Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: Robert DeNiro Speaking Out Against Trump

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30 May 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino calm I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino Go incidents. I think not everybody's loving having fun with it Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere even at 30,000 feet So sign up now at Chumba Casino calm to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba Casino calm and live the Chumba life We've reviewed my loss in terms of conditions 18 plus. This is a podcast from WOR And the Biden administration is falling apart James T Harris sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show I'm so glad to be with you this evening, you know Out in Phoenix. This is where I do my broadcast from 550 KYI 790 canis T out of Tucson We started off the show day just laughing like what in the world is? Going on we're watching the the Biden administration absolutely just melt down and There are two times people make really really bad mistakes That's when one they're overconfident and I don't think the Biden administration is overconfident at all. I don't Know we had that what was this to the magazine yesterday? They had the big article, you know, is the is is political is Biden panicking is the Biden camp panicking? Yes, they are What we're seeing from them isn't confidence we're seeing desperation Desperation is why they dragged out the over the hill moderately coherent very very angry kind of dumb actor To be a spokesperson regarding the the show trial that Alvin Bragg and then what is his name? Judge Merchant was what they're putting on the Manhattan Talking about Robert De Niro, I know you all have heard about this over you you've talked about it this crazy But we got to look into this a little bit because this is just this is insane on behalf on part of the Biden administration Why are they doing this? Could it be that they are scraping at the bottom of the barrel? With all of the A list actors out there if you're gonna get a surrogate to go speak on your behalf in front of the court Why don't you bring someone like, you know, well Jay Z What about Beyonce? I mean they went out, you know for for Hillary Clinton didn't I? Who's the hottest actor out there right now? Gosling that guy who's gonna be playing in the upcoming Marvel movie this summer. What is that? Wolverine and it was his face That guy or somebody Somebody who's not 80 years old somebody that's not rambling did the White House write the talking points for Robert De Niro When he wrote out there, you knew that this was going to be trouble. You knew that he was not ready Cloud But this city is pretty accommodating We make room for clouds This is the warm up speech the city people who do crazy things in the street we tolerate it it's part of the city is part of the culture but not a Person like Trump will eventually run the country. That does not work and we all know that But no one takes him for took him really serious they take him seriously now of course This is the warm up to the speech you walk up to the microphone you look out and you see Trump supporters and you say clowns clowns He channeled his inner governor Kathy Holko clowns This is this is what the White House is presenting. Oh, can you do us a favor? Robert De Niro and he walks out with like protection like he has security and a security one of them looks very familiar That's the guy that was a given award by Nancy Pelosi for January 6 isn't it? Well, what is this? They even have retreads and security the January 6 goons You come on. Come on. Are we supposed to be taking this seriously? I can't Robert De Niro calling people clowns then he gets into his prepared remarks Actually, that's not this is when he's leaving Holy cow Sorry, I'm enjoying this This is the Biden meltdown They can't do any better what you got two 80 year olds who are angry who are popping up this man supposed to be an actor This man is supposed to be a professional. This is what the Biden administration has come to straight chaos The narrow in his supporters, you know, you know the supporters of Trump. They're just going at it back and forth But I have to have you hear some of this monologue because it's especially this is what Robert De Niro famed actor With the I mean a list actor for years. He's in classic movies godfather He's this guy is the the biggest bully in the world And what does he do? He gets out there for some reason that the White House is out has him out in front of the courthouse where you know The Trump trials going on what to to to to to warn the people to scare the people when Trump ran in two 2016 it was like a joke This buffoon running for president now never could happen We'd forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns Who weren't taken seriously until they became vicious? Dictators. What are you talking about? We have a second chance And no one is laughing now This is the time to stop him by voting him out once and for all Why are you talking about voting him out after the election saying what again? My god, what the hell have we done? We can't have that happen again. These were the prepared remarks by Robert De Niro Talking about how president Trump at the gets an office. He's gonna become a dictator Forgetting the fact that the man has already served four years and did a fantastic job so much so that we miss him And we want him back This is what he did on behalf of the Biden administration who by the way said that they had nothing to do What was going on in New York? They didn't coordinate coordinate this at all now. We're finding out how big of a lie that was Along with all the other lies He has Robert De Niro as a surrogate Going to New York City to warn the people warn the people that Trump is a Tyrant and we can't vote for him again the democracy depends on it yesterday was Memorial Day It's a good time to reflect on how Americans fought and died so that we may enjoy the freedoms guaranteed to us by a Democratic government a government that is president Lincoln said of the people by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth Under Trump this kind of government will perish from the earth If Trump is in office the last time he was off is that this form of government parish from the earth again? We're not a democracy by the way. We are a constitutional republic. I wish people would start using that But I know why they don't Because if we're a democracy the majority supposed to rule right right You've got Robert De Niro on behalf of the other White House out doing an anti-Trump doomsday monologue They're supposed to scare the American people. I don't mean to scare you. No. No, wait Maybe I do mean to scare you. Yes, you do if Trump returns to the White House You can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted and Elections forget about it. That's over. That's done. If he gets in I can tell you right now He will never leave He will never leave You know that no, I know he will never leave sure when his term is up He'll leave just like when his term was up last time he got he got me I'll do that thing with my fingers after Biden got 85 million volts Well, I guess that meant that Trump lost and he left then right why wouldn't he leave again? What do you know that we don't know? Oh? Yes, that President Trump is a dictator This this is bad We've seen some bad things under the the Biden administration. I'm sorry. Yes. Yes by the administration, but this is this is really really bad and we have Robert De Niro turning from a tough guy into nothing but a little squish and We have representative Wesley Hunt rape pop luck in from Texas saying just that So we're talking about Robert De Niro here. This is the guy that played in casino This is the guy that played in good fellow This is a guy that that played in godfather in my all-time favorite movies This guy has played in alpha male and now he has all of a sudden turn it to a beta squish liberal Which makes absolutely no sense to me this goes back to even the rock I'm around if you're calling a few weeks ago We're talking about the rock and how you know he's the attitude era of WWE talking about layeth the smacketh down on your candy asses and then he comes out and then backs the biggest beta of all in Joe Biden so look these celebrities are talking but nobody cares and nobody is listening to what they are saying and you know This is true because you're seeing a spike in the polls every single week that this sham truck continues to go on. I Just site It's amazing It's absolutely amazing And what's craziest this whole thing is winding up. We're going to get down to it in just a few just a few days I hope well I heard the longer it goes on the more chances is going to be a hung jury I would like to have him, you know exonerated, but I'll take a hung jury and then and then what Then what will the Democrats do? Oh? They're facing a real problem. My friends a real problem And I'll tell you all about it Coming up next Make sure you pack your burner for your summer travel navigating new places can be thrilling But unpredictable think of the burner launcher as essentially safety equipment for your travels providing the assurance You need to explore with confidence and you can pack your burner into your checked luggage without the need to declare it as a firearm Making your airport experience smoother if you or your family is in a situation where you feel threatened You don't need to start with lethal. 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That's BYR in a dot-com slash Jesse and to check out the latest news about Berna. That's BYR in a way The Jesse Kelly show my name is James T Harris I am a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona You can hear me at 550 K f Y I 790 K in ST That's Phoenix and Tucson my friends are on the free I hard radio app We are talking about the trial of the century. That's what they build the the Trump trial Yeah, I guess they're like four of them going on And we are sitting here watching them all crash and burn. It's hilarious. What did he start off with over 90 indictments? They were down to like 40 or 50 now. I don't know The case in the Georgia blew up. We've got the records cases blowing up Of course, look, let's teach you James. Uh, I forgot what that one was about. Oh, oh, that's when he supposedly overvalued is His property and and everybody was cool with it There were no injuries, but somehow that was bad because LaTisha James suffers from Trump the arrangement syndrome And now we we have this mess going on in New York City But my goodness I mean, no matter how this turns out You've got you've got The the the liberals they're in trouble I mean if this thing ends up, uh, you know, he can get exonerated. That would be absolutely fantastic But what happens if they find him guilty? We've got john that you he is a legal analyst And he says, you know what this judge can face some serious problems If trump is ended up founding in your found guilty There's a serious question about whether the prosecution has actually violated the constitution in the way they've concealed The second crime recall that the first crime is just a misdemeanor this bookkeeping entry business It only becomes a felony which is something worth jail time if it's used to cover up or to enable some greater felony The prosecution has still to tell us what that second felony is It's actually hard for the jury to decide whether Donald Trump's guilty or not If they don't actually know what the crime is now a good judge an impartial judge would send this case back to the prosecutors And say you can't proceed any further instead judge merch on just sort of let it go see what's going to happen He'll still have another chance. I think to decide whether the whole case should be thrown out Because of that legal vulnerability on the part of the prosecution. They're not going to throw this case out Of course, you should have kicked it back. Oh, well, we don't even know what he's being you know charged Well, what is the guilty of? Oh, I don't know you know, you have merch on basically you tell the jurors You guys can make it up. You don't have to have actual evidence to find him guilty. No, no, no That's not what we're trying to do. This is not you know a real case there. We just made a guilty verdict from you. Okay Okay Meanwhile did you hear that the men men and as men in this men in this case sitter men in this This is the guy that took the gold bars from egypt This is the guy who was also was on trial You know a few years ago because of some shenanigans going on in the Dominican republic something to do with sex slavery. I think I think Well, what is going on here? I mean, this is huge. Can you imagine if this is a republican that took gold bars in pavement For some type of bribery or something This case is going on. Who's covering it? Where can we get information from? How's the case going? Oh, yeah I heard men in this What is this? Holy cow I think that was in spanish Yes, it was universe young they're covering the case all 17 seconds of the report But where's abc cbs NBC PBS CNN MS NBC Fox those where are they on this? No american outlets are covering bob men been in this senator been in this he of the gold bars What we're watching is crazy I'll tell you something else that's crazy. The democrats have to be asking themselves What where did we where did we go wrong? We were supposed to have trump tied up in court all the way through convention You're telling me that this thing is winding up right now. We got nothing else nope But you know what you do have You do have hunter biden Hunter biden his cases, you know his felony firearm charge that should be coming up pretty soon Maybe that's why You had president biden Visiting his daughter-in-law former daughter-in-law. I'm talking about the the uh the wife of the late bow You know the one that uh that hunter had the affair with oh, you see y'all probably don't know about that See I saw all of this stuff on hunter's laptop before you know when you could you can't find this stuff now It's been pretty much locked up, but it was it was It was bad Yeah, well anyway, you had biden go by and visit her. Why is that like? Tampering with the case he's going to talk to the witness. Yeah, she's testifying. I think against a hunter biden This is getting really really interesting Now the law is you know, I won't say law fair because I'm sure they'll be pretty straight up and down here with the with the you know hunter But we're going to be talking about that or will we? Do you think the the media's going to cover this? In a way that they've been covering trump I doubt it very seriously james t garris sitting in for jesse kelly Listening to the jesse kelly show. My name is james t harris I am a talk show host out of phoenix, arizona You can catch my show the conservative circus on a five fifty k f y i or seven ninety knst Out of tusan that's phoenix and tusan or you can listen to the the iheart radio app The 2020 for election is upon us and the war on masculinity in america today is more blatant than ever I want you to know that now is the time to choose strength and vitality over weakness and complacency The problem is men's testosterone levels are off a clip historically at an all-time low And isn't that what the liberals elites want a week and docile underclass Thankfully the patriots at chalk spelled c h o q are here to help real america men take back their right to proudly Maximize their masculinity by boosting testosterone levels up to 20 over 90 days How jesse has been talking about chalk vitality stack for over a year now and it has done wonders for him Manufactured right here in the usa charts natural herbal supplements are clinically proven to have game changing effects on your energy focus and mood Maximize your masculinity today at c h o q dot com use code jesse for a massive discount on any subscription for life C h o q dot com code jesse for lifetime savings on any subscription Limited time offer subscriptions cancel at any time You know, we're looking at the the results of Uh, uh, I should say the fallout of all of this law fair It's absolutely crazy And the fallout is that to president biden is Seving people he is losing folks from every demographic He's losing older folks. He's used really losing younger folks and for various reasons There's actually only one thing that biden can run on right now and that's death. He can run on abortion Oh, he thinks that abortion is is the winner And you know what our country is so our culture. I should say it just so debase he might be right He might be right But something tells me That the pendulum has started to swing back on that as well. I think it's because so many women over the last 40 years have Have used the birth or I should say abortion is birth control And the technology has changed It's not just a little clump of cells anymore Oh, we can go in and we could look at it. We can find problems. We can have surgery on those babies inside the mother's womb No, no the lives of the left. Well, they've run out. So now they're just saying it's your rights It's health care That's starting to wear thin as well So that's the only thing that they really have though And they're trying to target it towards suburban women and minorities. Okay It's a very powerful Powerful argument. I mean, some would say that that's the reason why they were able to hold off You know the tsunami making a trickle during the midterms But beside that what else do they have And at the end of the day, you know, oh, what do you want women's rights to uh, to to murder their child or you want a job Do you want to be able to move forward? Do you want to be able to prosper in America? Do you want to live the american dream? Do you want to live the same life that your parents lived? That's the problem that Biden is facing And they can't beat president trump on you know at the ballot box So what are they doing? They're trying to defeat him with law fair to try to throw him in jail Hey, if president trump has found guilty, do you think they're gonna really throw him in jail? Hell yeah to go throw in jail what? Yes You've got the president of the united states He's planning right now to have a speech once the verdict is announced They're gonna cart him out there in front of a microphone to turn it on he's gonna flat blast trump Of course they want to do this it by any means necessary But when it comes to the ballot box Another thing they're trying to do is flood the country with a bunch of illegals and get them ready to vote in time for november I've been saying that for years. Oh, jave Even if they have all the illegals here, it's gonna take time for them to you know to process them They were processing the ballot as they were coming in All those ballots will be sent to wherever they were, you know this polling place that apartment that holding good your community Those tents out in the desert they'll be sitting there and they will be killed out accordingly but When it comes to regular ole americans There has been a shift in attitude I asked the question at the top of the show where all of the aimless celebrities that usually we have a bunch of liberals They're cutting commercials and everything warning us about the dangers of Donald trump You know, where are the voted die people? Well, what happened to them? What happened to all these movers and shakers in hollywood, why are they going silent? well Part of the reason might be is because they're happy to be back or worka It's after the strike another reason maybe you know they had a really really bad so far the summer is gonna suck The only the only hope they may have is deadpool And the movie deadpool comes out late the summer that's supposed to be a big hit But otherwise they they've kind of flopped so far. They've got no juice I Maybe that's why charlemagne the god You know charlemagne the god of the breakfast club But he is a dg in the breakfast club a very popular urban radio show did they call it urban radio show? Maybe they changed that but yeah black radio It used to be you would have to go to jesse jaxon in order to get it through or kiss the ring of a Revernal sharped and now it's charlemagne the god. It's the breakfast club. You got to go through there And back in 2020 when the biting went through there remember That's what he said, you know if you have a problem deciding who you're gonna vote for me or trump you ain't black He said that the charlemagne the god charlemagne the god is still trying to trying to deal with that. That was bad This year charlemagne the god he he can't bring himself To to pull for bite and he's saying that out loud now he got chastised by a few folks But at the end of the day you still have charlemagne the god who's holding his ground He is refusing to play this game You know of just you know jumping on board with the democrat because he is a democrat But he also he has to soften the blow just a little bit because he can't say I support president trump So he's choosing the route of I hate them both I hate them both I don't want they have to deal with these guys and he and he goes so far as has to say You know, I think that america hates both of these guys as well And so, you know, we have a very interesting situation that we have to navigate In the upcoming election How will we vote? Will we vote for the the crook where we vote for the criminal What is next? It's um, I think the majority of americans are just exhausted with american politics these two candidates They don't do anything but suck the life out of everybody like people are drained They're not they're not energized by either one of these candidates speak for yourself I can see how biting will suck the life. You know out of democrats I can see how he'll drain democrats his disappointment after disappointment after disappointment Lie after lie after lie. We have the inflation reduction act. Well. No. No. Wait a minute. It's the green new energy act is the ev act We're gonna have thousands of millions of jobs with green energy lies Lies we're gonna forgive your student loans partial lie partial lie This economy is great by the namix is working No, there's nobody getting up the couch for this Nobody is excited about this, but don't don't cast those dispersions on trump, sir There are people who are absolutely thrilled about president trump charlotte main the god And you look at the polls in america. Most of america doesn't like our choices Lame his presidential race. I've been saying it, you know for for much now I think that this election this year is about the republicans or the crooks The democrats were the cowards because they don't fight for nothing and the couch which is voter apathy And I think the couch will probably will probably win and whose fault is that it's not the people It's the candidates crooks cowards or the couch Charlemagne the god says the he thinks the couch is gonna win. I'm I'm cool with that Let the couch win Crooks how was president trump or crook? He's been in all these trials have been found guilty the mass taxes You would think they'd find something on him Something illegal Nothing charlemagne Nothing, but I understand you can't come out for trump full board boy. You would get eaten alive I I understand what that's all about trust me however, we'll take your baby steps And the truth of the matter is The Biden administration there there was was crushing the spirit of the left But something out there is trying to crush the spirit of the right I'll tell you about that coming up jamesy harris sitting in for jessie kelly You are listening to the jessie kelly show. My name is james t harris I am a talker out of a talk to host out of a phoenix era zonam My show was the conservative circuits can be heard 550 kf yi A 790 knst that's phoenix and to son my friends I've been talking this month about pure talk and their campaign with america's warrior partnership to help prevent veteran suicide That's jessie, but I think it's important to note that there are so many factors beyond ptsd that impact this jessie wants to share a story about army navy veteran lani smith Lani was put in touch with a wp after losing his job of nine years when they closed their doors He'd been applying for jobs with no luck He was behind on rent maxed out his credit cards and unemployment was ending He was struggling with medical issues, but couldn't afford the medication due to loss of his job and insurance He was at the end of his rope This is when american warriors partnership stepped in they got lani and road in va health care and local support to supply him with the food box And they helped him with his va disability claim to start receiving income Brianna his case coordinator still checks in with them every week lani was a life saved because of the great work of a wp When you switch your cell service to pure talk before the end of the month You'll be helping to support america's warrior partnership and vets like lani choose a wireless company who shares your values and support This great cause with plans from just $20 a month for 5g service. It's an obrainer dial pound 250 and say jessie kelly and pure talks us customer service team will help you make the switch Let's show our veterans how much we care and that they don't have to go it alone Dial pound 250 and say jessie kelly today Yes Our vets need our help. Yes You know when we when we look around the country and we see what our our brave men and women have been fighting for does it make you mad Does it make it angry it should We're supposed to live in a country where every four years We the people get a right to express ourselves. We are the ones that are supposed to choose our leadership, but you know what? Well, what we're learning right now. I don't think we've been doing that. I don't think we've been doing that for quite some time We have a very powerful bureaucracy And that bureaucracy is is deciding who's going to be the leadership in america You know what they've been citing this for a long time all around the world We can look at places like africa. We can look at places like a eastern europe We can look at the ukraine Things these things were called color revolutions And america had his hands in all of this. I know we don't follow what's happening in africa right now because our news doesn't want to cover that They're too busy talking about trump Trump on trial, but we have a couple of nations that are broken away They've dismissed the america. Kersey. They're joining the brick nations. What's that you may ask? Something that's very very serious something that's threatening the dollar We got a group of countries that are getting back on the gold standard gold and silver Whereas we have fiat cash But I digress Those people who want to control governments around the world while they saw that they had a real problem And the problem is down on trump down on trump was not supposed to happen It was supposed to be hillary clinton The deep state The the democrats and half of the republican party they let their guard down my friends And somehow I will say by the grace of god president trump got in you may not like him, but you cannot You cannot ignore all that has been exposed since he came down the escalator You can't ignore How the fbi and the cia and the obama administration and the hillary clinton campaign how they collude it It To keep trump from being president in the first place and when they failed how they colluded how it was a soft coup how it was a color revolution that removed him And they are determined That he never get back in office And they've been working over time Now you got to remember the deep state they don't want we the people involved in politics No, and when the first time he rolls up. I mean really rolls up. That was during obama care Remember back in obama obama care. We had the tea party rise up the tea party People in fields in the middle of winter they didn't in cold fields rallying Wherever they met large numbers that left the place cleaner than before they got there What happened to the tea party? The tea party got crushed crushed by who? At the time we didn't really know But after trump we do there is a deep state There is a state department There is an irs There is a cia There is a department of justice And i'm telling you They're not going to stop. They're doing it right now. Did you know That uh, if you donate to the gop you could have an agency on your doorstep You've got uh, uh, a campaign manager for for Donald trump saying just that i'm finance director for Donald trump in mississippi so we raise money i've talked to a number of very wealthy individuals a guard as well Um that say i can't give money to double trump because the fbi would show up at my door Well, and i tell think of what what you just said if you make it a legitimate Otis campaign contribution to the republican nominee for president the fbi will come to your door And they acknowledge that's a reality In the annuna states of them in the united states of america Land of the free home of the brave we're not free What you have the fbi intimidating people yes, of course you do you have the fd if you go Wait a minute if you go to a a school board meeting You end up on a fbi watch list Wait a minute if you protest peacefully in front of an abortion clinic you can end up On a fbi watch list and you could end up in jail Wait a minute if you put out a meme on hillary clinton you could be arrested and do time as it's happening right now with one young man Yes a donation could get the fbi on your doorstep Intimidating you and donation could get you audited by the irs That's the game they're playing you're telling me they're not determined Oh and just wait to the to the hunter biden trial start Let's see how closely the media fires, you know follows that then you'll know i'm telling you the truth The battle is on And it's easy to get discouraged because they have all the power but We're still a believer nation We have god James de heres sitting in for the jessie calley show This has been a podcast from w o r step into the world of power Loyalty and luck i'm gonna make him an orphan he can't refuse with family canola's and spins mean everything now You want to get mixed up in the family business introducing the godfather at champa Test your luck in the shadowy world of the godfather slot someday I will call upon you to do a service for me play the godfather now at champa Welcome to the family No purchase necessary vdw group boy we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply