Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: Most Voters Not Satisfied with Both Trump and Biden

Broadcast on:
30 May 2024
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don't care that he's one of the most powerful individuals in the world when it comes to calling balls and strikes based off of the Constitution judge Alito first and foremost is a husband and they've been married for a very long time he and his wife and he knows who wears the pants in that family and that is why you have publications out there that are saying that Sam you Alito throw his wife under the bus what what did she do what did she do well listeners to the Jesse Kelly show what she did was truly egregious first a few years ago she flew the American flag upside down what yes and if you didn't know that means that the country is in distress when you fly the flag upside down the American flag is a distress signal unless you're a liberal see all throughout our history it was a distress signal if you flew the flag upside down but ever since Trump flying the flag upside down means MAGA means MAGA MAD means January 6 and that flag was flying upside down and you know what the liberals they noticed it back then but they didn't do anything about it but now now now now that they are involved in law fair oh they're using this they're trying to get a Sam Alito to recuse himself from a case oh wait a minute there's more you had the wife of a Supreme Court Justice also fly another flag but this flag well this flag had a different meaning this was a Christian flag that was flown and this flag has been a part of our our country has been part of our culture for years but now because once again Donald Trump the flag has become you know to be known as something different the flag now is a symbol of white nationalism it's a symbol of Christian nationalist and anybody who flies that flag is a threat to America which means that they if they're a Supreme Court Justice should re kills themselves from any case that the left finds valuable well you know what PBS was discussing this whole thing and it was very very interesting because you actually had somebody on PBS who pushed back against the narrative who pushed back against the craziness the craziness is oh these judge just judge he has to be accused himself they've been after Clarence Thomas have accused himself since the day he was sworn in but now they see some weakness with Alito because it's flat because his wife is flying flags how far should we go with this that was a discussion on PBS's round table it was so quick to blame his wife on the upside-down flag he hasn't said anything about this other flag which is also a symbol of the insurrection so you think if he had a handy excuse he would have used it right what handy excuses that it is an actual Revolutionary War flag oh you become a symbol oh with extreme community is what you're suggesting yeah and any thoughts about the lasting impact of this or does this this this and not everything's fair game yeah what you do on at or in your house as a public official seriously seriously and is official Washington and are we as a country okay with that I'm not okay with that at all it's only fair game if the left wants it to be fair game and you know what as Samuel Lito you know shared in a letter you know this is my wife my wife has rights and only that my wife likes flags and the reason why she flew that that flag you know of the rest is because we had neighbors that were attacking her but these neighbors probably because though he's a conservative on the court and you've seen how unhinged these lefties become they called her all out of her name and they stalked the woman so she was mad so she hung the flag upside down and the other flag Lito said you know I was even worried that somebody brought that to my kitchen but my wife likes flags and no I am not going to recuse myself if my wife wants to fly a flag apart my house we are married we own equal amounts of our property she has her right to use the property way she wants to my wife mother fly a flag by gosh darn it she can fly a flag what you gonna tell what you gonna do I'm not gonna recuse myself oh Lito he's throwing his wife under the bus shut up stop it oh and look at how to let these now all of a sudden they're just oh oh it's white supremacy oh this is insurrection that flying that flag is insurrection well how far you want to take this how far do you really want to go you know what Alito also said you know it's far you come at me from find this flag I didn't see anybody going after that dude that wants a murder Kavanaugh my fellow justice on the court this double standard is crazy it is out of control how far you are gonna let this roll because that's where this is going now are we as a country okay with them we'll see what do you mean that everybody should be able to fly insurrections flies over their house without any damage to the courts reputation the court's reputation was already damaged this right damages it more sure in the eyes of yeah it looks like the court is not just conservative it's partisan sure but I think that perception has been there for 24 years you know why all this court is partisan you mean when you have more lefties on the court you didn't you can complain about partisan you can play in about partisan now because it's not partisan in the way you want it to be it's ridiculous but a good question is being asked how far you want to take this because you know what the pendulum is gonna swim back the other way right right how far do you want to take this do you really want to try to persecute the conservatives on the court right now because if you ever get control back the you think they're gonna you know return the favor y'all but stop it stop it it's getting ugly and just the shoe will be on the other foot at some point and it will be Republican senators accusing liberal justices and the whole dichotomy will shift and now this is and as you said the politicization of the courts is here and this is how it's always going to be now if this is what we're all focused on and that's fine if that's where the debate is headed but that's where the debate is headed now right that is where the debate is headed and it's not fine it's not fine and the left needs to stop because I don't want to hear you know when we have our turn oh we'll see that's what they're talking about right now if president Trump gets an office he's gonna take retribution on his enemies I hope he does you sure did oh he showed you mercy when he got an office heating we were talking about locker up we were chanting lock they're up you didn't lock up anybody president Trump naively thought well you know I'm breath don't come around I have good ideas for the country no no no no no they have destroyed people remember president Trump said you know what they're going after you I'm just standing in a way they're trying to destroy him they've destroyed regular people you're people in jail right now if you hear the Jesse Kelly show earlier you got the FBI they're investigating people that donate to to the Trump campaign what are you talking about it's already here we can't back up we got it we have to we have to win and purge purge these people wrestling by used to say you know we have to keep one or two around so we can remember how it was no I'm not even bought for that anymore take them out you know philosophically speaking politically speaking god be careful these days more careful than they are hey did you hear about that peer the Biden period I was over there in Palestine it's supposed to be delivering all of these goods you know for the suffering people and also you know help some of the Palestinians get over to America I got an update on that James T Harris said again for the Jesse Kelly show Jesse Kelly show my name is James T Harris happened to be sitting in for Jesse Kelly you can follow me on Instagram and James T Harris love to hear from you Jesse's been talking this month about peer talk in their campaign with America's warrior partnership to help prevent veteran suicide but I think it's important to share a note here that there are so many factors behind PTSD that impact this Jesse wanted to share a story about army Navy veteran Lonnie Scott Lonnie was put in touch with AWP after losing his job of nine years when they closed their doors he'd been applying for jobs with no luck he was behind on rent maxed out on his credit cards and unable to you know to find employment anywhere unemployment was ending he was struggling with medical issues but couldn't afford his medication due to the loss of his job and insurance he was at the end of this rope this is when America's warrior partnerships stepped in they got Lonnie enrolled in VA health care and local support supply him with the food box and they helped him with his VA disability claim to start receiving income Brianna his case coordinator still checks in with him every week Lonnie was a life saved because of the great work of AWP when you switch your cell service to pure talk before the end of the month you'll be helping to support America's warrior partnership and vets like Lonnie choose a wireless company who shares your values and support this great cause with plans from just twenty dollars a month for 5G service it's a no-brainer dial pound at 250 and say Jesse Kelly and pure talks US customer service team will help you make the switch let's show our veterans how much we care and that they don't have to go it alone dial pound 250 say and say Jesse Kelly today you know when we think about the work that our vets do I just don't like to I don't like to down them I'd like to down anybody in the military I don't especially the Army Corps of engineers but under the Biden administration how can they not be criticized we were told that the Biden administration had a solution that they were going to to get much needed aid into Palestine we were also told that the Biden administration was going to start bringing Palestinian refugees to the United States of America and how was this possible because of a mobile port that's right and when you think about it wow how cool you got a beach here got no port but you mean to tell me that we can set up a port and a matter of hours yes yes does that mean that we can now stop trying to force Israel to to bring aid over to to the people of Gaza no we can't do that they still have to stop the war and try to you know ceasefire and busted much needed water and food all that kind of stuff that's what the that's what the Biden administration is saying nothing about Ukraine or Russia but you know we're expecting for for for Israel to comply nevertheless with this new this new your port America was supposed to be able to get so much done but something happened something went very very wrong and the news report well well I won't play you the Israeli news report I'll just give you your news report from America and then only one station really covered this because it was a huge embarrassment meanwhile NBC News has learned the US military has been forced to halt aid deliveries into Gaza by sea after three officials said bad weather damaged its temporary pier this video showing part of the causeway floating away from the beach it's the latest setback to the American aid effort after military boats washed up on the coast of Israel and Gaza over the weekend while the US service member remains in critical condition after an accident on the pier last week you got to be kidding me the pier is floating away when a show deals on Israeli TV people are actually laughing yes they were not so the things floating out to see what happened I have stormed some bad waves three hundred million dollars spent on the floating pier that floated away it floated away just like Biden's reelection hopes are floating away the latest embarrassment you got to be kidding me come on come on domestic disaster foreign policy disaster we can't even deliver food they have delivered what was it so they delivered I mean how many how many tons of food on this pier before before it floated away and they were trying to get this into you know into the refugees into Gaza guess what it never made it the supplies never made it why because the locals hijacked the truck and not just the locals also Hamas hijacked the truck the same administration that criticizes Israel for not getting the job done not doing enough with humanitarian aid their humanitarian aid gets hijacked and their pier floats away because of a storm this is the Biden administration it's embarrassing I'm just saying what is happening around the world because of our weakness because of our fecklessness is just embarrassing now is bad as a appear floating away a three hundred million dollar pier floating into the Mediterranean what's happening on our southern border of course is far far worse we don't have a border it's it's open and even though you know I'm living in Arizona just a few hours away from the chaos it's amazing how Democrats here in other denial other denial as who's coming across our border coming up next I'm gonna share some information that's gonna put a chill down your spine James T Harris said again for the Jesse Kelly show listening to the Jesse Kelly show my name is James T Harris so happy to be sitting in for Jesse Kelly I'm a talk show host out of Phoenix Arizona 550 kf yi 790 K and ST in Tucson Arizona's biggest conservative voice you know we also just a couple hours from the border and what's happening on the border is absolutely crazy I'm telling you it's crazy what we're watching happening and of course this was all orchestrated by Joe Biden and he told us back there in 2015 I believe it was he said that we're going to have an unrelenting flow of illegal's coming to this country now he said migrants of course illegal's flowing into this country and he said by 2017 this was going to be a minority majority country the white stock that's what he said white stock is gonna be out number and that's a good thing that's what he said and that's a good thing and he happened to have Alejandro Mallorca's sitting right next to him that's how you know that this is being done to us on purpose you had Alejandro Mallorca's he's still sitting back there talking about hey you know what our hands are tight there's not anything we can really do about this these are because of policy this is because because Congress hasn't done his job plus we really don't have an open border Alejandro Mallorca's Camila Montoya Galvez spoke to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mallorca's who responded to the accusations of the administration encouraging migrants to come to the US that is that is false if we take a look at migration not just at our southern border but in context the level of migration throughout the hemisphere is unprecedented right and throughout the world it's the greatest level of displacement of migration since World War II I think there are about 73 million displaced people in the world the reasons why people leave their countries of origin are those with which we are quite familiar right climate change violence yeah a non-government organizations promise them if they come to this country they're gonna get a whole lot of money new life freedom America dream opportunity get that's what's been happening dropping leaflets and flyers you know telling people to come to America setting up an operation to get them over here come on Alejandro stop it we know oh it's false that Biden's open border is encouraging the locals to come no they just got t-shirts saying Biden let us in or thank you Biden stop it well James they're trying to do this because they want to replace the population they want to replace the black folks and the other you know Latinos that are rising up they want to have a voting pool you know there's that's true that's true to a certain degree that's true but there's something else going on I don't want you to forget that hunter Biden and Joe Biden I mean they got a big fat crime family they've been shaking down countries for years not just Joe you saw the deep state reactor when President Trump was talking to Zalinski he said you need to clean clean up the corruption and Ukraine you might want to start with the Biden family and pitch man remember you got impeached over the telephone call you got all those politicians and hands are in the cookie jar over in Ukraine but none like the Bidens the Bidens were shaking down Russia they were shaking down oligarchs in Ukraine they were shaking down you know I shouldn't say shaking down taking bribes for everybody and especially China I'm about to say something very controversial on the Jesse Kelly show here are you ready are you ready I believe that Biden is is is owned by China oh they gave him all kinds of millions is the dollars millions of dollars and when did he give them access I'm sorry but wasn't that the Chinese balloon floating over military installations in America hello oh we tried to act like that wasn't a big deal we shot that down yeah we shot that down after he was done with this mission we shot it down over the Atlantic after it floated across the United States of America taking his pictures and we wouldn't have even been told about it and you didn't have some astronomer or somebody after looking up at the sky say hey why is there a bus with balloons in the sky that's how we found out I'm telling you the Bidens have sold us out they sold out our foreign policy and now something very nefarious is going on are you aware of what's happening in San Diego you got a reporter that's down there by the Iris transit center she's saying that many a law enforcement believe is part of a of a threat a threat that's facing that America's facing now I got to tell you in this day and age reporter going with this information it's very very brave and before people say conspiracy theory I just want you prove it wrong reporter I felt uncomfortable at the Iris transit center so you have thousands of illegal foreigners being bust in shut out in and then dropped off on the street they hang out their military-aged men NGOs non-government organization operatives come and charge their cell phones really oh isn't that nice they're getting these Chinese illegals are getting there their cell phones charged they give them water take them to the Ramada in or to the San Diego International Airport oh my god but then there is a large constituency of Chinese men who wait for other unofficial Chinese men who act as a taxi service to come and pick up only Chinese nationals well that's not very friendly that's not very multicultural what do you mean Chinese men who act as taxi services to come and pick up only Chinese nationals and these Chinese nationals are young men of military age is this being reported on ABC CBS NBC PBS CNN Fox no the reporter continues oh by the way this is on X social media that that's where you got to go to get your real news because we are all a sanctuary state we have no idea where they are taking them or or why there's this collaborative effort but that's what's happening military-aged men being dropped off in San Diego what do we have there we have USN bases we have aircraft carriers warplanes amphibious ships wait a minute what the don't just seals you had a seals trained down there the Coronado island I actually went to a seal graduation very impressive now they got Chinese all around the place just a coincidence my orchestra says that the border is secure what's happening is truly truly frightening it's mind-blowing and I'm telling you our present government our managers they've sold us out they have sold out the nature in the nation oh you got all these Democrats President Trump is a threat to our democracy again shut your face we got open borders we got military-aged men coming in from all over the world don't you remember last year there was a report that we had Chinese police stations of Chinese police outpost throughout California they don't even need a Trojan horse they're just dropping them out at the border and they're walking in hello hello hello meanwhile well we have four liars on the trump case and one of them was a porn star oh wasn't she so enamored oh stop it stop it Jesse Kelly with rough greens here he is a question that many of your dog owners ask all the time will rough greens help my dog my small dog my mid-sized dog or my very big dog well natural apologist a doctor Dennis black well he's the founder of rough greens he says because dog food is dead food rough greens is not dog food it's a healthy supplement that puts into your dog's food all the live nutrients necessary for superior dog health you've heard Jesse say it worked for miracles for his dog that's frick by the way his digestion system his energy and it's incredibly easy to adjust the dose no matter the size of your dog in fact dr black is so confident rough greens will help your dog he's offering a free jumpstart trial bag so your dog can try it you just cover the shipping and you don't need to change 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was so confident that he's going to win that in the final days they started spending a buttload of money in Arizona the home state of Senator John McCain who's insulting you exactly trying to to come into to to McCain's back door and spin it up and take it over why because he could confident and you know what even though they didn't win Arizona he was right you know he was confident he had it in the back they had money to burn that's not the case with the Biden administration they got all kinds of money pouring in that's what Democrats do but they have lost all all competence people do not believe in them anymore they're a disaster and that's why they're desperate political came out with a magazine saying that the Democrats were freaking out absolutely full-blown freakout mode is what they said then they talked about how you have big donors that are not willing to spend any more money on the Biden campaign because he's not winning anywhere he's not winning Peter Ducey I like Peter Ducey Peter Ducey asked questions that just you know just get under people's skin and he asked Corinne Jean Pierre the White House press secretary one of these type of questions it's just using a political as a key he asked him you know what's it like over there to you know work for an administration that's turning to mush what is it like to be the spokesperson for something that is so absolutely hapless are you guys here at the White House in full-blown freakout mode what are you talking about there's a political story it sounds like Democrats outside the quotas Biden's stubbornly stubbornly poor polling and the states of the election are creating the freak out so again I'm really mindful I'm not gonna comment on 2024 election I will say this the president has never forgotten where he comes where he came from who he is he understands what the American people are going through as they're sitting around the kitchen table you talk you hear the president talk about his time throwing up where he watched his family having to sit around the kitchen table this incredibly difficult decision and the president has always said he's going to fight for communities that have been forgotten and you see that in the policies economic policies that he's put forward does she answer the question why is she talking about you know president Biden sitting at the at the kitchen table Peter do see yes a pretty straightforward question you guys here at the White House in full-blown freak out mode outside the quotas Biden's stubbornly stubbornly poor polling and the states of the election are creating the freak out so again I'll be mindful I'm not gonna comment on 2024 okay okay say this the president has never forgotten where he comes what's like I do anything no come man what is that gonna do when he the president has never forgotten where he's come from you know it keeps changing where he came from he grew up with black folks he grew up with Jewish folks he blew up with he grew up with Polish people too didn't he say that his name should be by the Ninski or something like that he grew up with the Greek folk well what he talking about he never forgot where he grew up there they're falling apart I really wouldn't you know a question that should be asked of Karan John Pierre Karan John what is it like to work for for for a administration that is hapless and no effect but are you offense but are you really involved in some of the decision-making here is that why it's just been so weak and lame because you can't even explain anything anymore what you said just made no sense whatsoever Karan come on come on to political there's insiders you know can't you give us anything can't you tell us you know well what what are the aids doing when when Biden is walking around aimlessly in a fog what what are they doing how do you get him to sit down and actually read from the teleprompter you know seeing the condition that he is in that is pretty impressive Karan oh it's crazy what's happening up there is crazy but we shouldn't be confident I mean we see how everybody is just ramping up from them Chinese folks coming over here to you know San Diego to the administration you know now and Republicans trying to shore up their their positions in Congress and in the Senate so that they could try to put up roadblocks knowing that President Trump is gonna break through this you know at least the presidency what we're watching is well the Republic is it is fundamentally transforming into what though that's the question meanwhile we still have the media trying to give this hapless administration cover we'll talk about that in the next hour James T Harris sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show this has been a podcast from WOR is Ryan here and I have a question for you what do you do when you win like are you a fist-pumper a woohoo a hand clap or a high-fiver I kind of like to high-fiver but if you want to hone in on those winning moves check out Chumba Casino at Chumba Casino 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