Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: The Trump hush money trial verdict

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31 May 2024
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We have become accustomed to actually believing President Trump when he gives you his opinion on something and President Trump said just the other day that you know what? There's no way in Hades that this was a fair trial. I would say in listening to the judges from the judges, as you know, very conflicted and corrupt because of the confliction, very, very corrupt. Mother Teresa could not be these charges. These charges are rigged. The whole thing is rigged. The whole country is a mess between the borders and fake elections and you have a trial like this where the judge is so conflicted he can't breathe. Yes or no? We talked about the instructions that were given to the jury. It's actually kind of incredible. I mean what he says, here you know, here you can pick and choose. Pick and choose how you want this to go. Here's the list of infractions I think the President made. Here are the laws that he broke. Now you don't have to be unanimous here. Four of you could say he broke that one and four of you could say he broke that one, you know, and then you can give them a consensus on the other ones. We'll just put them all together and say guilty. That's what happened. And you know what? I was listening to some of the coverage and we might never know what President, the former President Donald Trump was found guilty of. What? Yeah, the jury doesn't have to say anything. So let me get this straight. We don't know exactly what he was charged with something to do with payments. You know, they were supposed to be, you know, you use campaign funds to pay off you know, stormy Daniels or I don't know. And so this wasn't a federal charge and it was, you know, it was actually not even supposed to be brought up because it was so damn old but but but but it was and then it was kind of, you know, convoluted and shaken over here and then we kind of finally just, you know, told the jury, hey, we just want you to find the man guilty. We're we're finding out, you know, the jury had a bunch of questions hey, can you um, can you please explain, you know, the the instructions again, the jury instructions? Oh, we have to give it to you verbally. We can't give it to you written because we don't want anybody, of course, you know, immediately get ahold of this. So we'll send, you know, the clerk back in there and he'll read it to you. You can't make this up. And this judge has been exposed for corruption by the jury. And as of today, we know why he broke tradition. Didn't give written instruction to the jury. I mean, yes, the jury who asked for repeat, you know, a specific instructions and the judge decided to send them, you know, send them home. And then today we're finding out that it was you know what it was they wanted repeated. It was a metaphor from the judge. Now again, I don't know that this is solid or this is almost false these days. The judge supposedly said, suppose you wake up in the morning and it's not raining, but the streets are wet and people are wearing raincoats and holding umbrellas. Under those circumstances, you may conclude that it came during the night. What do you mean, judge? Basically, through the jury instructions, through the fact that, you know what, we're going to, you know, break precedence here. We don't have to have it unanimous. We can have groups of people who are agreeing that he broke this rule and he broke that law and he broke that law and we'll just put it all together. The judge is essentially telling the jury that even though you don't see proof of a crime, it's reasonable to assume one occurred. I got to give it to the judge. I got to give it to the left. This is next level corruption. Over on MSNBC. They solemnly read off, you know, the jury is guilty. Guilty on charges. One, two, and three. Guilty on four, five, and six. Guilty, guilty, guilty. Finally, it got to the point where Rachel Maddow was able to sum up what this means. Rachel, listen, it's unanimous. She's unanimous on all counts. This is a definitive and, you know, this is an irreducible verdict. He can appeal. I'm sure he will appeal, but this is everything the prosecution asked for. Everything. From a jury that by all accounts took this thing very, very seriously. Of course he did. We counted the immigration hours down here. The test here for us as a country is not about what happens on appeal and is not about what happens in sentencing. The test for us now as a country is whether or not the former president and his allies will have succeeded in trying to undermine the rule of law. What are you talking about? What in the world are you talking about woman? This is not about the sentencing. This is about whether or not we as a people accept, you know, our system of justice. Whether we accept the two tier system of justice as, you know, the law of the land. This is whether or not you are going to comply. I'm telling you. Yes, yes, yes. No, okay, okay. Here's how I feel right now. I feel very angry. I feel very frustrated. And the reason why I feel angry is because I actually do believe we just watched our republic crumble there's no rule of law. Oh, by the way, that's what the White House have put out. No one is above the law. That was one of the part of their official statement. Oh, we're also hearing, you know, the president had planned to address the nation once the verdict came out. That's how they kind of choreographed this whole thing. But then they decided to not to do that tonight. Then maybe that would be a bad idea. And plus the whole family together and they're commemorating the loss of Joe Biden, you know, I think it was nine years ago that he passed away. So they're going to save their comments until later. I think what's going to happen is the president's going to have a press conference, something about how Biden economics is working and they're going to feed the reporter, you know, a question. And once he asked the question, then the president will be able to respond to the guilty verdict. I think that's how it's going to roll out. No, I'm very upset right now because I love this country and I love the rule of law. But here's, there's a silver lining. I'll get to the silver lining in a minute. We are watching the left absolutely shred everything that we thought was decent. This is why I'm upset. We're watching the left absolutely destroy cities. New York City, their reputation is in the crap hole. What are you talking about? There's even talking about businesses. We're not going to invest in this system. We don't trust this system. All to get Trump, Trump derangement syndrome. I'm upset because I really do believe we watched the PC history today. It's not good. There are silver linings and I'm going to get to those. As a matter of fact, I'm going to be very encouraging. Just not yet. That's coming up next, James C. Cinegan for the Jesse County show. You know, Jesse County with Rough Greens question that many of you, you dog owners will ask. Will Rough Greens help my dog or my midsize dog, my small dog, my very big dog. Well, natural pathic, Dr. Dennis Black, founder of Rough Greens says because dog food is dead food. It is critical that all dogs regardless of size get the vitamins and minerals digestive enzymes, protobiotics, omega oils, and antioxidants that they get it from Rough Greens. Rough Greens is not a dog food. It's a healthy supplement that puts into your dog's food all the live nutrients necessary for superior dog health. You've heard Jesse say it worked miracles for his dog friends, digestive and energy, and it's incredibly easy to adjust the dose, no matter the size of your dog. 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We just heard from Rachel Maddow over there at MSNBC. Boy, it was a sober, sober moment. The first time we have a president that has found guilty, criminally, my gosh. And we're told, don't you worry. No, not by MSNBC. MSNBC says it doesn't matter what, you know, the sentence thing and all that kind of thing. It doesn't matter. What you need to understand that this is a convict. You can't put a convict in a White House. You want to bet? Oh, by the way, we just heard that the Trump, a website, the Trump donation website has crashed. They're going to have it up and running. You trust me, buddy. It's going to be up and running. No, they've just, they've just awakened a sleeping giant. Come on. Oh, I'm not going to vote for him now because he was found guilty. Who's going to say that? A couple of independents? Okay. Listen, what has happened today is just, it's a culmination. This is what they've been working for. Don't you understand, for those of you out there who are just holding out hope, you know, I can have my kind of fingers crossed that you would have one, one juror that would kind of be brave, but they weren't put in the position to be brave. And the orders from the judge, they pretty much led them into the conviction. It's unprecedented. You know, upon the appeal, this is not going to stand. Come on. It's not going to stand. But that wasn't the objective. The objective is to muddy him up now and to keep him off the campaign trail. You're going to see a lot of people to talk about, you know, we must accept the process. I still have faith in the system. I don't. Well, what do you, what, what, what am I, a battered wife? I haven't trusted the system since 2020. I'm sorry. I haven't trusted the system since COVID. I'm sorry. I haven't trusted the system since they mandated vaccines that don't work. I'm sorry. Wear a mask. Separate six feet. When am I stupid after all of this? Same government. Same administration. Same deep state. Same manipulation. After all this, I'm supposed to. Oh, I'm supposed to. The system is broken, man. Let that sink in. No, no. This is not the silver light again. I'm not up to silver light again. This is black pill right here. I'm black pill. Yeah. I remember when the left used to criticize me for using matrix, you know, analogies. They used to criticize me. I had to press down in Tucson. What was that? I forgot to put it off. The morning commune stuff. They used to bat. He uses antiquated red pill blue pill. We're being black pill. The reality is today, you found out that the republic is gone. James, what are you saying? I'm saying is for those of you who have been in tune, you sensed it. President Trump told you, you know, they're coming after you. It's just that I'm in the way. If you've been following this trial, you know, you know, you know that this is nonsense because you saw the setup. You know what it's about. There's no crime here. They can't even tell you what crime that he committed. Even the jury won't tell you what committed. He just committed something because the streets were wet when you woke up in the morning. You know, they didn't tell you the judge is saying that it rained. They didn't tell you that they had the CIA, they had the FBI, they had the Department of Justice off there with big firehoses wetting down the streets so that when you got up in the morning, oh, this must have rained. Chris, am I popping off too much? Am I emoting? I didn't have much time to put the show together. I had a show, Chris, but then all of a sudden, you know, the jury in New York blew it up. I had funny stuff too. This is incredible. All right. So now that we see that the that the republic is gone, the republic is shaken up. Yeah, we got a we have to listen to some of our leaders. We have to listen to some of our pundits, the ones that we trust to kind of find out. You know, what's coming next is the president going to go to jail? Are they going to put him in jail? Will he be under house arrest? Will he be restricted? When can we have a, you know, a reach out, how soon would that happen? You know, you have a judge Janine. She was all over this, uh, this evening on Fox News at the American people will be struck by this as we are all struck by it in different ways. I as a former prosecutor and a judge who knows the state courts and who knows the state law, I know that this is riddled with reversible error. I know that there was no basis to charge this crime, this alleged crime and a resurrected misdemeanor spaced upon non unanimous federal violations of the election law or of the tax law. So, I mean, you've got that, but there's also a gut punch. Criminal justice system in the United States. People realize we are no longer safe anymore. No, it's because of the progressive left agenda of making sure that we don't keep people in jail. And you know, they're out there with 33 arrest. Oh, you know, a judge, Janine, she's making a very good point here. We're watching the criminals go free. We're watching, you know, I want Alvin Bragg. He's supposed to be talking, I believe here this evening. I wonder, I wouldn't think it'll let you know, uh, go, like to let those, you know, those illegals that beat up the cop, they got bailing out. No, but he's been found guilty. Are they prepping Rikers? What's coming up next? We're going to have a conversation with Congressman Andy Biggs, James T. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona. Could also be heard in Tucson. 550 KFYI, 790K in ST. And I'm telling you, we're still reeling from the news that we, which we fully expected. President Trump found guilty on all charges, 34 charges. It's laughable because it was predictable because it was designed to happen. What does it mean for our Republic? Uh, we'd like to welcome to the Jesse Kelly show, a representative, Andy Biggs of Arizona. And Congressman, we talk often on the conservative circles of my show in Arizona, but this is a moment that is very sobering for many Americans, very sad for Americans who absolutely believed in the gift of America. They're seeing it unravel, but what, what does this moment, what does this guilty, uh, a charge mean? Well, first of all, obviously it has enormous political implications as also implications on the institutions and our system of governance, including the judicial system, which is supposed to be nonpartisan, non-politically motivated, it's supposed to have justice is supposed to be blind, but we've walked off that. I don't think anybody who was fair-minded or rational would have thought that this would, this was going to be any other outcome. I mean, the best out case you had was a hope for a hung jury, which is, which is absurd going into a case like this. But I mean, everybody from the prosecutor to the jury pool, to the witnesses, to the instructions by the judge, which morphed the charges to the, the very notion that somebody ran on the notion of, uh, I'm going to prosecute Donald Trump. I don't know what the crime is yet, but I'm going to prosecute Donald Trump, so elect me, your, your district attorney. Those things all speak to a managed outcome, which is something that the former Soviet Union, former East German governments, they were famous for, and now we are internationally famous. So it's incredibly detrimental to us as a society and as a nation. You talked about, you know, the former Soviet Union. I mean, we're talking about, you know, this was the communist, this is who we were our arch enemy in the 80s up until, you know, it fell apart in the 1990s. Their secret police, uh, all of the action that we criticized and we rejoiced the fact that we were Americans, that we were free, that we didn't operate like that. Congressman, are you telling me that that's how we operate now? Well, yeah, I mean, just look, you've got four prosecutions that have gone on against President Trump, plus additional civil litigation, or many of it has been orchestrated right from the White House. We know that because what the prosecutors went to the White House, their names are in the live book. They met. They were talking about things. Things were followed, indictments followed those meetings, and so it was not. You can't say it wasn't orchestrated by the White House. Now in saying that, all of a sudden, we are as bad as any weaponized regime against political opponents. And that's what's happened here. It was weaponized. And that's really a sad day for the United States of America. We have a representative Andy Biggs, he represents a great state of Arizona. He's on the Jesse Kelly show. You know, when we look at this case, and we look at, and I believe it, and I think everybody who's watching this believes that it was orchestrated, but does this also speak to, does this speak to the panic on the left side of the aisle? Does this speak to the panic of the deep state or their resolve? Well, I think that they have panic that Joe Biden is going to lose this election. And so they made a calculation, which I think is going to prove wrong, is they thought, well, if we tarnish Trump, and we're going to create a narrative now, and the narrative, the theme for their campaign is going to be Donald Trump convicted felon, that type of thing. Don't like the convicted felon. That's what they wanted to do. I have bad news for them. The American people do not like unfair treatment of people, including people they don't like. And you know, I'm out of the state's day traveling, and I wanted to a sales booth, and we were talking to a guy guy, saying, "Hey, the verdict just came back, we're talking to him." He's relating that, you know, Democrats in New York, where he's from, they hate Trump, but they are peoed at what's happened, and they view it as a travesty. That's the type of thing that undermines our political system, but you know what? It's going to help Donald Trump. It is going to help Donald Trump, Congressman. It does undermine the system. It is going to help Donald Trump, but is that what the opposition, is that what they wanted? That they really think that this was going to thwart President Trump? I guess I'm skeptical, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, like are they going to try to incarcerate the president to keep them off the campaign trail? Well, they're going to try to keep them busy, but don't forget, I mean, Trump was right. He always says that I'm standing between them and you, and they really want to get you, but I'm the one that's most convenient. But don't forget, there are others of us, we've been hassled and subpoenaed and vilified, who have stood with Trump. So if you probably stand with Trump, the system had become so weaponized, the federal police apparatus has become so weaponized that they will come after you. And most people don't have the wherewithal that Donald Trump does to be able to defend himself. And so yeah, they believe that they can cow and scare enough people, which is by the way, that's the terror of the former USSR, that's the terror of the former East German Stasi, et cetera. They believe that they can terrorize American people, and that's what they try to do here. You have a person who's working for the Trump campaign that's help raising money. He came out yesterday and said that a lot of rich donors are afraid to contribute to the Trump campaign because they're afraid that they do, that the FBI will show up at their door reminds me of the Tea Party movement, how they got snuffed out by Lois Lerner in the IRS. Is that the type of intimidation you're talking about? That's part of it. You bet. That's part of it. And then don't forget Lois Lerner was held in contempt, nothing ever happened to her either. So this is the type of stuff that goes on, the weaponization. Up next we have the Hunter Biden trial is going on. Do you think that the media is going to cover that trial as intensely as they cover the Trump trial? No, they'll cover it, but you're not going to find more than a little blurb here and there from the left street media. But it's nothing like what we've seen in the Donald Trump coverage. Which is kind of incredible because when you look at the Hunter Biden's laptop, which I have seen by the way, and I dare not talk about what I've seen on it because they've successfully kind of scrubbed it from most places on the internet, when you look at that, you look at the crimes that were committed. When you look at the money, more importantly, the shakedown, it is absolutely incredible how there's very little scrutiny, very little demand for equal justice when it comes to the shakedown tactics and the pornography, the crime that was happening with Hunter Biden. No, that's right. I mean, I happen to sit on the two committees that have been investigating that stuff and the mountains of evidence that we have, it is phenomenal. It is phenomenal what's gone on and the Biden family has been selling access and grants and favors for years and years and Hunter Biden, of course, he's right in the middle of it. Now, this is a gun charge that they finally got him on, but I mean, the reality is Hunter Biden has got major problems and we all know it and the DOJ knows it, but they refuse to prosecute. Congressman Andy Biggs, I want to thank you very much for giving us some insight in what this verdict means for the country moving forward. You know, we, we thank you here on the Jesse Kelly show and look forward to seeing you again in the conservative circus. You bet. Thanks, James. That's Congressman Andy Biggs, a straight shooter, my friends behind the scenes. Absolutely. He's been on point throughout this whole mess from the very beginning, had no hope for a hung jury, had no hope for exoneration. This is part of the plan and we'll continue to way through the fallout of the Gelt team verdicts. We have President Trump that I believe has weighed in as well. That's coming up next on the Jesse Kelly show. Make sure you pack your burner for your summer travel. 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He is he's a droning on about how the jurors vow to make a the decision you know how they vow to do thoroughly check through all of the all the information I'm sorry did I say that I'm on the Jesse Kelly show James here is a sitting in for Jesse Kelly just engrossed with the album brag hey um a Chris can we bring this up I think they're starting to ask the album brags questions about what is going on I don't know if we can if we can dip into this live let's see what we what the questions being asked here this is New York versus Trump of course album brag reacting to the Trump guilty verdict I did my job our job is to follow the facts in the law without your favor right and that's exactly what we did here and what I feel is gratitude to work alongside phenomenal public servants who do that each and every day it matters that you all write about I make the press and then lots of matters that you don't I did my job we did our job many voices out there the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken oh yeah the only voice that matters is the the jury's voice and the jury is I did my job I ran on this for God say you knew what I was gonna do I ran just like LaTisha James I ran on bringing down Donald drop and you can't step on my moment there's a lot of the happiest day hey hey hey promises made promises capped that's our album brag district attorney New York holding a press conference let's go back in I think a reporter's asking him another question right now here my remarks we have a phenomenal system 12 everyday New Yorkers and listen to the judges directions they follow the evidence you saw them in court everyday they were careful and attentive and so I feel deep gratitude to work alongside them to be a part of this system and I just want to echo that this is what we're doing every single day every day this trial right now just this week right a ghost gun indictment from all these wage theft plea resolution sex crimes convictions all sorts of work that's being done by phenomenal public servants so we're we're before you today on this obviously consequential matter but this is what we do every day we thought about the illegals you let go the ones that beat up the cops shut up and following the facts of law you vaguely talking about sex conditions give me some specifics here album brag looking at here like a like a big old black mr. potato head it's exactly that toy story he's a caricature from toy story and looking at do sitting right next to him with an old that beige tie on look like jerry from subway is he out of jail yet oh see I'm cynical I'm you can tell I'm sorry I'm sorry just Kelly's audience I'm sorry I'm up here breaking bad it's just unprofessional for me to call this man a big old big old mr. potato head the old black big fat mr. potato head I did my job he did do his job he should be proud he ran on this this is his mission accomplished moment remember that mission accomplished now we'll stand well we don't know but right now I've got no confidence whatsoever in our judicial system do you you have confidence you got the album back here that you know I can't even hear the quality of the questions but you know the same thing with you know politics is the same thing with the media the media whoa here's the question if I were one of the reporters up there I'm a brag what exact what crime did the Donald Trump commit well what they find him guilty of what did the jury find him guilty of well you know that's been sequenced we don't we're not letting that information go that's between the jury and the judge and God but we know that the system worked here because they got Donald Trump they got him oh I can't wait to see the you know I know I'm a sucker I want to watch MSNBC tonight I'm gonna watch you know see it man I'm a flip over there I've been flipping over doing commercial breaks to see you know how much gloating they ought to be happy they got him they got him then you don't understand there's only one thing left to do and that is get the photograph of Donald Trump in the orange jumpsuit I'm gonna get that one I'm gonna put that on my mug you know James Sierra said I'm gonna put that on my mug I already got the I already got the mug shot on the mug I'm gonna get a t-shirt with with with with with with Trump in a orange jumpsuit and no I'm gonna put on it that's my president that's my president he have a album Braggis now he has now left the podium a Christie say anything more meaningful I went off on a tangent there and cut him off as they were he didn't say anything meaningful it was just a bunch of blather I did my job these proud to work alongside of the alongside of the jurors who did their job we all did our job okay okay well here this is this is the big story the story of the day we're gonna get some more reaction president Trump has weighed in on the verdict we also have Jonathan Turley you know weighing in on the on the verdict he's so very hopeful he still has a lot of trust in the system I'm jaded jaded there is a silver lining I haven't got to the silver lining yet we're gonna get to the silver lining this has been a podcast from WOR high five casino high five casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five casino dot com the hottest games right from Vegas and all winnings go straight to your bank account hundreds of exclusive games free daily rewards and come back to get free coins every four hours only at high five casino dot com high five casino is a social casino no purchase necessary for a prohibited play responsibly terms and addition supply see website for details at high the number five casino dot com high five casino