Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 91

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29 May 2024
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Sadhya'lla thamadalla if nine lines down, last word online is hah. Hsai same, we'll start the word before that tan rabbanam. The war rings a brisah, it goes for about a line and a half and starts here. Hsai misaparah vedashba, one who you're not supposed to do this but you muzzle a cow and you use it to thresh. Like ummishalam, he will get malkis for that and he will also have to pay. Now how much do you have to pay? Well he muzzle the animal, the muzzle the animal should be able to have been eating. Dalid kavin laparah vedashba, I guess whatever it was, threshing, he'll have to pay for a cow and three kav, gimokav le kavmour. Now there's a general rule though that when you do one thing wrong, you don't get two punishments, even if there's two possible punishments, you don't get two punishments with the same act. The ha, anal like ummace, anal like ummishalam, you don't get malkis and get executed, you don't get malkis and have to pay, so what's with these two punishments over here? So we have three approaches, I'm gonna buy a handle and I buy his number one, one line later is rava, I'm gonna line him, he's number two, one line later is rava, I'm gonna line him, he is number three, I buy a says, well this is the unique shi ta siyokhed of rebhi mayor, the tinek source he started with, however we may or he da'mar, he holds that a person could, under certain circumstances, in one act get malkis for that act for violating a tour principle and also have to pay. Rava will be underlined on mark, rava says es don asar astratayrava, afilo ba al emai. Rava says that, let's see the rashi, this is, I think it's relatively extensive, but literally it means, es don asar tara, that which was given to a harlot as payment for services rendered is forbidden, even if the man had relation with his mother, so let's see the rashi, rashi is across from here about five lines down, Rava, I'm not so tired of afilo ba al emai, van nalsen, let's let the es don, and he gave her a sheep for payment in exchange for the services rendered, es don who, that's considered es don vah, so the carbon, we've forbidden to be bought in the basement, which has a carbon because es don stomachs eve, whatever a person received in payment for services, sexual services rendered is called an es don lachna emo lachna emo lachna, it makes no difference whether the lady received it, was the guy's mother or some single girl. V'af al gav di eta vale bidina come on, even though if she would basically take him to court if he wasn't paying up the sheep, ten lee es nani and claim that she wants to get paid with, for her services rendered, loy makhayvina lee, we're not going to drag the guy in and make him pay a daha kam lee bidiraba minay, he gets the more severe punishment, ki yahavei nihalaba for whatever reason decides to give it to her, if he gives it to her, it is still an es don who, alma, and this is maybe the main point we see from here, afilo be makhay misa nami, a person received with his mother, niz achiv misa, still rama teshou me lee you'll have to pay, el ashing kay alan shaybish taim, it's just that the courts don't have the ability to punish him, to punishments, a vai yidei sha maim, well yah saa chi shalim, he hasn't fulfilled his, his heavenly responsibility until he pays di, loy rama utesh lumina lee, if there was no responsibility for him to pay, well then, if he would give her the sheep, as so to speak payments for service to render, but the narki yahavei nihalae, miyav aestan, it wouldn't get the status of an es don, matan abalma huda yahavelan, she should be able to bring him to zakurban, vigabe hai saim in our case, as far as a muzzled animal nami, tesh lumina rama yahavei, it's really, it does have to pay, because if he had a muzzle of the animal, the person's animal he would have been using would have been able to eat that amount of food, el ashing kay alan shaybish taim, of course don't have the ability to punish him the second one, back up in the gomorra of pup is the third approach of pup amar, misha's mashi hai yahave lob in miz ai no saa, actually this comes at two separate times, in other words, the general principle of you can't give a person two punishments for the same thing, yeah that's the same sort of like actor moments in time, however, from the moment that this person who is going to use somebody else's cow, took the cow, he was high if he was going to take it let's say for the day to feed it, and milka lei, lucky over the malchus only came in ad sha sasimah when he muzzled the animal and started to thresh with it, period amar a pappa, I underlined a pappa, hanimili balminai, debei raf pappa baraba, he says the following issues that he's going to tell us about shortly were asked of him by the household of raf pappa baraba, u pashti lehu lei sura, and he says he paskin in both those cases, we'll see what they are shortly, that they would be asir, hadda kehilasa, hadda de laav kehilasa, one of them was like going according to iqaragan, and the other one was not going to according to iqaragan, but rather it was le cholmra, cholun, bowuminai, they asked me, I vectored bowuminai and put a number one in the margin, and two, four, six lines later first when a line is hattan or the next word is idak, I vectored the idak and put a number two in the margin, so these are the two questions, let's go back to number one. The first question, bowuminai, they asked me ma'ul la luscha sais ebechalav, can you need with a keh, doh, with milk, basically make like milhic biscuits, milhic bread, u pashti lehu lei sura, and I answered them, nope, it's forbidden, kehilasa, and that's actually going according to like the iqaragan, the letter of the law, it's if you can't do that, de sanya, the concern being something that's normally parve, if you make it milhic, some might come to you with meat, or if you make it flasic, some might come to you with milk or cheese, and that we don't want de sanya, as we see here in the brice that goes almost two lines, aim luscha and sais ebechalav, you are not allowed to need, with a keh, a doh, with milk in it, making it milhic, they aim lusch, and if you did, let's say one low, for there were a bunch of other lows, kolapas kula sura, the whole bunch of it is going to be forbidden, mime nei hair gala veira, because you don't want people getting used to doing things that are potentially sinful. That's the end of that brice, kehilis ebei similarly, and here's another two-line brice, or almost two-line brice, that starts here, if you have a oven, aim tashina satanar bali, you would not be allowed to schmear the inside of a oven with animal fat, the aim tashina, if you did, kolapas kula sura, whatever bread you made it, is also because it becomes flasic bread, and you might need it with, let's say yogurt, cream cheese, or a slice of american cheese, and that would be a problem. Achigasic a satanar, and it's basically all the bread is forbidden until you've fired up and made like red-hot the tonnore, and thereby caution it. I think that was the first issue. The second issue that the astral pop-up about was, b'idak balmino, mal la hachins min uschina mina de dear. Can you put a animal, male animal, with a female animal, together in the same chorale? Obviously, there are two animals that are different. Let's say maybe like a male horse and a female donkey, are you allowed to do that? And pashti l'hu'i says her pop-up answer them leisure. It's osser. Delaf kilhousa, but that's not really like maker aden, that's more like a humra, and here's why. D'amar schmual, this is the ikar aden that we'll see right now, I circled schmual's name, b'iminaafin, I think we take the vav out, b'iminaafin agirukaderar hab minaafin. When it comes to testimony about an adulterous couple, and that testimony is going to bring them possibly, if there was Hasra, to the death penalty or possibly to Marcus, they have to be the witnesses don't have to see the actual male organ entering into the female. Rather, if they're lying on each other in a way that people lie when they have relations, that would be good enough. Ubiquilayim, when it comes to cross-breeding animals, though, A'chihane's qu'imich al-Bishfei ferris. Literally, and until the witnesses can see that it was the male animal, had its organ inserted into the female, like you would insert an applicator into a tube, like, I don't know, mascara or women's makeup, where you have a little tube or a brush or something, and there's a tiny little tube, and you stick it in. That's the detailed which it has to be seen. But when it comes to human beings, no, Maserakhtabui barami. So, Maserakhtabui barami brings the following, about a two and a half line today, which is a question. The today resource says, "Ilu-Nammar, if it had only said b'hamtajal-loy-sarbiyya, your animal you shall not mate." And it didn't say the word kilayim. I would have thought to say that that would mean, let's say you take the female animal, you hold her by the horns, and the male animal will come upon her sort of, you know, from the back, the way the animals do it. And that would be even min-b'iminai, b'hamtajal-loy-sarbiyya, that you would not be allowed to do that, ha'eti-yamir, loye-he-he-sadam ha-be-he-ma. A person would not be allowed to hold the female animal, hold her like, you know, grasping, keeper by the horns, or she can't move away. Bishasha-ul-loy-sar, tamul-loy-mar, to that, the person says kilayim, that the problem is kilayim, okay. That's the understanding source. Now, l'av-mih-lal, and should we not say that this implies that in the case of actual kilayim, that a'chiza-nami-loh, like even holding the female by the horns would not be permitted. So the guru says, no, no, no, we're not talking about holding and keeping still the female, maya-chiza, rather what does it mean when we're holding on to something, rather it means ha'chnas-a, actually inserting the male animals, organ into the female animal. Well, why would you call them, my karlya-chiza? That's a much more graphic thing to do. Why do you just call it holding onto? Because Lishnamalia, the, um, the tenate sources prefer to use a more subtle term, even though it might not be as, uh, specifically precise. Period. Amravi-huda, I circled ravi-huda, min-dim-minoy-mutula ha'chnas-kim-muh-choh-bishwai ferris. Let's say you have animals in the tree, you read them. So if you have a male and female animal, the same type, it would be permissible to, uh, insert the, uh, male animals, organ into the female animal, vafilimishim-prit-su-saleika. And you don't even have to worry, in this particular case, about it being, uh, considered, um, improper, um, pre-su-s, it's not pre-su-s, my time. What's the reason? Because that's what animal people do. They breed their animals, and, uh, vafitite, tori-it, he's, uh, preoccupied with, uh, mating his animals, and, therefore, for him, it's okay. Masa vah-ta bui-barami, the same rah-ta bui-barami who asks a question. Shmul now asks one on, uh, Rabbi Huda. He says, uh, the following snake source goes almost three lines and starts here. Ilu Namar, if the person would've only said, "Bhamdakal-ais-er-bi-a-ki-lai-em, hai-it-hi-i-emir-li-a-chos-er-mha-be-he-muh-kate-shala-saka-ta-mul-a-mul-a-mur-ki-lai-em," same exact price that he brought last time. That's the end of it. Ki-lai-em hoo-de-a-sir. Well, when it's a cross-breeding, two different types of animals, that's where it would be forbidden to, uh, you know, hold the female by her horns and keep her in place. Ha-min be-minai, but the diokum, that would be that if it was two same species animals, it would be permissible. Now, min be-minai-nami, the only thing that seems that it's allowed to do is achisa, holding on to the female, when the male, uh, has, uh, has the, uh, does the deed in av-al-hach-noss, to actually, um, grasp on to the male animal's organ and insert it into the female that had four, you couldn't go, lol. So, the more it says, "No, that's not true. You'd be able to my achisa." What is the term achisa mean, which we, uh, hear also? I mean, again, we think it means just to, to keep the female in place? No, it means ha-nossa. Am I kara-la achisa? Why would you refer to it as achisa lishna-ma-al-yem? Period. Amr-vashi. Ha-mil-sa, the following issue, bow-minai-i, debeirav-nehemir-i-shkaloosa. They asked me, uh, the following, mal-la-hach-noss-min-vim-minai, ushena-mina-la-deer. Would you be allowed to, uh, bring, let's say, a male horse, a female horse, and then a female donkey into the same corral? Uh, how do we look at that? Uh, colon, cave-and-a-ika, mina, basar-mina-gorer. Do we say that since the male horse has a female horse that it could do what it needs to do with? So, it will do that. And therefore, it's not a problem. Oh, don't worry, maybe. Afi-lach-lilai? Or no, just like you wouldn't be able to, um, put in the same corral, a male horse and a female donkey. So too, you can't do a male horse and a female donkey, even if there's a female horse there as well. Pash-du-la-hoo, an ay-ravashi, uh, answered them by saying, leisure, that it would be forbidden. Del-au-kih-losa, which is not really the maker had-in. Um, why did I say it to them? Because I knew, uh, the ones who were asking me shum-pri-tsusa-de-av-di, because of the, the, the lax observances, the, uh, not really caring about, uh, halacha properly of the slaves who would be involved of, uh, with doing these things. Says the Mishnah, hai-a-o-hosa, bi-ad-av-av-al-laib-a-ra-gla, as you have a worker who you hire, who's working with his hands, but not his feet. Or bi-ra-gla, with his feet, have-a-laib-a-da-ba-na, with his hands. Afi-libic safe fight. Um, even if he's not using his hands or legs, either he's just colored of a schlepper, literally, he's using his shoulder, ha-re-ze-e-oikal. That person would be entitled to eat, um, from the produce that he is currently working with. Rabbi Yos Rabbi Yudhu Waibach-saimer, ach-ya-se-bi-yad-av, uber-a-glaib, know he has to be doing with his, uh, hands and feet. Okay, as the gomorrah. Um, why is it that it's not only if you're using your hands or your feet, it's even if you're just schlepping my time, uh, well, 'cause the past success, kis-av-aib-e-kerem-re-aikal, when you happen to go into, I guess, for work for the vineyard of your, uh, friend, bikal, my-dav-ed, whatever you're hired to do, even just a schlepper. Rabbi Yos Rabbi Yudhu Da'imair said the Mishnah, she has to be out of a rag-love. My time at Rabbi Yos Rabbi Yos Rabbi Yudhu, question mark, what's his reasoning that the worker or human being would have to use his, um, hands and feet? Well, key, sure, similar to a ox, was we have, uh, we saw the scriptural connection between the hosom and the next one, the one who puts the muzzle on and the one who is muzzled. Mosh Jor, just like the ox, Ahchias Rabbi Yudhu a rag-love, has to be using both its four legs and its rear legs. Ah, poils with the worker, Ahchias Rabbi Yudhu a rag-love, has to be using his hands, like the pic and his rag-love to standard a walk. Period. Boya Rabbi, Bara, Rav, Huna, Da'Shba, Ahvaz and Vittarnagoyland. How but if you use to thresh, it's probably not as effective, but I guess it'll sort of work with geese or, um, um, chickens. Lord, have you guys reviewed them? Oh, what would you guys really just say? Aodilma B. A bihol ko yikobuina, you have to use like the whole force of whatever the animal that it has can use, Vahaikah, and you'd have that over here. Let's say if the bunch of geese are threshing the grain, Odilma, or maybe, I squeal on around the Odilma, Dilma B, Beyada, Viragla Bean, and Vahalika. Oh no, um, you would need it to be using its forelegs and its hind legs, and you don't have that over here because geese don't have, uh, hands or forelegs. They have wings and therefore wouldn't be applicable. So Taeku, the issue remains unresolved. Period. I'm Ronachman, I'm a Raburavua. Paul and workers, Anjali Hihuh, Shashi Varavigas. Let's say they're hired to smoosh grapes, turning it into grapes, which will eventually turn into wine. So until they have gone once all the way up and down, and once all the way side to side, um, they started working already, but if they haven't done that yet, then Oakland and all of them, they can eat the grapes. They can't drink the wine because they're not considered as having been officially started as workers to squeeze the wine to get, let's say, wine here means the grape juice, the squeeze out of the grapes, until they've gone one full time, smoosh it back and forth and side to side, and therefore Misha Hohlu, or Misha Hohlu, once they've gone one, Shashi Varavigas, back and forth, side to side, big ass on the wine press. Oh, they can, they can not only grapes, but they can also drink the wine. Says the Mishnah, delineating the boundaries of the issue here. Haya, I used to be attaining La Jochel Bandovin. Let's say the boss has both some fig trees, and he has some grape vines. If you're currently working with the figs, you cannot eat the grapes, Bandovin, if you're working with the grapes, La Jochel Bandovin, you can eat the figs. Aval Minaes, that's why you would be allowed to kind of hold yourself back. Ad Shima Ghila Makhim, y'all face Vaikal, until you get to the place that, you know, like the highest quality or the produce that you really want is, and then you can eat over there. Period. Vikulun Le Amru, all of them, I didn't say, Allah Bishaz Malachah, that's only when you're actually doing the work. That's when you could be snacking on it. Aval Mishaam, Hashi Varavigail Abilam, because of the concept of literally returning a lost item, or we would call it maybe like saving money for the owners. Amru, the approach basically, is Paul in Aiklin, Bahaleh Khasan, Muhum on the Uman, even though they're not actually working at that time, but like the boss would prefer that also, because it wastes less time of his workers wasting time eating, so the workers would be able to eat as they go from row to row with the vineyards. Ubekhazir Asami Nagas, or when they're going back from the wine press, maybe to get more grapes, Ubekh Amur, Kishy, Poirakas, and also with a donkey, it's usually a beast of burden, when it is being unloaded, and Rach says we'll see what exactly that case is. Says to Gamarti, by the way, the question, let's say you have a worker, Hashi Varavigaffen Zem Maushiech al-Bagefen Aikr. He's working with this vine. Would he be able to, let's say, pluck a cluster of grapes from another vine that he would keep in his hand and snack on at that time? What do we say about that, colon A, Odoma B. A, men, or me men, I died underlying that one word. Me menchatanayisanakela of Shabbalah, Va'aika, has to be the same type, so you're putting grapes into the boss's big baskets or buckets, and you're also eating grapes, and therefore you would have it. Odoma, it's not so much the same type of thing, but rather literally, mima, I died on the line, the word mima. Me menchatanayisanakela, it has to be from the stuff that you're currently like putting into the receptacle of the Balabai, it's way, and then that's what you need, Va'aika, and if you have a cluster of grapes from some other grapevine, like, you know, two minutes away, then you wouldn't have that. That's the question. Now, almost parenthetically, where we actually put brackets here from this word, Veem, goes about two lines till first real line is idi, and then be shra'cha, and I close the brackets. So, the Gamar, almost as a side point, says Veem team si leimar, and if you would want to say, or used to be geffenze, loy echal be geffen, ah there, that no, no, no, if he's working with the hand, can't be that way, because if he's working in one grapevine, these een grapes, one other grapevine, then shor bemachubar hai tiyachal. How could a shor, an ox, eat something that is attached to the ground? Remember, oxen, they're sort of like facing down. It would basically be eating from another thing than that which it was working with. So, Amra, if she should braid revetti, be shra'cha. No, it's a case where you have like a long vine, so even though the person is picking from grapes from one part of the vine, the vine is long enough that the animal would be eating from the other part of it. So, tashma to answer, our original idiom would be question. We have three times, I think we're just going to bring quotes from our mission. I put a triangle on this tashma. Two lines later, last word on the line is tah. First word on the next line is schmai, triangle that, and two lines later, the last two words on the line are tashma. So, let's see, we'll try once, twice, three times from our mission to answer this question. Basically, if you're working on this particular vine, is it only, let's say, grapes from this particular vine, or can you have grapes from another vine and snack on them while you're working on a different vine? So, tashma, the mission had said, we put right angles in, but six words quote from the mission are, "Hi, how are you?" So, a botanium will yell about nalvin. So, the mission is said, if you're working with figs, you cannot be eating grapes. The person who hired you has both figs and grapes. You're working with the figs, you can't be snacking on the grapes, grapes. So, let's make it to you. From that hot to anium, ootanium, let's say it was figs and figs, do me a botanium by nalvin, similar to figs and grapes, like fig from one tree. While you're working on figs from another tree, apparently, the fig would be that you can, yes, I help. Now, Vee Amrits, if you want to try to take the side of Oswegefenze, I know, Oswegefenze, if you're working in grapevine number one, you can't be snacking on grapes and grapevine number two. Hey, should we just talk about how would that be? So, a little more rejects that as being a valid point, because Amrits, she's a breeder of eddy, bey, mudless. It could very well be that the vine is very long, and it's sort of like overhanging, or maybe the fig tree has a branch that's hanging into the grapevine, or the grapevines have a vine that's hanging onto the fig tree, and therefore, that's no proof, because you're right there. So, Tashma, will you try again? Another triangle, another quote from the next part of our Mishnah. "I've all bowing nails, that's my ultimate giggle, welcome." Haayofu is what I call the Mishnah. It said, "You can hold yourself back, and even though you're a little bit hungry, until you get to the spot of the stuff that you're picking that has the stuff that you really want, maybe higher quality, and you can eat there." Now, Vee Amrits, Oswegefenze, Oswegefenze, Oswegefenze, Oswegefenze, Oswegefenze, Oswegefenze, if you wanted to take the side that, "Oh, yeah, even though you're working on one vine, you'd be able to eat from another vine, nasal veneissive, and nasal. Why do you have to wait till you get to that other vine? Just go over there, get the grapes from the good vine, and go back to where you were." Well, no, you can't do that, because that's wasting the boss's time, and when you're on the clock working for the boss, the boss might have a lot of responsibilities to the worker, but the worker has responsibilities to the boss, and one of them is not to waste time. Haswegefenzefenze, bittlmalaha, it'll take time, and that would be basically not working when you're supposed to be working, which we never like asked about. Lo Kami Bailan, that was not a question, our question was when you'll be eating from another grapevine, and not wasting any of the boss's time, Ki Kami Bailan, and how do you have such a situation? Well, hechadika, Ichoyoban of my, let's see, he's got his, I don't know, he brings his kid to work, or his wife, and she can walk over to the better grapevine, and pick the grapes from it, and bring it over to her husband, her husband won't have to waste any time, so we try again, tashmah, another triangle. This quote from the Mishtaz, a little bit long on the previous two, it goes almost two lines. This is, again, from the Mish we had above. The kulomoyamru, ala bitchazmalaha, in all those cases, we didn't say that the worker would be allowed to snack on the stuff, unless he's actually working with that stuff right now, I've almi nay, because of the, and I underlined three words, hasheva vedalabaylim, to basically save money for the boss, umru, they said, "pole the muklin, you know what, we'll let the workers eat, baheli kasimululumun, when they're walking from row to row." Ubihaziras, on minagasu, when they're coming back from the wine press, it probably gets more grapes, and make another trip to the wine press. Okay, we're gonna have Tula Shengis, and how we're going to analyze that part of the Mishnah. Savruhai, squill underlined the words, Savruhin, put rome nummer one in the margin. Almost three lines directly below this, in the gamara, it says, "ecadamriai squiggle underlined the eacadamri and put a rome nummer two in the margin." So the first we will analyze this is as follows. Savruh, we're going to, uh, assume, uh, at this time, mahalai ke alisamaisidami. I don't align the ke alisamaisidami, that when you're going from one place to another, that's like you're actually doing something, and the reason like you're doing something else is you can't get from vine A to vine B, unless you walk. Umishumashivaleidalabaylamuhudahil, and the reason why he would be eating is because it's, you know, it's a time saver, which is a money saver for the boss. Midorayisa, lo ochil, and apparently you're not allowed to be eating at that time, the worker alma. It seems like from here it seems like, hey, you know, you're probably going to have an och there, and if you're working on grapevine number two, you can't be in grapes from grapevine number 37. The gamara rejects this as being a valid proof, once again, and it says, who says, not necessarily lo. No, lo lo me melach, I could tell you. Ausabigefanze, yes, ausabigefanache, if you're working in vine number two, you could be eating grapes from vine number 37. Umahalei, lo ochil, aisamaisidami. And the actual walking is not like you're in the middle of doing something. Economic, alternatively, I squeal on the economy. It just sort of reverses what we had originally suggested is making it the final approach, and the final approach is that which we had rejected above becomes the initial approach. So, economic, savruha, they're the second lush in there of the opinion that mahalei, lo, of course, aisadami, when you're actually walking, I mean, you have to walk to get from point A to point B, but that's not like an actual mise of working for the boss. The high new time in the middle of Aisad, like, oh, and this is the reason why you can't eat michum, de lo, of course, aisadami. It's like, you're not doing anything at that time, and you can't eat, just, stop somebody else's fruit if you're like in the middle of working for them with the fruit you can't. Ha, the deal could be, osa mise, if you were actually doing a mise, you would be able to snack on those grapes, mida oraisa. Alma follows from there, ois bugefinse, yes, ais agal bugefinse, ais agal bugefinse, ais agal bugefinse, ais agal bugefinse, ais agal bugefinse, ais agal bugefinse, if you're working on whatever grapevine you're working on, you can't be eating grapes from another grapevine. Umaha lei, kaisa mise dami, and simply walking from whatever vine you're on to another vine is, like, you're in the middle of still doing the work for the boss. Bishad said, and with this will conclude, bugefinse, ais agal bugefinse, ais agal bugefinse, okay, something about the donkey, and, like, she can snack on the stuff when it gets unloaded. Now, a donkey's on an 18-wheeler truck, basically can carry whatever it carries, and then you plop it off. So kishipuyrakas, well, once it's unloaded, mechanakla, where's it exactly going to eat from? Like, the whole factor was taken off at once, and that's it, and they're going to go. So, what exactly is the case here? Um, aima and the more explains what we really should say, agshitahe puyrakas, and before the animal, in this case the donkey's unloaded, it can, uh, snack from the food. Tanina lahad, tanrabana, and that is going along with, uh, along the lines, if that was what you see in the following, almost two lines in the exhaust. Khamor vigamal, if you have a donkey or a camel. Uyukli must, we shagaban, can eat from the load, the package that they're carrying on their backs. Uyukli, aisugli, aisugli, aisugli, as long as the boss doesn't take, like, hands full of the stuff and, uh, actually actively feed Let's see the end of this next source, Adkhan.