Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: The Trump hush money trial verdict

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31 May 2024
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The following is a high five moment from I won, yahoo! Private, put down your phone, this is the army! Source, high five casino is a social casino. Done your phone, goes wherever you go. I win three spins, cash, prizes, three tender rewards, over twelve hundred games. I won again! Platoon presents cell phone! High five! High five! Casinos! Casinos! Win it high five casino! The home! High five casino is a social casino, no purchase necessary. We're prohibited, play responsibly, conditions apply, see website for details. High five casino! This is a podcast from WOR. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show, my name is James T. Harris, happy to be sitting in for Jesse Kelly, I am a talk show host, out of Phoenix, Arizona. My home station, 550K FYI, is where you can hear the conservative circus also, 790K in ST, out of Tucson, my adopted hometown, that's right. Originally from Wisconsin, but I'm an Arizona boy. This conservative talk show, biggest talk show in the state, we're talking about a day that will live in infamy. President Trump found guilty on all 34 counts, absolutely crazy as the deep state, as the Democrats continue to try to come in, trying to cancel the president. But you know Mike Lindell and my pillow no longer have the support of big box stores or shopping channels, the way you may have shopped for their products in the past. My pillow have found themselves a part of this cancel culture, yeah, because of this and the change in retails, they don't pass the savings directly to you, they want to do that now, so it used to be that the retail was siphoned some off. We're having a $25 extravaganza sale, when Mike Lindell started my pillow, it was just the problem solved, one product, property, you know, company with their pillow. Since then and with the help of his dedicated employees, my pillow now has hundreds of products some you may not even know about, to get you familiar with other products. They are having a $25 extravaganza with promo code Jesse, two pack multi-use my pillows just $25, my pillow sandals $25, there are six pack towel sets, you guessed it $25 and for the first time ever, the premium my pillow with new geez of fabric, any size or loft level just $25. Just go to my and click on the radio listener special square for these $25 deals, free shipping on orders over $75, enter promo code Jesse or call 800-845-0544, for this amazing offer that won't last long, I tell you what, what else is not going to last long and that is the glee that we're seeing on the left side of the aisle, MSNBC, oh, they were waxing poetic about democracy's shining moment, one shining moment, yes. This conviction was their Christmas and they were there when the verdict came down in the White House, they also responded to this, Rachel Maddow, she was the first to kind of chime in on this and of course we have a unanimous verdict, the people have spoken, here is Rachel Maddow. Listen, it's unanimous jewelry verdicts, unanimous on all counts. This is a definitive and, you know, this is an irreducible verdict. He can appeal, I'm sure he will appeal, but this is everything that the prosecution asked for from a jury that by all accounts took this thing very, very seriously. Oh yeah, they did. We counted the deliberation hours down here. The test here for us as a country is not about what happens on appeal and it's not about what happens in sentencing. The test for us now as a country is whether or not this former president and his allies will have succeeded in trying to undermine the rule of law so that people reject this as a legitimate function of the rule of law in our country. They have tried to delegitimize this judge, they have tried to delegitimize this court and they have tried to delegitimize these proceedings, they've even tried to delegitimize the laws that he was charged under. Those efforts are the test that we now have as a country. The people involved in bringing this case have been threatened and intimidated and had everything brought to bear on against them in a way that was designed to delegitimize this process in the eyes of the American people. It is now in the hands of the American people to decide if we will accept those efforts or whether we will stand by the rule of law and recognize this as a fill of prayer proceeding. Well, thank you so much. Oh my gosh, that was so deep, so deep, and that's the American people. You know what, if you don't stand by this judge's rule, if you don't stand by this jury, you are un-American and look what they tried to do. They tried to expose Judge Mershan, they tried to expose his daughter, look what they tried to do to the whole system by simply telling about the connection that this judge had that should have been enough to have any decent person recuse themselves from the case, they were trying to destroy the process. Shame on them. Everybody knows that Judge Mershan, he is an upstanding individual. This guy is as pure as the driven snow. And you had one gentleman, what was his name, Andrew Weismann, Andrew Weismann over there on MSNBC, he was getting all, he was getting all moist, he's getting moist over Judge Mershan. As you've noted with respect to Judge Mershan, I mean, I am like now, you know, I felt like a man crush on him because it's such a great judge that it's hard to see that the jurors wouldn't have the same impression and he's just, you just keep on thinking, if you looked at the dictionary for like judicial temperament, that's what you get. Wow, wow, that's pathetic, that's Andrew Weismann, see he knew, see this is before the verdict came out, he knew, he said he had a man crush, did you hear that Chris? He said he had a man crush. He's over here getting all warm and fuzzy, oh, he's just, when I think of Judge Mershan, oh, I have to tell you, I am a fan, I'm a boy fan, I have a man crush, gee, judicial temperament, I know it's painful, I know it's painful, but we have to, we have to watch this. This is like, you know, you lose the big game, you standing on the court, the confetti's flying, all that kind of stuff, you're just looking around. You remember how the Democrats felt, you remember how they felt, election night 2016, that glass ceiling did not break, that confetti did not fall, they were looking dumbfounded, you know, they were sitting home, we're not going home, we're watching this, because this isn't the big, this isn't the big win, as the president said, in the big win, that's going to be in November. So yeah, let us watch it, let us watch these Democrats in here gloating, let's watch it. And jurors take it so seriously, and yes, it can be scary because of it, but you know what, they did their job, and I think that this is a testament to our joining so many other democracies in the international community who have managed to hold political leaders to account, and we have shown that we can do that as well in a fair process, where the defendant got extremely good counsel had an incredibly fair process from this judge in spite of his attacking the witnesses, the judge, the judges family, the jurors. Oh, come on, y'all, come on, that's, again, that's, that's nice, but the whites, and Andrew Weissman, MSNBC, sit up here lying, lying, he got fair treatment, fair treatment. You know, I don't know if you how close you were playing, you know, how much attention you were paying, but you know, during the end here, they're, they're tying things up. You had a witness on the stand, and the, the, the lawyers trying to ask questions, and the judge keeps interrupting objection sustained, objection sustained, objection sustained. Finally, the witness, you know, trying to look like the judge kind of cock-eyed, he goes, if you look at me like that one more time, you will not be allowed to, to, to stand trial to be a witness for Donald Trump, he lost his mind, cleared the courtroom, oh, then here you have Weissman up here, oh, this is judges so fair, he was so fair, you know, I, I have a crush, I have a man crush on this judge, don't get me wrong, I'm very masculine, but I have a man crush on this, wow, oh, we're not done, oh, there's more, we're going to, we're going to soak it all in, I haven't gotten to the silver lining yet, there's silver lining, you were with us from the beginning of the Jesse County show, I just been popping off, I just been popping off, we had Congressman Andy Biggs on to give us some perspective, but you know, I, I'm sitting here speaking on behalf of millions, this is a bunch of bullshiggety, that's what it is, but we're going to soak it in, because our day is coming, oh, they can't, they can't, they can't delay the inevitable, you know, what they could put President Trump under the jail, God forbid they harmed a man, he still go on the election, because it's crystal clear, we the people don't like you, media, we the people don't like you, Biden administration, we the people don't like you, Obama, we the people don't like you CIA, FBI, Department of Justice, all you showing your assets, you showing it, James C. Harris, sitting here for the Jesse Kelly show, miss something, listening to the Jesse Kelly show, my name is James T. Harris, I am, well, a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona, you can hear my show, the conservative circles by 50k of yi in Phoenix or 790 Kness T in Tucson, my adopted hometown. And right now, if you are on the same political side of the aisle, it's like, you upset, very upset, you're not, you're not yo down and out, but it's very upsetting. But it's healthy. Let us not fool ourselves and think that we have a fair justice system. Whenever you hear the, the left say, there's no man is above the law. That's a bunch of bull. They know it. If that were the case, Hillary Clinton would be in jail, that were to get well, there'd be a lot of folks in jail. From the left side of the aisle, the truth is you have power, you have influence. Well, you can, you can skirt the law. If you're on the right side of the political aisle, here's a man with power and influence. Think about president Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, a billionaire, Donald Trump was the, you know, the king of New York for a period of time. Successful builder, change the landscape of the, of the city, celebrated celebrity, loved by celebrities, rappers, you know, singing the bottom, rapping the bottom, you had Barack Obama, telling folks, you know what, more people should try to be like Donald Trump. Successful, a TV show, the apprentice, you know, when it comes to the reality of style TV shows, you know, he was at the top of the top during the height of the whole craze, Donald Trump, but on TV forever, you can go back and see him on Oprah. Hey, one day, do you think you ever run for president? I don't, I won't run for president if I have to. Well, what would it cause you to run for president? I mean, what would you try to change? The same things he said on Oprah back in the 80s, 90s, he says he's dead. He actually did when president, he's been so consistent. What's the problem? Well, the deep state, they don't like what he said he would do. The deep state does not like the America first policy. Let's get down to it. Come on. They bristle at it. America first, you have Barack Obama go on a worldwide apology tour. He wasn't about America first. You have Joe Biden come into office and basically, you know, dissolve the Southern border and invite the whole world in and they came to the tune of what? How many millions? At least 10, 15 million in the last three and a half years. These are not America first people. No, when Trump was in office, he was America first. His policies were America first. They were, they were, I'm not going to say revolutionary. No, I am going to say revolutionary because other people have talked about, you know, putting America's first. He actually did it. He said, I'm moving the, I'm moving the capital, you know, from our embassy from, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Oh, other presidents said that he did it. He said, we're going to have peace in the Middle East. They came up with the Abraham accords that he should have got a Nobel Peace Prize for that. Other folks have talked about it. He did it. He's the president, North Korea, South Korea, their leaders meet, you know, and shake hands. What are you talking about? He did it. And he did it to the prism of America first. He came in and you got a tax cut, a tax cut for real, a tax cut. So compelling, even Paul Ryan had to jump on board and help get it across the finish line. That's how real it was at the end of the day. He had all the policies that Republicans always said they wanted, but they didn't like the man that was bringing it. They didn't like the fact that he had conviction that when he said he was going to do it, he's going to do it. All those crusty old ass politicians like, you know, John McCain. Oh, oh, he ran for office got got got his clock clean clock claimed twice, I believe. And here comes this deal fight, a man who never ran for any political office. The first office he runs for is the presidency, a man who had never had any type of charge against him and never spent a day in jail, not found guilty of anything for 70 years of his life. He becomes president and look at what they throw at him. Good God. What did he do? Was became president. He was not part of the club. He could not be owned. He could not be bought. What did he do? He put America first. He bullied Europe. He told NATO, you're gonna pay your fair share. Wait, what? No, you pay for your own protection. You know, you how are you gonna pay? How are you gonna have us paying for your borders, your protection? And you gonna buy oil from Russia? What? You gonna be buying oil from us if you're paying us, you know, but what he turned it upside down. And look what they've done to him. And look what they've done to his family. You can't you can't this you cannot exaggerate this. This man has exposed corruption. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. They got ahold of his tax records. They got ahold of his business records. What has he done wrong? What laws has he violated? They had to make stuff up in order to find him guilty. And they can't even tell us what he was guilty of. We don't even know what the jury found him guilty of. Come on, y'all. Come on. We don't even know. This is what I this is what I find so frustrating. Here's somebody a true American in American success story. But because of the corruption, because of the corruption that is Washington DC, because of the corruption that is our our police, our, and I mean the FBI, our spy networks, the CIA, because of the fact that they're unelected, because of the power that they've had and because they've been interfering with elections all over the world. Now they can do it at home. And they happen to get it home. This man stands against that. I'm not done yet. James C. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris, a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona. Out of Tucson, Arizona, my show, the conservative circus can be heard on 550 cap YI 790 K N S T. We are talking about what would happen today. I've been saying it in every every segment a day that will live an infamy president for president Donald Trump phone guilty on 34 charges. Absolutely ridiculous. Things about to get crazy out there. You got to make sure you're ready. Do you want to get better at shooting without spending money on ammunition or time at the range? Get yourself a man to sex. 94% of shooters improve within 20 minutes of using mantis X. The mantis X is an at home training system you use with your own gun to do dry fire practice. This high tech but very easy to use gizmo gives you real time feedback on your shooting technique. Just attach it to your gun like a weapon light. 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I know that way we got to handle this though is that the ballot box I know that for sure. I just got a got a text from a friend not listening to the show but is well aware of just how they will live in infamy. He said what's going on here is absolutely ridiculous. I donated to Trump today. I'm so done with the Democrat government. Hold on. I thought this guy was a liberal. I vote. I donated. Not that I'm voting for. I donated. And for all those people out there who are celebrating in the streets for all those people who are up who are just you know oh gloating. This is the same friend. He said quote keep that same energy when he becomes your daddy in November. But I will show restraint and will refrain from stirring the nest. That is exactly what we all should be doing. Oh you get prepared just in case you know you can't help what's going on around you. But no no no no no. He left these. Hey wise been out there. Keep that same energy buddy. Keep that same you know man love for that crush on an merchant. You keep that up. Come November we're gonna be saying who's your dad? Who's your daddy? Until now we'll show some restraint. And how can you how can you get upset and angry with a man you know with a fan boy who talks like this about a judge. With as you've noted with respect to Judge Marshawn. I mean I am I'm like now you know I felt like a man crush on him. He is such a great judge that it's hard to see that the jurors wouldn't have the same impression. And he's just you just keep on thinking if you looked at the dictionary for like judicial temperament that's what you get. You know I am tempted to say something but this is not my own show. This is the Jesse Kelly show. I can't go around blowing up people's show but I have an observation about Mr. Weissman. Oh he oh he oh he's not done. Oh yeah he was that was before the the the jury came through with their verdict. After the verdict he's still talking over there on MSNBC. Nation and decline. No one can be happy today but this is a day of seeing the rule of law. I mean I think Rachel has it totally right that this is a really about our democracy in a shining moment led by a really eminent wonderful judge who was completely dispassionate. And as we said before the verdict it was a fair process. Right. So you have to live with it. And that is I think bringing our country into the modern era. I mean there are so many countries. England, France, Italy, Israel, Argentina that have done all of this and they've done it much better than we have. Here it is. Here it is. And you know we think of ourselves as this first world country that is a shining beacon on the hill. Today is an example of that. Okay you know I gotta tell you something right now. I gotta tell you something right now. That right there just really made me mad. Did you hear what he's saying? America is finally finally like all the other you know colossal jewels of mediocrity. We are like England. We are like France. We're like the other countries of Europe. No we're not exceptional. Go ahead. Laugh. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy yourself. I really don't think I really I gotta be honest with you. I don't believe that this is motivating to the people. I do believe that there are some Democrats out there that really really know that they've stepped in it today. There are Democrats out there that really really know that they're not going to be able to you know bottle this up. You got folks out there that are very concerned on seeing and they're very concerned that the president even with all of this they're fretting that he will get special treatment and not be sent to president special. Oh we're afraid he's gonna get special treatment who he hasn't gotten any special treatment thus far. I fully expect for president Trump to be thrown into the clank. I do. Why wouldn't they? There's nothing logical about anything we've been seeing. What we're seeing is unbridled Trump derangement syndrome keyword deranged. He's been found guilty on these felony charges. Well James weren't really, no no they they said his felony charges. You gotta go with it. They're saying felony charges. So what happens when you're found guilty with felony charges? You go to jail. Yeah James he's gonna appeal. The appeal's not gonna happen till way after the elections. They're not gonna fast-track that the way they fast-track all these other cases. Usually these other cases wouldn't have been heard you know until that's in the elections. Well they fast-track all of this. This has been the plan. This is what they're doing. So why did they get it all of a sudden become soft? At carrying out the sentencing process. Tell us more about that. Yes so what will happen is that Donald Trump will have to report to probation and probation will prepare what's called a pre-sentencing report where they take certain information and this is something they do in every case before sentencing. Certain information about him including whether or not he expresses remorse because that is something that is normally taken into consideration. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Is he gonna express remorse? Can you first tell him what he did wrong? How can he be sorry for something? They didn't even tell him what he did wrong. They didn't even tell him what laws you broke away. He's gonna show a girl girl. Was that sexist? Oh I'm sorry. Girl. Girl please. Sentences any defendant he takes many factors into consideration. If you removed the name Donald Trump from his consideration and it was somebody who came before him for sentence that also had three open other felony indictments in three other jurisdictions in both state and federal court. He's somebody who has been convicted of 34 felony counts. Was held in content 10 times. Girl let me stop you. Let me stop you because you tripping. If you remove the name Donald Trump and you will put him before this judge and he had all of these priors the reason why he has all of these priors and the reason why he's standing before that judge right now is because Donald Trump is his name. I'm tired of trying to fake the funk. Nothing about this is real. Nothing about this is is law. This is not you know American Jewish purr purr. I don't even know how to pronounce the word. I'm just I'm starting to fall apart here. This is all designed to keep Donald Trump out of office. This is this is out of this is designed to put him in check to put you in check. That's what we're watching. Got no tolerance for it. But the only way we can play this right right now is to win at the ballot box to make sure that we are harvesting those ballots just like the dims are. We got to beat them at that game in order to have a shot and changing everything. I'm going to give you a biblical perspective of what we're dealing with here because there's nothing new under the sun. That's coming up next. James T. Harris said again for the Jesse Kelly show. He doesn't care if you believe him. The Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am a talk show on the on Phoenix, Arizona. My show the conservative circus can be heard at the five fifty K f Y. I in Phoenix seven ninety K and S T of my adopted hometown of Tucson and it's just happy to be with you on this very crazy day a day that will live in infamy. Now the twenty twenty four election is upon us and the war on masculinity in America today is more blatant than it ever has been. All you need to do is listen to Andrew Heisman on MSNBC and you will know that. I want you to know that now is the time to choose strength and vitality over weakness and complacency. The problem is men's testosterone levels are off a cliff historically at an all time low and isn't that what the liberal elite wants they want a week in docile underclass. Thankfully the Patriots at chalk spell C H O Q are here to help real American men take back their right to proudly maximize their masculinity by boosting testosterone levels up to twenty percent over ninety days now Jesse's been taking chalk vitality stack for for over a year now and it has done wonders for them. Manufactured right here in the USA talks natural herbal supplements are clinically proven to have game changing effects on your energy focus and mood maximize your masculinity today at C H O Q dot com use cold jesse for a massive discount on any subscription for life C H O Q dot com chalk dot com cold jesse for lifetime savings on any subscription limited time offer subscriptions cancelable at any time there's nothing new under the sun just like ancient ancient Israel we live in a fallen world my friends we know that a world full of imperfect people elite and immoral political officials are bound to beat up communities with the club of injustice Yahweh makes it clear to the Hebrews that this type of malicious evil was to have no part in their Jewish theocracy quote you shall do no injustice in the court you shall not show partiality to the poor nor show favoritism to the great but you are to administer justice in the right thing to a sit a fellow citizen Leviticus chapter 19 verse 15 in Psalms 64 six King David described evil doers as a circle of confidence of doing of doing bad they were those who devised injustices with a well-conceived plot huh the same fallen world full of evil doers still exist the virus of injustice in our constitutional republic hasn't been eradicated it ought not be treated with the with the priests the prophets or the kings of an ancient Hebrew theocracy instead justice and fairness can be administered to an ailing american system not by means of of of liberal concoction experimental stuff now but with with vital injections of past proven doses of legal tenets prescribed by our judicial system we need an infusion of the following vaccines to minimize the infection of injustice we need presumption of innocence ability to face accusers presentation of witnesses and evidence right to remain silent in a speedy trial provision of legal counsel standard of probable cause and reasonable doubt in front of a jury of one's peers trump didn't get that a lot of you don't get that a media field courtroom with black robed magistrates engaged in lawfare are likely unfamiliar with the with the eternal verdict of the ultimate judge the ancient of days perhaps it would be wise for those with gavels and gowns and agendas to remember the words of the wisest judge that ever lived king solomon god will judge both the righteous and the wicked man for a time for every matter and for every deed there is ecclesiastes chapter three verse 17 for men and women created in the image of god a reasonable question remains what makes all the difference elite law or eternal life of course those of us who have faith alone and christ alone for eternal life we realize that this is all temporary but that doesn't mean that we don't have a responsibility we do have a responsibility we have a responsibility to to teach truth to speak truth we have a responsibility to call out that is that which is wrong didn't have time for today but there is a democrat politician out in california who basically could no longer carry the water especially when it comes to the sexualization of our children she gave a very riveting speech as she denounced the democrat party and told them that she was going to serve them no more that is a person of conscience who realizes that they can't fake the funk and i believe there are more democrats out there not necessarily an office not what necessarily in washington dc after you spend a little time washington dc you become very very jadey you become part of the system you have to pay to play to get along but no amongst our friends and our family there are few the reality is days like today will those show you the hearts of men people like uh uh and andrew wiseman over there i never said he can't be helped he's a fanboy he's gone but i'm quite sure that the people who don't live on this who are not obsessed with this are reachable because at the end of the day americans it's in our dna we believe in truth justice and fairness this has been a podcast from wor the following is a high five moment from high five welcome to burger yiffy would you like a high apple pie today yes yes yes i won so that's a yes on the apple pie i just went big time playing high five casino on my phone real cash prizes free daily reward over 1200 games so yes or no on the apple pie whoa i won again i'll take that as a yes drive around have you had your high five moment today only at high five high five casino is a social casino no purchase necessary we're prohibited play responsibly condition supply c website for details high five casino