Shoboy Show

Shoboy After Party 95

Raw and Unfiltered sin pelos en la lengua!

Broadcast on:
29 May 2024
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Raw and Unfiltered sin pelos en la lengua! 

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What up? What's up, Micho? Hey, what's up? Cuz that's the land where we offer food. What's in your mouth? Oh, is this a drink? Oh, really? Not bad. Yeah. I can't catch a ton, so I thought he was like her food in his mouth. No, no, no. That's the big cheeks. Came on Juneary, I'll kiss the ground, the biggest cheeks I've ever seen in my life. You know what else is cute? Getting $20 off your ticket. The cutest. When you buy a ticket for a concert or a sporting event, break where the familia at, use or download the seat geek app. And on your first purchase, you're going to get $20 off using our promo code, which is fun. F-U-N. I see the fastest promo code, fun on seat geek. All right, man. So today we're talking about on our live show, a listener who's 18. He didn't know if he should break up or not with his girlfriend. She's 19. She comes from a very strict Mormon parents. He is also Mormon, but doesn't live his life as strict per se. Yeah. So that was already an issue. And then on top of that, she wanted to get married and have kids within the next year. Wow. Even though they're only 18, 19, he doesn't. So I don't know. I was encouraging him to let her go. Break it off. Kim, I know you're saying stay with her because it's hard to find a good woman out in these streets. And she sounds like a good woman. Yes. She sounds like she's just trying to escape her parents. But it brought me back to my first girlfriend. It was a toxic relationship. I'm not proud of it. I was selfish. And I really just kept her around because I didn't want anybody else to have her. Wow. And when did you realize that you were doing that? Am I kind of toxic for being like, oh, that's kind of cute. Kim's like, that makes sense. Kim's like, that's so cute. You want to? You want me all to yourself? Damn. That's cute that you didn't love her anymore, but you're still jealous. No, they seriously, that's how a lot of girls think. They're like, well, at least he wants me. Right. You know, sometimes. No, there's a lot of, for sure, a lot of delicious. Yeah, I feel like a lot of girls can relate to that. Not proud of it. And listen, if you are in a relationship right now with somebody, you got to really ask yourself because we keep people around for the wrong reasons. Sometimes we keep them around for convenience. We keep them around because we don't want anybody else to have them. Or just because we don't know how to be by ourselves. Oh, that part. And therefore we drag other people with us. So I'm not proud of it. You know, it's like, what, 19, 20, 21 years old when I was in this relationship. She wanted to get married as well. And like, I wasn't ready. And anyways, finally broke it off, but all hell broke, broke loose. And this is what also told me that we definitely weren't ready for marriage. Is when I broke it off, she ended up blowing up my house phone number. You guys remember before cell phones, you had a house line? A house phone, yes. Yeah, a land line, a land line. So all the phones in the house were ringing like at 11 o'clock at night. Oh, heck no. I kept answering like, please do not call me anymore. You're waking up my parents. My dad has to go to work at four in the morning. Like, please, like, if you have any respect from my home, stop calling. We're done. She wouldn't stop calling. Finally, my parents had to disconnect the phone from the wall from the land line. 30 minutes later, she pulls up in her truck and starts doing donuts on my front yard. In the truck, I'm alone now. And obviously we run outside. She gets off the truck and my parents are scared. They're like, "What's going on?" And she's like, "Come get them a distance." She's like, "What's going on?" She's like, "Let's play." "Let's play." Yes, what way she is. Yes, she's a good girl. Oh my God, she was a white girl. First and last time I did her white girl. So they were scared, they pulled up, and once she was trying to fight you, she was just like, "Be with me. What was the point of her doing all that?" Reminder, I have a crazy story about Be With Me, but continue. Be With Me, crazy story. Yeah, no, she went there to fight for our relationship. And to say, Kim's like, "How sweet." Oh my God, how cute. Wow. She told my parents because this is awesome. Let me just say, she's an amazing woman. She's now grown and has a family and is matured. I'm sure just like how I have, right? Yeah. Pero, she went and told my mom and she had learned Spanish just to be able to communicate with my parents. No, how cute. How cute, Kim? He was like, "You're such a beautiful kid. Dolly girl." So she told my mom, Suihozumuimalo. He's very bad. I know he wants to be with me, but he doesn't want to accept it. And then my parents at that point, we're just like, "Dude, this girl's going to call her cops, and they're going to show up, and they're going to think it's your fault." Edgar? Yeah. My government name is Edgar. Right. They're just afraid. Like, she's white. No, Suihozumuimigran, just Latinos. This is not going to look good. Right. So in that point, we calmed her down, and we drove behind her, taking her to her house. That's crazy. Like patrolling her. Yeah, just watching her. So maybe you've been in a relationship like this, and I hope you haven't, or never are. But she would say, "If you leave me, and something happens to me, it's your fault." That's scary. It was like, "How cute, will you enjoy it?" No, that's going too far. Yeah, and by the way, if you're going through a toxic relationship and you feel that way, like there is the 988 suicide hotline. Yeah. Like, yeah, Fueira de Roma. You can text that line. There's help in English in Spanish, 988. But anyways, so she would pull that card on me. And so we're like, "Dude, let's drive behind her. My parents went to my car." And then we took her to her house, or we followed her house. And then at that point, we had to tell her parents. No. On top of that, you told on her. How cute! No, you break her heart and then you tell on her. No, but that's crazy. At that point, the way she was behaving. It was true. It was erratic. Yeah, it was scary. Yeah. You got to remember, yeah, I was also toxic and immature, but I still cared about her, like a lot. Yeah. So I genuinely didn't want anything to happen to her, if what she was saying was true. Yeah. And Thon says, "We just wanted to make sure her parents knew not like we're going to write you out." But like, "Hey, this is what's going on. This is what she's been saying. Just FYI, Pakistan." Yes. So we're not going to write you out, but Hey, she's been saying this. She's been saying crazy stuff. Oh, and this is the dad. Her dad was a cop. No, where is Vani? Undercover Meera. Oh, he worked at the airport. And then we bought her patrol with like narcotics and stuff like that. Undercover Meera. Heck no. No, it wasn't dope when I found out. Bring home a DJ. I was like, "Do you really love me? Or is this like a secret operation setting up to get my family?" No, she's not invited to the Karnasada. No, she's awesome, bro. She's awesome. Her family's also her mom. Like you guys are friends now. Librarian, we're not friends, but we're cool. Oh. So we get to her house. Okay. Her parents opened the door because we're knocking, and she's just devastated in tears. So imagine? Yes, it looks so bad. Your daughter shows up at your house. Crying. And it's her boyfriend and her parents. I'll let you know coming up next. No! [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey there, I'm your host and channeler. And medium bringing you over 30 years of experience to Puerto Rico podcast. I've dedicated my life to uncovering and treasure trove of tools and techniques, and I can't wait to share them with you. Join me on this incredible journey. Where will dive deep into spirituality, astrology, channeling, fitness, the divine feminine, numerology, and various spiritual modalities. And each week you'll receive invaluable insights and interviews that are going to bring you closer to that version of yourself that you want to achieve. Expect captivating interviews with experts. Deep dives into metaphysical concepts and practical advice to ignite your creativity and boost your personal growth. I'm your host, Alita Mago. I've put a dad mystical podcast. Listen to Puerto Fel Mystico on Pandora app, Apple Podcast, Spotify, or your favorite platform. [Music] So immediately they hug her because she's crying. Right. And they are like, what happened? What's going on? Thankfully, they allowed us in. We sat down on their sala. What time is it? Probably midnight. Oh, no, and your dad was probably like, "Yolta rahumayana. Pull this, eat all your dad." He was getting the handcuffs ready. And then we just said exactly what happened. Look, you know, we broke up and she gave calling the house. She showed up at their house. Like she did all kinds of craziness on her front yard with her truck. And she also mentioned that if we were to break it up, if we were to break up and something happened or it was my fault. So just want to make sure. And at that time, I was like, "Gulpando la ea." I was just like, "Yo, she's the crazy one." But what her parents responded made me realize slowly that I was part of the problem too, right? And they said, "Edgar, please do us a favor." Like, stop calling. Stop answering our daughter's calls. Like, really, we need you to disconnect from her. If you guys are truly done and it's over, please stop giving her false hope. And I don't think they were necessarily like putting it on me, but they're also saying like, if you really want to help the situation, I don't know, they were putting it on you. No, because you could tell this was a very toxic relationship. Just like Porto Cadiz said that, because Edgar over here was giving her false hope, answering the calls. Yeah, like you were younger. Let me give you a context. Before this incident, for a whole year, we had supposedly already kind of broken up. Yes. But when it was convenient for me, that's when you'd hit her up. I would answer her calls or text her or call her. We would hang out. Hang out. And then I would disconnect for a week and she would text me like, "Yo, what happened?" I thought we're back together. And I was like, "No, we're just hanging out." Again, not proud of this. But I hope this helps you. Maybe you are in a relationship where somebody's treating you like this, where they just reach out to you when it's convenient. And you get your hopes up. That's not it. You deserve something way better than that. So anyways, that had to have people about it. I'm like, what the fuck? How did we turn this to me? I'm just kidding. It's my time. I feel attacked. It's okay. Again, I am not proud of this. But I think it's important to share our mistakes in life. Yeah, because now someone hopefully can learn. Yeah, I didn't date again. Or like, I wasn't in a serious relationship until I dated my now wife. And... I think it was... I don't know, four or five or six years? That is crazy. Where I didn't have a girlfriend. Nothing. All that feels relaxed about together, hey? Yeah, we're sure. Yeah, because I would never bring a girlfriend around to anything. That's what Eddie's grandpa Loki told me. He was like, no, I'm not a child. I'm a child because Eddie never brought a girlfriend. He's from Mexico, so. Yeah. Man, the OGs. Yeah. So yeah, I was just like, bro, I need to figure stuff out. Yeah. And I just focused on college and my career or whatever, until I met my wife, Janet, and then got her changing by then. And I was still a little bit immature, but anyways, the interesting thing is that she wanted marriage. Remember my first girlfriend? See. And nine months later, dude, she was engaged to somebody that... So we worked at a sporting complex where there was like indoor soccer and baseball and softball leagues. Yeah. So we both, I got her job there and like she worked there too, whatever. She ended up getting engaged to a guy that played on a softball team and where we worked. Wow. She was definitely already hooking up with that for... Yeah, probably. On the side, while she was with you double dipping chili. Come on, meet you. It doesn't matter anymore. Nah, she wasn't like that. Like, she was loyal. Definitely loyal. But anyways, now she's married. Nine months later, she was engaged to this guy and married. Did she stay with that guy? You know what, Kim? I checked like randomly, not like searching. But like I randomly came across her Facebook page. Yeah. Like a couple years ago. And it looked like they were still together. Like yeah, they didn't cheat. You either got kids and a whole family and she graduated from school, successful career, all the above. Like, well at least she stayed with them. And we're good. Like, we stayed friends. Yeah. And let me rephrase that. Not like friends like, hey, let's go hang out. Yeah, like you guys don't double date. They don't come over. Nah, no, no, no, no. Kick it. Nah, but we were cool. We were friends and you know, obviously I apologize to her and all the above. But yeah, what's your takeaway from something like this? Do you want to? Dang. Which part resonated? Resonated. I think the part of like, I guess like you entertaining something, even though you knew you were done. That's why I asked you like at what point did you know you were like, you were through, but you still, yeah, but you still kept like going back for it. Obviously the cuddling or whatever. Like that makes it easier. That's crazy. I'm assuming just because you were comfortable with her, you were just, you know what I mean? A lot of people stay in relationships just because the physical aspect of a relationship is convenient. A comfort like you're used to that person. And especially if that person will drop anything for you. Including the Chinese. In that moment, you know, but yeah, man, I mean, again, nobody should keep you second guessing if they want to be with you or not. They will go above and beyond to convince you that you are the one for them. That's good. Thanks, man. Thanks. Yeah. Have you guys ever been in a toxic relationship like that? Yeah. I wanted to tell you guys about my deal. Oh, yeah. You said something crazy, something good. So like crazy to be with you. So basically in my deal in Mexico, he would have lots of novias in differentes pueblos, and this is real story. Oh, yeah. Differentes novias, una conotra, whatever. And he was just messing around with them and just atolo. And there was one girl from un pueblo that he messed around with. Didn't get her pregnant, but you know, went there with her. Nice. And she was like under the impression that they were going to be together, but that was not the case. He had so many other girlfriends. So then she came over to the house and was like, you messed around with me. You Z-flowered me. And I'm not leaving now because I believe that whoever I'm going to do it with, I'm going to stay with. So because she lost her virginity to your uncle. Yes, to my uncle. Got it. And she was like, I'm not going to be like messed around with. You're not going to laugh in my face. So I'm staying here. And then my grandma was like, no mija. Like you have to go home. Like, you know, you can't do this. And she's like, I'm staying here and I'm not leaving. She slept there. Literally, they would sleep in different beds. Like he wanted nothing to do with her because he didn't want to be with her. Wait, she stayed living there? Yes. And she never left. She was better than if I didn't have Pueblo. So she had to literally move. No, she literally did not leave. And everybody was like, you need to go home. Like this is not right. And where is she at? With my uncle and my uncle, all my uncles are married. He has never married her because he never wanted to give her that satisfaction of you are my wife. Nah, but you know they smashed rule. No, yeah, I mean, they have two kids. Oh, I was about to say they have kids. They have two kids, but he never married her. I like, and he makes it a point that I'm never going to marry you because you did that. Because you're trying to force me into marrying you. So he's like, I'm never going to give you that reward. I'm never going to give you that. They currently lived together as if they were married. Yes, they have two kids. And we're going to be happy with someone that I'm sure he has grown to love her. But that was not a place. No. What about back in the day? Is your deal hot? No. Oh, no, that's what I know. Is anyone hot? No. But I would say her family is successful. She has a doctor that's a brother. She's a nurse herself. So I feel bad for the kids. Yeah, I mean, you're growing up with our love. You? No, no, because they're both ugly. Their kids are probably too. No. Yeah. Skip the generation. But yeah, that's crazy. You missed out on all the toxic relationships. Oh, yeah. Good for you. You've been through toxic money? Yeah, the heck I've been toxic right now. I know, like, you're trying to keep toxic. Yeah, I mean-- It was toxic through all those years. Well, yeah, I was definitely in love with my-- what is it called? My-- Know your booty call? Booty call, yeah. And I wanted to be with him for so long. And he never wanted to be with me. He didn't want to comment, yeah. Yeah. And I'm back in that now. Not really, but-- Well, he's coming back around. Yeah, he tried to make another round, and I'm like, nah. Maybe. Catch me. That is good. Eddie, have you made mistakes with Kim yet that you've grown from? Like, you're like, damn, I was really immature? About XYZ? Yeah, yeah, for sure. I think I've grown a lot for sure with her-- like, with the whole phone thing with her parents. Oh, not ignoring her or her family? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why you are on your phone in front of them? Yes, for sure. I put my phone away. That's good. I learned, yeah. That's what's up. I'm learning-- How about you? Being in a relationship with Eddie, what did you-- I mean, I'm sure I have, but I think-- Well, something I had-- I'll tell you this. Something I had to unlearn. There you go. That's important, too. Was in my previous toxic relationship, it was like, I need you-- I need to know where you are at all times, who you're with. He needed to know that from you? From me, I couldn't go anywhere without bringing my siblings, because then it was like, what are you doing? Like, are you going to go meet up with someone or like, or are you doing this, or like at school? Like, who are your friends? Like, you can only have girlfriends. The photo you were a whole like that? Yes, like, he was like crazy. And I was so loyal to-- Like, I wouldn't go out. I wouldn't do anything like-- You'd give him the location, you would take the siblings, you'd do all that. Yeah, it was crazy. Like, whatever took to keep him happy. Exactly. Whatever it took to just stop all this stuff. And then Eddie would be like, hey, where are you? Or like, whatever, like, let's share locations. And I was like, oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm like, I'm not-- He triggered you. Yeah, so I was like, I'm not doing this again. Like, I cannot go through this again. Like, I already told myself, like, whatever next relationship, like, it was not going to be jealous. And when he did that, I was like, no. Like, automatic, like, walls went up, boundaries went up. Like, I can't do this. And then I had to realize, like, hey, he's not doing it because he wants to be controlling. Or like, it's not coming from a malicious way, or thinking that I'm doing something. It's literally just like, I want you to be safe. Right. I just-- Yeah, yeah. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Here's my location. I'll share my location with you, Kim. You share with me. Let's always just be looking out for each other. Yes. And it's not like he's stalking me at all times. Right. He is, girl. Why are you here? He is. Do you play me? I know you guys have-- do you have other people on your friend, Mike? No, I don't. And my friend? I do. I have my friend Tatiana, yeah. That's it? Eddie only has Kim. Oh, yeah, no. You're following more people than us. I'm locked and loaded. All right. I got my cousin-- well, because my cousin used to live in Dubai. So Loki, like-- What? Yeah, I used to have his location, because I'd be like, oh, where is he at? At the club, or whatever? And then I'd hit him up. But now we just have it. But he's in LA. The home girl, Gabby, Danny, my dad, Elisa, my sis, my mom, my brother, and my home girl. And then my other home girl, who works at a news agency. Do you know all of their locations right now on your phone? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, yeah. And then my home girl has my location, because I'd be going on random dates, so in case I die. She has a lead on a story. That's good. Yeah, I only have my wife, and my wife only has that. I'm boring. We can have it under kids, sure. Yeah, 1,000%. Body guests. Yeah, no, but anyway, it's going back to that. Yeah, sometimes I'd be bored, and I'm like, oh, where is Danny? Over here. Where's Elisa, or my mom? It's just fun to find them around or what? Yeah, and then sometimes you see them on the move, and then, or they'll be in an area where there's no cell service, and then they do it from one minute to the next. They jump a hell of miles. But that's different too, like within my toxic relationship, I would stalk that thing like a video game like, where are you? And then now it's like, I don't-- Yeah, I don't check it. I don't check it. Yeah, like my brother right here. I'm just trying to make the safety purposes. I don't remember the last time I checked where my wife was at. I usually just text her, or just call her, like, what's going on? You guys started this later in your-- The following each other? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just-- probably like a year ago. Well, yeah, that's reset. Are you going to tell your new boyfriend, your upcoming boyfriend? Oh, coming. Coming on my upcoming. Yeah, coming on next. Yeah, for sure, I'm going to have his location-- Yeah. Yeah, that's the movie. --and in a controlling way. [LAUGHTER] And because I'm jealous, I'm going to kill him. Because I'm jealous who you are when you are. Yeah, control me that one. [LAUGHTER] Hi. Control on me. Mitchell. OK, wait. What do you want me to? I know. But if you had an iPhone, I know you don't have it. But would you let me have your location or what? Or no, because then I'll see you at all your Sanchez houses. I'm looking through my flip phone, and I don't think I have that feature. No. Right now, I'm looking. I know. I'm saying, if you had it, would you let me have your location or what? Sure. Most of the time, I forget myself from places, so. So that's what I'm saying. I'm going to pull up to the Sanchez house anyway. [LAUGHTER] Am I going to take it? Not that I need it. All right, well, appreciate you guys opening up by your toxicity. Listen, I'm not proud of it, and I share that with you just because, hopefully, if you are acting that way, or you're with somebody that's acting that way, just know that that's not good. It's not healthy. And all my love and respect to my first girl from me, because [INAUDIBLE] Yeah, I learned to grow up. And I'm very grateful for that relationship. She was a great woman, very loyal, all the above. And it just sucks that I ended up training her that way. I wish I would have just ended things and not kept the dragging for that year, which is even more toxic. Does that make sense? Yeah, but I feel like it needed to happen for her, for you. All this stuff that we go through, it needs to happen in order to learn. Yeah, because she ended up with a white dude. Hella just let her do whatever the hell she wants. They smell like sunblock. White people? In general? I love the sunblock, actually. I actually have a sunscreen candle. It smells so good. Sunscreen candle? Yeah. That's what your boy's ex-house smells like. [LAUGHTER] It's so pleasant. I love y'all. Oh, my god. [GUNSHOT] One, two, one, go. Hola. Thank you for listening to my dad at Shabbos Show. Wha? [NON-ENGLISH SINGING] Hey, there. I'm your host and channeler and medium, bringing you over 30 years of experience to put out a mystical podcast. I've dedicated my life to uncovering a treasure trove of tools and techniques, and I can't wait to share them with you. Join me on this incredible journey, where will dive deep into spirituality, astrology, channeling fitness, the divine feminine, numerology, and various spiritual modalities. And each week, you'll receive invaluable insights and interviews that are going to bring you closer to that version of yourself that you want to achieve. Expect captivating interviews with experts. Deep dives into metaphysical concepts and practical advice to ignite your creativity and boost your personal growth. I'm your host, Alita Mago. I'm Porta Thalmystico, podcast. Listen to Porta Thalmystico on Pandora App, Apple Podcast, Spotify, or your favorite platform.