The Howie Carr Radio Network

BANANA REPUBLIC: Callers weigh in... | 5.30.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Many of Howie's listeners have been with Trump for eight years now, and seeing attack after attack against the former president is too much. Howie takes calls on the matter for the whole hour.

Broadcast on:
30 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for The Howie Car Show. This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. It's a rigged trial at this disgrace. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. Our whole country is being rigged right now. This was done by the Biden administration in order to move to her. An opponent, a political opponent. And I think it's a just a disgrace. Who do you love? Howie Car. This was a rigged disgraceful trial that the real verdict is going to be November 5th by the people. And they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. Who's your captain? Howie Car. We didn't do anything wrong. I'm a very innocent man. It's okay. I'm fighting for our country. I'm fighting for our Constitution. And we'll keep fighting. We'll fight till the end and we'll win. Trump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. It was to a rally tonight by Donald Trump. Apparently there's no rallies immediately planned. It would be great if there were a rally tonight. So once says Alvin Bragg will be giving a press conference at 630 and yeah, his mouth will be moving. His lips will be moving. But it will be George Soros speaking. The deep state will be speaking. Biden will be giving an address tonight from the White House. I thought he was in Delaware. 844, 540, 242, 617, dark day in America today for sure. I can't stop crying. I'm 74 years old. I never thought I would live to see the day. What's going on in America after what I saw today? It's a disgrace. Oh, his website, the Trump website is back up. You can make a contribution now if you'd like to. It crashed because people were trying to get in to make contributions to them. People are angry. 70, 80, 100 million. Maybe more than 100 million people are just really angry about this. This is a guy who was framed in real time. You hear people go out. They get found guilty and they say, "I didn't do anything wrong," and you know what the evidence was. They were guilty. They have to say that. In this case, he didn't do anything. What did he do? What did he do? They didn't even put on his defense. The judge gave what at best were confused instructions to the jury. If there's any justice in this world, there will be a massive payback on November 5th. It is going to be up to the American people to make the ultimate decision. We've got to make sure that the election isn't decided in these rotten burrows in Philadelphia and Atlanta and Milwaukee and Detroit, et cetera, et cetera. Again, Nick D points it out. You can't say it enough. We still don't know what he was convicted of. The primary crime isn't a crime. The primary crime was falsifying books, but the statute of limitations had expired on those. 844-542-42. We're going to go straight to the top of the hour with this. Again, we were planning to have Dr. Matt to talk about veterinary things, but we have to go with this. We'll have him on next week, and our apologies to Dr. Matt for a screw. If we screw it up, it's scheduled. So you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Sue. Let me know the name, and I live in a Democrat town, but I'm an ultra-maga-maga. I just ordered my lawn signs, stickers, trumplags, and I am putting them out there, and I'm going to sit there with my 357. If anybody tries to mess with them. Have a great night. Thank you, Sue. Thank you. 844-5. That's the second congressional district of the state of Maine, which Trump has carried twice in 2016 and in 2020, and I think he'll carry it again in 2024. Jocko, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jocko. Hello, sir. I really don't know what to think about all this. I have considered myself the last holdout Democrat, and I feel like tomorrow I have to go to my mother's cemetery plot, and with my head held low, because she has made me swear way back when that I wouldn't hold Republicans. Oh, come on. You serious, Jocko, really? Yes. Oh, well, yes. Oh, you know what? And she was such an admirable, honorable person that, you know, I had to stick with it for all those years. She's been gone 19 years yesterday, and I stuck with it. I can't say that I voted Democrat all the time, but I didn't vote Republican out of respect for her. You know, she was one of those, you know, legacy Democrats, you know, her father or mother. Yeah, no, I know. I know. You know, there were a lot of reasons for voting Democrat back in those days. I mean, the Republicans in New England weren't very nice to Democrats if they, you know, went to the wrong church. And that was a long time ago, though. Now, this is of things have changed a lot, Jocko. I don't think your mother would hold it against you if you voted, if you voted for Donald J. Trump come November. Thanks for the call, Jocko. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. You there? Yeah, I'm here. I have, I'm spitting bullets angry right now because go back to the 1980s when Ferdinand Marcos. Do you remember Ferdinand Marcos? I sure do, and I remember his wife, Amaldo, with all the, Amaldo, with all the shoes. Yeah, it's a very attractive woman, I might add, but his political opponent, Benigno Aquino, was exiled. I don't know in what country, but when he stepped off the plane in Manila, and he hit the tarmac, there was either a police officer or someone in the military that put a gun to his temple and shot him on the ground. And that is essentially what our country has turned into. Now, my first wife, who I met in 1983, came from Haiti. They used to have Papa Doc and Baby Doc. Right. They had to taunt on McCoots, and we have the FBI, Tom. No, no kidding. And you know something? I went to Foxboro High School, graduated in '78, and I have these idiots. I repeat idiots that work for the Associated Press and other news agencies that think, Oh, no, this is fine. Oh, this is fine. Donald Trump is not above the law. You know, they need to get their heads out of their rear end and stop listening to NPR. Okay. This is not good for this country. No, it's not. You start jailing your political opponents. When you start jailing your political opponents, we have officially turned into a third world country. I don't disagree with anything you say, Tom. I appreciate the call. 844-500-4242, 844-500-4242. This is the kind of story you used to read in the paper. You know, like I said, you know, stuff, stuff happening, violence, the opposition candidate being jailed, the opposition candidate, the former president being run out of the country, his property seized, that kind of thing. And you'd say, you wouldn't even think that it could happen in the United States. You just would think, this is what a terrible place to live. And, you know, we're fortunate that it doesn't happen to us, but you never thought it would happen here. You know, it's like the old, the, the old mothers of invention song. It can't happen here. It can't happen here. And, you know, the refrain is, I'm telling you my dear that it can't happen here. Well, it's happening. It's happening. Have we heard a peep from the GOP leadership says 413? Yeah. Well, Speaker Johnson said this is a disgraceful. I think he's like he used the word disgraceful day for America. Mitch McConnell, you weren't expecting to hear anything from him, were you? 844 542 42. Dan, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Dan. Hey, Howie, who does the U for keeping your composure? I'm barely able to do it. You know, I think there's a lot of fingers up and over dumped buttons behind the scenes right now, you know. I got to say, Howie, they don't even pretending to be legitimate. No, we just had that, like, rate, that rate case finished up the rapeless rate case. Now we have a crime list crime cover up. Right. I mean, we, we shocked if that comes in. It's in New York, too. It's New York. You know, this is a, it's, they've stopped it in Georgia. They've stopped it in Florida. They've stopped it in DC, but it's going on in New York. This is his hometown, by the way. Yeah. And these other places are like, Oh, God, we can't make it. You know, we got to at least let it be a split decision. You know, it can't be guilty on all charges. Come on. Right. Nope. 34 right in a row. It's total shamelessness. You know, they don't even try to hide the corruption of it. The judge comes out and says you don't need, you know, you don't have to be unanimous anymore. For a criminal case in the middle of the criminal case. Are you joking? Right. And that's, you know, by the way, you can't, you can't put your defense witnesses on the stand. Oh, yeah. That's right. Don't put your hands in front of your face and you're guilty of defending yourself. You know, this is like firing on Ford's sumpter. Don't you think, Kelly? I don't know that it's that bad, but it's, it's really, but it's, it's just really bad. I mean, we have to, we have to put it into this on November. It's just they've got to, you know, I would, if it were a fair election, I'd have no doubts how it's going to turn out, but it's just they've got the Republicans have to be prepared for what they're going to do. This is just, they will, they will, they've shown today, yet again, that they will do absolutely anything to, to retain control. And the thing is, it's not like they're, they're, they want to retain control to, to make things better. They, they have done nothing since January 20th, 2021, except make things worse. Have they improved any facet of American life at home, at abroad, economically, socially, anything? Have they done anything positive? No, they haven't. Thanks for the call, Dan. 844-542-42, a Maui car. Want more from the Howie Car Show? Yes, always. Watch Howie Live at Howie Car Show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's Howie Car. That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. ♪♪♪ He's Howie Car, and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop it and trude it from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. Learn more at That's,, Taylor, what's the, what's the new poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's new poll question, which you can vote in at, is, is today's guilty verdict for President Trump a positive or a negative for his campaign, positive, negative or neutral? Positive. Seventy-nine percent say positive, eleven percent say negative, ten percent say neutral. Well, he got you to make a contribution. One hundred, and I covered the fees. And Emma, Emma made a contribution. Emma made a contribution as well. Matt hasn't made a contribution yet. We were, that was Emma chuckling in the background. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two. Matt still voted for DeSantis. Nine, seven, eight. I think the mirrors were scared to do the right thing. I couldn't agree with you more, nine, seven, eight. Five, oh wait, I just bought my bumper stickers and made a contribution. Six, oh three, there are two lawyers on that jury. They should be this bar. That's from Lynn from New Hampshire. But Lynn, here's the thing. Did you just, also, in another, in another related development today, Jenna Alice, one of the lawyers. She was suspended from the practice of law today, from, in Colorado, where she lives for three years, three years. For the crime of being Donald Trump's lawyer is what it boils down to. What's that guy's name? Eastman. He gave, he's been disbarred forever for being Trump's lawyer. I mean, Trump, Trump's had problems getting lawyers for these high profile cases because lawyers, some lawyers wanted to take the case, very good lawyers. But they were told that they would have to leave their law firm. They would be fired if they, if they worked for Trump. You know, these, these lawyers are going to be toasted. They're going to be the toast of the town for a while. There was a guy at the, where I live in, in Florida. His father was the judge who sentenced the Rosenbergs to death and the, in the atomic secret spy case. And he, his, his father, it seemed like a good decision at the time. I don't think it was a bad decision myself, but he was reviled forever and this guy would walk around like, I don't know, 40 years later. And he would have the clip from a, from the New York Times saying, the New York Times said my father did the right thing. He would take it out. It was all yellow. He was always defending himself. They, these people that did this, they're going to have to defend themselves long term. They may be the, they may have to buy around tonight or for the next few months, but they're going to have to answer for what they did. This was a, this was a frame up. This was a railroad job. Mr. Garcia, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Yeah. I want to ask you a question. I have a card. If, um, the judge would compromise her daughter work with biting ministry, uh, campaign. Right. And he was a Biden contributor. He was, I guess he was, uh, you know, reprimanded by the, uh, by the judicial association for making partisan contributions. Why, why the judge system say, hey, listen, you cannot serve you already compromised with five and one. Yeah. How about the word, how about the word recuse? Mr. Garcia, you know, that means, that means, well, I'm, I'm kind, like you say, compromise. So I'm not going to take this case because I, I can't be in a neutral or a fair arbiter in this case. He didn't give a bleep. He was there to, he was there to, to, uh, to railroad Trump. Why, why any judge say you cannot serve this case? Why, any judge say, no, you cannot do that because New York is rotten from top to bottom. Politically, Mr. Garcia, you know that it is, you know, New York has gotten so bad. It makes Newark, New Jersey look like, uh, an outpost of good government. Yeah, right. I know how laughable is that. But I think there's an element of truth to it at this point. Thanks for the call, Mr. Garcia. Pete, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Pete. Yeah. Hi, Howie. Thanks for taking my call. Sure. It's a sad day in America as far as the justice system. And we all know for a long time that justice system is beyond even broken. It's not even repairable at this point. Uh, the other, there's another story here to also considering, uh, looking at, uh, the, uh, zealot leftists that want to take out Clarence Thomas and, uh, Justice Alito. And the reason why is because they want to replace some of the soils, uh, uh, invested hacks. That's what their app asked. The other thing, Howie, is, is I just wish the hell that, that these idiots would, that these, uh, the judicial process, they would go after the fighting crime family. The same rabbit zealousness that they've used to go against Donald Trump. Yeah. We'll see how it plays out next week when his, uh, gun trial starts in Wilmington, Delaware. I'm, I'm not terribly confident. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-978. I think this administration has some creepy ass dirt on this judge. I don't think, he's just a hack. He's, he's, he's in on it. He thinks this is his, uh, ticket to paradise. You know, I don't, sometimes they have stuff on people. I don't think this guy's one of them. He's just, he's just, he's just a sleazy clubhouse hack. I wonder if he even owns his, his apartment that he lives in in New York City. I mean, the fact that he thought that Mar-a-Lago was worth 18 million makes me wonder. 617 made the mistake of turning to the weather at 615 on Channel 5. And unfortunately, David Mira preempted the news. That's the, uh, the, the, the anchor of ABC News. ABC News is the furthest left of any of the network stations. And that's, that's saying something. They didn't even mention the, uh, the Gaza peer, the Biden peer falling apart here in the first storm in the Mediterranean. He used the word convicted felon 12 times in 20 minutes. Then of course he brings in the correspondent covering the trial for ABC, Rachel Scott. She used it again, probably a half dozen times. They say Trump will lose 20% of his votes as they, they will reconsider according to their poll. Should I believe that? Well, let me ask you this 617. Do you know anybody who's going to reconsider? I don't, I don't, I don't know anyone who was on the fence and everybody's figured out what's, what's going on here. And they're, they're trying to railroad this guy. They're trying to frame him. Whatever, whatever phrase you want to use, kangaroo court, show trial, star chamber, all of them apply. In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls. 844 542 42 Elena, you're next with how we car go ahead Elena. Hey, how we today, I'll tell you it was a shameful, sad, worrisome day for our country brings tears to my eyes to think about it. It was heart wrenching. But I'll tell you, I wouldn't put it past those sorrows act people that they didn't pay every one of those shares a million bucks if they voted the way they were told. Everything else has fallen into place, you know, just exactly the way they wanted. But the worst, the thing I need to share is there's something that's keeping me up at night and I need to, I need to talk it through with somebody. And that is, we know they mirror their, their evilness by accusations toward Trump and all of the. Projections projections. They accuse us of what they're doing. Yes. Exactly. And so the thing that's keeping me up at night is what happens come November when he does win. And in January, they refuse to turn the White House over. Are we prepared for that? Is the RNC prepared for that? Are the American people? We've got a plan in place because I know. Yeah, no, I know you're right. I mean, but I, you know, in the case of De Niro saying he'll never leave. I mean, we know he would leave. I mean, I think that's just sort of paranoia, even beyond their realm. I don't, I think they would leave. But, you know, I mean, you can't put anything past them. You're right, Elaine. I mean, it's, but you can't worry. You can't, there's certain things you can't worry about that are beyond our control. Some things you have to take one day at a time. We just got to get through this, this election process. We just got to work at this, make sure that we're out there every day. We got to get the votes out there. And we got to stop the fraud. That's the big thing is stopping the fraud. If it's a fair election, Trump wins. Look at the, look at the, he was edged supposedly in these states on the backs of an 85, 80, 90% turnout against him in the black community, sometimes a little less than that in the Hispanic communities. Now he's lost 20, 25 points. Even in the younger demographics, he's down. I heard one today. Let's give you one to cheer you up. This is from CNN. I'll just play this one to cheer you up a little bit. Cut eight. Take a look here. Age 18 to 24. Biden won this group by 32 points last cycle over Donald Trump. Look at where the polling is now. Joe Biden still leads, but just by seven points. That is a drop, John. Let's see if I can do this, man. I believe it is a drop of 25 percentage points and compare that to the rest of the electorate where we're looking at a fairly similar race to where we were four years ago, where Joe Biden won those voters by two points last time around. Now Donald Trump leads by two. So that's a movement of four points, but four points. I don't need to tell you, John is significantly less than movement of 25 points among those voters under the age of 25. Now, how does this kangaroo court verdict change any of those people? They care about their pocketbooks, their wallets. A lot of them would like to buy a house. They can't buy a house. A lot of them would like to have a new car. As Larry Summers said, the cars are much more expensive now because of the interest rates. A lot of them run up big credit card bills. Guess what? It's costing a lot more to service the credit card debt because of the interest rates. Is this nonsense going to make their lives any better? No, it's not. And those of us who follow politics who know how bad the Democrats are, who remember how beneficial his presidency was to our lives in so many ways, his administration, we are going to double down now, I think. I hope 844-542-42. And I don't see anybody losing the steam for them. Not on the text line anyway. You can text me at 617-213-1066-617-213-1066. 774. Rush used to remind us that the Dems never need their minions, need to tell their minions what needs to be done. They already know the agenda. Yeah, I don't think they had to. And you know, they're talking about bribing the jurors. I mean, the jurors knew that their lives were over if they voted to acquit them. They were dealing with a mob here. A media mob, a Democrat mob, a DEI mob, an ESG mob, a woke mob. And these are people that are not bound by American tradition. They're not bound by religion. They're not worried about an afterlife. It's just about power. Those are dangerous people. 844-542-42. John, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, John. Hey, Howie, everything you said was right. And not only has Biden and everyone you mentioned, the biggest threat to democracy and everything that accuse us and Trump of their actually doing. Not only has he ruined the country, but he has us, I believe, as divided as 1860 may be worse because the differences is we absolutely unequivocally, we hate each other and there's no coming back from it at all. And we think Trump is going to win. We're going to rig it again, which is a big problem. But everything they have the threat, Biden is the genuine threat to democracy. And Howie, they're doing it right in our faces. Right in the camera, they're looking in the camera right to us. They don't care. These are incredibly dangerous people. Of course, I think in person has no faith in the justice system in this country. Of course, I don't believe that the appeal system is going to work. I don't believe any of it. And I have always been with Trump. I will vote for Trump if he's behind bars. I will contribute to his campaign. There's no question about it. We're sitting on a politics because of Biden in Obama. Yeah, I know it. Again, this is the projection. Let me read you this thing from their statement. The last sentence. A second Trump term means chaos ripping away Americans freedoms and fomenting political violence and the American people will reject it this November. What have they done? That's exactly what they've done. And they're accusing us. Thanks for the call, John. 844-542-4242-978. I'll walk through broken glass to vote for him now. 508. We are now in Banana Republic status, just like Brazil, although they reelected a convicted president. Yeah, I think there was a lot of shenanigans, shall we say, in that election in Brazil. Let's see here. Andrew, you're next with how we are. Go ahead, Andrew. Hey, how are you still a bit of my fun? I think the bit about projection is dead on. I am just as outraged as anybody else that this happened. But in all honesty, how are you? I'm not remotely surprised. I fully expected this. But here's the thing, how if you go back to 2020, there was every reason to expect, considering all the stuff they had done up to that point then, that they were not. That they were not going to let this man back in office because there was too much that they should be held account for. And if they weren't going to give it up, then they're sure as hell not going to give it up now. So I was not surprised by this. But if you go back to Robert De Niro there the other day when he's talking about Trump will not give up power this and that, like you said, he's projecting. Watching this, do you seriously believe that this is what these people, the lengths they will go to to avoid giving up power? They cannot bear the thought of surrendering power and authority over American lives to the American people. And this is a sample of what they're willing to do to hold on to that power. And every time they tell you the words a threat to the democracy, what they actually mean is a threat to our power and our control. And like you said, those are very dangerous people. And if they didn't stop up until now, how are they not going to stop going forward? And they need to be held. I come back to John Adams words. He said this Constitution is for a religious and a moral people and the one else. Are the Democrats are religious and a moral people? I mean, you know, I'm not, I'm not the most religious moral person in the world. But I think I'm a little more, I think I'm a little less irreligious and immoral than most of the Democrats that are in power, shall we say, eight, four, four, five hundred. I'll get, I'll get that exact quote during the break from John Adams because I think that sums it up. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two yet. Do we have a, do we have to have Bragg, we'll have, we'll take a little bit of Bragg before you go to the break if he's going to say anything. This is going to be the President of the United States. Let's listen to him. This is going to be bad. No man is above the law. That's my prediction, though he's going to say. Have another slice of pizza, Alvin. Good evening. First and foremost, I want to thank the jury for its service. Yeah, thanks a lot. jurors perform a fundamental civic duty. Their service is literally the cornerstone of our judicial system. We should all be thankful for the careful attention that this jury paid to the evidence and the law. And their time and commitment over these past several weeks. Twelve everyday New Yorkers and of course our alternates heard testimony from 22 witnesses, including former and current employees of the defendant. felons, porn stars, people who owe them hundreds of thousands of dollars records and court judgments. They reviewed call logs, text messages and emails that were recorded in violation of attorney-client privilege that he didn't say that he didn't know were issued. This type of white collar prosecution is core to what we do at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office. You sure don't do any blue collar prosecutions? In the 1930s, District Attorney Thomas Dewey ushered in. He's going to compare Trump Independent Professional to murder incorporated for now nearly 90 years dedicated professionals. Trump is going to have a press conference at 11 a.m. tomorrow. A major part of our practice during that nearly 90 years has been public integrity work. Oh my God. Including cases. We're going to take a break. I can't take this. There's only so much I can stomach. I'm sure you feel the same way. I'm how I car. The Howie Car Show. The Emperor of Hate. Howie Car is back. If you want to contribute Donald J. The statement by John Adams. Our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. Are these moral and religious people standing behind with bragging these weasels, these deep state weasels, standing behind them? This is from Washington's farewell address. Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in the courts of justice. Meaning who cares about taking an oath if you're just going to violate the oath. Look at all the people that testified before Congress. And let us caution, with caution, indulge the supposition the morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in the exclusion of religious principle. And that's what we have now at the highest levels of our society. The exclusion of religious principle. There is no morality. There is no ethics. It's ultimately all based on religion. And they don't have it. They are godless. 844-542-42. Martha, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Martha. Hi, Howie. You know, people talk about this persecution of Donald Trump, and I think it's actually a crucifixion. It's a crucifixion of a good and a great man. And they also hear people saying that what they're doing is election interference. I think it's worse than that. It's election sabotage. That's what I think. It's the same thing, I guess. But you know, he's a better man than his foes are, you know? That's true. Yeah. And you were absolutely right about when Bragg is speaking of a Bragg speaking. Those are George Source's words coming out of his mouth. And it's just so upsetting. I mean, we're all upset. You know, I'm thinking that what's going on is it's with the Soros and all this deep state. It's a big monster that has Western civilization by the throat. And I think I'm sure people all around the world are horrified by what happened today because they're their children and their grandchildren. I know. Ronald Reagan used to say if we lose America, where are we going to go? There is nowhere to go. This is it. This is at the last great hope of not just a Western civilization, but civilization in general of mankind in general. And they want to destroy it. 978, I had a lot more freedom before years of Trump, more freedom to buy whatever I wanted to go out to dinner with my family, whatever I wanted to not question if I really needed to put an item in my grocery cart, a lot more freedom. I want that freedom back. We all do. See you tomorrow at Aviva Trotteria in Hanover. I'm Howie Carr.