The Howie Carr Radio Network

THE VERDICT IS IN...but what is it?! | 5.30.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

The verdict in the Trump Manhattan trial is in, and Howie reacts to what he can as it comes live.

Broadcast on:
30 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. We have a good economy in most respects. How do the prices feel to you lately? High. They're monthly payments on their house, so they're monthly payments on their credit card. Don't show up in the Consumer Price Index. They're not counted as part of the cost of living. Rep! It's too damn high. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. As you've noted with respect to Judge Marchana, I mean, I am like now, you know, I have a man crush on him. Hey! Who's your captain? Howie Car. So Biden, we have a fighter. I'm going to wrap this chain around your head. Vision? It's La Crosse. Where the hell is it? Determination? Oh, I've done too many to count. And compassion. That fentanyl they took came during the last administration. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. 8-4-4-542-42. I just had some of the Barranos food during the break. It really is good. The meatballs were excellent. I love meatballs. And also the chicken wings and the boneless chicken. That looks great too. And by the way, they also have at all three locations. They have a full liquor license. I should have mentioned that before. Scarborough, Hallowell and Bath, Maine. That's the big one in Bath. That's their original one. But that's great. So you can get your gift certificates now. Click on store. And you can get a $50 gift certificate for just $25. It's a good deal. Not just for Maine. If you're going to be in Maine, pick one up. 8-4-4-542-442-844-542. You know, Grace does a woker joke every Thursday with Taylor as the Wizard of Woker joke. And he asked the questions of the audience. Is it woker? Is it joke? He makes up headlines. Some of them he doesn't make up. And it's really hard oftentimes to figure out whether that's what makes the contest. Is Taylor make it up? Or is it something that really did happen? But anyway, so Grace's today is just trying to experiment. She's put all the questions from Woker joke on the website. And you can see them and decide whether it's woker joke. Just take the quiz yourself, right Grace? Yeah, it's really fun. If you missed Woker joke and you want to try it, it's up there. It gives you the results at the end. And you can figure out how, if you can really beat the Wizard of Woke online. 8 questions. 8 questions. So you got to, you can have a little fun with it. So check it out at and click on store,, click on store. Jerry Rehere's testimony from Cohen and Pat Packer. It's starting to feel like Groundhog Day after two days. It's very upsetting that this is going on. But what are you going to do? We live right now in a third world country. And we've just got to get through this and we've got to get out of it. We've got to get back to the first world by getting Trump back in there and getting more important. Even more importantly than getting Trump back in there is getting these third world Democrat authoritarian totalitarians out of office. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, possible Trump remarks after court wraps for the day. I still, I still can't figure out why they can't get a good mic. I mean, I know I've been saying it for weeks now, but how tough is it to get a mic that's understandable in that area? Steve, you're next with Howie Car, Steve from Springfield. Go ahead, Steve. Hey, Howie, I was just wondering about something the other day, but this whole thing with 34 counts against Trump and conflicting jury instructions for each aspect of the case. Did the Democrats overcomplicate themselves to the point where the jurors aren't going to be able to agree unanimously on any of the charges? You know, again, and I'm not the reporters aren't unanimous on what the judge instructed the jury. So, I mean, that's even more confusing. But most of the people that I've heard from who were in the courtroom said that he told them they don't have to be unanimous as long as they get to 12. So, I mean, how crazy, how crazy is that? Yes. Yes. I mean, didn't you learn that in like the fourth grade? You know, you have to have a unanimous verdict at a criminal case, right? And it's got to, and it's got to, and it can't be the preponderance of doubt. It's got to be beyond a reasonable doubt, right? That's why you're innocent until proven guilty. What are you guilty until you're proven innocent? If you're Donald Trump, I mean, that was the standard they used for Mueller's investigation. Remember that? Well, we can't prove that he didn't do it. What do you mean you can't? You can never prove a negative. Again, that's something you learned pretty early in life. You know, how can you prove you didn't fly over the sun? You can't prove it, right? You can't prove anything you didn't do. That's why they have the state has to prove you did something to put you behind bars or find you or take something away from you. I know, I'm sorry to go off on a rant, but it just irritates me. You know, I never thought this was going to be, I never thought this would be on the table in my lifetime. You know, again, I understand no society lasts forever, but I just didn't think when I was a kid growing up, or even when I was an adult, since I've been an adult, I didn't think the whole country would fall apart. It is falling apart, though. Don't you think, Steve? Absolutely, but I think this case might blow up on him, and then Trump can just appeal it to the Supreme Court. I mean, there's so many reversible errors in here. It's ridiculous. Yeah, well, I think that's why I don't think he's really that concerned. But on the other hand, I mean, you know, a lot of people have pointed this out, but law fair is not about the law. It's about shaping public opinion. And that's what this is all about is to be able to say that he's a criminal. That's what they want to do. And, you know, maybe in the early stages, this would have worked. But it's, you know, he's such a well-known figure now, and everybody's lived with him, you know, every night in their living rooms or, you know, on their smartphones for eight years. And they know who he is, and they know this is BS. And most importantly, they know that if they can do this to a former president of the United States, they can do this to anybody, you know? And they are doing it to anybody. They're doing it to Steve Bannon. They're doing it to Peter Navarro. They bankrupted General Michael Flynn or close to it. They destroyed Carter Page's life. They've just put Papadopoulos in jail for ten days after they tried to frame him. I mean, Paxton is right. This is the Gestapo. This isn't just, you know, an angry talk show host that the FBI gave C4 to a gangster to kill him with. I take that personally. I admit it. But it's not just me. That's this guy Paxton's the attorney general of the state of Texas. And he says they're the Gestapo. They are the Gestapo. And, you know, the other thing, what are you going to do about crime? He had the best, he had the best response I've ever heard about that. The liberals always give you about crime, which is they're not running, they're not going after criminals. They're going after political opponents of the Democrat Party. That's so what do you need them for? 844-542-42. Just blow it up and start from the bottom up. And you've got to just start all over again. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dennis. Hi, Howie. You were speaking of McDonald's being considered luxury food. I meet regularly with a guy at McDonald's. And we get a coffee for our meeting. Each day, the denizens of the local homeless in camp, or encampment come in, sit down, don't order anything and charge their cell phones. Joe Biden would be happy about that, right? I mean, if you're not going to use it for your to do your homework, you might as well get something, something out of it. Good Lord. What a... Thanks for the call, Dennis. My brother likes to go there for breakfast. He walks to a McDonald's and he has a breakfast. He keeps telling me that the price has gone up. I think he stopped getting the hash brown. Now he just gets a cup of coffee and something else really cheap. 844-500-4242 Publius, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Publius. Yeah, Howie, like I explained to the screener, I'll turn that to get into the weeds on this. And it may be maddening that the jury, the instructions that this corrupt judge gave to the jury, they seem completely corrupt. But unfortunately, the way the wording and the law is written, they're not because the specific wording and the law is only that the jury needs to agree that whatever he did was in furtherance of, quote, another crime. That's what they need to be unanimous on, not what that crime was, but that they're all the animists that another crime was in furtherance of. And that's what's maddening is because it doesn't inform the defendant what he can defend again. So that's, you know, you have to talk to your legislators. That's really not a problem with the judge. So, yeah, I'm not sure I buy that totally, Publius. I mean, it's so it's like what you're saying is it's like an, what they call an ex parte proceeding where there's only one party represented. I mean, if you, if they could accuse you of a crime and you can't respond, I mean, isn't that a violation of what is it your, your sixth amendment, right? You have to be able to confront your accuser, right? If you don't know what the crime is, how can you confront your accuser? It's a due process of violation. It's fundamentally unfair. Unfortunately, the courts have not wound against it. And there's another example in federal law. Federal law can charge you with an attempt to commit a crime. I understand that. There's this whole thing about what I've been doing in the Angelo book. He's just ranting and raving for, you know, hours at a time about Rico. Racketeer influence corrupt organizations act. And that's what he's talking about. You know, that they, if they get you on one thing, they can just go back and get you on everything and they got 32 different counts they can get you on. This is like a, this is like a Rico statute, but it's, it's not like selling drugs or killing people or anything. This is a, this is a purported, a purported campaign finance violation upon which the statute of limitations had expired. And it was a misdemeanor on top of everything else. And now they've, now they've rebirthed it into a, into a felony. And it's, it's just ridiculous. It's, it's not going to stand long term, but again, it's not, it's not supposed to stand long term. It's supposed to stand for five months till the election. That's all it counts. And that's, and again, that's what's so infuriating about it is that they, they're, they're willing to overturn all of these constitutional limitations that have served us so well over the last 200 years. For, for, for their cheap political gain. So they can, and not, and that's like, it's not like they're doing good for the country. They're destroying the country. They want to continue destroying the country. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. The other crime was never identified or proven. So, again, this, I think it's the sixth amendment says you have the right to confront your accuser, right? I mean, this is real basic. Thanks for the call. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two experience the ultimate savings event with my pillows, twenty five dollar extravaganza. 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That's eight hundred, six, five, eight, forty nine, sixty five, or promo code howie. Elevate your comfort with the my pillow twenty five dollar extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code howie. I'm howie car. The howie car show will be right back. I'll be car is back. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two six one seven. The judge has said the jury must be an animus for any guilty verdict. What the hell is he talking about? Didn't he say something yesterday entirely different? Jury will dismiss be dismissed at four thirty today. Yeah, I mean again, this is another thing I've never seen before, which is, you know, when the judge makes his charge to the jury. You have different media outlets reporting what he said was totally at odds. I've never seen that before. And usually they go over these charges very, very carefully because that's often where a verdict gets tossed out. You know, and that's really embarrassing to a judge when they toss out a trial, especially one that's been high profile and has, you know, gone on for a long time and taken a lot of money and time. And it looks like he's just kind of winging it. I don't know if he's if he had to write it down, though, I guess, or if it doesn't matter if he wrote it down or not because it's being, you know, memorialized by the court reporter, but you would think that he wouldn't want to get it straight. And I just don't. I don't know. And I don't know. They're two lawyers on the on the jury, too. And, you know, I mean, I assume that they they asked them, how many, what's the, what does the vote have to be, you know, and can we can can we consider all the evidence with the evidence went in, you can consider it, right? That's why they always say, Your Honor, I would like that stricken from the record or I object to that question or the judge will instruct the jury to disregard the answer they just heard because it shouldn't have been asked. I mean, why are they asking if there's stuff on the record that they can consider or not? I don't understand that. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop it and truder from breaking down your door. The original Flip Lock is the answer. Learn more at That's F L I P L O K dot com F L I P L O K dot com. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is can money buy happiness? Yes, no, maybe not, but you still need it. Yes, it can buy happiness. I'm not going to, you know, pretend I'm a good person. Yes, it can buy happiness. Thirty three percent say yes, eleven percent say no, and fifty six percent say maybe not, but you still need it. You don't have to sign your name when you vote in the poll. You can vote the way you want to. Come on. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. John, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, John. Thank you, Howie. Howie, in each of these cases where there are juries involved, can't the juries if they don't like an instruction or direction by the court resort to jury nullification? Yeah, I mean, look at the OJ jury. The evidence was overwhelming. Yeah, they don't, I mean, it doesn't matter with the instructions or anything. The jury could do whatever the hell they please. Right, exactly. We can't get that result with Mershan, but there might be a way for them later, of course, later on when the court decision has appealed if the president is convicted. I think the only thing you could, I think the best you can hope for is that two or three of these people or hopefully more are going to just say this is ridiculous and just stop it and that they're going to go by the instructions. They received that the verdict has to be unanimous as opposed to, you know, a la carte. They say in the restaurant business. I never see an a la carte, the judge today gave the jury an a la carte. He suggested that they could get more with the full dinner, but they had the option of the a la carte. Oh, okay. That's great. Great. Glad to know that. Thanks for the call, John. 844-542-844-542. We will be right back. I've got illegal aliens in the news. Boy, if I get some illegal aliens in the news, bad news, all bad news. 44542-42, that is the toll-free number of the Howie Car Show and get your Barranos $50 gift card for just $25. It's a great wood fire pizzeria in Bath, Scarborough and Hallowell, Maine., click on store. I'm Howie Car. [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42, I'm just going to read you a few of these illegal aliens in the news stories here. The crazed cabby who tried to mow down NYC Jewish students has a troubling history. He's troubled. Asgar Alley, 58, a Pakistani immigrant. Actually, they don't say if he's illegal. Why? What is he doing in the cut? He came here 20 years ago and he starts getting into 2004, let's say 2004. He started getting into trouble in 2007. Why is he still here? Why is he still here? I'm going to kill all the Jews. He allegedly yelled as he tried to ram his ancient crown Vic into the students in the rabbis who were accompanying them at this Jewish school. Why is this guy in the United States? Oh, and they say, "Oh, he's not really a criminal. He's mentally ill." Were we just talking about that yesterday? That they always say that they're mentally ill now, especially if they're Muslims. They're always mentally ill. Maniac, the New York Post calls, and Willie's definitely a maniac, isn't he? Brazilian man indicted for visa fraud and perjury. I think this may be the guy who was arrested up in Ryan, New Hampshire, but it's in Boston. A Brazilian man residing in Malden was indicted yesterday for possessing and using it, fraudulently obtained visa to enter the United States and lying on his asylum application. This guy Antonio Jose, Diobrah, Vidal Field Hall. And I get compliments on the hyphen. You got about three hyphenes in there. He was convicted of killing 11 people. Mostly teenagers were murdered. There was a cop was killed down in one of these provinces in Brazil. And so the Brazilian military police officers rounded up the young people from the impoverished neighborhood where the killing took place, and they just lynched him, lynched him. And so he ran away, and he subsequently obtained various state driver's licenses, multiple social security card, travel documents and authorizations for employment. He applied for asylum. Asylum. He'd been convicted of 11 murders, and he was looking for asylum. Oh, by the way, in Brazil, he's been sentenced to 275 years and 11 months in prison. 275 years. I think we'll keep him up here for a while, maybe for 273 years. 844, 542, 42 Wisconsin, the illegal alien mom accused of letting illegal alien man rape her illegal alien daughter. She'd been arrested and charged in Fondelock, Fondelock, Lake County, Wisconsin, with trafficking her 12 year old daughter. She trafficked him to Juan Carlos Rocca Mejia. And I get compliments on the hyphen. A 30-wood. A 31-year-old illegal alien from Nicaragua who crossed the U.S. border in October of 2021. Oh, senior Biden wants me to come into the country and rape people? Oh, that's great. Sounds great. I'll vote Democrat for the rest of my life. Yeesh, 844, 542, 42, one more, and then I got more, but I'll just read you this one more. Providence, Rhode Island. You know what the headline is on this one, you can imagine. Providence man. Providence man admits to illegal acquisition of SNAP benefits. Now, if he's a Providence man, he's entitled to get food stamps if he needs them, right? It turns out, Providence man is not a Providence man. In the lead, a Dominican national unlawfully in the United States and living in Providence admitted to a federal judge today. He participated in a conspiracy. The defrauded the food stamp program. They call it SNAP now, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, of more than $213,000 in benefits. At the time of his arrest, the savage was illegally in possession of a firearm. Gio Mar Lopez, Morales, 41. And I get compliments on the hyphen. He conspired with others as part of a scheme that used stolen identities and social security numbers to submit fraudulent applications for food stamp benefits in the form of EBTs. Cards. Many of the ill-gotten government-funded benefit cards were either mailed to Lopez Morales' residence or to nearby addresses where he sold the cards to others for cash. From September 2021 to November of last year -- again, this is a total Biden operation. He came into the country when Biden got in. Fraudulent applications between September 2021 and November of last year to the Rhode Island Department of Human Services. They run the SNAP program with federal funds, resulted in approximately $213,397 in benefits being seized, being issued. A search of the savage's residence resulted in the seizure of a collection of EBT cards, a collection. I wonder how many were in the collection. Many of which were wrapped in a paper ledger listing the dollar amounts and pens on the cards. Agents also discovered a 9-millimeter pistol found wrapped in clothing in Lopez Morales' bedroom closet. Isn't that nice? This is your tax dollars at work. This is the fundamental transformation of America, according to Barack Obama and Joe Biden's dream, into a Third World Hellhole. Well, all illegal aliens come into the country and steal and go on welfare and live off the ever dwindling number of honest, law-abiding American taxpayers. 844-542-42. Rambo says they're only raping the 12-year-olds Americans, couldn't be bothered raping. All of their mothers have been reached for comment. They all issued one single statement. He's a good boy, a very good boy. Yes. Oh, they aren't they all, aren't they all. John, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, John. Hey, Howie. Yeah, John, from the tape. Yeah, two things. First of all, the judge in the Trump trial, he's the one who belongs in jail. Maybe you could share a cell with that lunatic Robert De Niro. Secondly, Howie, on another note, I was in Plymouth last week with my wife, and we went to the McDonald's. I haven't been in the McDonald's for about two years, and I was up there for a pre-appointment for a hospital test. So we went to the McDonald's, and she had a small chicken sandwich, small fries, and a drink. I had a quarter pounder that I finished in about 45 seconds, a large fry, and a drink. Howie, how much do you think we paid for that? 22 bucks? 22, yeah, I had friends that said 22, once at 18, 25. It's been, I'm bad that I could come that close to it. I spent too much time in McDonald's, even though I don't spend much time there, I guess. 31 dollars, Howie, 31 dollars. Oh, so I missed it. I missed it. You missed it. Yeah, you missed it, but I'll tell you what, this is my last time ever. They could give free whatever away in McDonald's. I'll never go to McDonald's again. Okay, thank you, thank you, John. A verdict has been reached. That's not a good sign, I don't think. A verdict reading moments away. So this looks to me like they've had the, you know, the mix and match, the a la carte verdict selection. I hope I'm wrong. I really hope I'm wrong, but I, you know, I tend to doubt it. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, Bruce from the Mets say it says calm down, you're going to have a stroke. I'm just reading the, I'm just reading the, I'm just reading the news of the day, Bruce. That's all it is. 844, 542, 40. Yeah, we'll break or we're going to break early here and then we'll get back so we don't hear it, so we don't miss the reading of the verdict. It may take a while though. You may have heard me talk about Raycon's every day earbuds before and thought, wait, the same audio quality I expect from the big guys, but at half the price sounds pretty good. But if you haven't pulled a trigger on a pair of Raycon yet, now is the time to check them out because they just launched their upgraded model of the best selling every day earbuds. With Raycon's upgraded every day earbuds, now you also get active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi-point connectivity that lets you pair two devices at once. They're available in a variety of vibrant new colors to complement any and all skin tones. I love mine in their nice blue case, but I love them even more in my years when I'm out walking Roscoe in the morning and in the evening and anytime in between. You can always listen to Raycons and not bother anybody else. You could, and the person who's sitting right beside you, whoever it is, they can have their own Raycon every day earbuds in and they're not going to be bothering you. I love the optimized gel tips for cozy custom fit, never have to worry about them falling out of your ears. The ergonomic earbud shape fits the widest range of ears and they're all kinds of customizable sound styles and awareness modes, including noise cancellation, quick charge function, multi-point connectivity, and they're weatherproof too, and/or sweat resistant. So you don't have to worry about a quick shower, you don't have to worry about working up a sweat when you're walking around and it's hot. Everything about the Raycon every day earbuds is fantastic and they cost about half the price of the other premium brands. Seriously, if you've been wanting to check out Raycons, there truly is no better time. You're going to ask yourself why you didn't check them out sooner. Raycon offers a 30-day happiness guarantee, so what are you waiting for? Go to today to get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right, you'll get 20% off and free shipping at, that's I'm Howie Car. Howie Car, we'll be right back. ♪♪ He's Howie Car. ♪♪ Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. The jury is still outside the courtroom, but they have a verdict and we should have it. We don't know if we'll have it before the break or not, but we'll let you know as soon as we get it, obviously. And, you know, whatever they can get them for, they don't care. I mean, this is not about, you know, whether it survives on appeal. This is just about having something to dust them up with and to point the finger at everybody and to depress all of us who work for a living and, you know, try to be law-abiding citizens and try to play by the rules. This is just to, it's a finger to us, a bleep you. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Oh, geez. I don't know. It's what Byron York said yesterday still applies. This represents the Democrats' only chance to try Trump to possibly convict them and perhaps even to imprison them. I don't think that's going to happen before the election in November. For the Democrats, the most salient fact, the only salient fact, in fact, is this. It is happening. It is getting done before the election, unlike all the other ones in Florida, Georgia, D.C., which is the most important consideration for Democrats who pray a Trump conviction could change the dynamics of a presidential race in which Trump currently leads. Byron, the other cases seem lost in Neverland. If you really want to bring down Trump, some anti-Trumpers believe, who cares if it's weak? Who cares if it's politically motivated? Trump is, quote, a criminal, unquote, who basically tried to destroy American democracy. That's a quote from George Conway, the former husband of Kellyanne Conway. And whatever they can get him for is fine with me. Whatever they can get him for is fine with me. Okay. That's what they're all about. This is not about democracy. It's not about due process. They're just trying to, this is what Clarence Thomas, 30 years ago, called the high-tech lynching only. They're not trying to lynch him. They're trying to lynch Trump. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hi, Howie. How are you? How's it going, Howie? Howie, the verdict's coming in. What do you think they're going to try and lynch Trump on us? Oh, I think that's what they're going to, I think. I hope I'm wrong, Tom, but I don't know. I would like to have been out a little longer. I would have had a little more confidence in someone standing up to him, but I don't know. We're going to lose a good man here. Well, I don't think we're going to lose him. But it's going to, you know, again, they're going to use this and try to gin it up and we're going to just have to see how it plays out. But, you know, everything else they've tried with him has just resulted in higher poll numbers for him. And I haven't heard anyone yet say, "Well, if he's found guilty, I guess I can't vote for him anymore. If he's found guilty, I guess I like Bidenomics. If he's found guilty, I guess I like giving all the money to Iran so they can build a nuclear bomb and telling Britain and France they shouldn't do anything to Iran because they want to build a nuclear weapons to wipe out the West." You know, I haven't heard anyone say that, that this is going to turn them around. 844-500-42-42. We'll just keep listening to waiting for the verdict to come back. For more than a year, it's been obvious that all of these cases represent a redundant effort against Trump. If one case follows, another might, if falters, another might succeed, and if one or two or three of the cases falter, the fourth one might still break through. And that's what's happened in Manhattan now. But they can't even explain what the crime was. They can't. What is the crime exactly here? And now they're saying, "Trump is just saying that. That's become one of their talking points." Well, then explain to me what the crime is, because it isn't. I mean, you just have this guy, Andrew Weisman, who tried to put him in jail for the Russian collusion hoax, which was a hoax. And then they realized there was a hoax very quickly and they said, "Well, we're going to run this operation as a cover-up to prevent it from getting out that the Clinton people and the FBI conspired to try to frame Donald Trump before the election during the transition and then when he became president." And so they haven't succeeded up till now. I don't think they're going to succeed this time. But again, we'll see. And I hope it's a hung jury at the very least. Jimmy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jimmy. Yeah, good afternoon, Howie. You know, as far with this case and any high-profile case of this type, if it ever should happen again, you know, Howie, really, who the hell would want to be on a jury and be voting, let's say to find Trump innocent, if it's the whole jury or one or two jurors? You know, you'll be vilified and excoriated for the rest of your days by a certain portion of the country. And it's easier to say, "Listen, I don't want to serve on a high-profile case." And the judge says, "I'll lock you up. Well, at least jail will come to an end. I don't have to have my life room for the rest of my life." So who's going to want to fulfill their civic duty for fear? Well, I know. I mean, the reporter for The New York Times yesterday was mentioning that. If one guy holds out, what would happen to him? And he said he didn't mean it to sound like a threat. But that's exactly what it sounded like to everybody. You know, he was saying that your life could be ruined if you're a holdout on this jury. And I don't know. I don't know what's happening. You know, they said that one guy was making eye contact with him and seemed to be, you know, sympathetic. And it is obviously bogus. And if these lawyers really care about any kind of oaths, they've taken to be officers of the court and uphold the law. I mean, the lawyers can't be signing off on this, but you have to suspect they probably are, unfortunately. We don't know. We can't speculate on whether it's, you know, guilty, not guilty or hung jury. But again, they didn't take very long to reach their conclusion, did they? Dave, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dave. Hey, Howie. Great show. Thanks. As always, I just wanted to say, the observation from my standpoint is you have the criminal conduct behavior of the Democrats all throughout the Trump administration. And I don't think we're a bad country after Trump administered his presidency of the United States after four years. So here's my point. If he's found guilty, it only infuriates me that much more to want to throw a million votes at the guy. Me too. Obviously, I can't do that, but I mean, I don't, I think the transparency of how ludicrous, not only the Democrats' behavior during his administration, but during this proceeding, just enrages me. It enrages all of us, but I think they want us to be full of impotent fury. They want us to realize that we're impotent to do anything about it, because we don't live in a republic anymore. Thanks for the call, Dave.