
Showdown Episode 77 6-6-24

Broadcast on:
06 Jun 2024
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of course it's d_d_ now you're talking to case and d_d_ are you kidding me people who have followed me for years no that i am certainly not a military guy i'm not a quote patriot i'm not somebody who you know wildly supports the military in fact i'm probably the last person that needs to be talking about d_d_ on d_d_ but i've listened to some different things that people said today and and i think you know some of its interesting and worth even me talking about you know it's uh... it's a little different than our logo three singing alice's restaurant in order to help people get out of the draft see that's yeah that's something out that's me but yeah this is d_d_ so here's what i'm listening to today listen to a great conversation there's a guy named marty schladen who's a journalist don't even matter what he writes for who he writes nothing to do with it just a journalist and any he wrote some things on twitter that were well worth reading because it's not so much about this military day or veterans who by the way uh... i i do support veterans of course i've said this before i mean i support i support veterans john carrey who was smeared for you know swift boat whatever it was anyway it wasn't true and he he supported veterans when he came back here after vietnam and then the veterans followed over time john carrey supported veterans he always did there are people out here who say he didn't but he did so anyway i certainly do i support veterans i think they absolutely are are good people they they fight for the country they there's certainly loyal to the country one thing they're not i would say they're not there absolutely not losers and suckers so you want to explain to me i'm not even talk about on veterans day or or memorial day or any day how is it the guy who calls people who fight in the military and especially those who get killed or that you know they're they're captured they're losers and suckers that's what donald says so the question on that one is how can this guy who at this point couldn't even be in the military because he's a convicted felon can't even be in can't get a clearance you can't you can't go and get a security clearance if you are convicted felon but here is a guy that they want to make the commander-in-chief but he can't do anything else well that's okay we've talked about something like this before because there was a a a story about even before all of this that if donald had gone with his four felony indictments if he had gone to the mall looking for a job in one of those stores if there are any stores left in a mall uh... he couldn't get hired there but he could be what president of the united states well he can be but who would vote for that but anyway put all of that aside because what what marty schladen was talking about was was something really important and i'm going to say especially on memorial day when donald trump is out here once again lying when he says that he can get gurskovich back as soon as he's elected and nobody else can do it because russia will not let him out unless donald is president first of all i say he's lying might be true actually in a way given the idea which i believe that donald works for flatimer pouten it may very well be that they have a deal and that the deal is if donald becomes president then gurskovich can go home in fact i guess everybody could go home because at that point flatimer pouten would own the united states of america i've talked about this before which is so ironic that you know the russians for seventy years fought with us in in many different ways to to get the upper hand you know crew stuff talked about you know burying us was actually burying us in wheat that was a you know story that wasn't exactly true but at any rate he did say those words burying us and we took it to mean what it sounds like and then beyond that of course there was spot nikin and the the race for nuclear weapons and so forth the point of all of that was that the russians wanted to control us and it appears that in twenty twenty four without really shooting one gun at us they shoot it Ukraine of course but not at us directly without one gun being shot at us there inches away from actually owning us i mean it's the best deal since the louisiana purchase i mean for nothing always got to do is support donald trump who is his employee and then there's no problem at all and again if you don't believe that that trump works for puttin please go online tonight m u e l l e r go pull up a p_d_f_ of the mall report four hundred forty eight pages read it i mean it's not easy reading that's true but it's good reading and and and if you if you do read it you will at least get some sense of what might be going on these are accusations against trump of course they've never been adjudicated in the courtroom so you know we we we certainly have that problem because you know innocent until proven guilty he's got four other cases against them right now three of which are being blocked for various reasons having to do with our political system not not the legal system but the fourth one went to trial and he's guilty and on top of being guilty as a convicted felon we know he's a rapist cost one hundred million dollars to be a rapist you know it i know it the judge said it headlines everywhere that the judge said that the jury found him to be a rapist people look at me and they say all that was never true no one said that will the judge said it for put it up on the screen you're still going to say it's a lie because you're going to read it in the washington post so then you'll say well the washington post of course their liars enemy of the people and that's really the issue from this marty schladen today and that is this question of whether on d-day it's a good thing to be working against the the media the free press in america saying that you would take msnbc off the air which trump has said that look it up he said it i mean i i could sit here and say all these things that he says we could be playing clips all night i mean the guy says thousands of things that aren't true but it's it's all out there it's on google you can find it in about ten seconds but here's a guy who absolutely not only he but all of the people now who work with him in the republican party they now take the same stance and that is if they don't win they're not moving they're not leaving they're not quitting if they lose the election they still say that they donald one and they want him in and say it that way but they say that they won't accept the election so that's you know you sit here in you know parts the words and split hairs and try to figure out what they mean they say that they will not supported they don't believe in it if if donald loses then it cannot be a free and fair election because donald is supposed to only win he lost in twenty twenty but they no longer even acknowledge that one member of the supreme court puts a flag up side upside down in front of his house supporting an insurrection against the united states government in support of the idea that donald won the election although there were sixty cases in the judiciary that all found you're not gonna like this they all found that there was no case to support donald having won of course the people in the republican party say it differently they say that the reason that these cases are being described in this way is because the courts all refused to consider the cases well that's not true it's not true read the cases the court never said we will not even consider it the court said that there was no evidence which would give them a reason to take the cases any further there was no evidence they didn't say all there's plenty of evidence but we're just we're just not even gonna look they didn't say that they said there was no evidence supporting us going forward on these cases but here's the here's the real kicker to this it's d_d_ in the united states all over the world and and we're out there giving speeches and and and talking about fighting for democracy fighting against autocrats fighting against dictators we have a guy who is now calling his upcoming administration the unified right sure i'm lying and everybody that says anything about this guy it's always a lie i made it up i came up with this idea about unified right and i'm saying it here donald never said anything like this course he did he says he had nothing to do with it was posted on his twitter account nobody has access to his twitter account except for him and the guy that he has assigned responsibility to put posts up on twitter if it comes from that guy then comes from donald suddenly the guy puts it up unified right and they sell now not donald you know he he says this all the time you catch them in anything and then he turns around and says i don't i've never heard of these people i've never said it it's not me it's not me you've seen the movie enemy of the people it's a great movie and there's a mob boss and and you've got the mob boss confronted that's you on the tape the mob boss says it's not me that's donald that's donald he didn't do it it's not him but we all know what really happened but listen i said last night this you can take all these things and throw them away and just look at what this guy did in the courtroom because then you know that he's mentally ill because that that tells you everything but there are issues here there are issues that are worth looking at and of course one of these is the whole idea of the free press and i have to say that when when this guy schladen was on msnbc today i ended up laughing i really did because schladen gave a great argument in support of of free and fair journalism i mean it was excellent but here's the problem it was hysterically funny because i knew that if anybody on the right had heard this anybody they would have rejected every word he was saying talking about american officials who have sworn allegiance to the constitution ignoring the constitution truly burning it down and i'm sitting there listening to this and i thought there isn't one person on the right who would hear this argument which in normal times in the united states of america would be taken as you know sort of a democracy gospel but in twenty twenty four it's actually laughable to talk about the fourth estate it's laughable to talk about a free a free press it's it's it's laughable a free press no we shut these things down we put these people in jail we take the the various networks we take them off the air well that's what donald says you'll do do you believe them oh no he wouldn't do it he's just saying it you know he talked about injecting bleach and he never injected any bleach don't even believe him he just says things you know they said the same thing about his idol Adolf Hitler they said the same thing nah no don't believe any of that what do you think he's not going to do that don't be ridiculous no that's in germany no this is a place of great culture and music and tremendous wonder intellectual greatness Adolf Hitler can't do that of course he he did every everything he said and and donald who reads Hitler's speech speeches before he goes to sleep at night come on his wife said he did is she lying you know maybe no one believes women in fact if they could reverse the nineteenth amendment i'm sure they would that's one they can't do because it is an amendment we'll talk about this in a minute but any rate there's just no question that this country is is based on the idea of a free press it just is you know we have three branches of government co-equal branches and then we've got what we call the fourth estate and that is the free press and we don't talk about it as the enemy of the people i mean it's been out there for two hundred forty years so we don't say that we say it's the fourth estate it's almost a co-equal branch of the government it has special privileges because we want to get special information that you can only get from a a free press so you know we can sit here and argue about it no one's going to get anywhere with it because like i say uh... marty schladen sounded brilliant talked about exactly what you would expect in the united states of america but i was laughing in the car hysterically because i knew that in twenty twenty four it's it's ridiculous to talk about a free press it's meaningless because the people on the right don't believe it they think the new york times the lie they think the washington post is a lie wall street journal i guess the news in the wall street journals a lie because the news in the wall street journals the same as all these other papers but there is an editorial page but even they are no good because they're against trump they're conservative but they're against trump you know i'm sitting here reading and and and you know bin i know you're saying that you're not a trump fan but you can't see joe biden winning okay i'm really done with my fourth estate talk right now anyway so so let me let me do this joe biden has one problem and you could see it today on d_d_ i mean i i looked at the speech this morning speech was fine very very nice speech everything he said brain-true ronald reagan could have given that speech everybody would have said hooray for reagan but it's not even a question of what the speech was or the words in this nah that's not it here's what this is about so i understand what you're saying bin because i watch this this morning all those people that were being honored on d_d_ were a hundred years old and i admit the joe biden did not look as good as all of them some of those people a hundred years old look better then joe biden unless they could walk better they were all in wheelchairs course let's not forget the franklin roosevelt was in a wheelchair to nobody knew it but he was he couldn't stand up they held them up but okay no one knew it so we'll put that aside joe biden did not look good he definitely did not he spoke fine great speech i mean the words obviously written by his staff sure and and i'm sure he looked at the words and said okay i'm i'm with it you know they don't just write these things for presidents and then just handed to them the president works on it with the the staff but people don't believe that because they think joe doesn't know anything but for a guy who doesn't know anything and for a guy that's a complete bumbling idiot he stood up and gave a pretty good speech he certainly looked like he was doing the right thing i mean we've seen movies where people played the president you know that a body double yeah they've done that but that's not what we had today believe me joe biden looked horrible he really did and here you got him with all these hundred year old people he looked rough he looked like one of the hundred year olds but the thing is is that a is that a a valid criticism i mean it is you could you don't devote form you don't like it the way he looks i mean he didn't he didn't look like john kennedy that's for sure he did not look like a forty two-year-old president he looked like not even an eighty-year-old he looked like almost a hundred he looked rough but he got up and gave a great speech and i understand nobody cares because he's given a bunch of great speeches and nobody cares that today is june six so that means in three weeks twenty-one days joe biden is going to debate against on the trump if trump actually shows up for this i know he's agreed to it but he may not but if he shows up to it i think you'll see the same thing that happened the last time they debated which is that trump does not look good against biden but it's worse than that for trump because he's now made a deal and the deal is that when his speech in the debate is over they turn off the microphone so you can have donald trump standing in front of that microphone sort of like if you remember the movie which you probably don't but there was a movie where gary cooper played john doe and they snipped the wires on the microphone he's standing there yelling in the microphone and no one knows what he's saying and that's exactly what they're going to do to trump they're gonna shut it off so he could stand there screaming his guts out and joe biden is going to get his turn because last time you know donald screamed over biden and made it ridiculous so this time he agreed when you're done the microphone goes off i'm surprised he agreed to it unless he has no intention of showing up for the debate but at the same time joe biden's gonna look a hundred years old i promise you they can't fix that he can certainly stand up and and have a conversation with a man who is crazy they can do that so biden will have a chance to get his words in and we're gonna find out whether he knows what he's doing or not i think you're gonna find out that he's perfectly competent perfectly he's just a hundred years old okay eighty but he looks a hundred megan says you're right that it will be unfair it'll be unfair listen to this now think about this it's going to be unfair that when joe biden's turn to speak comes that he has to have the right to speak into a microphone you know i've been broadcasting for a very long time uh... i broadcast appear sometimes with vick who is a real television professional and you know what we do we speak and then we let the other person speak and then we speak and then we let the other person speak that's how you do it you know yelling over each other nobody has any idea what's being said and and that's insane and there may be some people who think that's good you know jerry springer style but that's not professional broadcasting i've i've done it with vick we do it the same way that i've done it with everybody else over the years you get in front of that microphone one person speaks then you're quiet and the next person speaks you know sometimes you might get a little excited when you realize that you're about to step on somebody you back down because that's not professional megan says that's unfair now it's not unfair donald trump can't control himself that's why on july eleventh he may be sentenced to jail which nobody's sentenced to jail for what he did but he might be sentenced to jail because he's disrespecting the judge the jurors the witnesses the whole system so all we're saying is when you're at a debate with the president of the united states you have to be quiet when the other person speaks that's all is it that difficult is it that unfair i just don't think it is unfair i think it's completely fair and i think that's the only way you can have a debate and guess what that's what we're going to see unless donald refuses to go to the debate which he may we're going to find out three weeks twenty one days it's coming right in front of us and we will hear exactly what's going on and and we're going to be able to talk about it the next day and it's going to be extremely interesting and i can tell you right now the joe biden is perfectly competent to be present in the united states but he looks like he's a hundred years old he does and you know if if we allowed the people in nineteen thirty to do what we do today then franklin roosevelt would have looked like he was in trouble could walk he couldn't stand up the man had polio he was paralyzed from his waist down but nobody knew it stop it lizzy i mean it's ridiculous you can it's funny sort of in the fourth grade i'm not even going to repeat it but i'm just saying this you could you can say dumb things about what joe biden's doing but i'm telling you this he's going to get up in that debate and joe biden is going to be extremely competent and he's not going to be blocked from talking because guess what that microphones coming off for donald every time he's finished that microphones gonna shut down he's gonna look like gary cooper in me john doe screaming into that microphone and everybody just staring at him because they're not going to hear a word from him the only words you're going to hear are joe biden responding that's what's going to happen so then we'll see what everybody's saying on that day all they'll say donald won that's all they ever say donald won the election he didn't but he won hang my pants of course i mean it's all ridiculous the situation here has gotten insane back to bin i think that the joe biden will win this election far more easily than people realize because as you know women are coming out in giant numbers against onald sixty to thirty five it's an old poll you know it hasn't gotten better and in fact not only hasn't gotten better but get this one listen to this one now donald's against birth control and here's the thing i understand why he is i'm going to talk about this in a minute so let me write this down to remind me because i don't want to mess up on this 'cause the yesterday i had something i wanted to come back to and i didn't so today i'll come back to this so hang on and right now let's go get something to eat let's get something to eat at wenties a fine excellent restaurant at eighteen thousand Chesterfield airport road and believe me the food there is outstanding people love the wings people love the smoke meets people of the hamburgers and the patty melts pizza salad it's all great no problem with any of that except for i don't really like the wings personally but that's all right people love wings wenties got them and they're great if you like wings however they got baby back ribs and they've got onion rings and for me that's the best for you maybe not or you know some people say to me when i say it they go yeah i like those baby back ribs too so you know whatever you can go to wenties and and choose because you know it's a democracy you go in and you pick what you want to eat wenties doesn't tell you what you have to eat yeah you don't walk in there and they say look you're going to be this this is not the soup nazi this is not anything like that this is wenties democratic restaurant where you just go in and you choose your own food i know not when Donald's elected but he isn't elected anything yet so eighteen thousand Chesterfield airport road wenties where you choose whatever you want to eat it's up to you no problem okay forty five oh oh i'm sorry almost forgot a sumi look defiance name to it's good to be defiant in any rate defiance is the new wenties and they have the same great food everything's fabulous and it's the same deal you go in and you choose what you want it's up to you nobody forces you to eat at any of the wenties not a defiance because you go to defiance and they try to make you eat the wrong thing you're going to be defiant and you're going to say i want and then they'll give it to you so that's wenties hang on here's lizzy it's a democracy in a republic by the way lizzy i've got an assignment for you i need to and by the way there's been so then yeah you've got a your your restaurants a democracy people go in they choose what they want you don't walk in and say they have to eat what you want 'cause this is not sign felt this is not the soup Nazi they pick then you cook it for them it's a democracy now lives here's the thing democracy in a republic it is true that we have a republic but it's a democracy and here's what your assignment is go find a guy his name is robert d_a_h_l_ you don't even have to get the book i could get you the book i don't think you read it or i get it for you but go online cuz there are articles by him he's i think he's dead now but any rate he's he's the big name in democracy in america and he wrote a book called on democracy wrote others and he explained why the united states is a democracy it's a republic but it's a democracy i realize what you wrote it's a democracy in a republic but you know it's a big fight with all these people on the right i don't know what their story is i guess they want to call it something else you know like the unified right that's what they want to call it forget all that let's go to forty five oh six hampton and jewels on hampton is the place where you can get phenomenal jewelry and i mean to tell you they've got cases and cases and cases filled with jewelry go in there check it out you might find something that you really like or you might come in with your own gems and want them put in a certain design that you pick and jewels on hampton will do that too or you can bring in gems and say look give me an idea of a design that you think is good i mean they'll do whatever you want they are great they are top quality they buy and sell coins and jewelry at top prices and the people that you're going to find there led by al the owner i'm telling you right now you will love it you'll get great jewelry and then finally if you've got a watch like i have forty five-year-old gold seiko and you wanted fixed they'll fix that for you too jewels on hampton forty five oh six hampton and finally tonight and but actually before i go there yes lizzy we agree on this wenties roadhouse is awesome there you go for that one where we agree that that the trump is going to bring back evan gerskovich we were not going to agree on that one yeah sure donald has a special deal with his boss understand okay so let's talk about the st louis suit company in clinton they've been there for twenty nine years every day i'm in here with a st louis suit company suit on plus one of those st louis suit company ties for five dollars and you know when i say five dollars people say that's five dollars where is that place and they say that all the time and they go there and buy these ties they're great so you can do that and then you can walk in and you can find suits united tell the story i was there about three weeks ago and and a guy walked in and he saw a suit and he looked at the price and he couldn't believe it he brought it up to jay and he said is this right and the price was zero jay said yeah in this case it's right he said you're not going to find a bunch of suits in here for zero but this one is and then jay looked at me and he said case and it's not your size but any rate you could even find one suit for zero but the prices are great the suits are terrific overcoats shirts ties shoes really great work shoes that you know the nice shoes bostonian you know nice but here's the thing i don't wear those anymore because i wear chucks they've got suits and charts and ties and everything and it's a great place and if you want to get married and you're looking for wedding attire st louis suit company is the place for that as well in fact there they're well-known for that so check them out in clinton on the corner of force i think central that's the st louis suit company twenty nine years sort of like luke eric never missed a game yep it's a great place to buy men's clothing okay so here we go let's talk a minute about birth control this is an argument in favor against birth control because if i had to do that i mean you have to throw me out of here i mean this is not what i do i don't come in and discuss whether people should have birth control not what i'm talking about what i'm talking about is that the republican party is coming out against birth control and the thing that's interesting about it on on the one hand is that they have to know that women and even men but women who are already against the republican party and against on a trump women are not likely to rush to the polls to support somebody who's against birth control so lizzy that's all funny lizzy says that you know everybody here is too old for that you know something it's not even the issue the issue is what do you think women are going to do i mean if i have to tell you please you know that they're not going for this in fact they think this is insane women it's like ninety percent i'm talking about the polls i'm not talking about what's right or wrong you can make an argument against birth control i understand you can make an argument but you're going to lose yeah lizzy says women are going to vote for trump so how come the polls say sixty percent of thirty five why is that they got the wrong women or else they're lying about the polls or don't worry because donald wins even if he doesn't get the votes if nobody votes for donald okay but that's not why i bring this up i bring this up for a different reason and i don't have the article here and i don't have clips from it and i don't even have time to read the clips if i did but but on the other hand i i will get this article and i'll even bring in the clips or i'll put it on the reading room on talk s_t_l_ dot net talk s_t_l_ dot net and you'll be able to read it there or i'll put some clips up here but here's what it is it's an article by a_m_e_ kony and it's easily found if you go to scholar dot google dot com scholar google is a special place where google puts highly credible articles yeah they're they're really good they're they're good for for research so here's what a m e kony Barrett says in this article trust me if i have to read it to you tomorrow and put it on the screen i'll do it here's what it says it says the nineteen fifty four decision brown versus board of education was decided improperly bad law it says that all kinds of articles i mean all kinds of cases that were decided at the supreme court like moranda bad law reading people their rights it was bad law it was written very poorly bad law should be tossed out mean on and on all the way through the war in court and and the point is just like rovey weighed same thing bad law written poorly they've tossed it out the the voting rights act bad law they got it so you know they've already been doing this but a m e kony Barrett writes about it now she does say this listen to what she says she says but these these things that are are bad like brown versus board of education and moranda even though they're they're poorly constructed it's bad law that she says you know we're we're not really going to overturn them because it's precedent and we don't want to cause chaos in the system course you notice what they did first of all in the voting rights act secondly with rovey weighed and keep going i mean they they've got their eyes on cases that they don't like the one that has to do with birth control that's griswold versus canada cut nineteen sixty five trust me i know all these cases i've read them all i teach it in school i know all this i've taught this in college for years i know the cases and i took constitutional law with top people at u_c_l_a_ so i know what i'm talking about the right wing has hated everything that all warren did starting in nineteen fifty four immediately after he replaced Fred vinson because Fred vinson died and and again you know Fred vinson was the the the chief justice of the supreme court when the rosenbergs were about to be executed and there was a a appeal and vinson turned it down and they executed murdered the rosenbergs for things that they didn't do even though they may have done something but they didn't give the atomic bomb to the russians and that that's what they were accused of in any case and by the way if you want to see a great movie on that i've mentioned this before called air to an execution it's a uh... uh... and h_b_o_ film that was produced by the rosenbergs grandchildren very very well done it's one hour you can find it on amazon video uh... prime video very good beautifully produced about the rosenbergs you ought to re you ought to see it you really should one hour your life i show it to my kids in government all the time you just need to see it but any rate Fred vinson didn't care and he had them executed and that was the end of them they were put to death in the electric chair both of them and of course you know nixon at the time and he was quoted in the film they they asked him about doing this to the rosenberg's and his answer was they're nothing but a bunch of rats and the only thing you need to do when you shoot rats is make sure you shoot straight that was richard nixon who lost in nineteen sixty very close race he actually might have won you know again not being as bad as donald trump nixon said uh... we don't do that i lost end of end of election we're not gonna we're not gonna play games with that they said but you know the the votes in cook county dot blah blah blah and he said not i'm not worried about it if i if i won but i lost i lost that was richard nixon who left the office in disgrace it's another story here here's the point i'm making about a me kony barret and and birth control and which is like i said griswold versus kenetica and and Miranda versus Arizona and brown versus board of education all these important cases landmark cases if you go to landmark cases under uh... c-span these are the cases that they they talk about they tell all about these cases but here's the problem with these cases they started the cultural wars in america they absolutely did because there's no question these cases changed our country totally totally black people received their rights in brown versus board of education we changed the country we used to block black people from going to restaurants they couldn't go to the world's fair they couldn't go to the movies they couldn't go to swimming pools but we changed america one hundred percent we changed it started the culture wars we blocked prayer in public schools angle versus vitali check it out we blocked prayers in public schools even today these people on the right will tell you that's when the united states went down the tubes because we took prayer out of public schools everything changed under or worn who was a republican governor in california put on the court by ison hauer and ison hauer ended up saying this was the biggest mistake that i ever made in my life but this is the man who was responsible for black people being allowed as my very good friend onion horton used to say they were allowed to go by a hamburger but before that they could not buy a hamburger desi is what changed public schools not taking out prayer no no the the big thing was the supreme court lizzy that you may have some things that you don't like about desi that's fine you know we could we could discuss that i understand that there are things i don't like about desi but i will tell you this brown versus board of education changed this country because if you took an election if you had an election in nineteen fifty four trust me white people would have voted against letting black people into everything it would have never happened without the supreme court and then people got the right to have the police tell them what their rights are before arresting them and people couldn't come into your house without a warrant in order to get things out of your house because before that they could not do it anyway they were told not to do it under map versus ohio in the nineteen sixties it was sixty two they said if the police come in your house without a warrant and get things that that show that you did something wrong but it was without a warrant then we're going to exclude that evidence you may be guilty but that evidence is not going in its excluded is called the exclusionary rule i mean all of this was done in the nineteen sixties early seventies and by the way included in this is loving versus virginia which allowed black and white people to marry they could get married but you know what that doesn't seem to even in in in impact uh... clearance thomas who's married to a white woman i guess he doesn't know about it but don't worry samalita knows who he's married to because she turns flags upside down i mean the whole thing is ridiculous but one thing is not ridiculous the supreme court changed us changed the country from nineteen fifty four through about nineteen seventy two everything changed everything and these people would love to overturn every bit of it including if you read a me kony barret that includes brown versus board of education now she said in the article that we're not going to do it they've said that about other things to that they didn't like and then they did it including voting rights so got some problems here you all we're not going to resolve them here maybe tomorrow not today what we're going to do today is we're going to remind you of wenties where you can get a great including defiance jewels on hampton don't forget them forty five oh six hampton and the st louis suit company in clinton corner of force ice and central meanwhile i mark asin this is showdown