beautiful drink is melting away as this annoying person tries to explain to me this game. I didn't want to play in the first place and that doesn't make any sense. That is what this is. It's like, okay, so you're on the secondary crime. We haven't named the secondary crime, but if you can think of the secondary crime and you decide to go with that one, but you decide to go with that one. If we combine them all together and we get close to 21, that's when you want to hit your cards. Just dump. I don't think I'm the dumb one here. I think this whole thing is dumb. Bob, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Bob? Hi, Grace. Yes. It's a pleasure to speak with you. This is the first time I've called you. I've spoken to Highway before. I think I can sum up this whole trial thing by saying it's the Stasi. I mean, that's what the whole justice system is turned into, like Joseph Carr. Starland used to say, show me the man. I'll show you the crime. Absolutely, Bob. Absolutely. And that is the real sad part of this is that the only thing you need to understand, like everyone keeps saying, what's the crime? What's the secondary crime? You know what the crime is? The crime is that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 because she didn't go to Wisconsin. And so now he's paying the price. And it doesn't matter how corrupt it is, they're going to make it happen. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Before we go into our book news of the day and we continue with Verdict Watch. Let's go to the collars here. David, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, David. Grace, it's interesting, Mayor Wu wants to get rid of the registry for gangs in Boston. I mean, at friends, they're police officers and members of the gang. They arrest a guy with an illegal gun. The DA lets him out the next day. They arrest the same guy a week later. He's got another illegal gun and the DA lets him out. How does that keep the people in Boston safe? I mean, Mayor Wu went to Harvard. How does that keep the people of Boston safe? And the thing with allowing people to steal a certain amount without prosecuting, that's just rewarding illegal behavior. She's out of her mind. She must be a member of the Communist Party. She's just out of her mind. Yeah, and you see this happening everywhere. I mean, it's not just in Boston. Yesterday we read a story from Chicago, where an illegal alien was arrested 10 times in 10 months. And it was theft. It was a lot of crimes. It was Macy's. Nordstrom Rack, as we like to call it here, Nordstream Pipeline Rack. It was all these stores where he was just stealing things, stealing things, getting arrested. And like I said, it's a revolving door. They welcome you in. They say, hello, fill out this paperwork. Thank you for thank you for stealing again. You're welcome to leave. They go. These criminals go out. They steal again. They come back. And I think that there is a. This calculation or this, this false idea that theft is somehow not worth locking someone up for when it's usually not where things end. It's like a gateway drug, like if you start stealing things, you're probably not on a great path. And if you're never held accountable for it, if you're never put away, things tend to devolve pretty quickly. And then another situation that was just horrible that I didn't talk about over the last few days, but I should mention here because LA is another place where this kind of brazen crime and violence is just running rampant in what used to be a great city. It's a general hospital star, Johnny Wachter's family speaks out. If you miss this, the general hospital star was fatally shot while shielding a female co-worker from three armed robbers who gunned him down over his car's catalytic converter. Again, yeah, it's theft, but these things escalate really flipping quickly and people are getting killed over it and these cities have become unsafe and that's why people are leaving in droves. That's why people can't get you hauls to get out of town fast enough. And I know Seth Rogan says that's the price of living in a big city, but I just don't believe that. I believe that you can have a modicum of safety and common sense in big cities. We don't have to lose our big cities to this madness in the name of being woke. And there's nothing woke like you could take this back to the border. There's nothing compassionate about refusing to implement law and order. There's nothing compassionate about that. That is the biggest lie being pushed right up there with, oh, Joe Biden's so compassionate and he's such a nice guy and he's so decent, he has integrity and the idea that releasing people into what is a lot of times low income communities, minority communities and letting them back on the street and that's somehow safer for those people. That's somehow looking out for those people in those communities is outrageous. Those communities are the ones who are most affected by these carjackings, by these break-ins, these stores that can't stay open or have to have curfews after nine o'clock at night because they're being robbed silly. There's nothing about it that is progressive. Let people push around these bodega shop workers and bully them and beat them up and steal all of their stuff. Oh, how progressive of you? How woke of you? Bill, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Bill. Grace, I have to say, first of all, I like your show a lot. Enjoy it very much, but we are in some very dangerous times now. If what I understand is true, they're going to accept any number of convictions based on, if it adds up to 12, they'll just take it and that is insanity to me and it appears to be the ultimate game of ranked choice voting, for sure, which is disgusting any example and this is the worst, so good luck to all of us. Yeah. It's not fuzzy math. It's Democrat math. It's like, let's just keep working around these numbers until we get the results we wanted. You're on the money bill. It really is scary. And that last caller who said, "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime." That's part of this as well. They had their sights set on Donald Trump. They've hated him for a very long time. What he did to the Democrats, what he did to Hillary Clinton, who by the way was in the news this week, why you ask? Well, the same reason she's always in the news, making excuses for why she lost. God forbid we acknowledge the fact she didn't go to Wisconsin. That can't be the reason. It can't just be that she was unlikable. It can't be that people were sick of her. She's the serpent who God's the gates of hell. No, it has to be because women don't understand or people are sexist or... Noted a champion of women. Russia. Yeah. All of us bimbos out here. We're not giving her the votes that she wants. But it's amazing how many people she's blamed at this point. They had a list, I think, on one of these sites I check out all the time, and it was like 15 or 16 different things that she blames is on. The only person she doesn't blame, the only person who is safe from Hillary Clinton's wrath when it comes to losing the 2016 election, is Hillary Clinton. She's the only person who is blameless in that entire ordeal. Everyone else from Bill to Chelsea to the Supreme Court to Celine Dion, everybody else in the world played a part in that loss except for her. And you're right, it's just that is the reason why they're mad at Trump. They can't stand the fact that he won in 2016. I will say, I used to always give the comparison of a huge party that you once went to and you try to recreate it years later, you get the same crew back together, remember that great party we had? And it's never the same, Jared, like you can't recapture that magic again, or a really great team that you were on, and it's like a once in a lifetime, and it never happens again. I felt that way for a while, about 2016, I thought we're never going to get, it's never going to, you're not going to get catch that lightning in the bottle again with Trump. But now I'm starting to wonder if this one will be even sweeter, like seeing this man come back from all of this. If he wins in 2024, if he wins come November, how he keeps comparing him to the blob? And I think that it will be electric. I think seeing those faces, they'll definitely be tears. I have no question about that. In 2016, they were crying, I think on TV, and in 2024, I would predict we're going to see sobs. We're going to see support animals unleashed at the networks during the news programs. And again, they, they always underestimate, they say, it's going to be the end of democracy. He's going to, he's going to completely gut the federal government. He's going to throw journalists in jail. He's going to jail Democrats. They underestimate how many of us out here are actually like, um, okay, as long as it's these Democrats. Yeah. Great. Throw throw through Nancy Pelosi and jail, I'll vote for that. You know, throw your basically saying, I'll vote for that. You're basically saying is it a promise or a threat. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Well, I don't think he's going to do any of that because he loves Jake Tapper and he loves and not in the sense that he likes them, but in the sense that it's a toxic relationship. Trump loves the press. The press loves Trump. They can't get over each other. Anyone who tells you differently is lying to you. They benefit from Trump. He benefits from them. There's a reason Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski had on Trump, like 40 times before the primary. And it's not because they think he's a threat to democracy. It's because they think he was good for ratings and they'd have him on again if they didn't know they'd get skewered by their friends at MSNBC. I'm speaking of high stakes. These are so, so serious right now. The stakes are so high that Dr. Jill went on Good Morning America to promote her book about Willow the cat and decided while she's sitting there moonlighting as a children's author that she was also going to lecture us about how great things have been under Joe Biden and how if we don't vote for Joe, if we don't vote for her hubby, who she loves so much. She's let this whole train wreck unfold in front of everyone that we have chaos to look forward to. Now, I would just love to ask a follow up. What have we been dealing with over the last three and a half years? Has this been the tranquility that we were promised? Are things going to be my question if I'm sitting at Good Morning America is are things going to be more chaotic than they are now, if so, how, if so, be specific, like, are there going to be more wars breaking out or gas prices going to be higher? Is inflation going to get worse? Because that is you're right. If that's what we're looking at and that is scary, but I also just all of these things that you're, you're fear mongering about happened under your husband's watch. Things weren't like this when Trump was in the White House. I know you was tweeting really mean things. Trust me. I'm still trying to get over it. It still keeps me up at night, but besides that, things were kind of okay. And then you all showed up the Biden bunch. You all showed up with your dogs, with your German shepherds and they're like Canton in the White House, Canton on the, on the national stage. You all show up to the White House and things start to get a little weird. Things get very expensive. Things get very dangerous. War start to break out. Robert De Niro is yelling at me on the street while wearing a mask. Are you saying things are going to be even more bizarre than they are right now? I mean, other than the bustling bar scene in Kiev, what's gotten better the past couple of years? Well, that's been a huge, that's been a huge win for us. Like I hope that that's findleization right there. Yeah. Whatever that is. So this is Jill Biden. Promoting a book because she says, she says everything is at stake. And then at one point, Jared, she says that she wants, I want children to love reading. I want children to know reading is fun. Learning is fun. I want people to know about the White House and the people inside that make it all run. You know what I, I chalk this up to, I want to make more money in case we are not in the White House after a few months. I want to make how many books do the Bidens need to make, need to write. And I'm using air quotes because they don't write any of these. But Valerie Biden, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jill Biden, I'm sure Ashley Biden has one. I bet Naomi Biden has books in the works. Frank, you know, memoirs of a disco tech entrepreneur, Jim, my life in healthcare. There have been so many books and so few readers, so many books and no one who's, the supply outpaces the demand 10 to one. Take a listen to Dr. Jill promoting this book about the cat at the White House cut 12. Oh my gosh. Everything is at stake. And I think, especially for women this year, you know, women's rights are freedoms, democracy is on the line and we have a choice. I mean, this is what I'm out there saying. We have a choice. We can have, you know, my husband who is calm and steady and strong and has character and integrity or we have the other choice, which is chaotic and I mean, if you just look at what you just reported on the craziness of it all. So we have to decide democracy or chaos. Oh, so what we've been looking at the last three and a half years is democracy. Your husband weaponizing the DOJ to go after his political opponent wars breaking out all over the world gas prices hide. That's not chaos. That's, that's what democracy look, if that's what if this is what democracy looks like, keeping your political opponent in a frigid courtroom and NYC so that he can't campaign against you fairly, if that's democracy, then I'm not so sure I want it. That's an astounding cut because she's talking about her husband steady this that, you know, he's steady. He's calm. He's strong versus the chaos that you see with Donald Trump in a courtroom, the courtroom under the direction of your steady, calm husband's department of justice. He's literally creating the chaos. You know who she should really plug when she's talking about her steady husband as those hovercraft shoes because he's not steady on his feet without a little help. And I think this is since they're obviously trying to make a play for some more money here. Otherwise, I don't know why you're, if everything's, if everything is so urgent and if we're on like the precipice of destruction, I just have a hard time believing that your number one priority would be pushing this cat book on Good Morning America. Thinking about that's not adding up to me, but since you're clearly trying to make a little bit of extra cash before you're hopefully on your ass, on your way out, I would also suggest giving the hovercraft shoes a little bit of a plug. Maybe have some sort of partnership, an influencing scheme. You could say, Hey guys, by the way, the steadiness that I was talking about comes from my husband's shoes, 10% off, enter code steady Joe. These are all good ideas. By the way, we do have some breaking news. As Alito has basically told people who wanted to step aside from the J six case to go pound sand. Is this about the flags? Yeah, it's about the flags, the upside down flags. Everyone who knows about these flags and these symbols and these Q and on, like, Oh, this was, this was assigned to the January six supporters. They know way too much about January six. I'm sure no wonder if the people who are so angry about the flags, if they were storming the Capitol on January six, because they seem very invested. They seem to know a lot of the inner workings of the minds of these insurrectionists slash slash erectionists, depending on what you want to call it. I mean, the FBI is a big organization. It is. It is. That's very true. Spring means more flowers and sunshine. Unfortunately, you can also mean more pollen and allergens. Finally, you're looking forward to opening your windows and letting that fresh air in your home or in your car, but you don't want the sneezing to start Taylor can back me up on this. And sneezing like crazy lately, Jared, but you know what I notice? If I turn on the thunderstorm in my office or in my car, I'm totally fine. It's when I'm not using my thunderstorm enough where the kind of the air gets those pollutants in it and I have allowed sneeze. It disrupts the whole office. So that's why I told people I said, get these thunderstorms cranking because they really work. They get rid of any odors. They get rid of any pollutants. They in some way, they're going to work for somebody in your office and everyone's going to have an individual need that is met by the thunderstorm. And with this special, you're getting a three pack. So you're going to have one for your kitchen, one for your car, one for your office. You can spread the wealth. I want you to go to eat that's eat and use code grace and the number three. Jared, I know you use one in your car. Yeah. I like to keep it in my car because, you know, I mean, you have a long commute, especially in Massachusetts, the AC get, you have the AC on it can get a little cold, so you want to open up the windows, but you don't want everything to get in all those allergens and pollutants. And each unit comes with its own USB cable that you plug into the unit and you plug that into the USB port in your car and you get that ionized there in your car. So you don't have to worry about those allergens coming in. Yes. So I want you guys to go to eat Don't forget to use code grace and the number three. Again, that's eat code grace and the number three. You've got more Biden book news when we come back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. According to sources, there's one juror who's been making eyes at Donald Trump and maybe potentially possibly conceivably could be sympathetic to Trump's cause or Trump's case. So we shall see we're still waiting. We're waiting on verdict watch. I didn't want to say that I mentioned a doctor, Jill, Dr. B, or as I like to call her, nana. She was on Good Morning America because everything is crumbling around us and democracies at stake and women's choices. I don't know what that means. I don't know what that means, but women's freedoms and choices are on the ballot. And so to combat that, to really showcase how scary things are, she has written a children's book about a cat and is going on Good Morning America to make money off of it because things are so bad right now. Well, she's not the only one who's been at the typewriter for the last couple of months. Hunter Biden's ex has a tell-all in the works. We're going to talk all about it when we come back. Is she a porn star? (upbeat music)