Sheep Get Sheared

America Has Been Assassinated By Biden

Broadcast on:
31 May 2024
Audio Format:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sheep could shared podcast. I'll be honest with you my friends. I just got done getting a drink. I cannot believe I suppose I heard the news about Trump in the verdict and he was guilty. I immediately was like, I gotta go get a drink. I gotta go separate myself from this bullshit. I'm so mad right now. Let me tell you something. I'm not the biggest Trump around the world in the world. Okay, do I like the man? I don't know him. Do I like the lot of his policies? Yeah, they're okay. But what I see, the level of disgusting, vitriol hatred that they subject him to, that the garbage that they love at him, did you know that out of this judge has been on not one, but three of Trump's trial of Trump trials randomly. Of course, you know that they randomly selected so so called. Oh, yeah, you didn't know that did you? Yeah, they randomly assign it. And yet he randomly got assigned to three of them. And on top of it all, you know, Alvin Bragg in the the the pimp in my opinion, but the bomb, the nuke, he had the nerve to come out and say at the at the nerve to also get the same trial. As the you guys remember that a Marine who choked that guy out on the train in New York in Manhattan. Oh, yeah, that guy's that guy is also getting a trial done by the same guy. And my estimation, because he's Caucasian, and the guy who got choked out was black. And the guy who is acute, the judge is black in my estimation, I could be wrong. But my friend, this is the most disgusting day in American history in my lifetime. I'm not old, but I'm here to tell you, I was talking about not 11, which happened when I was one years old. This is one of the worst. This is the worst day in American history. When I see the fact that a judge who is in my estimation, as corrupt as can be, got talked over, got the whole rundown from the Democrat National Committee and my estimation and all of these mysterious forces that run the government, you know, at the Silicon Valley Pirates and the people who have the big money and the power. And when I see that they are so brazen that they would literally put Trump on trial when Biden and his son have evidence against them from China, from Russia, they want to talk about hush running with Trump, wanting to bring up thunder by his laptop, or the sex scandal with his daughter in the shower being naked. Why do we need to talk about that? No, no, no, no, it's nothing to see here. No, it's all Trump comes evil. Oh, my friends, I can't take this anymore. I don't usually talk too much about politics directly, but let me tell you something. This makes me so upset. I'm I'm furious. I am so furious right now. How in the world could they get away with this? We're living in a third world dictatorship. We're living in a third world country. I remember what I lived in Cambodia when I was in eighth grade. Oh, yeah, I lived in Cambodia when I was in seventh eighth grade. I remember there being less oppression, less direct corruption in that country that I'm seeing right now. I cannot believe it. If Biden had any any pulse and any care at all about being the so-called unifier that he read it on, he would say, Hey, you know what? I'm going to pardon Trump. I'm real for the good of the nation. I'm going to let Trump off because even if he is guilty, which I highly doubt, in my opinion, I highly doubt it. If he was down guilty, which he was today, if Biden had any credibility, any read any at all desire to keep the country together and be the middle of the road unifier that he claims to be, he will come out today and say, you know what? Despite the fact that Trump is my opponent, despite the fact that he is hated, despite the fact that I don't like him personally, I'm going to let him off. I'm going to pardon him because this is good for the health of the nation. He will never do that. Why? Because he's a puppet in my estimation of the forces that be. And this same bond, Joe Biden, who you call your president, he's not mine, who you call your president, has the nerve to go to to sell Ukraine, who we sent hundreds of billions of dollars to that bomb, has the nerve to say that he probably didn't read about this from CNN. If you watch CNN, he has the nerve to tell the Ukrainians that they can now use our technology, our weapons, against Russians in a Russian territory. Oh, yeah. Oh, you missed that. You didn't see that today in the news report. Do you miss that? Oh, yeah. He wants World War three just entirely for the election so he can stay in office because if you didn't know, the best way for a sitting president to get reelected is the what people call the September surprise, or the September surprise, depending on the president, the war, the bombing, right on schedule for the reelection, because it's very rare, if ever in American history, that a president gets elected out, gets dismissed, it gets loses their election during a time of conflict or war. My friends, this moment will go down in American history as one of the worst and darkest days of American history. As I say here, in my car, right now recording this audio, I'm watching people go around their normal day, families, couples, pretending like there's nothing wrong. The world just got to proceed as normal. You know what? Maybe it will. Maybe it will. But let me tell you something right now. Your wife will never be the same after this. This is the first time in American history where a president and an end up political party has been so brazen and so evil that they will literally take down their opponents using the justice system. And as the FBI has said before, they can indict a ham sandwich. Over some reason they'd rather indict Donald Trump and using a state crime at that because they don't want him to be able to pardon himself should he win. Oh, you didn't know about that either, did you? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's very well orchestrated. You got to judge who gets out of three of his cases. It's not a federal crime to state crime. You got the jury. Did you hear what the the the lawyer was saying to the to the jurors today? Allegedly, he was talking about, oh, there's no pressure. Oh, and just just do what you think is right. Like they don't like they didn't shop the jury. I know how this works. I don't have my undergrad and legal studies. You don't think I know how to get a jury? How you want it? You don't think lawyers do it? I know they do it. I know how it works. I know how it works and it makes me sick. You don't think they put the right people in place there? A jury of his peers. Yeah, right. Oh, yeah. Jury of his peers. Oh, you mean jury of people who hate him who know that if they don't vote against him, their their life will be ruined in corporate America because all the bombs in corporate America hate Donald Trump because they're jealous of them. Like Robert De Niro, that mook in my estimation, that bum. Do you see him give a speech the other day? Talking about how he's a mook, is your bum, mobile put you in the nose? Yeah. And then somebody had the and the crowd was like, you're a liar. You're a piece of garbage. And then De Niro was like shaking with the tough Godfather was shaking in his boots. That bum. Oh, I'm so filled with venom right now. You have no idea. You don't normally hear the side of me on my show because I try to keep it all repressed. I try to use it constructively. But I've had it with this garbage. I've had it with this level of corruption in my government. I have studied the government in my undergrad. And let me tell you something. The government has been put in place to protect the property owners, the people at the top. And it's doing just that. It was not made to make sure the little man got his way. It was not made to the little man to get ahead. It was not made to the little man can have protections. It was made to the people with the most property with the most assets would be protecting and consolidating the wealth that have it backed by the government. You didn't know it. The founding fathers were not poor men. Most of them anyway. They were not poor men. They were very rich men, who only got richer as time went on. I know a lot of you know they own slaves. I'm not going to touch that with a 10 foot pole because at the end of the day, there's no point in bringing that up. All it's going to prove is that people lose the force through the trees. They'll be like the schmucks. I'm looking out at get through my windshield right now. We're going about their little day having no care in the world for what just happened to their country. Our American history has been shaped up before their faces. And they'd rather sip on, they'd rather sip on sodas and push their kids in a shopping cart than worry about what the hell happened in their country. They're more worried about who's in the NBA finals than who's in the White House or who's being on trial changing American history. They're more worried about who's on third base and who's on our dog when we're back seeing their car be thanks to feminism and all that garbage. I don't want to sound all over the place right now, but I've had it with this disgusting country I'm living in. I'm not it. I'm a boy. I scared a heart. I love America. I started in the US military. I love this country, but I've hate what's happening to it. I hate the bums who have subverted my country, who initiated no fault of the bores, who destroyed the meaning of family and love, who have subverted the idea of justice in the American way. We've gone from truth in the American way to subversion and corruption in the bottom line in one generation. We've gone from I'd have a dream in Martin Luther King, Jr. to I have a scheme from all the lawyers in one generation. I've had it. And I know I'm not alone. I go on X or I see a bunch of people talking about the same thing. They've got it up to here. They've got it up to the nose with this rubbish. They've got it up to they feel for Trump. They understand they've turned him into a victim. They talk about the victim Olympics every day. I talk about it on my show. You hear me talk about the victim Olympics on my show and the victim Olympics, they made Trump one of the gold medalists, the one of the finalists in the victim Olympics. They don't even realize it. They're so used to putting the people on the rainbow rider community as the victims of the oppression patriarchy system that they put down every day of the week. But now and unintentionally, they made Trump one of the head medalists of a victimhood in this country. All the black men, especially who have been targeted by the police in my estimation and targeted by the justice of prison industrial complex are now signing with Trump because they identify with him. Don't think I don't know how the prison industrial complex works. I don't talk about it too much in detail on my show. Let me tell you something. I know they put a lot of innocent black men in jail on fallacious charges. I know it. I know it. And you don't think that those men now see what Donald Trump is going through and they identify it with it? You think they're going to listen to some some Jim Crow, Joe? Talk about how if you trying to decide whether you're from me or Trump, then you ain't black. You're either going to vote for him over Donald Trump. What are you nuts? Gentlemen, I know you don't usually hear this side of me. I don't usually go this deep in the politics because at the end of the day, I just don't normally do it. I talk about relationships because of how important it is to our daily lives and how impactful we need on our future. But politics is something I'm passionate about and something I don't often discuss. But America is being assassinated by these bums in the Biden administration who will purposely admire what I've read according to my estimation is what I've read. They will protect Biden, but they will go after trouble with bacterial hatred. They will go after political opponents like Chavez and Castro do. All in case you didn't know the same Democrats during Obama's administration started with Castro and Chavez over the Honduran Supreme Court. You didn't know about that, did you? Well, now you do. Now what the Bolsheviks in the 1910 era using the same rhetoric, the same asopi language, the same tactics in the modern day America. 100 years later, we're lying on track for the Bolshevik Revolution that took place during the old days of Russia before the Soviet Union. You make no mistake about it. We are on that way on the fast track at that. My friends, I want to go grab a cigar right now. I need to I need to really take care of myself emotionally right now. This is really it's impacting me emotionally. And I know I'm not alone. I see millions of people online reacting to this as I speak. And let me tell you something. I'm not they're not alone. I'm not alone. And if you identify with this, you're not alone. You might say, Austin, you got no control over this. You're right. You're right. I don't. I'll tell you this. I got to do something to call myself down. Because if I repressed this, it's going to come out in ways that I don't want to do so. And right now, right now I need to grab a cigar. So I think I'm going to leave it at that. I made my point. I invented so I got some of the venom out of my system that I almost gave to the to the bartender where I was at the bar earlier, I was unbelievable. But my friends, you take care of yourselves. Let me know what you think about this garbage, the sewage that's happening right now in the court system in America, the dark day in America. And I'd love to hear what your thoughts are about it. In the meantime, think for yourselves, keep in touch with me and with other members of the biblical bachelor community on the show. Take care of yourselves. I'm out of here. Peace.