The Howie Carr Radio Network

A Mighty Endeavor: Callers Share D-Day Stories | 6.6.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

It's the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, and Grace opens the lines to allow descendants and friends of American soldiers to call in and share the legacy of the brave men who stormed the beaches in Normandy that fateful day.

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06 Jun 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome to the Grace Curly Show. It is Thursday. We have an excellent program prepared for you. We obviously have Woke or Joke brought to you by Aviva Trattria. That would be at 130 per usual. We also have Turtleboy, Aiden Carney joining us in the two o'clock hour to talk about the trial today. It is wrapped up for the day. We did get a little bit of Jackson action at the end. Which kind of broke up the boredom of the last few days in court. Buchanan. Sergeant Buchanan was cross-examined and it was great. I mean, there was a lot of good sound from that. He's got a weird disposition on this stand. That doesn't mean everything, but I think that when your resting face is like a smirk, there was somebody in the beginning of this who had a similar style of laughing at things. It wasn't Brian Higgins and it wasn't Colin Albert. There was someone who was doing something similar where Jackson looked at that person and said, "Why are you laughing? Why is this funny to you?" I was thinking the same thing when Buchanan was talking today. There was a lot of focus on the ring cameras. You know, Jared, not that it means much, but I'm a true crime junkie. In fact, here at the Howie Car Radio Network, we actually produced a podcast, Dirty Rats, where you can check out wherever you get your podcast. I'm not saying that makes me an expert, but I do consume a lot of true crime documentaries and things like that. And especially the ones that are made within the last three years, there's usually a heavy focus on ring cameras because most people, especially younger people, and by younger I mean like John O'Keeffe's age, Karen Reed's age, most people have ring cameras. And I was surprised that there wasn't more of a focus on that, or that we didn't have more footage of the 34 Fairview or John O'Keeffe's house, and that is part of today's back and forth, is the ring camera. Not at 34 Fairview, but actually at John O'Keeffe's home. And I thought we got some interesting tidbits about that. Obviously the taillight still a major focal point today. Buchanan is saying that he would drive by 34 Fairview. That was an instruction he got was to drive by and just in case he saw a piece of taillight, really strange stuff. I don't think it necessarily tells us what happened, but it definitely looks better for Karen Reed as far as creating that reasonable doubt. And I'm very excited to talk to Turtleboy because we have a lot to go over. We haven't talked to him in a while. I know he feels very strongly about this case, and he will give you tons of detail. And by the way, if you have any questions, if you have something that's sticking in your mind that you want to get out, text in at 617-213-1066. And I will ask Aiden when he's on the air with us about it. He was in court today. He was in court yesterday. He tweeted out a picture of himself yawning yesterday in court. Someone took a screenshot of it because, like I said, the prosecution is just, I think, boring people to tears is kind of their strategy, which might work, Jared, but they're trying to prove something. You know, they're not really, I don't think they can put this thing in neutral and just relax. I think they have to bring something to the table, create a case. And as we've mentioned plenty of times on this show, we're not the only ones, you would think that the Mick Alberts, as Turtle Boy calls them, were the ones on trial. They're the ones on the defense. They're the ones who are getting testy. They're the ones who are, you know, snapping back at these lawyers. And we'll get to all of that. But I wanted to start today. It's an important day of reflection. It is the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the largest military operation in history. On June 6, 1944, 7,000 ships, 133,000 troops, 195,000 naval personnel. They're a 17-year-old, 18-year-old. I was reading today about a 14-year-old who enlisted, ran away from home and decided to join in on that very, very important day where they stormed the beaches of Normandy and saved the world. You know, FDR broadcast a prayer to the nation in which he described the magnitude of the operation that America and her allies had undertaken after two years of preparation. That to me, and we're going to talk about this later today. That's one of the more interesting parts of the whole story. There's so many parts that you could focus on, but the amount of prep work that went into it, the scale of it, is really awe-inspiring. But I wanted to read you just a couple of lines here. We have the audio of it. We'll play that throughout the day. "Almighty God, our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization." Imagine now a president saying that, "Our religion, they cut the feed before that sentence even got out, and to set free a suffering humanity, lead them straight and true, give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness, and their faith. They will need thy blessings. Their road will be long and hard, for the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again. And we know that by thy grace and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph." And FDR was right. They did triumph, but he was also right in saying it was not easy. It was not one day and it was over. Many of the men that stormed the beach that day, they knew, especially the people in the front lines, they knew that they were most likely not going home. And they were going to make the ultimate sacrifice, and they did so willingly. And I understand that President Joe Biden spoke today at this ceremony. I know that Joe and Anthony Blinken and Zelensky and his green monochromatic sweatsuit, I know they're using this momentous occasion and anniversary in trying to make the story about Ukraine, which I don't think is appropriate. But I want to, and we can talk about that. We'll play the sound cuts. We'll get to all of that. We have a whole show where we can discuss that. But the remaining members of the greatest generation were on that stage today in France, sitting behind Joe Biden and Macron. And so for this opening segment, I just wanted to take a moment and marvel at the greatness of what those men did. Because there's a lot of talk today, and I do this too, so I'm not casting stones on anyone. And I understand why, but there's a lot of talk when you see those men. You immediately think of today and the younger generations and how people like to say, you know, or compare it. Imagine the kids that we have now on these college campuses, these Hamas loving hippies. Nobody, it's this immediate instinct to put down the America of today and say that things have fallen so far. And I fall victim to that as well. I do it all the time. But I think it's a really negative way of seeing it. I think we should look at the actions of those men. I keep saying men. They were kids. They were 17, 18 years old. But there's no question their actions that they were men that day. I think we should learn about their courage. We should watch the documentaries. You should encourage other people. If you have younger people in your family, in your life, you should encourage them to watch it with you. Learn about it. Watch the ceremonies. Watch the speeches. Take it all in. Ask questions. And instead of feeling like all is lost and becoming these curmudgeons who say, "Oh, those days are gone. The greatest generation." Nothing's like that. I get it. And I marvel at those men. I really do. But we should feel inspired by it. We should let it restore hope in our fellow men and women. And in this great nation, in this great experiment, that we're all so lucky to be a part of. Because it was bad ass. I was watching it last night and I was thinking, "Oh my God. These guys jumping out of boats. Some of them." The tragedy, some of them would jump out. They'd have so much stuff on them, like cans of food, so much military equipment. And they were dropped too early. They were told to get out of the boats too early and they drowned. There was so much sacrifice. And I think that when you hear about that, when you learn about that, it's okay. It's okay to not compare it or to not be down about today. It's okay to look at that and go, "You know what? There's people who have such an American spirit about them who will always fight for this country. We have to be grateful for those people." And we have to, like I said, just marvel at it and appreciate it. And let it restore a little bit of your hope in the future. That's what we all need a little bit more of. 844-542. We'll get into the details of some of the more interesting parts of D-Day and what happened and the preparation and the weather, how everything had to be perfect. The moon had to be perfect. The tide had to be perfect. The waves had to be perfect. Everything had to be perfect. It was actually supposed to be June 5th. And then it wasn't perfect, so they moved to June 6th. But there was so much riding on this. They said Eisenhower, General Eisenhower was smoking 86 a day. And I asked Jared, I said, "You're smoking 86 a day. Do you finish any of them? Are you just putting them in, plopping them out?" But it's an amazing part of history. And it's the 80th anniversary. We are going to talk about it. We'll place them from Ronald Reagan. We'll place them from FDR. We'll take calls from you as well. And you can share your story or what you think of on a daily today. It's 844-542-42. We've got lots to get to. Like I mentioned, Turtle Boy at 205. You don't want to miss any of today's show. I talked to Justin Manning yesterday. And we were discussing the real estate market. And I had a few people calling me up today asking me more questions. I said, "We will have Justin back on. Don't worry. We're going to get all your questions answered." But real estate is always something that should be on your mind. Whether you're selling a property, buying a property, it's always good to be in the game. And JJ Manning auctioneers can help you do that. Because the world is changing. You don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day long to hear a particular song or show. You love The Grace Curly Show. And at 1215, you've got a meeting. Well, guess what? You can listen to the podcast later on Spotify or on Apple Podcasts. That's how the world works. You get things on demand. The same rule applies to real estate. You don't have to list your property at a price and then start negotiating. You don't have to wait for an unknown period of time to sell. You don't have to listen to negative comments arising out of a home inspection. You can be in control. You can make it a lot less stressful. And at the same time, have a lot more control of the situation. 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Give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts. Steadfastness in their faith. I just had a friend call me during the break and was remarking on the opening and saying, you know, it's true that the instinct, we just got a text from someone who said, you know, men used to lie about their age so they could enlist and now people are lying about their pronouns so they can partake in sports. And again, I'm not diminishing the points people are trying to make. But it's okay to appreciate what those men did and not look at it as all is lost. Look at it as something that, you know, buoys your beliefs a little bit and your hope in this great country. And you know what that friend said to me, that friend said, you know what Grace, the more I thought about it? Because that was my instinct was to feel like that and think, we're screwed now. We don't have anyone like that. He said, then I thought about 9/11 and I thought about all those young guys, the guy with the red bandana, these young men who, and women who were running back in. But a lot of it was men, young guys, who knew they weren't going to come out. And they did it again and again and again. And so I'm not convinced, I'm not convinced that that bravery and that courage is gone in this country. I think when tested, there's a lot of good people out there with a nate goodness and a nate courage who will not back down. And maybe I'm just an eternal optimist, but if that's the case, that's how I'd rather be. Diane, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Diane. How are you? I'm good. What's going on? Well, I just wanted to call and tell everybody that I'm a D-Day baby. My father was a D-Day and he was wounded pretty badly, but he lost a brother there too as well. And I just wanted to call and say how proud I am of all of them, especially the 29th Infantry Division in Maryland. That was my father's infantry and I just wanted to call and say that war has got detained. You have to stop sending young men to do old men's bidding and find another way to do this for the sake of all our children going forward. Diane, could you tell people your father's full name and your uncle's full name? Sure. John Joseph Tobin, Sr. And his brother was Bernard L. Tobin. My uncle is buried in France and there's a memorial to my uncle at the Bel Air Memorial Guards in Bel Air, Maryland. And the American Legion post is named after him, post 128. And my father was very active in the Legion and he was also awarded a bronze star and a purple heart. Wow. Well, Diane, you should be very proud of them. John Joseph Tobin, Sr. in Bernard L. Tobin. We appreciate everything they did. We appreciate you, Diane, for calling in. I know it's emotional, but absolutely it's important to call up and it's important to remember those brave souls. And it's important to teach people about them, Diane. So that's what I would encourage you to do is keep calling up shows, keep telling young people about it, keep inspiring people with their stories because that is what's going to make a change. That is what's going to, you know, keep hope alive. I know I keep saying it. I might sound a little cliche, but I don't care. Every once in a while. Sometimes things aren't cliche. They're just true. I always say like, I'm sorry if I sound corny, but what am I supposed to say? You've got guys who are 18 years old storming the beaches of Normandy knowing they were going to probably be shot down before they even got a foot onto the sand. So if what I'm saying here sounds corny, I don't really care. It moves me. It really does. I'm never, it never ceases to amaze when you hear these stories, when you hear from people like Diane and I so appreciate you calling up. I really do. Today's poll question is brought to you by Tobias Hearing Center in Quincy Mass. They helped how he get fitted with a pair of state-of-the-art hearing aids and they can help you too. And for a limited time only, mention how he car and receive up to $200 off your hearing aids. That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who would you most like to see serve jail time? John Brennan, James Clapper, Anthony Fauci, or Andrew McCabe? Oh, I saw Andrew McCabe today on CNN. And for that reason, it's like recency biased, you know. He's the one I just saw last, so I'm leaning towards him. But I'm actually going to go with John Brennan because David Harsani wrote an excellent piece months ago about how there's no one who should be in an orange jumpsuit more in that deep state than John Brennan. And it's not talked about enough, so I'm going to go Brennan. Brennan is at 16% good for second place, 10% for Andrew McCabe, 7% for James Clapper. Fauci in the lead. Hopping 66% for Dr. Fauci. You know what? I'm not going to say it's inaccurate. There's something to be said for that. We'll be right back, everybody. Don't go anywhere. [Music] [Music] Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. [Music] Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Okay, so I know I said I wasn't going to go negative with this D-Day anniversary. And I'm not. I'm not. But I am going to point out a couple things that stood out to me. One is this push by Joe Biden, Nancy Blinken, to tie in Ukraine to this 80th D-Day anniversary. I find it really inappropriate and frustrating. Because you have these men sitting behind you. The greatest generation. They storm the beaches of Normandy. It can just be about them for the day. It really can. Like we don't need, I have news for people. We don't need to conflate things all the time. On a sillier note, I'm not a fan of combining things for the sake of combining things, Jared. You know this about me. Like, the cronut. Oh, it's a croissant and it's a donut. It's a pizza bagel. Like, everything has to be a combo of sorts. It's okay to focus on things, especially when you have men who were involved in the largest military operation in the history of the world. And they're all together in Normandy for the 80th anniversary. And I don't mean to sound morbid here. But I was on earlier today and Carly Shimkis brought this up. She said, "No, this is the last really big milestone anniversary that these guys are going to be around for." It's okay to make it about them. You don't have to tie in all of the foreign policy craziness that you've created over the last few years. You can give it a rest for 15 minutes. And just make it about these men and their bravery and saving civilization. You can do that. It doesn't always have to be seen as this opportunity to like force in your policy agendas or, you know, your war-mongering budget plans for how many more billions of dollars you want to send to Ukraine. Do it tomorrow. Do it tomorrow. You want to make a speech about how much money should go to Zelensky and his green outfit? You can do that tomorrow. You don't need to do it today. Today can be about these guys and what they did and how they watched their fellow soldiers die on the front line storming the beaches of Normandy. It does not have to be about Ukraine. We do not have to tie everything into the fight of democracy and taking on Donald Trump. And you know what something else he says? He didn't say it during this speech. But it really, it comes up quite often, especially when he's overseas. He talks about how all these world leaders are secretly saying to him on the side. You got to beat him. You got to beat him. Like they're really worried about Donald Trump beating Joe Biden. I would like someone to say give us a name. Give us a name of one. Just tell us one. A name of a living world leader. Yeah, yeah. We don't want Winston Churchill or whoever else secretly called up Joe Biden and said, "Hey, I'm really rooting for you. I'm really pulling for you for the sake of democracy." Give us one example of somebody who on the DL is telling Joe Biden while he's shaking hands with ghosts. "Hey, I really hope you can pull it out in November." Because I don't get the sense, like I'm not a huge fan of Macron or Trudeau or any of these guys. But I don't get the sense that there is nutty as Joe Biden where they say exactly what's on their mind at all times. I think as world leaders, they probably keep a couple things close to the chest. Remember when Trump was mad at BB Netanyahu because he didn't feel like BB came out in support of him enough in the election? It's because BB Netanyahu is doing what a lot of these leaders do, which is you don't get involved in America's politics if you can help it. When it comes to elections, you want to let it play out the way it's going to play out. And I don't blame BB Netanyahu for that, and I don't blame these guys either for not coming in and saying, "Just FYI, the man sitting down while we're all standing up and he's wandering around and his wife's pulling him off the stage and she's whispering to him to stand up, don't sit down and he doesn't know what he's talking about." They're not going to say that. Why would they say that? What does Macron have to gain from that, from badmouthing the American president? When they badmouthed Trump, they had a lot to gain from it because that was, you know, the popular, that was the... That was very in vogue when Trump was president. And he was also holding all these people accountable and, you know, making them pay up, making them pay their fair share. And so it was fashionable to hate on Donald Trump, but none of these guys are going to do that to Joe Biden. They don't know if he's going to get in again. They don't know if we're stupid enough here to vote for him again. And then what? They spent the last couple of months badmouthing him, but I do not believe. Well, I believe that they may not be saying how they feel in watching this guy because Macron looked very, very young compared to Joe Biden and he did a great job. You cannot like him, but he seemed very sincere in his remarks. He always does a great job on D-Day. And you're telling me that behind the scenes he's not saying to his wife, "What is going on with this dude?" He absolutely is. But he's not going to say that. But what I really don't think they're talking about behind the scenes is telling Joe Biden, "We really hope that you pull it out because America needs you." That one I'm calling a challenge on. That's one where I want to say, "Can we get some citations? Can we get one name so we can double check so we can confirm all of this behind the scenes support you have?" I guess the support Jared comes when he's behind the scenes and he's, you know, splitting the atom. We know he likes to save that for behind closed doors. Maybe it's his humility. He's the smartest guy in the room. He just doesn't want to make people feel inferior. So he saves all his brilliance for when the curtains close. That's very big of him when you think about it. He's selfless like that. Yeah, he is. All the Bidens are really. They're just, they're givers. They're not takers. Hunter shared his crack with Halle, I mean, how much more giving do you need to be? Oh my God. We should mention Hunter here, 844-542-42. Halle is testifying today. Halle is his sister-in-law/ex-lover. She was Bob Biden's wife. Bob Biden died and then Hunter Biden started sleeping with Halle Biden and got her addicted to crack, is what I've read at least. And so she's on the stand today. So far, the ladies on the stand, they don't have great things to say about Hunter Biden. He's not very chivalrous, believe it or not. And I brought this up yesterday after reading the updates in the New York Post. But I am confused because it comes down to this ATF form, right? He filled out that he was not on drugs at the time of getting this gun. He lied on the form and their, his lawyers, Abby Lowell and the rest of the, the posse, they're trying to argue. It's like they're arguing all these different scenarios. They haven't picked a lane Jared. One lane is, oh, he wasn't on crack. He was just an alcoholic and he got the gun while he was drinking alcohol, but he was sober. Now that contradicts everything Hunter's told us in his book, Hunter's told us in his videos, Hunter's told us in his text, Hunter's told us in his photos. That contradicts the entire laptop, which we're going to get to later. But the other excuse or case that they're making is someone tampered with the form and that there was all these different kinds of ink on the form. And this is where I don't understand. Was the ink in concentric circles? It was the ink came through a storm. Yeah, it was a steel pipe blew out the ink. But Jared, this is what I don't understand. So if he fills out the form and says, I'm not on drugs, I can own a gun. And that was tampered with. Did someone tamper with, did he want to tell them he was on drugs and someone tampered with it and said he wasn't on drugs? Or was he actually like they said, not on drugs? Does that make sense? It's like these two things, they contradict each other. You're either arguing that he wasn't on drugs. He was just on alcohol. I know that's not the proper way to say it. He was on alcohol. He sounded like a narc. But he wasn't on drugs. He was just consuming alcohol. Or, or he was on drugs. He wanted to explain he was on drugs on the ATF form, but someone, some third party culprit showed up, took the form and, you know, used all these different pins and tampered with it to somehow frame him. You want to talk conspiracy theories? That makes the Russian laptop theory look sane. Who was out to get Hunter to that extent? Is it Putin? Was he at the, the gun shop filling out the form when Hunter turned around? Was it Donald Trump? You got me? But the conversation about the laptop is something that I really hope we hear more about because here's what I'm getting sick of. I'm seeing a lot of interviews, and a lot of them are with the VPs, the contenders. The list is still pretty long. You've got Doug Burgum. You've got Byron Donald. You've got Tim Scott. You've got J.D. Vance. Elise Stefanik. You have all these people who Trump's vetting and Trump's supposedly picking between. It's like the apprentice every single day. And every time one of these candidates or one of these politicians goes on the morning shows, or does the weekend rounds, they always get asked all these questions, Jared, about accepting the results of elections and apologizing for things. Do you, do you feel bad about what Trump said about this? Should Trump have said that? What about January 6th? It's a lot of like rehashing and asking people if they will bend the knee and apologize for what a bad person Donald Trump is. And what I would love to see is for one of these people, whether it's Byron Donald's, I think he could do it. I think J.D. Vance could do it. I think Marco Rubio could do it. Turn to a Christian Welker or to turn to a Nora O'Donnell or to turn to a George Stephanopoulos and say, can I ask you a question? Are you going to apologize for saying that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation? Because you said that again and again and again. And I think the American people deserve an apology. So are you going to apologize? And then of course I'll come back and say, I'm asking the questions here. And I would just respond and say, with all due respect, every time I'm asked on this program, I am questioned about things. I'm asked to apologize. I'm asked to, you know, grovel to people and explain all my sins. I would like to know when it, when you are all going to be held responsible. You lied to the American people. Biden's DOJ is using that laptop in the case against Hunter Biden. Do you know how authenticated that sucker has to be to be used in this trial by Biden's own DOJ? It's got to be pretty real and pretty fabulous to be in that case. So when are you going to apologize? Do you want to take the floor? Or is it only Republicans that are ever required to say they're sorry? And it's not just that they don't say they're sorry. I was thinking about this today with Deborah Burks because she's back in the news, the scarf lady. You can imagine it's like, take your scarf and your tips and your advice and your nonsense and go home. Vamos, be gone. We don't want to hear from you anymore. But I'm watching her and I was thinking about the conversation we had with Carol Markowitz about people asking conservatives to move on from COVID. Just move on, just move on. And we could move on if there was any sort of maya culpa. If there was any sort of apology, I think it would make it a lot easier. Because for me to forgive people for shutting down schools and ruining businesses and ruining lives, I would, I think the process of forgiveness would be easier if they actually apologized. But here's the best part about the left. Not only do they not apologize. You all know the expression from how being a Democrat means never having to say you're sorry. But it's worse than that. It's like being a Democrat means never having to say you're sorry. And then you come back again and you keep lecturing on the crap that you never said sorry about. Think about Andrew McCabe, right? He's on CNN talking about how Trump's going to seek vengeance on people. This is a guy who tried to overthrow a duly elected president. He tried to overthrow, he tried to do a frame job on the president of the United States. He said he could smell the Trump support in a Walmart. He said he needed an insurance policy to make sure Trump didn't become president. And it's not enough that he got off scot-free as a former director of the FBI that there was no accountability, that he's not, he should be on his knees every single day thanking God he's not in prison. If you, if there was any sort of sanity in this world, but what is he doing instead? He's on TV projecting what he's been doing for the last five years onto the Republicans and demonizing them. He's a contributor on CNN. And he gets paid to lecture about things that he's guilty of. It's a double whammy. It's like forget sorry. They're not only not sorry, they're doubling down. And Trump should ask Biden that when he gets on that debate stage. He should say Joe, last time we were on the stage together, you said the laptop was rushing disinformation. Do you want to apologize now or do you want to double down? Biden will probably double down. He doesn't care. It's like what is it to him? It's just another lie. But I'm sick of hearing about how apologetic Trump needs to be for this or that. And it's like only conservatives have to acknowledge their mistakes. Democrats don't acknowledge their mistakes and they get to get paid lecturing us about it. I don't want to hear from Dr. Birx about the bird flu. The only thing I want to hear from her is, I'm sorry and now I'm going away. Bye. I'll tell you about that. But beyond that, no thanks. Unsubscribe. 844-500-4242. We've got so much more to get to on today's show. Call in, weigh in, don't forget we got Turtle Boy at 205 and a lot more. Woke or joke at 130, we'll be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworms. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. They will need died blessings. Their role will be long and hard. For the enemy is strong, he may hold back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again. And we know that by thy grace and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will cry. Yeah, that was FDR and they said that after he made that appeal to people to pray that the churches and the synagogues all over the country were just packed. And actually, Jake Novak messaged me today and he said at Macy's when they found out someone went over the loudspeaker and said we'll be closing Macy's today so that everyone can go home and pray for the men who just stormed the beaches at Normandy. Pretty amazing stuff. I did make a mistake and we were just talking about apologizing when you mess up. I confused Andrew. I confused my lying hacks, my lying deep state hacks. I confused McCabe with Peter Strzok and I'm sure there's a lot of people in their cars pounding the wheel going no, no, no, no, no, no. Andrew McCabe was not smelling Trump support at Walmart. That was Peter Strzok with the lovebird Lisa, Lisa Page. I can't believe I messed that up. That's how you know. It's been, it's been a long week, I guess, Andrew McCabe just lied a bunch of times, which is fine. He didn't get in trouble for it at the FBI. You can do that as a former director of the FBI without any sort of repercussion. But yes, thank you, 508 for pointing that out. And ready? I'm going to give everyone a little lesson here on what to do. This is for all the Democrats out there. I was wrong. I made a mistake. Please forgive me. And now we move on. 339 says that they, too, have faith in the young men and women standing up when needed. The idiots are a very, very small minority with big mouths. As far as Biden and Ukraine, it is his fault. I want to go to that first part about the young people in this country because I read a poll today about the number one issue for young people. And I think that there's this caricature that we create, and I'm part of it, too, where you assume that all these young people are Greta Toonberg's, like bleeding hearts, who are running around, crying about climate change. You know what the number one issue is for young people, for young people who vote? The economy. We'll talk about that when we return. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)