The Howie Carr Radio Network

Howie Remembers D-Day, Callers talk Karen Read + Meet the Experts Teaser: Byrna | 6.6.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

On the 80th anniversary of America's storming the beaches in Normandy, Howie welcomes the descendants and friends of survivors of D-Day to share their stories. As always, we've got the Chump Line, and today Howie shares his latest episode of Meet the Experts.

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06 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. It's time for the Howie Car Show. You can't trust Joe Biden. So the dude is lying all the time. So he said his uncle was eaten by cannibals. He said he was raised in a black church. I used to go down to the black church. I'd go to 730 Mass. He said that he grew up in a Puerto Rican community. I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home. I'm not sure what's next. I've known him for over 40 years. He's been serving for 40 years. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. Winston Churchill called what happened here. Just don't make up anything. Quote, "The greatest, most complicated operation ever." End of quote. Here in this place, where the West held together, let us make a vow to our dead. Let us show them by our actions that we understand what they died for. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon baths beware. It's Howie Car. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. They had the headline in the Wall Street Journal yesterday about how Biden struggles, but they use the words behind closed doors. I mean, as if he's really on top of his game when he comes out and gets out there in front of the cameras and the microphones. So the headline was all changed today in the print edition. No more mention of behind closed doors. I think it was just too nonsensical to go with. 844-500-4242. Time now for the Chump Line. [Music] And so, Whitey Eisenhower waited across the English Channel carrying bow on his shoulders so he could defend Western Europe from Hitler's Italy. [Laughs] Yep, you got most of it in there. Debending democracy. That was the big takeaway followed by Hitler's Third Reich. Hitler's Third Reich. That was his nickname, Hitler. Only among people who knew him going back to the Beer Hall Putsch days in Munich. Mayor Benito, what do you think about the Boston Celtics? I'm going to go to the next game by Thursday night and see what happens. I mean, a lot of hotness to me. I just tell you, KJ has had a heart, but Hondo is really the inspiration of that. Hondo drives that team. And what do you think, Howie? You gotta respect them. Bill Russell and Sam Johnson. Sam Jones. This is Deerfield Talk. Sam Jones, I'm sorry. I'm on four hours a day. I make a mistake every once in a while. I certainly know. Sam, daylight, japa, bang. How many times did I hear Johnny Mosse say that? Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwichport, the exclusive home of the Stone Grill Dinner. Join me for a live broadcast on Friday, June 14th, from 3 to 6 at Jake Rooney's. Spend $20 and you will get a free copy of Paperboy. I'm holding in my hand right now. Read all about it. Reserve your table now by calling 508 430 1100. That's 508 430 1100. Hey, Howie, a book about Joe Biden's life is certainly a secret to him. There's always a new addition. I wrote Ratman about Whitey's trial and then we updated it for the sentencing and then we updated it for his prison days. And then finally we had a fourth addition when he got the bludgeon to death in the prison in West Virginia. On a positive note for Joe Biden, his poll numbers are through the roof and the green states. I don't think he's going to get, he's not getting any mileage out of calling Donald Trump a convicted felon. And I don't think he's going to get too much from talking about the bending democracy in Normandy. At least I know who to call now if I get a bend in my democracy. That's when democracy comes up too fast, gets the bends. Hi, Howie. I'd like to ask a question. Does the animatronic Joe Biden in the Disney Hall of Presidents make more sense than the actual real Joe Biden? Or did they record all his mumbling and gaps? Didn't they say about a month or so ago that they were concerned that they would use AI to embarrass Joe Biden? I mean, you know, how could they embarrass Joe Biden any more than he already embarrasses himself, the Democrat Party in the United States of America every day that he's out there, stumbling around, doddering, and God only knows what else he's doing, getting lost up on stage. Plug says democracy is never guaranteed, and with him in charge, that's a warning we should heed. It's been a tail spin from when he got in, which was his plan, along with corruption and greed. Now, we've had bad presidents in the past, but you didn't think that they were deliberately trying to destroy the country. What other conclusion can you come to from these last three and a half years? DJ 1944. One year old Joe Biden is in diapers. D-Day 2024. President Joe Biden is in diapers. You could see that coming, but I think she's maybe on to something. Come on, man. Today is the 80th anniversary of V-Day, when Franklin Roosevelt and the Rough Riders landed at Normandy. I was there serving as lifeguard on the Obama beach, when Pennsylvania attacked and ate my Uncle Bossy. Thank you, everybody, thank you for having us. Thanks everyone. [beep] With the jet lag, he's going to need a few days off. Maybe Hunter can visit him and break in the trial over the weekend. The media reports that Biden's not at fault because he was in a drug-fueled stupor. Well, what's on his excuse? [beep] That's a good one, I like that. It looks like Joe just stormed his brooches at Normandy. People keep saying that. I don't know what they're talking about or they're just speculating idly. God knows-- Oh, you didn't see the video? No. There's a video of him, like, he just gets up on the platform and he is introduced to French President. And then he looks like he goes to sit down, he kind of have crouches and looks around. And Jill appears to tell him to get up. Yeah, and she puts her hand over her nose like she's talking to him. Like an NFL coach, you know, calling out of play with the boardovers. But the full video eventually does show him sitting down in an actual chair. [music] [beep] That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr Show. You can call it and leave a message at any hour between 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message. 844-542-42, 844-542-42, press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time every weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second, all new Chumpline every evening. We have one every weeknight anyway. 7 p.m. It's posted wherever you get your Howie Carr Show podcast, the second Chumpline of the day. It's called Chop Chumps. It's where we put all the messages. We didn't have room or time for just now. Chop Chumps, the second Chumpline of the day. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Jake Rooney's On the Curve in Harwichport. The exclusive home of the Stone Grill Dinner. Join me for a live broadcast on Friday, June 14th from 3 to 6 at Jake Rooney's. Spend $20 and you'll get a free copy of Paper Boy Read All About It. Reserve your table now by calling 508430 1100. That's 508430 1100. At least I know who to call now if I get a bend in my democracy. We stand for freedom. We defend democracy. We defend democracy. Many people have asked me, "How does balance 7 really work and how well does it work?" It works great. And if you've wondered for years why I love it so much, you have to take a listen to my Meet the Experts interview with Dr. Norris Donny. In the podcast, you'll learn more about this alkaline liquid that is so important to your health. Here are seven reasons why you need balance 7. Number one, more energy. Two, lessons, heartburn. Three, helps with joint pain. Four, it aids digestion. Fifth, it balances your pH level. Sixth, it takes away sneezing fits and finally it helps you sleep better at night. Balance 7 is an alkaline concentrate formula designed to restore your body's natural pH balance. Just give it three days. Just three days and you will begin to feel the difference. And don't forget to listen to my Meet the Experts podcast for a special discount code that will save you 20%. To order your bottle today, go to That's balance7, the number It's the best. I buy it for myself. That's how good it is. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr! Howie Carr is back. That was the headline. The headline yesterday on the Wall Street Journal story about Biden's slipping, slipping, mental acuity. That headline had vanished when the print edition came out this morning. It was more vanilla. But again, it was inaccurate to say that he's slipping behind closed doors. You can just hear every afternoon on the Howie Carr radio network, you can hear him slip sliding away. 844-542. Raycon just launched their upgraded model of the best-selling everyday earbuds. Now you get the features you know and love, but also active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi-point connectivity. Get 15% off plus free shipping at That's Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is out of Trump's rumored VP contenders. Who would you like to see him pick? Doug Bergham, Ben Carson, Tom Cotton, Byron Donalds, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Elise Stefanik, or J.D. Vance. These are the eight people he's supposedly doing more research on. They're asking them to fill out detailed questionnaires, et cetera, et cetera. I'm going to vote for J.D. Vance. 24% say either J.D. Vance or Tim Scott, and tied for third, Elise Stefanik, and Byron Donalds at 10%. All right. 844-542. Donald, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Donald. Good afternoon, Howie. Hi. And I've been meaning to do this for quite a while. I've got a background in bio mechanics. And I pulled out the whiteboard and the salt pen and figured something out. If you're talking 60 feet and you're 25 miles an hour in 60 feet, it's a very simple calculation. You have that as the equivalent of falling from 20 feet 10 inches. And approximately time is about three seconds. Could be a little quicker, but probably not. So he got three seconds to get out of the way. But that fall of 21 feet is a fatal height. He had done a bunch of studies on this in India. You're talking about when they say she supposedly hit him going 24 miles an hour. But how come there were no bones broken, Donald? The only injuries he apparently had were on his head. They had to have broken ribs. They would have had a broken wrist, a broken kneecap or something. There's none of that. That's a fatal height. You're going to be injured. It's as simple as that. And you can't get around it. None of it makes any sense. And they're going to have these accident reconstruction experts that were hired by the Feds. And they said apparently, again, this is what the defense has said in open court, and the prosecution hasn't contradicted them, that the accident could not have happened this way. And the guy who's, the, John O'Keefe was 6'2, Donald. Now, how does, if he's 6'2 and the SUV hits him, how's the tail light broken and no bones are broken? And how does the, how does the tail light hit his head? And it had to hit him in the front and knock him back supposedly, right? Right. But, and something's coming at you. What do you do? What's the first thing you do when something's coming at you? Yeah. Well, I mean, you, you, you move away, but I mean, they were, they were pretty well, they were pretty well gone. That's, you know, you put a hand up and you're going to break a wrist. And when it hits you, I guarantee you're looking at broken knees, ankles. Well, again, they don't put up their hands like, like other people do in Canton, apparently, because the kid, Colin Albert, said that he broke, he broke a fall. That's how he, he bruised his knuckles in a picture soon after the accident. His knuckles were all, they had abrasions on him. And he said, oh, I got that from breaking a fall on the ice. Now, when was the last time you broke a fall on the ice by putting your knuckles down? Nobody ever did that in human history. Thanks for the call, Donald. Nick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Nick. Actually, Howie, a knucklehead would do that. Anyway, it's going to be interesting when we finally find out the, the, according to the last Amy Hins, where they say true, but that there are sections of the ring video footage I'm missing from the cloud. Interesting. I would have somehow coincide with one of those sections when Officer Keefe walked out the steps, opened the door and walked in, when she was, had just left there at the production time. I bet I guarantee you there was no footage before and after that close to that, that moment time. The other thing is, is the guy was 6'2". How about Howie? I know you probably draw pretty slow when you got your license and did the three-point turn. But in these conditions, conditions, do you normally do a three-point turn at 50 miles an hour with each move? No, it's, I mean, none of it makes any sense. And today they confronted the trooper with the, they've been saying that, you know, somebody at O'Keefe's house, somebody erased the ring, the ring footage. And then they confronted this, they confronted this trooper. They said, "Here's the, here's the document. There was no, there was no ring footage erased. There's, there's nothing there." And she didn't even have the, she didn't even have the code to, to do anything with it. And he said, "This is the first time I've ever seen this." I mean, what a pitiful investigation. You know, he probably deleted the dog and then he left. Chloe. Chloe is on the lamb. Thanks, thanks for the call, Nick. Whatever happened to Chloe? Ron, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ron. Hi, Howie. Hi. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Chloe is like, wherever right now. Not alive. But anyways, switching back to D-Day. Yeah. My, my, my grandfather, he, he was born around 1924. Yeah. And he was, he was, he was in that. He was in all that stuff right there. And he was on the front line, Howie. It was unbelievable. And he got, you know, out of a building, a scrap wing and stuff like that. Pronounce it right. Yeah, it was, it was a tough thing. And I think he lived to only like 40 something years old and stuff like that. Yeah. He did, he did get the purple hot and a lot of other metals and everything like that. Wouldn't you know it in Nashville and New Hampshire? My, my, my grandmother got hit by a car crossing the street. Oh. He survived. He didn't. Yeah. I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah. I mean, you hear about this. Isn't that awful? Yeah. Sometimes people get through really horrific experiences and then look what happened on October 7th. People had survived the Holocaust and they were killed by these new Nazi savages on how we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Dr. Matt will be with us at six o'clock the vet. And if you've got a question about your dog or your cat. It's just a good time to get a second opinion or a first opinion, if you will. Before we, before we take some more calls, I want to play a couple of cuts to make you feel better. Andrew McCabe. You remember cricket Andrew McCabe? He's the one who did, he was the one who was talking about the insurance policy with Peter Strach and Lisa Page to prevent Trump from becoming president. He's the one who spent $70,000 to buy himself a table in his FBI office. He's the one who Hillary Clinton's governor in Virginia raised $700,000 for his wife to McCollough, Terry McCollough, to run for a state Senate seat, believe it or not, $700,000 to run for a state Senate seat. And he protected Hillary Clinton on the FBI investigation of the destroyed emails about Chelsea's wedding and the yoga appointments. He's just a corrupt FBI agent, he was fired, and now he's a CNN analyst, and he's very concerned if Trump's going to be reelected, what Trump will do for retribution. It's terrifying. It's frightening. I have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community and may have worked in the Obama administration and other places, and people are really trying to assess what is life going to be like if Donald Trump wins a second. Better. And on a very personal level, these are torturous discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detained. I mean, people are actually worried about being thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extra judicial detention. And I think, you know, as crazy as this song, I think people should really consider that these are possibilities. Listen to what the man says. He typically does what he says as crazy as it seems. And that's really all the indicators you need. It was okay for him and Lisa Page and Peter Streck to talk about an insurance policy and to lie on all of those FISA applications for secret surveillances using Hillary Clinton campaign documents that she paid for and then laundered the money through two or three different cutouts. That was all okay. That was all right. But they're worried about Trump. It's going to force them to leave the cut. Did Trump force anyone to leave the country in his first term? Here's Trump talking about retribution, cut six. Those that want people to believe that you want retribution, that you will use the system of justice to go after your political ed. So number one, they're wrong. It has to stop because otherwise we're not going to have a country. Look, when this election is over, based on what they've done, I would have every right to go after them. And it's easy because it's Joe Biden. And you see all the criminality, all of the money that's going into the family and him, all of this money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine. Yeah. I mean, you know, they're not talking about putting him in. What did McCabe say extra just judicially? They're not talking about that. How about the crimes that they committed? How about failure to uphold your oath of office? I guess that's an impeachable offense and he wouldn't be the president anymore. But I thought you had to uphold all the laws, not just the ones you liked. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, you know, this is on the same day that Bannon has been told to report to prison. They've already got Navarro in jail. He says, by the way, that he's in Miami, you know, do a contempt of Congress or whatever. And he says that he's respected by the inmates because they think that he's a courageous guy for standing up for Trump. And he said they all loved Trump. This is in Miami. He's the only misdemeanor in a jail full of federal felons. And now Bannon's got to go away for a few months because he refused to testify. But of course, you know, McCabe, Comey, Strach, Lisa Page, they all had memory lapses. Brennan, Clap, they all just flat out lied to Congress under oath. Nothing ever happened to any of them. Lois Lerner, nothing ever happened to her. Eric Holder, Ditto, all these people, and now they're, now they're terrified. Oh, they may have to leave the country. Oh, David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Howie, I've got a few things I want to say about Karen Reed's case. First of all, if I was on the jury, that girl would be going free. I would not vote for conviction. I'll tell you why. Number one, some of these plastic chill-like pieces have been, I've seen pictures of, on top of frozen footprints. How did that happen that they didn't get thrown in front of us? The weather is strange in Canton. You know, it affects the, it affects all kinds of high tech, like, you know, like cell phones. There's butt dials beyond any other town or city or country in the world there. It's very strange down there. Okay. The next thing I want to know, this guy was probably 200 pounds plus, right? Yes. I don't know what you're exactly about. But he was a big guy. Yes. I hit a 90-pound deal with my pickup truck doing about the same speed. And I had a $2,600 in damage. I had physical damage to my vehicle more than just the broken tail light with the damage to her carb, besides the broken tail light. Right. So if you're 6'2", and a tail light from an SUV hits you, how do you have this battered in head but no other physical damage to your body? Well, two of the things I'm kind of curious about, one is kind of an analogy and the other is, why aren't we hearing anything from any of the other Boston police officers? The proecon comments about either one of these guys. I have heard nothing, maybe they have, but I've heard nothing about any other Boston police coming forward vouching for either one of these guys. No, that's a, you know what, David, that's a really good question and I don't know the answer to it. I've heard rumors about what's going on, but you're right, a Boston police officer dies on the front lawn of another Boston police officer. And they treated it, you know, David, they treated it for the whole day after they found the body like it was a, like it was a, you know, a run over raccoon for the animal control unit. They didn't secure the area, they didn't go inside the house, they didn't do any, they waited until nightfall before they began a search. How crazy is that in the middle, and they let it snow all day. It was snowing at one of the shortest days of the year and they don't bother to do any searching for the taillights and that, but they find the taillights weeks later, huge pieces, weeks later, and they find tiny pieces in the middle of a snowstorm after dark the day it happens, doesn't make any sense. Nothing makes. At this party, the fat boy, don't fat stupid ATF boy and the dead cop got into it over her making comments about, she thought he was a hottie. They got into it, there was a fight, Karen wasn't there. The dog attacked the guy, he fell down and struck his head on something, he maybe was unconscious or not breathing, they said, hey, she ain't here, they probably knew she had a broken kiss this morning I saw, wish she may have backed into another vehicle before anything. Yeah, she did actually, she backed into his car, she backed into his car, hold on, let me play that, you know, but you know, some people have said too that this guy Higgins, you know, who had the hots for Karen Reed or she had the hots for him, that he seemed like he's one of these guys who gets drunk and just goes comatose, and I tend to believe that. But anyway, this is the video, Reed's Lexus came into contact with O'Keefe's car, which she had driven over, and it bumped, it bumped, so that, I mean that could have been the cracking of the tail light, cut nine from the trial. We'll see that video, I know it's not the clearest thing in the world, we'll see that video okay? Yes. What did you notice about the rear wheel of the traverse? Based on the motion in the shot with the snow falling, it appears that there is movement, but the video speaks for itself. It appears there's movement. So she hit his car, she hit his car, and apparently you heard Turtle Boy earlier and he tweeted out about this. When people saw O'Keefe's, the Dead Cop's car move when Karen Reed's car hit it, you know, just, again, she was three sheets to the wind. One thing about the sergeant that I believe is that they did an accurate count on the number of drinks she had, she had nine vodka sodas, nine, and she's not a large woman. So they, I mean, it's amazing that she was still vertical at that point, but it's, you know, not, it's not unexpected that she would run into another car while she's backing up. 844-542-4978, Canton has an electronic Bermuda Triangle for his field. It certainly seems to. I wonder if the Celebrite guy is going to talk about that. What happens? I mean, all these GPS, the butt vials, Google searches out of nowhere. And they all happen at the, at the almost the exact same moment within, within a half hour of each other, all of them. 844-542-42, Charlie, your next with highway car, go ahead, Charlie. Yeah, hi, how we, I've called a couple of times before I'm a fellow graduate of your high school. And I wanted to shout out to my uncle who turned a hundred last year and was a Air Force pilot in World War II. Air Corps. He was the only. Air Corps. Air Corps. I guess. Yes. U.S. Army Air Corps. That's what my father was in. Yeah. It wasn't the Air Force to laugh their World War II. Go ahead. My uncle Chuck was the only one of six boys in a family who didn't go to Deerfield. Wow. All five others, all five others have passed, passed away, including my father. And my uncle Chuck is still kicking. Well, I'm glad to hear that. And I thank him for his service. Did you go to Deerfield? Yes, I did. Oh, good. All right. I got to, I got to break here, Charlie, but I'm good to hear from you. Give me a call again. There were, there were a lot of, a lot of people from Deerfield were in, were in World War I and World War II and all the wars, actually. One of the headmaster's favorites was killed in World War I, a dorm was named after him. Everything is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier 3 pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code Howie3. He uses them in both his home and his office and he buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Hinchy has one in every room at the Noss at Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. He could tell you about him when he, when he comes on. Not only does it help with pollen in your home but with the USB cable you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. The Eden Pure 3 pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements and any kind of odor problem you have, you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3 pack. Back in stock now, order now at Use code Howie3, that's the number three and get yours now. Once you have one, you'll want more than one so get three to begin with. That's code Howie3, a Maui car. Everyone is happy at the hillside. The Howie Car Show returns after this. The Howie Car Show is back. 844-500-4242 and Dr. Mathevet is coming up after the break at the top of the hour. So if you've got any questions, start thinking about them. You can also text them to me, text Howie to 617-213-1066 if you want Dr. Mathet to answer. You don't want to hold on the line to talk to them. When it comes to personal self-defense, many people will opt for a standard semi-automatic handgun. But did you know there are other options? This week on Meet the Experts, I spoke with Brian Gantz of Burna Technologies. They offer what is essentially a non-lethal pistol that looks like the real deal and it's legal in all 50 states. Here's a preview of my conversation with Brian of Burna Technologies. So explain how the Burna works and what exactly is the Burna. The Burna handgun looks like a gun, it works like a gun, but instead of firing lead bullets, it fires these projectiles. And these projectiles contain either pepper or pepper and tear gas. And when it hits somebody, immediately, their skin is on fire. You can't open your eyes. You're in respiratory distress. And for 30 minutes, they are completely incapacitated, giving you time to get away and call authorities. So what prompted you to become invested in the field of non-lethal defense products? I'm a gun owner, but like most reasonable gun owners, I haven't thought how quick would I be to pull the trigger. And the answer is probably not very quick. I mean, you pull that trigger, your life changes forever, legally, financially, psychologically. So I wanted something that I could use to protect myself without the risk of taking a life. What government agencies are using this if you could say? We're in with about 300 government agencies, federal, state, and municipal. So on a federal level, DEA, ATF, Secret Service, Homeland Security, all carry Burna. We've got a number of law enforcement officers on our law enforcement training team. And they said to me, Brian, the scariest thing that we ever do is come up upon a vehicle that's refusing to put down the windows and open the door. How do you know what's inside? The ability to break the glass and fire pepper into the car. These guys get out coughing, choking hands in the air. Very effective. Now, are there any restrictions transporting the Burna across state lines? The Burna is legal in all 50 states, and it is legal to carry on a plane in your checked luggage. Really? Yeah. Even if you have a criminal record, sometimes you need to even go to the governor to get a pardon. There's none of that with the Burna. No. And you know, once we advertised, you know, if you're a felon, you can buy this. We took a lot of BS for that. But there are a lot of people that have a felony for a non-violent crime. They want some way to protect themselves and their family. Meet the experts with How We Car, available on podcast, Spotify,, or wherever you get your How We Car Show podcast. You can listen to the podcast to get a special code to get a discount on your Burna when you buy online. So check it out. It's very interesting and you can learn a lot about non-lethal protection and the various colors you can buy them in. 844-542-42, check it out. Dave, you're next with How We Car. Go ahead, Dave. You there, Dave? Dave's gone. Alan, you're next with How We Car. Go ahead, Alan. How We Thank You For Taking My Call. I just want to say on this 80th anniversary, I want to thank men like Charlie Audit, you know, men like the other guy that just called Charlie. I mean, those were brave men that when they, when those Higgins boats came to shore and they heard those machine guns up on the hill, they didn't know what to expect. These young men have never seen machine guns, they've never seen video games, they never saw the movies that we did, they were scared for their lives, they were, they were, they were crapping their pants, How We Car, God bless them all because today we have a man that went over there today and I think he crapped his own pants and it's almost, you know, how we, it's ridiculous because I mean, we have over 45, well, no, we have 150 hostages still over there in Israel. I think there's eight American hostages, you know, 45 Americans were killed on October 7th. Another thing, too, everybody needs to remember is that Germany, the Nazis, by the time those young men landed on those shores, they, they, he was already murdering Jews, you guys, already millions were dead. Yeah, no, it was, World War II was, it was really something. They were the greatest generation. Get on board now to talk to Dr. Mathevet 844-542, 844-542, I'm How We Car. [MUSIC PLAYING]