The Howie Carr Radio Network

Buying Happiness and Buying Big Macs | 5.30.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Can money buy happiness? What does Howie think? Tune in for the Captain's answer to the question and a conversation about fast food prices featuring Grace Curley.

Broadcast on:
30 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. How do the prices feel to you lately? High. They're monthly payments on their house, so they're monthly payments on their credit card. Don't show up in the Consumer Price Index. They're not counted as part of the cost of living. Rhett, it's too damn hot. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. As you've noted with the Inspector Judge Marjana, I mean, I am like now, you know, I feel like a man crush on him. Ha! Kayy! Who's your captain? HowieCar! So Biden, we have a fighter. I'm going to wrap this chain around your head. Vision? Hey, it's LaGrasse. Where the hell is it? Determination? Oh, I've done anyway. Too many to count. And compassion. That fentanyl they took came during the last administration. Rump swabs, hacks and moonbaits beware. It's... HowieCar. I have one number I want you to remember today. Sixty zillion! We haven't heard that number nearly enough today. I can't believe it hasn't been picked up by more people. Sixty zillion. That was the number that Joe Biden used yesterday. I thought it went from trillion to gazillion. I never heard... And then he puts on that fake accent, Ballomar. He doesn't say Ballomar. That's like old line. You know, I've heard people use that who had that accent. But he's not one of them. Don't put on a fake accent. That's one of the things that's really, really offensive. Just ask Hillary Clinton, you know? There's other people. It's like why people don't try to do Boston accents. People don't know what they're doing. They'll try to do Boston accents in movies. It just doesn't work. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. So it's the... Howdy Walsh! At least that's just kind of a put on, you know? Well, I mean, why bother? Why do that? So, the deliberations are continuing today. And I kind of think we're not going to get a verdict today. I hope not. I wrote a different column just for my own personal sake. I wanted to get the Hamas hippies of Hampshire column done before it got too old. But, you know, I don't think we're going to get a very... They just had a chiron on Fox and it said, Jerry told it can consider inconsistent statements made by witnesses. I mean, isn't that kind of a give? I mean, do you have to ask that question? I mean, that's what testimony is all about. You have to weigh who has more credibility and where the preponderance of evidence is when you make your decision whether guilt has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. And if every element of the crime has been proven, I don't know. And I, you know, CNN yesterday reported that Judge Juan Merkin said that they had to have a unanimous verdict. But then, you know, John Roberts reported, "No, that's not true." He said, "For it's like a buffet. It's like going to the donut shop on a Sunday morning. I'll just take a mixed here." And you don't even have to pick a crime that he's charged with. If you like Jay Walken, how about Jay Walken? How about cutting down a tree on a protected piece of property? You can get him for that. 844-542-413, that's zillion with a Z, howie. I know, I know. The inflation on these public works projects has increased dramatically over the last few years. Now it's not just that Davis Bacon, you know, wages, you have to use a union work on these jobs. It's gone up a lot faster than that. 844-542-428-444-542-442. So I want to play a couple of cuts from Larry Summers. You heard this. And we'll talk something as the afternoon wears on. I think we'll talk some about the economy because it is getting worse. You know, again, they're adjusting the numbers downward. Stop me if you've heard this one before. The GDP isn't quite as robustly increasing as they said it was. Just a month ago, oddly enough. Isn't that a strange coincidence? It's the GDP, the unemployment numbers. They never adjusted to make the Democrats look bad. I mean, they're never falsely reported to make the Democrats look bad. They're always adjusted later on, a month, two months, three months later, when no one is paying attention anymore. When it can be buried at the end of the next story saying about how great the numbers are. And then, of course, that number is corrected the next month when they have some more fake numbers that they push forward. You know, it's really something. I'm so old. I can remember when you could sort of trust, not all, but probably most government statistics that they weren't trying to cook the books on absolutely everything. But can you trust the Bureau of Labor Statistics? Hell no. You can't trust anything these people are saying. They go up before Congress and they lie. I can't remember. Oh, the investigation is continuing. I'd like to help you, but it's sources and methods. That was a random rogue incident. You can trust me. There's nothing like that going on. Across the agency as a whole, et cetera, et cetera. You can't believe anything, they say. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. I just changed my mind. I'm going to play the first cuts. This is from the Attorney General of the State of Texas, Ken Paxton. As you know, he beat a rap. They were pretty much framing him. Maybe not as much as their frames. They're framing Trump in Manhattan or trying to. But they were trying to basically railroad him out of office. So Ken Paxton survived. He's on with Steve Bannon, who's also being framed and could be going off to jail at any moment. Joining Peter Navarro, behind bars. Peter Navarro, the former advisor, economic advisor, to President Trump, a guy from Tufts, one of our local guys. And they're 74 years old and they arrested him at the airport. I live in a, I have a condo in Capitol Hill. I'll just walk around the corner to the FBI building on Pennsylvania Avenue. They picked him up at the airport in DC just so that they could humiliate him, just so they could put the cuffs on him. So this is Texas AG Ken Paxton talking about the FBI to Steve Bannon. Cut 12. Steve, I'm telling you, they are the Gestapo. We're in Venezuela. We might as well be in China. We might as well be in Germany during the 30s and 40s. It is corrupt. It is the Gestapo. They don't follow any laws anymore. And no one can stop them. And because of what happened to me, I know these other AGs are afraid to do anything anyway. So there's a lot of fear because like, what can you do? How do you stop them? And I think the exposure of this case with this judge is unredacting all this stuff. We've got to have more exposure. And then second, we've got to have a president will come in, bring in an attorney general that will take these guys out and make sure that the corruption is eliminated. And that we start over. You're right. What I heard you say, we need to start over because right now, you know, they were formed. The FBI was formed to go after organized crime. And the problem with that now is they are organized crime. They're paid for by taxpayer dollars. They have become organized crime. Anyone dispute that? And he says, I don't know if it's in this next cut, but he says that people say, well, what are you going to do about crime? And he responds, they're not in the business of fighting crime anymore. They're the Democrat Party secret police. They're persecuting. They're not prosecuting anybody. They're persecuting everybody. This guy, I just met, he published some of these old pulp books that I like. And I didn't realize he lived in the area. He came by today and he brought me by some books and some old magazines. One of them was FBI tales. And I said, oh, they got updated now. Instead of chasing around John Dillinger and various other bank robbers, like a pretty boy Floyd machine gun, Kelly, they'll be chasing around, you know, as parents going to school board meetings or anti-abortion people praying the rosary in front of the, in front of the, the abortion clinics or, or, or going to, I mean, going after anyone who steps out of line like Ken Paxton, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, President Trump, all these people. 844-542. Let's play that ad from, excuse me, the last cut from Paxton, cut 11. This is what happened to me three and a half years ago. I was actually, I got a referral from the Travis County District Attorney to investigate the FBI Department of Justice for Corruption, the violating state and federal law. I started that process only to find that the FBI knew about it before I did. They knew about the, the referral before I did and they were already in my office threatening people and scaring the heck out of all of them. And so that's how the whole coup in my office happened. It was over that issue because I told my staff we are investigating them. I don't care what they do to us. If we can't stand up to the FBI and the Department of Justice when they are committing crime and they are committing crime, if I could have finished this investigation, we would have found it and we would have at least exposed it even though we would have had to get authority to prosecute it. You know, they got to do something. I don't, if Trump gets in, it's really super, super important who he gets in as the Attorney General. And then the first day he's got to fire Christopher Ray and he's got to, that's also super, super important. You can't make a mistake like Jeff Sessions and Christopher Ray again. And I think Trump knows that. 781, do I need to remind you Trump appointed Christopher Ray? No, you don't need to remind me. I just, I beat you to it before you could even get the text up there. And he took it on the advice of Chris Christie. That's, that was his mistake. Don't, you know, it's not just enough who you, who you will point. You got to get, you got to get the good advice on who to appoint. And obviously he, he was going in as an office and that this is what happens. He won't be in office this next time if he gets in. 844, 542, 42, who was that? You just played. I just tuned in a moment ago. That's Ken Paxton, the Attorney General of the State of Texas. Paxton would be my pick for Trump's Attorney General, 617. Well, he certainly knows, he certainly knows what he's up against. Cash Patel knows too, I think. But he, he's the one I hear more often. Anyway, 844, 542, 442, 844, 542, 442. Spring is here and so is allergy season. The rain was good today because it did, did, did a lot of tip for the allergy. But it's still here. Which is why you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier 3 pack. Paul Rizzo, from Rizzo Insurance, just ordered another three with code Howey3. He uses them in both his home and his office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the Thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Hinchy has one in every room at the Nossett Beach Inn. Dr. Matta Vett swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. The Eden Pure 3 pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements and so much more, you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3 pack. It keeps Gracie under control of the cat for Taylor, right? Yeah, she does her business in the basement and you wouldn't know it because there's an Eden Pure Thunderstorm running down there 24/7. That's what you need. You need them for us to keep all the smells away. Back in stock now, order now at Use code HOWE3. That's the number three and get yours now. That's code HOWE3. I'm HOWE Car. The HOWE Car Show will be right back. The emperor of hate, HOWE Car, is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by flip lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original flip lock is the answer. They use them in the Revere Public Schools. Learn more at That's, Now, there's a story in the Wall Street Journal. I wanted to do something a little different today than the Trump trial. It was just a story. The pursuit of happiness may rest on your salary. More recent research suggests there may be no household income at which happiness peaks and that our money might influence our emotions well beyond the threshold of $75,000 or $100,000. It would be absolutely wrong to reduce the pursuit of happiness to the pursuit of money, which says a senior fellow at the Wharton School of Penn. At the same time, it would also be wrong to totally disregard money as a meaningful factor. Thank you, Captain Obvious, but it's -- I guess somebody's got to say it. Much of the current thinking on the debate can't be summed up in a single number, but rather in 10 words. Money buys happiness with diminishing returns and no magic number. Those are the 10 words. People with higher incomes tend to be happier day to day, and overall, numerous studies of Americans have found that. One nuances that money matters for happiness, but not enormously. For some people, money just matters more than it does for others. That's the guy from Penn again. Again, yes, that's -- again, that's true, professor. All right, so, Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Is poll question, which you can vote in at, is can money buy happiness? Yes, no, or maybe not, but you still need it. Yes, I'm going to say. 32% say yes, 13% no, and 55% say maybe not, but you still need it. Hello, I like money. This seemed like one of those questions you should have on the one hand, this on the other hand, that Randy Newman did a song along those lines. I won't get into it, but -- It's money that I love? Yes, yes. But, you know, you could look it up if you want to see that. He changed the lyrics. I know the lyrics were a little off the -- He made the female of legal age in the new version. 844-542-42. Catherine, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Catherine. There you go. How are you doing? Good. I just wanted to let you know I went to the grocery store the other day. Yes. I needed to pick up some shake and bake, which I've been using for forever. Since I was a little kid, my mom used it, and recently the packages, they got less and less of the packages. Right. Well, last night when I went to make dinner, they actually don't even include the shake or mag anymore. You know what, you haven't bought for a while, Catherine, they've been doing that for a while. Because we've had that in our -- let's go brand in segments before, yeah. They're definitely doing that. Did you see all the stop-and-chops are closing, or a lot of them are closing, being closed across New England now? Yep. They just can't compete because the prices are so high, people are driving a little further to go to market basket or somewhere else. You know, and it's just another -- and a lot of people on the message boards about all these stop-and-chops being closed, not all, but a lot of them, are just saying, you know, they can't afford to go to a place except the least expensive one anymore. That's how bad it's gotten. Yep. I'm a good shopper. I try to go to all of the places, and, you know, I know the prices typically. I always stopped at Shaw's, and then I ended up getting more stuff at stop-and-chop, but now I guess I'm going to market basket. You won't regret it, Catherine. You know, I never had one in my area. When they opened one in Waltham, I mean, it's huge because it drew from such a large spectrum of Metro West all along 128. It's just -- I'm so happy to be a market basket shopper now. It's -- I don't know why anybody goes anywhere different. Somebody said, on the message board, said, "I live a quarter of a mile from stop-and-chop, but I drive 20 minutes to go to a market basket." Here are a lot of people like that. I'm Howie Carr. ♪♪ Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. I'm having another one of these moments as I look at a headline in the Boston Herald, and I'm going, "Oh?" And it's like I'm supposed to know who this -- this isn't supposed to be a big deal. Let me read it to you. Vanessa Welch, after going viral for a parent fly video, says goodbye to Boston 25. I have accepted a new opportunity. Grace, who is Vanessa Welch? Oh, I don't -- it says, "Vanessa Welch, if we're going by our for a parent fly video, Boston TV News anchor appears to you." I mean, you know, like, you know, that she's some kind of, you know, kind of x-rated video or fly. No, she swallowed a fly live on the air. Oh. And I think it was recent, so she got -- she got swooped up from the fly view? But then you ever heard -- the question is -- the other question is, have you ever heard of this woman? No, I have not. But I don't watch a lot of local news. No, I don't either. I mean, who does? I see a lot of headlines. I see all these headlines. Someone is leaving after 10 years, and then they have these, you know, these people go, "Oh, no, Jack, you're not leaving, are you?" I'm going, "Who the hell is Jack?" Do you think? Just to go back to the fly. I don't even see it in there. I looked at the thing that supposedly she swallowed a fly. I don't see it. I wonder if that's what led to the new opportunity, because if that's the case, how we -- Which she had me swallow on some flies, if that's really a fame creator. I don't know how much that could work out in terms of increasing my happiness by getting me more money or not. Oh, hold on. I want to watch -- okay, so I'm watching this video. Yeah. I've got to see more victims of domestic violence, and so most certainly, who lost a lot of the one, has been pushing for the change. Anchor enemies. Oh, yeah. She just -- the fly went into her mouth. But you can hear her swallow, yeah. She's the one in trooper. The show must go on. Yes. There's no business like show business. That's theater, baby. Yeah, the flies. You know what? Flies oftentimes do take some spotlight away from people. Remember Mike Pence with the fly in his hair? What about -- Obama always had flies around him. Yeah. Yeah, that would happen a lot. And Mike Pence had one, and his hair was really white, so the contrast was really something else. And that -- and the media didn't want to report on how bad of a job Kamala Harris did, so they just focused on that instead. So now people are all -- they're all talking about this -- the price is at stop-and-shop, and all the stop-and-shops going under. Stop-and-shop is so overpriced. So are a price chopper, and the big why. Shows is no bargain either. Wish I were closer to a market basket. Yeah, it's good to be. Yeah, for one-three, out here, it's in -- Limerick Guy says, out here in West Springfield, I absolutely live at all these. It's literally half the price of stop-and-shop are big. Well, I agree -- I agree, Limerick Guy. You know, it's better than Publix in Florida. That's for sure. I wish there was an all these around -- around where I live, and here in the Boston area. I'm not a -- I'm not a big stop-and-shop girl. 917 says, "More than ever, I look for the two-for-one at Publix." That's -- he's in Florida, obviously. Florida, Georgia. Well, Howie, on a similar topic here, nearly 80% of Americans say fast food is now a luxury. I saw that yesterday. Because it's become so expensive, and they're eating out less, which is set fast food restaurants scrambling to find ways to bring customers back. And we've seen that at McDonald's, you know, they're offering new deals to try to win people back. But almost half of the respondents -- this is from the Independent -- said that fast food costs nearly as much as eating out at a typical sit-down restaurant. Now, there was a restaurant around here in Needham, and I'm not going to name it. The food was delicious, by the way, but it was a fast food restaurant. And I'd been wanting to try it, and I got two meals, and it was close to $40 for two fast food take-out meals. Yeah, well, you know, I think some people -- you know, I saw that story yesterday, and people were responding to it, and some of them were saying, you know, when McDonald's costs that much, like $7, $8 for a quarter-pounder and fries, you're better off just going to, like, a Shake Shack where you can get a huge burger that you can take with you or a five guys. Yeah. It's more economical, and it tastes a lot better. Yeah, and I also think that sometimes the appeal of McDonald's is like, you know, you're not going to feel great afterwards, but, hey, you're saving a buck, and you're just pulling in and eating it fast. But if you lose that aspect of saving a buck -- so not only are you going to feel kind of crappy and feel like, ugh. And you know it's not good for you. You know it's not good for you. You feel like a lead balloon, and then on top of that, you just broke the bank. So it really does eliminate one of the factors that kind of brings people in. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I know. Okay, here's another one, 617. I live in Bedford, drove to Bill Ricka the next town over to go to market baskets. Stop and chop the other day I ran into it because it was close, needed to get salary. $5.99 at stop and chop. I refuse to pay for it. I went down to Whole Foods. Believe it or not, a bunch of celery was $2.97. Can't figure this out. Stop and chop are pricing themselves out of business. I tell you, you know we're going to, we're going to Viva Trotteria tomorrow. Yes, Viva. In the air and over mall. And they got a nice, it's a nice mall, nice new mall. They got everything there. They got a market basket there. So you know what the mailroom manager said? We can save ourselves a trip to Wallfam on Saturday morning. Mm-hmm. So we'll just go finish the show, go over and do our shopping at Market Basket. And can I make a prediction? I think I know what you get at Viva Trotteria. You get a little stack of fried eggplant. No, okay. Mailroom manager gets out. He likes the Italian sandwich. Yeah. The Italian sandwich is in Canole. That's where I got the last time I was down there. I think I'm going to separate myself from you when it comes to dessert. The kakata is damn good. I think I'm going to ask for my own birthday Sunday. That's fine. That's fine. Just get two spoons. No, no, no, no. One spoon only. One spoon. We don't need two spoons in that situation. Okay. I'll use your spoon. I don't care. Did you see Donald Trump, the photo of him at court today with Donald Trump Jr. Speaking of fast food. There was a picture, actually a video with TikTok floating around and it showed Trump. He's sitting in the courthouse. We know how he feels about this courthouse. He thinks it's too cold. Caroline Levitt was on your show how he's talking about how she was in the bathroom there. Right. Yeah. And it was decrepit. He said, Hey guys, I'm here with your favorite president. This was Donald Trump Jr. We're cranking out a couple of mean tweets at the courthouse. The video showed a glimpse behind the scenes of what Trump is up to during the jury deliberations. With him seated at a table surrounded by a couple of stacks of paper and some snacks. I saw that. You know what he took during during he took time to do during your show. And I had left it on another station and then I was talking to that guy who came in from the book publisher. Yes. And I can't. When he left, I went in and Trump was on the radio with Dan Bongino. He was doing an interview from the courthouse on the phone with Dan Bongino. I mean, and he was he was just ripping into bite. Well, what do they say necessity is the mother of invention? He's got to get creative here. I know. I understand. But I'm just saying most who who I've seen very few people while the jury is out. I mean, I know it's a it's a show trial at kangaroo court. But the jury's out and he's he's he's doing a live interview. Yeah, probably with his feet up because it was, you know, there was no TV or anything. He didn't seem in the video that Donald Trump Jr. posted. He didn't seem distressed at all. He seemed pretty relaxed. He wasn't napping, but he was just having some snacks. There was a bag of lace chips and some candy in the background. No McDonald's. We know he usually likes to get some fast food, but none of that. How we also wanted to mention here the revision since you're talking about the economy and you're talking about how things are not panning out as Joe Biden wanted them to. Did you see the revision in the GDP? Yeah, it's down 1.3 percent or it was down to 1.3 percent. How can we always get these revisions downward? I know. They only seem to go in one direction. Like I said, you used to be able to somewhat trust government statistics no longer. No, because they're trying to soften the blow for Joe Biden and they're hoping that people will, you know, a few months later will kind of forget. Right, and some summers mentioned that too, the former president of Harvard, you know, when he was just saying that they don't figure in interest rates and interest rates are certainly part of the cost of living because it costs a lot more to buy a house, to buy a car, to pay off your credit cards. Let's play cut too. We'll have it just a second. The difficulty is with the cost of living as people are experiencing it. It's true that inflation is relatively low, but prices are still much higher than they were a few years ago. That's what counts even if they're now growing more slowly. And what I've emphasized in my own research is that the cost of money, which is not something that is counted in the traditional price index, has gone way up with higher interest rates. We've noticed. Most people who buy cars have a monthly car payment, and that's what they look at, not the inflation rate, or the price of a car. I like when they say inflation is growing more slowly. I was like saying, well, how about this tumor on my head, on my brain? It's still there, but it's growing more slowly. That's not the answer I want to hear. No, you're right, Howie, and this is just once again, they're trying to change the narrative and let us know that the economy is not that bad, but, you know, everyone feels it. And like you said, the mortgage rates are out of control. Also, every time they calculate inflation or they calculate the CPI or the GDP, it's like they're leaving out all the things that we deal with every single day. What are you counting towards it? Nothing that I'm using. What's the phrase that they have that excluded these numbers that are excluded? And the numbers are food and fuel. It's the only thing I spent money on. That's number one and number two, isn't it? Anything he needs to stay alive, they're saying doesn't count. Howie, do you remember the company Fisker? Fisker, that was a car company. Why does that ring a bell to you? Did they go out of business? Hundred Biden bought one of their first cars, right? Yes, I think he was. Did he buy it or was he gifted it? I don't trade it some artwork, whatever. And then he traded it in for a Porsche, I think. He didn't like the Fisker. You know, they used to build these cars in Boston with these guns. You could hide guns in them, did they have a Coke stash in the Fisker for Hunter? Well, the EV company Fisker is laying off hundreds in desperate bid to stay afloat. Electric vehicle startup Fisker has recently laid off hundreds of employees as it grapples with financial challenges and seeks potential funding, a buyout, or prepares for bankruptcy according to Breitbart. So, yeah, Hunter Biden had a Fisker at one point and then I think he decided, yeah, the electric vehicle life is serving. That's the Fisker that was being transported across the country, right? On a storage, on a trailer truck. And then he decided he had the rent Porsche in Beverly Hills, or Bel Air, wherever he was in LA. Yeah, they like the gas guzzlers. They like the cars that go, that's what Biden told Robert her. Hey, and one more thing, Howie, about this Hunter Biden. Did you see that Chiron today in Fox? It said, like, Hunter Biden trial could bring up, could air out his dirty laundry. I was thinking, what is left that we don't know about this man? I've seen a photograph of this guy from every angle. I know, I know. Thank you, Grace. Exactly. With Father's Day around the corner, what do you give the man who has everything? Easy. You give him an experience he will never forget. You give him Omaha Steaks because a world-class dad deserves a world-class steak. This Father's Day, the experts at Omaha Steaks have made it easy to put a smile on the big guy's face this summer with hand-selected gift packages starting at just $89. Just go to and use promo code Howie at checkout for an additional discount wherever you shop when you shop gourmet gift packages for Father's Day. With Omaha Steaks, the possibilities are endless. Endless flavor, endless variety, endless value. Truly, they have perfected more than steak and your dad is guaranteed to love every bite. Pick from premium proteins like the Juicy Pork Chops, the Air Chill Chicken and Beefy Burgers. Go to their website and check out they have got so much great stuff. Just not just with meats and poultry and fish, but also with the sides. Desserts, everything you need to give dear old dad a great, great Father's Day. Go to and use promo code Howie to get an exclusive savings. Shop for unforgettable gifts that are guaranteed to make Dad's Day. Because if there's one thing Omaha Steaks knows, it's that Dad's want steaks. And you can check out my Meet the Experts interview with Todd Simon. He's a fifth generation owner of Omaha Steaks. And he tells you a lot about the company and about how to cook steaks as we move into the summer grilling season. That's promo code Howie at checkout to save on exclusive packages starting at just $89. I'm Howie Carr. Leave a message for the big guy. Call the Trump line. 844-500-4242. Press 2 and leave your message. Then listen every weekday at 5 to catch the best messages of the day. One of them may be yours. You're listening to the Howie Carr show. No, there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie Carr cheap bastard deal. Howie Carr, the cheapest bastard around. All right, we got a main deal today. Barranos wood-fired pizzeria wood-fired always is the best. Delivers their passion for wicked good wicked fast pizza in a wicked fun environment serving classic and special. The pizzas, wings, and salads. And Barranos, oh, this looks really good. The mailroom manager just brought this in. Barranos wood-fired pizzeria is in bath, hallowell, and Scarborough, Maine. While supplies last, you can purchase a $50 gift card to Barranos wood-fired pizzeria for just $25. Get yours now at Click on store with us now to tell us more about Barranos as owner. Robert, why isn't it? Thank you, Robert. So what have I got here? So the dahlia, it looks like a slice of the dahlia. That's the one in hand. That is our red sauce that we make, mozzarella, blue cheese, crumbles, imported Italian salami. Very good. Then we-- The crust is excellent, too. Thank you. Yeah, we work really hard on that. And then we cook it, and then we finish it with honey and fresh ground coffee. Oh, man. It's really good. It tastes the honey more than the coffee, actually. Well, the coffee just kind of brings it down. It's more of an earthy flavor, and it calms down the spiciness of the salami, as well as the-- It's common to be down. It's really good. And what's this other one here? Well, that's part of the spectacular, the Barranos spectacular. Yeah. Wow, that's good. That's truffle oil, seasonings, prosciutto, red onions, and roasted mushrooms. This is great. So you're going to be at the Boston Pizza Festival. That's correct. Coming up in late June. That's on Seahull Plaza. That is correct. Yep. We're going to be bringing the dahlia, the spectacular, as well as a lobster pie. Lobster pie. Yep. That's made with fresh herb butter, lobster, roasted corn, red bell peppers. And caramelized onions. That's great. And you got first bite guarantee? Absolutely. So that is for our specialty pies. Because they're so unique, we want people to be able to try them and not fear that they might not like it. They have great flavors, purposely made to catch your attention. And so if you don't like the first bite, we'll be having to make you-- I like the first bite a lot. Both of them. I really like the dahlia, too. That's really a good one. Yeah, that's my wife and I's the newest favorite dahlia. That's great. So you're in Bath, Hallowell in Scarborough, and you're open seven days a week? Open seven days a week. We have outdoor seating, which is really nice. Bath is our flagship location. Downtown Bath. Hallowell has a 30 by 50 patio overlooking the Kennebec River and then Scarborough. Great spot. Where are you in Scarborough? The old police station. Believe it or not? That's on Route 1. Yeah. Route 1. Right on Route 1. Wow. 246 US Route 1. Beautiful patio. I know where that is. Yeah. Never been inside, but I've been driven by it a million dollars. A.G. Betty's Diner, I think, used to be there at one time. Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. Yeah, so that's great. So you got three locations all over Southern Maine, and it's just a great place. I think people are going to love it. And a lot of our-- we have a ton of Maine listeners, but if you're just coming up to Maine, this is a good thing to have in your back pocket. Absolutely. For when you're in the seacoast area and inland a little bit, just when you're up this summer in the 207 area code. This is Barranos Wood-Fired Pizzarean, Bath Hallowell Scarborough, Maine. And you can check them out if you're not getting up to Maine anytime soon. The Boston Pizza Festival, what day is that coming up on? That's going to be the 22nd and the 23rd of June. Okay. So just buy tickets there and just buy a slice of pizza and just check it out. And it's a good fun family event. It's really good. Thank you so much for coming down, Robert, Wisen, and I'm glad your wife likes the show. And we've got a lot of listeners, and I'm sure we're going to sell a lot of these today. No, that's great. That's awesome. And yeah, we love listening to you pretty much every day. Thank you. I've been on WGA and WVOM up in Maine and everywhere else. I love being on everywhere. Hey, 207, Barranos is amazing. Staff is fantastic in Scarborough. And I'm sure in Hallowell and Bath as well. Oh, yeah. They're great. It was a rough start there during COVID.