The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Pandering Hits New Low in Philly | 5.30.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Biden's back in one of the most crucial precincts in the country, the Philadelphia jurisdiction that decided 2020.

Broadcast on:
30 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. I can't believe we only have one hour left on this Friday, Jr. If you want to call in, the number is 844-542-42. As I just mentioned, we will be at the Aviva Trattria and Hanover tomorrow. So make sure you swing by for the birthday, my birthday remote. I'm very excited about it, how you will be there as well. If you spend $20, you'll get a Paperboy one per table. We're happy to see everyone. We're very excited, so I'll keep you posted on that. Now, I wanted to talk a little bit about Biden's remarks in Philadelphia, because Jake Novak brought something up. I think it's a good theory. They're telling Joe or they're instructing Joe to go angry, you know, to come in hot. Probably with the idea that at least if he's mad, he seems to be a little bit more coherent. When he's angry, the sentences make sense to a degree. Take that. You know, I'm just saying they make more sense than they do if he's just rambling. And so he's taking them up on that. Now, I would say that he's going full, put y'all back in chains. He's left the pandering behind. He's not going to go with the hey, hey, black voters. Now, you spent a lot of time in a black church. He likes to give this like Elvis origin story where he was in these black gospel churches singing, and that's where he was raised. Not when he was in the Greek Orthodox community. Not when he was in the Jewish community, not when he was in the Puerto Rican community. This is his black pandering story. So he typically talks about being in black churches. Now he's left that behind. He probably saw the polling in the Wall Street Journal that says that Trump is managing to gather. This was an April story, but it said Trump had like 20% of black vote. So they are in full blown panic mode. They're like, drop the Elvis story. We've got to crank it up a notch. Pandering is not working. Let's go straight to fear mongering, and that is what he did. And so I wanted to play this. This was in Philadelphia. There was a few things that really stood out to me from this speech. And specifically when he started talking about Donald Trump and what he thinks Trump is going to do to black people. I want to take first cut, first take cut nine, please. The threat that Trump poses greater in his second term than his first. It's clear that when he lost in 2020, something literally snapped in his car. No, I'm serious. That's why January 6 happened when he unleashed an insurrection. Now he's running again and he's clearly unhinged. He calls insurrectors who stormed the Capitol. Patriots. Patriots. If re-elected, he wants to pardon, quote, every one of them. Let me ask you, what do you think he would have done on January 6th if black Americans had stormed it? Think about this. Why did he want to happen if black Americans had stormed the Capitol? I don't think he'd be talking about pardons. I actually don't know because, well, first of all, it's a stupid hypothetical. And he's clearly just trying to, he's trying to grasp its straws here. It's not our fault, the FBI had never more diverse hiring program. Yeah, take it up with the feds, man. But the other part of this too, Jared, is the Donald Trump actually has a pretty strong record of pardoning black people. Alice Marie Johnson, Lil Wayne, Kodak Black. I mean, there were plenty of black people who were pardoned or who were given more lenient sentences because of the first step back, because of prison reform. So in every single way, this is the beauty of a Joe Biden lie. It's not wrong on just one front. It's wrong on like several different layers. So not only is that complete hogwash, that if the January 6th protesters had been black, he wouldn't be requesting pardons for them, but also he pardoned a lot of black people. So right there, I have an issue with what you're saying, but I actually think the next cut is more offensive. This is cut 10. It's the same guy I wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested George Floyd's murder. The same guy. Pause it right there still call. He is assuming that because the people in front of him, it's that it's a predominantly black crowd in Philly, that all of those people must have protested. I'll use his words peacefully protested George Floyd's death. That's what he's assuming right there. That would be like Donald Trump showing up here and assuming that we all stormed the Capitol. Like your wife, your white people, you must have been there. No, we all don't know. I don't know the January 6th Capitol Stormers. We don't all know each other. That is what stuck out to me about that. He says, when you all protested everybody there. All those people at that event protested George Floyd. Did you check with each of them? Or you just know because they're black that they must have been protesting. And by the way, the peaceful protests, the George Floyd BLM peaceful protest BLM, which ended up being the biggest scam going between BLM versus COVID. I don't know what ended up being a bigger scam as far as, you know, as far as taking advantage of people who were willing to go along with something, BLM was one of a kind in that sense, made so much money delivered nothing in return and managed to really capitalize and weaponize the death of George Floyd. But I will say this, 19 people were killed during the George Floyd BLM protests. And $1 billion in damages. So I'm kind of done with the whole. It was mostly peaceful. Maybe if they're maybe you tell me there was $500 million in damages, I go mostly peaceful. Once we hit the billion mark with the B and once there's 19 people who are killed, you don't hear George Joe Scarborough talking about that a lot. Joe Scarborough likes to talk about the police officers who had their heads bashed in during the January 6th riots. Only one person was killed in the January 6th riots. It was actually bad. But 19 people were killed during the BLM, mostly peaceful George Floyd riots. And the fact that this president assumes that everybody at that event, that sparsely attended event in a high school gym, that everybody there had at one point, like naturally, you must have protested when George Floyd was killed because you're black, right? That's a rite of passage. George Floyd died. You protested. That's such a rite there. That's a racist assumption. Racism, racism. I would make a comparison about what it would be for me as a woman. I guess it would be like, oh, you must be really scared about the overturning of Roe versus Wade because you're a woman. So that has to be the thing you care about the most. There has to be the one issue that you're focused on. And as Jake Novak pointed out, a lot of black people right now, they care about inflation because it's affecting everybody. They care about what's happening with their wallets. How far their money's getting them. But Joe Biden can't talk about that because that doesn't get him as angry because it doesn't, you know, he feels like he's being blamed for it, but he's also sad about it. You know, he's sad that he's not getting the credit he deserves. They don't want sad Joe Biden. They want mad Joe Biden. So they go go out there and tell all those black people that they're going to be put back in chains if they don't elect you, that their lives are going to be worse. If you're not there is the great white hope to save them all. Talk about white savior complex. He is suffering from that more than anyone else out there telling people, imagine having the gall to go out and tell people like, if you don't vote for me, you're going to get tear gassed and yeah, it's going to be really bad. So you better vote for me. That's the only case he thinks he has to make that's, that's how low his expectations are of black voters that he thinks that's all he has to say to them is that Donald Trump orange man's racist. I'm the great white hope. I'm here to save you Donald Trump's racist. He's going to tear gas you. So you better vote for me again. What a pitch. I mean, me and you say more. I'm sure people are one over by that one eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Let's, let's take some more of this. Speaking of numbers, I mentioned the one billion dollars in damages. Now we've got a new number thrown at us, he's talking about the bridge in Baltimore. This is cut 11. And we're, we're going to the $60,000,000 bridge in Baltimore. Is that like a folksy? Like he's, you know, how sometimes he says things to, to prove that he knows the area and that's how people say it, or did he just say Baltimore that way because he doesn't know how to say Baltimore. I think it was a combination of both. Okay. I think he was trying to do the, uh, Ballmer accent, but he does that with another place. What's the other place he does it with? It's like another state where he says, I'll think of it in a second. I can't think of it on the fly, um, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I, I do want to find Jared, the, the one where he's talking about Trump being a racist landlord. I thought that was an interesting take. Um, okay. Okay. Okay. Let's play the rest of it. It's the same guy who wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested George Floyd's murder. The same guy who still calls the Central Park five guilty, even though they were exonerated. He's that landlord who denies housing application because of the color of your skin. He's that guy who won't say black lives matter and evokes neo-Nazi third right terms. We all remember Trump is the same guy who unleashed birthism. The birthism lie against Barack. Is he the same guy who worried about a racial jungle? See the same guy who called Barack Obama clean. Is he the same guy who was friends with a member of the KKK and actually you legitimized him? Oh, wait. That's you. You're that guy. You're not a member and exalted Cyclops and exalted Cyclops, Jared, that's not the only thing in his resume, exalted Cyclops of the KKK and also dear friend of then Senator Joseph Robinette by junior. I don't know which one he was more proud of. Both are really just the sign of a low life. Well, I mean, Donald Trump did also author the 1994 crime bill, which is, you know, responsible for incarcerating more black men than Kamala Harris is. If you go through the comments that Joe Biden has made about black people, there's no defense of all that he calls black men boys so often. And he doesn't even apologize for it anymore because I think he apologized at one point when he said it to Cory Booker because Cory Booker actually had, you know, the backbone to kind of come back at him during the 2020 primaries. But since then he's done it several times. He doesn't apologize anymore because I guess it's just, it, it's like an old person where you go, they're not going to change their ways now. It's just how he talks. We got to get used to it, but he wants to compare Trump to a racist landlord. By the way, it always cracks me up. The Trump is vilified as this racist when again, I just want to go back to, it's not just that there's no evidence that he's a racist. It's that every part of his life actually completely negates the argument that he's a racist, including allowing people to join Mar-a-Lago. You know, Palm Beach at one point was very anti-Jew, very anti-Semitic, very anti-black. Donald Trump was not. There's been several examples of Donald Trump doing things to better the race relations in this country. I don't think you could say this about Joe Biden. I think all he likes to do is race bait, is fear monger, is pander, and is to hit on people's worst instincts. He likes to think the worst of people. And there was a, there was a great take on this and I'll find it during the break, but it was just talking about how all Joe Biden cares about at this point is power. It's not about anything else. And when you see Dr. Jill on the view saying, you know, Donald Trump can't put his sentence together. It's power. That's all they care about. They have one goal and they're despicable people. We all know that, but we got to really hope that this does not win out in November because I don't think the country can take four more years of this. But again, I, I, the thing that stood out the most to me was when you were all protesting George Floyd, because of course, because they're black people. So they had to be protesting George Floyd. There's no other option to do a Biden. This is how small minded he is when it comes to all of these issues. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls on this. We've got a lot more sound to get to. Don't go anywhere. It's the Grace Curly show. You're listening to the Grace Curly show. This is the Grace Curly show. Welcome back to the Grace Curly show. A lot of people on the text line excited about the birthday party tomorrow at Aviva Tretria. I am too. I mean, it's always really fun. We've got a great show lined up. We've got Caroline Levitt joining us. Mark Salinas is going to be there. It's going to be really fun. Caroline's not going to be in person. Obviously, she's, she's pretty busy with the Trump campaign, but she is going to call in and give us an update on what's going on in NYC. And also like selfishly, I just love being at Aviva because we get to eat such great food for the entire show and we get cannoli. And I'm probably going to ask for a birthday Sunday. So there's just a lot on the horizon right now. Today's poll question is brought to you by Calitran. Do what Jared did. Lose weight in a healthy way with Calitran's high quality college and protein. Right now you can say 50% on a 30 day supply at Grace Curly and click store. Jared, we were asking you about this yesterday. You're still taking the Calitran. You said it's doing good over a year now. Yeah. But you just pop them in every day and it's nothing to worry about. It's not a lot of heavy lifting. Yeah. You know, just, you basically take it three hours after the last time you ate. I found this to be effective before you go to bed. It helps you sleep at night and while you're sleeping, you're rebuilding that lean muscle down two inches and 12 pounds and keeping it off. Thanks to Calitran. Very good. And what is the poll question today? And what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is, will we have a verdict in the Trump trial by the weekend? Yes. Yes, I do. 63% of the audience thinks, yes, we will, 37% think we will not. Now there was a comment that caught my ear on CNN, top Mueller prosecutor. His name is Andrew Weisman. I hadn't heard from him in a while. This was his legal analysis on what's going on with Judge Juan Merchant. Yeah, I mean, almost all jurors, unless you've got a really erotic judge, develop a real bond with Judge there, you know, the judge he or she is looking out for the jurors. There's just paying careful attention to their time is making things move along. And with, as you've noted, with respect to Judge Marchana, I mean, I am, I am like now, you know, I felt like a man crush on him. He is such a great judge that it's hard to see that the jurors wouldn't have the same impression. And he's just, you just keep on thinking, if you looked in a dictionary for like judicial temperament, that's what you get. And just remember, he has had to put up with a defendant who committed 10 acts of contempt who's threatened, not just him, but his family. And instead, in spite of all of that, you would not know for a second that that is in any way, weighing on him because it's just been such an impeccably fair trial. Yeah, I would say he's about as impartial as Andrew Weisman. So that kind of sums it up. The fact that Andrew Weisman thinks this judge has good temperament, isn't this the same judge who like three days ago was yelling at Bob Costello for looking at him the wrong way? He sounds like a deranged ex-wife. He doesn't sound like a very calm, judicious person. He's yelling at a witness for giving him the side eye. Why'd you look at me like that? If you look at me like that again, I will hold you in contempt. I don't think he has great temperament. I missed the old days where a man crush was like Chris Wallace had a man crush on Mitt Romney. I could see it a little bit. Mitt Romney's got a great head of hair on him. You know, he's a handsome guy. This just seems to me like you are, you're losing it. First of all, I, and I'm not, it's nothing to do with one merchant's looks. I don't even really know what he looks like. I just don't understand how you can say that this guy who is running the biggest show trial circus that I've ever seen in my life, at least, is the picture of good judgment. A man crush on merchant? He was mad at Bob Costello because he muttered something under his breath and gave him the side eye. Does this seem very calm and steady to me? We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. I know the differences between Trump's appeal to Black voters versus Biden's appeal. Trump just says, yes. Jared, I have to give credit where credit is due. Just 10 out of 10 today with the sound cuts. All these drops have been on fire. Trump says, here's my platform. Here's my plan. Here's why I think I'd be better for the country and a huge part of Trump's stump speech, which you guys probably heard a little bit of when he was in the South Bronx, is I don't care what color you are. I don't care if you're black. I don't care if you're brown. I don't care if you're white. We're going to save this country and everyone should be benefiting from a good economy, from a strong border, and really kind of trying to break down the barrier of identity politics. Instead, just saying, here's how I'm going to make your life better. I don't care what color you are. I don't care what gender you are. This is what I'm going to do. This is Joe Biden who's getting like eerily close to saying, I used to be black or something. Back when I was a black man, all of these stories, it's not enough for him just to go into a community and make a pitch and say, here's why I think I can help you. He has to create a fictionalized version of events where he is part of that community, where he grew up in that community, where he lived and breathed that community and it is so it is so bogus. No one believes it at this point, except for, of course, Joe Biden. And so before I move on to Jamal Bowman and to a recent event that occurred in New York regarding anti-Semitism, I wanted to just play a couple of more of these cuts because Joe Biden is losing a lot of ground with black voters. And I don't think what he's currently trying to do is going to make up for that. Let's have cut 21, please. This was Joe Biden in Philadelphia. Cut 21. That's why I'm proud to have the most diverse administration history attached into full talents of our country and starts at the top of the vice president. A memorial day are proudly still with a black man. Are you just naming black people that you were here? Certainly. I have black friends. Yeah. Like the actual last bastion of the races, but it's even worse than that because he's not saying he is black friends. He's just saying I really. Black subordinates. No, he's saying I stood near a black person. Oh, okay. So yeah, then you must understand that community. If you stood near someone who's black saying, at least if he said I have black friends, I would say that would be a step above what he's doing, which is just like I've seen black people before. I got a black guy at once. He's okay. He said I stood next to a black guy on Memorial Day. Wow. Congratulations, Joe. I mean, at least George Costanza when he tried his every minute of it was the end of his sentence. When he, when he was trying to, when George Costanza was trying to pretend that he had black friends and he asked the exterminator if he'd go out to dinner with them, at least he was, you know, making the effort, putting in a little bit of leg work here to expand his horizons. Joe Biden is just saying I stood near a black guy and that's why this community should vote for him. Forget inflation. Forget the illegal aliens who are pouring over the border and also taking up the high school gyms and, you know, taking up the community centers. We're turning those all into migrant shelters. Don't you want to vote for a guy who's stood near a black person before? Doesn't that tell you how much he cares about your community? Let me also get cut 22 and so I got involved as a kid in the civil rights movement because the Philadelphias know this, at least the older ones do. Delaware was the only city in the nation, Wilmington, the only city in America occupied by the military for nine months after Dr. King was assassinated. So this is one of his favorites is to talk about how he got involved in the civil rights movement. Now he's saying as a kid, so it keeps getting earlier and earlier. Soon we're going to hear that he was a baby when he got involved. Yeah, and he fell out of the carriage and he wanted to feed him. Yes, yes. And Kamala is going to go, wait a second, that's my story. That's my made up story. Make up your own stories old lady. And then later in the same speech, we have cut 24. Like I said, in 1969, I got involved deeply in the civil rights movement in 19th. We, those who are Pennsylvania's know that Delaware used to be a slave state in the southern state because that attitudes, I mean, for real. One of the eighth largest black population is a percent of population in the nation. And one of the things that I, that amazed me was how the community stepped up when you gave it a shot. No one knows about the racist attitudes of the past like Joe Biden, because he still got him. I would actually buy that. Yep. He still got him. He's like, yeah, it's falling out of fashion, but I'm bringing it back. So that was the second time in the speech that he told that story that made up story. He's now telling bogus stories twice. He's coming back around. You know what it reminds me of is if you talk to an older person, like I used to call my grandmother all the time when I was younger and by the way, in no way am I trying to compare my grandmother to Joe Biden because she was sharp as a tack until the day she died. But what I will say is sometimes you're talking to older people, you go over kind of the same stuff and then eventually, and a lot of times just because they don't want the conversation to end, so you kind of circle back to the beginning of the conversation and it feels like, oh my God, we're starting from the beginning again. That's now Joe Biden on the stage. He's just, okay, he already covered that. But hey, why not? Let's let's start it again. He doesn't probably remember that he just talked about this. So he's just repeating it. I still think though that, yeah, Donald Trump's looking at 20% of the black vote. That's amazing. That's historic for a Republican president. But I just don't think those black voters have considered the fact that Joe Biden stood near a black guy on Memorial Day. And now that now that that information has come across my desk, I'm thinking it's over for Donald Trump. I'm thinking early voting has happened already. Yeah, I'm thinking that is going to change the dynamics here that is going to change the landscape of this election. This is breaking news. You're hearing it first here at the Grace Curly show. Joe Biden stood near a black guy on Memorial Day. And so need he say more. Let's switch over here just for a second because I really do want to get the story in. There was a very scary story that happened in New York. I'm going to kill all the Jews, Pakistani immigrants seen on video trying to run down students in Brooklyn on Wednesday. This from the post millennial, a Pakistani immigrant was caught on video attempting to run down orthodox Jewish students in a rabbi in Brooklyn yelling, I'm going to kill all the Jews, the driver yelled according to witnesses, he then drove around the block and then back toward the school, again, targeting two students and a rabbi outside the school. Now, of course, this anti-Semitism that we're seeing is really, unfortunately, it's nothing new. It happens all the time, but I did want to talk a little bit about the politicians who are fanning those flames and who are doing very little to speak out against it. Someone I need to give major kudos to and I didn't know if eventually he'd falter or kind of get in line with the rest of the Democrats, but Senator John Fetterman is. He is awesome when it comes to being pro Israel. He does not back down. He does not capitulate to these far left progressives. He is very, very adamant in his position and I admire it. And now let's go to a not so great Democrat. That would be representative Jamal Bowman. I want to give everyone a quick history lesson on Jamal Bowman. Jamal Bowman is the only one of the only people in Congress who's a big supporter of TikTok. He uses it to send weird messages to Ron DeSantis, you know, to send him packages of books that aren't banned in Florida, but that he's convinced himself or banned. And when he's not doing that, he's pulling the fire alarm in Congress to have his own version of an insurrection to stop a congressional vote from happening and then claims, oh, that's just how I thought doors opened. According to Jamal Bowman, in order to open a door, you have to pull a fire alarm. Well, he's also extremely anti-Semitic and extremely anti-Israel, which is, you know, at this point, it's one of the same. So I wanted to play Jamal Bowman here talking about Hamas and listen to this very closely. He's on CNN. This is cut six. I know Benjamin Netanyahu, Ben Gewehr and others, they want to wipe out the Palestinians. They want them to either leave or leave or they will kill them. I know that's what they want. And it's horrible and horrific and evil to think that they will stay in this war and it's conflict through the end of the year. To do what? How many people in Hamas have you killed and have you killed the idea that Hamas is built upon? If we don't make overtures and do real work with policy and resources towards peace and a free Palestine, there's going to be another Hamas being nurtured during this time. You can't kill them off. You can't kill the idea. We need a free Palestine. So Hamas then ceases to need to exist. That's what we need. That last line. He gave it away. He says, we need a free Palestine, Palestine has been free, by the way, they elected Hamas as their leadership, but Israel, despite what you might see on Instagram from brilliant influencers around the world, Israel does not occupy Palestine. Israel is actually very helpful to Gaza for a very long time. That's why now there's all of this humanitarian disaster, which I do sympathize with. It's because they rely on Israel for so many things. But here's what I want to say. This last line, Jared, we need a free Palestine. So Hamas then ceases to need to exist. There's two things there. One is if I'm reading that correctly. Bowman thinks there's a need for Hamas. He thinks Hamas needs to exist because Palestine is not free. He thinks the genocidal terrorists who on October 7th broke the ceasefire, started raping women, killing children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children, dragging people through the kibbutzas. He thinks that that organization of savages needs to exist. That's number one. And number two, he fundamentally misunderstands the goal of Hamas. The goal of Hamas, and they haven't been, this is the part that kills me, they're not secretive about this. They're not trying to hide this from anyone. They're not like, oh, let's use this propaganda so that we'll put out a different message than we... No, no, no. They've talked to the New York Times. It made it abundantly clear, the goal of Hamas is not a free Palestine, whatever that means to morons like Jamal Bowman. The goal of Hamas is to eradicate the Jewish state, to eradicate the Jewish people because according to Hamas, they are occupying the land of Israel and they should not be there. That is the goal of Hamas. So in this hypothetical world of fire alarm doors and whatever else Jamal Bowman has where Palestine is free, like all the hippies at Harvard, the sprinkler brigade, they managed to free it. Congratulations. It was worth... It was worth the hunger strikes. You managed to free it. Guess what? Hamas will not be satisfied with whatever that is. Hamas wants to kill Jews. In fact, they want October 7 to happen again and again and again and again. That's why they haven't released the hostages because the destruction, the brutal and cruel destruction of the Jewish people is the goal of Hamas. Has nothing to do with what Jamal Bowman or these young hippies at Columbia think is the goal. They're on the side. These people like, oh, I get a lot of grief for, you know, it's not being pro Palestinian. It doesn't mean you're being pro Hamas. That's absolutely true. If you feel bad for the civilians, then you should also be, but you should be vehemently anti Hamas because that is the common enemy here. And when you, when they use these words like genocidal, it is so idiotic because you can say what you want about BB Netanyahu, but the IDF is going out of their way to try to avoid civilian casualties. It's hard to do in war, war is messy, war is terrible. That's why you should try to avoid it. That's why you shouldn't break a ceasefire and slaughter 1200 people while they're eating breakfast because war gets really, really sad and awful. But to put the deaths of anyone in Gaza at the hands of Israel is incredibly dishonest. Every single drop of blood that has been shed is on the hands of Hamas. And anyone with even a modicum of an understanding of what's going on could tell you that Jamal Bowman obviously does not have that. That sentence right there, we need a free Palestine. So Hamas then ceases to need to exist. That's what we need there. He's on death is not a free Palestine. It is the elimination of Jewish people. So until that happens, Jamal, they're not going to be satisfied. They're not going to cease to exist. It wouldn't be hard for him to know this either. Like I know he gets his news from TikTok, which is famously very anti Semitic, but still like a quick Google search, just learn a little bit about it would not be that tricky. And also, as I pointed out, Hamas has done interviews. Like the leaders of Hamas have done interviews with mainstream media networks, places that Jamal Bowman will probably trust the New York Times. They're very outspoken about these goals. I'm not breaking news here. I'm not a journalist telling people new things. This is out there. Now, let's move on to a happier subject. Oh, maha steaks. I love a maha steaks, Jared. I know you do to father's days coming up. We've been talking a lot about my birthday and yeah, everyone's very excited for the big birthday celebration, but right around the corner is father's day and I want to let everyone know that it's a great time to get your dad a box of Omaha steaks. And when I say that, I don't just mean steaks. I'm talking chicken. I'm talking pork chops, hot dogs, beefy hamburgers, everything is such great quality. It gets delivered right to dad's door and it's not very expensive. The father's day experts at Omaha steaks have made it easy to put a smile on dad's face this summer with hand selected gift packages. They're starting at just $89. Jared, when you receive one of these boxes for father's day and you realize it only costs $89, you are blown away by the not only the sheer amount of product you're getting, but the quality blows the supermarket out of the water. Oh, yeah. I mean, if you look at the price of the supermarket, they'll have sales right over $18.99 a pound for steak. Are you kidding me? You get there? No, you want quality and Omaha steaks give you quality at a great price. I did take home the hot dogs that were in the freezer, Grace. Thank you for those. I had them the other night. They were fantastic. I'm glad you liked them, Jared. So go to Omaha Don't forget to use promo code grace though, because I really love to hear how you guys cooked them up, what you saved, and I want you to get that exclusive savings. Go to Omaha use promo code grace at checkout. Get the beefy burgers, get the chicken, get the fish even. We're heading into summer. It's nice to have a nice piece of light fish on a summer night. You'll have all of this stuff for father's day and beyond. So go to Omaha, get these exclusive packages for just $89. Do not forget to use promo code grace, or I'm going to be very mad at you. We will be right back with how we car. Don't go anywhere. Follow grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Don't forget tomorrow via the Viva Tractoria in Hanover for my birthday celebration. Someone who will be joining me at that remote is Howie Carr. Howie, thanks so much for coming on the show. Thank you for having me, Grace, and a happy birthday when they removed. Yes, and your late mother's birthday as well, I do believe. That's right. You would be 102 tomorrow. Wow. And Howie, we have so much fun planned for tomorrow. Everyone should swing by, but let's talk about today what is catching your eye in the news today beyond Verdict Watch going into day two. Lots of illegal aliens. I finally did that column on the Hamas hippies of Hampshire, my volume two. And I have so many hyphenated names that it's going to -- I'm going to call them the hyphenated Hamas hippies of Hampshire County. And I get compliments on the hyphen. And three of them have the first name, Sofia. It's kind of odd, isn't it? Three out of the arrested people with hyphenated last names are named Sofia. Yeah. I was just reading this quote from Jamal Bowman where he's talking about Hamas, and he says, "We need a free Palestine, so Hamas then ceases to need to exist." That's what we need to do. When did Barack bureaucracy ever -- even a genocidal bureaucracy ever go out of existence on its own? You know what else I noticed, Howie, is they love -- the Democrats right now love this saying of you can't kill an idea, you know, you can't kill a Hamas is an idea. It's like, well, you know, based off what they did in October 7th, maybe we should try. Right. One of the hippies that they arrested, and I would look at all their social media, one of them is, "In my spare time, I contribute to genocide watch to try to prevent mass atrocities in genocide." I said, "Hey, Eric, we await your monograph on October 7th." Howie Carr has come up next. She's got a great show planned, don't miss it. I'll see you all tomorrow at Aviva Trautrion in Hanover.