Canucks Central

The Open: Free Agency Priority List

Dan and Sat get into The Open and discuss who of the pending free agents is most likely to remain a Canuck and at what price tag it will take to do so. Also, they get into some potential trade targets this summer and who the Canucks could be interested in attaining.

Broadcast on:
29 May 2024
Audio Format:

Dan and Sat get into The Open and discuss who of the pending free agents is most likely to remain a Canuck and at what price tag it will take to do so. Also, they get into some potential trade targets this summer and who the Canucks could be interested in attaining. 

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Media Inc. or any affiliate.

Kynoch's Central Wednesday. It's Dan Richeaux, Satyar Shah, here in the Kintech Studio. Kintech Canada's favorite orthotics provider, powered by thousands of five-star Google reviews. Sorvite, what are you waiting for? Kynoch Central is for Enzyme Pacific. Vancouver's premier Chrysler, Dodge Ram, and Jeep Superstore on Second Avenue between Canby and Maine, or at Enzyme Pacific It was a while ago now that we chirped Josh Elliott-Wolf for being late to a break leading into our show. I got to say, message received. You know, guy learning from his mistakes, taking accountability. I didn't look exactly, but the show started bang on four o'clock today. It was exactly four o'clock. I was so happy. You timed it out perfectly. Yeah, super on purpose. Man hit the post. See, you know how we talk about developmental systems? Yes. You know, we have a good one here at sports in the 650. Holding each other accountable. And let me see, Zach is one of our new employees. And it's like, you know, that's your, well, don't do everything, Josh. Okay, but some of the things don't break your wrist. Yeah, don't break your wrist. Yes. Especially with just when the playoffs begin. Yeah. You know, that's right. We can't call them interns, Zach anymore. It's gotta be a, it's just Zach. Yeah, employees, Zach, producer Zach is now, is now the way it goes. All right, that's enough stuff that you don't care about here on Kynoch Central. So let's get to the open. Welcome to the open. That's your home. Are you too good for your home? Answer me. You know, you just said nobody cares about Zach and Josh. I, I've meant like the entirety of what we spoke about for the first 90 seconds of the show. All right. It's not what I meant. That's how it came off. I, I just, you know, do people care about the internal workings of sports net 650? Like that's a little thing that a host does, you know, hit the post, be right on time. And you're like, yeah, big fist pump. It's like, I don't know. If you like, I don't know, I've, I've not had another job in a very long time. So I don't have many reference walking in on time. I got in right off for today. I don't know. If you do a break job in a, in a record amount of time at that local mechanic shop, you're like, yeah, man, I crushed that today. The little things in life, right? Got to, got to celebrate your little wins. Uh, all right. Enough of that. Uh, Canucks are getting up to a lot of things. And, uh, we know it's the off season and full swing right now. A lot of news starting to trickle out as to what they are doing. And Elliot Friedman, amongst many things said the Canucks are working on a lot. He had some thoughts on Mike, yo, which we'll get to in a little bit in the Canucks central roundup. But the big news bite, Canucks and Myers continuing to talk and it appears as though there will be a, a, an agreement to come down the line. What are you hearing on Tyler Myers? Well, I do think obviously there is huge interest by both sides. And we heard JP Barry, his agent would Donnie Dolly mention that clearly he wants to be back. And I know it's been mentioned that something in the low threes, two, three years is that something that could work for both sides potentially as much as there is clearly a want and desire. There isn't anything imminent as far as when I checked in today. And one thing I kind of wonder about is how much of this is the legwork. And now you kind of know what it's going to take. It's more about do you have other things you're trying to sort through before you finalize something like Tyler Myers. Yeah, like the Myers thing makes a lot of sense. You know, the Canucks only have as of right now, Quinn Hughes and Carson Susie and Noah Juleson under contract for next season of the defenseman that were a big part of the roster this year. Beyond that, you know, guys need new deals. We're only under control, but needs a new deal. And Cole needs a new deal. Tyler Myers needs a new deal. Nikita Zadorov needs a new deal. So you kind of want to get some things sorted. But also Myers is the one that isn't really like like he's had his big day in free agency. The Canucks gave him his big free agency contract. It's more, you know, I like it here and I want to keep playing here. Canucks have liked what he's provided. Can they find a happy medium there? But at the same time, maybe some bigger things on the horizon for the Vancouver Canucks like they are as being reported up to a lot of things. But there's kind of got to be a pecking order and how you get those things done. I still based on how active this for an office has been, I spoke to somebody who was, you know, not with this organization, mentioned how they keep hearing Vancouver being in on everything. And not in so far as they're in actually trying to acquire every single player out there, but they're involved to understand who else has evolved. What's the price? What's going on here? Who's this player? And because that informs other things, right? So they're a very active front office. Like, and I think sometimes when we hear them associated with names, it could just simply be them doing their due diligence. And they're that active in terms of checking in on pretty much anything that's of substance that is available. But I do think there are things that they're trying to do and accomplish. And there is still a world as of today that if you accomplish some things and you add a couple players, is there all of a sudden room for Myers? Yeah. And is that a guy you want to lock in today before you explore everything else out there? And I think that's the one thing on Myers still that hasn't yet been quite determined. Now, hey, maybe in a couple of days, they get a better sense. And they kind of want to get this done and it gets done. And everything I've heard is they're constantly talking to their free agents. They're constantly working on things. So they're very much active on it. But like, I'm not expecting a deal to come down today. Maybe not even tomorrow. But it's really interesting, though, that the stuff about trades, like, it's all real. Like, they're very active on that front. And they have a clear desire to add a big piece. And we know, we know who they're trying to add a big piece of play alongside. Yeah. You're trying to find a top six forward to play with Elias Patterson, right? Top six winger. You're looking to add a winger that can compliment Elias Patterson so that you don't go into the playoffs and have Patrick Levine at the end of the season being like, yeah, you'll make it. Okay. I shouldn't have been playing in that spot. You know, that's essentially what they're trying to accomplish amongst other things. So, you know, the Myers thing, yeah, I get it. And you don't want to pay too much for Myers. He's probably still worth $4 million on the on the on the open market. If he wanted to just go out and get what's absolutely the maximum of what is available to him, but does he want to do that? That's another question, but the Canucks also have some other things that they've got to do. And, you know, I think primarily, like your two biggest things is, yeah, finding a top six forward and figuring out if there is going to be a long term extension here for Philopronic. That to me is the two biggest priorities. They are. I mean, if you go look at it, it's those two and nothing Lindholm is somewhere in that too, because there's a clear desire by Vancouver to keep them. Yeah. And the other thing too is especially now Myers, you made a great point. His situation is a bit different, because he's not angling necessarily for free agencies. He's not necessarily angling for this big payday. He wants what's fair, but he wants to stay. Yeah. You know, he wants something fair that he can be happy about, but he clearly wants to be here and is not worried about trying to get this big contract before you retire. Yeah, he's not taking $2 million a year to those Canucks fans that are that are hoping that might be the case. I mean, that's he's still worth more than that on the open market, especially with the season he just did. Hey, it comes down to your worth. Yeah. And no matter what you may think, you're not going to go significantly below your worth for anyone. There's two free agent right-shot defense when that had more points than Myers this year. Yeah. So why would Dylan DeMello and Brandon Montour? Why would he take less than three? Like, it's disrespect even less than four, you can argue, it's like he's giving you a pretty big disc. Like, if he signs for 3.25 and you could have got, say, four times three and signs for 3.25 times three, well, he's giving you a discount worth about almost $2 million a total money. Yeah. That's a pretty significant discount. Yeah. So players aren't giving you like, you know, he's not signing for a league men. Like, he's not 39 and just like latching on to contenders taking $1 million. That's not where he's at yet in his career. Usually, we talk about discounts and we've kind of mentioned it's like maybe 5%, 10%. Like, he's giving you a 20% plus discount, right? And beyond that, it's just kind of like, it's not realistic. But trying to find somebody to play with Pedersen is still the big thing. So the thing about that is like, to me, that's not Lindholm. Or is it? Well, I mean, I guess, but I think Pedersen wants to play center. Yeah. Lindholm likes playing center. He likes playing center. Talking like having all three of those guys down the middle. Precisely. So there is a world where you can make that work. Now, that also means you can't keep certain other guys, right? Yeah. Again, it's the puzzle pieces. And that's why if we're talking about the connects right now sitting here with 25 million roughly 25 million in space to sign five players. And that's kind of roughly what they have for five spots. And that includes L-T-I-R for Tucker Pullman. It's a shade below 25, but let's just say that's 25. So let's say that there's a world where you feel like you can sign Lindholm. Let's just for argument's sake, say it's seven, right? And let's say that you feel like you can find a player for Pedersen. That's another seven. And let's say you feel like you can keep Phillip Roanick. Now, I'm saying you are 21. Yeah. You know what I mean? And then it's like, can you really keep Myers? Yeah. And I'm not saying you're not going to keep them, but and I'm not saying all these things are going to happen, but you can see how quickly that money goes. So are you committing to Myers today to take away some of your flexibility to do bigger things potentially, especially when you have bigger needs and bigger long-term issues you're trying to address? You'd like to have Myers back. Yes. But also, again, the whole story of the off season is like we're happy with where we are, but we still want to get better. And if there's other avenues for us to get better, then we're going to we're going to explore those. We have to explore those. The only thing you have to be careful of in these situations is relationship with the player through this. Now, there's no pressure point yet. Like we're talking about- You don't want to end up empty-handed, right? Exactly. Well, we saw that happen in the past here. Now, obviously, different regimes, these guys handle things differently. And I think the communication between the parties is really what's important here. But yeah. You don't want to be like Jonathan Marchus, so spilling out the beans to the Las Vegas review journal or whoever he was talking to yesterday at the world poker tour. Yeah, but we're not not the best thing. And as long as you're keeping communication like here's where we're at, we want to keep you in. This is something we're going to keep working on. Let's work through this or whatever it is. So as long as you do that, I think generally you're okay. But the last thing you want to do is string guys along, and then they feel like they're not wanted anymore or something. But if you play your cards right, no pressure point is hit yet. Neither party. Now, Myers is different. But the other guys, well, July 1 matters for Joshua, for Lindholm, who's had a lot of money on the table in the past. That's trying to recoup as much of it as possible. It may not be all of it, but he's still he's trying to claw back all he can on the potential earnings he may have missed out on over the past year. I feel like the ideas or maybe thoughts that maybe a $70 million, $72 million contract was out there for him might be overstated. But you know, there was 60 plus million on the table for him in Calgary, probably. Yeah, even if it was say 58. Yeah. Like how much of that can you truly get back, right? So I think that's a big thing for him to consider in Zadorov. I know Raymond and those are asking what are you guys hearing about Zadorov. It's kind of the same. It's kind of a holding pattern here. Like, I don't think the connects have come in with their best offer yet. And I don't think the say those camps have come down and said, hey, here's the real range we'll sign for. It's like, you hear a big number. And you heard Doyle wall today mentioned on Joshua that the Canucks are kind of the low twos. We know that's not going to get it done. They know that's not going to get it done. Exactly. So it's like, you're still early in the process. As you get closer to the draft and July 1st, now you have to make a decision. And I think that's when you'll start seeing some more movement on these guys and maybe you see something more realistic. But I think right now, if Zadorov's looking at six times six or that more, like it's not going to happen to Vancouver. No, like it's not going to happen to Vancouver. But if that conversation changes in a couple weeks, and there's a common ground found closer to free agency, then it could happen. But again, that's a bigger piece again in Myers. So I think those are the kind of puzzle pieces where maybe things picked up with Myers so they know to your point what it takes. This is what it's going to be. And we'll get back to you here soon on whether we do this or not. I'd be a little squeamish personally on going over 5 million even for Nikita Zadorov. But it's a conversation for a different day on Dakota Joshua. It's like, yeah, you love the player. And the other thing that happens as you get closer to July 1, the agents of these players, although they shouldn't be talking with other teams, they'll have a better sense of what type of contract could be out there for them on July 1. The notion that there isn't legwork done before is completely false. And yeah, it's not maybe overtampering. But people find answers to their questions. Now, the thing is, as much as you know the worth of your player, when you get to free agency is a free for all. And teams don't have time to wait. So it's like, yes, you may have a value, but you have to play your cards correctly. And you have to be willing to go pretty much anywhere at some point. Yeah. Because it's like, if you're looking for the max money, you have to be willing to go to Columbus, for instance, or be willing to go to a market that's not ideal if you're looking for that big payday, right? Because you never know what truly happens on July 1. So that's kind of the thing that's out of your control. But yeah, they'll know. They'll know what your what your earning potential is. Yeah, the range. And it's about you maximizing it once you get to July 1 and free agency. And when guys don't get that, they tend to fire their agents at the end of the summer when they're still looking for a job. Now, sometimes honestly, like it's it's it's about players too, right? Well, they'll be like, Hey, here's an offer from the city is like, I don't want to go there. Like, let's see if somebody else comes in and then the boat sails. Yeah. And then now that offers off the table and nobody else came around, right? Yeah, you're left of that a job and taking much less than you thought you were going to get. So a couple of things I still want to get to, but let's say Myers and heronica are back. Are you doing much else on the blue line? Like that's probably accounting for 10ish million dollars. No, I mean, I think you have to stop to do more. You have to add one more player. No matter what. You have to add a left shot likely. But the budget for that kind of becomes closer to the two million range. You're looking to sign a guy between a million to two million, most likely. Yeah. And then maybe you start looking at, well, do you bring coal back? And I'm not saying they're going to do it, but, you know, in terms of how they close the doors on all their free agents, can you find a coal type? And it's actually, it's such a freaky free agency, man, because they have a bevy or right hand defenseman, barely no lefty defense. Yeah. So like, if you start looking at the lefty options on the free agent market, like it's not long before you get to Ian Cole, and you're like, yeah, actually. Now, if you can find something via trade, sure, right? But like, he might be one of your best cheap options available to you. We could take back Ian Cole and, you know, have this be a thing for the year because he's, look, he was still good. He slowed down towards the playoffs, but still could do a job for you, especially in a third pair role. Can you manage his minutes more? Yeah. And I'm not saying you're going to sign him, but, and he's played well together too. Yeah, but to your point, if you're spending seven on him, three there, all of a sudden, like it's, you're not going to have a tiny money left over to spend big on another, another defenseman. Like it's going to have to be somebody three or less. Like it's not going to be able to be four or five million. And that's why it's hard to manage Zadorov making five plus. If you're trying to, or thinking about bringing back Myers, you don't want to spend too much on the left shot D because he would essentially be playing like a hybrid second, third pair type role. Well, can you sign Zadorov and Veronik? It's probably tough, right? Yeah. It becomes, because then the third guy you signed becomes even harder. Well, that's, that's why I think Dolly well said it a while ago. And we've talked about this too. Like if Zadorov was a right shot, he would have been signed already. A hundred percent. It would have been done. Yeah. But, but I think in terms of, again, why the best offers haven't been made to guys yet? Let's say with Zadorov, for instance, until you know what you're doing with Veronik, you can't offer Zadorov, the offer you may feel like you know what it takes and you're willing to do to get it done. Yeah, right? So it's like, you kind of have to wait to see how these things shake out. So it leads to more speculation. And I don't think we're out of stage yet. We're going to see a ton of deals. It's going to be fascinating when it happens. But I think as of now, we're still kind of in a holding pattern on the Canucks free agents. Wouldn't Chandler Stevenson be a cheaper option than Lindholm brings some more speed up front. I think Stevenson is probably looking to get six plus million. Well, that's the thing with Stevenson, right? You're talking about similar profiles at this stage, except for Stevenson's obviously faster. But the goal scoring, even though he's dried up for Lindholm, he is still a better goal scorer than Chandler Stevenson is. But yeah, he's looking at five, six years, five, six million plus. Yeah, he's not going to sign for anything cheaper than that. Yeah. Okay, I wanted to get to another little thing. We don't have a ton of time to expand on it. But Frank's Air Valley released his first trade targets list for the off season over at Daily Face Off. And I was looking through some of the interesting names. And I kind of, you put a name in there as well. I put a couple of names into some different categories, Sat. And maybe you tell me which category the Canucks, or seems most intriguing to you. First category is the post-type type, Arthur Kalya of Kambo Kaku and Morgan Frost. The second category, the cap dump type trade, John Gabrielle Pajoe with the New York Islanders, two years left at five million per. And the final one, the blockbuster trade Trevor Zegres out of Anaheim was very low on the trade target board, but still on the list going back to rumors through the season. Yeah, and that list is going to grow. And right now, it's not the best of the list. And if you're looking at guys that make sense for Vancouver, it's maybe two. I think if you squint and really try, you might come up with four of those guys, maybe five. But I think you're really trying to find a way to make it happen. So like, I get the Zegres idea. It's a it would be a blockbuster. I don't know if it makes sense ton for Vancouver with the assets you'd have to give up and probably what Anaheim's looking for. The post-type types, if they weren't a team that considers themselves in a contending window right now, maybe you're looking at the post type type, like they said they were early in their tenure. The only name off that list, I mean, I could see maybe Kaku being of interest to the front office. And even Arthur Kalyev, who's a guy like, we know they like guys that have a great shot, and you know, if you can get him to buy into playing more of a bottom six type role and can score a little bit further down your lineup, because he has that ability play on a second power play unit, like I can see the traits matching with some of what the front office likes. Well, let's say, for instance, the Canucks sign Lynn home and they can't, you know, find the winger they truly want for Patterson. Yeah. Like, would you take a flyer on a Kalyev type? Yeah, you know, and it's like, let's see what happens there. And those are the types of options, I think, I wouldn't mind, and it wouldn't cost a ton. Like, you're not talking about anything. I don't even know if it's going to be a second, honestly, like, because of our how things are going. Well, it's obvious he wants out too. Yeah, so it'd be hard for LA to recoup a lot. Yeah, so I think he's he's one. And the other one is Pajoe, because would the Islanders be willing to give you a second round pick to take that salary off their hands? So they moved Josh Bailey last year to Chicago, gave Chicago a second round pick with it, but it was one year at five million. Pajoe's still got two years left at five million, but still got a lot of hockey in them. Right shot can play third line center and be a penalty kill fixture for this team, which, you know, they lost one in Lynn home. So I can see how it might work, but it's it's still kind of rich for what the player is. Yeah, and it's kind of more of the, hey, to your point about even on the post hype thing, when you're looking to transition still, it may make sense. But that's the only thing when that intrigued me was like, you know what, he's still a good defensive player. You know, he's the right handed guy, wins face offs, good, really good in a match up role, good on the PK. I can give you a little bit of pop offensively, nothing crazy, but I wonder him in Garland. Yeah, I wouldn't be the two biggest guys, but I think they would be a very, you know, interesting duo and really good defensively and kind of hard to play against overall, despite not being the biggest players, but five million is pretty rich for that. Yeah. And when you're looking to maximize every dollar of your cap space, can you truly do that? Could it be a mikea for pajoe? Maybe like, I'm just spitball. No, if you, okay, I'm all game for that. Yeah, because then you're just moving the money out, but at the same time, the Islanders are looking for space. Yes. If they're looking to give up a draft pick, they're trying to get the cap space back, right? That's a more of a swap. And I'm not sure what the upside is for them. The Islanders made a under the radar trade with the Chicago Blackhawks last week, dropping in the draft to get an extra second round pick from Chicago, Chicago moved up to 18th overall in that trade. All right, Canucks, central round up. So Mike, yo, we had the news as it broke yesterday. What do you have a better sense of how this played out with Mike, yo, who, as you mentioned, and as you reported yesterday on the show and end on Twitter, the Canucks offered an extension, but it was not taken by Mike, yo. Yeah. And you know, I know it's been reported that that it was a one year offer, right? So it was on that today. Right. And he went from being an associate, like the associate head coach, like he was brought in to be the right-hand man with Boudreau. Boudreau brought him in. Yeah. And I mean, and considering, and he got an extension, you got the two year deal to and everything with, so he was here this past year based on that two year deal. This was even before the whole talk, I think it happened. And he decided to keep him on board or whatever. But his title was a bit higher. And I'm not sure he would have retained the same title. Now, I don't think they were giving him this massive raise on it. Now, I don't even think it was like a low ball offer necessarily, but it was a one year offer. Yeah. You know, and I think that kind of shows you that, hey, we're not looking for something long term, but we're willing to have you come back here. And he would have options to go elsewhere to maybe get a bit more term and be higher up on the pecking order. He knows Burube, he knows Dan Balsma. These are two new head coaches trying to fill out their staffs. He may probably be able to get something better going elsewhere than coming back to Vancouver for one year. So that's a little bit more on Mike Yo in the Canucks Central Roundup. Coming up, we're going to get to Kevin Woodley in goal magazine,, our goalie guru. He's got some thoughts on the Canucks off season priorities. And some of what we're seeing with the goalies in this final four of the Stanley Cup playoffs, maybe a missed opportunity reminded of us again with Stuart Skinner. All right, that's coming up next on Canucks Central.