The Howie Carr Radio Network

VERDICT WATCH and Trump goes after Bobby De Niro | 5.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Trump delivered remarks outside the courthouse in NYC plus one juror may be leaning in Trump's favor.

Broadcast on:
29 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon. We are here and it is true. Verdict Watch has begun in the Trump-Hush Money trial. That jury got their instructions from the totally apolitical judge, Juan Merchant, who you can trust. He's not like the others. Hopefully no one gave him the side eye during those instructions. Hopefully no one gave him a stare down because we know he doesn't like that. So now the jury is deliberating and it's going to be wall-to-wall coverage on Fox and Newsmax and CNN and all of the mainstream networks. So for our part, we're not going to, you know, if something breaks on it, we will go to it. But we're also going to mix it up here because there's a lot of news out there. But to start, the former president is facing 34 counts of falsifying business records. A lot of this stuff has been trumped up, no pun intended, by D.A. Alvin Bragg. Trump was outside the courthouse today saying that Mother Teresa couldn't beat these charges. Not if she had a mega hat on, that's for sure. If Mother Teresa was out donning a big, bright, red mega hat, I'm sure she'd be in a similar situation as Donald J. Trump. Now, it is possible that they'll have a verdict today. I'm guessing it will come down tomorrow or Friday. We will see. In order for Trump to be found not guilty, or I'm sorry, in order for Trump to be found guilty, the jury would have to be unanimous. And I am reading, this is a recent story that came across my desk, that there is one juror, the rural juror, who is sympathetic to Donald J. Trump. Did you see something from the bulwark? Someone tweeted out? I did. Yeah, okay. That's where I got this story from, Jared. Which when you consider the absurdity of this case, it's easy to look at this and go only one juror is on Trump's side. Maybe only one person is seeing through this. Go back to how Turley described this case, a former president being charged under a state misdemeanor, which died years ago under the statute of limitations. It was zapped back into life in the form of roughly three dozen felonies by claiming that bookkeeping violations allegedly hiding payments to Stormy Daniels to ensure her silence about a supposed affair with Trump were committed to hide another crime. That is what we're looking at. It's a clown show and it's amazing that of 12 New York jurors that more than one can't look at this and laugh in the faces of merchant and brag and Cohen and Stormy Daniels, the porn star, the serial purager, the corrupt judge, the corrupt brag. And that all 12 don't say not guilty is beyond me. But I mean, I guess it could. My other favorite characterization of this one was, and I can't remember who it was, but they're like, so basically Michael Cohen is asking a jury to send Donald Trump to jail for following his instructions. Yeah. What are we doing? There's a lot of, don't worry about- We're following his advice. Don't worry about what the crime is. Don't worry about the details. Just find a guilty verdict. Just send him away. And even if it's just one person, and that's the report, is that one juror is making eye contact with Donald Trump and kind of giving him nods, which, again, this is kind of why I would love to see cameras in this program. Why does eyes were closed? How could they be making contact? Somebody walks in. Somebody walks in. I guess when he walks in, he's making eyes at one of the jurors, and that juror is not rejecting the little back and forth, the little dance of the eyes. So even if it's one, that's okay though, because then we get a hung jury, and that works for me. Now he can appeal the conviction. He obviously will. But I think the point is, by the time it's overturned, it's inevitably overturned, if he does get a guilty verdict, I think we're looking at way past November, which of course is the whole point of this. They want to be able to say going into the election that he's a convicted felon, heading into this presidential election. Whether that makes, and here's my question for the audience, and we're obviously playing with the hypothetical here because I am still very hopeful that we come back with either a hung jury or we come back with an acquittal. So don't misunderstand. I have plenty of hope in that. But my question is, if we're going to play this game of let's say there's a guilty verdict, doesn't make a huge difference to voters. We've discussed this before, but it is interesting because it seems like the Democrats in full freak out mode that this is what they're really, really pinning their last hopes on. Is that that he'll be a convicted felon? And then that will be out of all the labels that this man has endured. That one will be the one that he is not Teflon to. That one will be the one that sticks to him, sticks to him like syrup. They can't get it like glue, like a gorilla glue. They won't be able to get it off of them. So Fox has a deliberation counter. So for anybody who's interested, the jury has been deliberating at this point for 43 minutes and 44 seconds. You know what? You can hate all you want, Jerry. I can. That's just ridiculous. You can hate. I get it. You want ratings? It's ratings. It's TV, man. It's TV. You're either in or you're out. You're either with us or you're against us. It's TV. They've got a visual right now of two doors and a couple of gates, a couple of barricades at the courthouse. They're going to run with that. They're going to talk about it all day long. This, I hate to use this expression. It's one of the laziest ones out there. Brian Higgins said it the other day. It is what it is. This is what it is. They're going to show the empty courthouse. They're not going to show Joe Biden. They're just going to keep showing this and if people keep watching, then good. We're not going to do that all day, but I like having a little counter there because you know what I can say, Jerry, every once in a while, I can say, well, the jury's been deliberating for about four hours now. There's something I can throw in there as an extra fact for people. It's a liberation watch. But let's go back to this idea of they get the guilty verdict and they say Trump is a convicted felon. I know on CNN, they're going to be foaming at the mouth to say that, to tell people that convicted felon, Donald Trump, continues Israeli and blah, blah, blah. I get that. But something I'd like to point out is that these same places that are going to be taking advantage of this new label, of this new description of Donald Trump, they're going to, you could say they'd be pouncing and seizing and weaponizing on it. They are the same people that have called Trump things like Hitler, and Stalin, the Antichrist. Dare I say, do I do the latest one, Hitler pig, which I think is kind of a little combo situation? I just don't know if you go around calling someone Hitler. Like, I always like the expression, if everyone's Hitler, nobody's Hitler. You've got to be careful about how you use these things. You have to, you know, rein back your hyperbole once in a while, because if you don't, it loses all its oomph. You've used it up too much. And once you start calling someone Satan around the clog, and then all of a sudden you go, but guys, I know you weren't listening to me when I told you he was Satan and he was Hitler and he was a Hitler pig and he was Stalin and he was, you know, he was the devil. And I'll wrap it up in one, but did I mention he's a convicted felon? Because I think that actually might change your mind. Who's the person out there, Jared, who's gone? I can look past him being, you know, I can look past CNN telling me he's Hitler, and Stalin. But when they tell me he's a convicted felon, that's when, and so I was, I was right. I mean, I'm convicted, Hitler Satan, sure, but now that he's got a conviction. Well, that was, that is a, that is a bridge too far. I really was trying to think to myself like, what would make it different? And I go, well, I guess it's because it's in an official courtroom, you know, it's a verdict. But at the same time, it's a Manhattan courtroom. So it's, we're really talking about Joy Behar calling Trump Hitler a jury in Manhattan calling Trump a convicted felon. Is it really that different? We're talking about the same level of bias, which is a massive level of bias. So I just don't know if it's really going to change how people feel. I think people are able to go, okay, yeah. Well, of course you have the, you have the same people who are watching this. And if he gets a conviction, he's a convicted felon, they're going to say, yeah, this was a witch hunt. This was the weaponization of the DOJ. This is pathetic. All the crimes going on in the United States of America. And this is what, you know, Alvin Bragg and Joe Biden's DOJ. This is what they decide to focus on is some bookkeeping errors from a hush money payment to a porn star from years ago. There are those people. And then there are people who might be a little bit, oh, I didn't know he was a convicted felon, but I think that wears off. People have a very short attention span. So I, that's my, my question for the audience is, do you think worst case scenario, he gets the verdict comes down. He's a convicted felon. Doesn't matter. I'm going to say, no, it doesn't. And also what I think is a problem here is that a lot of these networks, a lot of these serious people have made it clear that this case should not get the verdict of guilty. That what they've seen, when you have Anderson Cooper standing outside of courthouse saying this did not go well for Michael Cohen. When you have CNN, like Jake Tapper and all these people admitting that this entire trial was a disaster, that even if they do get the conviction, they can't undo everything they already told us, which is this is a sham of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a sham. Take a listen to CNN talking about this case. This is cut one, Jake Tapper. I don't know that they have proved to be on a reasonable doubt that Donald, that even if you believe the prosecution's theory of the case, that Michael Cohen was doing this and Alan Weisselberg was doing that and McConnell was doing this and all these people were doing all this stuff. I don't know that they've proven that Donald Trump knew. They have not. They absolutely have not. They absolutely have not. But all of these people, Jared, if it is a verdict guilty, they're not going to go back to that. They're not going to reference the fact that I know before I had said that this whole thing was thin gruel, but now that we actually have the verdict, I think they made the right move. So here's the juror who, this is from Breitbart, but as Jared said, it was from the bulwark who is sympathetic towards Donald Trump. This is Mark Caputo. He said there are eight people on the jury who definitely hate Trump. If there's one person who doesn't, it's this juror. Said one accord attendee who like others for this story relayed their observations on condition of being anonymous. Now, according to this report, the juror would make friendly eye contact with Trump from time to time as the jury enters the room and walks right past the defense table. You think he gave him a little YMCA from his side of the courtroom? He's like, "I'm on your side. YMCA, you go man." Give him the two thumbs up. No, but I don't really know how much stock you can put in this. Somebody's trying to say that they were making eye contact. How would you even, unless it's Juan Merchant? I trust his call when it comes to weird eye contact, but anybody else, I'm not so sure. The jurors, however, more often than not lean politically left, we know that. We've heard about all of their leanings, what they consume for news. Only about 12% of the people in this area voted for Trump, Turley told Fox News. The jurors who have to worry about are the ones who are sort of Trojan horse jurors. So I don't know. Maybe this one guy or guy or girl, I don't know. I don't know if it's a woman or man who's making eye contact with Trump could save this whole thing. Jared, you're feeling so musical today. I want to know what you guys have to say about this trial, about what your predictions are. We're taking predictions. I'm hoping for a hung jury. I'd be happy with that. 844-542-42. Also in the news today, we've got tons of sound. Jill Biden's writing a book follow up on Robert De Niro because Trump did put out a true social about De Niro's bizarre performance outside the courthouse yesterday. And I really like De Niro's back and forth with the people outside. He calls them gangsters and they call him washed up. That is rough. If you're calling someone a gangster and they turn around and they're like, you're just a loser, not good. That's not a good back and forth. We'll talk about that. The jury is deliberating against Donald Trump. The 34 charges will keep you posted. But in the meantime, we've got to tell people about Omaha Steaks. Omaha Steaks is such a great gift for Father's Day. It's a great way to spend time with Dad. You can unbox all of these delicious steaks, hot dogs, hamburgers, grill them up, make Dad's Day. And right now, if you go to Omaha, you can pick a hand-selected gift package starting at just $89 when you use code GRACE at checkout for the additional discount when you go to Omaha The possibilities are endless. So much to pick from, whether you're into pork chops or air chilled chicken or beefy burgers or hot dogs, you can get all of this great stuff delivered right to your door or better yet, right to Dad's door. And then you guys can enjoy it on Father's Day. He's going to be so happy you thought of him. And plus, you'll have tons of leftovers for later this summer. You can, you know, the next time there's a busy weeknight, you don't want to go to the grocery store and pick through some of the low-quality items. You can go right into your freezer. You'll have all of these delicious, high-quality Omaha Steaks at the ready. So here's what I want you to do. Go to Omaha Use promo code GRACE at checkout. That's Omaha Use promo code GRACE at checkout to get these exclusive packages starting at just $89. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Make sure you get Dad a package of Omaha Steaks today. We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter at G_Curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. [music] Trump did speak today outside the courthouse. We are getting that sad. Oh, look at this. We've got the cut sheet right here. But I want to read you this from Jonathan Turley. I know I go to Jonathan Turley a lot, but he is a very, very good resource when it comes to all of these different legal battles that Trump is facing. He said merchant, so the instructions were a big part of this. Merchants giving the instructions to the jurors. He wants to make sure that he instructs them in a way in which that we will get a guilty verdict, if that makes sense. Now, before you reach a guilty verdict, keep in mind that all the evidence before a guilty verdict should be weighed properly. And keep in mind that you don't want to let your preconceived judgments affect this guilty verdict. So Jonathan Turley said merchant just delivered the coup de gras. Instruction, he said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices. Thus, this means they could split 4, 4, 4, and he will treat them as unanimous. It's a bit of a mess, isn't it? They're just like piecing this together. And how does the jury find the defendant on count 27 of being an orange jerk face? Let's go to some of these Trump cuts. This is Trump explaining. Actually, you know what? No, Jared, I've made a promise to myself that I'm going to try to do the poll questions in this segment. So we'll do the poll question here. We'll come back with a lot of this Trump sound. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Do not be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you don't have to be. If you can visit Perfect Smiles, you can visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. I'm making my appointment for June right now. So call 1-844-PerfectSmile or visit Jared Diglio, what is the poll question and what are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what do you think will be the Trump hush money verdict? Conviction, acquittal, or hung jury? I'm going to say hung jury. Now that I know about that one juror who's only got eyes for Trump, I'm going to say things are looking good. There's a lot riding on this one person. Do you think it's a man or a woman? Ugh, that's tough. I think... I don't know why I read it as being a man. I think in this case it probably is a man. I don't think there are many women in New York who still would fall under the spell of the Donald. If it's a woman, it's definitely like the woman who was at that town hall he did with, I think, Savannah Guthrie, who said, smile for me. You got beautiful teeth. You got a beautiful smile. Unless she's in the jury. Yeah, I'm going to say it's a guy. But I'm going to say... I'm going to say hung jury. I'm going to say that one juror. We know eight of them definitely hate Trump. I would guess it's even more than that. But all we need... All you need is one. So that's what I'm going with. 60% of the audience agrees with you. They think it'll be hung jury. 25% think conviction and 15% think acquittal. Okay, when we come back, we're going to play some of these sound cuts from Trump. He was on a roll today. I love that he managed... I miss these days of a president getting up there and within the span of five minutes covering every figure from Mother Teresa to Robert De Niro. Nobody's off limits when Trump's in front of the cameras. We will get to that when we come back. Verdict Watch begins where one hour into these deliberations. It could go days, it could go weeks. Who knows? We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. The number is 844-542-42. Before I get to the book news of today, I did want to mention that yesterday we were discussing the Politico story about the pervasive panic that has taken over the White House and the Democrat Party as a whole, as they are very fearful of the possibility that Biden might lose in a big way to Donald Trump in the November election. Now, after reading that, Peter Ducey decided to ask KJP about these reports and I was having a really good time with the reports, mostly because they were described as freak out and then we could play the song freak out. It doesn't take a lot to make us happy. We don't ask for a lot, Jared. We're very simple people. You give us that headline, we can make a mountain out of it. But KJP was asked about this by Peter Ducey, about this meltdown that's happening inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and this is what she had to say cut to. Are you guys here at the White House in full-blown freak out mode? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? There's a Politico story. It sounds like Democrats outside of the quotas Biden's stubbornly poor polling and the stakes of the election are creating the freak out. So, again, I'm really mindful. I'm not going to comment on 2024 election. I will say this. The president has never forgotten where he came from, who he is. He understands what the American people are going through as they're sitting around the kitchen table. We hear the president talk about his time growing up where he watched his family having to sit around the kitchen table making incredibly difficult decisions. She loves the kitchen table talk. She's certain I talk about that more than Biden. I'm noticing her latest go-to is being very mindful. She says that before she makes comments that don't seem like she's being very mindful. It's reminding me of when Joe Biden says honestly or not a joke. It's her tell is when she says either I'm being very clear or I'm being very mindful. Typically, she's not being either of those things. Doesn't want to need a mind in order to be mindful. Oh, Jared Diglio taking shots today. Okay, so KJP answered that question, and then I see this headline from the Federalist. You guys know I love the Federalist. I think I included it in my recommended reading. And it was the idea that the reason they move these debates up, because this is a very early debate we're looking at June 27. It's extremely early. The reason they move them up so early so they'll have plenty of time to get rid of Joe Biden when he crashes and burns after the first debate. But why I have trouble believing this? And the article, by the way, in the Federalist really breaks down the way it would happen with the delegates at the convention and how they would vote for someone and how it would be possible if they decided not to have Joe Biden, they could have somebody else, and there are workarounds to that. I don't want to get into all of that minutia because, well, first of all, it's kind of boring, but second of all, the overall point is what I'm more interested in. Is that the move here? We'll put Joe Biden in a debate incredibly early that gives us, you know, over a month to decide whether or not we want to move him to the side. But why would he agree to that? It's his team. And he has to be at least semi-willing to step aside. They can't just push this man out against his will. This is the headline from the Federalist. Democrats push for early debate, so it's easier to dump Biden. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are set to make history again by squaring off in the earliest general election season debate in history on June 27th. Now, he was the one who didn't want the National Commission on Debates or whatever they're called to be involved in this. He was the one who was setting all the rules. Or whoever, you know, speaks for Joe Biden, whoever pulls the puppet strings. So I don't think he would agree to these early debates, Jared, if he thought or his team thought that this was all a way for Democrats to test whether or not he could handle it to move him out for somebody else. It says the Democrat party would typically formalize its presidential nominee at its convention, although due to a conflict with Ohio ballot deadlines, the party announced plans to virtually nominate Biden. No date has been set for that. In what typically happens at the convention, the permanent chair receives nominating petitions and holds a vote once all are received. It goes on to talk about how any individual who submits a complete nominating petition at the convention can receive delegates and become the nominee. Even if Biden supporters put forward his name for candidacy, the Democrat machine can still hand pick the nominee. So they would be able to move him aside if they wanted to after that first debate. I think the Federalist is giving the Democrats too much credit here. I think he just wanted to get it over with so that it would be a distant memory by the time people went to vote in November. I don't know. I think Joe Biden's team right now might be Jill and KJP and KJP is kind of peripherally on the team. I don't think there was a team behind Biden at this point anymore. I think they want him out. I don't think there's anybody loyal to him that's still there. There are people who are running cover for him as they need to be, but I think it's already been decided that he's out and come hell or high water. They're going to figure it out and then they're going to know what they want. It would be getting more weeks, though. Wouldn't we be getting more juicy little? You know, Jared, that there's not a juicy tidbit that comes out into the news that I do not see. I live for stuff about, oh, behind the scenes, things might seem like a disaster in front of the cameras, but if you saw what was going on behind the curtain, the Wizard of Oz is really imploding. I would have those on this show. There haven't been that many. So even if there are not, I believe that there's actually a conspiracy to get rid of him. Oh, like something organized. Yeah. And no leaks because just, let's just keep throwing this jackass out there until we finally decide to dump him. How could he be more embarrassing? I think the knives are already out and it's already been decided and they're conniving enough in the Democrat party in the DNC to run a tight ship on this one. Okay. Well, then my follow up question for you is before I get to these Trump sound cuts, who do you think they put in for him? You have to have an idea for that. If you're telling me that there's something in place, they're moving Joe aside. Who do you think, ideally? Because you know what their big problem is. Her name is Kamala Harris and she loves band diagrams and she's in charge of the electric school buses. And if you think they can, okay, so they're going to move him aside, what happens to her? And what happens to all the stuff? I think they're going to move Gavin Newsom and I really think that and then Kamala just gets kicked to the side. They're ruthless. They don't care. All they care about is power. Look at what they've done to people in the past for power. You think they, yeah, okay. So she checks all their boxes. But do you think they ultimately really care? You know, this revolution is going to eat its own and she's going to get swallowed up. Okay, that's, I'm still going with. I think they're just going to hope they can make it through with Biden. They can't. They cannot make it. They know. See, this is the problem. This is the problem encapsulated. They cannot let Donald Trump win under any circumstance. They cannot let him win. They cannot beat him under any circumstance. That's their dilemma. And they definitely can't do it with Joe Biden. So the only hope they have is to put in somebody who's competent, complete a sentence and can give independent voters confidence that, hey, we still, you know, he's still evil. We've got a guy who can actually handle the job. I know a guy who with only a trillion or so dollars built eight EV charging stations who would be, I think, a prime candidate for this position. He is in the office. He can walk his dog in DC. He can take an SUV. That's, that's VP stuff. He can take an SUV halfway to work and then take his bike out and drive his bike, ride his bike the rest of the way. So Gavin Newsom actually realized the liberal utopia, though. That's the difference. Yeah, he can talk a big game. But Newsom Newsom has the. He's got the hair. He's got the proppers for, you know, he's got the hair. Hair is a big thing, Jared. When it comes to politics, he's got that slipped back. Do don't underestimate it. Okay, well, it remains to be seen. You could be right. I could be right. Maybe one of the callers will be right. We will decide. But first, I want to go to Donald Trump and some of the comments he made outside of the courthouse today. Let's first take the mother Teresa one because I love Trump's references. He definitely had this one ready to go. This is cut 16. I would say in listening to the charges from the judges, as you know, very conflicted. And corrupt because of the conflict. She's very, very corrupt. Mother Teresa could not be these judges. Like I said, I mean, it depends what kind of flag she had flying outside of her house, where they upside down. In that case, guilty as charged. Now, Trump also said, I want to skip down here. He's talking about five weeks of no campaigning. You know, plenty of issues that have arisen because of this corrupt trial that he should be angry about. He has every right to be. But selfishly, I want to skip down to hear him talk about Robert De Niro. If you missed this yesterday, go back and listen to the podcast. We had a ton of fun yesterday talking about Bobby De Niro's lackluster performance. I'm going to give it two thumbs down. He was outside the Trump courthouse and he was the New York City courthouse where Trump is being tried for this hush money baloney. And he was going off about how it will be the end of democracy. There will be no more elections. You've this song you've heard a million times at this point. It's nothing new. They throw out as many empty hyperbolic threats that they can in hopes that someone out there is going to start clutching their pearls. And so this is what Trump had to say. This was his review of Robert De Niro cut 19. And then they have a protest of Robert De Niro yesterday. He's a fool. He's a broken down fool standing out there. He got, he got maggot. He got a big dose of it. He got. You've been meatballed. He says he's a broken down fool. So now we have one of the guys outside of the Robert De Niro plays. Let's hear this because De Niro is going back and forth. We heard him talking to the Trump supporters when the guy told him that the January six cops behind him lied under oath and then he said lied under oath. What are you telling me? And they went back and forth. But he also called them gangsters. This is from NBC. Can I get cut nine? You'll have to do it till today. That's what Trump does to try to intimidate. We have to fight back. We're trying to do it. We're trying to be gentlemen in this world. You are gangsters. You are gangsters. There's nobody here, there's nobody else in it. - That's right. - We have one person in the room. - Okay, okay, I love you. - What do you say at the end? - The last guy. I love you with Taxi Driver. - Hey, like I said yesterday, when someone's good at things, you gotta give them credit where credit is due. Out of all those things, Jared, 'cause this was Trump's true social. He said, "I never knew how small, both mentally and physically, wacko." I love the word wacko. I know I tell this story all the time, but I'll never forget seeing the cover in the New York Post. I must've been like 12 years old. There was a picture of Michael Jackson, and it said wacko, jackos, afro's, backo. And I tell his laughing brother, "I hear you." And I went over to my mom, she was checking out at the grocery store somewhere, and I said, "Mom." And she said, "Yeah." And she looked, she looked down at me and I said, "Did you hear wacko, jackos, afro's, back." And my mom was like, "Huh, come again." So he used the word wacko, criminally underused in this country. He said, "I never knew how small, both mentally and physically, wacko former actor, Robert De Niro was. Today, De Niro, who suffers from an incurable case of Trump derangement syndrome, commonly known in the medical community as TDS, was met outside the courthouse with a forest far greater than the radical left, MAGA. Robert, whose movies, artistry, and brand have gone way down in value since he entered the political arena at the request of Crooked Joe Biden, looked so pathetic and sad out there. Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? I think sad would definitely be the way I would describe it. The car alarm, the getting into it back and forth with the hecklers, it was a bit of, oof, this is what it's come to, huh? And this is, and what I was happy about Jared, 'cause sometimes I need to see people repeating how I feel on the internet to go, okay, so that was a solid point. Donald Trump, Jr. put up the video of Robert De Niro and said, "In 2020, Biden had every celebrity on the face of the planet, foaming at the mouth, like drooling, salivating at the thought of being able to campaign for him. He had his pick up the litter of the biggest stars going, and now all he can drum up. And I know Robert De Niro is a list, I know that he made good movies back in his day, but he's 80 years old. He does this all the time. It's not like it's, oh, a big shock that Robert De Niro hates Donald Trump. He's made that perfectly clear. He's ruined plenty of good vibes at plenty of award shows before with these long, angry speeches about how much he hates Trump. It's nothing new, but this is all they have. Even Carl Rove, who's no big fan of Donald Trump's, was on Fox saying, "What a huge miscalculation, like, way to make it look super political sending Robert De Niro out there." And also, Joe Biden, if you feel so passionately about it, then you go outside the courthouse. Sending Robert De Niro, is he playing Joe Biden in this movie that we're all living in? In the Truman Show, is he playing Joe Biden? 844-542-42. We'll be right back. We've got more sound from Donald Trump. We've got book news, very exciting book news for you, and so much more. So, oh, but one thing I was gonna ask you, Jared, what do you think? And we can take a poll of the office. What do you think is the worst insult? We've got Wacko, washed up. What was the other one that Trump said? He said, pathetic, sad, small. I'm gonna say washed up, if I'm Robert De Niro. That's the one that gets to me the most. - Yeah, I agree with that. - Yeah, washed up. There's something about that that really stings. I think 'cause it doesn't have any profanity in it. It's not, like, over the top. It's just true. - Yeah, washed up is to the actor, as degenerate is to the gambler. It's the biggest insult to their profession. - Yeah, it stings. And, you know, I remember reading this book, it was about this famous movie star, and she said, praise is one of those things, the more you get, the more you need just to stay even. And I think that is true. I think they're all such egomaniacs. So, hearing that washed up, someone should try that on Joe Biden, 'cause I bet he'd have the same visceral reaction. He'd start screaming, check the polls, you gangsters. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. - He got a magnet. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (dramatic music) This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Let's go to the calls here. Ron, your next stop on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ron. - Great, how are ya? - Good, what's going on? - So, I know this is gonna sound evil and vindictive, but I believe that the Republicans shouldn't have stopped at Mayorkas for impeachment. I believe that they should have gone after every single cabinet head. Rachel Levine, Grand Home, Buddha Judge, even just based on the confidence alone in their own records, it would be almost like pouring pales of water into their sinking boat while they're trying to bail it out. - Yeah, I'm actually really glad, Ron, that you brought up Mayorkas, because there's just been so much news out there lately that we haven't really had a chance to talk about him. And he was in the news, he was on CBS, and he was doing what he does best. Well, actually, no, I would say it's what he does second best. What he does first, the best thing he does is he lets people into this country unvetted. The second thing would be lying to people about it. And he was just straight lying on CBS, which is great because they have no issue with that. They had no fact checkers around when Mayorkas was there. They were all, again, on vacation, on some sort of sabbatical. But we will play that down for you. We'll talk a little bit about illegal immigration. We also have Mayor Wu in the news coming up next, and book news after the break. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)