The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy Talks Sgt. Bukhenik, Ring Camera Footage and Tail Light Discovery | 6.6.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace welcomes Aidan Kearney to the show after his day in Dedham at the Karen Read murder trial. Tune in as he updates listeners on the bombshell evidence, peculiar testimony, and more.

Broadcast on:
06 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring you a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Today was the final day of the sixth week of the Commonwealth's Case Against Karen Reed. Not the final day of the case, but the sixth week is wrapping up. We have a lot to talk to Turtle Boy about Aiden Carney, who's been on top of this case from the very beginning. It's been a little slow the last couple of days. They're bringing in a lot of experts. That really means that they're an expert in putting people to sleep most of the time. Today, Alan Jackson was back and he was questioning Sergeant Buchanan. I wanted to bring on Turtle Boy to answer a few questions for us. Now, Turtle Boy, we've heard a lot about 34 Fairview during this case and during your reporting, but not as much about one Meadows Ave. Today, ring footage was a major part of Alan Jackson's line of questioning with Sergeant Buchanan. What did jurors learn about ring camera footage today and about one Meadows Ave? They've been saying for a while now, the other side, that Karen Reed, the Dastardly Karen Reed, that she deleted the ring camera footage at one Meadows Ave and then placed John's car there and then backed up into it, even though her tailgate was already broken, but she wanted to make it look like she broke it in the driveway. The Dastardly Karen Reed puts the car there and then deletes that footage if her put in the car there and then turns the footage back on and then she backs into it and hits it there. So it makes it look like their tailgate's being cracked there, but really, she cracked it on Shadowpiece. And a reminder, they call us the conspiracy theorists. I mean, this is the way they think and they call us the conspiracy theorists. So what we found out today, because Buchanan kind of insinuated when he was talking that she might have deleted something. He didn't outright say that, but there's ring camera footage missing and I wonder who did that. Well, you know, Alan Jackson's got emails and correspondence between Buchanan and ring, which apparently he forgot existed because those, you know, back and forth to show, it can't read first of all, did she even have access to the ring camera video? That she's not the one who deleted it, right? That there is no video, but I don't think you got any video from that time. And I do wonder, you know, what is on that video from one to five o'clock? I'm starting to wonder that. Why would they erase something like that? I'm not sure, but we'll find out. Yeah. And the other question I had for you, Aiden, is when Karen was coming out of the courthouse today, you asked her something and it looked like she said, "You'll see it." Are you saw that? Yeah. Yeah, I was... Oh, yeah. The first time I talked to her in a long time, so I asked her point blank on the way out. We just...that tape that we just saw, did we see the part where Michael Proctor took taillight off? And she said, I don't remember the exact quote, but it was like, "We've seen it." I believe that's what she said, something to that effect. And I'm not sure if she meant like that exact video, because it's the implication in what you saw in that video today was groundbreaking, right? And keep in mind, that video from the Canton police, Saliport, that supposedly was lost, but I guess was found, that video was seen by the defense for the first time yesterday. So they must have been up all night analyzing that, because they found an exact moment where Michael Proctor kind of sneaks behind the car to an area where it's hidden. And by the way, the whole video is inverted for some reason, and don't know why they would do something like that. But all of a sudden you see a guy appear, there's a 10-second lapse, and you see a guy. We don't know who the guy is walking away from the car, who wasn't in the video, 10 seconds prior. And some shady businesses going on there. Michael Proctor was alone with the car, and what we do know is that they've shown pictures of Karen leaving meadows out at 5 a.m., right? And the taillight, there's a little rectangle in the bottom corner of the taillight that's clearly lit up red, right? So that piece that covers that part, that should not be entered into evidence, because it's on her car at 5 o'clock. But yet that piece of taillight appears into evidence on February 18th. It's what Michael Proctor found on his last undocumented trip to Fairview Road. It happens to be the biggest of all the pieces. It's called the Czechoslovakia piece, because it looks like Czechoslovakia. And so where did that come from? That proves it's planted, because it's on the car at 5 o'clock, and now it's off the car and entered into evidence. And Michael Proctor was on video being right around the car, right around the time when the search team was about to do their search. Yeah, I want to talk about the taillight, because Buchanan was asked about these drivebys, and he confirmed some of the very bizarre practices or methods used by the police here, where they were instructed to drive by on their way to work. Is that the way I was to interpret that on their way into to add it to their commute? Yeah, because Kenny Berkowitz just found it doing a drive-by, found the taillight, and he kind of did it on the same day. They both found taillight on February 4th. And he claims that we were instructed to do that. Like apparently that's the police, that's how they conduct the searches now. You just kind of drive by it every day, and maybe you see something new that you didn't see something yesterday, as opposed to, I don't know, setting up a perimeter and doing like a real thorough search so you just do it once and find everything. They're like, yeah, let's just drive by and just look out the window. If you see something, oh, look more taillight. And coincidentally, every time they looked out the window, they found more taillight. And at no point where they're like, you know what, we should do, we keep finding taillight. It's popping up like perennials here. Perhaps we should, you know, do a thorough search because we keep finding more taillight. They didn't do that. So they kept finding more taillight, more taillight, more taillight, and more taillight. And it's just, I mean, I'll tell you one thing, the jurors saw right through it. I mean, I get to see the look in the jury's face. They know what's going on. They, when Alan Jackson went up there, it was such a difference between him and Lally. They loved him and their eyes perk up and they start writing things down in the notebook that they weren't doing with Lally. They're just all attentive. They know this is, this is a not guilty jury. They're going to quit her in five seconds. It's going to be great. Yeah, and I want to go back to the jury in a second, but I did want to ask you about the audio they played of Karen Reed at her booking in June of 2022. Because, you know, typically, I don't think this would raise that many eyebrows that she's saying what you and other people have been saying for the last couple of months is, hey, something happened inside that house. That wouldn't really surprise people, but the timeline of it is actually really important because you're saying that she said that in her booking and that was 10 months before you ever wrote a story about this. Correct. So there's like this idea that like, you know, I just jumped on this and, you know, she helped me concoct this conspiracy. Right. In the booking video, she said that, you know, you guys realize Brian and Colin Albert did this, right? Like, we're all in on the same joke, right? Like, this is a joke. Like, this idea that John's injuries came from a tailor absurd, ridiculous. And, and she's like, we're all in on this together, right? Like, we're all like, you guys are just punking me, right? This is like, I'm going to wake up and this is going to be a dream. And she says that during her booking video. This is 10, like I said, 10 months before I ever wrote about it. So it proves that, like, Karen Reed has believed this for a long time. She didn't just make this up out of thin air. All of a sudden, when she realized that she was going to jail, she's believed this all the time because that's where the evidence leads her to conclude. Now, something that you and I have discussed at length is how there were people in the house when this was happening, when he was supposedly John O'Keefe was supposedly struck by a vehicle. They didn't hear, you know, you talk about how people were leaving and they say they didn't see anything on their way out, which, yes, it is suspicious. But I find that not hearing something to be even stranger because in my experience, Turtle Boy, if, you know, if I'm in my house or even if I'm in the office right now and there was a car wreck outside, the impact usually does resonate. Like, you do hear something even if you're inside. So the fact that they're just a few feet away really inside their house is strange to me. But something that you bring up is that this sergeant who was on the stand today talked about Jen McCabe and her husband and did he instruct them how to behave after the body was found? No, but he interviewed them at 11.30. And the discrepancy comes because he claims that Brian Albert got there after he interviewed Jennifer McCabe. But all the McCabe's testimony is that Brian Albert was inside the house and actually upstairs in the bedroom with Matt McCabe for some reason while he was, while Buchanan was interviewing Jen. I mean, it's just so laughable. He asked them, is there videos of this? Did you guys video? You usually, like, you know, talk when you're investigating murders, do you go to people's homes and go in their kitchen table and you don't record anything? It's so absurd. Nothing was by the book. John O'Keefe was not only a human being, he's a police officer, right? And cops treated him, his investigation, like it was nothing. They didn't get any of the bells in the whistle that any other person would get when if they were found dead, you didn't get a proper investigation. This whole thing is what the other side says, we care about John O'Keefe? No, you don't. If you cared about John O'Keefe, you'd be demanding a proper investigation and he did not get one. Yeah, they didn't secure the crime scene, which most people would tell you in law enforcement is like the number one thing you do when someone shows up dead is you have to make sure you secure it. And this was anything. But the other thing I wanted your personal opinion on, Turtle Boy, is Buchanan's testimony, he was doing what I thought was kind of similar to Jenn McCabe. He was kind of turning himself and looking at, that's what it looked like on the YouTube, that he was looking at the juries, the jurors, and that he was also, he had this kind of smirk on occasion. What do you think the jurors' reaction was to him? How do you think they proceeded today? I think it came across as extremely cocky, especially yesterday, when he tried to pretend that he was a doctor and gave all this medical testimony and used big words. And he just, you're right, the smirk that he has, he just comes across as extremely arrogant, which is a horrible look for him. And he began talking to the jury today every time you would get caught in some sort of lie. I kind of tweeted about the exact ones, I forgot the circumstances, but I do remember that every time he got caught in some sort of lie, or, you know, Jackson got him, you know, to admit that he did something he wasn't supposed to do. And he had to explain himself, he would always look at the jury, as if he's like, "You guys believe me, right? No, you guys believe me, right?" Yes, same thing Jenn McCabe did. Right, exactly. Like, because they're desperate. They're like, "No, no, no, it's not true. You guys believe me. Don't you look at me. Look at me in your eyes. You guys believe me, right?" It's pathetic. You know, like I said, it's like, they're the ones on trial. And it's going to continue on Monday. We're going to get more pecanic and look forward to hearing. And by the way, the highlight was when Alan Jackson called him Michael Proctor today. That's not my name. He's like, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." But he wasn't sorry. It was the highlight. It was kind of put it in the head of the jurors. Where is Michael Proctor? Why isn't he here? Why aren't we here in front of the lead investigator? Yeah, it's a very, very good question. Turtle Boy, thank you for coming on. Let people know where they can read all your stuff. I'm sure you'll be on with Howie later today, but give yourself a plug. Yes, I will. or the Turtle Boy Live YouTube channel or @DrTurboer on Twitter. Thank you very much, sir. When we come back, we'll take more of your calls, 844-542-42. Yeah, Turtle Boy said that everyone was very bored over the last couple of days. But today, juror 12, who he said was notably about on the verge of snoozing the last few days. When she saw that ring video of Karen Reid's car hitting John O'Keeves, that juror was wide awake, taking notes even. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls. You know what something I never thought I would say? I can't wait for my next den disappointment. I have it on the books. It's next week. It's early in the morning. I'm going to meet everybody at the team. I know a lot of the team in Perfect Smiles, but there's some new members of the team, and I'm excited to meet them. And I love getting my teeth cleaned, which hasn't always been the case. But when you go to Perfect Smiles, they have state-of-the-art equipment. They know exactly what they're doing, and the people there are so nice. They're all about making you comfortable, making you relaxed, making it as painless, a procedure or process as possible. And another thing that you're going to love about visiting Perfect Smiles, Dr. Houghton, listens to you. Whatever you want for your smile, whatever's on your mind, he's going to listen to you, he's going to think about it. He's going to take it at your own pace, whatever that might be, and then he's going to deliver. It's really amazing when you go to the A team, the kind of result you're going to see. You will get the smile of your dreams. And it's easy to put yourself on the back burner to say, "I'll call next week," or "I'll call in the fall," or "Then the fall comes," and you say, "I'll call in the new year." Don't do that anymore. Just take the first step. Just call up, talk to them, and start the process. That's the most important thing, is just getting the process started. You don't want to trust just anyone with your smile. It's too important. And having a smile you're proud of can change your entire life. It can make you more confident. It can make you happier. It can make you smile more. So go to and find out how to take the first step toward the smile that you've always wanted. That's Change your smile. Change your life. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Oh Lord, give us faith. Give us faith in thee. Faith in our sons. Faith in each other. Faith in our united crusade. Let not the keenness of our spirit ever be dulled. Let not the impacts of temporary events, of temporal matters of but fleeting moment. Let not these deter us in our unconquerable purpose. Yeah, that was FDR. It's a really wonderful prayer if you can look it up and listen to it. Also, just to note, thousands of people turned out to welcome the U.S. World War II veterans in Normandy where the 82nd Airborne jumped on D-Day. Really cool pictures of just the streets lined up with people welcoming those vets and showing their appreciation. Today's poll question is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy, Mass. They helped Howie get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids and guess what? For a limited time only, they can help you, well, they can always help you, but for a limited time only, if you mention Howie Carr, you can receive up to $200 off your hearing aids, which is a really great deal. That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who would you most like to see serve jail time? John Brennan, James Clapper, Anthony Fauci or Andrew McCabe? Yeah, let's take a little bit of this Andrew McCabe cut to set it up. This is Andrew McCabe. He was the former FBI director, and he lied, and he lied, and he lied, and he bought a very expensive tables, and now he does hits on MSNBC and CNN, and he blames everybody else for his problems, and he projects. He tries to accuse people on the right of doing what he had been doing for a very long time. This is cut 11. You know, it's terrifying. It's frightening. I have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community, and may have worked in the Obama administration, other places. People are really trying to assess what is life going to be like if Donald Trump wins the second term, and on a very personal level. You know what I want to say, because first of all, Caitlyn Collins starts that by saying, "Now, Andrew McCabe, nobody knows the FBI as well as you." It's like, "Yeah, nobody knows about the corruption at that place, more than this guy." But something else I want to mention is, let's just use the same logic that is applied to Donald Trump for all these people. I'm sure he's referencing, like, James Comey in his contemporaneous notes hiding in the curtains. I'm sure he's referencing John Brennan in James Clapper, all these Obama people who broke the law a number of times, lied a number of times, tried to undermine a duly elected president and overthrow him. But you know what I would say to all those people who are so afraid, who are terrified? They're so terrified. It's really something here, isn't it, especially on a daily today? You're terrified, are you? You're doing your TV hit in your living room and you're terrified? But what I would tell all those people who are so scared, I would say the same thing they say to Donald Trump, "If you didn't do anything wrong, then you shouldn't be worried. If you didn't do anything wrong, then you've got nothing to be afraid of." But if he becomes president and he seeks vengeance, which is the current, you know, phrase of the days, he's going to seek vengeance on all these people, for what though? What is he seeking vengeance for? Because if he's seeking vengeance for being wronged from people who broke the law and who acted deceitfully and who were corrupt, I don't consider that seeking vengeance. I consider that seeking justice and I have no issue with it. And neither should Whoopi Goldberg or Joy Behar or any of these liberals. Because the logic we used for Donald Trump was, "If you didn't do anything wrong, you've got nothing to worry about." Well, I got news for Andrew McCabe. You've got nothing to worry about. Unless, of course, you lied, which we know you have a penchant for doing. Let's vote now, though. I'm going to say out of all those people, I'm going to say John Brennan. John Brennan is at 19%, James Clapper is at 9%, Dr. Fauci at 66% and 6% for Andrew McCabe. They really want us to feel bad for them. Like, oh, you know, we've been trying to have a coup on Donald Trump and we tried to ruin his presidency. We made up this Russia hoax and we did everything we could to bring this guy down. And now we might be held accountable for it. Hey, listen guys, I was already voting for the guy. You don't have to convince me any further, McCabe. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Here in this place, we're the West held together. Let us make a vow to our dead. Let us show them by our actions that we understand what they died for. Let our actions say to them the words for which Matthew Ridgeway listened. I will not fail thee nor forsake thee. Strengthened by their courage, heartened by their value and born by their memory. Let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died. Thank you very much and God bless you all. Yeah, that was Ronald Reagan on the 40th anniversary of D-Day. And I saw this today. One of our guests who calls in quite a bit now and he's great because he can handle a lot of different topics is Jake Novak. And he put this out yesterday. He said, "In honor of D-Day tomorrow, this is the best paragraph Stephen Ambrose ever wrote. It is the young men born into the false prosperity of the 1920s and brought up in the bitter realities of the depression of the 1930s that this is about. The literature they read as youngsters was anti-war and cynical, portraying patriots as suckers, slackers and heroes. None of them wanted to be part of another war. They wanted to be throwing baseballs, not hand grenades, shooting 22s at rabbits, not M1s at other young men. But when the test came, when freedom had to be fought for or abandoned, they fought and they saved the world. We have a lot of people on the lines who want to discuss D-Day and the number is 844-542-42. But I do want to get one cut in here before we go to the callers. And that was Donald Trump on with Sean Hannity. Because again, this is the fear mongering of the left and they don't have anything they can run on. What they're running on is we're all very afraid because we are corrupt, deep state swamp creatures that when Trump comes in this time around, he's not going to be as forgiving as he was the first time because we spent the last eight years trying to destroy him. I wonder why he would have a chip on his shoulder. I wonder why he would be frustrated with these people. But Trump had a very measured response on with Sean Hannity. This is cut 10. Those that want people to believe that you want retribution, that you will use the system of justice to go after your political enemy. So number one, they're wrong. It has to stop because otherwise we're not going to have a country. Look, when this election is over, based on what they've done, I would have every right to go after them. And it's easy because it's Joe Biden and you see all the criminality, all of the money that's going into the family and him, all of this money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine. Yeah, he's right. And if he was going after them, he'd have legitimate evidence and things to go after. The difference is with him, they were making stuff up. They had to bring an Alvin Bragg and Michael Calangelo and all of these DNC hacks to try to come up with new laws that he supposedly broke. They had to concoct hoaxes to try to get him for something. Show me the man. I'll show you the crime. I mean, they say a ham sandwich. I don't even think there was any ham in the sandwich. It was just two pieces of bread. It was ridiculous. And so if he was going after them, what she says, you're not going to do. I kind of hope he's just saying that now to appear measured in presidential. I hope when he gets in there, he goes scorched earth. That's just my take. But there's no comparison of what they did to him. There's no possible way he could do to these people what they did to him because he would have to spend his entire presidency making things up and trying to frame people and trying to get the mainstream media to write bogus stories about his enemies. And he doesn't have the time because guess what? If he gets elected, he has a country to save. He has a lot of stuff that needs fixing now thanks to Joe Biden. So no, I don't think he's going to be putting people in jail and it's not because he couldn't. It's not because he shouldn't. It's because he's not going to have the time because this country is in such bad shape. Thanks to the man who's been going after him nonstop for the last four years. All right. Now let's switch back here. One thing I want to say about the D-Day ceremony today. I know I said I wasn't going to get negative and I'm not trying to. The men up there, wonderful brave men. I'm not going to focus on Joe Biden's mistakes or the odd behavior. There's plenty of days to do that. It's not going to be today. One thing I will say is Zelensky shows up to all these events. I understood it in the beginning, the green outfit. I did. I understood. But now I'm sorry. I'm going to be the one to say it. Can he throw on a suit and tie like everybody else? Can he throw on a jacket? His wife's dressed up to the nines and he's in this monochromatic, like Zara-looking Army green outfit. It's an actor, Grace. He commits to the role. Yes. I don't get it. Mike, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, Grace, thanks for taking my call. I wanted to talk a little bit about my dad, who was a 19-year-old private with the 29th Infantry Division, 116th Regiment Company I when he landed on Omaha Beach. First wave. I remember him telling me that, well, yeah, it's just incredible because when he said that he was positioned in the front of the landing craft, when the door went down, he jumped off into the water and his mortar shells were so heavy, they almost drowned him, so he took those off and he waited into the beach and he just couldn't understand why. The Germans were firing their machine guns over his head. I mean, at 1500 around a minute and if one of the bullets hits you, it goes through you and hits the guy behind you. That's what these four boys faced. He was 19 years old and he managed to make it to the beach and he never knew why they were firing over his head. But the 116th went in Company A, B, C, D and so forth and he was in Company I. So he landed a little bit of sconce from where Company A landed. They landed first and they really got torn up. So at the end of the day, he survived and he was promoted from private to sergeant in one day because of the 65% casualty rate that Company A had. And I remember seeing the letter that he wrote home how proud he was for being promoted. Anyhow, he never understood but I went to a D-Day anniversary a number of years ago and I talked to some people there and I found out why. The Germans had figured that of course the Americans and the Allies were going to land high tide because to land it low tide and run across that incredibly long beach would be suicide. So that's where Ronald built the defenses at landing craft height. When they landed high tide, there would hit the obstructions and blow up because it had mines on them. So the Allies said well they built all these obstructions so we got to land the guys at low tide they're just going to have to run for it. So anyhow long story short I did find out that the Germans had their machine gun set at an angle of attack for high tide. So when they came in at low tide and my dad's landing craft landed where they hadn't opened up fire yet and so he was fortunate that they landed there because the machine guners were shooting over his head because their guns were set high. They had to stop you know adjust the guns for a downward attack angle and then they opened up their murder as fire. But you know it was just an incredible story. I know the answer that he never knew. I was just going to say Mike that's the part of it that's really impactful is that he never knew that and then you were able to figure it out over time. Mike can I ask you for your father's name? Oh yes it's John Moore, John V. Moore Jr. Thank you. Private in the morning sergeant in the afternoon. That's awesome. Thank you Mike so much for sharing that. That's a really captivating story. We really appreciate it. Jim you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead Jim. Great. Thanks for taking my call. I'd like to share a story with your audience about a veteran named Don Odette. Don was from Orange, Massachusetts and he landed as part of the invasion force in Normandy 80 years ago. He was in a unit that had to get across the beach and plant explosives in the wall to help you know breach the wall and get through the wall. Don was a very unassuming guy. He died about 15 years ago in his mid 80s. And I never really knew anything about his military service. I knew him from church activities and he got old ways to go help him with some things around his home. And we were out at a church supper one Saturday night and I was working there and happened to sit down at his table to talk for a little while. And he said I got an interesting package in the mail this week and everyone just kind of looked. And he said somebody found my helmet on the beach at Normandy and was able to track me down and shipped it to me. He lost his helmet going in and getting ashore. And there's still artifacts that wash up on the beach there. And somebody found his helmet and sent it back to him. And I just thought that was quite a story. It really is Jim. It really is. Thank you for telling us that. I mean so many great moving stories that I just I know I keep saying it but I love that everyone's calling in and letting us know because again you can look at things and you can say and this is a knee jerk reaction from people. You look at things and you say and now look at what's going on in this country and look at all this and I understand I understand that can be overwhelming the amount of incompetence and how sometimes it seems like we've lost our way especially with these young people at college campuses and you know acting ridiculous. But I find that on days like today in callers like we just had talking about their fathers or their uncles or their grandfathers and the tremendous sacrifice and the tremendous courage they had. I find it really inspiring for the future. It gives me a lot of hope and I hope it does the same for you. Pete you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on Pete? Grace, great story. My father-in-law was you don't hear a lot about the Navy and the Navy was huge at D-Day. My father was on a ship destroyer called the USS McCook and when they were one of the first destroyers to go up and down the beach at Omaha and the captain of the ship almost put the keel on the floor of the ocean. They got so close. They used their five inch guns and they shelled all the pillboxes until the pillboxes basically fell off the cliffs or the dunes and it was the only time and it's the true story, the USS McCook, the people that were the Germans that were wearing the pillboxes came out with white flags and surrendered to a USS destroyer. Wow. Yeah, I was reading about the naval aspect of it because there was 195,000 naval personnel. Thank you for the call Pete. We appreciate it. 844-500-4242. You know how I think we should end Jared this segment is let's play a little bit. Not often we play things from the White House but this was a pretty cool commemoration video. This is Cut 5. We had no idea what we were going to do or where it was to happen but it was the big game. It was a very decisive battle for us because our mission was to establish ourselves on the beach. When we were on that boat on that hiking boat, everybody talked about the same thing. Helping each other and not getting killed. We started up this sandy area and were hundreds of men inside. My father jumped about 1.30 in the morning on June 6th. The plane was too low, it was too fast, the fire coming up was so thick. Yeah, it was like a good war. It wasn't something that we had never seen before in all of our training. You know what's incredible too about the men that were sitting behind Macron and Biden today and who were in Normandy and who were received with such appreciation and such warmth from the people there lining up in the streets, thousands of people there to greet them. The humility that those men have. It really does go to show you. You're better off letting other people talk about your accomplishments because having people call up now, you know what the common thread was of today? Every person who called up, whether it was about their father or their uncle. He never really said anything about it. He never said much. He never told us. We found this out afterwards. These guys who were brave beyond what a lot of us can even fathom didn't want to talk about it. They didn't want to tell you how tough they were. They didn't want to tell you what they'd gone through. And hearing other people talk about them is really moving. We'll be right back. We're going to talk to Howie Carr. We'll go over a couple of key stories today, including Howie Biden on the stand. But before we wrap up, spring means more flowers and sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens. Finally, you're looking forward to opening your windows to let that fresh air in your home or your car. But you don't want the sneezing to start. I've been sneezing all morning long. The pollen is really getting to me right now. But luckily, in my car, I just set up a thunderstorm. So when I drive home, I'm going to let the windows down. I'm going to enjoy the outdoors. But I'm not going to deal with those allergens and pollutants. This is also great because if you're cooking in your kitchen, like, yeah, you can grow out in the summer. But on a daily today, it gets a little rainy. Maybe you want to cook up something in the kitchen. You want to get rid of that smell afterwards. It smells good for about a minute, that chicken or that steak. And then you just want it to smell like nothing. And that is what the Eden Pure can do. So right now, with the 3-pack special, you can get the 3-pack and you can get a really great deal. Go to and use code GRACE and the number 3. With the thunderstorm, you can enjoy this beautiful time of year, whether that means at your office, in your kitchen, in your car, and you can enjoy it without having to reach for the tissues. The 3-pack special is a great deal. It's a great way to save money on a really quality product. It's actually quality products because you're getting 3 of them. So here's what you need to do. Go to and I want you to use code GRACE and the number 3. That's, code GRACE and the number 3, and then let me know what you think. Text into the text line. Just let me know how the product is working for you. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Go to and don't forget the code GRACE 3. We'll be right back. Follow GRACE on Twitter @g_curly. This is the GRACE Curly Show. The FBI has officially admitted 3 years and 8 months later that Hunter Biden's laptop is real and there was a clip going around on Twitter. It was 20 minutes of Joe Biden, the US intelligence officials, and the American media, but aren't they all part of the same team? Claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation and how nobody knows this better than you. But we're never going to get, and I'm sorry, ever. No, I asked that to have Miranda Devine yesterday, all the people from these failing newspapers and cable networks are there. And I said that they wouldn't even come over and issue like even the slightest meacalpa? Of course not. Of course not. Well, no. They're different ones. They're different ones, of course, but you know, still, they could say something. Yeah, it's not that hard. I say sorry 400 times a day. It's not that difficult. By the way, today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise with inflation, food, and energy costs rising. Families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. Preparation is key and our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. Howie, the other part of this today that the case, the Hunter Biden gun case is focusing on is Hallie Biden. Now, the New York Post described her as sister-in-law turned ex-lover, which I thought was- Turned lover, turned ex-lover. Turned lover, then ex-lover. There's a- Turned crack buddy. There's a lot of- She was a crack buddy too. Yeah, what is going on today with her testimony? She's talking about how, you know, she's really ashamed and embarrassed that she started smoking crack with him. And she had to Google crack. You know, some people, some people, Google hoes along to Diane called. She googled, "What is crack cocaine when she spotted something?" They were living together, I guess, too. That came out in court today, according to the stories I've read. Yeah, but it really does. I mean, this is something I always highlight when I talk to women who come on the show. It amazes me how all of these warriors, these, you know, "I am woman, hear me roar AOC" and all these other people, they don't have a problem with this guy. He treats women horribly. He's getting women addicted to crack cocaine. He's not paying women what they're owed, even though they're, you know, he's supposedly employing people. He's taking these disgusting photos of women. It's- He's a real sleazebag. And he uses the N word. Yeah, he's a racist on top of all of it. And nobody ever mentions that. Can you imagine if Donald Trump Jr. or Eric Trump had used the N word and they had a black and white, so to speak? I don't think Trump privilege gets you as far in court as Biden privilege. Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got that for you. He's got turtle boy updates. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in on this 80th anniversary of D-Day. We'll talk to you tomorrow.