Turley Talks

Ep. 2595 FDA and Big Pharma PANIC Over FAUCI Act!!!

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29 May 2024
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The FAUCI Act is presented and meant to keep the FDA and Big Pharma from working too closely. Patriots across the country are finding ways to fight the government overreach and take back their health.

One of our own patriots and sponsors, Antonio Colmenares, Black Forest Supplements CEO, is currently fighting the evil tactics of the pharmaceutical industry with their product NMN. They are developing innovative supplements to bring back traditional masculinity, empowering men with the highest quality and purity extracts. ,

They are offering a BOGO bottle of NMN FREE for the next 48 hours only. Click here to get your bottle before the FDA locks it up:


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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges, and together learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turly Talks. I didn't shut down anything. I recommended to the president that we shut the country down, and the only way to do that is by draconian means of essentially shutting down the country. We know that we can do that if we shut down. Well, I think one of the things you really need to do to the extent that you can shut down temporarily the country I think is important. Hey, gang, it's me, Dr. Steve. And, you know, I think it's safe to say that we all share a very common concern over seeing government agencies that are meant for protecting the people in cahoots with wealthy corporations that, quote, influence their decisions, right? When the agencies start letting money drive their decisions, well, I mean, obviously our best interest, what's in the best interest of the consumer, no longer matters. And to make matters even worse, there's the issue of the revolving door, you know, between the FDA and big pharma where billionaires and bureaucrats are increasingly becoming undecernable from one another. The unethical alliance between the FDA and big pharma has become so obvious that Republican lawmakers are starting to get fed up, finally, right? In a recent move, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance and Arizona Representative Debbie Lesko have introduced. Now, see if you could follow along. The Fixing Administrations Unethical Corrupt Influence Act. The acronym spells out Fauci, okay? This is the Fauci Act to prevent federal health officials from cashing in on the industries they regulate after leaving public service. So this would keep people like Anthony Fauci, for example, from leaving government service and then profiting off of the drugs he helped pass as a bureaucrat. Thankfully, a number of courageous patriots are standing up to fight against these shenanigans and where you explore exactly what you and I can do to help redistribute that power back to the people. One of our own patriots and sponsors, Black Forest Supplements, is actually currently fighting the evil tactics of the pharmaceutical industry and their own with their own product, NMN. You've heard me talk about NMN before I use it. I love it. It's an awesome supplement that promotes the body's ability to age well, to keep your metabolism functioning correctly, and regenerate muscle. And for the next 48 hours, Black Forest Supplements is offering our audience a buy one bottle, get one free for NMN, just by clicking on the link below. You can't afford to miss that opportunity while NMN is still available to us and not in the hands of Big Pharma. Founder and CEO Antonio Cominárez is here to talk about Black Forest taking on Big Pharma, as well as expand on why NMN is necessary for proper aging and health. So welcome Antonio, great to have you here my friend. Steve, pleasure to be here. I love the show and the eager to get to these topics because I feel they're critical for your audience. Yeah, and I love talking with you even just before we, hopefully we can get a little bit of your bio and your background story because it's really amazing and wonderful. But yeah, let's just start off. What do you think of the most, this recent introduction of the Fauci Act? And do you see it impacting the fight against Big Pharma? I want to start off with a brief background. I'm sure people are going to wonder where my name is from. I'm a Venezuelan, moved to the U.S. legally at 13 because obviously we lived under a dictatorship. My father was a very well-to-do businessman and they took all of his companies and made them public. So we moved to the U.S. and I'm here to try and fight communism because I am a victim of communism and I don't want anybody else to undergo something similar. Regarding what Debbie Lesko is doing, I feel like it's a great initiative. Obviously, I don't even know why it even happened before. How do we allow government officials to just pass a drug and then go and become millionaires in a board of a company? Yeah. It's a great initiative but coming from Venezuela, knowing how corruption works, corruption is always two steps ahead of legislation. So let's say they can't employ the official himself. They could employ the son or the wife or the third cousin and they could circumvent stuff like these fairly easily. So I feel that it's important that we tackle corruption at the root. I don't know what we need to do per se but that's just how I feel coming from such a corrupt and uncommunist country. And it's so interesting, you're on the front lines of this in two directions, not just one. You dealt with it yourself in Caracas and now you're dealing with it with your own company here with the FDA. What is the deal with the FDA and NMN? Let me see. Can I remember? Is it nicotinamide mononucleoid? Mononucleotide. You're almost there. Almost there. Almost got there. Almost got there. Not bad. Not bad. There you go. Almost there. You made it easy. NMN. That's what it is. Exactly. What's the deal with the FDA? Why do they not want NMN in the hands of the American people? It's not necessarily that they don't want it in the hands of the American people but they want it in the hands of the American people after they've gone through the big pharma paywall as I like to call it. They have had to go to their doctor and ask for a prescription. So what happened here basically is this guy in Harvard called Dr. Davidson Claire. He started studying this very powerful compound called NMN, which is at the derivative of vitamin B. It can be found in nature of avocados, tomato, broccoli, obviously in very little amounts so you have to create a supplement in order to benefit from it. But this guy Dr. Davidson Claire found out that this compound was revolutionary. He started studying it on animals at first. I don't know if you could pull up a picture of a mouse that took NMN versus a mouse that did it. But there were biological twins and the change was incredible. One had white hair and the other one was perfectly fine. And he started seeing this, then he started testing it on humans. What goes on here is at NAD+, which is critical for the functioning of all of our 37 trillion cells. It declines as we age. So with NMN, it is an NAD+ precursor. So once you take it, it becomes NAD+ in the body. And if those NAD+ levels are stable as you age, cells don't degrade so easily. Hence, you have more energy, you're more active, you age better. Once he started seeing this, he developed a company called Metro BioTech. And Metro BioTech is the one that's trying to monopolize NMN. They want to call it MIB626, put it behind the big pharma paywall. Now, if you want to buy NMN, you have to go to your doctor. They could price it up as much as they want. So it's so revolutionary and so good that they're willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to take away the free market from NMN. Right, right. All for our safety, of course, right? Yes. All for our safety and security. That's right. Yeah, what is it they'll say? They'll cry security, secure safety, safety, whatever it is, right? Yeah, how is this alliance between the FDA and big pharma? It does seem they work together in this. Has that already impacted the accessibility of NMN? Well, this all started with a supplement called NAC, which was for brain health. They tried to do the same thing. But now company, I think it's like the biggest supplement company in the US, actually stopped them on their tracks because they have the funds. They had the resources and they didn't allow them to do something like this to a supplement that can be found in nature. Their second victim is NMN. And what's going on with NMN is that the players in the market, they're around 20, are not as big as now. Even though now is trying to help, we formed an allegiance called the Natural Product Association, where we're trying to fight against this big pharma overreach. But what has been going on is that it started with all the 20 members, then 10, then five. Now it's like two people that joined the meetings. Nobody wants to foot the bill because it's like a multi-million dollar bill. They're all fairly small companies. So what would happen is that if they do this to NMN, something that's naturally occurring, that can be found in nature, what stops them from doing it to vitamin D? Yeah. What stops them from doing it to everything that consumers like, everything that consumers use on the daily basis. They're just monopolized, put it behind the big pharma paywall. Now you need to get a prescription, ramp up the prices. Now you can't go live off grid. You can't be independent because you're dependent on this insurance just to get your daily necessities. Yeah. So that's what's at risk here. Yeah. It just seems so sinister. The way big pharma wants us so dependent on it, it reminds me of C.S. Lewis once said, the genius of the modern world is to convince the masses that they're the most free when they give the technocrats, when they give these so-called experts the most power. Right. So our freedom is actually inextricably linked with giving more and more power to these government agencies. The cash assistance for food stamp card in Maryland is actually called the Independence card. I mean, it's just like talk about Orwellian. Do you see sort of the, I love how you talk about it, sort of the natural health industry? Do you see that as sort of a parallel economy that's sort of rising up that represents, in many ways, an emancipation from this big pharma regulated world? Yeah. It's definitely hedge against this bureaucracy. So if, for example, there's big pharma and then there's supplement brands. Supplement brands allow the free market to dictate which supplements people like, which other supplements people don't like. Whereas big pharma, they say, okay, we're going to prescribe you this and you need to buy this and all the doctors are in their payroll. They decide what you take. They decide what you don't take. So going the supplement route is a more self-directed, a more free way of taking care of your health. Whereas the other, okay, you need to take this vaccine. You need to take this asthma medication. You need to take this for your cholesterol. And they pick and choose whatever they want to give you. Right. Right. Wow. That's a great one. Great. Yeah. One is more informed consent, a community driven, and the like, and the other one is just, yeah, this sort of standardized one size fits all kind of structure. Yeah. I mean, I love NMN. I've featured in a lot of our videos. Yeah. I mean, just give us a little bit of a summary of, you'd already did. You already did a really nice sort of intro to NMN. But why would NMN taking NMN be important for our listeners? Aside from what I've mentioned of it regenerating the cells, as you know, it gives you energy almost instantly. Yeah. It's a supplement that you can feel. There's a few supplements that you don't have to wait two weeks in order to start feeling in effect. Obviously, supporting companies like ours that have NMN and that are actively fighting against the FDA is sort of voting with your dollar. Yes. Vote for people that align with your values. Vote for people that care about your health choices. Vote for people that care about your health. That in that way, you're not only voting for politicians, that stand with you, but you're voting for companies that stand with you. Right. Because we live in a free market, if enough people vote for the right companies with their dollars, then the world would be shaped in a way that's more to your liking, I would say. I love it. It was so well said. I mean, bottom line gang, you know, a healthy country is harder to control and the government knows that. Right. Health in order today, taking NMN and supporting real patriots in the parallel economy is a tangible way that you and I can fight against the corrupt practices of the FDA and woke pharmaceutical companies. Click on that link below. Take advantage of this wonderful offer by a bottle of NMN and get one free when you purchase one in the next 48 hours. You're going to love it. I enjoy it. I know you will too. Antonio, thank you so much for being with us. Please come back again. Thank you. Thank you for so much for having me. Love the conversation. And guys, vote with your dollar, not only politicians, as I said, vote for companies that stand with you and that care about your health. They don't want to put you behind a prescription paywall and charge you tens of thousands of dollars. We're just here to help. Amen to that. Thank you, Antonio. No, thank you, Steve. I appreciate it. Thanks so much for listening. This episode of the Turley Talks podcast, don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five-star review, and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [music]