VIEWPOINT with Chuck Crismier
This is viewpoint with attorney and author Chuck Chris Meyer. Viewpoint is a one hour talk show confronting the issues of America's heart and home. And now with today's edition of Viewpoint here is Chuck Chris Meyer. During my 20 years as a trial lawyer in California, I also was privileged to participate and help facilitate a number of adoptions. It was not a particular specialty, but people who really were Christian people in who were serious about adoption would come to me as a Christian lawyer and wanted my assistance because of the spirit that I would bring to that adoption. Well, the Bible says, for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you've received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, "Abba Father." There was one particular answer out to me, and it was the most unique, most special to me personally and to those around me. So important, so special, was that particular adoption that I actually penned a small book called "Dare to Live in the Spirit of Adoption." Dare to live in the spirit of adoption. Today we want to talk about that spirit of adoption because there are many people who are adopted who never live in the spirit of adoption. And I'm talking about physical adoptions, I'm talking about legal adoptions. In fact, this particular adoption that I'm referring to, no matter how special it was, no matter how spiritually oriented it was for both me and for the adopted parents, the child never did live in the spirit of adoption. In fact, so much contrary was the life of that child that the child actually became a serious problem to the parents. How many children that are adopted become a serious problem to the parents? Well they don't live in the spirit of adoption. There's something there that they decide is not going to work for them, and they reject, they repel against the adopted parents. Now you say, well it may be the problem with the parents. Well that's true, it could very well be the problem with the parents. But what if the parent is God? What if he's the one who adopts us? Is he the problem? Well a lot of people think he's the problem, and so they choose to un-adopt themselves. You say, well how can you adopt yourself? Doesn't the Bible say that no man can take you out of the Father's hand? Well yes it does. It doesn't say that you can't take yourself out, it just says that no other power or authority can take you out of the Father's hand. In other words you have the freedom, you can remove yourself from the spirit of adoption. Well that's a serious thing, wouldn't you think? A very serious thing indeed, and as I walk the trajectory of that particular family, and the adopted child that for all practical purposes un-adopted became un-adopted through their own agency, that is through their own will, their own choice and chose not to live in the blessings of that household, but rather to live according to the promise of another household, and what household might that be? Well the household of Satan. There are only two households, you see, the household of God in the household of Satan is our enemy, and so we have to choose when Joshua said as they were entering into the promised land, "Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house we're going to serve the Lord." He was saying basically in an Old Testament fashion, "I am choosing to walk in the spirit of adoption." Now you're going to have to choose, but as for me and my house, we're choosing to live in the spirit of adoption. So I have a rhetorical question for you as we launch into the program today. Are you living in the spirit of adoption? Are you living in the spirit of adoption? You say, "Well what is that? We're going to talk about that here on the program today." You see, when God called the children of Israel out of Egypt, He called them out, it was called the House of Bondage, and God took them out with a mighty hand, a miraculous hand through Moses, and He also gave them an opportunity to be adopted into His household directly and to escape the bondage of Egypt through the Passover. You may recall that. Now we just finished the period of time in the week, or at least we talked about it last weekend, the period of time between the triumphal entry and Jesus going to the cross. Well, it was during that time, it was at the end of that time that came a period, a day called the Passover. It was called a Sabbath day, not the Sabbath day, but a Sabbath day, because it was to be set aside as sacrosanct by the children of Israel. It was the day that was the celebration and memorial of their being delivered from Egypt. So they were to eat on leaven bread, and the Bible prescribes exactly what they were to do, and it was a memorial meal for their translation, shall we say, from the bondage of Egypt to the freedom in Christ, or in the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And so God translated them through the Passover experience where they were to paint the blood of the lamb on the doorsteps, on the lentil of their house, and on the side steps of the door frame. Just as we are to paint the blood of the lamb on our own hearts. But the problem is God isn't going to paint it. We have to paint it. They had to paint the blood, they had to sacrifice the lamb, and then ultimately God himself gave us the lamb. The only begotten son of God, full of grace and truth, who was the lamb of God who once and for all would take away the sin of the world and give us an opportunity to be adopted as God's sons and become a brother in Christ. That's how it happened. But the problem with it is that people don't quite get it. Many people claim to be translated into that role and call themselves Christians, but they don't live as adopted sons and daughters of God. Why is that? Why is it that some professing Christians seem to walk in the spirit of adoption, and many others do not? That's what we knew to talk about here on Viewpoint today, and you may question in your own mind and heart. Well, am I walking in the spirit of adoption? What does that look like? What does it mean? Am I actually rejecting the spirit of adoption? Am I actually rejecting the very benefits that God wanted to provide to me as the Father who had adopted us into his son through Jesus Christ? That's the question for us here today as we head toward the cross. And so I welcome you to Viewpoint. I'm Chuck Chris Myers. Conversation is always with ever-increasing conviction, talk that transforms and dare to live in the spirit of adoption. In order for that to happen, you've got to come out of me, but what does that mean? We'll talk about it. Once upon a time, children could pray and read their Bibles in school. Divorces were practically unknown as was child abuse. In our once great America, virginity and chastity were popular virtues and homosexuality was an abomination. So what happened in just one generation? Hi, I'm Chuck Chris Myers, and I urge you to join me daily on Viewpoint where we discuss the most challenging issues, touching our hearts and homes. Could America's morals slide, relate to the Fourth Commandment? Listen to Viewpoint on this radio station or any time at There are two ways, two basic ways in which a child can be adopted under the law. While the natural parents are living, that is. The first is by parental consent. And oftentimes that happens when there's been a child born out of wedlock. That's a very common situation where the parents do not consider that they're able to care for the child. The other is by abandonment. But there have to be grounds for adoption. Adoption doesn't just happen, willy-nilly. There have to be grounds for adoption. A child can be adopted when the natural parents consent in writing with the full knowledge of what they're doing to release control of the child and give it up for adoption. Or the state can take a child away from the parents because the parents have refused to fulfill their parental responsibility usually by abandonment. So to consider adoption based upon abandonment, we have to know the basic needs of children. Well, that brings us into a spiritual arena because God as the Creator knew what our basic needs were. Satan on the other hand, who heads up the alternative household, there are only two households, the household of God and the household of Satan. By the way, Jesus said to the religious leaders of his day, even though they claim to be the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise, he said, "If you were the seed of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham." In other words, you would live like Abraham. You would live in faith in the spirit of adoption like Abraham, but you don't. Therefore Jesus said you are of your Father, the devil, and of his household. Now isn't it interesting Jesus said that to revered religious leaders? Consider that. So it's not status that prepares us, not physical status, not mental status, not any of these kinds of things that actually prepare us for adoption and receiving into the kingdom of God and his household. No, there's something else it has to do with the heart. Jesus said to the Jews that believed on him, he said, "If you continue in my word, then your my disciples, indeed, you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free." And they answered him, "We be Abraham's seed and we're never in bondage, daddy man. How can you say you should be made free?" You can't be made free if you were never in bondage, right? So the thinking that people have, just like the people in Jesus' day, the people today believe, think that they don't need, they really don't need Jesus, or certainly they don't need any of the life ways that Jesus would command. No, we're happy with what we are. We're happy in Satan's kingdom. We're happy in his household. Really, how happy are you? Why is it that the suicide rate is increasing so dramatically in America that promised to be a place of, shall we say, spiritual adoption for people in God we trust. You see, the whole issue of trust has to do with the spirit of adoption. Do we really trust God or do we not trust Him? And if we don't trust Him, we're not walking in the spirit of adoption, which means we're alienating ourselves by choice from the very Father who was adopting us and gave us the privilege of walking as His sons and His daughters. This is a really big deal, friends. I want to go back for just a few moments to Egypt. By the way, did you know that Egypt is building a huge wall to keep the Palestinian folk out of Egypt? They don't want them there. They're not willing to adopt them into their place. Neither are the Jordanians willing to adopt them into their society. Isn't that interesting? And you certainly don't find the leaders of the UN who are constantly against Israel wanting to adopt the so-called Palestinians into their homes, do you? You know why? Because they don't have a heart to do so. They're just using those people as political pawns. They do not have a heart, not a real heart for them because if they did, they'd put their own houses where their words are. They don't have the spirit of adoption. Now, the interesting thing is that not everybody who calls themselves by the name of the Lord is the Son of God. Did you know that? Not everybody who calls themselves by the name of the Lord is the Son of God. Jesus said so. In Matthew chapter 7, he says that not everyone who uses my name is going to enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who do the will of my Father. In other words, only those who conduct their lives in such a way that's consistent with the spirit of adoption as described in God's Word. These are interesting things that we need to understand. So when God called the children of Israel out of Egypt, he knew that they were in bondage. He heard their cry. He knew they were in great need that even though they were living under Pharaoh who was a figurehead for Satan himself, like a prefigured antichrist, they had to come out of that house of bondage in order to receive the benefits of adoption. They could not remain in the spirit of Egypt. Did you know that over 400 times from Genesis to Revelation, the words out of Egypt or similar words can be found? Why do you think that is? Because from God's perspective, we're not talking about a geopolitical place called Egypt. We're talking about the spirit of that place revealed in the words of Pharaoh, who is the Lord that I should obey his voice, trusting in everything but God. And God said, you can't live in that environment and walk with me. You cannot be my son or daughter and live in that environment. You must come out of Egypt. Well, a lot of people would say, well, I thought what I was told was when I confessed Christ to Savior, I came out of Egypt. And so why would you say, I have to come out of Egypt? Well, here's the reason. Listen very carefully. God took two and a half million Israelites or Hebrews out of the house of bondage, out of Egypt, physically. He even took them across the Red Sea miraculously. He led them through the wilderness for 40 years. The reason was 40 years is because they didn't walk in the spirit of adoption. They kept rebelling, kept complaining, kept belly aching, wanted to go back to Egypt, wanted to, so here's the problem. God took them out of Egypt out of the house of bondage, but he could not get Egypt out of them. That's the problem. That's the real problem. Years ago, in fact, it was about 40 years ago, now more than that, 50 years ago, the Lord put this message on my heart out of Egypt. And I began to realize this is perhaps the number one message in the Bible that ties the book of Genesis all the way through the book of Revelation together. Over 400 times, God called his people out of Egypt. Think about it this way, Abraham had to come out of Egypt before Israel ever went into Egypt. Did you know that? Abraham was the father of the faithful. Then after Israel had spent 400 years in Egypt and God took them out, we find that Moses, who was raised by Pharaoh and Pharaoh's daughter right in Pharaoh's own house, had to be taken out of Egypt so that God could use him and get his attention. So he takes Moses out of Egypt, spends 40 times in the wilderness getting trained and having the spirit of Egypt removed from him by the spirit of God. So he sends God sends Moses back into Egypt to take out his son Israel, and he does. So he takes his son Israel out of Egypt, two and a half million, and they enter this, they begin this trajectory, the journey toward the promised land. But they had to spend 40 years trying to get there. And after 40 years, God was unable, listen to this very carefully, apparently God was unable to get the spirit of Egypt out of virtually all of the adult men, 21 years of age and older who he took out of Egypt. In other words, there were 600,000 men, 20 years of age and older who came out of Egypt, but God only allowed two of them into the promised land. Why is that? Because the Bible said they had another spirit, another spirit. In other words, not the same spirit that they had in Egypt and they carried through the promised land, these two had another spirit, Joshua and Caleb. In fact, it was that same Joshua who said, "Remember," he said, "as for me in my house, we will serve the Lord. Because you this day whom you will serve, but as for me in my house, we will serve the Lord." He said that to Israel, who claimed to be heirs according to the promise. They came out of Egypt, but they didn't abandon the spirit of Egypt and refuse to walk in the spirit of adoption, and God says, "I cannot let you into my promised land." Are you beginning to see how important this is? Because the very same principle will keep the majority of people who claim to be followers of Christ but are not. They're still walking in the spirit of Egypt. That's why the Bible makes very clear that only a remnant will be receivable into God's household, his kingdom. Jesus said again, "Not everyone who says unto me, Lord, Lord, who claims to be a follower is going to inherit the kingdom. Only those who do the will of my father." In other words, only those who walked in the spirit of adoption and conduct their lives accordingly. They're not living in the spirit of Egypt anymore. They're living in the spirit of adoption. I want to make available to you my book out of Egypt. I believe my wife believes this is perhaps the most important book I have ever written. It's one of the earliest books, but it has set the stage and set the tone for everything else because it's so foundational. It's on our website, yours for $15 out of Egypt. You don't want to miss it. Those who have read this book have read it, reread it, and reread it, and reread it, and reread it again. Why? Because they have said this is tying the whole Bible together in ways that can be understood and it's making it come alive. From Genesis to Revelation, out of Egypt, $15 on the website, save You can call us at 1-800-SAVE-USA, 1-800-SAVE-USA, or write to us at Save America Ministries. Beelbox 70879, Richmond, Virginia, 23255, writing a check in $5.00, closest to heaven. How to meet you. There is so much more about Chuck Chris Meyer and Save America Ministries. On our website, save For example, under the marriage section, God has marriage on his mind. Chuck has some great resources to strengthen your marriage. First off, a fact sheet on the state of the marital union, a fact sheet on the state of ministry, marriage, and morals, save Marriage, divorce, and remarriage. What does the Bible really teach about this? Find all of this at save Also, a letter to pastors, the Hosea Project, save, and many more resources to strengthen your marriage. That's all on Chuck's website, Again, you can listen to Chuck's viewpoint broadcast, live and archived, save America Ministries' website at Jesus said to the religious leaders of his day, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I proceeded forth and came from God. And neither did I come of myself, but he sent me. Why do you not understand my speech? Is because you cannot hear my word or will not hear it." So obviously, they could hear his word in the sense that we think of hearing, because they were standing right there in front of him. They heard everything. But like James, the brother of Jesus said, "The you doers of the word and not hearers only, so you don't deceive yourself." So this matter of hearing in the Bible is very important. You see, a child can hear the judgment or the court action confirming an adoption, can hear it with their ears, but if they don't hear it and understand it with their heart, it will not happen. They'll never walk in the spirit of adoption and they'll never get the benefits of that adoption. So Jesus was very explicit about this, and he called these religious leaders who said they thought they were the cream cheese of the kingdom of God. They thought that they were the in ones, they were the religious leaders, the heirs according to the promise through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But Jesus said, "You're of your father, the devil, of his household." Wow. Was Jesus being arrogant? What he was really saying is, "You guys do not understand why I'm here, what I have done for Israel in taking you out of Egypt. You're still walking in the spirit of bondage that Pharaoh put upon you, and you're playing games with God. You are not submitting yourselves to God as father, and you're not coming into the kingdom. You're not getting in. I cannot have people like that in my kingdom." Just for what it's worth, we traced Abraham, the father of the faith, coming out of Egypt before Israel ever went into Egypt. Then we found Moses, having been in Egypt, God taking him out, taking 40 years to get enough Egypt out of Moses to make him useful. He had already spent 40 years in Egypt, so he was deeply enculturated in the ways of Egypt, like so many professing Christians. Very difficult to adopt an old Egyptian, one who has been raised in the spirit of Egypt. Very difficult. We'll see that in some of the adoption statistics in just a few moments. So it took God 40 years to get enough Egypt out of the children of Israel to allow two men into the Promised Land, two out of 600,000 men of accountable age. Now, here's what's fascinating. The Bible says this, "Through the prophet Hosea, out of Egypt have I called my son." Now, who is God's son? That's Jesus, Yeshua, right? Jesus had to come out of Egypt. In fact, in the book of Matthew we find that Joseph was told by the angel to take Jesus into Egypt until the death of Herod who sought to kill him, and that later when Herod died and those that sought Jesus' life were dead, the angel came back to Joseph and said, "Now, bring your son out of Egypt, take him to Nazareth, in fulfillment of the prophecy that says out of Egypt, have I called my son." So if Abraham, the father of the faith, who was called a friend of God, had to come out of Egypt, if Moses, the great deliverer had to come out of Egypt, if Israel had to come out of Egypt to allow just two men into the Promised Land, and if Jesus, Yeshua, the only obedient Israelite that ever lived had to come out of Egypt himself, what does that say about you and me? Can you begin to see the pattern? This is why the entire Bible is tied together. In fact, if you go to the book of Revelation chapter 11, and this, by the way, is the passage that actually spawned my book out of Egypt, believe it or not, the book of Revelation. In the book of Revelation chapter 11, it talks about these two great witnesses in the end times, the final stages of the end of the age, and they're going to be prophesying and the world is going to hate their living guts, but it would do everything they can to try to destroy them, just like they're trying to destroy Donald Trump right now, and I'm not suggesting, by the way, that he's one of those people, I'm not suggesting that at all, I'm just using that as analogy to show the vigor with which they will try to destroy. But God will protect them for three and a half years, and then he will remove his protective hand. And the Bible says that they will be killed by the world, the spirit of Egypt, and their bodies will lie, listen to this, Revelation 11, 8, their bodies will lie in the street of that city, which spiritually is called both Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified, and I came to that passage one day about 50 years ago, and I said, Lord, this is strange. How can Jesus be crucified, both in Sodom and in Egypt and in Jerusalem? And then it came clear. Sodom represents the behavior. Egypt represents the spirit. Jerusalem represents the spiritual combination of the rebellion in behavior and spirit out of Egypt. They were crucified. Their bodies were left to lie in the street of that city, which spiritually is called both Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. You know what? As we are preparing for the resurrection, the crucifixion to proceed it, Jesus died on the cross to deliver us from the bondage of Egypt spiritually that you and I might be adopted as sons and daughters if we would walk in the spirit of that adoption. We have to be willing. We have to be willing. The spirit truly is willing, but the flesh is weak, right? The spirit truly is willing, but the flesh is weak. And that's why daily here on this program, we are seeking to exhort God's people to walk, not in fear, but in faith, to walk in the spirit of the promised land where God required obedience, not freewheeling, rebellious, adopted children. God's not going to allow freewheeling adopted children into his household. Not going to do it. It's a pretense. It would be blasphemy if God were to do that. That may sound like a very tough term. So let's take a look briefly at what happens with adoption. With adoption, there's a change of name. There's a legal implication. Your name is changed. So we're to take on the name of Christ. God says, you know, I called you by my name. I've surname you and the whole name, the whole family of true believers is called by the name of the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, all wrote. And because of this adoption, we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. In other words, but change of name does not produce change of ways. Something else needs to happen. Or we need to change our name. Either change your name or change your ways. It also provides an inheritance. The decree of adoption provides that the adopted child shall henceforth be treated in all respects as the natural child of the adopting parents. So that's the reason why the Apostle Paul said, if any man, if any man be in Christ, old things are passed away. That is before the adoption behold, all things are become new. But he also declared that all true believers who are not walking in the spirit of adoption are walking in the spirit of Egypt. And they're not joint ears with Christ then. We got to get it together. If we're on the near edge of the second coming, we've got to understand that God is looking for a household of faith, real faith, not pretended faith, not people who claim that, well, I'm of the Christian faith. He's not looking for people that are of the Christian faith. He's looking for people who walk by faith and live by faith in Jesus alone, trusting, confiding in his deep love, safe from all harm in his sheltering arm, I'm living by faith and feel no alarm. Why do I feel no alarm? Because I'm living in the spirit of adoption. If you're walking in fear, you're not living in the spirit of adoption. So God says continually, leave the spirit of Egypt and come under my authority and under my blessings and benefits. If you were to read Psalm 103, you would say, "Yes, the Lord, oh my soul, forget not all his benefits." What are they? These are the benefits of walking in the spirit of adoption. A new inheritance. We'll be right back. Thank you. Have you ever considered what the early church was like? Many people are developing a heart longing for a greater fulfillment in our practices as Christians. A recent study showed 53,000 people a week are leaving the back door of America's churches in frustration. What is going on? Why has there not been even a 1% gain among followers of Christ in the last 25 years? Could it be that God is seeking to restore first century Christianity for the 21st century? Jesus said, "I'll build my church." Is Christ by His spirit stirring to prepare the church for the 21st century? The early church prayed together and broke bread from house to house. They were family and it was said by all who observed, "Behold how they love one another." Incredible. But the same can be found right now. Go to and click sell church. We can revive first century Christianity for the 21st century. It's about people, not programs. It's about a body, not a building. That's Sell church. More than 33% of Americans think of adopting a job, but only 2% actually adopt one and even less than that actually live in the spirit of the adoption that occurred. Believe it or not, the population of adopted Americans is about 7 million. More than one and a half million children are adopted in the US, which makes them 2% of the total population. A child, on average, a child waits for more than three years before being adopted and around 11% spend five years or more until they are adopted. Therefore, the average age of children who have to wait in foster care before they are adopted is eight years. Well, what happens then? The longer they wait, the older they get, the older they get, the harder it is then to bring them out of the spirit of Egypt into the spirit of adoption. In other words, they get so rooted in other ways and it's the same way for people. How hard is it for someone who say is 25, 30, 40, 50 years of age never came to the Lord, never walked to the spirit of adoption, walked to the spirit of this age, the spirit of the world, which is the spirit of Satan and his family. And so they become inured to it. That's what they know as life. All they know is Egypt. All they know is the spirit of Egypt and they learn to depend upon Satan in his ways, his methodologies, all of that, and Satan loves to have it. So he wants us to have a dependent like that. That's what the Antichrist is all about friends with his mark of the beast. That is the ultimate expression of Satan to compel once and for all every man, woman and child into his own adoption through the mark of the beast so that you will permanently place your trust in his provision. That's why God calls it in Revelation 13 says it is an ultimate choice and there will be no backtracking, no repentance from receiving that mark because you will have made your choice. Now, how many professing Christians are going to make that choice? How many are going to make the choice through fear or whatever they haven't been walking in the spirit of adoption. They've been walking in the spirit of a Egypt while claiming the name of Christ. They've been fornicating with the world just like Israel did and then they're expecting to be received as a holy bride at the wedding supper of the Lamb. It ain't going to happen. That's why the Scripture says without holiness, no man, woman or child will see the Lord. Jesus said be therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect. He knows we're not going to be perfect like him. He knows that, but we're supposed to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, just like the Apostle Paul said, forgetting those things that are behind, forgetting the ways of Egypt, forgetting all of that, forgetting our false trust, forgetting all of that and pressing on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. You see how this ties together the whole word of God and we haven't hardly even scratched the surface. Really, I'm not kidding you. We haven't scratched the surface. In my book out of Egypt, it consists of almost 300 pages. Actually for most books, it would be over 300 pages. It's just because of the type style and so on that it's just under 300 pages. This is a very substantial book that is written for a serious moment in time to prepare the minds and hearts of professing Christians to be ready. A prophetic call to the end time church out of Egypt. $15 will put it in your hands. It's on our website. Save might be the best investment you ever made. That's what a lot of people have said. I remember the gentleman who for years was there on the counter at the post office and we developed a nice friendship relationship there and he bought a copy of this book. In fact, he bought two copies, one for himself and one for his dad in San Francisco. He told me that his dad had read this book seven times. Why? Because it was so absolutely loaded. Open the understanding with regard to the fullness of the covenant promises of God. In fact, there are actually two chapters called covenant man that follow the chapter, the spirit of adoption. So you might want to consider getting a copy of it. In fact, it would make for a great, great book for discussion in your small groups. All you would have plenty to talk about and it would be so encouraging because you begin to see your eyes would begin to be opened to the fullness of what God is really looking for. He doesn't want us to be just adopted. In fact, he wants us to be adopted in truth. In other words, it would be a reality in our lives. Just think about some of the benefits, a new inheritance, be clear to heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, lacking nothing. No good thing would he withhold from them to walk uprightly before him. He forgives our iniquities, cleanses us, isn't that what the cross is about? As many as receive him to them, he gives the authority to become the sons of God, even to as many as believe on his name and do his will. In fact, God's adoption provides a health maintenance plan, not Egypt's disease maintenance plan. Yeah, now we can choose to reject God's maintenance plan, his health maintenance plan, his health maintenance plan. We could go back to Egypt's plan, but America's reaching, reaping the devastating results of it. Can we bless what God calls abomination and cleanse it for healthy weight use? Are not the diseases of Egypt plaguing American Christians today, causing us to die like flies in the wilderness of our own rebellion? Hmm, just think about it. We can justify just about anything we want, can't we? He healeth all my diseases, declared David, Psalm 103. And why is cancer the most feared word of America and growing? He provides a full supply. He promised them for when they came out of Egypt with with everything they needed. In fact, even Paul there in Philippians says, but my God should supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus, because he's the father in the household and he's promised to provide. So he even provided manna for the children of Israel as they left Satan's household in Egypt. So he says to you and me, don't take any thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink? Or wherewithal shall we be closed? You're heavenly father knows that you have need of all these things. He's a father. He has adopted you into his household. If your work walking in the spirit of adoption, seeking first his kingdom, then all these other things will be added to you. He said, and then he says, you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you've received the spirit of adoption. Whereby required Abba father, daddy daddy. So the psalmist put it this way, he says, I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in him will I trust. So the spirit of adoption is evidence by the spirit of the household, including yours. So how would people coming into your household believe would they believe and see the evidence that you're living in the spirit of adoption? Or do they think you're trying to tread water with the spirit of Egypt while claiming the name of Christ? Remember, there are only two households and father's words are law in the household of faith. So if God's word on all the issues of life is not law in your life or your household, you got a question whether you're truly of the household of faith. So our father, God in the spirit of adoption pleads with us from the Old Testament to the New Testament. He said to the children of Israel, it's not a vain thing for you. It's your life to follow me. My son attend to my words incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not depart from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart for their life to those that find them and health or medicine to all their flesh. See, you and I as adopted sons or daughters in the spirit of adoption, having left the spirit of Egypt are entitled now to walk in the words delivered to faithful Joshua. As we move forward into these difficult days ahead, pressing toward the promised land right on the near edge of the second coming. Here's where you said, be strong and of good courage. Fear not nor be afraid where the Lord your God is he that does go before you, he will not fail you nor forsake you. Fear not neither be dismayed. Now, if we are dismayed somewhere, we're dissing the word and will and ways of God. If we're walking in discouragement, we are dissing the spirit of adoption. As you know, the book that I have just completed writing this weekend when persecution comes is going to require ultimately that we understand what it means to walk out of Egypt and into the spirit of adoption, not just claiming the name of Christ, because massive numbers of those who claim the name of Christ are going to abandon the faith. Also, Paul told us that before the identity of the anti-Christ is revealed, there's going to be a massive falling away, not a massive revival, a massive falling away, because the spirit of the times is such that Satan realizes his time is short and he's in a full court press to press you into his kingdom through fear, dependency. You know, the spirit of Egypt has invaded American politics so badly. It has been used by one political party in particular to seduce entire people groups back into the spirit of Egypt, dependency, the spirit of bondage, its sheer wickedness. It's not done to liberate those people. It's not done to give them freedom. It's done to bring them back into bondage and it's worked so well. As has Satan's efforts over the years, don't let it happen to you, my friend. Out of Egypt, could this be God's final call? Maybe $15 will put the book in your hands. It'll open up to you so much. We have just barely, barely, barely scratched the surface of the message, what it means to come out of Egypt. I trust that you'll avail yourself of this opportunity. It's on our website, Call us at 1-800-SAVE-USA. Right to us at SAVE-America Ministries. He obonks 70879, Richmond, Virginia, 2325, $5 from Moses and Bradley, and become a partner, friends. Do it today. It's all joined together to enable the message to be spread more broadly and more rapidly. Bear the way of the Lord. If this reason is mine, God bless, give us. You've been listening to Viewpoint with Chuck Chris Meyer. Viewpoint is supported by the faithful gifts of our listeners. Let me urge you to become a partner with Chuck as a voice to the church, declaring vision for the nation. Join us again next time on Viewpoint as we confront the issues of America's Park and home. [Music] [Music]