The Howie Carr Radio Network

Cat Lady Ruins Wedding in Woke or Joke | 5.30.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Tune in for Grace's weekly game, Woke or Joke, where listeners are tested on their headline agility and attempt to discern between fake and real news stories.

Broadcast on:
30 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. We covered a lot of ground in that first hour of the economy, the revision on the GDP numbers, the flag gate controversy, which is even harder to follow just based off how stupid it is. I feel like I'm getting instructions from Juan Merchant. That's how confused I am by this made up controversy, this fake outrage or selective outrage that's coming from the left over a flag flown upside down in the appeal to heaven flag. It's beyond me, but I'm glad that Alito did not recuse himself. That I'm very happy about. We also have updates for you on Joe Biden's recent visit to Philadelphia, which is causing some waves. But you know what, I told people when I had Jake Novak on, we covered a lot of issues that if they wanted to call in on any of the topics they could, we have a lot of people who want to talk about Mayor Wu, very open to that. If you tuned into how we show yesterday, George Mendoza from Monica's announced that he was going to run against Mayor Wu, I know that I think Jonathan Kraft is also going to run against her. So her latest bit of information, if you stopped caring about what was going on with Mayor Wu after her flight to Italy, her trip to Italy, her latest thing that came out yesterday is that she is supporting not criminalizing theft and also getting rid of the gang registry. So those are two big things that people are not thrilled with when it comes to Mayor Wu, and we'll take your calls on this because I'm sure people have a lot of thoughts. Like I said to Jake Novak, she is one of those people that manages to bring together both sides. So here's that Boston Democratic mayor says criminals should not be prosecuted for theft. Gang registry should be abolished. Now this came from when she filled out a 2021 Boston mayoral candidate questionnaire from Progressive Massachusetts. And the group had said at the time that it intends to transform Massachusetts into a bold laboratory for progressive state initiatives. I think we're already there. I think that your job is done. We are already a lab for craziness. It's like Frankenstein up in here. We have so much nonsense going on in this state. But let's go to the callers who want to weigh in on this. Let's start with Pete, your next step on the Grace Curly show. What's on your mind Pete. Hi, good afternoon Grace. I just wanted to tap in here. So many good conversations coming up on your show and so many good topics. And I wish I had the whole thing to myself because I'd go on forever. But anyways, when I read the Mayor Wu, did I ask yourself for this question? How does the person like Michelle will, how does she get elected as mayor of Boston? Who are these people putting somebody like that in for the mayor? And you know, she's basically telling you that she's going to Boston, believe it or not. I retired from the police. I had 34 years on. Boston is really not a crime ridden city yet. But if they go with the proposals that she's talking about, it's going to be rampant, rampant crime. Everybody's moving out of LA. Everybody's moving out of Portland Oregon. So what does she want? She wants to basically make Boston turn into LA. Yeah, we were talking about that with Jake Novak, how it is something very unique about the Commonwealth where we look at other places. We see something failing in, let's say, California or New York and we say, okay, they tried it there. Didn't work. Let's bring it here. And that does seem to be so, so Pete, when you are talking about how she got elected in the first place, do you mean just because she was so progressive, so radically progressive and people here in Boston seem to go along with it? I believe there's no other way to put it. I mean, right now the progressives have basically destroyed some of the best cities in the United States. My daughter was out in San Francisco. I didn't even want it going out there. It's absolutely horrendous. And another thing I wanted to talk about with Michelle Wu is that I don't think the people in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts realize what's going on with recruitment for police officers in the state. It's a bismal. It's a bismal. The generation of kids, and I'm not covering a blanket with all of them, but I'm just saying they're lowering standards. Now, you have to deal with legal marijuana. Everybody seems to be doing legal marijuana. I don't know. Anyways, oh, it was out in the greater Worcester area. Take a ride down through Worcester. That's why you can smell marijuana. So people can't make the standards. So now you're going to have massive negativity against cops, and then you're going to have a shortage of police officers that are willing to put on a uniform. Absolutely. And Pete, when you think about it, and when you think about the moments of, and it's moments doesn't really do it justice, but the long periods of unrest that we've seen over the last couple of years with these, and I'm using it with air quotes, these protesters, and whether it be the pro Palestinian, it's increasingly looking more like a pro Hamas contingency, whether it was during the BLM riots, which we are going to talk about. The police here in Boston were dealing with chaos, and they didn't get a lot of support from the far left radicals on that. They were kind of on their own. Do you remember during the Black Lives Matter riots? I remember watching it because I believe actually they started up in Boston on either May 30th or May 31st. So it was right around my birthday. And the only reason I say that is because I have my whole family over. We are watching. We had the game. There's some game on or there are some local news. And they were showing the city of Boston and the police cars were just being like pelted with stuff. The police officers were trying to get these groups under control. And there was no respect for the police. And there was actually a real hatred for the police, a real vitriol that is taught in these schools. These kids are indoctrinated with it. Like you said, Pete, I don't want to paint with a broad brush. I know there are certain kids who respect the police plenty, but that is something that's lost in our communities right now. So I can't blame people. If I had a young son and he said to me, I want to be a police officer, I would say, is there anything else that you're interested in doing? Because it's a very, very respectable career path. But as a new parent, if my child wanted to become a cop, that would make me very nervous. And it's always going to make you nervous because it's a hard job, but it feels like right now, Pete, that there's no support for the cops. There is none whatsoever. Like I said, I'm not making up. They are having a big recruiting problem right now to get qualified people and wearing the police officers' uniforms. And I won't mention what the partner I was from. I ran into a kid that just got on the job. And he just got on the job and breaking. And he's talking to me. I introduced myself from the first thing out of his mouth. He's like, oh, you know what? I can't wait to retire. You know, I'm waiting to tell my friend. Yeah, no, you're absolutely right, Pete. You hit on so many great points. And also, I know I go back to this story a lot, but it stuck with me. What about the cop in New York? He was a young father. He had a one-year-old. He was shot in cold blood by someone who should have been in jail a long time ago and for a long time. And now he's dead. His wife delivers the words of remembrance at his funeral and she, like the widow a few months before, has to slam this administration and slam these far-left DAs and slam these progressive policies for not protecting her husband and for actively rooting against him and actively creating an environment where these kind of things happen. A lot of this stuff is avoidable. If you just have some common sense with the way that you treat criminals, and we don't have that anymore. And so, yeah, beyond the fact that I'm sure they have to deal with these far-left hippies, like Harvard and all these other places, vandalizing war monuments, they also have to deal with real, real violent crime and the possibility that they're going to be sitting in a cop car or just, you know, pulling over someone for a traffic stop and they're going to get shot in the head. It's not, and if you're out there and you have someone in your family who's a police officer, I don't mean to be doom and gloom or scare you, but my heart goes out to those people because every single day it's a very scary prospect. Jonathan, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Jonathan? Oh, hi, Grace. I was reading over the list of crimes that won't be prosecuted, and one that stuck out to me was threatening. And I'm thinking, well, does that mean that anybody could threaten Mayor Wu and not get in trouble for it? I tend to doubt that, and I don't think threatening should be something that you're able to do. I know that she was having a -- she put up -- there was a lot of problems with the protesters outside of her home at one point, and so, yeah, I doubt that if anyone were to do that, that would be okay. But I'm more concerned with the theft aspect. Theft right now, there's a reason why you go into like CVSs and places and everything's encased in these giant glass boxes, and it's not an aesthetic reason. It's because people are just going into stores and stealing everything, and there's carjackings, and those are increasing, and the more that you decide, okay, we're not going to treat that as a crime, you know, unless you steal $950 worth of stuff, you're still okay, then you can get the numbers that make it seem as though crime is decreasing, but that's obviously not what's happening. Your standards of what counts as a crime is decreasing, but the actual crimes themselves are not decreasing in any way, shape, or form. In fact, they are increasing tremendously, and that's what we're seeing here, that's what we're seeing all over the country, and especially in these deep blue cities where progressives think that they're being compassionate, and I think too, this idea that letting people out of jail so that they can commit the same crimes, because reading the other day, Jared, about someone, this man who died, he was like 70-something years old, and he had been arrested the most times of anyone, at least in recent history, like a thousand arrests or something, letting people out to commit the same crimes over and over again, and oftentimes they're let out, you know, before lunchtime, it's like, "Oh, you get arrested at 6 a.m., you'll be out by 3 p.m." I don't find that to be compassionate. I think you're setting people up for failure who have big problems, and even worse, you're putting everybody else who runs into that person in jeopardy. 844-500-42-42. Thank you all for weighing in. When we come back, I do want to get to, oh, you know what? I'm still, I still want to give him more time to that Joe Biden cut when he was talking to the voters in Philadelphia. You know what we'll do next, Jared? We'll do a little bit of Jamal Bowman. Jamal Bowman, if you go to Jamal Bowman for your foreign policy advice, can I suggest you switch to Joy Behar? Because I think that if given the option of the two, I would push you towards the ladies at the view, that's how out to lunch Jamal Bowman is. Who would have thought the guy who assumed you opened a door by pulling a fire alarm doesn't have the greatest grasp on what's going on in the Middle East? Huh? The gas station in Carbondale did not have fresh amps. We'll be right back with more. Spring means more flowers and sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens. Finally, you're looking forward to opening your windows to let that fresh air in your home or in your car, but you don't want the sneezing to start. That's actually today, Jared, when I was driving into work, as I'm sure, I think you just beat it when you got in. Yeah, I was in ahead of the monsoon. But there was a monsoon. But I remember when I was looking out the windshield, I was thinking, this is going to be great, because at least we're going to get a little bit of a reprieve from the pollen, because what happens is when you have a thunderstorm like that, it gets rid of those allergens in the air. It leaves you, you know, when you walk outside and there's that fresh rain on the pavement and you can take a deep breath and everything feels a little bit lighter, a little bit less sneeze-tastic. That's what happens with the thunderstorm. You can bring that joy that you get after a thunderstorm outside into your home, or into your office, or into your kitchen. There's so many possibilities, or into your car even. There's so many things that the thunderstorm can do for you. You just turn it on and you watch it, ionize the air, get rid of those allergens, get rid of those pollutants, get rid of those odors that can really bother people. Whether it's kitchen odors, dog odors, tobacco smells. There's so many different smells that could be going on in your house that you don't even know about, and you want the thunderstorm to get rid of those. Yeah, and it's a compact device, which is really great. It's not one of those big, giant things that looks like a jet engine with a bunch of wires. No, it's a small unit. It's about the size of a computer charger, and all you have to do is just plug it into an outlet in your home and you turn it on, you get that ionized air, or you can keep it in your car as well. That's why getting multiples is good, because I like to keep one of my car, because it comes with its own USB cable. You plug it into the unit, plug it into the USB port in your car, you get that same ionized super oxygen in your car. So if you are out there when the pollen's whirling around, you want to roll your windows down, just turn your thunderstorm on and it gets rid of that in a flash. Just say hello to Spring and go buy to allergens. Get the three pack today when you go to and use code GRACE3. Again, that's and use code GRACE3. By the way, the comment about Mayor Wu, I'm trying to find that here about the threats, but as I always do, let me go on record and say no one should be threatening anyone, and Mayor Wu should not be threatened for being a bad politician. And anyone else out there who's ever been threatened, you know how important it is to be able to report that to the police. And that shouldn't be something that does not count as a crime. I haven't seen it here on this list, but I will look into it for that caller when we come back. 844-500-4242, we'll be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join GRACE and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the GRACE Curly Show. Hello? Is this on? Is this Jennifer Lopez? No, it's not. That was Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Oh, I have JLo on the brain. A lot of JLo stories out there right now. I guess that she was supposed to have this residency in Vegas, and she was going to get $1 million per show for 90 shows. She was going to get $90 million, but because her tour, her stadium tour, was a big flop, now the guys at MGM, I shouldn't say guys, it could be ladies too. The people at MGM are having buyers remorse. They're having second thoughts on JLo. So the hits just keep on coming for Jennifer Lopez, but Jenny from the block will be back. Don't you worry about it. Today's poll question is brought to you by Calitran. Do what Jared did, lose weight in a healthy way with Calitran's high-quality collagen protein, specially formulated with digestive enzymes to help your body absorb the collagen protein to its fullest potential, say 50% on a 30-day supply at and click on store. Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will we have a verdict in the Trump trial by the weekend? Yes. 64% of the audience agrees with you. They say yes, 36% think no. All right, so the reason this story is a little confusing is because, like I said, she was filling out, Mayor Wu was filling out a 2021 Boston mayoral candidate questionnaire. And one of those questions is, did she support, at the time, she's no longer the Suffolk County District Attorney, but former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachel Rollins had a do not prosecute list. And that list did include threats. I just read it. It said those crimes included shoplifting, larceny, disorderly conduct, receiving stolen property, driving with a suspended license, breaking and entering with property damage, malicious destruction of property, threats, minor in possession of alcohol, marijuana possession, possession with intent to distribute non-Marijuana drug possession. Can I just follow up and say, would it be easier to write a list of what you can prosecute for? Like, what crimes are we going to get in trouble for? Besides standing outside of an abortion clinic, presumably going to Latin mass, presumably. Okay, so standing outside of abortion, going to Latin mass, and I would hope murder would be on there. Depends. You know, that depends on the circumstance. Okay, fair enough, fair enough. Bob, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Bob. Great. I don't know why people address the issues. Just, for example, the city of Boston and what we are always going to do. This is not going just in Boston. This is going on everywhere. It's not just exclusive to Boston. And so it is by design that they are doing these things. What happens in Boston happens in New York. What happens in New York happens in San Francisco and so on. So the problem is is that nobody, but nobody is addressing that. They always hear about is the individual problems that are around the country. Yeah, all of it is mirrored in every single city. Yeah, you're right. You're right, Bob. And recently, though, and this is just put a little bit of a good spin on the end here. Soros-backed Portland County DA had a crushing loss to an anti-crime. It wasn't like he lost to a further progressive candidate. He lost to an anti-crime candidate, and that's a place that even, I would say, more far left than Boston. So people are around the country figuring this out. If they can figure it out in Portland, Oregon, I'm sure at some point we will cross the Rubicon here in Boston and we will figure it out, too. God willing. Thank you for the call, Bob. Walker joke is coming up next. Get on the line now. It's 844-542. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome, everybody, to the Grace Curly Show. Grace is taking a slide. I am Taylor Kormier, the Wizard of Love. That's very fake news. I'm still here. I have my big beautiful brown eyes. They're wide open. Welcome to the Grace Curly Show. Taylor Kormier joins us, the Wizard of Woke. And he's so excited because this is everybody's favorite segment of the week. It's time for Woke or Joke. Everything Woke turns to sh*t, okay? I started a joke. Take care, Wokeers. The word Woke means losing. Yes, it is time for a Wokeer joke, which is brought to you by Aviva Trattria. A gift card to Aviva Trattria is the perfect gift for any occasion. So pick one up at any of their locations to find the one nearest you. Go to We will be at Aviva Trattria tomorrow for my birthday and for a very special remote. It's going to kick off the summer season. We would love for you to join us. Make sure you stop by. If you don't have a reservation, just swing by. I'm sure there'll be seats at the bar. You can come and say hi to us. Howie and I will be there from 12 to 6. Again, that's the Aviva Trattria and Hanover. All right, Taylor, are you ready to go? I'm ready. Let's take it to the callers. By the way, if you didn't get on right away, lines will drop off. So just keep trying and we will probably get you on. The number is 844-542-42. Allie, you're first up today. Are you ready for your headline, Allie? I'm ready. Happy birthday, Grace. Thank you very much, Allie. I'm rooting for you. Go ahead, Taylor. All right, Allie. Here is your headline. My wedding was upstaged by a creepy woman who identifies as a cat. Shoke. No, it's not a joke. It's woke. A joke. Not a joke. I love wedding stories because I just find that so many crazy things can happen when there's a high stress environment and you're planning for one big day. So this is wacky. This takes place in Oklahoma. This couple is getting married pretty much on the countryside. Literally, there's a cow pasture, so they think behind them. They see this animal off in the distance and it's lying there. The whole ceremony, just being docile, they finish the ceremony. They're walking back up the aisle and all of a sudden this animal out in the distance stands up on two feet and takes a cat mask off. It's a woman who is pretending to be a cat for some reason. Everybody said they thought it was a cow because it was a larger animal than a cat. But it was weird. There's no excuse for ruining someone special day like that. Well, there is. Don't have your wedding in a public place where anybody can attend and do anything they want. Oh, so this wasn't... It was a pasture. It was an open field. Yeah, but what about just like common courtesy? You know somebody's getting married? No, any chance you get to disrupt that? You got to take. My sister's wedding, they held it at a public park. My best friend had not been invited. He was a little upset. He's like, "Why wasn't I invited?" So I said, "Well, I'm not going to tell you to show up at this date at this place in time." He showed up. He crashed the wedding and then he crashed the reception. I know I've told this story before, but it sticks out to me as far as weddings go. One year, my family and I, I was younger. I was probably like 14. We were on vacation and we were at a beach and there was a wedding happening on the beach. But like you said, Taylor, it wasn't... They were at the resort, but you could tell that it wasn't like an official setup. It was just kind of their own thing. You ruined it by saying "Wacko Jacko"? No, no, no. I was watching this thing go down and there was a woman without a top-on, an older lady. Oof. Is she a porn star? She had a glass in her hand, some sort of, you know... Is this a nude beach? Beach drink. Yeah. It wasn't, but I guess you could. I don't know. She was just kind of... Was it like one of those top optional topples? Yes. And she was standing... Was the wedding topless? No. She was standing inches away from the bride for all the photographs. And it's like, again, like you said, you can't really tell the lady, "Hey!" Why haven't these pictures been published online? It was crazy. I was like, "You don't know enough?" At 14, I was like, "Get out of the pictures, you crazy woman." Was it Nancy Pelosi? Or else? All good questions. Let's go to Tony. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? I'm ready, Grace. Happy birthday. Thank you, sir. All right, Tony. Here's your headline. Behind the scenes at an ethical porn studio. ♪♪ That's got to be woke. It is woke. Not a joke. Not a joke. We're getting a lot of use out of that Jamie Raskin cut, you know? It comes out more than you think. What's that cut? Is she a porn star? Oh. He hadn't heard of Juan Merchant, and he asked that question. So what's going on with this? This is just a porn studio that they, I guess they take input from everybody involved, who is going to be in the film and, you know, make sure they're okay with everything. Got it. Okay. Joe, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Joe? Hey, Kay. How you doing? All right. Awesome. Here we go. All right, Joe. Here is your headline. Your go-to breakfast cereal may look a little gayer, as snack brands gear up for Pride Month. ♪♪ Joke. That is a joke, yeah. We were due for a joke. Yeah, by the way, that was a joke. That's not true. All right. It's a joke until Saturday. Ed, you're up next on Woker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? Sure am. All right, Ed, here is your headline. New York City Blowout Studio adds The Stormy to Curled Style Options. ♪♪ Whoa. I'm sorry. It's a joke. Oh, good one. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. I would have had a little bit of trouble with that. That was Emma's, yeah. John, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, John? I am. All right, John, here is your headline. Psychedelic retreats are often discriminatory, so this couple created a queer affirming paradise. ♪♪ I'll say Woke. It is, indeed, Woke. ♪♪ Not a joke. Not a joke. I had no idea that psychedelic retreats were oftentimes discriminatory. Is that a common knowledge to people? I think that if you're doing psychedelics, you'd want your mind to be as open as possible. Yeah, people go in there like bigoted. Here's the thing, not bigoted. I wouldn't say bigoted. You can use that if you want, but a lot of these getaways, they're religious getaways. For religious purposes, some sex of different religions are open to using psychedelic drugs. Oh, I didn't know that. Sex-actioned? And they can have more traditional values except for that. Woke or joke is Jared's time to really have free written with the sound drops, and he does not miss. Sexy fishes! You get that in every Woke or joke, the sexy fishes. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So we have these psychedelics. Now, psychedelics, that's like mushrooms and stuff, right? Could be mushrooms. Ayahuasca is a very popular, retreat-based psychedelic drug that people tend to have. I didn't know religions were... I didn't know religions were... What religious experiences with? Oh, okay. So it's like a church retreat. Ask Will. He's heard all... Joe Rogan talks about this stuff all the time. Oh, I was gonna say goodbye. Yeah, yeah. Ask Will, man. But where are you in that? Well, you and I used to pile around on these psychedelic retreats. Wait a second. Boy, what a crazy guy you are. Look at that cover in the spirit world, Will. So these... So you're saying... Ask him about the eight-foot-tall alien spirits. He'd love those. So you're saying these can be church retreats. Is it churches or like more cults that are going on these psychedelic retreats? Or maybe... What's the difference these days? I think you're being very judgmental with that terminology. Sorry, I don't mean to be. Yeah, it's okay. But yeah... You just sounded like Bob's burgers. It's okay. It's okay, Linda. Oh, my God. Yeah, it's... Oh! Tough guy! One of the same, pretty much. If your church is going to psychedelic in a ways, you're probably in a cult. I do notice that mushrooms are becoming very popular. Like, people are making them... Everybody's about the shrooms. Yeah, like, oh, what do they call it, micro dosing? Micro dosing. Oh, yeah, then it just gives you a little bit... It's supposed to be like a little bit of a relaxation without feeling super high. If you do it right... Yeah, you're not getting the apparitions, the illusions. What do they call them, Jared? Oh, he's trying to do that thing again, where he pretends he doesn't know things. This is all for our... This is all for our benefit. Yeah. What is it called? Hallucinations. Right, right, right. Hallucinations. But it must be... But unlike weed, it's probably a lot thinner of a line where, like, you cross over there and you could have a really bad experience. I wouldn't know. Like, if you do the wrong amount... Ooh. Probably. Okay. George, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, George? Yes. Yeah, I'm gonna lose George. Where you getting impatient there, George? I'm sorry. He says I'm hallucinating. Okay, hold on, George. Here's your headline. Oh, George, here's your headline. George, here's your headline. Tax breaks for pet snakes. Arizona precinct hopes incentive will cut carbon-heavy reptile exterminations. Choke, choke, choke. It is a joke, joke, joke. Very good. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Taylor Kormier, thank you very much. We've got a special guest coming up after this, so I'm gonna break here. But I'm already here. You're a very, very special guest. We will be right back with more "Don't Go Anywhere." The Grace Curly Show will be right back. Meow. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. Meow. This is the Grace Curly Show. It is true tomorrow is my birthday, and I'm very excited about that. And a lot of people have also pointed out it's my daughter's first birthday, which I'm very excited about, too. We will be celebrating in a fabulous way at a Viva Tretria in Hanover. How we now will be there tomorrow from 12 to 6. I'm encouraging everyone to come by. Say hello. Grab a bite to eat. Grab a drink at the bar. It's going to be a blast. It always is. The Viva in Hanover is so beautiful, and everybody there is great. Joining us now, speaking of is Chef Anthony DePama. Chef Anthony, are you geared up for this? I am so excited for tomorrow to kick off the summer season with a Viva Tretria. I was just about to ask you the same question, Grace. We are so excited to have you and how we tomorrow. I just got back from Hanover and getting the place all dalled up for you and for your birthday. We couldn't be a better experience. The staff is excited. I think the community is excited. This is one more of those examples that Viva really tries to give back to our community and let people know that we're there and we like to entertain. It's all about hospitality. Like you said, we've got the beautiful restaurant in town and we're hoping to be really busy tomorrow. We've got bar space, as you mentioned. Tabletops all set up for you. You're going to be in our private dining room there in the front and center. It's just going to be a great afternoon. If anybody has questions, please give the restaurant a call. You can reach them directly. Just bear with me here. They are 781-561-9050. We're located at 1775 Washington Street, right in the Hanover crossing down near the cinema movie theaters right next to the brand new Macy's. Plenty of parking. Like you said, we'll be there from 12 to 6. We opened up a little bit earlier, so if you want to come in and get yourself comfortable, I'll be there at the door saying hi. We are truly, truly, truly excited. Yeah, and I love the Hanover shop and complex there. Like you said, there's a market basket. There's an old navy. There's so many great spots that you guys can also hit while you come to see us. But one thing I wanted to mention, Chef Anthony, is something I love about these remotes at Aviva Trattria. And when we do them at 110 Grill, it's the same situation. Is it everyone comes to see us and say hi, and they'll get some food, some delicious food, and they'll get a book if they spend $20 one per table, and that's all wonderful. But what I love is looking out at the crowd and seeing everybody mingling with each other, because oftentimes people come, they hear a little bit of the show, and then, you know, they want to have a little, a few conversations on the side, and people become friends. People, you know, start to talk. It's a really fun environment. You can feel the energy like-minded people getting together, you know, having a delicious bite to eat, enjoying a little bit of the show, but then really connecting with each other, which I think is so great. You nailed it. Again, the environment at Aviva is exactly that. Friends show up, maybe not even friends. They don't even know each other, but they leave as family. They come as friends, they leave as family. It's just kind of how it happens. And again, the conversations are brilliant conversations for what's happening in our world today, and we couldn't be more happy to have that as a center point. Again, plenty of space. The Pity Outdoor patio will be open as well. The brand new menu is rolling out, so, you know, we're there for your guests. It's a hospitality event for us, and more importantly, it's your birthday. So, it's a monumental birthday. I'm turning 32, which everyone knows. When you turn 32, you got to do it up big. Anthony, let's talk a little bit about the food situation, because what I love at these events is that, well, first of all, I always get to, you know, I always get to order a couple of things. I get to steal a little bit from what Howie orders. He kind of has his classics that he goes with. He likes the eggplant. He likes the canollies. But I love to look around and get ideas from what everybody's ordering at the events. What are some best sellers right now? Yeah, so again, you know, do this menu's on its way. So, we've got some great things happening. We've got the harvest salad filled chicken around, which is a wonderful, wonderful salad. You can add your chicken to there. Chicken Caesar salads are always very popular. Metatraining with our homey falafel. We've got, again, the shrimp and seafood risotto, which has been on a menu since I wrote the first menu. Our North Atlantic lobster raviolis, which are getting made by Dino's pasta, just up the road from us in Malden. Amazing lobster raviolis. You got lobster and saute shrimp in this dish. We have short ribs. I know it sounds kind of heavy, but it's one of those dishes that are cooked so slowly and can come out so light that you put that over some homemade fresh-made risotto. It just makes your mouth water. You know our pizza is a phenomenal month an hour. The Napoleon style fried pizza crust is a little bit different from what most people are used to. But once they try it, they come back from more and more and more. We've got some great desserts in the works as well, some wonderful chocolate desserts. Again, gluten-free food at an Italian restaurant. That's something we're really excited about. So the menu can be prepared just about 90% of it gluten-free. Or any other allergies that you're concerned about. Just let us know. And then we cook from scratch and we just, again, it's family for us. So you've got to make sure people leave extremely happy. Yeah, and the cocktails are amazing. The sangria is delicious. The espresso martinis. I mean, I haven't had all of it. I want to make that clear. I don't go in and clear out the bar. But I have dabbled. And by the way, Anthony, I send so many members of my family to Aviva Tradria. My parents have been. My siblings have been. My aunt and uncle who live near handover have been. And I've never had anyone leave there and not have rave reviews. And it's a testament to how great of a job you do and all the servers out of Aviva and everybody there. And make sure that everyone has a great experience. It's fresh ingredients. It's a well thought out curated menu. And it's all there for you tomorrow at the Aviva Tradria in handover. I cannot wait to see everyone. I'm so excited. You know how excited I am? I'm getting a spray tan this afternoon. That's how you know we're going to be rocking at the Aviva Tradria. Chef Anthony, I can't wait to see you tomorrow. We'll talk on the air on the show. But thanks for joining us. Chef Anthony will be at Aviva tomorrow and hopefully you will be there too. Aviva Tradria, handover. My birthday remote. My 32nd birthday. We got to celebrate. I'll see you then. [MUSIC PLAYING]